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Lake County Independent, 3 Apr 1896, p. 6

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I a lisses B SI i AI obeherànuvedhhcah CayClerk be Il- » deav fdéas on Cnal, Tresacir frto 1= & asUd al.lamsaüd blibi ahoweas aUp asCanrlsd by lbe ttollcwilcg M- Nowpotl'tsi, Aven. Wcîr- Aia, LibsîtivUlI., Fromeont, i~EiVewui - Deerhleil. X. hec- p~,. IgI MOYsdhoacuacd Sup. Millers lag theesonioa oni be able. 01, 'a tln nontloa vas dcpted by Boutn, GantAven, LAdmsYsms W ucosuiu. Ela jmb rtvIle.aVemnoi. ta eOnsiler vote lsken to lccy 81WOOMMoaon Ishie. Moiocicarild. ~iloaaodraoutlof sup. m~aiaa aisetion and ___ eu"att hioword excop' tahber theSîUps.&nlicdcit of w0ruu5 palen iBid Farin.lier ic BsPt as orf. snd theur apa 3, ccth'rI It lioccar lîy1 qtMat bave éd te dela Moue h rslntioni chic-i- beameptedsud adopteci. iMotloîi ga mbaltets b. toUowhIng aîiulnoveci bel elust meeting oh the o!LaIs Caunlj cicdcr tue a affleciSte lb.services et cor ThiOUmStras, and of cor hor the. Pleasant, lm- urwlcb tlb% bavececi- .3sr isIichefi-.occs; there- a ,irvsrThatses tedAibn . Hads t thecr, u 9. id declsred tbe UIo m *0 lbPhan.for the nav WWI*BSb.n*WI.4 te have erecl- lb. malte?" saedth e ar- el Wea a"vu lie repîy; ton 41 1seMMth» eula usual an final clans pmtlated lie architeat. Wh Xemi~.bave. lait off?" -AM omammulal oek aIti.hetop" ýe uy dam- ir," protesteilie '**atb la quit. the thiug naw. à$ lbtillaga plain except at la tndhie capitliat de- , -4it'u isIhte h avesalittia M Ml. I&a ory, but I te txi fr art vank Ion 1h. W-volbave thie top plain.,- la n lita "Little Tour In ÏuIa. M the. . olovlug goad vas khw» Mi up at an enter- awmhb boncnby lie Lotos te New Yu&k The quaintest alory *0 IObg vas lid by Di-. Greex' af tuilismm6 oonoma 5inacber Who t shu bele patience of bis bear- »7a ulaboe#mtadiaenalon ou lie *a~,prophatla. andi vien, tla mil diq i e palet ann ho the Md abit "And nov, niy breti - whMam die aplace HSas?" s xeiUS hmn lb.eoigegation anti MWOCe**oa eau place bite ber,, 1 c. M ls ftrm the 0ferth g5.asi MR mih" de~ C B Il 'i ti pa wy-Paul, U. HMo&u THE PA$EO. SACREO RUNNING OXEN.' The wavering beat tabrokea Iby long rows Tbey Are the Greaist Curtomim mon LINCOLN'$ LOVEMAKING. iablIuosî .TsTme (s. ln brave attire thers walk, betweLn. Cy 7 sDmetcaelAnimais. Abe Eneou.a4 . »poffeaRival While , aad »usltion. ose, Andres and Agustin. One of the greatest cnria5iien am~ong Addreo&Wg NU Todd. Mr. Constantin Noasiloff, reporting the. domesticatedl animais of Ceylon la InT 1839 Mies Mary Todd ai Kentucky ln 1I Tour du Monde bis acientifia re- LAdres, Jase and Agastin a breed of cattie known ta the zoologiste gie i pigl] ovalaxare erisl oaZmlfribsa ltrolldown the alameda slow wrh ivted ln M ringfiearda t ii instane lersiîes scritova o blisestion 'Neath fepreuding boughs wltli plats bewe nas ftic "aacred ruuning oxen." hy3seýM@ dad.A h ntneltrsigdsrpino i oiain Wherp rowe and befled granada grow. are the dwarfs ofthie whoie ai faxily,dwo asima and experiences dariug the long arce ail gray soxbroro, msuer trimmed. fie largest specimens of the species nov- a i redSed h a loangt vieibgnNv n ne Peeked with spangles, ample brlmmednuka, Lincoln hecame a liiter hade f roin bright raya by clotida undimulned orer 2dig 0 iceor 22font inia s Jan. 20. The eyes of aiL. heiglit. One sent to the Marquis of Can- at the. Edwarda', and before long it w115 Septemiber wvas pretty coinfortable. lie 'bey loiter on wth airy grmebury in the year 1891, and which la apparent ta the. observant amouz te" asys. Then suddenly snow covered the A tara of head this way and that, stili livig and helieveti ta b. some- iu Springfield thaltiihe lively yaang mountains. The Samoyedes, hie oniy While sparkling amusea light up the face where near 10 years of age, is ouiy 22 lady lheld huma captive. Engagements at couipanious, put on their winher cloth- Accenting gay, theatria cha.* aies bigla nud weights but 1099 that limie and iu that neighbonliood ing, the. ishi4g boats set salI for Arch- reir jaunty jackets resch the walst, on&l el tear sdfr erDo ucneasao este netegudfrz.tenaetis with rown of buttons cîosely pud.I Cyo le aeue o wr o naucda on ahe nel i rud rzti aali l Ad braided trousers, tightly îaced, making quick tripsa acrosB the country7 were made, and il ia mat at ail imposai- warmitlîandt heuvy snows fell. Winter Costumes complete. with express matter and other ilulit bisefihat Miesa Todd and Mr. Lincoln had conte ln eànest. Agreator charm hinound b,' fur lads, and il im said tbat four Ofi hbOi were betrothed inany menthe bei are &Dy On tiie day wiien the eaun slowed il- Tha shde, bright floWers ami trople cannPull a driver ai a lwo wheeled cart other than Mro. Edwarda and Mr. Speeti self for tlie last lime ail banda went l atanand znidtonr ater0 pannd load of miscellanecues knew ofifi, wxitea Jahn Gilmer Speed ont of doors te biLjt farewelL It re- Il uaa Iretty nswdeto ctcr, 0 ta 70 miles at day. Tbey kep in Tii. Ladies' Horne Journal. mained in sîglit forhalf an boum anly. lear olive races, lips ot red- od up a constant awinging trot or run and At tuis lime, as was lhe case tli For n few days longer theré was a ut back of thera the warder's e. bave bean known ta travel 100 miles i Lincoln waa eiected ta lhe presldency, morung lwilight. Then this iaded and 7ho donas, aceredited a day and nigbt witbont elther ieed Or bis one special rival ln Illinois waa gave place ta black nighl. The. stmr For watchful eyes. ivater. No ane knaws anytliing concelar- Steplien A. Douglas. Mr. Douglas had ahone the. whole 24 bours. The butsai 'he waveriiig heat in broken by long rows ing the origin ai Ibis peclilar breed of nmore of the social graoea than Mr. Lin- the colony were buieti under the suow, M nitra acalýias, palmesandsl-1-0s- miniaturecattle. Tlieybavo been knawn coln, and il appeared ta hlm tli athi- ni whicb thick wiiirlwintia fllled the In brave attira there walk between, lose, Anidr-% and Agustin. on tie lîlanti of Ceylon aud lunallier ing wonid be mare lnteretng than ta air. Tiie wind shook the. buts ta their -L. W. Green in "TLand Of Sunsîine. " Buddbistio coutries for more than a out oul bia political rival in tbe affec- foundations. Sometiniea for daya la- thousanti yeurs. One stomy tld ta ae- lions ai lh. enterlmlnlng and iively Setiier the. inmntes of tie different buta THE CIRCUS RING. coant for their origin is ta tbe effeot Miesa Todd, aud Fo ho paid her court. could holti no communication with eauh t I.Alwys zaci,' ort.tw FetN a ia they woe. crig inally catll, ai lhe A spiri ted young lady frein Kentucky nCher, lhough lhe buta wezm sidebysBide. ftl las ae la Fliametw er. Mo ordinary lîeight anud bulk; ftint a Bud- et liat iime iluIllinois 'would bave If ay one went ont, lie was soilzod by nvrincs ns tiiersf diprs- tislopriest was once imprlsone iIn a been aiment leua Ihan huxuan if she lad the wiinti and hadta loe ragged back by In dayrins wrs the liaI of the paes, atone building, one-haîf of wbich waa mrefusedta 1 accept lb, attentions o! the menus of reos. t db, ring s rm ain ofnchane. Il lsae for a cattle stable. Dnring the two lending men of 1he locality. Thare- T lu hs darkn.ss andi tesolalion the but tayrin4 rmi n unchluaneter. Goanigbt lie luauaged 10 disîcitge one ai tie fore Miss Totitibeing quit. human, en- aurora borealis titi much ta entertain ahereyou4 'fet i seacin lb. wor. o atones iu bis prison wall. Tii. atone in courageti Douglas, andi ugain tiere was anti ceer them. Il lasteti sometimee for hiu h Pru wth ivrgngfrpe a h questo vs 1cl 2fr sur. Iwhal nowadaya woulti have been called five tinys ln succession, witli spientiors Chia ioty Cncaa n d lth ie desr i it was almost daylight when Ibis a flirtation. This course o! action did of color Iliat Mr. Nossiloif tries in vain thebara, anti neyerand treuswlli yofn apasîlti o! Butduia felt lthe air rush not spur Lincoln au iu bis devotion, but ta doseribe. Ta enjoy lthe spectacle lhe Sahraanring 2 er ie 9 lches in d Ibraugi the opeing lie bat matie anti mati hm lesardent, and he concîntieti, used ft) reniain for hour a uaieol.il wimteotr.ing a 2reuson for in i-realized fliat lhe was al but free. He after mucb self woriment, to break off the snow, siieltereti froin lhe wind. mtiere bsrm.al knew finat lie would bie unail. ta get the engagement, whicb ho diti, but nt -1 have never "een anytbing mare Tulirmiî. isaronsfor tid ea drcus out of the euemy's country on foot, 60tlb.sanme interview there ivere a recon- terrible than a tempest turing the polar îniora are noma d erevand tueizlie prayedti laI liemiglit bo provideti ciliation andl a renewnl o! tii.enetgige-! niglt." says Mr. Nossiloif. "Man f eaus hrne re ngbring hemh8erheya id'ih batof burden lihaI wonlId saaely ment. Ibuînself overwbelmet inluimmensity." the ring always tb.sane, aise lhey carry hlm to the homes of! tie followers Wheuthier. came a mlu lb. testomm, of Buddha. No sooner ad lhe don. Ibis THE REGENT DIAMONO. teme nurdottbeahte ahI b.e dîstunbetiinu hhir performance, than one o! the large oxen which iadlie man vepure tei uta0neaote ha ifnot really rendereti incapable. Traàned be uel edn i tî tbssi The One Preenons Stoe.TiSSI corns N.-air au( ug hi og !h xaa a the 42 fart 9 inci ring, tb. hors. antid l t1esreybl. uhe8t to BeîgYaîs. Ilin f1.soing laruia le wih bis rider have grown used-worn, onme . g ad nrcllil asd The Regent diamond, while snrpassed seual. nigh sa-totii exct ngl ofde-openng nti xniacuoîîdy assdin size by the. Great Mogul anti several Twilighlt appeareti again lu tiie miti. livity towardth le center o! lie ring Te priest followed anti mountedthelb.ailier well . roaonsst eal lede a anoarytheanizon, ti. 20h le Msun wiich lhe radius of 21 feet anti a gîiven now sacretiiy dwonfeti beasl and was finest ai aIl, ieing nearly fnultless inibrs ao te ti oizle clu the mein-o Tii. mpodu hecicmirnc fsoan sfe ilubis own country. Snefr anti puîity aud the most brilliant br f1.utl ioysho nln he i n luy iao n t irceensie ofv- lat lime, so th. slory goes, there bas' diamond the b.wold lotiay. ,facing il anti firet a sainte. No oueait to seak aieaxh, h li. ani ben a reei o "screi rnnîg oea" Ils Frenci iistory dates bock ho 1717. dieti or been seriously ii, but ail liat th i, al a sb sonte0sd a ntiv in ren f 'yh c e er row ino n îlo In that yeur iî was purclinseol rom ils the ook of corpaes ad were feeble as anpet aslint iedri radforspeandpas hhrongh aun opening lhe size of English owner, for the. Frenchi regalia, convIescents after a long sickneffs. inleasIalloo raIu la mti u icprsn ai iyBui by tihe Duke of Orleans, thon regent ofi Healti returiiet i wtl the appearance of hat, afler the hors. lium gone round two dli's representutive authie niglit tsîen France, %vlieice ils preFentînaine. n te iî.YuisC pain or Ilirco limes anti is warmed ta bshlmlimîiraculonsly escaped on thie buck of at as ious .'~ n'v ~ABr' lvas work,ilathe sanme lliroumgh flic ct. lu tie irst af the famions uwaifed oxe.- aiotu ann.A a woasned atiga fact, n strap generally boita his hband To 171, Frenchi finances 'tere in n ld io a naaywhhn îo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Lahecnoge ycniacran .Louis Reinîhîle. teprl sri.Ti.pol er hr-pair (if lodstartsa s tiey wozked in a goae Iano ingyn acrti hise atesry WaTespopexlastrd, Ire. %vas starîleti by a violent commo- Tiie. rnmse up i vi,1. Recollections or Bismnarck'& Wartlie. ig h rnsr a eariy e lsed ion tint arose lu the alîrubbery bard The inghooste bauilps yslud e ni bfile columus tof TIie Kreuzzeitung cetdit aven waa leat, yet uîîder lthe per- lv. Catbials sereancet, wrens scltati clow abutsthebaudplas loderandHerr Anirue, a well known Conservativa 180haions5o!flthe Scotch finanicier Law antin h- rbn hotd"uik"wt louder, but 1he hors. knows just btiw politician anti frienti oi Prince Bis- hie French Duke of St. Simoni tle re-' anti lieroins s.A hueimnik!w itira mcnaitlis empty show menus anti joga marck, givre some interesting recolîc- gent of France, iiesiîating wuiere everY g b aIlticr i A heunk was m a à u t ti, saine olti pace until, wîth the liens of!thieperioti of the var of 187 0. I inonarcli of Europe hati refused, fnaaliy. i nd babyheabrd byroundle fon ils ast junnp Ilîrougli a tissue ialliion, hie He saya: "Bismarck rend on flic 9h of agreedt luthe price o! t67 5, 000. corne lu îî&-p make a row about il, lu- act la ended.-Exchange. July Ithe speech doliveroti by flice Doke (ireatly Ita th relief o! the duke, ils cluding a Baltimore ombole. Thé saeain- of Grammototuhie (ii. . HN tyns a nt appeahedta thle pride of tie 1French Ig i-ieswishî aif'sings as lbe birta The Roman s LgloaarTY.tierathateil.nepprIc s peoiple, ant iulsteati o! contiennation for lu andIl The Roman legionary la a Persoîîage wife, wiîî lt.e'worts: 'Tiie Duke cif bis extravagance le recivodt heur ap-dutspey aout ma the soummotiabandon ofreaIstrk liom weE. H s en o the rammiont muet have soon gaIt treti ai plans. inthe lighh ofsubsequnt eveuts. ideias uic ukly as il had i mssa. Al the ilrt sldir wom e seintarecogniz els office. T salal, of course, have ta &sk 1 hier approval bas a toucliof thie pro- birdts but the orioe went about their a scl-a disciplineti man of tIie higi- for bis resignation.' Lateur ln the . ý_pietic.ibuneslewer.Teooe amt est traninîg, iwithipride ln himseif con- ilu wlil. wnîkiug lu lhe Park at Thîe first prominent uppearuoce of tie iîassoreise fereanTii. oriote cd ot fidence liti us leaders anti consitiemable Vnrzin nnd thiniking aifltie malter,' fle ii. tnniin10the French regalia was inb guiawodsotatie hebb youdispesoon- esprit de corps; lu fact, a warrorwiom iden suddeuiy came tacim, 'NapolIù h ieeto h w aeonort eanclinolepaai byhu pesnc theramoder er auta-e taohis beart. 'ynuts ivar, andiOmamînouu's peech wa icoronation of theboy Louis XV, iii 17à22. i Tii. squirr.l, having tifoppedth le Threwüelegions auti legions, o ci! b im'jAller bl ai!acentury il was ugain lie ayctid oe tsl pnaim course, ns lu modern armies tiere are "H. went tois room,luis first hhougil ceuler o! a now crci, hhat whiein uadbcabîtieoed tel naf pnt a îm regimeots anti regiments. Sanie indeed, being Ititelegrapihoalie king. ah Ems, 1775 weigied beavy on the eadcatih anilbautae chuteFter utfia wayok like thie fumons Tenli, anjoyeti even a a foîo-, 'Il wouitihoboaiet tamobiliz. yonng Loui@ XVI t'illhlie cnetout l'sa ille i, omtle ratnot in awy Btoi- iicknnme, "Tiie Lnrks" (Alaudu). The ut once, tieciare war and ti tck before dtiisoomfort, 1"1It b rinre "a mmoen'tibtsdinth qingele.t luen men, if w-c are ta helieve Vgelius, su!- France is prepamet.' Hlemnem-es moere Then comne 1789 ant iltii re ad and an utmonsthe liaquirrel le it-a fering fromt lie same weaknesses, conîd tilrung tabheliehgest tension, ant ibe blond anti lnry ai the Frenchi revolution. atig r utiol ie limbtaiusedretau ait t. aiseti by the sme mens t ic i eaîne paeiaaeel ii.Lying ai îin -on outilSiuartPratt iuse cure ho keep sîciluceasli veernsof iepenn-îhiakngser. rsstiha iut,-irlsSnn rî 1 ip ot~ its holti, andt len lie oriole's oppartu- ula war. As la tihe lighter mentis of toit, 'Blesseti are lie peucetuakers, for lleAmy eTramps niah for a terIbesasulieîtruath e the Romant legîunury, are Iluey uol îm- îîey sîiallîecalledthecidren of Got.' Tiere caunlbe no donît liat the îramuP' Flhimnk in one tii. space ismuck I impori d n4hemansofaRoman 'Sat Iwou't do,' lie suidtiatoimself.inin la acertain sense lie maken and Tails el n iooGrmulus hTen l tepoitical conseqdencesof ciOnser O! bis own career. The wrlter's poîteutekoatheu lu a ing nant- . Taitustel us ow Grmaicus a l-hsecootempi.aletiactionubecame dean ta experience wuîî these vagrauta lias cou- istrc ie ohpan t hee qi letungo ways a popuhar genemni, liaving bliai hm, anti i. endeti by castiug thie ist vincet i- hllaI, liongh tlbey areualmast Qie m nd witipe quthel laI go son bori to hlm in lhe camp, dressed message asIde sud tlegrapbing la Ring alwuys lie vidtima ai liquor and la2z1- he ie 11mb andreti labegou d, tb. lad 1k. a littI, soldier, complte William imply ual lopietige blîseli ta mens, fully faur-fifîlia ai Arerica 'a vol- waretyin roe t nirmgof eabt p-h even tabils boots (caliga), lu lie bape anyliing wihBenedetti, wia, if bee ha- iiary beggars have begun liair wîde prently lu hie tarisfaoieh .T of pleaiug bis men. The men ai coiurue camne pressing, waa ta b. toît, 'My min- antironflos sways wiiîe 511lu n hewhm xaee ho agy tbis faor!&t ami, muade a pet ofaihla sud calied i uniCali- iser af foreigu affaira la et Vrziu' "teons, aud bo-ve beau furthbre i n thir fu.helsang lut bes aI rlut Cih guls, or Little Boots, and il la by bis -Landau News. wroecg teuîdencils by uuwise treatmeut ts Ion fTlandy pt li a aquirrte ce camp nickuame ai Litle Boots that appliletite them'wbenYoug. lit stsr7 sd bohu"saw ht lb. olcl Chriaun, son of Germanicus, livea in A Triumph oetElemenlar,'Edciu . yoar st ar a, evan monhit haatrcddsryt oiee.ClaaRc hlsorto his day, Il inas auraus ex- Theofallo'wiug littie incident bappanai monti, trampdoza le increaseby squadi ampleaof tha peraiatance la lie natureaofinlua London suburb. A bootmakraap- o a yolis urba'uriliMan take sud holti Chameeon spider.. fighting men. Cochrane'% rougi Chil- lirenlice, a lad ai about 14, dellvered a thiePlaces Ofi heir aidera, wia will mat- An ,nterasting instance of celor =m- eau sallors dressetinp bils 5-year-old sonl pair of bootseta s ratiesman'm banne. urally trop awny wilb lie years. Tisa. icmy in spiders lias beau observeti la th. as atin mishimanandmad a et he radsma'àiwife, aoouslomedtiah boyisb roadters are more o!fetn illegiti- souti of France. The. spiders o! flint me- of hlm lanltie same way.-Macmillan'a orderly business ways, asked thie lad, mute Ibsu Iawful cbihtreo anticcouse- gian wheu lu serci o! pmey bide ia lie Magazine. ________aiter ianding hlm lie mouey for the qnenîly proper subjects for state cama convolvulua flowers. It bas beau noticedt Ro»ssla a Tocab Pire Thousando sOd . b ta, la receip thie bill At thua ne- anti guartiianship. Andtihte fat fliaIthiat a wbite variety o! spiders frequeut- Flider Penetiearcioelogstqueat lthe lad abowed the grealeat cou- every trarnp la the United States lias edth le white flowera, a greenlisi colamet liners exig amoeganme uncgiethlmion, ia hite waman, ho neassure spent Bomne parI af bis youthb lua e- variety matie lhe green flowera bis borne, Egyl xavtmb a ong B re a ciroes ir ait, "Juat ireceipt il, ns a malter form scioal, or,worst o! aIl, in jaila, anti a pink oue liveti principally li hi. Egytia tmbe foin a reah f rsesofbusiness." Wbereupou he wrote tiemouatratestliaI hiere la a failare pink flowers. Tii. colora of!thie tiree whiichbai hen honut inlto a garland laîcinionsly aameîiîng on the palier. Ini aomewbere lu aur ayst.rn oi. correction vaieties ware ah lirsI supposedtieho h anti burieti iithi lie deati thionsands o! lie evenhug, whien lie tradeaman exam - anti reforinallon anti mukes 1h aecessary permanent, but il bas retly beau dis- yearsaugo. M. Crepin, lie botanist ant i methie papera on lie spike, ho carne ant Oiauy faIirtat lie sociologiat as coverettt hie ciior af auy one of maicroscopist, mati. a careful examina- upon n boolrnaker'a bill, at lie foot ai wel as lie reformer abaulti know Ilie liese spiders changes@ wylîin a few tiays tion o!this queer fiad anti prepareti a wîicî ivas writlen la large letters lu a tramip from boyliood la malionti. Sa- if lie Insect b. piaceti in lie convolvulua paper on if, whicii lie rend biore the schcolboy haud, "As a malter o! busi- pefilciai anti nusympaîheti atsudies ai of a diffament sioloreti lower frum intai Royal society ai Beigium. Frorn Ibis nes." v as the youtîîul apprenic.'s bis character, withi aaliow hheonies ici lue bas been using as bisborne. paper it appears tbant lu places where lileraî interpretation afithie emanti for about rernedial meusures, bave so fan Four spitiers-pink, white, green anti tie flowers were malleti togellier lbey a recipt as a malter «ibusiuesa. -Wcsl- failied i gnalhy iu ch8ckng bis muiign yellow in clor-ivere ail put la a box eny lu aindtir Tie specelashab inster Review. influence upon oiety.-",HowMeu Be- logethuer, anti vithin tire, tisys al'si-re ey faintog laTheow eialsbt a rse rn Tnuio oranApt. creTramps," by Josiai Flynt, Ii white. resrniig lim u evraîprtcua.s Mm-Semar-4-s Cntry -__-_______ h.Co-ris__ --s.r lt L 19 le le , i le K il marine aiml subrnergedpartçpt or rainat interlor. Whou l$ ai the Wood illa but lucreameslu set hùle il boxes uutit accomplahed. TlatM front lhe originsl pd Into thele ir a t lu aize ta the dsmé peucil. AtIthebig, two clam shella tIaM, site sud cul a ceb Worm somnetimes Hundrada of am* exposeti vaad ait lbê a aient tima aumemous thay aa wilh onea sulta& fount viere ana bom Ibough lie partimiMsi liat as the p aeOt larger Iban pin boa&d main ant do thair inside, ye lheb.se anti uuaffactet. Sa alîgitest vamulng,l. vay and Its ea v der, and te hi.varfvbà* stanlial in wholyroi"& ' bave been resonted hto. lie piling in copper. tie ennfaea oi lie waa4 beatiedti Aa-tie rue~ spreati au nasutodiscoeuqf aperations. 81111 anoUtb bol] tha vood lu areosMe sheani pressure, noIdut 1 umates lia ibers of "b.VU&d AI]thies e thode asu lia creosole proaos la aj aIl nlosig lhe gult comaS, Un chie! tdrawback, a aish Bote limier coSting .cmetbbw as 150 -Mobile RegImba. SOME PERSONAL P Eee.ntrefts? b"gWs The late Sanator ReagN" r usedtho to bis inking wIlb strngng u is inger., su"Ib" wounntup andtivshed an lued again moeauicahly m . the. tebste. Sanater Veut a» a quill tothipick. Omnilile1">, paper inta bits sud drop the p4*' by one on thaedox. Tbe IaUt bacco ciewer snd apUm 11r' ta 1k, makiug it uucoMfoýe! interviewer. Max Freeman, lia ex"ertil agan, pulls yuu by tie ost I lien puahes you away lt Ai. lu the mait embanaulung al will suddenly pull you, aMd tIci ha feaet yo n ae ikly to =i pupi you away fi-rn bhit qut.î' pectetiiy. Jirn Thompsos, vie asdm besltidresseti man la oW. pretty close l Itb4 1~ muise a mustache, but bisé gering ana aida afitIl _mS out, sud tienthie w"oi aff sud i. bas tu balla oie A gentleman cames Hennit square av" ey a seau glanciug nt bis loft flicking aht1hil; hb Thare isnt anythn lie unap o! bis otvtd voru away. Tel b. VSi aI11about lSe aap*w glancing irom ocee b.~ A papula Pltabr0a §Gand@ Yomr uni >ê ile b. tual ete like a woodpaaago*&;, Autolt hou hlth rin wth lba é New York Emd About 25 yearw a man bougbt a suit aap Canallua railroad far L property. He laithl.e us .rior caurt, but inlsedu 1il la lie suprame court., V- seuleti bis avu cause. lie, guntent by saylug vblmtal 3 "lMay il ploehe ie04~ aIod French aagebWh via lashis ovu Iawyer bt tclient.' ti 5 The neit veek lha amp 9pronauned its tecisicu, Wb, tversa totahle alion SeN* guetslttet lia imeu 1nauncement ai bis scam rappoinîment by meaus et dsaut hlm by a prosulusaut vas su iutimate frimaietilb The telagraîn rendeta menh for tefendant lu adage affirmatiby su 3Yontlî's Compenlon.

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