Aprhl, May are tacet eanphatlcaiiy the moutias for teklng a good blcod purAier, Wauàe Ithe cystem Ia aiow most lai neeal o euch a modîine, and hocause It more qulakly respouîda 10 me-lb lîsl qualllem. la wiuter Impurillos do LoI pu out ofthie body Ire>, but mcumulate ln the bluod Thie best medicine ta purif>, enricia andl vitalize taie blood, and thus gis-estrength andi hulai up taie syatemn, la tiold's Sam-a parIla. Thou n las tke1t asiheir Spring biediciame, aad more are taklng l to-day titan eerhefore. If you are tireal, "out of sorts," nt rvous, have tond toiste lai the morD- Ing, aching or dizzy liea4l, sour stomachl mnd feel *1l rtm dow n, a course of Hood's Saron - pauilla will put your who:e body in good order andl iiaîke you âtrcný( and vigoru. t la the ideal Spring Medicine and truc lierve tonia, baceauâe Hoodýs Sarsaparilla lnth Onae Tfrae ilood Purifier. AUl arugglsti. si. Fared onla-y a1. t .Hood & Co.. Loweil, Mms. ti$pee&25 oeut& Voses fur Hale. Mont people b.Žlleve dont fishing tackle anakers are the only persons who have any eampoyment for the bar- bers cllppings. A faet that lma recent- ly coins to liglit, Iaowever, shows a new unse to whieh human heur hian been put. Durlug the laaat year or two tonts of lir have been pacaked betweea thae plates of à cePrtain part of war vessels. Haur la very elastie, anmd thus affords a moat effetIira laseklag to niellai. Agalin, It Io W lng nosaed very satIsfaetorlly tu formn a klud oftender. wlîleh Is thrown ovrr the aide' of a veaasel to prevent lier scrubbiaag sgilnst thse dock-to takie ilap plaee, lIn (ai, o! more conimouly useil rope eoffit. 1 bave a dear littie babe, »ud am well. 1 thank Mrs. Plnkham for ibis, and no couloi other mothericus womaen. 1 Wa" a victin of F. maie troubles. Lydia X. Pink- Copound lyn, N. Y. Ilmer«estMedkcal DLiSover of the Age. KENNEDYY8 MEDICAL DISCOVERYS NALD MINEDY, Of ROXIOII, MAIL, Hs dlsccvered In ane of oui cammon rture weeds a reanedy that cures every nd of Humor, from the warst Scrofuia --olwtaa cemrmon Ptpiem. - -' He bas tried it In over eleven hundred caeand never failcd except in two cases (th thunder humor). He has now inahis Seion over two hundreai certificates ofits value, ail within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is alwavs expertenced frcm the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war- ranted when lie rîght quantity is taken. When the longs arc affected lit causes shcoing pais, like needies passing thro ~h them the saine with the Liver or BowelS. This is caused by the ducts being gt.cpped, and aiwsys disappears In a weec after takiîug il. Read the label. If the stomach Is foui or billous It wjLi cause squeamish feelings at first. No chasnge of diet ever nc:usary. the best you can get, and enougb Of IL. Dose, one tabiespoonful.in water at bc& tine. Sold by ail Druggists. MUR YOUR PULER FOR Xw L D«>uGnAS S,8wOEJ"wokD7 and LACE, S mmd lau i kinde cf thobegt slerted lesther by akliied work. me.W. seil more thao »nY other seanufoweturer lu thie nvorld. N4oce gecuine unlesý naine a.nd price fi a.tama.cd on tiic bottomn Ask yoaar dealer for our 865, ,. :! 13.1%0, r.».,25 Shoes; Bau,0 83- and et.7iI fur boss. TAllE rio SIIISTITLITE. If "ourdealer caminot supply 1you, send to faic- frîloîgptice and 36 cents r, t, v <ai i at kind. "tl 0m <i. <<<r tîi t Dept. %%ll fli dearore.. Seta for new llaus- ýradcratalogaae to Box Et. W . L.. DOJCLAS, Brookton, Mies. No.O- 1BîO FIGMT LASTS BUT ONE 1 SHORT ROUND. 1 lrltzeimmonm Lande thse Deciding Blow Afler One Minute enid Thirty-live Seconde of Actuel Figbting-Teamfl liaugeis et the Rîngelde. Batte la Mexico. BIab , itxsamîione asou the citaaaîaaioisip (if taie world Frlday afteruàooîîii ioue mis- aite and uhirty-five seconîds from i'etet' Mshler i a tweuty-fouaa-foot riang pitched 01, thie Mxos sicle offlhe tia> (Grande witbiai Wighit o! the 'l'exia svillage of Lang- try. Exaetly 189 liersolae saw tiie Mill aud woniered et taie short-arn. rigait- hania, ,ac'k punch sshicli setîléid the busi- aicia. Up ta> t-ha'fin.. o! the kuos-kout it waas any sort o! odd* that via'tory weuld pera-laon the lriai.anu's laîîaar. 1ilz i tle early stfages'aoetthe short fight, was n.st uneertaiat inlu lis deliserY a nd seemed tut laave a sery pioor ida.a o! dis- tance, ad hie w i1il d misses avila faitright bandaai auseal c(onast ercat ion ti taie raîtîks o!hie adriaiers ansd bar-hon.. Threo ItOaES? FtTZIilUONS. iifferî'ca times Maier escattoa rigbl-la i siiagAi. Tboy wene not ordinsry misses., cor %vasa it ho eles-rness or agitify thât %laher got hi@, hoai ouo! danger. It wsaedate te Fitz'à wildneuae. Ail taire.. oftha.se hlovs core au leuait a foot stideofo!thie mark. The Irislamait did not look toe heatatirefy confli- deut of vitory wcho sfie lpoed jute the ring. bt is iemanner and alli,,ttoafae oan a'haugod whem lie foundltaiat lie coutl draige Fitz's.leada essily. 1V&eu taie men wer c calloal tup for in- oîru,-fions boath îgrevid riait aobit in -ljuî-hî' sud te breakan-ais-ilea,eaven as-ban eue arim ans frnec. Maher, ýwbc alaims hoe did cet agree te tij. struck Fitz i the face iA baa-kiag awiay reom thé firet alina-h. There wer.olad cries or "fu"fram taie Naew Xolaîila-a rner. Retore',liern wnid Ma.iar it T, do it agaila. 'The iliu, abotii short. %vas'fll fiat ar- lion. andal fa as ight ail the wiaysibrouaga. Bot.k aen starteal ini f nmthe bell ring lia aake a a fipa".. itzqijaugat. xeept in the last rally. dii not jse laia le!t and -tien ie ouly feiîatod in a -trangp asay' se elîsracteristir of thie mana. It lanmcre o! an upper eut tibm a straigit lead, andl idrew Nlahr'i beau] in rnîngi. Qîiick as al Iseli I"Fitzgummons shot hi4 rigait seroe square on taie point of NMabor'u jaw and taie Iriehman'oi ailai] bit the flibr. It was Li short rigat-handa'r, The place wliore taie fight took place was lu a rocky ampbit boter and taie sports bail att tramnp acrees a pontoa bridge tu Moxie ta e ra'a-tfe roeo. 'lTae ridga' of rocks wansfningoald ifa hmon anal weuaen, but witbin taie lentoal incalosaîne. wich waRsaseo<lta the 111e Grande that is roar iirawneal the vire o! taie gtaakoeper, 27WO afatigîîi'ilspirts feaied sgaainst thfacriapos. THE CUBAN STRUGGLE. Gen. WeYier and Him Propoiaed Nitil- aile Againièt the lneurseute. î(;ts. ýVay' otaie aiw commndaant o! taie S)iiAjaaiforce-s in <'aila, b ia:-ajsaîca thn,'e proclamations sabi-li anruîaaevery ilearly a purliose te taka tlae seereet possible uienis te rugh ontthe i' niilrrec- lion, The geaieral assueasî., ia ordiaaary posa-rs to comîual saia nabitiats of tbe districts lu alicah wnr il ebaing sageil to identify ttia'msea'vp4 luafari' flicmiitary authoritipq and socaara'ne' i ai saro assumes thi' riglit a te uilijit .1aitiice îsrtii-ipante naial att c; izaintlizririt h thiiicurgî'ntu ia ' snianary uu'îiineî oanad paîi'hm'eb.Cke c.-nhfagrfth,-lrî--aaaa tiou ba'iag slafs iit'î iin-raa' tait the uoniinanîdaant rna-cira iah.- igh fiaaia-al fa. calaitraasem ftai' la-iltli3 hai ha lu-'1.ath. Ilu 5il'it fra iii i ii-'i- lia i--<fi f raaa abat a( -ii'.'i,y1r iaeai4t,, u oir, na effort I o lit deas u ft'iai natheu.As O}EN.WEL . Simaha*g representaative ona flecisliad ho will îaot only wage wa rfa re ai p. aithe ini- surgent armies. but will take st-.t focen-. pei ail other(Caiban re-il4-nIîî-to) laccom iaf' sure or activea- ixiii iries of tipiai. If he. cant conqatir by ftre eof arius ii ia tae fieldl le is paeîuare oîitejîit in aration sslatevaer îaifir tra-f ies iad~ riacai nay borequa red tIoe rnhIi ffia- i <a rg,-aa ts. If it bo necos;iry te gi î lai ie twa-il îlot t<rupîle to eso«rt to e a-riaas ,f ex- i remiip i riy - lai1 faîi jrt ilt duty te fiat daaj aithe - n- ahiafliîfirst cîîd Toid inu oFew Linem. Réve . j.1). M-Diiaal.laoIr ef St. Aj Prs ttra'fyteri.au ('laurdia 'of Toren- to. i nt.. la dead. Johan Toleaies, a labor at ftie Cleve- lanad, 0., hlast firarae-, wua cruiuheat to dealh by a pile of ore. A. colony of fifty mechanie andt thelr familles wilil eave Oieveland, 0., smon to ts4lIe"a £tract otf lamain lai zacea Moex. PHYSICIANS FAVORED AMPUIA. TION 0F THE LIMB. 15Wo Nde Rt Doaue. andl the Patient wVse Cure4 by Interatm Reanedie. From the Rpîbiu-fosP.(ajnbi-gI11 Biggss-ille. laa-nty-aiue utiles cest air Gaiesburg, Ill., lin taie liaae aofathe- C'il- cage, Burlington andl Qula-> lajlniaai, fi aui olal. quiet, littie tocsn. li u'rier daa t wass otesi as ai goil business phiniat. r It was blie.that ai ropremealtalti va- o!ah.. Itepublicat-Itezislor founai Nr..Ithoda Talcott, 81 years o! agi'. whaîtolal bila, in the premonce o! bier graifeful hauiglaau'n,i Mia. B. Sinan, tlhe follinag siony, se lau-h ie gis-eu as nearly as îaas3illi- lie.r o aa la11.,gi: i ihgraat ileasuni' ibat I eau gis-e my testiaîaeay tu the gremt vaflue of Jr. Waillanas' Pinîk Puisa.Os-ar tbf rty years ag1 was laken with a eh sud $rspea et in. l'or sixteeai weeks I wam flot ale le walk a step. Taie pliy»i- clans proposed le taise off one o!fni> limbe, bEut flual> doaided nfot Io du o.Ilu moatified ln spots, as-tacli ad te bho eeut ar buvait oînt. Atter 1 w»t able te get abot with taie use of a-nat-lies, osery two or three montisarysipelas wosalai et ini agalu, and I1atiffereal lutonsely froanit. 1 bad a goud many different doctoi's: Dr. Fitch, o! She'ridan. Iowa: Dr. Browan. oîf Chanute, Kan.; Dr. tearft, o! Blialinai- ton, lIs-s; Dr. Tremibly. of Oaklanad. Cal.:1 Dr. Searlo. o! (lalosburg. III..aîd a dov- tor lu Kansas City, tbut obtauine relief,r andl after îreutinanl froulaail ahese pliysi- eiaits.iusteaad o! gelting botter, bega le gel very maich asorse, 'Tie claies'limai brekai'Out ini tsio places gWitli snelaaboutt thie size o! a sus-or dollar. 1 could nîct sleep nigaits aithout the alid o! morphine. My limbe acre se badly sllen that I coulal iaot put on my maires or ssalk a stop ai thi ont efîher having on a heai-> bandage or a silk or rublier stocking. About a year agn 1 rend o! and was tolal by a nleilibor. about Dr. Williams' Pinaklijlsm. IVona- <'Inde.], as a lent resont. te try thoan. as 1 feit certain I coutl'find no otaier relf!. From the ver>- iret lifter 1 cemmeceed tau use taie pis. 1 began te improre, aed mince that lime 1 havo net beeai troaubledl St ail. 1 wouid net have doue wllhout taie Pink PuIs for anything. as tue> have most certailti>prolonged -my life. Myl general healula la mua-h better th iltbasl beai for a good many yenrs. andl I am now SI >-ars of age. Have not oaly useai the J Punk PUill with enca-oss, but bave recoin- maendeai tilleul to an> frienals whom I thaugiat neede.] sua-a troatmonl, sud gev-n eral bave tried tem maidfounal relief." Mr S.loan ai.] Ilat just bof oie comn hier alsaglter for fis-e or si-r yeanl, sud sell eau Most chefrfuall> aortify tothi elofit- lber motter has deris-es trocslaie use o!f, the mcdi cane. The rprter also calleul on Mr. George1 Kelly, ehe mon o! une o! taie preaujuent bardasare deaiers lu Biggss-tlle, wlio ha.s umeai taie Pink Pille. le ais troubleal with pains litaie stomai-liand back, andl trom the ver>' iait aieccmmemedalte got1 botter, aand noir ho leatot trouble.] at ail. John McKeo, tbeodruggint in laie village, stiited that ie ha.] sel.] a greait mati> cf Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pilla, anal fiat ttey mnot crtainly gis-e taie best o! satisfaction anal bas-o acaompliîliea great resnitz. Quito a numbor o!faaie villagena are aow timing tliem. Dr. Williams' Pinka Pille contain. lii a rimdensed fonan, ailtte lb.eementa ne(,"- cary tote g iew lsaif fi'and rfi-bueos, tetaie blood and resiaires ohattoreai nerve'. Pinik PUisanreolat b> ail dealeas. or will lie -sent post patal on receipit o! pirk..5o.0ente a box or six boxes for 2.5.0. by ad-1 dregoiitg Dr. Willjamnt' NMedicinut' Con- paui, Scaieaaoîtadh N. Y. Qaieea Louis,.amd the Rose. Before partiiîg Napoleon spent a few mmecnts at lier aide, anid aI flacendl, tuirnlng. putilet] rom a buncb a beatt- fui rose, a-blu ho offena'd ailla gestureti o! galiantry aaad bomaga'. Iîesitatiag a momlent, tlîe Queen uit test put li haud, and snid as ailae accelmlod lu,"t leaisu wlth Magdehiarg." 'MIadame," cameéltme !rigld aeply, I las mine te glîe andl yoîais 10aia(*tIt' But lae g'.ae bts airia I.ciaidua, -t a Ithle cirriigi', and] as tha'> deseenila'i the stalr tugeulier tue disappoialaî tfoatal- vioue, 'le t îiossfiIe Iiat.liais- lug lia.]the a iaiaîiness ao! alh iitary, bo w-Il net atford mec the possialitt' and taie sats!aciion o! being aible teo "ssuare hlm tuait lie liais put litwuualî-- obligations for life?"* Wlth solcion lioues Nailoleon replle'h. "M1%adainie. I1am toIo epltk'd; It iii a fanit of nu> iniuc-ky- star" Queen Loulsas usta laduy laialtina- relate-i that hbel' iorarelgn's lattertiass ovreante lier nit the Inut, aind as stucl stepped linte the carniageasle caf.i, "Sire. you haive cruel) ly dcelved me."- Century. The ModernIaailad Ilas lantes meduclually, la keeping alla other luxtiles. A remedy muât be pieaeant]> acceptable la brui, puî'ely ivholosome lu composition. Iruly boite- liciaIl it effect an.] emllrely free from every objectioitable îquaity. If reais-I 111 I becotsults ai îbyslclan: If consti- jiateil bu uses the geutlu !aauiy laxative Syrup o!t1"lgs. Profanil> nevr idiiall>manthela lénat good. No mniaml riu'ler. or laap- liter, or w'ltei for IL. It comnmeuds aie one le soclety; Il la disgtfstlng to ltae refineda].ndaabominaable te the good. If -oaa have a cvernyiuag Cougli or au> Lauig or Throat trouable, usa' at oeea Dr. Di. .ayne Expectorant.,caud don't parle> ',itIa ashatit ai;mros-e to bc a dangerous couditioen. W'lît mna-t n:ut le îlot talent-lu lu pst -paaue;lau o li iihe vrus, îot tue power toai alaia-Ta. hit flia i' jfl te liî],i. lIaill t', Viatlte Silan Iltair Renewer bai rastoeoagray lati tuals orginali i-on anda liraý-'atil buaýi alose in thoaIais o! caséis. It cajît do go te >Ofi. Nn iiaatt:i)iiî'.i-;ui -c'falt te le i-- iciî'tity o aitiagfiaageo aieiuîti-liai tuhe To keep the Poèpf open is essontialIao bi'alta. (Glenn'$. uophuar S ipde-s tîtin. "1ll'sIl air anal 'iske r tv"Blaick Nothing makes'as rich Iliat does not auso tiaike us grateful. 1 belles'. Plsos Cure in thie cnly medi' cille tul cure con 5It .p. .,1il Thetrathof the old adage that . Tè~ s s ye >the ~ bourof lée beformîiduigltin laworth two hours a! 1er miutaght làa questioua'd Avoid Im itations of and Sub. loy Dr. B. P. Culby, wvlo statIon that lie bon iade souteaaluidy of tihe subjee siuts o whie l naal ,iecduring thae rebel- t u es f r lion. The slalp's cotapany on slalploaral --officers aind mlen allke-stand four bour watches day aand tiglil. with the Interpolaation o! ai(log is-ateli of iwoS AL I- bours tu chmnage te ibo t flnao !cdsetS A PD , l of meni ou successive days. These maen aie therefore obligeai ta get thelr r.U1blaLYua S quireat sleep vem'y irregularly,lhut i X 'IX&DEI) OU tR CO more tintaa tai o yenrs' observiion Dr. DU4 htISaCOLD&, Colby could nmoier dltieoa-er fIaitthue MR P ESA wu tehà officers atnd men weno naul as fui- c ÂIITOi ly ru,!resheai by theur slftep as w.-r.-thae oficers of the shllp wlio Nera' ra'aîara'a to stand no wathi ai alUSÉ POND'S EXTRACT- OINTMENT FOR FI# Sifted froan the BIood , y Th 1ia ij' ul îs "im ofara a'e- ON NIE IN OUR oaiy auss t',a'lUpuîtls o elid OrT'tLES ONLY. DUFY pl yso tla e PU t as. ai.la, -id ta e de- WVRAPPERS. NE OUR ageer _atn ddesritof ! aie.ur«maia» NARE, PONDS EXTRACT - Ptesle. Fssntorigu',dhe.» dl- lates, dropay. gravel sud other sîlmeaita CO., %EW YORK AND Msuaia mfeet tu'e kldaieyman sd lladaler wifla LONDON. HSetttr's toinsela Itîtter@. wli-li lk.-wlw e .-._._._._._ ", ercomes aaalaral. dyaapeiptle. talfloamia. er - 'ansd rbeunatît ciiWplîlait& h .n nie Wam Carernl. I lope, bMr. ('lover, f lat yen liai-e in d o seato t t at >our cows liittit-'t tua- t:"n ortw p ssn e doiwn bt-euoies," sald a lady lo ber uulkman. t n rtoue fPaln And what may tliat lie. o' have to bc talked ta. Why isi "WMhy, t ltg a dîsealse, agit the germi hroingaa il the gainà of it get lnto the îîalk"' heIn that rhe can o-et froqi 'Lor', menian, I bol)@ yîu dou't tlalnkrb as 1*1 be gulity o' fetchln' you mllk in other ways? Ify witliout tirit straill' o! it. uaiu ti have proved to yourself d flefa asme <Is e .Cured T Pearline washes cloti b1 oend applIcatîons. tley ecaieot resehth ae L for instance, in the easit d7eeiNed portion of the. ear. There La ont) one wa o u hUwn.afabtlu asdby o i- quickest, safest %vay, you on faaced ýondit" of tbh~e UMU Hui ofthe '-to bc- ready to bLiceve that Pearline iatea Tub. mid o IWmta esear- the best for,%washiing and cleaning everything. has L78, atd wta ea l twe I oefasl th rslt"'and valent e aîet>-.UabO truth, anyway. 'Iry it and sce. Into evcry drop of w; DiD Cse ou o tn S euM byesarh that's to be used for cleansing anything, put. some Pearline co£surael. We wIl CIe One Hundred l>ollsrs for any0@ caeetDaà = auebcatarrh) t Ota'aEio aie cared yHi' Camar Ue ed for aMfr- eulan. free..î l F. .3. CErNEY & CO., Toledo. 0. AWSoId b> Druggletr. ------ Thé' lat"at watxh la a riarvel o!flI genuitY. Iltagte s.of a signalsol! taire. ana lqleInteufle te be woraî as the batllon of a shirt or sionve. ha vraua la wtUieai aung a a ,itr', grene hem On. l ~ ~d eus "aL yuOlS AS a.f~ when you buy inferior soap instead of the genuine SAT LA"mIs -1 The favorite cf every womnan who ever n~e éither in the laundry or for ail around -the uo cleaning. SoId everywnere. Made ouly1 TEM N. IL FAIR COMPANY, Cbk", to a 'apopul8 cubjq-ct. The Iargestpieceof 1giod tobacco ever 35o1d for 10 cents 1and 7.e 5 cent piece is5 nearlj as, ~ as you 9get of-oh er, ,6,MdLes for,-.cnt -or two A extra profit. That's the merchanJs reami who urges an infei'ior hindiug is) as good a ,Biao Velarefeen Shirt Blidng - Look for S. H. & M.- on the 1 I aand take no other. If your dealer will not auappy yen w will. 1;, Send for a7esi. ahowha . b.. aidng riais. iote S f M. Co.. . B=e York Cuuy. larat. 31r. A. J. Alleu d1»1:tn.1 [ie quait Smoaklig. Ho *bought'lae i.>baicco-halbali asethe causeai o ia trouble, bust ashen lie coaseui 4anokiig the pulsations of the beair acna' mire vilolent Ihan ever. MIre. Allen la a rogistered chemisiW0f'-.- Lynai, Mass.. and mit scotd tlhcugOW lie cot-alided tuait. If tobacco wauutt, the cause. it nîtîst ho acute dys- îa'psla. lItai knowledge o! cb.eml4ta iataurally- îronmîted hîna to lake illanra tabiiies, avei knowlug thi lelrattI'atuy laiutisora]er o! thre-, au ia;s-ti. lis-r aaîd boweis. QuIpIr i-il:.-! tlfrjcaad. antd noiriliere te noa moira- îlatre-.'as luthe rQgion or i- tli iuart. B-talte remarkab]e paf oIr. 1Alla-n'u exîierIence follotvsz-. IPi a]ea-tau'uitai orege saikckta amaylaaaas. taial aiccairereal that IthpejA 'laibila'<iet naît ii tisalfleat the 1ý ini:it fer tf olaai'c. ilîit-!i.'lt ciaîaki-r.. a tfi auilr lith, but ali. lirait lue aa'itailiy ]oofke forsaae asia la uiture to taie tbroe pete" enais day wlaeu lie t"o lte Tablafr Mr. Alitou no longer smokchaud ma lias nô degîre le. nor doso kle;' the Tabules. Hle la a wonl UapU does net nced medila. klud. Mr. .4lleai1eIvu Tabules yl J-ve a- to any "mb i IL X. e ee-