Hqave, Got ty Just What the People Have Been Wanting. What isit9 Genuine Pure Buckwheat Flour right from the buckwheat fields of Minne- sota. We guarantee it strictly pure and the best in the 1land. Also a car of the "Big Joe" Flour which excelis ail other brands. If you try it once you wiII use no other. Our Grocery Department is full of choice stock and we are receiving more every day. We are headquar- for goods in this line. Our delicious home made Sausage goes like the "red hots" at the worlds fair, and no wonder. Beef,Pork,Mut- ton, Fish and Qysters always on hand WE want your trade and are bound to get it by giving you the best of everything at Lowest Prices. TRIGGS & TAYLOR. * PICKED UP 1-ERE AND TI-ERE. Local Items ofl1nterest to Libertyville Readers . Not In Lent. llti I ilattlî'lîtf iutr A ill u-t '-aîîîu.ljleatail t-titt Wi-o 'fa-'iland liiwta. 1l1-'r ri% aIs liad matî'îi N- li i îltl,'tçyet' tii i , t iiifi l y ninialetlti'r'ti li" '.itt V l iiii'r. AnttId l'tit riirtî-nt, liii , k'îtanadîîl ttîbt R,-tir-il fr l'unt; Amailtiti' la-t s',,'Attt n lt.r. taiit i.firlirn. T"la) tilai' was (tarit But it I n t a am' av.r Wltii titits anti land,. Tii silidgc i hs dovotlou. Tii mi'for tit4 hanti. Bîtt Si.' nuat rufusebins Sh<.t',ul not consent. For it s oulti not do Tii i1.w hapipy luLent. Conuîvention Sisturday. lteliiilieaia are coming. hlave youu lil your taxes'? Seunis t be republcan weather. C. Il. ioyee madie a trip to Chic'agoi, Wants, Lost, For Sale, etc1 Notice. TuesdâY- 1 lto ta a etrvsn,, ti ushi(if Nu'tit M C'. .Miiàilh-hl, tif Ci ago, tuaslueru, Fil 11-Tht> higlît'al cash lrite palîl noi reailgy t, ru'u'i'i vi' îuxî'-a,,aniil tbîtTuead&ay. for raàw furs hy Chiarlumsteiuulle, i.olig vaun aaireit uuni*tuutto ualiant ifsr. IW. Wooslird, was ini Chiaagi (Grove, Lake couutty, 111. îîay tilt'Ili atilîîy bo tu, vuiiittuhl ige sinet' nsd Atîyone ~~~~~ vury îîîîtî'îî îîy Nsutltilg, as uai ihg t, < île lloewaitilig teauiling tlohtu,18t'fl y rî"tît lu msi i] îtît lie aille tt Looik ftor Change ini C. H.. Sherianl'a ou H. H. Hestufet, <ray's Lak " Ill- to tutitît' srk for sîttit' tiot'ee tî ne'"att" text week. prlte $2.50< a daiy tir $2.01 a îiay sitlt AimYiEt,) STAst'LIt',('lti'ir diuituer anti horst> led. - Mrs. Hlarry Morgani lias reîtetiliber FOnt SALE--Mil k routinirutilt-i'alge î ant tit ris' n'a t' ut r",'ilai'antiliateit ýi o%Mrituriliti. leril atn tf Liiierty viii,. A ueirui t l 0.5. Mrîtu ' ii '11.. tiro. tailat. ei vTiil lu'at- iugit i. tutis' t'tril1' tt it su'e mue a ut tuif you tîîsrit t l 'up~. '~(ilt, u. t u "'> t'-îuîîutîgiiei FECiti la>'. T'i'lîruay. Fritia>-andtaîlISutrtaiv iycilii etigld n.E.îîîtî iiii l firtil-ii'r tuîut. iy îuîtuî tuuli u'2t.iitia publ istu til, utiiut'î'îstuf aII-o fr, 'iail. ' rt ita aisitiiig at iîu'r able. L ttl'lîtil.kuuis'wliat yuîî ciru.sit, îr ' ailndîti iilitt r-il 'saut. if JiA. 'uutE Foa SALE-1ihalutfir Kali-' I., tai 14ao COMING EVENTS. 90d titnitlli'v lîîy. Alairetua entCm-%mýa Mr I eaui ii Robîlert Nikiey, lvtttititi.1, 'r1tt('untMialia ar Fanr eu r il tteti e't ittl htînu . S nierv'ima, uni -t - ititi g Iitla'iurit;'t '(tsni<'utt'îa's Satitîrtît>'.Mur. 21 ta 'ro IENT....Ilîtiiie Witii SIX liiig roinîss, aiijuy lui 1. B. ILt.iY. 18-22 FOît SALE Oit lIENT lise with 3 oîr 4 aires li rTile-s iutrliof liîurtyvilic. fîîîîîîire tif Wtt>. Caler. Viola andi LillietaPliaîl1î wili bhaive 1iueltà vistiîîg SiuisWrighil's fauniiy Ite pat weu'k, rttuiiutI ltii 'aivaugo WeAniesaay. Tite 1. 0. <G. T. aili Ie sticas îsîtal Satnrday evi.îing. After thet'rugitîlar busitiness amti litiatory cerenittujut, ait intereiiîg prîîgram wilIlube retitereil, C. IR. Shermiant saya -lum giug dîîws home Sunduy." t.Wbat for? (Ohi jînat to gel a square ineal". uiBlarne it, mai, dont write that down, îy 'wlfe readas your paper.- J. J. Johnson the> Young miloui- ployeti in C. IL. Shermunff jewelery store has returned te Rtisae-wliere hoe expectu lu engage in business for hfimmeif. Mr. Shermni 8lu oking four a first-clails watchmnaker tett ake bisj place. Tom Stone saya the>miluwlîo tulî unr reporter ho wa8 makiîîg iuiae lu the Young lady assistant enîployed ut te Libertyville ttîbacco facttîry la "il-ear od." Tom avers futrtiser, -îslèeh a rugular 'woodeii.bead," andt that bu (1011ît care if ber chîaperon (Max> k!iws be saya 50 eltber. W '4TED--A Position 0on a fan. I wiIl wuirk îlay andt night, 3t;5 laya in tht> Year. Have mot a inîgie tuat habiit. n îî wrk for my ituaril, vi-h im lit o anx 1i't i ta lut> tut11i itîi. My taazueistaAermîittr N'îlid liil. I1tam 'tor toIt'h, ' 11, BEger. I'lt k suipjuers inaitli tI(ýti ri ilory nti l titii nor h wet tif ('h iu'igt haive îuýt.rtîta ilii iii'uriit'i.l ten a. tre'uîueitîy lnpiît 'lY i'esttj - I il,'sa;k p tu l'aa t ieitîi îC i' Nir. i trru t t Iýr'at> i-4 ru'tu-,Ai j g îttît ia"iaede'uîuI îu i ile a-n JIliilialbuî i ua'Iulaiy. illg tîgît luglîua, tuf lalf Day, i itut tit î htu'tlay ttl W'udiesia> . Candidate for Collector. I TwiSi . îîitiîra .lîîtnî Iiîî',laî ý%iair *î iu'îiri risltteiiiAr Ihereby aflhiitiniicîîîsîif aactt 31, LC I.l;.eso r date for the totbee (if Ciii h-itir fo r tic, eowIilh e-t nig T 'i i ' av X.* tii ir f, si'rioisli l a itb plieleliiiiij Towni of Liliertyvilieauijet ti, tii, Eliter Kuilay Apjril 5.'i Mrs. leyluiiîrî lias lwýei slk during ilepululican ennemi. F. E. ('bAtIK. Village Ele-itii--Tiit-ý«iy Apîr. 14,1.'4; tIille UI; t weik. Dr. J L. Taylor us lu Hait Day S w Miil. Schol Eetîî aurlv INr i, 9aîittiiJIICe. B&w huaIr- a sUPIlY on band oal fie, Chr ('~istianî Euiilîi% tr ail> a e t oki. 'th" ()Iilra, (Juîei -Esther, ms iiiscion The Hall Day Saw Mill wlll slaw ltigh fîllir, Sionituy larla i 1, b. le îres't-utl la> lie talent. M'atchi agalu ibis spring an unitial.. ritig OU Lake Ciuînty IiriiliîiioiiiConvention îfîîr tituir ail. yourlogs; tiretcouirtevd. 14-21) at Liliertyville, Marci 14. '96.Nir. Lewis, .umr photographer bas Candidate,, siîiîlil tuait(- pubilieu Pay Your Taxes. nounccemeiîtg,mautlàe peuople wiii kîow bein tsi tert.aînîîg hiasiblter .during 1 amn îîow ready to receive suîd te -wio want tile offices sîud bucîturpared the> liant week. ceiPt for taxes. 1 'sii tb ut M. il. Ciii-i uno'naite mil elet. Hoipe tliat afler tihe convention by & Co' store every Tue8day. Thurs- - - ~iiorfinasj ltb day andi Sathrday until Fuit. 1. E. H.molof urrin8wl tle Wells, collector. C CO EFN E'aîi dtinder." %'î.FranuibaAriiuid, uosif Vtauke NOîiE.I tfî firslimyn , es --' ~gîi lilglîts, màas lire 'faa'ilay. thte Zirii'iî tiilii. lit a tir>- iw igirt 4 1 A l f s Iil, lcl,)o (rS u Th,isii a iraI la'. ilîaî ii.fiir s ag 5 . ' ilî. lrii- iatti'iijiigtii, Nitiîi%%-Nti'rai unte tii etigtig.. mil a ift uliiî,ia'aui t - rE IL a vry siîîailttiut. Isîmihit i tait,- tii . OE 0VENWintA inîy ptriii, ilat IsMillciiîît iii iii'ti I i, î Y."-------mm.- %àc.vî MiON.h uvlll talle )ities, litter Aliril 1. imatil sîîldl. , i îiillir aaluiairi g li 1.a v .îî'i'l, si i.-,aiiji l it aite liai ('iîîiiîtil)r(l'aritai lîe'lir 'itJiî~iît.,. 'îaî y( i. ý 'lo1 , i- t rflk 1 iit.î ; ~ - Lake r (i îubbing 1L1. il :tljqt.Ail'li' ltl.: . . 'lv1iii. II. T, týigîîr trvilI'),'raij îtiî Club îîîîîî Fîîr titi'aî'iiiiiiiiiatil]..tif ititii ut iitir n t la lîr ii ti if ttiii i riase li e nl i'iii'A ViNa aiiiairliîrs s iiai,. it..,* * titi, iti iaiîat ,tiitiFora 5 e i a t i i i y e r t i t I i , i ~ t Lr ittE V r r * i r i i - - I U. 'il r i -1t i lii r C l a k î a î h î r Our t ulii UT b.'ii'fiiLisit, 1 art' a Nîr',.il..TM. ignrîgg,t ltîîefl icir, air Frthetf v(tue î o r î là.lofli.rs ..m.. ti tipipt r' of.an ei , f Ibslmlati Piid tîagi îcles i u iber,'am îtaîiti 2t le airi'ii, tiie ar îîîu at eli ato f rtil Itîr I the* * W it l a liitt, n hie o t aiii g ui lEuCE îr ht ates. Tiiaaillom)uig, ',tîat 'lai 1&ofCSRockefeller, t'atlire titanly 6e N%'4 of h4s i at.a th tîr i eai w'i' y.i ii*!' eFU Rke 1Tt E ýlttcrithsu l)it i'lî.alotiltor .utn 15 i thy riut 4 le dt îîI ft liriliiaIlei jsf tutsl lav. w luiittyl 6 ates.Papr iîtstt"s POis hdiii alaitalieittîi ' il iig îe r l y spiof . C i smJiial. îlal ly . .d .... 4 1 iti 2 -i, ook'c & w tititt' 2 tsipi, Mli h I a f v rad l'lca Orafir J ddFarme......... 3tg) ';'5 ftljr deu ery sud eul ut bi Prair t Far!cw............. i ou 25 ftorintîli Iit3 unie ti Wodaueld,0h1 statuts ad.............. 2c > oo iae, a-iilia YthCoano.ne w .1 subit 3 mlis 0 .iPi 7rcecedi ms NaioatTrbne ish . 7.. 5 u 2 ü Dinîngctails, Bnîsîs, -aeIl 5lrdieet tsthlatigth er ar Clark'ti H d er er ..e......... ou 2121 fSt de er ud e l a i Fs e rtfi meri.................. > -i ici oEx esonirrîîr,ti 'lrtay aî iu iof arh ili HarleroBieek.............._4 i u Coches4Mattosle, iîitt v'r oltielwuaOhio. Xe i te> ...1 75 a 25lu nîli rd ted yot at the ml.te pr Clric ound@Tae w........ 2 c) 3ltLuies os pig .i.pinat .t. acî,o V Dcentorest'smagine.......... 3 al '4 '00 Rtii s, tîtî,ofFr itizestiue luh oflch ûlln .Co andosio lint ii00 247..A T.. iîi iitaeclacethere Satttrday. Harpýera' Miagrlui............... 4 i0 4 etCuheMtress FamressRamne........... sle 3s1(e Ifarey o dai.....y.......... <60l1iotPet, Nuniseti bas gone te Clarion,la. Ifentontt ir iy od lu al oto ISSAC HEATH & SONS tii îiikî'ai iulinl a large plumîtiîg aetired intise above list, ri o r Lîbertyville,Ililinois. tblitîet.Pelaabterad rates on any puîblcatioîn lu the wurd. la sure to iieeedi li bis new situation. We give each subacrihers eiiiîu tf Auction Sales. Colîîy & Cot., are offring some rare Farinera' Moitbiy, Rockfîîrk Il., Arnerlean Fumnier or Nomnikind, of l'lie iiitqlei'igtitd i dl ateil ii t lili' bargaiîîs lu ('luthinig, Underwear, Boots Sprluigtield, Ohiou, as a îtreiitinh gratin mîictlî ion onIte Levi Baxter ftari, 21 lîis Ited Cps8Govs1M(tei toail who jîay foîr thee INDEIiENDENT tuls8 ott ttrLletyiiTîrBlatîku-tmIrî'sa (;ooiî, Carlîî'ts, onstller titl ahi AVne ay. tari.h 5, 1896. etîuanîeîit.îug at'i one uil ear atrctlyCas litAdVNiuietn 'cloî'k aIi. the> fithltiig gîti. a Grtit'irit's, tuc. - ~~Work tenu], 5 nhllli ows, 4 spritigers, î' G .Heîe',tfthcribtr Ralph Darby's Barber Shop luuy, ticiife orfutiler ard '2strawt"'i liirt'li expett preach lu hbis -it now loeated on Biwnagiw st- abouilt 40 i)iicîiî,l, iin caetr, abtout t1111îtîtaît tgaitilnext Sunday. filsm lI lieur etat 'W. C. Trigga Shiott Store, 4010 biiiuielmtt tt, 4 titz, hlin, I lutuiluer silje't ilIllte nîîruiîîg wiii be ..Thie Where YOU tan ala]WYK gît yuîîr wagont, set [)('li siiiglis, îsingle butggy, Saaii'î oriwi"The>eveliing thjr ti Shain« Hir uttnà an Die set douulle lîsrîîî',s, i ti gle litiriitesa ShvIg.HarCutlg n sDeaing. M 'tiiikiiw',slydiiîti.u(t tFaitil i Je.4ns Chrtist." Dune li the> Latest t tyle of tuàt>ý M omc nwr slyclia :i TONSORIAI. ARTIST. tliteIem,hiw -vlkitig eîltivatuir, mut Olve me a trial. 1 wîîî pieu'se"iu' . harri-a's, liai' raitk, î'iîîlîrîîrîkîttit', Mtity iiîtrt'laitts are weil awiîre tîtat e ait whiffle trees. ii't'k yutke, juniiaiî îw. clstîîuuera are thuir biet frienis ai Ralpb Darby,- Libertyville, 111. iiuk snw, aaiw ii'iid, t'îîîk ttve, laîrget taîke picasure fili atppiyiug titelu wiih iieatiug atiuVe, gLSelitti. iittitAi', itdrootti thet beat gusuda Obtailiable. Asaial sets, bellitettil, extetisioji table, chairs Instancte we mntion lterry & Canieron Feed Mill Notice, and ti îier flîriiiture.. The ahîive ufiria proumiient druggiâts of Flushing, 'Ne wil do custoin grlnu'hng (conla foîr rît-t Terînla if srle, - Ail atnnîs Miebigan They say: -"We have Do tif ten dollars andi utder rash. Over hesftation tu recommendnrCabr and oobj-anlxed graine or corn aheiled tell dollas IL.... ..i... f .-.. -- ---_ -i- _-- -in- .am. e aa*ê poqbd> Mondusys, Tuesdi~ys, Fr1. I le" uoilarsa,..,, ut oftuneyeur una pruveti notess t (i per cent. 4 per celt> Ataawaniuk ' .,aiL a nô U i * f IM n'fi Cough iemedy to u c at ne , a tj tebg i un t t-tta-e orgati izîîtu îuîî' The uairy îtau'tt of h etoituati eîutiy iatu a t'iru'ulur rt'u tly vtiiliîîg tîttenltiti to ttthe fact thît ul i ifahiouit 150t ('lîtagît uîlk deale'rs aihîtbave Iuu'-ii takîtîg te dalry prourttttf tiat sittu'li i.'f titi' country, ttuî 13'abitnt5 luer ct'ent liait IItveti relialîl e. There Nîiiii' ant entertaiiunuîantd New' Eîtghaîîaîl aîpper, ai lhe I'resuîy. terian efr-î Wednesday Marci 4. Giteti h tIi,' 1. (0. G. T. atnd Preaiuy- teniait Ai Sttiety. Supper serveti fron 6 octuk entertailutnent ai 8 o'clock. Adibiontt 25 cents, ciiltiren Lawrent'e &iiien who reaide&a on tlie Elita fan abou)t two mniles nurtis-west Of titis Plate, iesti into te loft tht> othser day t'-)ii riw down moiune lay and munnoi agatuatît a utboinb." Laîw- rence saystueitr'iîie iluna uto a "-itî,ili tiei laîvtîît b uit enu t cil t li l îîiîg bl tit it t n~ re hiable lu goî off, lit'thiiks ttlti, tit(te bdrawthti Une. ilotîti ea'r. lnten hanulîc th îe thiîng tartefiilly aîaaa.1iahl iii nuit cxpuîuîîu. l)yuainiie la a gý)itti mliigtt isee 'u gruliIing (,lit a a I ult INlaun isi. ui'cessaary auljii t tti tia i-loft. W' btt iglti leta ' t'ttueui a serinsn Utà w ie.xeu..liilte iUjck tif tiltue," uy Mn,. ilttirFulton, itù aiti hlie as8stait-eetif tC. Il' Boyce putt tout htftre ulasîîîgu' t'a a11tYexteuut aU.% doncui. Mrtt. Feuint tabs iltent frot hote during lttthei t- it g atutip up lier returti ftunid a larg't file Il lriieti4 iilit te arîîet titi that-tive ov'er- tîiieti. Tte tire hadt htait-tI througli the, flitir tinder tinte t- ,tf lte tove, wbich ecsusî'd hit ta tait ,r. Tite faut liat the> dîttrs tud Nailtlîtaîws w'e cioseul aSecaireiY, kilt wtfil ie draft ihaît utherai-i*wuuulîl liatNi'.tfiteulthe> snioileritig esnbura iitoa ibliaze, anti 110 doubt gîven Fire Mttrshiali Aplhey a chance te try tihe oti'ît~tf the uîew tire apparattia. La Grippe Promptly Cured. S. T. 'Nlley, a weil kîtîtatt tii.hool. teachen ai Gibbon (_;jade, layette Co., Pa., saya: "I arnvery unueli îîitast'd lu iestify to th> eleuccy of Clialîîiuer- laln'a Coughisteinedy, uitte îttie of wblch I pUrchaseed of Jaunes t) Neil of Ibis plaee. Il gaveItle prîîîîaîandut Permanent relief froni a severe attaîu'k of the grlp. Since titen, Ihbauve' utei lt wbeneviîr attacketi by aity tuarutt tropuble, and ti h as ai ways ehfftuti'l a promp t cure." Fuor sale Iîy F. iB. Lovaîl, Llbertyviît>, G. C itv)rt, Wanconda. Dissolution Notice. Notice isa ierehy given tiat i lai. iiirlsidcouiposiuig titi' irait tif Ehi Frantz & Cu., whîî liait-t'1)it,1 i'arryiu)g on a genersi ntt>rt'lttiîtihist' bituuussai Everett, 11iittus, iu4titii diuy dissoived biy Inuuhîî îgre'taî'tt. Fred H. Zerwuîr will cuuntiîatî,î lIa'ý lînajuies ataIth> ultisita iltiri'ail Perlions indebtedti bthe firnofJ-tif î Frftutz & Co., are requesteul t>iit titiir greutlits on or lutfuarutMaui ' 1896. Aften thai date th> bis ai ilila'w turnu'd over fuor Collectioun. AhIii'- etm nsagainat saiulfirin aill e iii diiy1 tuîtted lîy th> undterîigitet. Dateil et Everett, 1118. Foi). 11), im!it;. E. A. FilANTS, FRED 11,Zhîina Card of T.xank. We heeby yr« Otur thanka to M =- Z-Lho Il Phonograph à BAKING il POWDER I ls ail rlght. We have tried it bei4 high priced powders and cannot see it is just as good as any of them anid 4 Iess than haif as much. Try a 10c. cari.- guarantee it. CAST VOUR EVE through this Iist of prices and see whÀI ~..cents wili buy ofu 3 cans steamed hominy 25 cents. 3 cans choice tomnatoes l 2 1-2 lb. can baking powder f 9 Ibs. white beans i 2 lrg. pkg. parlor matches 10 bars first-class'soap 15 Packages chicory 1 overshirt 1 2-3 doz. lemons 5 lbs. mixed bird seed 6 lbs. California prunes 13 Ibe- choice green peas WE ARE Closing our winter stock of clothing, underwear, capi at greatly reduced prices. Several suit overcoats on hand yet. We want to ssii Cali in and get a bargain. Our Mauston1 wheat flou risallright. Everybody pralsei Me B. COLBY&8 4 WE HAVE FOUND IT! The place where the Leading Wh, for 1896 are ta be purchasel1, where -you ,can get-a Fi.rat Ç Wheel made ta order. REPAIRINGI Ail Repairing can be done at samne place, and, on the shortestip sible notice, Ce- R. S HERMAN, ...Jeweler, LIBE RTY VILLE, TheBest PI cou To2 1Buy Lumber, Coal,*MIII-P4Lü Farmn Wagons & Buggies, IS AT Libertyville, 111. We are Always Ircpsred to Sîîpply your Wan&s i à19ricultural IrnDte - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ILL lammm».-( -- WHAT?