i~ti~t2 ,ave" uun vy aiu*ji. Genuine Pure BuckwheatFlour right from the buckwheat fields of Min ne-, sota. We guarantee' it strictly pure and the boat ln the land. Also- a car of the "Big Jo." Flour which excelle ail other brande. If you try it once you wiII use no oýher. Our Grocery Department le full of çhoice stock and we are receiving more every dayr. We are headquar- for goods ln this Une. Our delicious home made Sausage goes like the "red bots" at> the worlds fair, and no wonder. Boef.Pork,Mut- ton,- Fish and Oysters always on hand WE want togoet it by TRIG GS Wants, Loat, For Sal« PURS--Thel hughescmi" priS for rsw turu by Car!.. Stemple, Grove. Liii. oufty, 111. on. wsnting teaming dose on"I H. ERende., Orsys [ahe Prion.1sAl.a *day or 13.0 a daY diar mnd born edc. Fou SiaLU-Mihk route l the i et LbertyvUllu. A demirabie buà Se. me et once if you vaut1U Che y. E a The. 1NDUpEIoeEr viii'be plus publilb the. muouLnemaentac cadidate@ for oMoie. Rte. very re ale. Let the.people know whut vaut Fos SAaz-I have fot aule15 toi good thbothy bey. Addres caii on Robert Nlkoley, Lettht Parm star iiutterfield uchool houg Candidate for Colector. 1I hmrby annonce uyaell au àa date for the 00ec o! Colector fou Toi, of Llbsrtyviiie aubjectU Blepubliean caucua. F. E. CntI Hait DaySaW Mlil. fmw Dus-.. iuply on lissaifor Te'llaif Day USv MI! iiisas mgat bbipriaguma L Brisq Jour Iga Uta ecme, rieved. Pay Your Tx. l m v wready te receive em S*Ott& 1B.ivlbe a! M.IL bkOu.%stère every Tmaduay, 71 &V y aidBeuray until Pub. 1.1 Wollo, Sofletur. Taxe. Due. 1 viii hast J. R. Brueheru, Gin .wy Tdsy ad si W. a. DOtý o.'. iiaavmreste, VaUkela, a saturday. aftos Je. S, M Slc taxes for the. tUtn of Warr.n. Maulot F. Ichryver, Colle Niovîcu-I offer for sale my w: ]photographie outit, vhichin l coup the Zurich tuio, a! a v.ry loy Slg Thi la a ire! clse chance for* one to enae la a pa l buies my patrons, thit 1 vil! contilm toks pictunea, alter April 1, untilà if 1 do nu! i.!! betore. AppIy te An. ia. FciL Lske Zurich, Dii. Our'Clubbing Lst. Porthle acomodatlon cf m*Wh of P»3?ÂTINo sbecihara es demire "teMay Oumarpublicalion for XUncan]KATZ&. The. fcloving i te, e09tthe more poplar mevups aBd maguuis. Vianmors lia, la deoj»d, . m mcmit eapaid «Imsmm cmbe amriedd l duceting $La0 tro u h.prie.. mm lu our club vT&a. pu1ll=nOu Chi-90 ourn o eu L r:SIM n Intr Oe.. voetee l W D c 100 ol d ~ i ê. . ......... :1 0 o uompan on., iw aube I mu HueAueely......... mdii aklme................ s0 V'gReee sborbm ohc Auiaa Fem oroimank t menaIl tho sy o liât il onir ro fuiynublictyOisin thdvaa Ra lh artsb'crberh -lu f nûvo~ted ,oopnague S à Wé a m r or lvt.umaTour lot door Seut W. C. Tmgg. Sho. 8ho ý,frCufting ana Dreusi I.abm tss Stritâtel RJIED u E AND THERE. f Ca Loatems of Interest to Libertyvilie Readers. Ta bout eaunmet aud the viagu roui! TIk about the devi!. and Le!> aertily 'Palk &bout your tallor, anud h-'s aller yoa for fair Talk ShOut a vomDAn. and ilm have ber ln tour hit. Cold vave. The ccii mereainl happy. lev. Heuver la couvalescing. lira. 0. P. Splgg. la on the' slck lIaI. Mr,. J. W. Miller ln reported quit., uick. I'i quit. the proper thlng bo haveaa cold. M. J. Conway, of Evoreît, vas hera Batlurday lu. foyer.! thermoueteri froze np iaht Wddneeday uight. M18@ M abel Aehen le sîîffering vltb a sevene cold. Clothlng goes aI vholesale pricem for a shlort tinte at Coibys. The P. T. C. club met ut Mism Clar, Avrilî's Wednesday eveulug. Jouit Austin Jr., shipped a car o! fat catlle 10 the City, Wednesday. To RENT-HoUI,. vith six living -om, apply 10 I1. B. RAY. 18-22 Charles E. Cor, of Chicago, a poili- tician o! soute note, va, lit tovu Tuesday. Max LeBeau, manufactures, and sells fie cigars. Do you suoke thera? If ual, give thora a trial. Reduced price. lu ail departuants aI Colby'B. Nov le the lima te buy IBAKING POWDER I 18 ail rlght. We 'have tried it tbeai high priced 1$owders and cannot see bil it is just as good as any of them n4 Iess than haif as mnuch. Try a IOc.,cati. guarantee it. CAST VOUR EVE through this Iist of prices and see Wh$ Scents wili buy of us ....- 3 asstae hmn 3 cana atoieamd oiny 3 1-2nsb c'an btoatg oose 9 - b. cinebakngowe 2 Iba. Pwhitebeânmtche 10 brspfi r-lor msace 15 barskagest-hcsoap 15 packaes icor 1 2-3ershirt on 5 2-3o. riemonrdsee 6 Ibs a. l ird spreed 13 Ib. Califo rnpueas 13,eý, Ibs. cho-ce reen pea ~5 cents. 'i 'I 'I 'i 'I 'I WE ARE Closing your tracle'and are bound cf .Rrhm e ockefeller, Wa. oi SàLE 11 oNTR-Hloswth 3 or I o Tuea4Iay. 4acres 1& miles forth 0f Libertyville. giving you the best of W. . i* niggc, of Rockefeller, lin lquire of Wm. Cater. at Lowest Prices. harse Tuei .Goto Austin & MaUlor, totali kindla l W. T. Baton, of Chicago, Wui bore of Freah, Sait and 1smoked Mes"., w. & U A LO qalu.! Ssturday.. are headlquarters for Freul> Fiah and 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C TAYShLORan, made a trip 1kI1.4t or n r oeye d 14ecNotice. Chicago, Tuesday. "N'D-To tant a farrit of 120 or ITo lix payer.,tovn of Vernon-I sm l oln Mond&y. a cmuictosI nowv md! te reeve taxe.s ad ail who A. MEYEaa, Everett, 111. b Patid cmi MmeItI.jcayvenient to cal! and Ch«.. Eay, of Dlamond Lake, was ln bLogpay thue.nétmy hous, vil] oblige me town biat Saturdoy. ilri .M LsuhleatdTe verymachi by no dolng, as owing to I <-'3 for the cas!. She expactu 10 hae Mr yreceut heu. i VIIIn ot i bisble > Jerome Carson, of Minnesota, wag uli,--it a month vi8itlng relatives at W4 cail do ont"lde otk for nomne lime to corne. bers. at Saturday.11 t-,hldeh y, i. asm XIIF 0Utt. E A. Frantz, 0f Everett, attendeil Cîîlîy & CO.,*r faln oarr 1. amthpolouainse.goereST ne dnd b rg i nsPilu C lOthing , U nderw ear, oots I. ue r m fro reay t1e re c utaid Fred B. Zerwer, of Everett, attended uni Stioes, cape, Gloves,,Mittens, mbwmes M. B. COIbys & Co., Mtore every Tuie.-go busines bore Tuexday. . tsît, Drea Goe Cree >5F dur. Thuruday, Pnldày and Saturday Go.Pfnuatel 0 Gayd&k, t- Gocri s ec ami utfusleBnt. H ELColco. tended 10 bitsinegs here Salurday. Asov to presse veIll rIthut the M" e lt HWLCoeto. Mr@. Cunningham, of Chicago, ' . (Il G. l-aili hldtheir eéngo af il FaBn: od eodgot pendlng a few dayB here with frieinde.Siiii.. iiiglit, sua.Aliebrl remmu FOU "*:- ood scond row(ti r i' ti to conte astîjere lm lui- tt you cord-wood. for oe!, snd deliverad. John Ausin, hipped a car load of iportai,,iii 1<-s to 1,,, tratusAte-t,.d 181f J. A. MOORE catia to the Union S tock Yards Tit.s1 i da y. T01 H 14stfasonfouglit by ail pre- ons of~~~~~ C. X. Deraud and vife, o! Chiclagi., a aîu oeifiu m for COMING EVENTS. 1- iýi%%It ti 'i .î cold tei bae i in L pent Saturday ami !Sunday berc auth yitrhaea~ LuIe. Crcuit Court.-Monday Mur. 9,'96. 1 t'r-"'r 'i ,'1"îîid Ibisgt urt greTho, BuenurM.lg-odyMi.~Woudu't thia hatgreat weather to te-l hswne ral gie arlili"-tnk Apli-an hc xi<bil "'ig, ! u îeçr t! e cniTown Caue-Baturday, Mar. 21 '96. ieMrhl Hak l)l!yndh-* -adi Town Auditors Metng-Tuesday Mar tire ladies a triai?' grouodi.f - , il t een fruîz<î a foot Doe the 31, W9. The regular meeting of the 1. . Iv ' A 1 il 'hare oftleht' mi,,.tllrc Io the Tovn MetLng-Tuesday, Apr'. 7, '96. T. miii lia postponed one veek. No 4'akt'd ut tkîarth. Ente£*&r Sunday-April 5. '96. meeting Saturday night, Feb. 22. A l-thjo,'g inu"uadoros lte VilfflEJeUonTue&yApr. 14, '96 Don't go out of doors 10 heur the mmaik in11nu"f Max Lelienu'8 cigur V illa e E l etio - T n s d a y to re . 'Il " ta b u tich of ig ars W sale. Schioi Ei.con-Saturday, Apr. 18,196. news this o.hd veather; ait clobe-to the luint,litMtha hm a- 04g ol oler, Sumday Mach 1, 1896. securely b \tr. Itîdian. The naine of (l2l Lue COUaty Prohibition Convention Mr. Rodgers, a former resident of th,. new arrivai î iunI LeBean. Some ç a! rqsyvfile. Match Id, '96 Haif Day, but nov living in Minnesota of the -boyh" taihlm 4"yoang Mani IIL . O.0. T. couatty covetin tvisaited old frieudu here the latter part 'Âra id of hi8 Hlr-,e," afl.i the Indian IL 0611 aMs s dy e0!. ekhiai of that ialliî'. We wud ugge8t 0.CI 4&glaaabofj uaiie publice an. The veather va. Bno xtreme!y coid *-Young Manri Itto Spend" as more *. r. no.uomemtnte .people viliknovw ednesday Ihat th. furuaca ln the'Applicable,' antI i h qe teeblooin Who vant sofficesamnd ha pepared achool faitlo li ent ail the womcup iii t'lai ,ilt îîbcriba for the te nemnate sai alc!.asd achool vas dismissed for the day.IN'DENI>T. Lulu Peuniman ie sufferlng wlth a Froin the' nIiuîiriiii-i whlch our dti- CUCOe@# CC suvera attack of neuralgia aud linlin- zenis are workiing itst-cure the uew av"Al able te attend to ler sehoot * The're- electrie road, qo >invncad tiat e the fore the Locka district sehool lias becît they are Raware ilointh act Ibal it Sclouaid the past week. requires strengili iai "ýoirage sol evin LIbertyville Lodge, 1. 0. G. T. wiii against the streiIiii .,tille any demd ln a body go 10 1h. Courity Conveution, ilIsh eaui loat M"lth it. At the meeting rhole of that order nt Ântlo-h, Satnrdlay, on Friday uiight a e,"luînîîitt'ie or eveu. tplteFebruary 22. They viii leave their tecit va. appointed tine the right- Nlnbwc.. hall in the Eger building a! 9. a. m. 1 ot.avay through thet t'ua a(i! Liberty- « * Tii. Cyclone Woven Wtt. Pence la Mm'..M&eGuffin, will, at!liar honte, Ville thls commrittee tii rfî-liît to the off si 5e tii. boui! km fance on earth. Yopi cati ue114mueof1 iahitut Pr Saturday evening, Fol>. 22ud, give lier! dai, O! the road by Marti 1 st. The pro- looLberttyvile. Wo vaut .oempîoy t,, Sunday achool cam., a îeap year posedlrightofaway fojlîiîw. the od grade »oto te canvan thtiaimg he ecio @l.good mone, uthscouaty. For party. Fifty invitations have lbu ru al aenrn aîîî teseto ei.furtiier information, cli ou extended, sud asnlira. MacQGufln ut ail! lineasa farta& the Wilt isiavey fafin C. A. APPLEY. LIbertyville, I l ime. prove. a mont charming hsaa then heurs aasl paleuîlîg atong thce thooe vho attefnd are asured apleasantet akoButesLk idIic evenlug. north-wesît t Grayslakv. Theite oi- En U E Jn. Badle, o Ronout wen tomittee compoaad of Joint Austin, -u ,-uk L U n Baiy, ofudyo ivent t W. Shierman, J. Ballard, H. B.Eger, re to nç. erLulu Bayes, a trial ou the FH . Hurîbrit, . i oplii Lac, Sthe -- nov. She provad te h. speedy. lu H. HFolet, A. W. WPode, hlotoLe ,B lb. aceo! :35cia. hrue ah vo Eldon Miller, M. Colhy, Dlan llerrick, prs OFU RN I"rUR E. ona hast, vas Ibrea timea aacond, andJ. Miller, C. F. Wright, ahI înî'et4 at H. -for in ,,Pitr rae ythe last beat va, beaten by a noce Biga.HalonnxtMîîlv îght byE. P. DeWolWs Prairie King. Luli t. recuivall odset upon riint med B~~~aya, wil! probahly maire a record_________ Clock Shelves, Bom-moulding thi, .aaaOu, that wilI surprise aven the' Mauy marchants ana weîl awîîri-ta! 1:10 Wall pockets, Paint., fond hopes of 'lJack' Bradley. custome8ra are thaîrbhast frieîuîi-î and A acoelteahersay th puilswhotake pleasure ln supplyîog tnient with A11c0 l tachersay the upil 'a'io tte hast goode obtaluable. sa Paper helderas s, Qri s have acclaa, b uewpapeas at home, instance va mention Parry & taîjiron ~, Bokcaes, Varnshe, 'aheu contpared to thosa who hava fut trominent druggists o! Filis!îîîmg, :: Cnte tales - las, ae btte raden, htta spnon, ~ Miehigan They say. -"We have' no Centr tbles Glsshesitation in recouimendiiîg Chai, lier- e.er ln puab'tuPutlu pand arcMuchli u', Cough Remedy to oi' custîuiî ers, Extnsin tb"s Putybetter grammarians, lu fac!tlihey 'La il la 1he beat cougli medielîte we- 226 Dining chairs, Bruahes, read more undersluudirigly sud obtain have aever sold, and alvays givesatitai 2 m prctial kowldgeof gogrpil infaction. For Sale at 25 and 50 ci-uts e 1 eà Rockear, Mirrors, apatclkoldao egah bottle by F. B. Lovel!, Llbertyî'ille, . 2f %sîmost hait the lima it roquira, other8. C. Robants,, Wauconda. m Couches, Neattresses, The nevupaper la d deddly au impor- 1 r oneCote prngs tint factor lunimodem tlifa. For Ocean Steamahip Tickets. The iscorse y Re. P. Via the Beaver Line fromn Moutreal 476 G aiber nuits. Etc., Etc. Tedaora b 1v .W. Quehec 10 Liverpool, on via any nt Lm: 18,10 Lenninglon a! the Prashytenlan churcit s4ip llnc croaslug 1h. Atlantic, ati 10w-I iii..AT..Sunday ntornlng vas hniUliant and est ratas for Ire! cabin, second cailla< 11y10dnd.I haeeln arg nsd teerage, boîli oulvard and lire- ablyrenere. I theeveinga lrgepald, apply 10 E. L. DuBola, Agenît 2 I00 SAC 8IE TH & SONS audience assembled and seldom have Clao lvnekS.Pu i. te. vs listened 10 a more Intena.tiug sud at Liberlyville, ]ILI, or addren C. 'K 18U Libertylvllle, Illinois. entertainlng sermon. Mr. Leuingtoi )Vt4ham, Gen'i Sleamahlp Agent, 481 a rtold of Brazillan Ille lu a mariner thatAdnstCicol. cia! Auction Sales. shovod bis heart vas lu th. vork, and LBR YIL AKT nild. L. Luw* vili e.AI a! public aucîlon uauy vere snrprlsed 10 o nuof the Corrmetd by the Morhants avery Thîîr-,itaî 0> lfite foloving hôuueioid goo<l, in mn mrality exlsting ln thaI county. Brtter-Creamery. t b$ 8 11*s implementa, stc, Tuzeeday Pebruary 25, and wlashed hlm a fervent God Speed. Butten-Choice Dairy.. 12 e 1< * 1096, on the. prsmises si miles nortb- Eggs, par dozen........ 11« 12' alevut ofIRockefeller kuov a.nlthe Charles, La Gri ppe Promptiy Curecd. lFouInes Par huishel ... 25 «q4 > SAcheb, plece. bar hon, Yea old; B. T. Willy, a vaîl known scisool Wood-dry par ...... 2 60 «0 3s nets- bày umir, 8 Yeats 016; DeiÉn binder, toucher a!t(Gibbon Gladie, Fayette Go., Coal-Hard petn ion ... 6 00 «o ô 2:ý 2 moveru, g2isay raites, toiler, pain Ps., nays: "I amn vary uach pleaned tW Cal-Soft per t ... 3 50o 4 00> drap. cor'n plier ght uilk wagon, 10 tea!ify 10 the efleicay o! Chamber- Cor pn ushhe lied 28 «o 30 o>p single buggy, double buggy, luanben lain'a Cough Bemedy, oua botte 0f Dat. per buah.....- 18 20! - agon, pair ulelgiio, citt, ârag, visick I purchsed of James 0'Meil 1 0frouvidpend ........... 1* 75: oreradtoi, ý yacMk, S a »tedouble thua place. lit gave me prompt and Bra, -ton,........10 0 10 50 mboî4ooo eve., S vood healeru, permanenut relief trois a severe nt"sckm par ... ê in OO 50 bug"laotte.,0-111ooku 01 MMor'et l'h. grtp. &Iluesthim, b IO .ý .D"4Grt-on, laûsn S'àïàç<r~ooe"M stocke til 400L>it doeer omedý y1,a -go * uUk. »w'tl . - wâ gI The place where the Leading Wl for 1896 are to be purchased, where you can get a First( Wheel made to order. FREPAIRING' Ail Repairing can be clone 'at-A same place, and on the shortestp sible notice. C. R. SHERMAN, .... Jeweler, LIBERTY VILLE, - - ILL To, Buy L.um be r, -Coal , M i lmFo Farm Wagons & Buggies$ ISAT WRIGHT & SOmO Libertyville, 111. We.are Always Un î>i>r' p'y your Wants in AU-rçpIturai Impeen Gr-_ 0eeds, Lime. Drain 14,j5 1~ - 4 j our winter stock of clothing, underwear, caps,--,tc at greatiy reduced prices. Several suits aji overcoats on hand yet. We wiant to seil thoeu Cali in and get a bargain. Our Mauston Biický wheat flour isaail right.- Everybody prD.lses It.> M. B.-COLB3Y&C' WE HAVE FOUND M. ILLI Àmftft»--O ;--ý--WHAT'). IN L The Best Place, cou