v - w>'!' C 4,aTI lAu aatlt. an f« tiePé& eut, at leset. I muet fofloi MY vocation. To begin witb, 1 think 1 ml Sketch th&. Itanger's Loug-make a fewIr n@ulnlas then wat for a chance to Rend me-tii. Duke d'Azzegio." CHAPTER IX. Mr. Fevaral, as he stylait himseif, con. tiuued t0 walk lu a desulfony limping fashion towrarit the Ranger'. Loitge, a pretfy littie building nésf on the border o! Avondala oark. Ha pausait before il; thea he toit lu is coat pocket, proitnced Ia pench suit drawing book, andt began te sketch the. lodge. As ha hait aLICI- pateil, an out-at-clbows artit asoon at- - tradted attention, t ha door of the. louige opeuad sud the ranger aîîpeaned. V -< f~\<'The ranger was au od man. vany short and vcry wiz<.red. but îith a kean aye1 sud îlenfy o! ahnawd mienne. Seeing a stroîlger af hia door, hie cama ouf te ait- - lfl~idrensabhlm. Tba tranger puzzled hlm. Ilc more the dresa of a beggar, yet bfis occupation was Ibof of a gentleman. "Good uîorîiing, my tricnd," sait Foy- cral, lightly. "I am n ieant of somte lu- formîatioun uh ih1bopeayou may ha able andmi su'lig fe give me." "Oh, you are, tira yen? Weil, if jou ' ws mnt iniformat ion, you'd hast scek if lu the <~village. 1 ai't n spy or an informer." - ý iPrejbly-: 1 neyer suspeetait yen of ensinest variishai;t the duka mas se cour- beig eticr. 1 did, hovever, suspect you -CHÂ'TJtR VIL teonue. so kiwi. ' of bing posasee cf gond mnnnas, ince "I7 ~ l bi z.xt. day, nearly evel7 She Rait te hlm one îtaY, 11 once did yen have t he honer of bcirîg in ftha service 61,Avondiae ost le hecsme saaeynuao rog-in fhqîxght. Iak Your of se very uiaruiing a lady as Lady Cou- thant bepa ncted b.-pardon. LYen are very gond. I lui sure, statàce.", âm~ ane bdbe natdb or Yen mould nef ha 0o forgtviug, me "Lady Constanice! w m it y yen kuow Nr, eon and has granddaugh- kinit te me."'- about ber'." a t ats a a onuseance or thia, The duke lookeit at ha. She mas ait- "Van' hf fie, I ninat coufess. -1 have Cmsne as selOUB.llI t4 ting ilua arge armchair near the opeDn mcrely seau ber oni-a. mien aba <as uralk- ~~Op.hoVM7 ardewsh tb." indowu, the moolighf mas treauning in, n i i akwt ~vsmêh â~tMa-.Me1-rnmalu; making ber pale face sti11 plen. tbhe1)uke d'Azzeio.nfin o ia .~y t6i- arrange mat - .If 1 could mire yon happy" bh a iid. T'he oIt man tarfcd, and staneit itupid- bter mords. "I sheîîtd 1w contant." 17 at lus cunipaniomi. Iter englaeet to tha Duke "Moka nie lappy?." rapeated tic girl. -Til Sîianish duku' a frieni t ine?" t tamû.litedû.her"I do nt tbiuk thare l a ay huppinesâ tn "Ctrainly," nelliedt tevcnal, "*thosigh tamltetebkebrtis world." 1 must onfessusehaue îîot met for yaars. >1Wbr bk do a quettouable .,Lady Constance." laid tha duke, grave- Nouv tell me. nîy fri-udinl tha dulie a ed 0 oil ponluiir, ~"pral pardon tme if I mention a &itb reculent bere?ý" pet mtttffrShtbetween ject Wh ch msy ha a panfal oua to.You. -No, hae bc nnlv a vimito." tee Ub'fonnd bila a!it ha-e beada-t ayou ara attachait te yonr "lus graca la a friî'ni of Lady Con- ýà ahered immediately luto cousin.", tant'c'<' hý-k ,roceivad han courfeofis-' Sfile did net anamer hlm, but. ifli a .ysoetigfth orrple wx" et iathbe poke of LadtyConstance a sutt'en, sha covered ber cyes with her "y oelii i a et"rpii grPmi i#niav, mur. slth baud. Jacob, iithilif f-culuir amle. "They do ~lihn~~ô es ubjat hic I uua taha. "May I ask." punaneit the dukie, quiet y. ayh agigtimar e. la& whch 1 ust deline"if younr cousin is a pool manq "Ah 4 -eyen with yen. The lady bas lie in net rit-," sait Coastance. The strauger'a fate, hitharto se pleas- à* bar snswa'. 1 supposean a "Yen are itoubtleses' i'a." said the ont andt sniing. grew ur ddeuly grave. làsid aceePt t i, 'tLa yDo dulie, watchiug han quiatly fromn betiveeli Tic sketch of the' louiga hing finaseit. the balf-cioeaitlita ofIbis cycsta, i1 F lencrai hande it iftu the ronger, mho was ý4àd*Cbhstane." pnratued Mrs. Mes- am rît-h honit the deaire o! any mon, sud Iighll plea-ei. *P qg Ufulr.enseiof tihootterwicb coulit eaiiy gare haIt of my waaltb. aud "If yen sill grant me permission fe oenfSerred. upon bar mben Yeu effanait I iili, if by su doing 1 con sec.une your îvalk in fituîrk nom sud ogain and "P i ad-; sla refusait that bomor, happireens." niake il fewi sketches f rom'nature, 1I ali ayfeelin f aersion tomant "I1 do net underant." be obligt," ant, sitb a pIcoant <'Goot' -sot t liberty to accepf if." man, andit deu 1 supposa you mould ha- ulatuun iunfthei'village. V ttîke startaieoa idtf..ue la lui it fLady Constanue tS« tatlberty? ha naid. "Are, thon, "Bat-omea bIs mife?-uo. neyer. Ynîî do andl lien grntdiiaofben eaauaieti eéatious engageit?Aad. i go, Whi net undensfant. air, unhen yeu aî lk liketuaiîîng roula, ut Avnudale Castle. i~a~'o.a~ep le mattar secret?" that. I sud my cousin t-as ir eer tic woiue "elttiu. sait the ot lady. "why ~m eu.4uke," aald'1Ms.MeaSon, thon cousins-une eau never ha mon and arc you Hodu uîîin utui a mtter?Th -"'*týe basa beauno eoîemaiat because ite." dîîke is oaîuîun o! higb family, sud of ~bal bean u otblgbe nceal. Lady *"Yen do net xwlsb te marny hbu?." etiiiis ealtb. Verc Ion hils ssit is naaa e nt engagait, but ah. la tdia "Ne. I do fnt sish it." coutd (i iii h I)eite." g<~or, and util a short time 550 Tic duke uns. about te eîiy <s-len thc "Ai! <lui lut talk ot dying." jcied the 'aeithdat ashe ws on onit hy a oor openad and n servant enfened with girl; "yiui are the oiily une let me now. 1 bpromise, giran hit jesfiitgly lu a leter for Lady Constantc. Oua gauce Wh'tat laivi'î(llî to i mc uou)d it hing guhl4hoad At one timse ste mas fhromn t. if asuItie blond flowe ncitbik f0 berneluflui's" «%*& iqo dia Socty of ber cousin. mho heant. It mas tfromt Frank Iloeuant 1 "If yoiiu ve any love for y4uir mother"s A i nem gens e (ohdiaar. $lhe gave hlm "WiU yen excuse me*.,*abitesait. fanitly, mî'i.iryz ai 'ige her. Mannytdiaduka, an -0 o.lls Promise, which ste nom.t'agraf'The duka bouet. andi led her trou. uc etakie tir placec luso<iety by bis ida.", .4sioe Il can never be fuifillai." .1ruera. Constance hbonnet te ber boudoir, T'he girl shuddercd amd ý'overed bae; , fbling once arousai thdiadnk's Curi- toçe open thelestfer srîd rend: tai-e. : maly suit gojanaithbWs r, Mnm. Meason ".My Darling Con§atitce-Younlest er' "iiil aMLso 0 uncit," gsie id. "Ahl ,.qgqtlnued tdte alk fe hlm confiitentiftlly. hb aIravn mmead. lu beavem'§sinae. grainta !' she criait snitenir,.. si at in - Wha be ift alie hai trfactait fnom w«'at does if ail menu? Net tint youî do fiat«? I saur a man. Ha was standting et&wmiSe f cal persoualiy asLAvon- nef lova me. 1 iii neyer believe fliaf. ocar the uindour, lookiug mt us. I i I," a" stansd inquire for lAdy Con- but thaf soea vil influence bas core bc- senur; hemuai be thera af i." .ptaaee. The ditka accomutaniait ber te fbaheau enus, anmi Yeu banc listemet. I1an tfb< rusietl out and ooked about heu. eMraSA, sud, idi a sinsitar expression bers blaplaso, ant lu daînger et losiîîg you. s-he 'crniituisec ne une, anuitait mas Stijl jWo. bW face, watchedIt ifoll awuay. 1 shonlit ask nuy fathen te con u oyti. ais icatl. Tresmbliiig very mach, air Me tabates theeHomaths," lha sait, but 1 kncw lha mculd ha tunniit fronitfthe re-eut,'red fiarot>.§osd the indo' -«&MIalthoug itah.doas not love me. ablie or of Avondale Castle. If I ou'i b ]aceaîîund -'vflic urtnins. -w1mboe te hava me for ber graaitsen. i Itvon, perhapa heaven wilu uc nereifîîl and ()il reaching lienr,uroo a slgit soi *19w answer my purpose te falin w th let tie naît ballat loY m me ; i iif atiractet ber attention; &sie furiet quit-I we ishas lu (is casa. let 'me Re; hasure (bat 1 haîf corne tu you. un ivakîyantisaw aaiali white tntke)o.f t mývas a stoa-y &bout lin,. Messon and fer the tultillisinufof yoîîn promise. For fnir, Wondt'niiig ury mur-l, ie liftf tho Howantha. Wbat ma& If? I must pif y'a sake, îy ('ons<anii' write fui me it. It vias a lef fer siii a stonc attach& %Dow., ondte(ll me Ibhave bat a horrible tnî'am. tf0 t.andi huitevidcnîtly been fhronvnina ~.' Wretunemd f0 bis routm, touchied s "î'îtÂNK.*' the winitow. Sic îîpcned t he luitetr an( ani)bad-bell mhlc toit upon is AIl that nigit aire au-nrcly -losait er reanl tuesa mords, muihbait hcen hur iand si bis SpaittahServant auswareit. cyca; the exd day ai.' meut ouf te walk itly acromled in peucil: , - ý V4 uke oloke rapiitly lu Spattish. Iu in Andnale Park-. $be hait nof proceit --i yen arc miaf you saune, do no hg (an a week frona liait day hae mas ed far miien sic <as tarfiet by a sutten rnarry the Duke d'Azzeglio.-' < 6s1li tare of lia ta-na try o! the lita nntling of tic bouiglus. Suie oLetabout (To ha continuait.) natitdenth o!fiahe unE Cute«ao! Han- lber; fthe sounit o! foofsfdlus telI upoti lienr__________ ~lgon. ear; a figure apiinomii'ld ber; if %%as tiche 0 ~ IVLD "dIa oIt lady la daugereus." lha sait DoLe d'Azzeglio. ____OFTHE____ ID te im iuel! mhan ha <ssully acQualintait..I <a. on ney wus-a'hfeflc 'astle" sait - wtb tha trua fatta of the case; tu aafha duka. taking lien haut,"me I 5V b t Maa IaIDia lko ,tsgamiot ha taugarous fu me. I kuom han ycu coming tomîtrit the park.,,unit fol- su Bright as Poasible. --that la enoug." loet. 1 bave somefliing teo an>'to yoit. Clue fhe ncom miiehi las t(lie l &(ter' ber interview mit h the. tube. Mn,. Lady Constance; shall 1 say it nuis, orniellaus er ventilation rend tiec most sur 'Maet as inia more contentaitfrtrime dater ih 111 soeafuture fime?!" gaunate fhe Invalit- of'!mindt. She ment mthouf saning cf "As yen pIease." lHave tank greenmI loîlatttl shades 0 ;assy kinitte han granddaughfr'. runt. -"Tien I mi an>'if noiv. 1.ast nigit. stea windowis. Gnccu ftupers theaggis jàdy Constance mas asie.Sifting ilu'a'i affer ycîî md nef e, I spoki' for îilunhii' of the sun iu a bsay vry soothlug1 e@ ~ wchair mitb ber lbp fulIl ot han cou- idiMrs. Measen. I toIt lier yu wierp ie ye ;t.'l tterat. halenand Sait, mait nc'ded change. Se ic e ys t - 'Oild, cuIt. mbhy are yen gieving baagreet miti me; a change fo Spi iemigt Have a big sacenn lt haea-oul iic tli bT l n aso.sfl' a e habameicial; therefene, 1Iplalce ni>'louse 1111Y lia uscd it atiente ahuf ouft ,'s epete ligbst jour lita as t bey antirely at yeur iisîosai. Oui>' oay ves, briglît ligit mien tcptetme ~I~ti h l! cof my chutd? Cou yen and I milI bld nny ervaitttlriîiarc us if (o iIaa'p on to keep off itraugbts WhE ,-î~ out is man?" for tie recaption et s quetr." the windows ara raised aud owaret.. "Se, counot," criait the ponr girl; "I lic apoka amgerly sud quit-lt>. mid fixait Change tihait inien as often os Po *-.60 neyer forget hlm." bis tank cyes upon ber uit i a ai range sIbla. Once s day la net too oftaui.1 5'Then if you canuot fongef humn, mnrr pienelus glauce. Tfice girl shlieuklher haut. nîiklng fhe bat ha aura fiat the und, (hlm." "Yen ara goot," dste said. *"bît 1<out ld uapt lastratchaitas tigit andt smo The girl (hnam up bar bauds lu tanner. raf hanr reoainft Avondiue. aadu coer Winlsuthu j[ e&mmt," ah sait; "flt nom. When- "For mhy-f0 ha fortureit iail>, Iîoîrly, aSsiau oan ralsl i *ver 1 thiub o! if 1 see 'ai mother goulus hy igif andutmemtonica <nieh i m derabheet causa continual i tseom! aIt me wth siait, raproacht ni ayes, sud I your heor nd uitlmokayour young lita pur- anit gamutimeaseras. kuaw If 1 marnit Frank @ahe moult aI- gafory? You mere net berri t i maste your oani craakiug chairs frosn tha sic =ay gaze at masno; 1 shoulit neyer gat 11e lu solitude; you mare niadei te mie as rDoui. Notlrlng se grafea upon the1 ~etOr peascaneyer. 1 idi, eh, hem 1 stiejy as as[star mu beuven is madtta intuanarres anuitse lrn'tatas hlmn *1mb yen batl neyer spokan! If oult abîme. " unmecessan3' hirai seunda. Don't wb bave bean htter. I arn sure;, lieu I mighf ' ray te nef spcak stiif ne 'are te ne- per enfaîte lits door. Tiaf la intenif nv adt sxeapaiîlus. 1I amlneyer nain fiaud." ogaalgehmsdcnast * V i" sa l o." MY chilu," lia sit. "<chat yetioffer i ticthedot-ton may bha mat ne V lkl dMy itng, It la of yen I1nam thinkiiig. mdnuelanttnrîitship. 'fhe oflitiaof a friand ' b.net shrink troru me; it is cruel. Ail I la a sacrait eue, and muinus much. A canniaul on ontalda tie lnralld'i base ~re toai i bve dnc fr ycr sae; n- tre-ui alîuit onsee auul î41- en-rf1M..aeplie iiedcînabottes, lane BRIF COMiPILATioN 0F- ILLI- NOIS NEWS. Notable lmproveaiaut nt State Nor'- matl Ochool - 'lWeary Wraggieu" Save* a Train fa-ont Destruaction emd Mamne a Whole Lot ot Gratitude. Wo-k fBegin* on the New Normal. Wonb ba baguanpon- the naw building mbit-h is te hcadatedt t the Stata Normal University nt Normal, à@s prouitddton bY the lasf session oet tb. Illinolais uagilafmre. I il bcIhafe third building areftld' upon (ha normai ctaupuaa, o beanfifui etifice usait for the trainig st-boul iepartuient, beiug thea seconit. The building is f0 coaf $40,»0. it uilibcha taet miflabroilm atone and %l l bc fineproof. The tiret flon milI bu occ<mîîld b>' a gymnasnm anuit fha second by tic libniiry anuittihemmscnm The building iii h*a nu cxemplmflcafmcn cf AnDuTmeO< TO &TATE NORtMAL, t'Nn'-- StTi' AT NORMAL. lm.. [To lie nseitfor gyMu.ahum. lilrant, et.' 'e ffl.000. 1 fia~ ~~ de Abgbîauit in arcJlmutctuire. T'fi,' G;onernor reje.,-te4l fui. original pions. sudc insisted uîpon a building upon uuich the ..Ot oft fhe show' ant onnînuettatiOmi shoulîl ha mt thîe top. dtc.'huinig that if i. nul gouit senune îr goutit architetfure fi, apieminiimueu i ecorutiiimit bat uninaf te bitiliib>' fie frees. 'Tlicremuinai ufthbb vaiuatilt'i'llifiiiil hemoseumanfrntn fbî' ol u liN i ty If 3'lilîiug lai the nemu., - cuutpuiplsft'i li thieoriginall îani. mas aise irsistit îni,b> (.ov. Aitgî'id. fifoue rn- sou flaf tic ricv intulding is fir-tIrOot umant the «id insîouf. Tramp Prevents a Railraca Wrecbî. Th ii.- i-nii- uork tf a raggeîi frampl Tiunsiiay igit snnedt fha lifi O!fIFrank Honey'. a St. Clair Couit>' fanr,n uni flic probabîlleî' us- nbtmg uit tieoi- .thu boîmmî expuress uruitu oiticheCairi ht'tb in ea Railrosul. l"tinmie Han.>'lînulbu-ciitai Bellesille iesth t at et 1ofrodni'e amnit as raturnîng ut nighf. WhVilmihi,' n-n-lie-d tie Freetirg enogsiug tfli'uruen hil foubu-m aleî. Tie feammu tumicit straigit drîmmu rte nuIront track, aind vifhu tiieexîmeas waigun Lhuminmg îîbeîg onuth tifes beiinîît tbem mate ne toll)uf Illue>' nchet a trastie. The>' affeiiifted(o cross it, btn buthb ornes fellu. One wus kiled îîUnd bic othar cripiled. Hoirney ésielt omn. 11, this cndition fie trami i, ud fuhe ciffif. Ha realize thfli grant danger tote icuînk- en mou sud te ftic train ladema ait h bu- monari rigbt. Uc quit-ki>' nimonad thi far-nuer frontitfi" wagon amuitsecuret louternute fltg t he express train. 'fbe signal uvîagivi'n harel>' li fin.asuithei train was steppeit Oit hin a te-su'yards of bbc furume's wrecked oubtit. <s-it-h <vs stn'k uni flictrestluŽaiiprto T hi fe rouit mas modethfe hero 5i the 1 0eir. W~hem fih' trnîmuarbed agaimalbe <ras <onfontut bly quartef<ret lu the- steeper anulte fia îf clbs <f fth'rond viii glut' uilm îugou,îlposil tionmi su fthebicommpiflil. GiVea on Ihe Gong. 1 Bs fappiug a telegrnîh i r.- i<unewiere h î'e-cen Chicago amui Wankeslaa (harles a H. Vog,-l. Alhert Gray Vgel anui Frank i Sithi.-grcenî guets" mnu. have for the t ast ire n-ce-bs beau gnuising rit-b ontrural t visitons trou Arkansas,.'Missourni. North i Dakoitatunit othianfar Western Sf otu, r-jnuithave at the same fime atimnt drivei I'ottfic luilpecorStuarlt cruiz>. Sat tra umnia' rning the>' badt fheir plans nieali laid te suxýure $1,:I»0 front "J. C. Bnottîîî '%ýarranî,Ark.," bt n mtedthfe> me-ne tcap tunct b>' the fjovcnuume-nt autiionifies aftt s ileupeao feigut it i -it- îmnari 'oge ~(harles H.) t(nedtoteshoot licPufy Luit.( Stab as MoIrsiai W'. A. Ric-handa. ofDD Moimnes, lu., unu i lu tînu ly escape iteathlihfliaglu flic foneaunancesuit cool t 1hemdedutesa et1lRichards. Atftar o prelini l iar>'fleuimt..teore- f'mifteii States Coin uissiiimer IlTîîmîhrey the>' sure haidtetf Lt leiiiet'al grand ljurry in biondslaof $10-,0 'e î'uivitfoi' thbe u'gels anti $500 ton fiii an untfaken te Joliet. LiI raitbounmafor IDix. b Ac<ont-Iiaon mas rnchet iiu fle casec if fuie Berry agenc e>ubtefires on trial but.i es Jumtge Aanais af Chicago for fhe muni( n of FrnkbWh'lite. Williame J. Dix. Il mars «'ii>.it isaihlegeit. iredthflic hots tf1 s- luet White. <vos tounit guitt'oetmuni Inan&I bisîunnsbmeut fluet ut iniprisenniel anin fie %nifentiary for lite. Jacob Flou-hi l Johi Freur. WilliammF. Mayo. Charles >h Puoltîitd'Chmies A. Thompoon, <shoa In- cenipanleit Dix, mare tounit guilify of ni t laughfan.butit(hait' seufntes wura ixeul. Tic Stafe mate ié igit for î' ck- rit-tien on fhe gaunî th(at bie tetectiv a- hait nu rgittof0arrest au>' One, amu i ,l jury apparenuf 1> agreed sith if. Chail lis Berry, lient] o!fluhe fgent-y, sait hae Wo ly t-arn'>'hefie tate a igluest court. ns State Nom, hua Ba-et. ieb 'flimasaPreustuin.who <as chan'get us ng. biblimmg 1Tien('rf lun lu.oiet a ycar ai Lut mas as-quitîl onu flicgriouds etself- pv- teus i'."n Cuurtimî md beau ayimig al fl ton to lîres(omu'siabter, te suit-iPrest Ina uifjetet. aunî ia tqîmamnel I'reston sti li. e d (u r i n u i t h e n e c k a u n i e d ied uni> aS- tî ru r. ,un- Iten. Pebter I'ctîrs.ton tunenft>-tm'uu 3' î,astor o! St. 'Mmtery"s Itomrnn Cath( paI arinsbh i iAlfon. diid trom autsurgicat !V mraaliîu. Hae<nuis t7)3-eius 'uofage.1 1018,1 lust andn gri-afeaf uîoak '<as fie buill yeatf ,theflc rcun t. Mary'a Clîmmac, ce.t the. $100.000x. Nihi vas teticaf ait tha Tlaanksgiving. [ver James W. Sheridan. capifolisf,à :h a foniaerly pa-f owen'o!fihaShufeldt f t 'eat Ian>', <sas hait up b>' tbre rmat I f mi doors froni bis homte. No. 3W0 A o10s )atdboulevard, Chicaogo, sut jawalny mt- net au $750 mos taben fa-enahim. .aap -Typhoit tarer bas cîsimait fi-ne vict lanftha Noska family o! glr]Ïood. wi **fbVist six k.Te tber,,Wil Por ,tugliseoCt.rch et Jaeksonrlv Ille, l dead. Rev. J. Il. Lippard, of Rockford. han ao- cepted a oeil tu the pastorate of ftie Firet Congregational Church at Shopiere, Was. At Vandalia, John Smith pleaded gullty to thoeinurder of Joseph Hoffman a year agio and was seutenced to the penltentiarY for ten years. James P. Edie, aged 78 >'eara, died sud- denly at Rockford. He was receiver of the United States land office nt Omaha under Prenldent Lincoln. 4 William B. Wirt, deputy clark of the United States Circuit Court ait Chicago for elghteeu yene, wus found dend ln hie rooo eat the Lexington Hofel. Angina pectoris la believed f0 have- beeau the esause. Thomais Hîîcy. of Bloomîiigtoli. wai santenced to thlrty dari iu the joli for atealing a reîl.hnt lentinir store. HP tnOk the stove out of a neig'hbor's hioune. tamp1- tied the tOre out of il. sold lit for old iron and bought whisky with the ifloflY. Considerable excltetneut wai caused when the Springtield tire ilepartmnent was called f0 the historie Lincoln residezîce Tueedsy morning. The tire was a stin- guished with but ulight damage, but for at short time if was fearcd the liouse woulId bie destroyed. George E. Fosq wasa lnminsted for C'on- grass by the Seventh ý('bicago) district ltepublieans. defeaf lus W. ). Boyî»e by a vote eft *102. George P. Engelbard and Chas. Whitney were chogen dalegates fi> thé national counven lion, anîd instr,îcted for McKinley. The prpliminary hearing of Frank Bate- man, churged wiith the murder of lienry Bellwood near Carlyle on the night Of Sept. 25, 1893.wss conclîzded. The pris- oner was held te amait the action of tha grand jury under a bond of $5,000, in de- fanît of whicbh le was pîsce in c!. 'Tbe t'lew Wvhieh led to bis errent was urnish- (-d by Michael F-osîer, who slleges that Batemnan relafed f0 him the îletais of the crime. The eviîlence againaf the defend- ant la very alrîîng. Fred Kuschmian. uviose ulesd bodtr viva founi Saturday night north of Milan. sa supposed f0 have heen murdered. Wbcn hie lef t Furmî'r tatiin. for wboomlhe bad heu lvorbiag. lhe hadi$79-75 ini bis potket svifb which leheald arrangcd f0 take a c-ourse iu collage. The fret supposition ws .that lha had becn ibrouvu front hie hor»e and killed. but bie clothes ehsiwed 1no Ludications of the body havîng heeu irged ailong the. rond. and the' oîlY tîruixes oin the body uvere gashes in the lîead. T[his. inj addition tii the absentle ot hisenioney. leada in, thehî'lief fiat lie îu'aî murdered by snîîîe îîîrsoii. A regniar mîeeting of theI' llinix Ulv mtiîo'k î,rmssîn sas bllJi inthlir .lh- ces litn t'iti'holiî'. TDr. 31. Il. Nu Sing madle tubleroilin testas 1mi1:26 i -31t it 1hDe Kai, duning the' past n cek anul f'îînnII l'henifree frîîîn dise-as'. A siîiular tu's <vas muade on a henul of icen at Elgin, from wiih ne milk «upplly u,f t1hat i-'Y i atenu cd, and foun d the,' îatteticli pe,'fe,' ,thi-altfl. Atîotis'r h,.ri of bevPnIY ivi' il dthe saie cotînty as tPsîcilandut tsuu'ni scvu'u found infetcted svith disesi' anl killed. 'Phe vc'ferinsriau ..ays fibat th- stii'ti' ie cumpara1tively frrc froan tiifi' <'attie ait l'h iie. 1-r!n1iilaeîk <f anth iecintfruida the emxiainsono colnot lie'ai 1eitensii'ely made as hie woului deairi'. te The death of William J. CàmPbell. Iht jelel-knovn (Chicago lawyer sud politi [f Pion, je ait the more defflîîrable beeaus %% if was go unnece,,asry. lidaiebct'n i)litti.' n<re u2rreful. bal he nof goni' ou i insufficiently <'lad on one if t he naw, cbill a-laya wbuî'h arc si) freipneni ettLii.«al surm.i of thlit, ar. lîe wOui Id Doti f1ha-v.' si .Iàillthrouîgi. and jtî'imil wiiil Il( have atfai'kud hut.inii'Îleas the Yi, ini c his own th,,%ghtl<'sucss and hiea un-cor fidenie in bis auperth vialifY. lie is kb re one of theniany, and flot cfli Iuafregre 'as ted one. wbo havc uittikngly hastene k thpir ownu iepanture. Nlr. (2amp)bè'll i l i un d e r 4 4 . l s u fe f l l l i f e 6 1 1 0 1 1 d 1 t u h a % i lîeen <'ut off forinuans vears to (-')nit,.14% 7ha 11t1le caroiessneas deprivcd tiu Chivag 0%, bar ut <une <if it»ablesi meuiber». en a South Týown A»àassors of Ch icuigo we My nstnongly 'ré1uked in the report. made& )IMay-or Swift by Jioseph Donuersberg ap nud te committea of real Patate meniaa tr builders appoinfed fto estimafc the acta el 'a lue of dowutown business property. ted pnel'unin'ay repîort for that part of the dý )s tniet befween Madison ntreet anud t pe river, north, and Lake Michîgan andi t )01 river, west. was made, andl shows a dl mi-.cre pancy of nearly $100.000,000 in t 'In figur es of the A sseso . T hus rep uor f v, the crs only oue-fourfh of mue effire tenritu (X)and if the avcrage ia malntauind the ii ii fî'renîue b<'tween the nea value of proper aind thtt placcd upon ift by the Aààes- (if tlhe South Town vili oggregate lin $5I0.(M(xI,O00. The propenty lion %<su of tlc Orat. report was made is ln what oret knovu oi the recorda as the "origii 1cer tewn of Chicago inr the south diviii the Thc figures show the asseseialuie 13t the pnoperty lu the terrifory f0 bi' $1 1er 873,080. and the value placed onit ilhy1 lent comuilifice $107,39f3,100), a differeîîce 'B J. .%ajor W. L. Marshall, lie Gov< ý e meîit's <'nsuitiug enginuier ait Chicago, an- a report moule fo the 8ecretary of WVarj Dot by hlm transmluitfed f0 Congress, advi Oii thbe abandotîmelit tf('hicago riveri vest horbor and declanes u tat aîîy work dl the efiihenby fthe Guverrîment would bic irie amuch moîicy fhrown iaway. Îlc dccla nild rhtit luiliet harbon is Chicago'@ mati port and fiat the obstrucftions now v eut ln C'hicago river are of sucli a chai t er tint if i a ditbcîîlt fo obtain a ulcptl wifl i eni sixtacu feef. wtîile afiy attempl ago obtain a greater dcptlî of witer thonti f-dc is ugsui ie H says that the city o-f( INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIlVU LESSON. stemleebons of au Eievatiagg CIaracIUS -Whisoenosn Foit for 'Whmgbt- StudiylatheiScriptural Lauscu lut teligentli soit PronfahI>'. Leaisou for Mach 15. Golden Text.-ý"Ask. andt it ahuri bu gireu sou; saab, anditse shah) finit: knocb. aud it; a4all hae peuntetyou."-Ltuke 11:9. Teaehing ailout proTon la the aubJect af tha icasontfilsw-eak. It la foiraitl ua 11: 1-13. Jeanwsa a m"ano! prayen, dis- tinctlvaly se; initeet, proyer vraain e Lt' mouphara lu mhich lia lived& Of the graît heait o! thaet-burtb pre-ciinemitlY, could the mords o!fie hyma ha »pobars: ",Praer is tiec hristian's vital ba-atb. The (?higfisn'a atira air, Hfia -vatchuvorit at tbe gatas o! deatb; lia enfers bearen with proyer." Yen, aut hi.'anarounshimulf miti hearen hara by prayer. How ofteu di Jeanashuf ont earf'a scenas andt slip iack, as if were, liste communion witb ftie invsiblle, by tbis méaou! Af ans instant the soul fiat bas leornnait(he se- cret o! the Lord may close tbheitoon' of bis cosat beinitbhum, aven thomgb hiehb.Ilu ttii urnni o!f thae worlit, ont (li;Bitb f Geit. Yetfofr thaf langer enduememit a1 tia seul (bat lts for streoass sut .u'ggIt mieneeithfue protractet mwitlttt'&W5l tuai gives itueIf uttfissif0 h ournd uidiala ol consununien idi fia deraa. "Take flng ta ha holy." *liL cama«te pose," says the st-ripturs, -and rry natunoil>'. The spirit o! prayef hait Juge beau exemplifiadit heha&iaptes precading. Mary hait chosen the good part which aboutit net ba tabou trnom bai and hai lt "at Jeans' fcat." Nom foâ' iowm the~ dottainae! prayor, pracept gir' ing jsloug midi practice. but, tj oua- Lord'i preferreit metbot, as if moult seus, cous iug affer if. "Au 'lia mas praiylu" a sonambiat go t nlisa- phrasa. a»ngmKtigcinluprayar. Tb# jexpression in ictorial. Tbey inter ou Savioun lu a certasin pince bovet lu aUP, plictsion,%N'e cou imagine theus tramint - ngh aud tien wi-thdrawtng tbemielvea wmdiingar ou lips, buwhet aut revrrn; -until bis holy vigfba ahW.uhdrtes. Then lu a minttul mamy ffar the pnayes Snue of tic disuipies breaks t hasiluence iii fite auiouts eut reat>'. ~Lord, test-bust pm-ay." Wisas tiare eomafbiug about Lbé vers appemran'e .or attitude o! Christ la prayan 'te provoke the requcaf? Or mai -if soxuthing inuthe demncaner ut unr Lord after lrayar?',Even ns e -ahave àseauthe dean mother compahcomaand composai from hem cloget. andit ou'emcharo ongai - fi lî'arn ticelai-ret ut lier sfri<mgfbi. Jîuhu the Baptisf's lite ont %verts coma.s fo us but lu glinipsca. W. tee humsa w thfue Jordtan, me catch igit o! humes, SHare' conrt, me baya t ings . bihla n prison. Then cornas dia terrible lntelhli -geuce et bis bebeaolug. Buft b.t'we rituel mucha mas puing on. Thare vrai Sproba-bîr a kinito o! toboue b.proiatés founaita by Jobp the Baptisf. Ha bai about hlm a co¶apany of mnuwhoaaha iras indoctrinatingin ubhs school o! re peutance. But if mvas aise aeechtal os ae <ait b. Andi two of! dame tiscilples f001 1- their degreesassd enterait st once-an tié se higber ichool etf Christ tita t tde Jot' a don ite. It moult hae interesting f0 fus fe ut kuew ibat pnayer o! John. Wahl, hene i; y la as aulîress-ei by Andreir andt John «a "If atibi t mhichislate sas>. fîciug laerprefeit t Ilastent, isiare dwellasftboim!' Enough 0ft 'hey baefounîl tic ucw Master fouvar! of w-hem Joban prayen sud teafimnnjpiut ln- aitenuitthay ct-a mnmaetheir abausl ,ut us-aili hm. et And now foibiu'sw b wat ie cilaie"d i id 1lords Prayer," hait at mighf baffer bi la caltail tie disuiples îîraa'er. It la ests- va fially th ni e a s Lie given f0 fuie pe o ýu plein gen aallu th e 8 rn on on the M uant go (MatI. t3: 9-13.) Eaidantly lit isnDot in fanted as sat'hune rut ual or formaoet mon -ne .luip. Itatien èa it a iluecirnon o!fmicptés f0 îole p<tion, o', nt bes,-tun epi.oma o thé er subjecta o! proper lîrayr. As asji i i uitl mont monveloun lils sfmngtb end scope al To studititandt uetifta t poa if ln f0 hi A more suit moe impresaet mifh ifs won, is- larful raeur oant range, ILs beigbt soi ha tepth antdlîreaitfb o! devofional oignit], te cannep. If.ae oreahave ted, onl>' thosi us- scult mbentie if mie comprebendit I. thaï he wh'o tcolt ighly offer if? Rather éboulé ,v- me usealit mith 0cr calileat thongbt et îny (lot ont seek continnîabby f0 grosa-lii our hf' apprebieusion et thc profouîîuiatndhblesses rty rnsiug. ars The lasf prf of fhe bsson le upun lma n'l petunityinluprayen. Vet se ara nef tu un 'i tarstaut by this (bat Jet neaits te lha au t i trattat. Theb argument is front te las t. ina (h 'gete.If ieke et' initifferent me, n.y b hapreraluait upen (q continuit sup c f plication. a'itb hem mot- more assurance 10,- o! sut-casa nia> ie atprocb ftie (brou. ou tic s juof ont mentiil ,ahovsh? Yatbeha s ý fsou in plain fiat mc shoubit baap on ab iug. Pray mtbmiout ceasimg. Agir. snd ru- aeek, and kni k. bat oua prayer sugges ,in ont open up orother. ouaeamdeavor prompt aud snob han. Andthtic esson aise insof bappj pý, lacs axîueuufsfion lu prayar. (?btbtram gat goot suit fiinga urban thay t-n(oaatily parentst eue WViat My me net hope fer wben wa coit, P so te the Gi-net'o! evcry gond -ant parfeci ires gift, miiose cana araepen to ont' ca-yui ural bhlunits for oîîr aîîîîply? T-be Holy Spirti rea- la manifestly hbie.stiokeu o!fasefuie great kr- est blesin6 tint nman colil asb or Goi i o! couit give. )t f0 tht Neit Lessen-"Faitb!iih and UifiitbfuW rChi- Servant."-Loba 12: 37-48. -s ef scids Aitantages ef Maa'm'ed Li. t-au- Ma-. Wabace-It Baculs te me tiat Il