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Lake County Independent, 6 Mar 1896, p. 2

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-ei qbe oj beas fjterware L oaui Auobri e( i Am ktd, ne tase anis GflJ Agor lieu &j~*~g ha aim beeanse et demertn, e- ~ *iss 11eaction of the pension Ibureau - elkci dropped the cilanant troni thearnois, , "00 the gnouud of disbyts, ho having ov'lel erved iu the Confederate = , ry-" cîsimaut lu the Bigbtb Mis. _,uÉ al tntry, suIte sas &hot b>' s olvilian lt eonnequenre of remarks made by hm ïitive to a quarrel then lu progresa ba- Stven -the civilisa sud another officer of ",-th .etalimant's ragutent, la decided te bava nt beaulibhe etfduty. THE PUBLIC DEBT. foeithly Statessaut for Fabrnary Givea ont b>' the Treamur>'. Th 'Pi ucthi>' tatesiaut cf the public &4*1 sow's the publc debt at the close the business on Fel. 29, les cash lit tJFàsdecnase for the montb or 1598.764. Theliterest-bearngusbonde-I debt, boar- iorn bas beau increaaed duaing the moth %jy $75,252,350. This seeming iuconsis- -ency lu expiaineu b>' the tait that the 'l*puentll oit accounts et bond purî'hases itgjug the month are about $16i,000,0Wi lm'-excs of the bonds deirered. The lui- creaasein the cash lasI nmentit asa $91.- jie? M ~ - The debt le claasified as fol- Uwa -e':Interesl-beariug debt, $822,61l5,- M' 210;11 ouns'hicb int-rest bas ceased .05 rmstnity. $1,667,6J0: debt beanung *0 ltaremt. $375,491,679; total, $1.199,- 1T4,4M .This saont, bos'even. dees tnt ' liside fgl5,551,2T3 lu certlicates anîl u 4~~urt >' noes o utstandiug s-bicb are off- bg >'au aquai amount of cash lu thbe - Apoigy freinSpailn. The Spaish Gocerument toek seeps y«7 prompti>' 10 mare aends le the VJm1ted Statea for the outburst cf mo) vi loeeSst Barcelona. This action 'il -4 -gnh argel>' te eUdeve the situation sud Ogel t ILmalous oulcome cf the mot's .ettaekenaour conoulate. The Intelltgence of.-tbe dlMvowal la> Spain reacbed Secre- ftn, Olusq eal>' Sunday ereuiug, s-leu wasas officlal>' advlsed of the Bancelous onîbreais. Weyler Ma>' Leave. Thee itartlug rumor that Capt. <eu. Weyber had esigned mwept like sildfire 4 tbrefgh Htvana, origiuting troni an sp- genetlytllruatarertby source. Il iras, beweve, promptly denied at te palace. Wbea -Martinet Campos retimad, bis ne- % ted esgignatien s'as aise denied lia vlam n uofficiah cirches mi lu the last tour. ____ WiII Own Rie Shcotiug Marais. Presideat Cleveland, it lsanaid, bas pr"astelly ciosed negotiatieus for the -urhase fula'-3hbiuing grounduus ou the Potomac River, lu Stafford County, Vrginia, about fort>' uiles belon- wVsh- lagtea. The place bas a watalr froutage of sabout a umile, and !0s litieulni> si-th blinde, i i.a aid mauy impruvements s'll ibi made. Miasoiri jndge Pli-ada Guilîl>. -. lu tue crniuîîacourt t Narreuabîumg, Mo., George E. hundîîurîe, tormerhy asso- do àjndga cf .hîîiuseîuCounts, pleaded =tgogirhuug ut taIse OACseeshct et bis geunlpropent>' aud -aasfiued $100, ivan onauarsitîîicteîlhiIbis b-gr;iiuut Jjury *a4 utlge ima ýraslgued til.pcgsi Great Sgugerlug sud Loua of Propart>' front Clnatlc Conditions. The Causdian-Austraiiau staer-Mita- s'era, fromn Sydney, bings uewof gren sufferng sud losa et propant>' i Ausra- lia b>' the extraerdinary climatie condi- tions. There la unprecedenteit hoat -,i aud sud excessircly igb deatb rate f rom aunstroke. eigbty bodies being hurieul a t Sydney ila eue day. Terrifie storns prevailed along the coast. Cropa in a great many localities bave bei-n nuied. Hi-rda cf stocks are sîarving sud dyaiîg tfor asut et wster, aud Ibere is a dis- tressing arrsy cf marine easaalties ru-- fmont entirey estoe b cu ii-et nie s'indeterm. Protection la Noeded. tie Si-asIe Thursday oui the questiou et casat detenees. T'he Setators forerie services as Secnelsny of %V'ar sdded inter- est le is reisanka. At the ouîset he quoi. cd astatiement tus Admirai Waiken te the ifect thnt if the Eîîglish ocre to en-d over sncb a naval force as thes eiuld spane from Europe tbey isoutd bave ibein oavu way bere. The Senater tuaek the greund [bat land fortifications are mu-h more efficient for casat defi-use tinsu a uavy, sud ahi-n ounc e oistructed anc dur- able, ebeaplîlsmaielsinel, snd i-ssii>' etrengtheued; Ibat the deteuse et oun cilles cafluet bc eft te the navy alene, boarever lange, sud that a nsvy equal te the great navies cf Europe is uneesaany sud ita cogit makes sucb a Davy iuprae- ticable. The Senaton ssld tbat the total amount sppropnbated np te date fnem sud iuluding tbe [bird day ut March, 1893, for the inerease cf the Diavyaras $110,' 317,710. Durng the samne uie unI $10,- 631,710 aras appropriated for coa81 de- fense. "We bave asc apet," hbe ceulin- ued, "millions lu deepeuing the approaches to our barbons te utake Iuthe accessible le a hostile fleet. sud îîn.aeical nothiîîg for their detense."' British Boor Turned ont. By a vote et 39 ho 1 tube Ni-si-York Yacht Clb nlieth ie iguomuny anîd dugrace of expulsion upon Lord Dinaven sud Ihbeminieneased the contcmîuî in whicht be is behd b>' sportsmen. Onuy nuice ha- fore lut lis hston>' bas tliu Ni-u York Yach Club foaand il necesssny te ullit'I a shmh- Ian Ignomins ou menîbers. The tiin wbos Dames are uo' couplcd aitîn that of the British nolleman on the rol ot diabonolr are Frani l. Weeks saul Hermat Clarke. The>' are expuilled frein the cliub onîî heir ceonvictionm by -the courats et panal offen ses. Prohhiiion VotIi forn. The- prhibitionu î-uutuîîuional ameud- nient sias detu-stidinuthlolien bouse of tînt I tua i Lgialint tiru- 11Y a sole et 41 te 51. A nmoltii nu-u ý-uiiluni(tr as made aud lai] ouun-ttbl,asdtitI t l-n the resohlutu waSaiuin ili- iy lits-tY it This settlu- tînlu liii thu-lu-t.r.he ps ios a t least hn loma.- ,îuI-re-are nuiitI-t îlo t- -nbr o e Ii il u-tisi-, auuu liaiutsix tut-me preseul arte voi îiu. Wlild 'Man l iiiecl. ,luuî Brohebiu, iu nlui isn freuk frena SSitn Antonio, T-:sutas illeis hy Euh .ti-*u:on, a nigrui) W -'v.Brobeen Jutupeul ai the- îîîgno, huî-uituug iite frighten hlm, ase l.-itmutnastruck bu s'l1th lau ag. John G. <runap Dieu a WtIMMI1U Jeluî V. Cnnp, aged âd àw!- WORK PORTIONS 0F NEW ENGLANO DEVASTATED. Torrent Ewerps Down Pequabncc Valley'- Sponlards nt Barcelona iowl witit Rage and Hute-S1OOWo- 000 Fire Loua et Halifax. _______________________Rev. Dr. Brown CausîsI a Seation lu the, eau Francisco 1irialm. td WOODMAN, Publishers- At $lau Francisco, Rev. C. .lirowfl 1)-p fcame the accuser of bis judges during bis VILE -ILLIUOis. eburcb trial. ln an inipassiouied address he cbarged the moderator, itev. J. K. Me- Iean, witb deliberate tinfairneas. lie ne-T Y'S BAY 0F WOE. et.edthe ou.,il of having beenPreliu _____________teatimony whjch bad no proper place be- THOUSANDO0F MER SOL- fore the court. Partisans of the accused DIERS LAIN.pastor applauded bis words and bundreds DIERS LAIN.opposed té hlm stamped their approval of the action takien by the council. lu thc> milet of tbe bnbbub, R. G. Millan, whose gu Defeat of lier Forces lu name bas been disagreeubly connected by ] tain-Importanlt Pension Bul- Dr. Brown witb tbat of Mrs. Stockton, e &nnoued-PDbIIC Uebt De. juiped toe1the platform land iu threateniflga NI 01,000000.words and actions denounced tbe pastor.0 ' Tbe eicited visiter was induced'to retire, s aud wben quiet was restored Dr. Brown Iter Mout of u Amy. was ordered toeaie specifiecbarges. Hie bas sustained a staggering blowv did no sud tbe counceli not only declined to PeratiOns iu AbYssinia. One re- investigate tbem. but adopted a unani- s It that 3,000 ofthte Italian sol- mous vote of confidence in the moderator.P ". killed, and tbat nmong thein Wbile the excitemeut was at ita beigbt0 ns. Albertone and Darbormida, Mr@. Brown attenspted te persuade bero imauded two of tbe tbree coumua. husbaud to cesse bilh attack. but bc îurued i rumor ssys that Gen. Baratieri. quickly and replled: III may as well makeg t ecaaie aware of the full exteut it uow, for 1 arn gone a IlYway."1 msaster, wrote a ltter te bis suc- Gen. Boldissers, aud then eom- SWIFT TEXAS JUSTICE. icide by sbooting Iixself tbroughb rt witb s revolver. Tbe Italiali Murdereru of Bank Cashier Dorse!'r Ivancad in tlîree commua under Lynched at Wichita Faits. t Lbertone, Ariudi, aud Darbor- Poster Crawford sud Vounger Lewis.t 11th a brigade under Gen. Ellena, alias "The Kid," wbo attenipted Tuesdaya serve. The Italians eaptured tbe te rob the City National Banîk at Wichita I leadiug te Adowa, tbe capital of Falls, Tex., klliug Cashier Dorsey sudt ld Gen. Albertoue @ columu then wouuding Bookkeeper P. P. Lauglord. r ,x on Abbacarimii. It waa 50011 wera lyuebad Weduesdsy nigbt in front of l rd ttacked by the fiboan army tbe scene of t4eir crime. The two menv pelled te retreat. Tite ther col- were arrested near Port Worth a fter il rere unable té rentier bil auy as- desperate battie witlt the rangers. With !as tbey were sbortly Sf terwlird the aunourâcement of tbeir arrivai iu the 1lu defending tbemselves agaixiat city a mob of sereral bundred persons was unmbers of the euemy sud even- quickly gatbered sud, iith cool leaders, retired fromt Beliesa. According went to tbe jail sud demanded tbhe rob- -rrespondeut ln Africa of the Po- bers and murderers. Captain McIDonald mao haIfthIe Italian srtillery sud refused to give tbem up sud threateued amnIntion aud provisions were to repulse tbe uoh wth force if force, sas tler adviees report that 3,000 of used té break int jail. Tbe mo6 theu witb- lion soldiers engaged lu the battis dres'. A few bours later Captain Me- lled, snd that among tbem are Donald received s telegraln calliug bhlm lbertone aud Darbormidti. wbo and bis men at once tb Amarillo. It is ded two of the tbree coluintris. now blieved Iis message was a rose te saber of wouuded is net yet stated. get hi0onut ftbe way. At igbt the sa ablaze witb rage sud indigna- snob, relnforced by thousands of curiously id I di likely tbe ministry will re- inclined, attacked tbe jaîl aud their work loverumen t bas ordered the mobili- s'as soon doue. f the raserves, 80,000 men. I1 FOER OK 1W PNSIO RULNOS. Appalilug Resuit of a London Coro- inced b>' the Assistant Secre' ner'@ laqueut. toyof tise Juterior. As s result of a corouer's isquest upou tabrio ,wlig I enina 'Iongshoremau'a apprentice wbo recently temado e Astant lu ensiaryon died lu London as a direct consequence r. adeby ssitan Seretr>'0f f overwork, s special committeo wbicb anair Reynolds, lu recent opinions. as beau makiug an investigation reports bosing of a case of allèged dîsloyal- an uppalling condition ot affaira, sud the LTencsaeean, the assistant seere- malter ls te be brought batore Panliament od. involuntar>' service by a con- et an early date. lu the case of oue lad mics net bar hlm tfront being a of 17 years the evideuce, coufirmed by the nt for pension witbin the provisions lime sheeta of tbe employer%, sbowed that lon 4,716 ofthte reviaed statutes. bis total weakly boura of work, vritbout aorable dacharge f romn ai serviice seep, for nine cousecutive weaks ranged ted to Ile performed duriug the frm a minimum of 108 te 144. Iu an- t11e rebeilion la heldi 0 1)0 prer- tber case of a lad of 16 tbe time sheets b pension under the second section showed taI duriug tbe week preeediug ct of June 27, 1890, and the aip. bis exantinalion be bsd worked continu- e4eerticn front the Unted States onsly 114 heurs, or nearly ive daysud luI 1803 sud filure te receive au nigbts, wthout rest. ie discbarge bars bs ight to____ a under t2iat sel. This, tbough ra- SToRS IN AUSTRALIA. SPANIAIRDS WILD FOIR WAtt. Are Exceedingi>' Wroth Over Reso- ltion Pensed b>' C«ngres.. lleadliues Ili tbe Chicago Tribune Mou- say, relatiug te the actiou of SPaniards wheu tbey receired newvs of tbe Cîîbaîî resolutiens passed by Cougreas, read: Spanisb Mob Stones Our Flsg-Fieree Attack Made by 15,00o Men ou the United States Consulsle in Barceloua-Polide Repel Riotera Atter a Hard Figbt-IRage of the Peopale Agaiuat Eneie Sam Fsnned oe Fever fHentitai sPublic Meeting- uegatiae at Miadrid ini Imminent Danger -Public Feelinîg la Intense, sud Hatsty 'reparations Are Medg Made for a War -ýtudents Are Slioatiug, 'Deatb te the Yankees!' lu the sîneets." The ueo-s cre- ated great inlcnuet at Wshington. A spe- rili cabiniet meeting wsas beld. smnd a de- inand rend froui Spain Ibat ibis gorn- mnt dîsavoiv the Senste's action. Oft fiials ut Vashingin expert quick sud ampIe apology troni Spain. aud repars tioli for wh-atever damiage oea> bave beeniilit- raMALLP>X APPEARS IN bl 1880URI State Authorîtias Estabîlis Qnaran- une t tise Penitentialri. The State peniteutial! aI Jeffersoni City,. .%o., aras quarautiued by order efthIe Stale Board et Healtb, sud until the uuarsntiue is raiseil no eue trilI6li er- uaitted te enter or beare that Insîttution. The erder is caluseul b> the preraleuce cf snaallpe'î at Pleasaut Hill; Nevada and Kansas City. There are no cases et the peuitetilary. sud the crder la taken as a precssîietlsrY meastîre. Pleasaut fHi pa- tiets u-anied the disease botb te Nevada sud KiîsasCity. At Pleasaut 11111 Ibere are about ts'elre cases, sud ciglît lbouses have tiien quaranthîîed. anduliluKansas Ciîty ther- are tbree caeis, sud une lieuse bas bei-n isolat-d. Fort>' Youf ha Fait Twenty Fret. At liii5t fty people, al >i)uiîilmeni anu( bueys. wvere injured ait the Caîsino I-oIler skating Ruink at Faîll River. Mass.. Friîlay eveuîag. Ibrea probably fatally. The Fail Rtiver sud New' Bedford Polo Clubs trare playing a sharply contested gamne, sud naore Iban 2,M~) people looked on frem the balcunies. Wiîbeiit the leastirn- iîîg, the gusrd rail lu the enat galiery gave s'as and 150 pluewaere trown -t4 theaattTi< surface -veuîy teet bel w. lui-mches becamne coiciei tir 'te . euuuud aîîd tbe big rink seuil teeS on the îîplear- suce et a bospilal. te arliicb a large corps of îhyicians <lied bceîî sutiiiiouîed. 'Thei sccident was due to tîe niasa ot onleokeni pressing as close os possible te lit- mail il wîatcb a criticai play close tte.ale Agreed lu ELgisI Heurs%. The jury iu the case ut Caiî. Wîtaerg, Finit Mate Petersen sud S--n]Mati .lebangeu. s-be sere untrial iii the suied States District Court uit l'hi ladechin, charged s'ilb violatiug the neîîtralit> luiwu bels'een this country sud Spain by curry- ing an armed expeditioia lu Caluba on thti Steamer Hersa, reiuned a verdlictof gulity. The verdict asas recelielisfier eight hours' delibemsiion. <oîinsel fun 1he priaouers gare notice thal lie Nvoull uaku application for a newtr tial, sud the cou- victe-i men acre taken te lprisoun. are they wll remain until brougbt ani) foi Hope la la tisaWest R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekiy Iteview 01 Trade ays: -lni@orne qîtarters bîîsimest gains; et tbe W'est, rallier Ihaî ait tbE Est, but Ibere ls îie gelieral change foi ta. Isetter. altbiuagli bîapetîîlues %still p domninates. Tlîe waiit of emalicenet de ntsnd for the prodîîcts cf great industrie atill retards aclîîal iniprnenent. Sînike cf nome importnice Ili garmeuit niakili and kindned hules aîffect Irade ini Chicas, and Baltimure, but tbere lire fearer lbo difficultice than tissai, as existing coudi lieues-warn arage-enertiera that cuîînoîer oies St ibis tine are uii aise." John Jacob Asbor Muet Pe Peur. .John Jacob Aster bas groav u er i 1personal prohîcrîs dîiing the hast year.i la said-se luntchi so thnt tfie tax coîimu siomiers of Ni-w York are reliorîcîl1 have expressi-d surprise-. The idem tht Mn. Astuir riiglit..aenclmice ble tuiruclt borrear ii nter to p:13y the it y thle .uii duitl bals héîen, tn-ely ttîlki-d abouuti. hiu year MnI. Aster pleada gîailîy of cîviuuli utaly $*r50,000 et lersa ii Ihruuheriy. 10 yea r lue sa-a s ori lu 1i I tini' -'i 1111-1 ti 1t1tifax zla Sor11:d.ýS nA l'ie tîrtke out at imdnight Moinias itn tlie as-oleý-ahe. and retail huaise fnunishing .stehihýuiaeit oet <Jui & Keiih, Hall- fax, N. S., sud ashi-n getten uiler coutrol u t 3 a. in. hsd practicltlly isipeu ont lte e.tire bock. The damage is astfinuateîb at $1,000,00«. ____ To Strîta Outt fhe Word Maie. liasas B. Anthony bas goemso Cuifor- ",- i.f&.-t5 ottSab brâ 55. alrlkla Marîha Overmuan Confesses Btackmiisil s le euud the Charges.Coa Rer. Dr. Browtn,.oft S:urin ra , at- tcr twioinonths' silence, bias gis-cil bs de- fesse te the pubîlic. 'The sturY is the ist startiug aa-ieb lias Yet becii bld luthue case. It aras related ns sa<onfession in the eliaîulcurt liv Miss Martba tirerions, aro i. the lirstinluthe sensa- tuonial case lu cottesslîerselt a biark- mailer. 'The arouan epoke di-ljberatteiy. s-î-uviîîg a renaarkable sturu - l.gicall anul ilearîr. She confessed that abe was a blîîckuuailer aud lried tii tae a thief.und shi, ga ve-the lunformatiion ii iv L 1<111e She îuifasd lat <ube huloîeul the de- striu-tion oethIe mnl abusi- bîspitiîî sue nuar enjoys. She ibelared tuat 10 s&e bers-If froua aaork aud tIi 1usible bard- sbipe etflîcrerty she eoîislired aaitb -MMs ,Mary A.l)aridsoîî 10 raji the character of 11ev. Dr. Browni. Enlire Fiunity Aepbyxiated. -nîree ufitlie family of eigbt dead sud theute î- dyhîîg aras the figbttîah rcsîîlt ut the escape et coal guis Fniday muoruung mu the resideuce ot Fred Sttienkel, & frmier living a feu-tuiles 8aoilws-t et ('itag eigbts. Physicians uttendiugK the famiby gay' the moîher sud four et the Stuenkel hblîdren s-lîl die. The faîber, tiai oldeat daugbten. îoâasiond. aged 13, aud bie 4-year-old ciild. Dels.ai cri- dead as-b-it ound. The gas îsuaçîid troni a beatiug store. ilfas Million for Cianlîr. Ncaly haIt a million duollars are dibi- posed ut lu charitable bequests b>' the aili of lIchent Valn Ihycras, laie preel- dent of the l'ennusyiauia Souity ton the Prevention of Cruebty te Animais. Ile establiabes a ebaîrcli for $.Wt.000O, sud gis-es a putblic park te Phiiaîlelmîhia. one of the plants at Deaîlsood, $. D., under the Homedtake management receni- ly remodeleul sud ils calbsdiiy increnseul 20) slamps, started up. Itsenicaaitycil s00 tons a day. The moutbly diridend, Ne. 211. et 25 cents a share aras paîd, a total te date et $5.775000. mrs. Wallace Sald ho Be Dyluz. Mrs. Zercîda G. WVallacelime uuied i-m- penaiii.-e lettîrer and s'omker iu the W. 0. T.1'., U. l ulIyuug authIe boise et ber dutber ut Cataniidt. md.. inuàseins condîiton. Repîorts received atIi la nuipo- lie say sbe talîl burdly nicuver. She la 81 ye-ar.s uutlue Weyler la Sauguine.n Gm-îî. W'eylpc n uaianinvien n iirh K.rb Boiticher. s Girmn u n ii i-. i iiu u t it hi- expatit tePuit du,îîî lte (uu tuai flu urî- iluii iîu a yesn sud a hait. N-ut 1 i- ago lie bold (CUbaiutplatt ens lie t u i l tuîy culd hegin grinding sugar by the- n,lle et liex mntul. a ~-es 1W jRlghte te Cubaus, Vice Presideut Stevenson was usable te represa the wild entbusiasmn with whlch the gallerles responded wben Cubas& cause wss beiug argued betore the Senate Frlday. sud lu spite cf ai ries. sud tbreats tee dea the galleries, the specla- tors applnuded lu every wsy wbeu 1the final vote wss taken, sbowing that enly six Senators recorded theniselves aaast tbese riugiug resolutions: Resolved by the Senste (the Ilouse of Represeutalives coucurriug), Tbat in the opinion ot Cou- grass a condition of public war existe between tbe Governmeut of Spain and tbe Government prou lmed sud for se lime maintained by force of arme by tbe people of Cuba; sud Ihat tîhe United States of ALnericit slould, inalutain a strict ueutrality batween the contending Powers, secordiug to eac aIll tbe nigbts of belligerents in tbe ports aud territory of tbe United States. Resolved. Tbat the frieudly offices of the United States shall bie offered by the President te the Spamtieb <Joverument for the recognition of the indepeudence of <.h PLOT DGkIi, 11. BRtOWN. Flood* Sweep Ont Roman Life. The. greatest tlood in tbe bistory of the Pequsabuck Valley, lu Connecticuat, oc- eurrftl Sundsy nîorning, sprendlng nulu and deaolatiun oit every baud. The town of Bristol iras a bear>' sufferen dîîring the storni of n fear weeks ago, wbeu six mn leat tbeir liveg, bat tbe araste et watet' Suuday eclipses ail previes recorda. At Brooklyn a mill otruer lest bis lite, sud several accidents are reporteul tront other points. The heavy rain aud melting sucow on the mounlahas swelled tbe basini ot the olul coplier mine dam lu Whigg8rille, unlil il burst, tearing au-av 100 feet %vide in the granlite uaselir> sudà lettiug a volume of w-ater coverlng aeventy-fire acres sud for- ty feet bigb into tbe river belew, wbiclî itseif avas s roariug deluge. Tlhe great body lof wster tore doaru the valle>' witb a roa, that aras heard abiave thse noise of the storni for nmilesawa-y- The rosr cf tihe flood mroused familles for miles arounîl anad mauy peopîle arbose bouses tlhé flood liad nuit reacedM paeked tmp saat effects thm-y eoiild ini anticipation of beimmg sua- niarily evicted. Thbe bighway bridges on îîearly ail ronds cross ibte lPeqtabtuck wvere sweipt aavay. Th'e lover stonies cf dozens et bouses aven-e or-red with s'ater MI the -moruios, and naueli çîroperty lu the cellars tva. mmcind. Fire et Minunea poil* Causes s Total Losu of 0750,000. Eerator A 2. <itaneilly ihie NMinneapo- lis Te-rmîinal Elor Cu (ompanîy.et NMua-' eai his iurie ii- Mniiay muurniuiig. The fine eaight lu the stsir tuai-r in sute un- kîuusîîniauner sud quiu'kly epresul tbneugh the buîiling. Thëe--tr-e 1.075,- 1)0) lbuls ot wheat in the hildinug. msis- ly No. 1 nontubemu. aonîhiabut $4j45,0l0. The "upoul sie cie-ni- i tla gm-at qusîî- ti ty rau eut iOn thi- gruau i, . ot hi t a su - vragi' et about 10 ents.a htincula bunuila- hie. 'flacbuiding ceai $25u4((ti. mskiiug a totI alos la 1he ni-iglrhetunu-d ut $T5.m<551m Thene s aumple nsurnnie. ROUýND FOR LIBERIA. Parti' of 311 Ncgrroea sai t ronc Sas-sais for the Atrican Republic. ýViith the b-i,-futthîuusmibsofuthaler negro-.4 rtiginin iîtir cars 311 nmegroPca. rciurceu ti ng lualf ua zi S Wi u-iSaies. s ta ned fruunu S.aann b ah . ,r ir b,mua si-hitre tIi-y isil u-tl- -utu luanud lues hulti its t hi-eu cnrmeut f tsthrat Ilu. u r tii-arly a nile itbe ustuur ve~s vhi- -luiek %i t niîgruu-s. usi lu tafaim uu1rin1inîg utfta luttes. cagen tuîultih be liai gliuuPsu ut tIi, un-i grutitul. The 'thinul earguo ut iegnues -siii b-ave fuor Litea ia utue aituli.lacThePnî-stý isainy, ike ils Pr(cdce-scrs. earried long, -At Framnkfort, WV. Va,. a boiber ni the as< cuuiisidemubtle muney. esablishmemn t f . Il. Uverbuît cxîuuod. i-u. destnoyiug tIie liese aud machiuery DEATH IN THE GALES. a~ukiItui~ emn, Sainuueh Livei-sj1 il-1 fl slv-.ay.Wodaen fauAieï~-. cuoivsey Terr'ible Bovageu-b>' R4eint Storns Kes mnsdI .Ditbir iu uingln Queensland. six uher nd Mr DubAr au iist ng li hajatou.i n<'cehs îd i l -)itlih n sixotnu-frnu t1ruitbltmi iY s tIh- galus and ItilSo 1Wcd a aPhilademphin Belle. iluavu- u-jseu'eul agrna daet ofdunafe X Lu-o A. lhuitiîîniaratu u nnluur uifthe jsua..:1buottaieîuuu su:i1uuni uitToWiu.-lii finunof uiI aiteruii nurothrsouit S. t'aul, the uuuiuiisi1par t fQue-ensandu.nlevé")- andMi lss Clana Elsoitiisuubitl-le outelra s <s l, ii ruit hzi-liuntuttu ndliu l<uhhidlîhia. tsirt- narhvd. N i-iimy 10 oîl ('ftlivin u utu-uuIulu,'ut ilis 1iOstii guesis it cri- îuese-nl giru al ni-v.i liiueq on s ulnuri us i-ae Two Little Girls Die Ii-heFIanee. rau-d toe i-gnutoui. T'l'u-hus lb ' % hi 1' ii liti i-girls bai t lhi-i nusc-a unula t-a fouînuln tg tf four mu,us-tu'er 1< ur meta nere injun-d li a firiŽ îîh',utn îuontl faetihiati-i làt- $54u11 les "PIriiyed-1-big douîble teillenuuclt a1-~ Fttî> taSeiiiaPr P'nospeîct street, Brooklyn. WllIataleigbutde part>' ueîPary.auu MA&BEE VgAMP5 N. Y..,aras enossnng the canal bride- ai M.%aulluus tenter the earry-ail tippeil cien sui sii--ma pepl s--neauoa - ithe $'5ite $4.75; hoga, shipping grades. $3.00 te $4.001; sheep, faim te choice, $2.50 lu $3.75; abeat, No. 2 red. tiMe to 61k: corn, No. 2, 'Me le WC:estnas, NO. 2, 19C tu 21c; rye, Nu. 2, 30e te 41c; butter, choit-e cnes mer>', 2le te 22c; eggc, tresh, De te fIe: potalees, per huebel. 18e te 25c; broonu cern, *2e iii4c per pound for luuuur te <-lutîce. I~ ~~ ~; tthutîu.laC le. chippiîîg.$$00) tu $451; ugs.. chou-e ight, $3.00 to $4.2'h:; ahepp-clu, cuus e o inui-.$200 to arbeat, No. 2. Mie te 71c; cern, No. 1 aihile. 27e te 29c; cals, Ne. 2 ai-ite, 23e le 24c. Sr. louis-catîle, $3.00 te $475. ogs, ,%"00 to $400; î-buuî, Nu. 2 me-b, 73e te ï5c; refui, No. 2 yeluut, 27e te 2&'; est%, No. 2 iwhite, 19c teu20c; rYe, No. 2,' 3Ue tu 40<-. Cilliciunii-CattIlc. $3.50o te $4.50; hogsa, $,00 le $4.5-0; aluci-l, $250 te $3-75; asheat, No. 2, 74e lu 75; corna. Ne. 2 u :W,'ub ou-luoS-;eta. N-o. -un4aîd, 22e te 23e; rye. No. 2, 41c le 43c. Di-îruit-Cattle. 2., te $4.50; hegs. $,'400 te $400; shîeu, $200 tu $370; %%shcat. No. 2 reil. 74e tu 75c; cuorn.. t2 yellowuv.29Cetee.30C; OMSA, No. 2 sîhte, 23Ci tuu 24c: rye. 40e te 42e. *Ipdoi-th Whuýat, No. 2 niil, 74C te 76c; cornî. N.2 h.tlihuuus'28e te30c: Chus, No. w1ie 2l o'3;-:ry e.Ne. 4 -0c ru) 42c: ilr .- .$110i1'ru*$1.15 M îuu uiî-e~VIiâ. -No. 2 s1rixng, 1, tii 67ce; corn, No. 3, 27e lu) 28o; uai, No. 2' white, 20e te 22ü; haley, Nu. 2, 31 t :13e: rye, No. 1, 40e lu 42C; pork, use, $1)25 te $Q.75. Buffalo- Catthe, r$250 te $4M5; hogs, $1.00 te $425; sheep, $250 te $4.110; wbi-st, No. 2 mcd. 78e te 80c; corn, No. 2 yelbow, 33e te 34c; oats, NO. 2 white, 25e tu 26c. New York-Cgttie, $3.00to $5.09.- bog8, Mm- ta 85-M . MaNusa. 820 tu $425.1 bridge. Charles Worulen, cf Minos, ne- celired injuries frouaiavhblc i-died. tWs daiîg'bter, Mrs. Lere>' Stevens, austain(il sei-mncs injuries. Pbilip Sceemrman sîud A. il. Marshaîll, et Mines, suit aral ethers ai-ne iujuîred. WVorden wa 65 yearc eld. __ Ran off wlth a vchooi Teaciser. MisGvntnudirDots, iec11col t-sdi-r si Bear Creek. pa., eloped i vth Clianlus Blakesceé, lien 18-yen r-olil pupul. The btiy's motiser foiloarrd the. oung elopens tei Wylkeabarre. She cverteok thenu aittse dejaot, caffld a policemuan sud the sehutîc teacher aud plapil asena escortad te the Mayeir's effice. Mirs. cod>' KIteliHerseif. The imyitens surnouudàiag the disalu- pi-anue froua Tacoma, W'a.h, oft11rs. Aritur B. CodY, etf('liego, Juan. 31 huitet, as soei ly the fhudiug tfber body Miondas ini a1<de-se Illu)uof hazel tarual on a biluff ovenltuoking P'uge-t SouIld, in thi- uemhherit partntfet he eity. She commîitieul suicide. Beyluu Heorses for Uncte Sai,. jlhutîD.liaIe, wai-b as thue cotracitfon aupialyiuig l'ont Metnde avithl lieis, is sî-tulmiiug titi-salule uvestenni portion uit soluuthi iakeuta ian thi- u-uîleaven to e e-tî aiylleu tllu tuaii i ua < ti- nigid iuhuîîl of Iw iilu'd Goit sth rt-ultuetuu. 'l'lit cumult ut , ar.îi- isd tII- cri-n l 0aheitll itoue Dectarea for Cuba. -%Vitli s bnief il-ha-te îanden suspuenshionot -the nriues, the 1HouR aiîissed its eu-l ni-so- lutions ou tIhe Ciaban questioun Mouds>' by a rote et 263 toi17. Bach isDe@ of Heart Diacane. Eudwin Y3. GidIey, en attorney' et Wasb- tenes' Conaity sud once o"f f police a 111Aiiol', -Midi., died 'hi-art dis- àAà,. I. lsi lltia«. m . 115sf One Boy Drownea-Governnbent Loue» IfesSuit Asgaiaut thse tntord Ilsatt -Big Pire Losea t Mlnneapolbs-Aw- fui Storgus lu Queensland. Hudeon ou tise Ranpspae. Tbe carlilet breakiug-up of the Hsudson iu 125 years waa atlended lu the vieiui*Y of Albany witb mnueb damage, narres' escapas sud the bsl of one life. The lowei' part of the t-lty la submerged. A famllY of fire s'as reseued frons beds floatiug lu the rooma. A t9-year-old (boy wass s'evt int the river at Lausiugburg aud drowu- ed. Ice la piled 100 feet btgb ou Bacren Island aud a gorge bas fornaed at Stuy- vesaut. Tbe New' York Central, the Delsware aud lHudson, and the electrie railway tracks ou botb sidea of the river bettreen Atbany aud Troy were bloeked by ice aud travel eut off for some lime. The trater works building at Batb, ou th. Hudson, s'as Miînlîered aud the sulperila. tendent bad! a narrow esespe fromt death. IIIRS. TAINFORD WINS. ioun ut f'.i ugri-is %ass vk-r.d-huai toithe- Il'use i- StinIt>ly ya suutu- of I1luo Is. t1%vuitmlrus. Th'Luit a»isr.ou-s the 4 li- -rnrau-n-il I.uuul uiho-n f ru'oiou ta ia tdat' eýuîîaiunetIlaisuhofethe tenriury tor su-hool îlnlTua ihe Paéd-at'dobjet- fi.uu t e bAi . ias th" til dad flot gin the Se-cretary et the Tu-teutorn hauaer II.) disatupreve the hi-scs, and did net ins tirtIgen safu-guirm about thse limtier ci the la»aLu. The. nv-tuidiir o-ut(ire day wa. u-onstmaed iii lit m-i isidî-raie ofethlIe 1eg- islstive a1pnupipnaionmîbll. 'The Sinsle ceatiuarred ini the- ache. el Ëke Hluuil;u - jraiss ul, ýhu- Ariuanaland Vlut. - A Chinese CUnvcrsimy. A Vu-sua jurnal publislu-3 lu letteî' treiti o Slanghl uoeiespuient saying: 11mIjý a ubinese unIs ersity, aterî~ a Eure- laii od-h, a-ilsoomn lie estahiabod lit. Tlî.îî-Tain. Chombes D. 'rinn-y. ait .Auicrieu. k luhe i le Ithicd ouithIe uni- s î'iîy, une ouitcuechutaf ImbJecls of wslh iilIl be tu u livamu.tecbisuiat scieuice. "ii-tu-ailiersihi tie foreigu- e-i- aîlnolnaives. 'Tie uuuivu-rsihy ha Io ic opened ui- atuiitl, togeliier asitIt et Ihuelîiaoiyseliol. Si-veraI such «muiareau-alsa e i- eesailished lu ditterent puarts of Northi Chiai. Grest lImportance le attaclied te th:s i-dues- flouai mevobution hn China. The 'Has-p. The lanp was the anidpai qiis<-af Instuiient of bctb tbeae sud aut irfIe inediai-val worbd. The aucd-ut Egyp- lse avhshîed thein nrthsliî- "eUlmi 9 ij ,îumî1lu s l-ign anmdd î-vctiiici. I ta. hurte iandîuilih a-cri-hntght tg)useer- fethon layhe Drulds ot Bniluiu. and la 1810 Sebanstian Enurd raised l uno tIne font ruînk et modern musical lu- stru meits froua îblei l tbas hi-en u11- lulacetlt ay tliii- aînofem'e. AndtI t bas leai- sîsuuelated wlth the Gai-lic people troistifinie Imimemnonbal. A Marvetous Memor>'. l'rot. Alpitfonse Lafayette, au EnglijsU- moami, dhcd lu San PFratiisco lapt week. aged 55, arbe fer rnany yc-ars luîmgliî lIe suchnci-etofuaeuory iiNewr York City'. Ilt nîeîaery aras tIie mar-eh ot ailtrime kîmî-wluita. ie could rnipi-at is'u-ia f r averti a c oiltinute spau liu-'ta-ticme uîtte '. l aong It ni-ad o nce. lic e tî l so le rne , luinluthme.Sause ou-uItr, c-' aclwi et licI t of si-s-rat but tri ru-l n t- -s' uuîuu iuulrlitru-:d off t Io ;11I its tI bi Bîismrck sa(God ltusnesMan. It lo ot generalhy kucwn that Prince. rBismtar-k manufactures peper ou su- extensive enie slliuPlying ses-en-ai Enj gista irmms with thiat c-oîinmodity. Hoe, la ait excellent business tainu, sudU keeps au eye ou ail the- movemeuts in the papi-r market cf the wrld. Tise Umarîmasa(oaoslo Bb. HIGH WATERS DO TREMENDOUS WORK 0F OUR NATIONAL ý.AW- DAMAGE. « 1MAKERS. lntdSae upr eCor. eidbi TeSirui-(inMîid deu-luleul t SThe u cn- iii taur eIýt Mrs. Sieifhrdi Sh tillorda'sthesin arof irs.nitaul Siat vs. .inîie of.theas(-rd, ixe Unti t elates Vs.aful, Sdu-cîasud Ietrlnvof Ltelind- Saidua unblitye suuclainvlvedrshii e i-l- Irail'Pau-i i ailroud lfor tbe debt (due theii United States ou the ltaînda lsstiu-d iu ahi et the ('entrai Pacifie under Ibe Caliternia constipitu. Mr. Stsîifurd hll 144.38-d shares of teue Central Pa'i-ide stock. anid il was laiméd Ibal lit-e<Jusernument waa entitled teu -tllect. $1.2i.-l000 fr'uuthi Stauiford esîste. This conutetioî iNsAS nested 4)y Mns. S'taîifurul on the grounul 11,sf tbe Calitornila constituition sas 'lot aelf'ruling, sud aise on the pIes that il trac the intion oî uf Congresx iii grsnting nid Io thbe('entrai I au-hi e 9 '.îîtupanîy lu>ut il on a footinîg diffru-nttfronuthue - tihii ou whiu-h îuîhîr gove-rniiif aldcd roads acre placed. The- suit lias attracied gru-rt attention froua its inituitin h of-a th-etfi cffect the dcuçsîon nuil -ave usien the onlaer C'entral Pacifie anukildr.sd aIse bue- caus -e t-fortune futthe Stanford Uni- rersity avilI tac ulseriiined l lrgelY aY thse decision. 1 ilu A Week's Proceedlngs lu the Halls OP Congres.-Iuportantt Resauras Dis- cusaed sud Acted Upou-Am Imlepal- tiai Bemuma Of tise Bssluaua Tlhe NatI onal Solous. The Hlouse Monda>' lu comýmittee of the ishole, by s vole of 93 ta 04, decideck that noue of the appropriations on lbe lu- mlan appropriation bill for Indisa serbools should go te sîectarisu achoolê. The mal- ter canard a tr debate. The 8enate showed considerable lutereut lu Cuban af- fains, and ciren Istances atteudîng retient bond issues, but notbiug uf importanc* s'as doue. The Senate, by a vote of 33 te 22. de- feated the tarif! bll Tuesday. The Houa. pssed the Indien appropmriation bill, the sixth ofthîe Ibirteeu general appropria- tion builo, sud sent il ta tbe Senate. The House also passed wlthont debate tbe Dingley bill utboriziug the Secret ary ut thse Treasîîry ta take aud kLIII(lie Alaskau seal berd if a muodus vivendi eutild nul ho coucluded before the opeuiug ut the Pres- eut Bessnon for the îrote.-ion of tbe seals pendiiig negotialions for permanaent pro. Ipitioti of the herds w tIi the counitries inleresled. After sereral bills of local i' perlnt- bdhn al go iSei r. Johnson, chaîruian ot Eletions CoinîîteC No. 2, .-alled uop the conteoited el(cien eSs of Vau Hournuugaast Tarsni'y fronti the 1"itth Missouri dist rict. The Ilorise adjonriied wîthuit laking auy actiion. Thte Se-nIte oasagan Sie scene ot stortîuy debate Vedi-sday, al; oeeîsiotie by the boll ut the-l mîbi-î ilver Seal- attors on thei- arif quesion. The Cuban question rce td i gttat te-ntion. 'Theb Van llorii-Tarant'yvo usîented election case truni the Kansas City. Mo.. district oece- pied the atte-ntion ot the litiuse, but was, unsettled. The Senate suî<-ndmeuta ta the Hoîîsa bill 10 cMeud the time in wbicb the <Joverumet uuder the act ot 1891 eau briuggsuits tuenuilpatents te lands lu railroad sud wagon grssls weri- agreed tu. One ut the Senate amentdmietâ reduces the extension fr,)m lire tleuen year. Both llouse and Sesate ons Thuradu>' did litle but get enthumistiuover Cuba. leports otfssuglîter b>' Gen. Weyler of peau-i-uicitizx inlu Ijaya th e scizure ofthe steamer Bermuda s'îthin tbe Ibree- muile limuit in New' York harbur, sud fiery speeches iii botb branes ini favor ot reeoguiziug Cutmsu mdependenie. ail serv- cd ta arouse the greatest enthuaiamm Il lu predicl.-d that ibis Guverument wli saunact, sud ltaI inslend uof simple bel- ligcreui-y. lthe ai-tuai indepenulcace of tise islaud as li tue auknowtedged. The House uuseated 'Iarsney. uf M issoîîri in tavor cf. Va'î IIî,rt, lteubluiu-au. lut the Sanale the bill aras pased for tii - u-onsîruction oftw aost-au 'reuse cuttera to coul not te i-i-ced r20SJecbo, for use un the l'sefi,- euasri. 'Te army appropriation. bill carryîmg $23,2T,O1)0 laasepassad., Vuba liad bier da>' in the Senate Fnl- day, wbeu that body b>' a large majorIl>' 1passed concurrent resolutions façoring thé grsntiug of belligereut righte. Thse inci- dent s'as atlended by unnsal excitemeut snd eulbusiaitui, sud ntanys expresiona favoring the inisurgents the ehamber s'as lu i asupjroar. The avhole dey in the llunse sau mitent in tise coîî-uidenîalion of rtih, t.îl:tiv e uapprop)riia ti u1blsud i.îýiisulJ-rahle îurugrese n-as umade. L:ivi 2"1.tp JL

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