STOVII POUS in l cakes for gencrat blacking of aàIlote TMU SUN PASUI POIl or a qutrk aller -dioner ehîsu, aa ppled ami pot- Ished i lt a aCIOtIL Ug ÇVrp. aton, Mies10- .. U.A. "LEE'S RELIANCE YSPEPSIA TABLETS" oremeu ffDSPUPSlA ND. Hf!Açktmmejù ikN. t«W0ilt 0 dpriMe. M Ml. à box. _P111M MAND I1IAtANTEED BT ANCE REMEDY COMPA NY, Oreatst Medical Discoseery BEIICL OISCOVERY. MM MD ENEDY, 0F ROXDIJY, MASS., If« sdiscovered uIn oOf Our common PAstttre weeds a remedy that cures every muid aofIHumer. frontflac wcrst Scrofula dowuu ta a common Pluapie. t1c bas trled it lu ove r eleven hnndred cases, atnd neyer faiied except in two cases (=tItunderthumer>. He hasnuw in lusi 4leu over tta liunJred certifcates Isvalue, al within bwenty nmuet cil iltn.Sn postal card for book. 1 AbtetIsalivOvs eXperlencrd f romt Us.flrt bttansd aiperfect cure is war- faned bu tie riglit quantfy is taken. When the lungs are affecbed it Causes" thm h saine wth the- lIveru>or el.This s la csed by the dncts beiu ab e anPP d udalways disapper tiaweF after faking il. Read the label, If the stomiech Is foui or bilions it wiil auesquemish feelings alfifrst. No change et duet ever ncess;ary. Eat thue best You can gel, and enough oet it. Dose, One tabî wafer af [ed. ime. Sold by ail DiJugZists. r« pMoeTs IIwb Cto. e ir m 'mybia buifitn.wfrausridue bone& W opinelu HUi pusapu80 Osze.tftu j., G ifte complciam Windudita.Tiu sutDl." '. iTowemou.tW Lumilawi Pa1S. MOr Ped CotiOsMd nd e Gedea. s P 1%ihi.îWit sme. « 4 <Ses' sI th e ha L r sl trzisi ntu me 34 ai14 . ..-uai Ftes ILa". a Nuuf tildis &end nr e Utg t2 .Otcktta Mdsud fihm ctiSlnd,.Chira M.P. T. Barry, whO 1b88 genîCral Uirge of the adl'ertislug contracts Of the <licagZo Ne'.srar Uliîiuîi. la oiipelled ta pass a large portion of bis inte ýl journi'i liîg toandl together ln tise forinm of pelleta, ciieli or 91M tgvood'Umpilla île gruat pop. Wlceh contaîng froua eue btatwo all,:i ulaity. Ihareslu asalesand iwonderfîut cure. Iclreul tîmeisas înuch nurishmient as utin 1%0 c omihtnaproportion and iifocesits iiouince of an ordlnary article of di,.' Prepart gHod'i Saruaparllla are îîaknown ta other nuituIlneç..and tank, Il peciltar t les -plclIets. diluteul witl water. wm M Ïbte.U. It acteîlreuiy ajsut uosîîlïiopen thic1fonua il t tat laIii neîssury 1 In uloi t blond. and as te blond leaclies ctu-ry unook f.' ni eer eOf helaîuaiusystem, ai; te nervr, lu the brIglit future auticiluteil hy Mueile, beluesud tissues con@ uuler tima l'rot. Pinwb, sie cin easily liuuglie beeneient iutuence of anc-llaIcilents as te folioing: Tise sRtalilng fanily were giaiereul S rotinu tise bOSpltablis board. Thetalae miam pleuteonsly laId wlth a soup î,laite' H o o d S lit front of eacis beanaing chla buekiut ofhtwater before fthe radiant uotlier, adat tise beud of thelae teChit Sa s pr ila naai dinuer of tîe ihappy borne, Wrn rbe One Tino lBlond Purltter. Ail druggitq. $1 ly covered Iiy a tlitble and restlug ou iiood's PlUS iîvlius; cas)-t"11 poker chip. Tise expeetant wisaîers father, rlsinig froualis chair, lIftcd the. 1Low liates otf - . lmieaddsle a alpi o Raoe ill ,s.. ivcei front \ivauîu., iteplunoly atugtexsn. ratts: Atx-vlleGu.,)Prr sau e iumpudinlifs lice ple ii mom-sai teentailber tas autotago $2l;Iloile. Alt'$-te wnit sau is l loo(l ohrteIIIardltmave oit 1 .okîrIl nId of a aitfty paundonaofy oueenrates.dbeouritiio- Forb-îgl.urhraiifneiatle wut turés w-a- E.nA-fi pssmoentdowu tie ocas pnagsof tsfu> tsge ettsaulitîTrv. Aris tuît l Izrd(r1drm teoutise be! cis Ct .Nn., ore ity ti,-t îiî3ulî oCnuirl11 eurea '.1-as faal. flckaser atri- aln. le osiept, eurtg CX wa1.a ul l! I, rumflugton, tr. tIten, teiilotoor forty întlntitea. iitis an awful bang. Gustautheugol- M. D. outai, ..ý -41Ixi . Pai, lC te lith oyn::ail Iaed i.the halae vîruei avi-il steu t l h autuI I plexp'iodte in fmethe. ler itte Wui.uiten tret. ld of :aima lsli - Yr lity ppd f ocnr.e iorsi flsveugtenarrt aif iiiiloru-ulnervva ni n crc-î lngth Wa hg so srtelea la e e. Pusartnils i-l te istui hii lad rnus h etis0-11.1il tandMlugonite atolril ucon 1y.-. iceU»--wtb __'eni oaliýt-,X To iniép qtgamnisat 4dph i bry "is Iei'adfataal rleporter iarlk»a lwnyftWiE Ufh te o unlight ]Dg ote l at-sed Ilo tand. rgilTlon atoeth lai(,ofexnotr bin e- bsa dutrubi orde nauiathn a teudedto t CrIyo ot a-tti- ales.OD itethol acfu baugotes Lidi foel- oThe mgpiaed lt Loetitr(-titan - lsexloelareote linencuts, aud oeeiéP utalf md. i teslog on; twleîî,tîyIie ail fniny enil B oktIn glitote stnd isrssidcou- lh(rCai. vs Oea etiijo, 1Àistrss ij Titre s n jsrioj ~a wîîsn5 au-i n lsorts f a-sa reporteri-ed ba careR NIthcisse ItroAtiiER îtI O D mthoc i ofuanîl otesv iliafr ranh ai'tyasite Lnge cf if.-.' lAtebu-stlarg ide lisas eutly an Yetdurng icofs tvd. 111 3aituomliîtleauby Ihe aliuof a nicittail bave lcried niut-la frora a woieai>. liaons. buit as tinie ivent on site leanneul It la &&ee 10Say tisat V, enîr n smho pre- tau eciflier nianly of tiacts. and gathereld parc thc'n«ei'-es for thse eveifnl pcr.o u e'so h vekfotliriarn p:ias tîtroug i iranuch casier [han in tisete wsothwekrualri Past.i1 tffs, lnincht i er leli.ght. Tliere la buttonexc ourse to pLu.rIe. (>11e night, whiea site toak home tise Lydia E. Pi#-lt/ea8 Vegetabie Co- vw:silng, tise jonrualist cisanceil tb ea Poundl slould bcise se in tillacto subiue ti. -ting (>Ut of lits rouaias ut e entensti, the nervoits carplicatlins, and prepare "Ah. Montsieur.~ rie salit, lropping a tise ssteni for lte chsange.cirty.*orlt abigwser It is w li for liise ir(restlng, but ive bal less politicul1 triet %riteý-i ,. ews tisun Ilie week bc-fore; is Il flot l'nk a i t 1Va.1 iris ln the lerests lie rpreîsents. i- Kam a iyn, Speaklng ofr uplýins Tailtles.%Ir Masslinr Barry says thai lie lis carried ge lid tbem witb tutlia lilits ,atchel ou ail vi'ce. bis trips, since lie tIrst iul SnellC ~ u macqîî lu tied wî tIitllir exetIl.n t *ti'sti !iioty qualltlî's. IIP tim-s four ,r tve 1a -asth .I n (/week. biî :lwyszr:iu-ii:ir tlu itould be talko cle :u r:r .1 lî: vai r .!. î convinc- arey,: ir a l:is' it-aî. l llŽng: llrp.i:à i.î 'ftlv. buit .~lie lîi3 pound lia! theni of the duziti' jua -sEl1a R whenlever bis t o Ille: i '*Tley are seilly l..iîîi. saved Mi bir. Barryv says. -aud a iii;elity nive life 'R i e thing JusIiut a h lan nui-Cls w.lieu :ul cse I fair(ul traveling, If lie tiecils a aediciine ..- woiîî at 01." f ive been in tnygrave ten ycars ago but~ allios1u- TSIM .Id 010by h~..Jiin 1- r it. My iromnlihad fallen atid resteil ih.rte Soensauaise.uî .. ..-Fii.u, 0.mic-nthe bladder. The doctor cotild nfot e.iu.uuaî,NeiSiPisi I.. <ieemu rîlieenie: iiiii s as dag. Votîr OI OL fnhlT flU1091 k i.-.. i. m . ('ontîPound cired me. h lielped me OIrnuuun~ Ii eiu~kar.,ar.1 throngh die chainge of Iîfe ail riglit: amn V.1.1, 1 .-...î. nosv in goo i healîh. It lias alto cnred i'r sica .s,. . ri. T :119-7.ic, i1iMY lusband of kidney trouble: nmadelbina $W Ageaua. Writu POU 1. F.C 1 , A à.i 403 flke iaflCw fmanlPl<ase state Wy Mords _________ Fr.d.-I.k. M.ry iÏnd. -lni the stroiîgtst ternis. I anglad to CIM HAVIE A Nî1* Y.rx Ner.Biep r send-l. oitîny pictitre. 1 travelicd tV'eIve j ~~** An tHE ti*2.50 e-er 5ir. seuiel t.miles to have it taken for you. MUS. IUNEW YORK DISPATCH. W. L. )AY, ettville. il. N. V. %%iMm 1 1rttl.g th.dtserg, ple.uado nett ta M b ... hsptp.w. Adartisem L" Distasteful ~\to cvery womnan-wash-day and bouse- ~< </,1/ ccanmng tinic with their grinm attend- S:< ants *aching back," - low spirits," 4)'tired to. death," -"worn ouît," "out of " sorts." Wluy don't ),oh get '~7~rid of these thins ?, Use f\eal\e There are directions A, on each package that %vill show you the Iatest, safcst, quickest, and best ways of washing. The worndérftîI success of Pearfine (us cd and talked of by millions.ofwomen) -that alone ought to move you to try ît. And then a trial means continued use 7 rai "l'A Fair Face Cannot Atone for An Untidy, House." Use A F-etcistng Schemne. I P.îîsOti Isainter vuho lied flot longs ulgo tins naisroken-down ssrec-k in Ilui late- ilnys. soute feelIing of pricie anîl sbaaiu- clng f0 lalî- t the last, how- c-ver, nul, aitlloqigll lie lii cI laion the uliutrity of lais friettus. liae uever aku-i fer uaicuiîe3 autriglbt. la the i-rosin of bis lbat Il(-pastu-idtthis r-il-r:"lea3e len- m fiaqluarter,' prinicd u ig ii. -.;ariiag b-ttc-rs. NVhieu sakitîg n au hei woitll lui bis bui t w Il Is ai u ita10%.' of tligIit Cvandilthlen- totil Itu- thei iiuie ntilt-)(ai stanuîg ini t hi-face hli iu'tc iitiiii. Tih-nIe sc fies-i-e r fa led. Net Vain 11epertiein. hlluqy Is the Pru-utter vw lia tus one uor tiio t>hrislioutcrs ivio w ilI tel! hlm UIllefruti. SilIl a mian asked au tirelrucafed w-o- mlu w-l k-h sîtu- 11kede-i lttbis w rit ten ou lais att w i-i t-n u-ermiotns. saki. uttllthewIltv ti, a fl er a un iitttts t bouigli r. *I iike 701l Itle tiist w-itolit Ile booîk, l'u--auuse rou keep the-u ii.salne tliuaiz aven antd over aund thuat heliîs tIe I)l(is e-iiber." Locations for Iudustries, TIîe naine of rte Uii-îgt. iilwauk-ee and St, Pautiltailvay has i]in,,iseen iuleutified uvillu raeticai mnea'rs for tise gelacral ilîthiilIing of its tî-rrifory aîîd the Proutti.uî i tIs -nilulerte, lite n atn- fae-tuurers thaive ut]îassuranlceltha trlaey will flud liuemselves uit home on tisecomn- luanyi's Ihues. 'Cite -ouutîny lias aIllits teni-itor>' dis- frii-eeil iirelatin to rcsoiin-es, adapta- builtY-l'uildsîct.tagcs for mauîiifactiîniuig, anid teks b secureiautiufattiuring planta ai ii undustrie- ivlere theseconnannilof rat ruutu-ritilmaurketîs andl urrotîuidiniga t-il cîsture tiiuir uierunnueut sttesq. Milles of coni, iron. coliper, Icaîl uni sin,-,forests cof snft-aui liard teood, quîar- ries, cinYs af ail kiîîds, taniiirr<-flux anud <Cher ra-a-mitcrials ist ini ils îerritory in alditieon to the vast agricoitural Te-' sources. Thle Chuicago, 'Nlinnukee andl St. PjuI Itailîs> au ipaury oîvns CtlSmiles of raiitl-ai, exclusive of si-coud traèk, con- uuctiugtrtuk r iiins.Tiseeiglit stfs traserse Ly thile cinmulalt%'Illinuois. Via- 'cousin, Nortuersn -Ii îýa. losa, rafle- souri, Minutegola, Soutbl Dakota ' and Norths Dakota, possess. in addition to thse sdi'atagcs cf rat- mat erli and proximity bu amarkets, tbàl sitci is thse prime factfor lunfthe l.- dlustrial auccess of a territory-a people w-ho foras eune live aud îiîrising couamu- ully of business mnît, in îîisacmuidt laj safe andl profitable bteilûtle. A nuinber-of net- facloulesanau indus- tries bave been iinducee f0 loctate-largely blirotigis the inslçujnw<itwuiîy of bisa COPI pauy-ut poinfts coong its linos. TJie r fraI position of'tise States fraverserb tise Chsicago, Mlilwaikeo sand Bt;- pmu Riilwa, mk~sil Possible ta ai th.usakèCMe tili tiat. - 'A WOKÂN1 [ONEER. Don't buy cheap, trashy bind- irgs that are dear at any price. Y6u pay but a trifle more for ~ ~YTEEN SRTBINDINGS and saaçe our tbUie, yaur rnney and yeur$Iress rLIook for'S. H.& K "on the THE EXTRAORDINeARY CAREER 0F MRS. J. P. HADLEY. OvWner ond Menacr cf oaSplendid Pralie Yarus-Wonderful Gril ad Enduranuce. Fi-oua tue Free Pros, e o.fL On a aplendid farro et Biaekttone, lu flic. tory heurt of thse great, rivh undiiros- lierons prairies of Nortiserîî Ilii bol, lires Mrs. 3. P. Hadley. She owus and pler- uursally directs the affaira of ber farta, îvlih lma s ricis andl productive a the mcst amiions coulel desire. Mhe la now 63, years aId aud waaifhie- voel tits bleedlng at thse lungs for furty- lite, years. During that tine abe iras a uure-at aniferer, ahle won weak, tircul andl ruin dot-n, and lu consequence existence. e.t won vu a burulcu. Tbere sas o ipicas- lire iin lite for ber. "f)îiriug aIl these sears," abc salit] f the trirer, 'Iil ndreceiveil freatinett frominutsuy very aucce-saful andléminient Iihysi,-iaiis. They eoulil do notiig for nie. I ,uutlaued t%~grow wurbe. 3-car by Yir. îiirii lait spritig, wbeu I wn-a o ball thar 11 ouild n01et een w-alk se-rosmy roin, aitd sIen 1 cougisei the blood often gusseu l ont uy nose aud tnoutb. Aft tis fiat.iA I Wrs .eing treatmnt from thse local Pilys cil, and wldle they are men of more t hon ordiaary sili, 1 won con- stautly growing weaker andl worse. Un- der thee .u- isumataurea I 1eesme thor- ougly dî-ooirsgud andl dishearlened. "MNY tîlysicians tbld me frankly bisaI they couldI(Io no mure for me, Chat 1 coni lii-e but a short lime at tiheaet. andl thal 1 %boutlahrrange my affaire witu ltaIt fact in v e'.,Sialt y death ivas oui>' a qnestion of .a tory short fime. Uuder thûee îery îrying sud diseouraging cir- cumatun-u-'.i>- attention iwan callicl f0 the ad vertli-uftii-nt of Pink IPilla for Pale People. It lei-tdeil te fry filera. I coiid Dot ee' ht isaiondailanytblng fui]osc and ev<-rtltiîg -as te lie gaiueil. My physi- ri-lai vere tlttinkme no good, an tisere qwas notbing te 1 - by dropping their treat- ment. sn withlît il ing D'bing to tisei takeIPink l'1014 for Pale People, and 1 liav-e colitinpuî t lîer use up 1t te prescaet lime, lu ail 1 lie t4ken eleven boxes. 1 boegau a teinittrîve aiment ai nomneas1 bu-aDs10te- ý lîem snd I bate gnined i.,utstauntly outui 1 amDOWv reuaarkably iveil for 'one (if Psy years. if..ah.eeu more tissu fort -!i ve )-cars inc1 Io as I amn DOW. I nçtV foIlly rg.Ize tlsst 1 have net kuowu wlaî i t0 ho resily '<sdI. Thot weak lolr-ti. latîgood feeling w-hioch bas iscen lts-luirl-i, ,of day ixiatet+ fur sr) man>' yearu tii oiti liîh bas tmade nuy hibtor or.u-'.cn lfciis .thiug te bc drcade us goîte. 1I <ai Dow wor abotut tise lIOtiseali a',tîin thse dulies whieis f.iii t oîuineniofariîns sud even enjoy thue laor wlile i in., '-tiroyed. 1 cannoe helP wuunieriug boi-v 1ever eusdured niy YPcar of torture. 1I -,,tsider myscîf fuily as stroug antI healtil> oew ail w'.,ui of tMY age iituily are. "'Vlien 1 began ttkI:ý-'tise Pilla my okin t-ut try', iarss anil I il. Ithueassince peclel offand is fru ,I,. .S-41: andl heaits> u<nw. M31yisair. uviit s s-aimnt swuite, ~crisît snd dcad, ii-s rltied ifs sigor aind mrtcb. of itseleriiradixs soft sud pi- alle. It la in better,.,,î,dtitiouthan il a tueeu for years. N 1' %f -<-r ere badly swolleu, tis kin on ibtît twoa dry sand crackcd. The>' gave ni,- great trouble. Now Ihal la ai] chaig,*d. The swelling bas entireiy dîsappruare t anti they are ini a uerferi, isealrisy ulîei -Taking it ail iii ail.- suitaid, '1-hink my cure il mosi remsrkaltlc d1am more thon wulling that lthe world sissll know whiat Pink Pilla ft-r t'aie People have doute for tn(, for i t la>' proees bicssing tb other suiffererl. les. Yonum make any use yott like of nviielac. Au analysis of Dr. NlVilitîiris 'ink Pilla siosotChat tise>'contatît.ilt a coudeugeil forai. ati the elemetl-t ee-. ry te give net- lifP andl richiiess to iil- lîood andl rext-re sbatterui ucries. l i k Pilla are solut lo ai driiggist s. or w ili t- ýsentt pont pail ainreceipt of ptie. Zi-Ki , a box or six boxes for ~.ibîhvai. îj,-vcr sold in luîilk or isy the 100>) isy tt - l Dr. Williams' Medicinae Co., Stiint 1iadvN.Y. There are nearly llt,Ot.iitsît-Iiîilclren in sctîool lu the Utuiteil Sî.îtus, îut-arly 14.OfO.t5iO In pulic sujbaals aitlileutanly 400,teeliers. The Modern Iui-alid Ilns tast(es ledlclually, In kccpiutg wit othier luxîtries. A rernely îcust lie picasantiY acceptable lu foriu, pitreiy wbOlesoune lu comaposition, trtuly bene- ficial lu effect andI eutlreiy frce fro es-ery ebJectlonabie quaiity. If really lit lie consulta a pisysiclan; if cousti- isated lie uses tise tentde faml7 laxativ e Syrup of ltigg. Our future well-belug lias niiiiite do0 with our being sincere, unliss sic are also riglît. L'ouareoro! Ontnruts ior catau-l hat coutain 51.reury. ail merclirY I5111suareiy dc'.troy Cithe.e n, o onîcII anti eomploteuy dersage tisa whltoe -it when cuterlng Ilt throulthe limucous stirfai-e. Sucti artice .tu laiver bu useii excep t on gîescriptous frotrepotable phisiclaus. as lie damage Che u>' i 1do lateufoi lt ie treil iii ,nPossibly derlve from tIrens. Halls (aterrit Cue auacturai] by F. J. Chene>' & Co., 'imve de, 0., entaas Dno esury. and li taken ilitier- Dally', aetlag dlrectiy upen thse hioout sandinu roua surfaces of ths ysteai. la biitng hairs Catarrlt Cure bue sure you gel lthe geutiiine. It I talien Internat>',aad malla wToledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cltcaey & C. Testlaaoanl froc. Wtioul by Druggimle, 75c. per botte. A.Iittle nuan neser 100k, 80 big f0 the torld us wîten lie l9 standing on a loag Of moucy. If iaipeilotfsa remedy for a Sore Thînot Or a Itat (iaiîgtor Cold,. tse uîrouatty Dr. JIayui-es Expeiuctoraint, a îtseful i aetlcine to kecît iii tise ouise, because of ira great hlcifuluesa in aIl Long sud trou- bles. - anY Peole faîl sy flot maklug a Cood bcgitnng. MMi ai Si ti, PLUG 'The largedt piece of go. ,Ïobacco ever 5old for e-è-nts j *and ý e 5 cenët Piece is nearIu as lar as you 'get of ofher hb hgrade%> for 'o cent3s Dis.UnIverasiiy uýad cmilcu «eeled for CoUt, fluii Bruim. ' s Cuioda, CAtarrl.Soie Throut Il i F&iaWPly-nu Bdiaammtim EX ThT --------------he--kî--- I ywomadno s W. AâMeJ%$onm.g by AI, an.ndVt., Wbeatq talathe germsc m m i tihlate a vold or conquer ciltu and fever. biltous remîittent or dumb aUu..W u m peralstently sud regu arty H o tett r 's ii - i tttomach Bitteris, wblcia alierernedlisdy- peps.a. Iuser troubte, eonAtipatio, u of s 0f .S atrengtb, nervoue.ntesa rbeumsathi.nî ad kid- MIf PYeupa " te,« 1« g ne, oatit Appetire sud Pteep are i m- amine the IV. L_ Degla», hoçutm proiedbf th torouglu nfiutcnai agent, uewuta*g ood, a , uý1. and mîtesor age -gtd yI n A wiuegias8fult trro lImes ilatelb I.oumioSTLSA. I.T*. The flesti sîeedily reîîonit-s itleti eh- B~aà Zâ# *9 Ï*S Sîîlnhur Soap. leatheb JuIo. "1ill's Hair and Whi8ker Dye," Black mua. 'W*-,~ or Browna, 50c. make Omo To mnake the hair grow a tiatural color. 8ses oa.w»» pre ent baluînesa andl keep the sealpSa n hcalthy, Hali's Hair Itenewer tuas ilovent- S. ed. and lias proveul itself auccesaful. mn~On~u.ui Nono senu ise ulsananI i .s'g Cure for Cunsîîrnustion in sur only rie astatupoil cathe bon«Wi 4 me-dit-lue for <ouiglis and colds.-Mrs.C. kyouz sigfr Our lteltz, 430 Sth ave., De-nve-r, Col. Nov. 8, 04. S.80î 2.50 .25sa hm 1S9~ *2.0.SaaaiSS~Mforboye5 ITE N STfTUL Il sk Broucitius. Suiien changes of the e l uPp) YO. westtl eanse branchial troublesu. "llrown's Ita acry, eSîng prloe d-, 36X Broncbîsl Troches" îvll p vecffective relief. ffuýa rpansz n lsidth. Our Cust ept ysstl11 i Deidil ' Pislina.iîeraX Soap lD 100 rrtepaa.vour order. ndorewll. Mal.orBoa , fai. cn If usaiefti rted Catalogue tofBox IL. Woer orCo grCer usua W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, m»&na TlTqAii i'.tatoitoe [ir tus1h. RiFatGal i2-<t. htisp for (trilVa~keealtaneU Teo*c""e. Trestise ait 1200triai r .'I I. W[r I I pol, Vit"& liai te LDr. Jhe. tiiArc'. t l.. Iail. 1i. i t paît-omU e t rresaiud, a; amiii Wtaowa Sco"Ie ra vegyforChtirea iugMbr-pliress,40 . 25 sets Bottinmm un 15 rets atisms. IL N. U. ____________ Inost fr o ,AIS and. s bot .. S . J C B I ,IM cue ad ft tea frwrkwe hecacecn