AT TRIGGS & TAYOR... We now have in stock the best se- lection of garden and flower seeds ever ope ned in Libertyville. Corne early and mnake your selection. W e are making special prices on 1o ur immense stock of canned goods. Everythiflg in this lune is new, fresh and good enough for a Kng's table. If you want a good quality of tea or coffee for a littie money we can supply Iyour want. We are leaders in ail kinds of groceries. Our prices on our meat market goods are as 0w as the lowest and we guarantee the quality far better than can be bought elsewhere in town. i f the flour you are using Idnes not make good 'bE Wa FUI for ra CGnovt AnI on H Th, publi candJ able. waiil date Towv 1 a ceip) by à day Well N( phal the oua a ve My if 1 PI tait fe't Ilt t dui Ch N. Ur1 Cil S. Hi Ai 1. C, Il Fi r ri t [IKE UP HERE AND THIERE. Local tems of 1Interest to Lîbertyvîlle Readers. An Ramer Lemmon. POU SALE-1000 fence posta (ch*p). Yeaa. pou are dainty and uWeet. Drlite. For further information, apply to As you ait in a foremOst lew. 23-29. (SMAI ScMRcE. Wth vour feaid laslo fMatureasiený 'Neath thot Mater bonnet a.v. Cows-for sale, 7 froalu miltera vith Like au added gratte Il adornnaté lteitso calvea hy their aide, 5 springers, apy And blonds iti thelitevl!bned hi.ih. 'te Nicholson Brou., on MCark lu t.1 That cootly Irifie of foigu la"te fonu, 4 miles north-vest of Guru«.. Ândthoft roses of faintest blusit. A uev Uineo! Chatuar Suitt&, PalIot 1 wonder vitat you thînDoine Tables, luit necelved atImmss Heath A. pou lover yoar graceful head Witb sncb a correct. davotiol m n B ons.' ButU, $13-60 UP ta $1890; While te mamad vords amemald? Tables, 80 cents up te 34-85. Does ao vision coma uf a humble homne The village etection coccurs Tuend.ay, Thal migitt have heen filled vitb lligit Arl2 n h Ioleeto I Wit hoU o! thel neediesa boaad oin pim1sub cotelcinSit Titedebttat vas juat aud igitt? day April 18. The wehool election Do te ledna oeseao! broya. Dornne. taeas place befora village electMon Ibis )ft litIseamtreas. siender sud amui!. year. Who titted yoar faullemi gowvu Donlne. Not foîîsîv pou tro îî uill? Col. E. B. Massr, o! Hartley, Iova, And thlitaplîjled .'ild so aveet and milii. V11o came te Liberlyville viththe.. A hand!uîl o! hiostuoma if5Y remeins o! bis sMster Mm. J. M. Eddy,' Hadit harm-eti bar so ant iih- it»î ila panding a fev daya baie clllug au hegulied! odfins Donina. vitre are thsty to-tiay? odfins Ah, val!! 1 meenl not lu judge. Dortnne. Autin & Mallory bave aoid their We are noue o! us nlght 1 tee", meut marit equiplt t James Bv God sione la thte spiint sae1, Triggs vbo bas opened a markgtl lu Anti Vol are Hlm chid. my deor Let Hlm lead pou so. ase au milier gro. be old W. C. T. U. buMIdng Ou - - -.. . ... . - .... fhitreh lit. Ar:'you. z::....] wi .,ýG9 Àâ9 wea ty ur-..oooo Afaise religion of place ansus. Dont forget that there la 10 b. a on@ depod of klntiness andlioe. F W. meeting tItig month for ail inteeted 31 G J OE" - - IT N EVER FAI LS. Do't faitltu attend the gcnuain thectemeb8irynpr0vernu Notice r. R IG G & TAV L R.tMcGuire, of (iraylake, waa inu tuet ctee tovu nda. Mrs. iMm Book, of Chicago a former rR IG G & i_ tow Moireaidenit of Northifleld, hua been Lot, SaeNotice. Auna Yore, of Everett. vaa iu town erouly Ill for orne "ie. Ber hub. ntsL, ForSae etc T ltibae8 On0 enn1 ats aturday. band vas recently killed by sa elevatot 'R-The higitest cai, pmit- Pjidni ow ready tu recelve taxes and Il who w. H. Wlimrot, of Deerfield, wagi Infalllng upou hlm. The remaine veto aw f urs by Chario'St'îîlL<-0119 ak t ovein t oUsdtown Vedeaday. iuterred et Park Ridge. ýe, Lakte ecIiitty, III pay ther t rnY boume, vil oblige me...... 'F very anucil hy o doiug, as owing tic The biord of aupervisors are iu ses- George Wilcox, or Leithton. who in yone ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m 1atn ouiKdî,vi! yrcn lus wiii nt be able to sion tbis veek. well and favorably knowu In thia vl. 1. H. Heiidee, ruyit Lae, Ill.(Il) mitifile work for nmre lime te corne. D.N. Maîory wa u nAntioch, Mon- ciuhty, died ait hie home Wednesday R E . 2.5o1 a day slr $2.041 »alui 'itli ALFREKD STANCLIFT, CoUlector. da.obuiesrnrug! famto o1hboe. tr ud h r tf- -I an n w r a y o rc le a d W.L e g o n ! o k f le , vm The funeral vill Friday (te- 10 bar, go d laundry aoap ......... 25 1 bottinswet pikls . . . .. . . le1NDEPFNDENT 'ail 1 lttttt ireceipt for your lokes. I yl be U te u wn edneaday. odakeford the rina en 9DIa lbo bet nrolle osa. . 25 1 " gherkipiclel...... li the aïînolnuceiflcts ()f ail M. B. Coîhys & Co., store every Tues- lidati for ofice. IRtes very reon-day. Thursday. Friday aud Saturduy Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sherman vere muaefrnuemn.9imbminv eu 5 ie ikm Le t the people know 'abat You until furtlier notice. the city 1*51 Wediie*d*y. h odo e. 3 cana pumpint.. . 25 1ilit cholf picklesa...... The WE.oH W*LLe, Clanoto..4 cana corn ......................5 1 lb fiue cul tobacco.. G8f E .WLS olc<r race and Mabel Scherrnerborn have Itwvus aisuccesa. Âgoodattefldaftloe,2J Il can good baking powler... 25 1 lb plug toibacc ....... Canddat forColecte. CMINGEVETS. tbe vhoopiug cougb. good music, good dancetus ad go 6 Ibo California prunes ... 25 i11> moking tobecco....... Candy idatiiie o llctor.COMNas aNS.D. N. Malory went tc, Autioch Mou. aupper. Wby sboud It ha othervise? 6 lbo " raisins ........ ..25 pbouograph buking powder lb .... forth Ofic ofcilit-tr le he To n dtoaucss St ra M us r.2 G yt aed tueu san teeealQ O lEt. 6 bers kitchen crystal ............. 25 Large coin pôppers ...u... ablicali caucus. F. E. CLARK. Townudior Meeting-Ttiesday Mr Mg rdS ia iitd eea ue shr lb extra good coffee........ . 25 Good broom........... - - days lu Chicago tat veek. Ater rnuch rebeariflg and Ihad i Ili good Jep. tea .. ....2 Arial cornets....... ............. pyYuTae.Town Meeting-Tuesday, Apr. 7, '96. Mra. C. AvernU sud daugbter Clara work ou the part O! PmrtciPift Quoen 1 lb beat tea duat................. 15 Coats tbread ... ...... payYou Taes. e-Eauter Suuday-Apiil 5. '96. vnîled Mlakefinsti e k a Ether wil ha premented at the Union 1pcaegaua. .... 0Bosadee ......... am nov readytoi 0reccîve an.d rle-rc10 Hooka andand eyesht t for taxes. 1I ujl liee t M. IB. COl- Village Election-Tuesday APT. 21, '96 F. L. chuch.Thu daoan Frday lofa.Richmondgrnu, ( omstr ,,.nê vrv Tucsdav. Thîirs- SchoOl Electioun-SOturday, APr. 18,'96. . Crfrel fii od Marck 26 aud 27. Under the directionNEV S RN GO S RE E ED C and iSat.rtly itîttîl Felt. i. E. H. Candidates sbould moite publie au-hl purchase the Waueosa Leader. of Mine M. Alice Davis vit the bé ast N W S RN O D E EV D 4 Il%, collector. noncnent8, su the people will kuow Mra. Joseph Speckuer im confiued teoa aen banbe paaîue pets, Floor OiI-cloths, W.all iPaper, Dre - ~~wtîo vent the olive andi hc perpared tbe bouse witb musculur rheumfttimm. th.n words and everyone abould G osLai 'Get'ndC lrnSsh Al lpc o t!,' uiiy 'liol oal e it1 lîct1. B. Ray, Lamotand Misa Nellie te attend.Iliesd tbe tollowlug and VJ S B R S UP LA IE F O R tegYreotct, viith t-%tryiiiiiete -ý vinited relatives ait Lakte Forest Sunday. judge for yoerself. A H U N S PE L TV F O R. a urc is a io nt Icha.. vî,uoliur oîe- . FOR SALIC 10 ton good lame bayin Dnuutic Persi l.We are aelliug out the balance(of Otur overcoatîtuaet cost. If you watà te ~ ~ a la barni'îî.îîec -...."~ t $10S.00 a ton. C. A. APPLET Kns haueru4... M. Pl XimaOuMfn ligmachine cati on tis ý engage lt pii'.0Ii aKigaHeraid .. ..... ...... lit. Bert lioyt ery mitiel! vomt. 1Imh îlît' ,st, ton ohTo REtT-I have two bousea u ta nIfZii......... ... i.Chas. Kaimer Ma». PELTON. Mr. aie uv . . OL Y G dut '-I ,t-l ... At,ri - 1 - l ..are.ot..d......beah.KîgaOu~d .. . r ad Smth eB CLY & The Phoenix Club vill give a dance KigaPge. al corett _________ Lae rc, 11 Qoe.n Esher ... .Miss IL Alla. D Dvis B" at te town ball Monday evening, QenoMisO oiý i ____________ 6. )11§8 Fe Tayor, liordi a. insman of Esther. Mr. Cha.Taplor Our lubbing List. 1 The Cyclone Woven Wie Fonce ile Mr. Chas. H. Austin and &on Edwin, Rn Pin oftheam. Kr. Ch».onty Yq E H V ON or ect.îtt iii' toi t orthe lui tfarim fonce on eatii.You cau 0f Barringlon are visitiug aet WittZeresh. Humons Wife . Mi.(sa Lydia Smilth ............AH tEAI4 blrble as... . il , p e t thé Couuty Fartai Sanbi rna Ke iiiy otltr 1,li(tl,l fleti th e i.îýts'ilt-l. W" waît tieînploy two ZereshaMatisuo! Hnior MUmlira Fe Crokr ,uig NarNttlttl,~ llII..IeNTa gl.ul iit to i thivisa titis coty.For (. .Mitchell, o! Prairie Vlew, vsPopewaà... ý .......mia1ileClark a, t,(a l ii as. '[A.lit, ,llt,'sîîîg a furtiter îinformationi, Cal! iltntall.. e heINDEPENDENT Office Hghprlest ..............Dr. John Taylor The place where the Leading V/ho Oft. lot 'pla a ai Harboneh .. .............. Mr.Freid Croiter ll-ý1p' C. A. API'LEY, Lberlyville, . r189.t.b idSizi t lit\% t,.-i , no retliitut ti e _____Cham erlai n........ . Mr. d. Clarke fo r 18 6 a re o b p u c a e . 4 1 th. &tlt'.11i l l.ladfrMn. Warren, o! Wadovortb, editor Zereu's Croker hr yo ca ge a Fis Câ t~tttit ,, i-'..,iit(e-,A F N E U E and putisihen o! a matrimlonal palieru can get a Lrst C vcigs.,ifot ii l aie asor liat. 14 ary nDavis. Miss Clama Averti, Wheel made to order. Pt' s rc . C.Triggsandmt rmoved May P,.st,r. Ethel Taylor. ...a.. i 1,2 25 Monday into ther rouin over blé store -'l? Grand Chorus. lu, t..1 leki ,i'iI 1I ou Sprague imreet. ~ATS ~~~~W Mii '»~5' 41Ij~lrs. Chas. Kaiser. Miss. Cla Aveti. 41(ujt'ý -ii ei Supervisor Miller atteuded the Mis. E. Taylor. miss Alice Fuller, r,., ~:'jis o Eau'els, Picture Framnes meeting o!fltae board o! Supervisors Mlrs. Jno. cCormiuck, Misti Mary liaon. Hi,i b, lii . .1... 411 4 M e <,,.udin in Weukegau Ibis veeit.lira. J. B. MaOufftu. lilas Ails Corlett. titlt' /,It12t Bo muaiglra. Rd. Smth, Miss Igmie Clark. tài CiàiWllock eve ins, Prof. F. D. Devis, o! Frernt, Neit., lira. Freid Cnokter. Missi Lydia Smith. rat jtal ii l wu pcet, autbos tre lest Stnrdey, vit'itiuig bis lilsiNola Churoill. rl. rirs. int t~h Papen liolders, Ois Ibrttîli W. E. Davis. llsEst raa EO5 ,it.l1 75i 2' 951~i. Miss Dot Solhaîîck. Mr. Chal.i Carey, t1t".5t:1ti'i6 Book cases, uVarni slie s,[LLouisvF. Alardt, o! Chicago, vas MisasliUR Schane. inM. Charles tTaylor. lai j 13 (Ook assliv1 hre lest Sttuîday eveing anti vaàis Magi oyt, Mr. rsCar.Alil Repairing can be done at, 7,l n7 Lottie Fuiler'. Freld Crokerr same place, and o the shortest p artsr' iertr . 1110, ~ Extension tales, Putty, lIrg. leHinge la etertainlng hier Mary Davis Et!. Clarksbenoi . MONT 1 1.L Y Dining chairs, Brushes, diangtiter, Mis. W. 0J. Miiizeî, end M. AfiLeDavis, Chas. Kl' oie m,'l,'ut erîr ~ i tegrandtion Leti , o! W eukegen. Fnnip Taylor. F awrtu- Rockers, Mirrors, Et i DBols vas lu Chicago Weduea- Peu!liMaeGuMfn, B t Hoyî, C .SIIER N îîiîîu........ . .. I -t2e4 Couches, Mattreeses, day, Geo. B. Mason acting in bis ce- Dr. Jno. Taylor 0. A. Hleathu. arins' M150 paci'. Raitethe depot that day I. Spath. arinera Muthlt........ ~Lounges, Cote, Springs runpec.........y....a.I te-i let If yon desire auîF 1erîidival Blot Carda are ouI for Mr. atd Ms. .E. Oneta........... Wt f lahJ eveler, icentioneii inte aitîve iit, cui t ot or Chamber suite. Etc., Etc. Churcbil'5 aBilver veddîug aI thai Daho r.Jn .Ed. LB R YVL E L IO ates0all aiy liivatiOn Ini the worMd T. resitieuce ou Park Ave., Baturday aven- 111.5Joue M. Eddy, formralY Of Wel givo ecii snbscrilieia eboie of.AT. ing, Meicit 28. Libertyviile vos buried hoie Satumday. _________ Fmeicenriner ltlir W OckkIl-, o SA HRH& O S iouge Br... o! Rockeeller, odvertiaa We clip the folloviug frorna Columbus priugtleld, Ohio, am a premitin gratis Libertyville, Illinois. oB auctlon maîch 28.- o eiu n.ppr erhm !lt er en oe al ».ho pey for te INDEPENDENT just cleauiilg ouI pieparatary to1 ibbrsu f Columbhus, Wls.. e t P a e tune full yeei, strlctiy Cash lu Advence. pu1lgWu elitds re. Ja101. Eddy, vboaa home vase e t l ce -- -'W. H. Appley veut te Gurnea Tue&- viîh ber son, Mr. George Cu. Stevelns, ln 1~p arysBabe SoPHAR N ErS I day to acî as suciolteer for the ae of Columbus, Wi., dled on .Wedebd"Y ro u Ralp Dary'S arbe Sheveuing Match 121h. Athongh aho lis door cat W. C. Triggti Shoe Sttore, Weîd W. Devis vbo leaweay attend- condition for aome time, up te almost -la ov ocaWulou yntgucSt- 111,auucMajr Chpin prherY.modeu fl iery poo trehymicL ube ,Ca M l g:d Shav lng, yî nu Calialwttr,, gîtyotinof bau yorautaiuev mnt îg collage le expectasi bomorne te bee 1 no indicatiober, G oal, M 111w Pg inHair Cuttinoi and Dressinlg. o ausa nrpar U pend a few daya vacaion. near Ut band. Mn.g. Eddy vas lu ber Dounlut' Ltest Style of thet the oid et, you eu do no 8, M. Galoway Jr., aîteuded e meet- 6dyar She ivas à daugbteu' o! J. B. TONSORIAL ARTIST. baller tbsu cati on o!1eMlt hpe PrtcieMeseer:, o Vermout, ber moîber beiug Farn W agons gg s Give mee ttri, t1'il! iiele 'y0lo. I ng dofceudattî o! the Aidons vho cam Association at Aîuioch. SVdnesay. ovier lu t eAlon h val maie8A Bapl ary,-Lietyile Ii RUDOLPH KRUSHAII Services et Presbyeriancburcb Sun- rled te Mitr. L. C. Stevens lu Vermout,au O IWAUIKER av£. dayaus uel. Morning subject -îTheansd ilut Ibmey daya of the vemt camne W Fea MII otce NOnEFM . t. cuU' 4. 10Laite couty, Ili., vbere tbey livad we Waitt do ('Ustoiotgriliiiing (Corni Prompt attention given 10 al kiud Bîaa !Jas. uteeelgmauy yearR IHm&.O ud tlt>lt nixi-d grainis or voi'tli stivileti o! vont. Good vont and Icv "'Dallytng viti Dastluy.t' Mia. Eddy vas a lady o! couaibenable i audgrtîîiii.\ondtyiTtesttsFni- prices are houud 10 vin. J. B. Ayre's and iife, returntetiFil- litenory oility, baving a remerkatble angrinders% - frnta'oualnte i ib ith uor h etad. Ha r @hîoltonce Libertyville, 111. daiys andti urdui Tt'.1lre.'______dy ronaformoîb v T m([or or . eruipgoduatevrise Un ltt fpýc.friands and relatives lu the eat. Tbey' peeialiy lu blanit verse, vera eton-___________________ aitt pl-lit ~ ~'0 -n.It la mone trouble ta vrite to roa- rpre cypleuultu.ions. Had nol ber lte for mouy yeeiti t . i . S A t K &S O N . ,r p r e y p e s n o r IllCAC ives and friands oflan: and maiiy do , ortw f1 r beanunoe long truggie-with dim;eases, We are Always Pnepared to Supply youx Wai i lu not bave Ibm time. A Ianrge number o! Searna as thougb u t lifcs r er ailitia. vould bave beau matie FOR 'ii ';ti'lt i~ tu our ubcibers aeud the I NDEPENDENT not as argaly aought as lu formai mre prarnintint.Ag i tur l Iem i', ~~îc~isted o! vriting tettema, amîbat givas yeitu but as a co geuerlly precedea' The uerai services vet conduct' v-i te e a lo t ae I lai.i i Ulb.heney a nd la nuch boter aaoinatotfo'ba auu. edatthbe rosideuce o! ber sou ou Fr1-' g"'lu ai 1 r p e uîdc t i'bal *li g. u nay repct. Il vil ho ftaroheaper day at 5 o'ciack p. m., sud ber remainsG a 21!F . NI' . hueriîlu< imteraWaldrous Ment Marktlasd Fruit hrought 10 Lthertyville on SaturdaY, an Wtr aamlîo ga ob iebe-orning for lnterment, accompauied' Streinam-te leaide h bnd y oo. C. Stovov nmd Fra"kM. Always #M our estimaiite beforeb IUXM 'va-' Siovens, h lus btidra m o.- s B idn .q _______i boi lue d aloemth%1 "&«4 ,'m ,Cola . .t'i 4 -