?Jq47rIL~7eJ4y CHAPTER X. letiys aft-r t-at niyterion a bter M* tbroya in at Lady Contances m vindou', Foyers! preaeisted int' kýthe door of tise duke's bouîse anti a his card. dulie vas in hisi libnîsry, seateti ige vr[tlng tiesk. Wben the st-nug- Lèeherod ln be iooked ni) quickiy M->Iaâ sali, bsngbtily, "I do not Oumu," ret-uroodtheti otiser, po- seae you bave nîy tard in syouir My ui-e is Feveral-ltiihanîl 1, wbhAt do You WBant-? t t ak-a friontl-tromNt ettîzisela!" Aulie itrteiassd trnetpleIi-.le tt tis e yes of the mau ocre fixs'd rupoeu hlm. :u Venezuela?" ne repcated, sen- deifty-from Veseurla." reltruicî ben, "uwhere yuur grave, ire leara W.Lcre yen came lno tuhe tit,, ias wo tht-e Sianîsi Embassgy." i9ett, ir, I do 001 know yot." or graco bas forguttea nie," saîi Wi, "but penhapa 1 may lie sable lis kiffirunmemory. lu tise measstise d» enter your service. I aîuciever, eestly unscrupuiosîs." 0 pou ont-redth -is bouse liy a trauti; ai enougb to leave il. or 1 tsay lie -tho painful necessibI' of baving WM[ibly expeiied." e~ me out," sa 'idiloveraI, "anti for 0»n malie do not intuit use hefore oM'vants Engage me, anti I iilI ]atbfly. Ilinov ineil, my Z.is Dulie d'Azzeglio ia a very »erao frm lise yonng count 1 ,da wu ilti oat-ain Sout-b Amer- ~todol etarteti, anti turneti LtM-.o yen ean?" ho aiketi nerv- Mon t-Lat at-oue periati o! my lite I sWst aVenezuela, whesre your *Ua masmlig $turselt.Every on. Wbl a if. youn grace admineti. Ibad remoust-rat-eti, i vas a prison, vbere, 1 bave bearti, ~at la au thia t-o me?" Ifon exemple, your former te W#srstaiketi about bore, ih -ltyour prospects as a tnarrying W1, Tou îbr.at-en " 01VI Il"anavereti loverai, care- Mer* A sl'iat-at-e t-be case as a mat-t-or ~s.Empioy me, anti, as 1 have VIlefometi You, yos yl finti me »- scHu my services, anti I migbt- "s aletee-even t-e yonr rivai, of ]Lady Constance Hovarth, rt-Ibe loves dovotedly." g u learu thi.?" relurned t-beet-ber, lilgbly, ia4A t" ile everyt-hing."1 t la t over," saidth -e duke; Yeu Migt housetul." tréesanre, 1 assure you. I shal rth lb orof o!cailing pnyu oncart-eons boy ho bift t-be root. 1it- t-be doon loseti upon imtht-e e ma changeti tan. His bsandi 9"a a cruel, viclous look cause ââws'sua vagabond," ho saiti, "woon ffl tke trangle. Bot 1 muttnot 1Wbandi t-o im. I am in bis power. tub 1ohueb O! MY past ife for me lS uan onomy anti icave uta et- mt ay leei10 olilize hisu! Sucb - olt e'oviceahic t-o me in He ,. o hail bc. I1vili make y# later loverai ugain prosent- betare lise dulie anti hecanie an t-ho bouse. lsaied, bis conduet- vas curious. zbyaterioua rcaaon, ho kept a bh ffcn is grace's movemens. 4Uyt-be duke eoticedt -is, anti - la me, air! For vby?" ruiy vondoring, nty lord, wby a tly O tho ie Lady Constance emlled. - Ue Lady Constance liocauso I te msiM bler." -fyadvloe, My lord, anti refrain ,40 Fou meeLn! tht t-be lady dues Bot love ,erfect-ly avare o! ht." iyst your grace persigsaio yssur pake ber lie Duc:hesë-d'Azzeg- md to do s." Zlal conveorsationui lv'isi aI Pet- off tise eouîntiplutu' mat-- lie duke anti Lady Cuuistance, CHAPTER Xi. ddiabags at-t-e Cautie bad not iWl ui5anti cont-inetitrouble uP6à Lady Contauce, anti b ar t-hiagsoito!finhat aie Mm. Measan, det-enmnheti tcontinnedt - point ont ofamarnas'. Constance, vsanled Issata btilearnot t-o --âp SY nct-hîsg. Rince tnk he gaid t-o lessiy il. Il seentd ow ~îvt-balt-be old lady woold die, and t-bat Constance wonld bie left alune. ""Const-ance," se said, quietîy, onc day, "ýmy cblld, 1 tbink t-but- 1shahldie." "O0, grazidma!" cried tise girl, "don't- say au! I sbould bho ictt ire alune." "Alune," repeated the oid lady, feehly; "ýyea, I1u'as tbinking o! t-bat-, my Con- stance. But-w-hy sisould you lie alone wltea there la a gooti and honorable man o-ho laniliisg to niako you biseu-lte?" "GCrandnts, don't speali of it." "Constance, pîromtise me tsa Iif lise Dliek d'Azzeglio agks yoo again t-olib- cotn e i ve you wiilot reftuse hut." "Do You knou- uhal youuare usking!" "PerteL'lly, my ciid." "Tison nay ieaven torgivo you!" The next- day t-be doke calieti aI Avon- dale Casîle. Wbers Lady Constance came lovn site looked so pale and deatis-liko t-bat tbe dulieasaketila nsome larus if se haîl beon ill. "Lasdy Contance," said lie, groo-ing vt'ry earuîest as hoe spolie, "î-ou'knoiv in w-uittesteet I hold îou. My osto viis in lite in t-o att-ure yoîsr haîîpiaess; mal' 1 do so? Will you be sny wite?" "Pray leave use," ssiericti. îiteously. "Bt-1 caunol lent-e yot-," repiied tbe tioke, viso was bectoing t-rribly in cnrn- est; "Constasnce, 1 love you, bc my oifc!" "MIy lord, 1-I do flot love yo."1 "Becomne nsy dîtchess." Sise lookod nt it lu dazeti amazonsenl. "You ask use noîv, your grave?" "I asal yoo now," hoe replied, pîasion- nt-ely pressing bier hetîd; "do not- refuse o-bat I esk, for 1 adore yoo. Constance, speali, say you wili hecotue nty vite."1 "Since you wisb il, tisen, 1 w-i," shte repiieti. Scarcely hati@lbe uttored tho vorda vison t-he dulie tooli ber hanti, and vould have claspoti her in bis tiama, but Cod- stance nt-oreti a vilticry anti ahrunk avay. Ilo irovuetianti voulti have spok- un abarply, but t-be girl taggered, tien vit-b a loy crI' aie fe11 fainting on t-be floor. Juat bye montha later, n a fieldi hos- pitai near a recent- hettîefielt, a woundeti officer, noue ut-ber indeect ian- Franki Hovart-b, lay bovering belveen lite anti deatis. Just t-vo days ater ho bai poat- ed tisaI letton to Constance ho bati been abat down in an en'agetent vils t-be on- "Let me sec my lott-rs," vas-bis final convalescent cry, "icsj beaven's salie do'l keep thormtrot me; yoo don'l know 41 t-bey mean t-o me." - ;-' Seelng that t-o cross hlm voulti do more hart t-bauto ohey hlm, t-be nurse piacoti a pacliot-o! lott-rs anti papors otr4'rank's lieti. Eagerîy anti qoitaly Frank seizoti thbe lot-lors, anti scannet t-ho envolopea une by one; wben bie came 10 tise endi of t-ho pacliot tars stoie tront eneath t-be closeti litis ofishiaeyes anti nolleti siovly down bis ceckl. PresentIy lbe grev more composeti, anti proceedeti vit-h a iseàvy boart- lu open his lot-ers. Here a frosi sbocli awaited i. Thefiret- letter visicis beopeneti vas trot hiw falisees solieit-ur. Il informet i hm t-bat bIs fat-ber anti eIder brother vere deati; t-bey hati bot-h heen killeti in au accident to tise Scot-ch ex- press, andt iat- as bis brobiser hati lett nu maie issue, ho hinsseit w-as the Eari of Hlarnington. For many weeka hlly hovering lie- Iveen lite anti deat-b, but- again careful nursing woood hlm slowly back t-o lif. Again ho examinoti bis lott-rs, but there wvere noue front Constanîce. After reati- iug Ibens aIl tisrongis be openeti bis papiers, anti almoal t-be irmt t-ing t-bat canght bis eye was lise iolloving: "l-ASHIONABLE MARRIAGE. "On 't-sday morning, Jan. 9, ai St. tikles Cburcb, was celebrat-edth ie mar- niage of Hie Grace t-he Doke d'Azzeglio anti Lndy Constance Haort-h, oaiy ebil1l of Art-bur, t-be late Earl of Harnington." CHAPTER XII. Ait-en a short henoymoon @pett in Pris, t-be Duke d'Azzeglio took i&h- young duchss to Madridi, 'bit-hur urgent busi- ness callet i hm. The duke vas too buay a at-n t-o spenti mucis lime In paying court t-o bis ivifo. Having mwanniosi ler, ho concludedt -at bis duly was done, ant ibe turneti bis thougiset- oet-honaffaira. Front lie first- day of lier tanniage Constance bati sus- pectedt -at- ho tii net love bier; on bier tuarriago day tiis fact vss matie lnoîvu tole as iean absolute cert-ainty. Tise forînigist in lParia pausetit-o('ou- slatuce like a tioli, monotonoîsa dreamt Mecinuiiealhy se periormcd t-ho dttit-> whidi bier hushonti demtasdeti of lier, atnd lie was grinsly satisfieti. lier bettytiI- t-be atirmwi-ie ohad toreseon, ul lert tilumousansd t-be dresses shc t-s-tiie u-te the lalk uoflParis. One mornlng te disk inforniesi Constsance tailie u'liiilitr t-iavopa itiit i ii butsoni tse fi. o.- ývv-s i ssg t-o a t-ail a i tie Tuiiletits. t-s tuti li, wossld prt'senl ber te tise emnpress. Tise uext-uft'rnosîn, bovever, lho re-elveti a messngo troina "s %vite. Slip ias Il, w-ot-ld lie excuse ber irons at-teuduîsg t-be He veut at Ont'e t-o thle aParlussonîs sic occuisiet, atsd fount iber lu intense grief. "Yfou muet excusse me, my lord. I can- ual go," abcsatid. ".My cousin, is deat." "Dea(i!" ocisoëdth -e duke. For anayen Constance puabd ott-ward hLt-ussa paer; t coutalned anaacceunt of tbose officers w-ho bati fallen ntort-aily vounded ti a Fandi. Among lie lt-st- of names vas t-bal of Captain Frank H11e- Const-ance MAtieno îeply. She as~~ 1 du%&-andi ber' teffl o*ed faue,- IÇI, Îýlý lt-or cheek coldlj'; thon ha veuttom the "1ýVil, maiche*re,"* be >sa[d, coldly, "I suppose to-nigbt 1 Muet go t-o t-bebal alune?" Site ast et the window and looked out open thse bosy strelé, feeling very touch asi shemd doune -y cars stegowheohâ d mat at ber windouw in Avondalo Castle sud Iooked out tspou tiepark, sud round ber- solf wonderiog *hy people were bora n m tbis wQrld,, mince t was ao very drottry. Su-ddenly, asubshet-t-bre istenmtng0t-be dui roar ut the street, &be soemed teluxa a voice-.tbe voics of ber friend, Ale Greybrook-whiaWr ia ber ear: "Constance, promise me that if yen are oser in trouble yeu wili aummon mee ia- stantiy te your iide." Witb a crI' Constance rose t-o ber teet- antd rang thse beil. "Order my carrnage instautly," she .aid t-ô her aalooîahed maid. "l an sgoing out." That evening wbile thse Duke d'Âzzeg- lie 'vas bending iuw over theba bnd of t-be empresa, and inaking- profuse apologies for t-ho absence of bis wife, Constance waa standing n a rons in t-be couvent waiting for ber fricnd. Sbe remained t-bore several heurs. Wbeu at lessgtb sho came fort-b, sbe was uucb cbanged. lier face vas pale and tomi- posed as tbat- of ber trlend, and that ter- rible look ut dull deapair bad in a Mess- uro passed frota ber cyca. On arriving at- tbe botel mbe asked for t-be dulie, and ivas istturmed t-bat ho bad not yot- ne- t urssed. 'Let nie'know the moment-t-be dulie ro- turus," abe said t-o her maid. Wben the clock strock one Constance rose, and, without- sending auy formai message, wentt nt once te ber hushanda roins. Tihe dulie, who was nusazed t-o sec, ber, was isot'la t-be beat ut teinoper. "bou are net in bcd*e" he said; "yet it is litte, and niter your grief yen abould bce exhausted." "I hasve been t-ot-be couvent-t-is even- iug," ahe began, wbco tise dukie Inter- rupted ber- "To the couvent!" ho said; "so yen ccquld go t-bre, boit yen could net corne vit-b me te thee hall?ý" "o"replied Constance quiet-ly, "t-bai wit-adifferent. 1 eougbt consolation mui fottnd il in tise boly pltace. I nelnrned severaI heurs ugo, but 1 would not- go tu lied. 1 wished to wait up for you" "Ah, t-bat vvas amiable, but- quit-e un- netcsstsry. Late houri and weany watch- ing iill spoil your good looke, and t-bat Ivoud not- pIeuse me, because 1 ebooso te have my duchess surpnsa ail ut-ber wom- csi. Do you understand?" Constance moved toward the door; t-er, site paused and looked at- ber hubîtand. t-t-e took a feu, steps t-uward bfi and brou t-ed bis nlame. He raised bis ye. "StlAI lingcring! Yes? You bave momne- t-ing t-o say?" "les," se auowered qnlet-ly. "I came t-o t-is ruera intending t-o speak sriously Ino yon. I ceanot go until I bave donte so lit the first- place, 1 bave t- oira your par- don." "MNy.pardon? For what, pray?" "For taking yoornaine and neulecting to fduldîl thbe dut-les of a wiie." "Pardon me. Yon do yourselt an inîjus- lice. Unt-il to-day yen have folfilled t-ise dut-te sadmirably." ...nd are yen aatlafied?" "Perfectiy aatinfled. 1 craved for a peerle#s it ie, for a beaut-if ni ducheas," ho returned, "and poussesa one. Take my advice and preserve yonr -leauty. Tt !s indeed a moat precions jovol. Goud- nigbt!" ¶'iie next morning a telegram vas re- ceived irons Mrs. Mossou. The nova tof Firanl's deatb had evidont-ly alarmed t-be old lady, wio telegraphed for permission le join ber graadcbild aI Madrid t- t-is Most lnying limes. The ducal resîdence vas a magnificent- place, fit ltehoct-be abode of a kng; and net- util sbe ent-erod t-is palace, balf dazed by t-be magnificence of t-be receji- lion accordod te ber, did Constance rosi- ize t-be enormous. vealtis ot the man ahi bad ntsrried. Here,,in one uftht-e corri- dors she met a gentleman, wbo at- sigbt ot lier ronsoved bis bal and bowed low. Conistance stoppod and lookcd ut- hlm. Shi sveetted t-o have seen humn bofore. "boii are staying aIt-bhe Caslle, mon- sietir?" site nsked. "I amrn eeoftbhsagrace's secretaries,"1 replied t-be nan, vit-b another protound bow. lie ruade way for -ber t-o pas, and Con- stanîce walked on, tbittking nou more abut timn. .Nlp-uwhile Feveral, for it was ho, watclîed ber relreating i4gure vit-b eyos futl et compassion. "Pour lady!" ho said, "I pity ber, but- 1 cattuît spare ber. I warned ber, and, despito nsy varniug, abe rusbed Upon ber doom. How pale abe lookg, yet bow beaut-itul! Ah, butt I rementher one vbo vas just- as fair, and who la sleeping ln ber grave t-rough im yes, tbrossgh hlmi! That thougit- nover leavres me; nigbî snd day it- le over sitb me, urging me on t-o My 'revenge." (To ho continued.) Unàignifleti for' a Stat-esman. ITt la saldt -at a woman remnembers a tan w'bor bhe a known weil as a ittie boy always sa, tlie little boy, and nover can tblnk of hlm as growa up. This saying seemfs to be borne out te, a cent-in ext-ont-, ut- basl, by an amus'ing story told An connection vit-h t-be ap- point-ment of M. Edouard Locknoy as mainistel' of marine In France. Wben Monsieuir Lockroy vas a amail boy bis fat-ber lved la a bouse lnat-e street- In larAs w1blcb 10w bears tbe sERIOUS 8ueJlOter OAREFULLY CONSIDERED. A Scholarly ExpoMioa of the Leoms -'I'oughts Wtrt-by of'Calas lRelec- tiou-11als' au Hour-s'a tudy of thse beri1ttirea-Tlane Wonl Spent. Lesson fer Marcb 22. Tbis lesson le tound ln Luke 12: 37-48& and bas tor lt-a anhject-Fait-hful and Un' fait-htul Servant*. Faithfuineas la ab- sence la the lbison of Ibis acripture. Il May 'have~ a veny general appication An thbe domain of loye.lt-y to trust. But- lt- prlmuary reference la t-o aur Lord'a sec- ond coming; bow shall vo prepar oronIlI jtow ahali vo ateitfort-? Not w-lt-b ye. alwaye salant toward thse door, t-bat wer. for gnilty children, but vits banda dili. Sent-iy at t-he work glveane, t-he oyez of Jeur hearb meanvitile lowattl t-hebeavens. "'Y. ameaof G(lilee. sdty «tand y. gashig up into beaven," as If t-bey couiti detalat Aim vit-b tboir eyes. "Thisa mme Jeans wbich la taken op trous you lata itoaven, shsll so cotO in like manner as ye bave seen bima go mb o aven' (Acta 1: 11.) Aimen, It la enough. Andi nov let- ni go back t-o out prayer and endeavor as t-lia. earlier disciples did Jerusaàlemward. Tisa test way to wat-cl for Christ la t-olie do- lng lte day'a vork takthfuliy and vit-b ail t-be grace God givea, oves .sayizng for our hesrt's eomtort, He in coningl He ia comingl So *%seu the Son of ms cornes may ho find tait-h on t-be earth-fah tta be wilr do hi& part, tlIst-o do our own. "Blesaed a're t-buse servants." If &Il de- pends upon the service. If ve are sot-e- ing self ansd thse world veehdail t-blnk lit-Se of tise lite beyond. If aur master and our caomle are in lhe skies, vo shaàl ts looking forward. For as ths cripture bas ju*t- saiti (Y. 34), "*Where yoor t-less- or. Io t-iere will yonr hea't be aiso." And feet-, banda, eyes vill go vit-h thea beart. since out of it- are t-be "Issues of lite." ".Wben ho cometi." lb la t-be pt-ent Participle lantdie (irek, coming. The Lord all find. Almost- as if it- saisi, lte eomsng Lord. That vas the prevailing t-ouglst ai apost-oiic days. Our Lord and t-he inspired train stale it- vit-bout- per- adventuro as takost for grant-eti.ln al out Lords& illust-ratilons or panableg of thbe doctrine thle master's witltdrawal sa but a sign of bis lango ret-urn. Ours la a corning Lord. Coming, wbat 9bial ho iud? WatcIi. Thbe word for "waldi" la a bit peculiar. It-a first moauiag la t-o ho siake. It is go rondered et- 1 Thes. 5: 10. ("Wbethor.vo %vake or sieep.") The reterence ie. b an aient walc4fulnens. Ansd t-ho illustration of t-ho housebold tesches us t-bat l tla a diligent and officienut watchtulnoss, t-bal bugiesitiseif flot wili poetic dreaming but wit-' practicai usefulnoas about-t-be affaira o! thbe bonte. "At an bourt whlen ye lisink not." Ad- vent-tst snd ail. Christ- ina omiing again; hi. coming la imminent, t-bore may ha proximate algne, bot aa t-othle prochse bout no man knowetb, fier hy lise t-rma et script-une, ever cap knov. The one wbo set- aa-tinte in au fat contradîcta t-be yard; and t-ho lime pnecissiy seleInlathbe light- o! thse Book, the moat- unIikely. lime for t-be event t-o tako place. lier. ia tise main queation: "Whho t-bon la Ibat fait-bful and wise steward?" And bore la thbs answer in unr Lord'a own inonda: "Bleaseti la t-bat servant whobm bi@ Lord inhenhle coeotih diail fintino dalug." Doing s'at-? "Ruior ovor bis bouaehoid. t-o give t-iemn their portion of meat- ia due season." Faithtul vat-cbing t-bon bas te do witis faîitui orking, fait-bful sorvîng aud miniaterlng. Att-or a vitile Christ viii couse huuseit, andi, as t-be acripture bore intinteo (v. n7, shall binteef make bis talîtul servant-a "ait- down t-o meat-, an.d viii cornte font-b and serve tbem." Titat- la a part afthlie blessednes b conte. But juat nov If la ours 10 serve ot-bera. Wat-cb by serving. On the ot-berbenti, our Lord toila ut viso la the untait-bful sud diaapproved servant. lie le knowt- (v. 45) by his besting and bt-s eating, i. ., cnîîeity and drunkenness, or ln a word self-love. It is t-be sin of t-be fait-bles nations and peoecaof to-day. ansli Lbshows liedt-lu t-«boaio -torikis: truculence and cruelty. Abroa t ite r- vealing itself in a bioodlbis'stincea tl bornifies to-day. At homo t deciares lîseif lu a gay, tasisionabie self-seeking t-batlai ivit-t inauy getling t-o ho more and-ntoro bridied andi drunken. Wbat la Il a aigu ot? First- of al, il signifies an utt-er nog- lect- and diaegard o! thbe t-iouiht- et out Lord'aseacond comlug. Second and ]&et ot all, tremble, inner, it- menus t-bat t-be comlng o! out Lord in judgmonl draweti nffar (v. 46). The doctrine ofthlie "sitripos." But "tew atripes" or 'ýntany strlpes" ail t-be un- tait-bfn. shah hoe punis'be-d. In a degree t-hie is fulfilied hiere, lu the present day jotigmenta lnlilet-ed on mon. Bnt undouit-- edly vo are taugit- by Ibis pae@ag, t-bat- juat as tiiere are gradations of celoaliai blesednoss, so are tisere degrees of pun- labtent below. Those w(lso bave -bailt-be largest- privileffa o! knowledgo or of fav- orable envirounsent carry vit-b tise nl riat verI' tact t-ho larger capncit-y fer re- grets, and oursel2soof justice caila for suci penas degradatlon. Tise responsihilit-ies of outr position ln tii day of tlgit and pnivi- loge may veil lead us, petora, teacbers and il, t-o grave refiectiona. He la comlng! l'reacb t, live If. Lot t-t speak out of every discounse and ten- mony; lobtl brealhisAn ail t-be lite and conduet. W. need not- h o ntinually îalking about il, bul vo neeti t-olie con- at-antly snIntated by if. LetIfi-- how t-sif lu thoelappy giance cf t-be oye, thbe loving grapp of t-ho band, t-ho earneet- ontreety o! tie Bp. Ours ia a bleéseti hope, a hope tiat- peurs t-a ligilt lrougib ail t-be win- dows of t-be sou]. Some lime vo abalilie liusy at our vork lu bis naine, and sente- t-ing ivill ister take pince, sontething gra- "The Woodea ]ROB.,, Thisellustration aboya berewltb la saii ln size, but realiy large when vo consider t-bat t-be 1Wooden Ben" la no langer titan a live han, yet lias double t-be oapseity. Il velgbs oaly 15 pounda. Ibas a cespaclty 0of 28 oggs an 1 wbile nt a loy.lit just- as amaue- bgi, beiie5-eing lit-ruelive masveil. We anggoest- tiat ev-ery i osier ofth iis write Mr. Geo. H. St-alI, Quise-v. Ill., and ask t or a copy of bis liaitishsm, fi tle tiooklo& C, descrlblug liee "Woutdem lle't:" aIs» bie large catalogue of t-be Mudel Exeeliornb- cuaalr. Al sent- free; Mention dis paper. COMMANDS A SHIP AT 18. joseph Il. York lu t-be Younàgea$ Full- Fledged Ses Capt-sin Afloat. Thse youngest- sea captain that- evor entered the lport of New Yorki in charge ut a vessel, and probabiy t-be younget- commanderln tise worid, la;t'aptain Joseph H. York, of tIhe tree oîasted schooner Ch'les 3.. Wilard. ('aptain York la cigliteen yeurs oid. lie la a mt-- tIve of iSouth P1ortland, 'Me.. andillts fat-ber ls a tptain George York. bis graudfttler Is Captain J. C. York, andi litis brothcr is Cuptaîn F-ranklin C'. lo-k, nil tt:sst-era o! vetsels owned ln Port-lanid and w-t-l knuvn in Nov York. Younig Capyrain lut-k vont-It-o aaln 18W., scrving bt-fort-- the nîat o!ftte schooner tie now- cotimuands. The ves- sel vvas then ini char-ge of lis brotîter. P. C. York, w%-loe tva protiioted t-o a lareer vessti. Young York fonade bjut- one trip before t-he ntast-. le tîoed everI' movemenl of lits supenior, anti sonon cariiod boy t-o vos-kftiseschoonser. On the flext trip lie was msadle lira stmile, anti bofore lie bail bee'n on t-le vesset a year lie wtts proioietlto usaster. litsirni voyage, afler lie w tii glve-stcoinsnd of tht- Chatrles J. Wihiartl. vas lis Porto Rico, andI Il o-as utîtat otcessttl. Alil last t smstr ant itlihe vas An lte Atlantic coastu lac ser-vice, anti one o! t-ho qulcksslt-its belw-et-sichmolndstl V'a., ansd New bork, In a sailissg vessel, vas imatde ly yottsg btork. lile'ctiîereui t-be diw-tace bt t-en the ports naitted ln tihe ressstrkalsly shorItlimte o!f uit-u une bours. ('utat-n Yttrkla six fe&'t tail, welgha 1784 potsids. bits very hiroashaoulder and at iandl.srnse. i-Ian -li ut ae.Ti noxît-crilp o!Captain York iviiliebcirons Portland, Me.. iontte W~est- lndies. Young York fronut eariy babybood had a tast-e tor thbe sea, and devot-ed mucli o! bis ltmetue tbuilding toI' licats and saliiug t-lem nso ponds adjacent to bis humte. Wien lie vas len years old bclie - compnnaied bis fat-ber on an ext-ended voyage t-o Stouth is ,erk-an cout-nles. It- la bis ambition in commanid one o! t-h. big Ilîno, asid be la tbtnkhng o! on- ternig t-ho servit-e o!fseule o! t-be traits- ataîccompanies. A Pttlladelphian's Queor lad. Foi' a few daya in os-ory year t-ho sfl'4t- cars o!f1'biadelpbia are deco- rateti w-t-ilselections ironrthtle Pible. The verges sare tsrlted ors tise-setti sort o!f<-strdsaius those usseti I' advert-ia- ers uni appearirn stieseaie rat-k. 'The quotut-lons are rput si 1.5(w)0carsut- ais expeisse o! $30 ta tity anti run about a mthsl. Whis luth iat tiios uthier- tises scrptural verse-s lias nover bot-n disi-overesi. lbarriosl by lt-er Mother. A vt'ry odd wî'ddlng occurred a fen days ago aI lite rt-st-dent-e o!f11ev. Mary T'. Whit-ney, tiIBoston. 'Ibe groom va5 Ret-'.('arl (..îHor-st-. t-be paStOr Of te SecondFUnit-utian tîsoreito! At-bol, Mass. "liset-inde w-is Misti Enilly Ait-- lien, o! Btîstçn. nsI lte ot-llaling min- Ister was ltev. Matstha C. Atken, mot-i er o! t-le bride. Casses w-bore a fat-lit-t marries lis datîghîter are siot- ntre- quent, but-tItis lu, perbuips, t-be otsly In- stance on rev'îrîl w-lit-tasitîbet'las married lier datigltcr. At- Vieutus, Ast-rias. a s-Itool-lxoy, 13 ycars old.listtxged lîltîtacit hecaîse lie expected deuserîl snotes l-orsi bis t-cach- or. lit s lr-thler <'u li-tsds w-a JusaI ln time te save itîit trosin deat-I. Bul be la nov living fi living dent-b la a iunat-tc asy loto. If t-be hain bas Iteen msade te grow a nat-- ural coloY on baid beada in lbostsanda o! cases, l>y uaing Illtls flair Renewer, why yull il not t-n yoitr case? That wbleb seemetb mnoat- casuai anti subject t-o fortune la yot- disposed by thbe ordinanee o! beavon. Suiferenstrain cougisa. sure throat-, et-., sboulti hoe onstantty snpplied vit-b "Brovnm's Bronciuiai Troches." ÂAvoid Imitations. Ho vbo bus not- a gond memory sbould neyer take upon bimselt the traditetflying._ ______ For long andi chest disossos, Piao's Cure is t-be boit medit-iue vo have used.-Mra. J. L. Nort-hcott-, Windsor, Ont., CJaada. Hope vit-bout nction Is -.barrennun- door. wnen an artcnu oaaeen aria uer 31 lea n sdasta ni ctnipetiiioul andi Chenu Imitatios, I.ttmusa lis" an- perlerq it .Doistîlas Eteîrie Sems ap baben eau- sstistieUdmati rio 1M& tada. la ostase070< tarIM. 5,. of &It- Fi'.-Al isSsat@edfr eby nr. Kilns'soq G Ne.-~lt. . -o tutaater al O&Yu. s.M Tma im "dQ2Mtrial bottletreha.le hatua tanIi. 5h D. Kinea. Set uschsit. ham a. M N. U. ?io.--O .&A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful of Sham e."y Keep Your House Olean with a 'd tIves, 225 am. Ia'wye. Teneu*e's kiefflot-uand 10 Reiwesentativ« eua' *Il lawystm. 0f 0h10', 2 Senaton .andI 21 Representatlves, bat-h of the former and 19 of the latter are lawyers. Texas has 2 lawyers ln t-be Sonate and 10 ollk of a possible 13 it-be House. New York geta along witb 1 I&wyer la the Senate and 15 out of 34 ln the HOUMe Masstchusetts bas 2 lawyeru lulnte Sonate and only 4 in the Ilouse, 9 et ber Representat-ives bejng merdlants and mtanufacturera. Mine ha@ 2 law- yes' te reliresent her lni the Senate and 3 ln t-le Ilouse, Capt. Boutelie be- lng thbe oifly ItepresentatIve aile ban wbo la net a lawyer. Mr. Dlngley, howev'er, huas net practiced law for innny Y"a'. Dont lie Too Late for the 3teamer. And slon't omit wben you are pactlug up f ueffects ttrep:ratury for the voyage. t-o n.ýeitndo ansong tusera a supply of Hotetter's tomach Bitters. thse grest resuedy for sma siekîjess. Trs',elte for pleaguro or business seekinir toreign eciiusw. or who locomote by steswhost or train. besides yachtmen and marinera, teatlty to the remoedial and preven- tive efflcacy of tise Bittera, which L ta icons. ,rasise for tiausea, headmehp. dy 1ola biiousuiens nieuinatisnt. neri Oua ant iC trouble. The Land or Eternai Choapness. A person eanulie a nabob in Japan for twenty-five dollars a month. Thisiln- cludos refit of a eonfortable boune, Bal- stries of two servants, andi a larder atocked with tihe "fat- or tbe land." Tihis la tihention t-bat la going te sendi over twvelv e-dollar bicycles neXt- ses- son "as good ns the best." How'a Ihiei We aller %n, H.ndred Dollars rosud for ast case of Catarris thai cannot be curoti b> Hll à Catarrb Cure. P. J. CHENEY & 00 Toledo. 0. We thse underinet have known 0. J. Chany for the luait 15years. and holiove bhlm peftactly honorable in ail tbu estruansactions and fina. cilly able te carry out any obligations matisby tissir firm. WXSs & TavAx.,W<oesaeDrngista.Tofldo,O. WÀIINî!ç. KstcY it& MARVtN. WhOtêa5I DrtssToledo. O Hf' atarris Cor, la tale iiez ntaly. actinqi directly upws lte biood and mucous bsrfsces ou thse sybtein. Tewtimoniais ",nt free. lnks 750. per boutte. Soid by aLIl lrurLaL. Texas' Inmmense Whcat i. lelds. Tihe wsett-growlng lanud@of Texan are- An thte rt'gion nort-hwest of Fort WVorth, and the avertage crOp about 8.O(J0,000 busbs'ls. Il la said that tbe fret1uent anti abundant trains thât bave falleu intce the' growing crop was seed- el1 give excellent promise for t-be yield nome tieekera' Excursaions. lu ord,'r ta give everyone au oppîortunitY in ece the Western country tand enabis the homeseekerâ tu seeure a homse in limé tu comnmence %work fur the season of 18M. t bc Chicago, Msilwaukee sud St. l'nul Railiuty lusa rranged tu run a series of tour husseieekers' excursbos to varions points iu the West, Northivent and South- witt on tbe toiiuwing dates: March 10, April 7 aud 21 sud May 5, nt t-be iow rate of $2 nmure than one tare for the round trip. Tickets wiii lbe good for return on any Tueaday or l"riday ivithin twentY-oue daya front date of sale. For rates, tisue of traînsansd furtiier detis sr.piy 10 ael coupon ticket agent in the Esat or Stouth. or addresa F. A. Miller. Assistant tien- erai i'assenger Agent-, Chic-ago, 111. Cou£ or a London Von. It- ban been computed t-bat- a tog coati the city ot London trous £50,00 t-o £100.- 000 a day. A large proportion et thie la borneby the railwny conîpanie. Free ta Comradea. The latest pit,,sogrsîh tof Hon. 1. N. Waiker, Cî,msitsttder-in-Cliiet of the (0. A. IR. Write tuiF. Il. Lord, Quinry Btuilding, Chicago, satd you wvil recoino onse free. Tbe truest self-respect is nul te tbink of self.-Beecber. la the season for puh1fy ing, cleansing, and renewîng. The accumulations o0,'wastes evorywbere are tteing removed. Wintersa ley grasp la brokon and <on aIl aides are indications of nature%5 returning hiet, renewed force, anti awakoning power. Spri ng la the time for purifying t-be blood, oleansing tho system and renewang titi physical pavera. Owing te close non- finement, diminisbed perspirationf, andi other causes, ln t-he vint-er, tmpudi have not pasaed out of thesat-ent as ihey abould, but bave acuinuiated An t-be blooc& Spring la thereore thle liest lime t-o take Hlooda Sarsaparilla, heomue lte system 1laitow mont la need of medicine. That Hood's Sarsaparilla la the best bloati purifier andi Spring Medicine is proveti by ils vonder- fui cures. A course of flood's Sarnaparilla now may psu ent great suffering later on. ",arsapari làlaMl