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Lake County Independent, 14 Feb 1896, p. 3

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btwi.ttoôk the êt anmd angor iam i t t.p1lbcbS froe thelr nattai l A-9 If arseenic & eu a au lmn 1 mized wth OnÇ.of thew 1 ball, of eouW. C, "Ihave corne frO<nIr. Eowrer H.OCR cf2mn knowledge of IL." la ready te recelve yorîbbick. WilU TOI' ,Thât bas to be proveti. f%.Iytkiglg corné wlth me Dow, or will Yeu rest in againat voit; it wais youii heusggested l1111loer«!It#l'" briuging thic poison loto ilie h ute; IL * "What tii be snyr, ? bp ngketi. enger!. nenf was rail Who gave Mr. IuwYer 'bi' drink "He ilai ipe,!fitinifit. îand that borrid inu Ihicb the poisof ni ras ciilt n& as lriatil ci rently poisoued is mig flOla0Di Z&%ý es joli whio liadt the strangest r tî,rru niais agailiet >oln. But ilnt lie loves yoo u t Sttrudar for bis tiesth. 1 know thet Il(. tu. oit lit! Iamn certain; andtiwhen hie ses yenthe j ivouiti kave you twenty thuss4absurd suspicion wvil seoon die a nattirai S The pale ilvery igbt ithat fi-Il opon Wblen Ellen l]reqtim"liher outdoor dî Eiteu's face chou et piainly Un wrle-cotlîing. îhey stiirtcd forthie I)ow'tr hîg ity and pain. IL seemeri ns thoiugl a n et Houai.' iiir bat! been thrown over ber anti abcenosn The uvetk as uver soulier thonr cuber ies t inextricnbly entaîîgled lunils ineslîe. tr"shd. $evecii siglied for a lsue "Whlat in IL7 yo iieb% me tu do»,- ebe ended, andi Ellen fthrunk bock nervonsly Ulion N' ,xchained, hlpiessly. aseereinemberedt he ordeal te camne. MJosph "I wisb.yoq ta e -ave the bouse et once '*You are net frighteued? Shâlli1 go in osp -nere ho etur, c e ta<-ioea aur with your'lie asked, hie hand upan the lMattoo patis here or nnywhere.agnilî." . tgh*. C ihnaat "You conut menu that. Don'tot Cee 'I"[ nkItiroulti be tlete go atone." N Rila Itiroutti be a cofessionl of guilt*nere 1I "To-dey Mr. Bowyer' apoke of roi, es îpleîRiv te g awy no!*,'EIlne'. by mitake. and thre other dey vrs N '*Ad o< l no t à confession of gusiit hbdrd îOacalleti a Leu. la IL your real Lorenzo1 ieticr io jeare ega ou fleretirer thailni 0* edle hs nauet FrtN stand jouir trial for thié murder of jour -1he boirtbrhadl set ownaiter!""Thant jais for trustug me au far. 1 Lincoln Th ir cl po er kacce. ber bandmamarnglati to kuow how tau till ou in my FrtN ltoped abo-e lber heati, ufleriy broke r, hotghts. Theote ar ne neyer fitted and conquereti. ie eme appropnaté et ail; but ~ia «"Oh. spare me, sparer s-lai nîllori. i --SiIin h i-t 1te i Beliexi "Why de 7011 persiecate me? Whty duou,sîçeete8t nome ihat rornan ever bore!" Scn CHPE V"-Cniud) Se Il pt IL on the top ohelf out of Not a gleami of pîity was in the u-omau* CHAt'TEIt XXI. Sa>brotl ~Vhte nt clent suc etoiit hc gzercah or thepresent. Mary, mnd jur, colti mptaili' ýeâ eas abe tooketi duwn Whoun Elaine creptinM. orrba Frt Bs hoghapllbonii a rouh oc!-telit e iu btI a uiLoMs ntebn iure before ber. There iurnrusteretiDut suffic'uen courage tri me.-t M atto tain lt-r-qlf tihether it hall be'&n au or ElIen. lu case -tr. Bowyer aoks you tg) ocir the triumph ot gratitieti malice ini I' r uhth nt teust outirarti colin. Ile sain, F.W' i nui. anrd ti-ing tu rend ohlat was ini hi:- get lm ihînyt g thin afte-'roon. That's manuer andi expression ae.@lie replie: u. pride lieneeth the qîietîîtc and bu- ki ffie'thie sugar. eut that the cal!; thc arsenic "IL la aie-too late for youte go nov;1;to ber terneanor. nl,ée1nn 4 *'~hvdi ~n ekmetucoich eisright out of the oay nt the back there. bat early to-morrour mornog W.Jnîriiviller, e reiîefrrubth he inuire, ii lenth.I derlare il moite* me quite nervousa bar- leave; the bonngehas been contamioateîl it doute before. that, ituiever tinjust lb" 1E-cau a ni tii iîo eg yas. silence. mît cuî-h sMtîiff lu the' bouse."' . tue long alreeuty l'y your precence. 1mgth osewudnvrrbl u Auiîî-uiuîeivrdfrîn'oî iîihi~ Elten. tho could inet hell .et1ecting have promised nlot t a ra nov f tl t hie'h *Tlis. i tra ne:nui Ihae it rîîu hre ruh-a thet thre hnrrekeeiir e . ,pu'aiekîng uith if rôti keep away; tibat aspure charity. .ur ie? chtl nicl," I b te ou the catch b us:îke use uf anythitig ail olject, rpmeui iii ilIgIF, endprt'seutlV "t'harity front you! i-id. "YotÎ irôtii like ha go tie youri ag iit nie." %vent utilirs. Trembling ail or-er witti cuppreased ex- rî-îuî. Tbiere Ioan lire there, anti Jaue iitI "Not the ('ohoîelY', lu the atternoon sellean Mr. Bourrer citernent anti anger. ?.rs. Irioio heeppil gien ton a cup of te." A dé nituu luh ifiiraer he'beela. eutd urere Ieft atone again. Hea letît for seule onei iVective on aniother, burt uithorît pro- 1 arà aprterigteber cye et the unex- Ba-j *ba shuok lber lien i. Bliudet though lhe hours, and uruke upiluin ahetter îcmîler. vokiuig a reîîly. Scarceir teigning a gaîîcv pi .1, d toue of kloduess. She came for- tuie dir laad always been[ by conceit andi love of Sise weut serons the moon, anti aboutlu ber direction, Elaiue îuroed anrd tcf t %.ranîd kuet lipoïde i chair, looking Hammil self, ho e oultDot rail tu lieatb" change beint bis chair. taiking tei him geatly the rot. 3errgly loto bis eyest. as thouîgi grate- miiles . . In hvi- cPtr,uoi. abolutsellerai maltera. Preenty lbe ask- The bousckeeper coutinet bhlli feling foii for se muî-h, yet wautiiig more-far hy upir "(' t. ,'t look csu îespairirîg! Tot Pd fur nomne tell,'and eshe rent te gel IL uncorfortatlv curare tbat. tbougb h Z moîre tilt.frbii dircsale noiv; andi. if cicr >on aire i tan-rea. Crighc ua(i iitsrco- s iraltediguitieg anti S'îîiî ru-at ocruoueij he atoitetimeet- otîrer«; g e r a g in u, p - l t r e . T h e r e id s a i e - 1 t u tti a c ip o ! 1 cs w e e t e i r d n t t t h h o u o r s o f t u r w h ic h s hb o u tit a v e a c c u rr- il g h1- r g a z e . . L f e o thior 1 kiioreuAout that fatal igbt--crearn ns lie liketi il. rM aut uiing IL down panit-tiil tître ou the other side,. "Gotd. ledinie. Yuu sh rreoT1e-thueu conieiîing imptorant uhl'-h Ibelieiv' on atsnîall table beite him. %vis@ oigtrd ftrdne ous lrn t e rti-f would iîelp joti, penhapa clearjou siloi- te drat% a <hair doser t0 the ire. tuiren CifPE X. Diarabile.-"ispnietl te grlros, ceiber." then, mîeeting ber eager, curiouàslshp rememberctsornething that slip, bcd d oit fggy m Rnin . Thuigu tereî;idcr ed, dOgisir urbat the grla re ithoui5 gaze, lie' atded. iuliressirely t itn-o ILgttu10 tell the scrrants, anud rau Adt.fgymrig huhteenoesinigvwwa h em rr 8- u ber ont>r 7011and t1Ina yct kitonur af the doL . a Il.again. As she eturneti, selh enn ri h riftia ie ou un lh'cithey met. He believeti ber - existence of (bat ollue, presunaly c thongbt slle beard a tifieti cr aud ruabet ivet, sud shoivers of droita fell frein the guitty. . for bis word'.sakuie, as hoe hait jenioliât loyer." Iou inito the ront. overhanging trees et every guest cf winti. adoprtet her cause et fOral, anti promiscîl " jeis lras' 1wet bi-k," esle sai: r.Burc iaswiig tribeColonel ISevern shireret saslbe rode oni Colonel Si-run nonte take ber bock, luo -Mu. Bow'yer alri ys dines in bbheuitte gtî h chair. bis faice- ivit amiqulckty towrart Greeihaveo. IL ir*î boni- uraîîldtire:i lier ivell anti kiuly. C'ould cfth t,- sd it iouel t Icm l"dreu u fcirsmlac oisl esut pleneure, that Look hlm ouIt tat she cii r fîtar IL. enduring uith patience "Thun re piîrt cgai. This will le th' itb pan.lorrifîed anti hewildered, fete mornîng; afterurart ihe n-as hall inciined andi goici tempe! te the ent? test finie, It hi.ik. 1 salati leave here n iug aile ne. uttery îeeleâsa lusuch a ta cail itlrate. The nî-xu norning aelliraontoo 111 te olie- 'ylit- fterifli tainifpossile-i' fearfîiemergency, Ellen rau back, Prescîîtly. a fei pouces hefore bina fuir cave lter' t.a-, low lever ht seizetbier. oei'>-1hy t*timainfe, u taineOr alaif aigfo eli he 'fog prerentel is ceing funiher thati dnue o ho lc xiitement cf the pat tuo day. sit I trci'tsin thiîe, f ue. aur Thér servalm ntsr bip. tsnis utMq hat abeati be saur a girl struggliug oiteîîît a a.Ii!j aken ointire previuus moru- I bîte hn.i-ri, waiiteftî re b t he sr-rva£plit adcivirpt asnatbt], wa noter the rueight o! e hcavy ba, ber sat- iug. For 'îia-: W ueek she 1er prostrate. 'I hogpe not.'W rmais.l bronarb thrioo, fmtt utalr i sn, -s rateti ski-ts eingios Pound ber (cet anti haî,iityn-_ reak er-cute thiuk, while lie sîtOod for a moment pushing ha.-k "%%*Iiat is it fille callet] ont sharpîr îrnpetiog ber progrtees. A gleam of iglit Pexletinture graduetly recovremi Lit; dark initaîbe ant i ctring Nibr M. ltoo>cr iryigr' crier? Ellen golden bair assuret hlm of ber iteiuity. lited!. curioniîl; thpn. rnntieiilirg na orri'rh i ruilt. ' ~ ~ at,~ ~Aftî-r a mintruhile Elîcyr ias dowm grahi fereweieH.lhe iurued and iîa!lkd - The houeekeeper feil bock against te A muiuettry impulse promptetl ber te clairs joala. iMre. Priolo urss d$cer- ayrapidîr. wirai t boigh idiot. Stiebailt looket pal.' affect not toelanour hlm.andtetainse ait milicî oitu'on laiig-tbe camne roof ahouli' amtncitibfreiit lo-se 'îrn rrquestionetl; but ebe iras neak anti net sîreltr ln.M' ore a i Ellen sigirelt% reriy. anti ment i il1 ant fi rgltie fotu-4h.M B rbitd@ oihrdirectu ,n- cdalnur gey at naleor hlurat. - eary. anti conit fot resien the temîîtatiouipa.i ît e.enncta h a x Elleri aird the cook urere trying te admiruof 9eiakiug ho bina, tbougb ituere unisr 10 perteti.bt nu- noutd mear birn out irn isher branîdy.They menagedta10 et a s. .o -ij.lime. CHAPTFII XVIII.g ghen' ewback berVeleddclsda S Ild iftheitngro r Wlueu 404pn 1 sererflrettiret frott a afeir drops betureen Mr. Bcuryer's clînceeeit face plhan vdebtIlntiitiacloset a 8h>' at nnîa- i to lb. sitt is odrotient malk mich. uiflout bis knouiedgt'. ha-i teet !oi theu Elîco. recovering lherfcepl dstbrIuiierloi.daatioîilliîîihbsbo bt-- extennc o middet heber deefo ýp grayeyresabonie through the tor artthe ire and Ibis heat buriet b is epraye exeddfor sune miles. lie fallait hiet-aoeo msnttehîsm fofg like turu stars, jrhile ber ret tipe quir- luants. nîes bd HoeH bat eturuet. the the tiorto'. bands. gures t aoit bi. pce pbsrig, t -sher-edu osCbu e-ered piteoîîlly, like those of à frigltenet "Ilruisis yoii uvouMlt me speak, air," Booîl ~u 1 te taio ii retly onercorne end prostrated lhe n-as hjbii.site sait. griut-y. "TYour will neyer ho resuil humt bis seerneetettaton nbrost "..en, il inslt, 'ashe selhappy anti aorafntet se long as Ibat girl ruithb baate, leaving a note urb wicir uould.inhwbi. "gt eme e so- .But "bat are ye oinigliera at thie remains in te lîause. IL 'us killîng ou hy of pja they snggeuted, prohably explaiti hie sut- ]y leariug bila wth eacb parosrsm. Lm' h'eaermgig"lce. tien depar esire. no surprime et Mi-,. Iriolo dissippearet, but iu ahoîrt Lie? here a~re yeti r-gîrel* th nehes. t trunt: dnepru expresaiflg$o petdvanl;thn 1f1amii angrth oco il rb that1 the pies. ie dit net eveti open the tettî'r ten imn te carne back with e glass of 'rrhch rasplaet n hi hata nti b" irl oked like tearnug punch. Wrtb ru'th a sutiten senne of the tesperatenessaltbîr narn me of if. Yeu are rny bouse- an'i whieh wssplacei]gi bid cand outilehof ber postiotn. ahc attiedpassionalyî: keeper, flot my ntra a viser." of th waa atone. Then ha read an folloris: o;hn of ber od moueandi."Ah, if I onty kuet r' "IL am your frotiers widcw, the trust- bis là -luy ean Colonel Tonu it think IL o! promptitude, thlough ber face .1il1 main- Sev-ernboat gat do mn frontuis hieorse; et coînpalo o!ftt-e lest tean eara. Titi enYtl a Peewi h'ri fm tenecu ale b hutl aii.tb astM.the britie t-as oser bis ai-m, andte b ag Eilen VaTdd a-sie ire neveu' bat a dia- thon duelthat. haring comete tsay ureek Bourrerabeat on lber crm anti orteredthtdt e hlidaknfqbr;wt agem t.tisyjolyteyuhtti, witlu yon.,1inaonuI go at tireexpiratiun of hlie te drnuk urat dite batlbrorîgbt. bisL aherlband lcertakicen uvber; mhth n areemetbrtavem oyslaj 10 y tat tain à day. I believe Yeu will do me the jus- When the Attlr arived, te a other haivet Uet mce ter ilgi rstO eke mebrae ya1 u tiuplemti'a j s vi lice 1telcieve tirt Iis le frei n eessit!, mafagedtetigeL himm uehled, ant ihetete."eme 'ane"houu.Trst îg -atItbtmo 'tre nuolchair'e. If yo>v-iiîluih t0 know more, bat sunk into c aleep ftmexhaustion. y -elier-e nie, it i. r-ery bai-t fornanonaîr ___b______ ________ei perbatua Misa Ellen Warde mii teltyjn- te face the norîti ctoue. Dont rî' AMOSESTR Iion er accont Ibae goe. 1ly ouruCHAPTER XIX. don't." i__ DSEST-RY Incination mvou lut have kept me lure. l FrOn t t a fn t I tas a ta t t IL iras M r. Priolo iWho e plaiie d ex- "Firt lsen 10 ry a o -, stresrgliro! character anti unselfisbneael cljsbthacure rbtta yp ittiebîr-eOnd wlurirle tbey nere runîkins 'îi Noe tcîe*et 1. enga perbape hecae he mer>' the att-ibtutes toma bat beau. 1 lacketi myseif. 1,urho bar-e ever îeeu "Wbat causeti the sickuess? Dit jon eioug bri-ikly ite lur aite, Ellen blutet -Tallng stortes is ai fadtnow. A Star tunt 0the sport l g .,' as ed t e o te , ou t ber story- the avents o t tbe day ha- w rtter beard an e uapaaltd by ae u q iti -' (d I blefaner, anti uvio bave fierwne besitateal looking keenty ftamone t0 another et the fore.1tîe limteren'latMille rit $mmr, bhit( ta sacrifice eoother for mjself. eau jet r heuuo ruere lu the room. Pit mb plain urrds, andtidItin the wsu luiîin- eta mr,'bl or pp eamch virtutesbinootben. "Nithiugbut nmre hot branty and liglt o! day. tire consecousuesof tinnu-saitoe of tire litngt-r.. "wbere Ibatl 'Thpe ne s remntng ndthe' otst'. vater,'" ansureret the hoasekeeper quick- ceirce pervating the recital, the urhole a mont exclîîîîg t-il ma i er a moece" bt m-Tha bnoles aet uriting. huan ermel- y. "I tho>ugb IL mîglt be cramp, or nmre- îbiug sounded ridicîlous cnd fer-fetcheti-" 'ntpuîf eaacd k drnrllt ayle heaionin. God-tbing of that sort." $h a uaint sîrrpried u-hen the Culouel 15.Ma bye! We may neyer meet agaiu. but t1 "Mr. Bourjer boastaken poison."si euht th ocese nseettenedasei Ol rhr. itIi pop el.w baope yoau won't forget oue uho it! oftî' h oomvnelas"brughsorecui- b, the Irmaiemyutch. ati ofsumdl "OTheOrn r' r a-. t ,ic prmptes on .n %%. remmba- ourgooifCas u-bo erebc atipeble cari'le9sn1tsS, arsenic methave l.Si1ieet. awimagid Lou cepaie 0f- airui no Thefre nt u u-lidmlsona feebe our oo ss ho, rt h n een mixer? n tise tea ho tirenk Ibis t- a crime! . e i stoasrt! I Iofot Olt i îarîl.'"rels got orno 5ig lu e mcy ,id stl"But tiinen n joîrt,'t know aIl. There "I sait an oIt or-dirat.' ît thse t1 >oi ineeuEltRA-isher, 1 t roonln - l' lp oratfrh a ida ,cret-something tient happenet long tory-teller. "It imas nath o! Water- .iîl Front Ellen WaWei"a lips bu-et forth, "GEIbeclmatonD Wwa eleREo o" nbwich sho has tiseoveret some- ville. 1 weut buIutiirg. ltaexpectlng teanau thattesandmad IL ilbadpaseilthiflg r-biit -lnouit miln me irere asheluhindutanytbllg langer ihbuili auJack rabblt. 8sti Musri. Priolo hrriet back efter ber un- given ta o u aeit tbtpsetell. Il mas thet rith uuich suathrea- "bdo. attr l.n-e tir it intrviw îrough no other bands.. ntim." are 10 ec" rulitthlis n Mneriut'." extrectu'd itrve mith the LColoniel.con- Mbat dit it eil meao? Won ah>' goîn ndmeaeno jack rabitl 'tiow th neut h eleallfn-rmn.ati va, tisanepetition of the for- Sha looked Dit gretefutîr lutobo ieface. Weti, by jack t1umenu nu tmtle, mat Ri mer terrible eplisateinlu ~ life? IL urss trired L. ua-aPlig! 100 Ble car thet no toulut exister? in bis mind as w. speek o! maIe multes. Watt. Bs I ter it~uuatuatapa, heiîn t iD p. as ta ber innocence, andirelit IL rerY sieet saIt. 1 tilt net cxpecb to se> nitn'tg-r IL ras he utte soum eenMhsr.werii- Bth the e-antsr'trrietdstrurat, te meet uitb sncb sympathy. btggcr than a lie rnbhit.cnt bal Seno atl uns seaeeti. uvere gein li er direction. lira. Priolo "Has MIr. Bouyrer..y !des of-oef Ibis dowmIe mb a tubble aitlien i bete "What e long ime you have been!-okept bercr0Itia fcesecret?" heascket. somehilng aqueat, antd, lookîa pp lnan u began quertilioisy, lookiug Dup frorn ies "l a amot unforuiiate accident," "Oh, yeti; ho knours il r-ery n'elll" oIt Apple tnca, t sun a biîg uoofe Ait- pape. "Etçn a ot tma jt. Pon aidth ie busekeeper. "Noir that M. Bon- Te uerle a oelitec chilt, I arnafraid iph>ilaIn a meak statc yen us safe, ire can affordte10furgive the nit'il bisekeeper Ioprven lertitgla tlb. forks o! an liib. ready to of beaith, or aellm oult Dot bave gifle off careesness ur-ihcliset il; b'ut I amnaeaîgagie hi. I"'lh?" Plrw." surc n dep sr'oo%"lsre it mil hoieca1099 turne before Miss "u oîl euethLifuec o? "Sm hebre; do rôti menn u la ay iat tntoac ep n n"Elîco mît forgite hersel!.1billiUgt the ILu usooe tat mensflucow.ha os a natePatvuko oI do't faner there la moclu the mat- - Jastngth okdnmea huh aamoswslaare D ' o nw éw e rwit ler how bcaue 1ga be, aarenicame upho n pardue e uarlit nthcugb lue relîr beiieved me captable of that a rnboae Is blgger thiait bull and couipleofo!miles f rom there, talking t ttoh meuchthngaare ail kethe angorarn trying toiharmt hlm." mears borne?" ge 16.tiul -MAo crnelotL nlbt," remark- 1ranb autname ailforuen jour eelu Colonel Seveen tooket grave. A dout IiCertainly. As t suid. 1 cao ini ulat et li s. P iol bu-'r - - is 50 e sy t m ak m îc a e in"-as-sa-h -n 1-ha -bA -dou eucl lun 1 f 1 h a a ep le tic a n oose, tRENCES DJRN PAST WUIC.,; fuiIiitiers foru' Bonds il. i r. J. A. Cmithu Of tia faptioa ird. Gone-D'ufkCitQuaràaiS irter Coisunîr1Fnd is Mortiera. AwiardCti to IliIos (rolu ubouIt $1,000000 laken il thei filhiriug ruere scceesft Tor bondsis linhjois: Auanti. Pnice. Naliouai Bank. ..t . .... .. 30.000 111.50 , W'uithiogton, îu............. 100 11(1 e, W'ashbua'ii.. 100 115 x Mîtrthy. Ap- ,ver------------ 1,000 117 Natioînal Itank, fielit-----------15,000 Il-' r)eBnk. Ainntra. 1,000Il:.' National Bank, c-----..- - ---10,000 111.JO National lkuuuk. 'Vile ..... ..10,000 112 ............---- 1 ,0W0 111 ake ettîîil. Say- Wiilcirna. Niurirt ;-*m t 112 1 .1100 112 Nationau.l Bn k, ti lisnk lei-C-l ci titia-tluu Dia ,f $14.tgweu i n-iut the saile jira -ti-i-cil rlia t ait i 1 i1pliî-atiuiu. He Cures, by tpirit AId. ' attit ai ct'oîrty lbaita rival taa $e4ihatter, -. piniis imue boutler. Ilis item>'ile W. E. U l 0 ilg>i'0Ol oiîti. miii lre tire n nifarm itour ' hl5b nd i nrom Bciuilei-t'. H lt'haim> to.tienti nAnrEnto ON uMIS tlKE-jaie ,hs* itunuliutii ntd, huit s e irefustestees tssies h li hfferu mnîhciathy (roui btceunanimoti ldonsamenî ?îf cýg .uIilitiahistie hlie-rut-i,. e is <-alîct ure'tru'.- ar" hy hui fiild ti ndPtients, There are warring factions 1~4 th ri lie nlrîilestly îliecluuniis the titI'. tian Churcu of DecetUr, oea fOCI illrih-i-en"taro îht. ho ulretîîly lues a agninat tire paBton, bbc-Bey. <Qq aniildt, antî Iowteo supphor't theci HaIt. The afilctal board oà tt ) l'i nug atc uî ii uurny raker teok a v-ote ou lbe questtion oftwi- Itijee-t tiîurt i,, jîret iouv 'c'riiug hie rebentiomi. 'lh. reslurt mc«ý tar-or of Hall, irosys bu haaj _______________________ the gospel ant done bis duty. 0 ta he kieket ont antIl *I pi gels reaty. The churce la IW lnuBs ry te Mati. -Over.2»0ial' beu'slip of 000 Bar tbey mUl'fi9o ut ber cent so long an Hall s'aun ton, aur? over »00gay th"ay m l-a dollar if Hall là sent awa-y. Reporte just compîctet b>' lb ment cuimmittee of the Niath IMD faut-j Associabioni at Mascetl thuit tire collectbionis for lthe îmi fondt ti, ear a Mount te *0=. soutiatiori propioseto tbuilul- s" monument@ on SoilIbor battklI tinit oue mil lubeerected ti l liie - as possible. It wmllii h of gru (cet luy-thluee feet six Inched nt ent seu'en bel six inches bigh. iili b. tettereri. "NntbIinoeis V'olunteers." The reverse ru'W ru WV . yIhA!k§rNIO. (l, 1862; presient for duti, M1 dtert if uoundB, 2W4; woaiâ4d» yerfîil c.oîîietrtili. Stories uf tmime-- si tires have lti'u iirc-ulaite.d Ibrongli Secretau' Tayor', of theZ194M neic anti De' uKalt i, onInticu uc ieTraee, nbmittedtheb.tweull74 l Ibet theu' "ti,îî-tor" la oîerurbelmedt nal setiticai ns-prt. Mes* hrequesits (for- oi. and ilthere anc scores honnt matie 3V,0=285«3 pcuc pople, bitberîu nuhîtI for îin.bity anti andl10,hI61O porue tis 1M~ itfuinitess, wru tua i1 itr Pi bst-a P;ta' No ebeese, bowevstu' l tirhe t'ui-es nu-t'lî,îunu i,. 1d tînt tuer the boant. The pratuet cf bqt 1 te livinîg rr-itntu'ss of the efficuir r hnn184 bavrPy bu' beater's [a i-n Ianîondtabkes ter for the jour n'as 07-10~é hnoois r'ith hu' aniî imiily, simply ceese 4 Lcentil. Th: total dîg lue is thiinrîiument of oîne greaber nunîpuIt for îISXi mas $%r^J0om in he. Ilis ",,îutrIi," lihon>-slt a cen- $8,078,9M wru-s for butîter avA II e.Pmanit iii-ii uhi'epýi-înali wrlî, for <'beese. Thec velne 6f tb-b pu ýrefuises tii gir î' is-'fti name becitwticnty-totir sears l is 0O c hatte enys. ui-st, peopler-itulti think biglucat priceiitfor' Mttr s- ,r' of the unaiuem' hiuîui of tire Inuortuit iî'no48 autd(50 cents, in E'éwa anitthe tourest 13%.qnruI1i cp on.18W). Tha past year maSa iè Turo 3uer.for te lr tglin board, whlcb ne )i Sauiralay uiiglit auitltislivtti' Fi-cul meuiters, reiînesanting 480 fiél urlsoîl andul jante-s tittilrloii.>' bKeli' Wben Josephu Leocard , gageh iiin1 uauîul'tr-tlativ' tu moneY broughlut Ibefor ., W 0 ai ein a tokertrniiut. .toainiianiatteniit- Liircoiu b olue sentenceti th i, la shbot titte iuîieu. uWhu tudgt'tli.- if îLewis lilcAfe. il houi.4Nns o'nî. Mtn îci'ittirerecourt cnd audi- 1-i hit ih% rii41, idF01 e- etuce, nerc aBtonistuet rîti. .lcibnsotilut ai a-uuîtttrl'dr-thaul ir bis confeiuttto! - id. 'Motore tras 47, t'îiis o! agi', iaîi gult. Thia bas et rt-s n faunilyt> On h eîî ta sa W cvernig leesb ileuceit the ara-uns$ilfc .Ar-thur ttRundhll aunul j tioibtarB of the jus' haruies Smîithi. îof lruick touvtiP, ieîe of the verdict. ne n irinl froî tnt radtuivf l n a I iics, att reessng flir ai.Tirey oaci' illtiiXiitct andh ijîr- couirt, sait hae killI. s..'l'h-y wrut-i iîîlî N. Noel's store theno oi moiani . tFntc1rii-. wru ut uSpihleni annuî'k taîî- cume i thie j Il uîitfia ritighl. 1'lii' tuîuî( u'lt'hr, uct uscmîî- e~rî adifl atl tii-ewau'uukutifi'. u'ith wmbli'bte af lot." Seveteca reare 04 ittîteit Siriil-ls tu. 'eTret lto'so n tireetiuig li» forcia) t ai gnstiabtoit bfiniîr iiit-beis ilong juat lue- t"iai1tiui .tlhIe nd iv tire heut. 111,thlule ute-oniti nbt'risot tIo fMI'u eufi t ha l -nul~ ~ nc nuithaiîîutr'ifrot itietemple. outa ahrectprs utati llanidSî.1 tt t-urr'arre.t wb> a' enas ctflutin an asytti Pr heing bu.iui'as a tW-lînPsi. Spiliers* t Ibis, ant t he besge vtnuts lire fatalu, nîtbîugb b10 i0 stili aitot' hlm tla, ~home- 4-j iee. - Wbcn intge Hervmc%, sienîtence of seyeinbee venerable Edîtor Bies.ament Gites begse tît Obt~ Aflir anuî iiass of ul mîuth. 1)r. trustin lie giveninsteat. He Maidi -~ ~ ~ ~ I Sut, ii cirnble eitttr of lise MeÂfee home oie the fateII tuuîne lu Morgaîn on tire morntng bies'. $ét* 1 - I'u .-IDr. tunitir back porec ib isthWs * W irus d) jaturs old An irreslstible imPrulie t M stod for almOit Lira- caule or-ar bimi andi h. lui-île o! bils lite luis fence, tire? lb. fsatl 144n tuerrat ae tir e uitor corner o! the bouresé U îf thue leacling Bnp- e"cape. The slory of las tettînfinatiot>il the tu'acks 8 s u'eftlty !i)lîur in tIle W est, tinte uere bis. ThIo nIub - 'ie Standard rils ie, sîys. mas buiid- et - tii ath- i uro! thet'hbbcsatchel wmsfocai - - ChIrisanT ,, Il - hIetîge fenc@ uhioueh l4,'bà jtatt .NItITII.rrhuî-h iniuuu ho 1iressed lt mb otbe-oft.4I 1 d 4. tu t s çbj»itI o! 1) te I nu i it- , t e je ~cJttPIRr (itiCd 'Diy lb>" ier'. Lth tria ~sga c f beais otmli>.Dr. sulilut-turn«e coitinet'tt mlii aîosttplihs.tb h e u rclk i à d u' i l 1 8 t5 3 , a n ti d e v ot il th e sIn d t h t n . ae t e GOtiiW.tuiOOycrs o! bis tife ho buildling rter tu lb It te etanviable p9aition o! ir- violence,te l lut> and'w[IU nc'iataD. an lie coutl. lq.w. tu Usdfs lm 'r"aofetcriinelaat ibet ogainstl ct" '3!.lna, a memWe of the liaco b . i', u'er t. ismissetiin the Circuit *t MartIpsuitla. the. large tiotnrhcg îtImill nich a1. - 'Jode If Vny't reemaur, of CbfrBdib, Cae.UP5' &~golil. The ttal Ic a is * x .Sfou 10. - s f diphtberta mIrs a turnet a verttt Gliei gaie.of Decetur resPoie urbIeccursedtheb.detet tHuif near Cairpenuter'. - The auger cap fMa are al luusy. The tlork et n begait three meekB Ie r t* fore kitowmuin tb.hil.tofet Theaflom of »P l- uuuwi» in it ie icher thue t1ianlu gstq Il flow ie to*jed upon an an indimeI earI>' spr'lng. - Robert J. lMoore-, secrecrF 0 tralia. RilIding antid ae4ngI manager cf tbe opera, bopoPër peenet. He teft thé c! mas brokea opn by the societioie. He. batbeeu...5-"à epplas end lest neieral biie The tisa amuocation cmeft7tl amination wIll reveil na hlsit consequeitee. The oIt 31enard. Couaty cou urhich baBtdon# soa IP4 s "teinpie et u*~ulfp* aud In mbfrk-BWOb, ý"l LMI1 Prenttent i"u4bâIn.1ggR.1 , atrPalme eýx'45, ities, etc.,-mas soIt et pbiiaci $114. it in ta beremcvett10n* for a net' $5,000 court bonne' WÏ an bhe site. t Ephrnim Rannlng latahb.Wl Sti@ie là trier*, and

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