'T8 NO AD VICE. V'VOLL NftTAcOEpT CLEVE. ".AIWS OFFER. ~* Quairt wth Uncle sm Pr*%éw. t. Ygight ]Rathea ibm1 ,Ç"a Tbrougb Forelgn ru e- " » ba teAvod a are hp"e trem Madrnidt l te Pal] ~S~tbe~sq St"ena ono('u el 1 jgbe#~u~hpl-ewier), 1l a in î4 I tervicmed. ls relatives, tt, Offam.athe existence et a cosm- ýfomn qienî Cievelan& .But »Feseuta~eiet public feeling, il Nl!Osbe for te Goverameal Pth ~ r. Mattera are ver>- cer- .aui, whitle te Goyeranient iii "~tlhmgla Its power le avoid a 1wllh te United ti ates, It ilii te tOtm rather titan loue Cuba i fereiga pressure. Ttecocming ,wmi grant Cuba es-er>' ressonable se te hac njed slunter te Spaiiisit »XR NAIrO2NAL DEFE.NSES ter *"uIe Bloquenuîîy Urgres -~LiseraI Appropriation. K Wto enseesw" wulte subject o gqbire', speech inli teliiti actI.as a prehimnasu t e a mon dimension o e tiec, lte $en MId ail ipart.: "Witat an absîr h as the Congres of te Unitei Preîenteil duriug Uic present se-& 'b liéeintent taltin la tarrfethli b>-te United tlIts lu lut af ub anti Venezitela. Hoar cieal ,AU" is lissincere Uieaghit imnay Wt Occasions. Et-sr>'emun ivio ham himit fon te suibjecet fna. idaeuses, Lor ltat. as a nation, art e ttInucondition lo unsiertake mn: Sifer mar. We ecuttalk btendaUO *M iproteas a>'npatby, pass rt-sein *dMalnake belles-e te ourse-Ires tait US i- artuiali>' bkng a haut in thes diplomatie affaire and interuiitinl <lues- thiWîs « gi-cut mentent. but titesewoare motuci-.secesedb>'egoti.-;icnh glimeun a4 m.knew ttc fatlt are perteetly et lic painful nutitaIttis dtin- eSSiratui sntere tîîlk ansI bluat-r atud e*Wh»Mmaent, or, nt mnt, il is a s>îit- Ut,» tiat las cuil>- alisicti w-it merely V«el expressions."' lu ctusiig te Seat- aloi- expresieilte hope tatte bihliter- eIrwing for te extcitire of .S00,00l1,OO 0er se*-eoàst dots-uses iouitîtbLeaultet] -Witb«ot*Ws riouedieatiomt. KILLS HIS BABIES. .01»o=v John LehmntVire@ Ballets - eI iree Heurte. 1iàto bita heart@ et lus th-ce ltle ci-- ~,the simallest euh>' a taby, ,Johnt Wet231 II-ett, Chiigo, ~s aeuive itullets Tutecuha>. Then, ara futile nîtt o lbang tittiseif, ban ireti ablnlot lutte lus titin litart, otpuer, net depenteut u tilet, pros- ý,FC«for oaeinlitiis slmioîtilutlite-Le-i liras mo]ud> tt ssssiuuiic. He tear- ,*4491wOhti atoi bt-conte a latien; lite ui'a calone gritîl. lie tiought, tha 11111e ees1w1îsuîtdluiltu>-gI-es ..-~st bie aun. tntstipsaliuitoit. lossith>' t4 vat-lte w:-ust n-rîIl living. Roy>- ". l; iwu-asbîttîrtlie' aitoîtd il ttgo. irîkiimas aboeut wsiut joitutLt-iimtithits lut theuglîttouglu itsŽ mist-ar>- ia ex- "3"Ssllg tee Ovolubi>' bis gloilli>- uil-s. Pelbubi>, jutgîug trisit leitaniau dtta -0< ttinla ligt-uîrat, tlitougitî lieirisa ý'*iug lite babies andtti huttsct a kiititess. JITTUMPT TO WULECK A TRAIN. Obbta'uctl0u »tsenbvres and Remoed JutinuTisme. à dosîsidi>' atteitpît tru-ik the]irait- 9dexpress train oi te leve~itl atî ~#tg'Rg îati w-s@adue lutfore lît>- ne4.uar te sotititera itiits oft UIt-- 7'A roilingiii emîîisye ni i5a>- utork dicevereth aId rentos- i'c t-oh- <UtructIen jtat in liime ho as-oui a terrible vse.Ta-o itea-nailmoti lialit l uten = laed troini I-il tolenthlt rtikganul - imI'tes is-re abIs patcudpl ntiet is-itît thec railisounte etijîe. Scare- ia-itthe it 4bêtrae-tion litecti teiuttuvsl wii h eitiilIiai- Îie tundereti lus-nt te rate out ifi>- MLéâta un heur. - olmea a Clumeîy Lier. lasurau'e luîsptuor Gar-y, o e ie -c >4J utuel Lite (tuiiatu>-.Oetl'tiiatiet- 'ýaÇ iusureti. 5avs Holines dit nol comtmit Muê bbemmm i e cou fpsce tate., Kte i'e -blu slut Ontalia, Dr. iRussehilul 1,; t 4L ýAnnan suTateseil lu Arkansas Robhart Ltier li Chicago. tGor- _4btConner titî net tdie for six w-seks leaviug Cictago fer lots-a. Vir-. Doce Immele a lmage. 'Z'he building at New York ocenîshb> A A. Afiortt& l'o., one ot bbc largelit of' ~ lc si lika, hssusites, sres. guoe M ili gives., atii liuetiTuesdis>' - remea more batli> iureti. Ttc 1MasOee o e t it-mt-s te cil>' ver ensd Uic lianiai los@foOts ais a dolars. 1ROnew lhe Drelbund. edspth front Venice soa that Eni- SOlM santi KiîgHuîmbert, ai C efteie alaunîla>', deeiied ta pro- ,tbe Di-ibundtilath 1t(, cpreseut t iucladiag au offQnais-e aasirci *fuive clause. ,- Explos of etDynagaîbe IVIMa ie ifrointGwe!o, Southt *11r.tisa a terrible explosien et ocriarred FIrda>'nabtbbc RagIe RtX e %attat place, anti2W0lMats- kmed. b sent te Rooeeveiî. *lreuaed te "'Tceooe -PfeHeiquanrtcni;'" andt - "was brougit telte 11,11,00ce Mouslly te tbeU,11,4t se danger- RIU1WO1U trnoulÊfoxsim W«* or the @tete Convention at the Capital City. 'War falinsît be.Uaanwtctume madsale ef lcohélilittiom and. war aast the t~o îtÏbdard- wns declared Wedneatiay t,, ii.ttcaft to the State convention bf thte Prohibition part>' ef Illinois at Sipringfield.. tlght pianks forin the plat- tormu Of thte Party' as adopîtd, and oft tiese two trere eaPtnred b>' those wrio leaîîed te Populistie ideas. Thte first was ltat advocating the prohibition or the inauu- facture anti saie o1 aicoitolic liquors for neverAge PUrPoses. Woman suffrage wns Ptlaced nexI. Civil service refqrm, .com- Pulsory education sud Sunday Observance vVere favOet.- The tth iilank was the Mnlnorlîy report n ei eoutienis favorlig fre Omuer. -Tite maineit>' report on reso- lutons won taitiet by a clever ruse of the POPuliatO. Whcn lthe delegates finali>' un- dcrstood ln what.PoOlbtaaeyere placoti b>' te reird magie et pariiamentary ruie,the maJoril>' report ln favor et pro- ldibition, se the dominant isune, was resus- citateti and carrieti. The acharne wn nue *bâat will be remembereti b>' te Prohibi- tiUonist oetllinois for niany a dey. The ieventh atdvocated a national tariff com- mnisaienfree froni polities. The lait plak, ;wneng'other thinge, referret th ie trans- ter Of cOntrol er ait fieans et transpra tion ani communication teu te GaEr." mient TO ]REDUCS CAPMITAL LIMIT. 4Report ou hBilliiifqr National Banksa là lbu Small îitie. ilepresentat ive Vau Veeris, ot Ohio, bas reportetile lite House fronthlie Bat uk- Ing anti Currene>' Committee a bill te per- mittlita organisation et national banki with a capital ot net les. than $20,000 in cilles et 4,000 luhabitauta. Under lte cx- i stlng taw lte minimum capital stock ne- >quirêti for bte organisation of a natbonal batui fl ,000. lu sntme sertions etflte ceuntry, says lte accompanying report titere hha . na hrowing neet toriait lsunes, au neli au, for elter banking se- e.mmodatlons a li mal townsinlu iricit M,5000 canuot teatdil>- b. ralsd for boul,- tug parposes. ____ PîVEM 1EN »ROWNBD. Tise Brillish Ohip iais-moi. Capielae Whsite LYiu aiAnehor. Tha Britiatshitip Blainmore, at ancitor lu Mission Bay', la lthe sonîhenPart of San Francisco, capsizeti. The aitu uneil cepleli'os-en. Thte irst olficer anti tour of thacrew mena drowneti. Tte aitip mas la ballast. Pire men known te Le Gn hourd are ntissing sud it la suppouedti ie>' are &,ownad. Tugesnet teau-erk te night the vesaci miticit tas been titene aince Pcb. 2, fromNew5c Cachie, Anstralis. Tte capsired vessac illvi bcLesas-et tiitiote inucitdamange. Keta etie.Acconuts. Titene mag a sensation iu court anti miii-i tan>' circies lu Berlin Frits>' memningi writn il mas aunoinee t tiat auetiier duel1 grouiug oîtut lte greal court anea>'-j ýmoîus-letter scandai hluauken place lit te woots rneurPotsdiuasutt tIBaront von lichrater, master ofthlie cerenueulest 'b! lte Pruslaî court, bat been sitot andti seriotui>' nonuadeti b>' (outvon Kîsîze.i -Von Koîze w-us tormei>- court chant ter- lans andi ias acquittet on the -charge et Maing lte nuthor et lite anonymous coin- municalleuts alinteti to. Baron von icitra- s 'der mas serieusl>' mounued lu the alite-@ utenu. He imas takeui te a hiospital. 11h. -relatives tiero telegrapteil for, andti ie>' Ipremîtis' aîleret fnt bits batiie. Titis- U lthe titird duel efthlIe series et about at .zen toi; iricit lte citallenges wmi rect-t 'ont lait April b>' CeunI von Koîze, anit lie litnsrepeatetilbis aunoituicement et ili t deterînination le kerp ou ighting itis eue- L ýmutes, eue b>'citle.untlite bas setîlet nc- coîtits t ailleun luis list. Those irto kueir Ceunis-on Koîze teed confidettlie w-I keep i.s word. Tite scandtais tiiîta gare ise te titis senies et dusîl began il neani>' ire yeurs aga, miten itigitcourt a Pensoinages, maie anti temale, oit anti t Younig, Itegan receirittg anotymnteet- il lors or testai carda cîsliiug thei allen- t tien te titis or titat escaipade upoli -m iI estn part, or tipon lthe part of rnt-latiî-es il or frit'nîs. As a restilt. w-ires lut-ameo sepamatot trin tieir tusitants. ansitttil il crs anitmolteru tirsiedtIheir citiltîren. tîcarl>' eserytodY> of importance beiug sunitrcee aome or lestu lthe veun otet uinony-ttots irriter. wlo mas evideuiti>'a p per>,son îlorougîîîs-faruilitîr iw th aIlliteC details et court lite. l'copsie ltganti le ok asukatlnt tîteir beot t ris-tits. Et-tr>' E effort pssible w-ns moate b>'lthe polict-el, 5s discOver ltegsuilîY Plicnt. but. in spite td etf tItis, tite aîîeîî>-nious tormenuur wis a] able to conltiue lthe cI-u-I ot-k about 'T tfour yoars. Titi-giterai opitnion Nvi si tilt tv lthe vile eomluuuicti, iuutawerethe ti-urit t il a isonau but gmatuttl>' itis stýiiir s-ltieul, a nilfsor sente uii ii i t.i I-t-tua soit suspicion fît stenet hIs-if itiou hotusil rouit Iotze. Oeeotflthe court cilaîleluus~ aL Popular nian. well liket ille t-m lvtro(t nuti Itistet b>' ail lus fri-endtilie H- wts tir-h restesi, but afterwsarti scquiittl. 'cViui-a Ç Coant von Kotze w-as relent-et front lurisoti B bie prompt!>' seuil Out challenge-s te abutîPl a dozen out liose nhom hie Lelieredtilene bave beeu mmplicutetilil, a plot le ruttublanps lu ortier te sas-e lthe ri-puttion ofthlie iigit e2 persouage, wh1oerer tie may Le, iito la hooketiaPOn as bs-inlithe reai uiuttcuoe o bte anon>-mouîî Ciiuitilons Titis is bi4 tii duel, and tilie citalleuiges itre >-et Vi ont. e Prohibition Candidte.. Pn rotibiticaîsta et Illinois tare lîlacatl lnomination te toilowiag ticket: Geveruor... .. .. . . . . . . .Hale oitson Lieutenant Gorernur-..... _A. 'ciutle Setcan>'ofetliate -.. -.-AlosopE. Wilson ;Audtor ...... ..........A .Biit T!reasur-r .... .... ..........K.syser ,Attorney Genemni-h oertIlh. Patton uUivriy Trusteei*-!îh,*ims Luc>'P. Oa,. *ton, Mrs. Curnie L Grout, Mma. BaW Ilh. Orr. Uuited Stabes Senator -- Dan Rl. Sbeen -Biset Bimeoîf Tirona ite Heirt, George Bamar, aged 35 years, a collec- ter employesi b>'Perey' & NValet, St, LorîU, rameal saI. agents, counlle mil > shootlng,biaîstjtl troait te lttait He bfda i e iaaiitmiteni te lis-et hapIl>', ami ne cause lo kuouuî for cenumnittîs, -te edei. go tan as Suomu. Batuer-3 accouais Ire correct, bat au luresligli u MW ha mata. Bhb EzPOr~tà t Importa. 'Te Brillith Bourt ot Trde relaru> for te lrab quarter of te linssent >'ar lv Ihet limporta ihave aununtedt t 05, 476,710, agaînit 3t4,18,300tir lm06 The exporte for teflit lquarter iii 1M9 vert $806165,215, sud 3263,60Qj 10f« -s ne.- t te saniet:me. - X RAYS DEADLY FOES TO DIS. EASE GERMS. Chicigro Physicien@ Claim Wnderfut Resmit - Trade la Stsgnant-Flret Sioux Indien 50 Appiy for a Penaion -Dceabof Col. CecicerllL. x Ray as a Cure. Epidetuies wiil ttc. impossible. Agiatic choiera la uo more teaite feeredthoitn car- alche. Diphatheria anti glandersanad 1>'- pitoid have at last met a power rtrouger than the-r own utaiigaucy. rTe ltreats et deadi>' bacilti nia> brng lesa terrer tiataneicsigit et an eveung breeze, atnd panumonie andti uiercuiobis be more in- cenveaiences titan pesti. Titis isnlte fit- turcetfcointagion, witb lte Reengen ra> in thse regular practice anti a companien of saw and scalpel ant i hAt, accordiag te tire Chicago pitysktan. Prof. W. 1'. Pratt anti Prof. Hugi Wigbln, lthe electro-tbcrnpeutiot andtihie bacterielogist ef Benne.tt Mkedioal Cellege. Chicago. have praclical>' provedti iis. rthe>' put the germa et elgitofethlie most deadhy dis- cases titrougithlie test fer a week. Ttc>' bave been ted anti nunluned i mththe greatesl came. Tite> bave falied le proput- gale or spreail, lîroving tite>'are deati or bave been stîunteti. Dipitieria waa Plain oulnigitt. 'lucre isne doub t fte effeel la titis euse. The- sanie fiuai sud positive verdict u int e thers la reservesi for a feu- tia>s titat lthe bacilli niay have tliets possible chancre te revive andti tit ever>' scicntific requiremeîît oethUicexpeniment nia> be fuîlfilil. rTe tiectors mainlalît Uiat succcii, ,--cired witit test tubes. Predicts muet more marvelenu effects w-heu Uic saine attack shal ttc made upea Uieeenteumen locatet lu Uic huma.nitoody. Thme metiteti ili bct ied aI once. "ey wiIi net bc able le gel patientasiritît ail te dusessa ici t tey ciaini te bave coaqueried, but tenson that sucecalu inoe ramcas succeslu ail b>' varying the strengt eofthlie cur-e. TItADE AT A STAND8TIL1. Wealier un Important Factor bu thse I.G. Dan & Co.'s Wt-ckh> Revit-w et 'rade says: "Ttc volume ot business ita@ net on tte w-le inenettoet. non tarc fil sapprecial>' advitue-ince Ausmhl 1. miteuthbbcrange for ail conimoditi- a us lthe homest les-en kuowain titis cosiuntry. Breasistuffs andtiironsprodutcti bave rnon iligitt', but moeeother articles huas-eîle- cluneti, antilte root of lthe matît-r l ituil demaut for coustnuption la ctliibeloti ex- pectalions. Thc numnter ot bauds t- phoyed tas bt-eu shigiti>- leusajit-silu>' strikea ha soute estatulishments andIlu> stoppuage or rt-tnclio- iti terce lu olls, but lthe chtange dîîng tte lait w-N-k bue net bot-nI-clatis-el>'Imortant. Ttc w-cath- er tais uot tavret-tactive disatribsution of epring guets, anti utcoi-laiut>'as le con- linnet cmploymenl affecîstetcue ulttt b>- banda in a large nunuber utof ktablisti- ments. Hoe. its a liightingt Recordl. Jîtt Grant, et Lawrence CeunI>', S. D).. ,bas a herse ltaât bas teenu i tneic Samna service ton os-cm fitîcea >earî, turing nitici tlime itlitas part icipatet lu inber-, lt-sa engagements wit thlie Apaiches, Sioux anti otter ihostile Indieu bribes. Anong tte figitstm itiet il pla>-t-tils part w-s ttc lîsîtie etfIounteti Kniée. Tise hoîrse trernî-ta part ef tte Niutth L'utsaIrYlut- tem k-nes-u as tht- "Wite Hors- Brigade," Lu-cuse cet thc colon o et ttt--t. Nobcd Journallet Gene. C'oh. John A. Cot-ke-rili, witukly k-nomn uis uant-tiller anti newmpaper w-nIer, dit-i tuititeni> nt ('aire, Egypt, Friiti>- tom tîtopiex>', w-hile te wasinluttc baurber sitoî ut Sitepteala Hotel. Col. Une-kerili uit. n ltae serv-ice et Jaumes Gordion Bentt1 ot lte New York Ht-raid, tom w-itm te1 bait been lu Egypî for ttrec w-t-tkg, lie ifI Nem York l I Jaunr> 18951, lis e- enteelite Hernit'as pecitil coretsondent in Juipan. Indian Applies fer a Pension. Ranuke, a Sioux Intîttt, mite toIts lthe pstiion etfe-bier f etcIntîalut plice lit Croîr Crcek ageute>, w-as tutfore tihe Chamiiberlain, S. D.. Boardtif etnusion .xamnera as lthe prs-iiuinary aiep tosward ecuriug a pension. lie atted as a stout turiing eue ot ttc Indiaut stars, ant i nakts pplication utuser lthettoftJulie, 1l'Sm. Thits la believe to le Le tclit-s-taisnte- -ut-me a Sioux lutian huis îîîuliet fur a peniton. There WiII De No Blondshee. Caplain Titomas Phau, lut Bte, Ment., mitose challt-nge te ligit a dnsel w-as dehineti rece-ul>'b>' CengressinantLuitn. as matle pubiethrougit a Butte papi-r, am-fespontence tit 2CyrsaE. Pauge, et lutte, mtWhitixientust leLinton'$ lace. Tite>' coultnet sgree on t-rut,, toit censiieimg biinseif lteetall-ugeti ail>'. Page, mite is su oit-timer suit au epcrt rifle %but, sn-s ['bt-lau is a cew-nrt. Fiaisermea Meut DeuIl,, Elgit c men eeironttidat-ar Norfolk. Va., Frida>' atternoon. Tite> were fiait- I-mca, six etfmitoni ere negrees. Cap- tn Jota laituie, itis sounlerc>' antisix >haored men mere pull iug ouIt fomlt e sach te mcl a net mteu a big maverc ieS ne -Seat anti tunnel i os-or. Tire e t ten 9«O n top Otflthe boni aut rentaine tere &bout lifleen minutes, bat tere waiheti offanti aank Lencat thlie ma-es.7 Jeaiouay L"este Murde.? J. A. Joues, au empio>e oethlie Western t Uimbu Telagrapit Compasny at Kansas Itk oao u illed George Frank- a, a member of tic Saivaîlon an>'. Jeai- 15>' canseilthe tragti>. Joua' mia i e alvatieqîist anti Frankini hall accepi- inieti ber home, Joues cicapeti. Ohio lSteel Cammpan>' te Reauun, The Ohtio Bledl Company' posîrd notices a its plant at Yonngatomn, Ohio, that il i vould reaume openations lu rart once. :t won aunoueedti lt Ilte et-ter meenti>'e met, ton a retioction ot 10 per ceultlin vage ad îsibeen recaliat, miicitcaues ils< »Il employas le te jubilaLi. Tw.uty-eigisi Me. Are Miiaing.2 Twettty-eigbl nmen mare dtinuoff store landa>' on the le-e at Si. John's, N. F. rws> steqLuuens searcesi tfon that, - ut ne- urneti utauemstuk Il la supposedti hat he me. have got *shore ai desolate points w ti S»L . -2 Actionet UiJuted etatee Cornwai-sLU- dowae*.10. Pouth Amnesija.1 Thte Buens . yres Press general> cern- nmente uPOn the action et the United States Congress lu relation tobite beliig. erene>' er the Cuban revoiutionîsbs. The Tribune, anti the Nacien taver recognition sud express hope. titat Presitient Cieve- ]andttil lprove tthe resointions. The Prensa stands lunlthe attituide ef suppiort- lîîg Spain. Thte generai sentimeut in Ar- gentine iseue et aynupatity with thte revo- lutionists. A member of Cengress la quetetinetua ying tbat ite was. oui> watt- iug for action by President Clevelantutt preseul a motion in titelioune for simillai action lt tat taken lu theFUnitedi Statea. ASK AID FOR 8TRIKING 31INFIR96 Secretary Pickerd MaUInicaa Appeal te the United Siatea. Thec mincrs' memiter ot Parlianient, Benjamih f'icksri. mvio la aiso secretar>' ot lthe Minera' Interatiounal ederallen, Je mîailing circuleaste tite Unitedi States ssking for assistance for the Ausîniau minera wlîe bave been, on a strike for sev. erlmi ntths. rTe numnier Involveti ia d2,000, etfntont ucar>' 5,000 arc women. ExPloalou Occur aiusngMasacre. Thte steamer Empresof Japan, wviicit bas juil arriveti front the Orient. brings news of a terrific explosion l iinit a large number et Ciiese selsiiers were killed t IKiang Gin. Two regiments re- volbed ant i a signal trouiluheir Icadser t bey seizedth îe guns oethtie turis, proceededti t kilt off ail ef the lficersand a uiet regi- nient oet itier1,rees-ati>'arrived. In lthe uiist oethlie massacre a magaîzine exîsiet- et] snd ail bauds were blsswu te piecesK. Twiniiationeustsîhave been nipeti eut et exisîtece, as net a seidier liveti te tell If the umagtazine went o.ff b>' accidient or desigued>'. Ail -vititin a ltundred yaîrds ot lthe agazine tiere kiiled b>' dyiug siteis. Tite suber> etfthe mutlà toi bd b>' ltose mite nalctetiit froni a distance. Besidea an Imnienpquantit>' of sheile, 16,000 pouds et poider mas itoresi ln thc pou der-reona. One conipan> figbîiîtg near lthe builtding literal>' disappeareti fron lthe face etftthe tart, net n trace et nn o et i tbeing round. ('fut. Kno. who was geul lucoîtinnui or lthe battalions. fountît em shot-kitîgly tlenîorliz,d and ail ails of crimeî- s einîg irîtcticed luntthe ga irimon bowtt. Il is it Ifomplt it oesil Ie- toi-ni cot hitin is lite. ilSeeriil elein-atut oflic,-rs otflthe tlcw-ar were kille-t. Cails$ fer pence. At lagiPrs-sids±nt (iev-izintllins ruade to Sîtait a fîtrutullîîreiîoeiltiothtltlthe good <tti-t-s otflthe UiiteS-ti ttca teene- Cpiti i nt-i(ýl ial t lit,4 %tu-l t liit C(lutti r> andt lie-r rettlîtîns eoloîuv in lthe Wùs-t Ini ic. No ,li îluint ictt-alsh t-qtutti iîmporttiltacelî1.18 I,-ftthle cap1itu i, ie seSec- srtar>'()las-tvs ntle to the hBritis.h uv- e-rnuii uit lthe Veniezuetlat Inu itst:rv tuets- toit wi. 5.geit tu uîitifla it ruinettir. Il brings 1o n tri-h ithe rehistiotis hetwet-n the Uliiteul Sîaî,.s ttI Sptaini. miicit have bseîu unseîlies-i nice rthe oîttbre-ik ot the tlibau rels-!ilit. CargzoofetCoaI ou Pire. The flt-itîi4lt t-ltip Braltoch iit-seren a> s front N-witustle, New Suat uides,t Ias titit-t uthiartor nt SnuFrancisco wit liem cargo et coal ou lire. Site mai roundeti aud mater Pîtmped iltn tlir hlîct trotgh ten linsof ut ie until lite lare uas extingtistet. Ser e. ?Me n ItIewn leAtoe. A temmiice xplosinî ectirreti Wednes-f ia-es euigiu the cii iyou. four umiles front Igîlen, Utait. The utuen more etti>e ýy the- Pionteer Poivor 1Juin Conmpany', sud were proîtarilur a bhattwien a îurenrtatutre IL ýxPlosinu oceuri-et. St-ven tiere kilied. 1 k Wales One et the Sponsors. AI ('anss s tuughîs-r ot GrandtiDîîkc Michael, sonu tfGrand DuL)Iko >sNichiael- Nicoliihee-itci, ma laîizedi in lthe itsîssiau ebsurehthebb l'isce t-u iWales unithte Grant Dîîîhtess cf MclubtgSuwoi being bt-m sposmr. Germaus Are Snieicers. Lart yenr, accot-tiig te figures ceaBta-n t-tu in a rt-liet oethlie State Ds-îtnlmtut Coîmmerc-ial Agentl'Moornt 1Weiiimar, lthe cenauintîtiun or tsIacco ini Germutan>-%%rau 159,392,5w0 totltils, To Adepl lthe Melei'Slgem. B>- a rote cf 119 le 117 ttefleuse WeIVOltesdaY-pas-sedthte sulli leatnosl lie meltric systeor ut weights ansi Ciasumes lin aIt l elcutmet-is ut lthe gos emmuieut ilflor J ul>' 1, 189. f-bot by hietîers. Joiuhnl11-c, a clonk u inthe gi-tut-nuit ore ot P., T. littyt, huis brot-ertut h auile, COL. wsitashot anit tillet b>- tise tutisketi toîshers. MARKET QUOTATIONS. Chicngo--Cllttle, common te prime, $3.50 le $5).OO itogu, sîtipping gradtes, $3.00 la $4.00; siteis, fuir ta cboic-, $2.50 to $4.00; w-lent, No. 2 mcd, 65cetale 4; cen, No. 2, 29je la 30e; onîs, No. '!, 19e lo 20c; ryt-, No. 2. 36e te 38c: butter, citoice ceattn>-r, 17e te 19c; eggs, fresut, lOcta lelie; potalees, hurIusitel, 1l;c te 25c-; troouît curn, $20le $45 lienrt-n ton commn o echoit-e. Iutiaualelis-('alho. ahippiuug, $3.00 ta $4.50; toga, etoice liglît, $3.00 te $4.25; sitcep, counnteIopt-me, $2.00 le $3.75: wtt-aI, No. 2, 70e le 72; ecrut, No. 1 witle, 29e luec; eutB, No. 2 w-bile, 23e te 24C. St. Louiois-Caîle. $3.00 le $5.00; bogs, fa00te' 40; utonl, No. 2 mcd, 75e te 7IS; crn, No. 2 yellom, 26C le 27e; oats, Nto. 2 whiite, 18epte 19c; rye, No, 2. 36oe le a8e. . Clnciunuii-t'attîe, 3 3.50 te $4.50; togs, $3.00 le $4.25; îtecp, 32.50 le $4,25; witeat, No. 2, 74e to 761e; corn, No. 2 atixeti, Sic te 33c; oals, No. 2 mixeti, 22e to 23c; r>'e, No. 2, 4le te 43c. Debreit--Cabîle, 32.50 te $4.75; togu, $3.00 le $4-25; iitep, $2,0)ta $42,-5; whieat, No. 2 net, 73e le 74c; corn, No. 2 relleir, 29e lu 3ic; oala, No, 2 wite, 23e .o 24c, rye, 317e te aiOc. Tohedo-Wheat, No, 2 met. 73e le 74c; ten, No. 2 yeliom, 3Oc te 3ie; enta, No. 2 w-bite, 21c tu 2_:; r>-e, No. 2, 30e te 40e; lever set, $4.,50 le $4.00. 3Mhist-astkee-Wh'tVta, No. 2 spring, 63c oe 06c; corns, No. 3, 29e le aic; cita, Ne. 2 whtie, 2le to 22c; tare>, No. 2. 30e te 33e; r>'e, No. 1. 38e te 40c; pork, mess, $8.25m le $8.75. Buffalo-Cattie, $2.50 te35.00- hogis, $&00 le $4.50; sbe.p, $2 50 'te *(.15o; vrtest, No. 2 rat, 78e t O -co rn, No. 2 >'eîhOw. 3&e te o;koute, No whmte, ut te 25-0. - I V& s W. - - CLAS 0OF IMMIGRANTS SENT US 8V ITALY. TIesande More Ready te Bail frrnt Naples-Cleveland ai Laet Pinde a WaY te Get Information Concea-ulug Cuba-Tragedy ait Elgin. Mundrede Muei Go %bci. laTite steamer Bolivia, efthlie Aneltor rLine, arriveti lu New York t rom Genou anti Naples Suntiay. Site irotîgit 1,37t; Italiau immaigrants. Six ittnimof t them were detainaed nt Euhi Islandi on the groundti iaItti-y are likel>' e t-Wonte 1public charges. Oft tiis Itunberitne itand more titan a dollar or se, white tan>' of tem ware pnscically pbenuilos. Dr. Sien- uer muid lthat ofi>' 10 ier centt. ort tiose detaiueti weulti b4 allowcd teuIland. Tite eleamer Ails. eofthlie Fabre Line, aise tramn Naples, reacitedth ie bar mitit 1,004 More on board. The immigration àtinior- Iles are eppaliet aI ithe great intlux or Itallan patîpecs. 'More titan 15,000 bave sîreai> arriveti, andi Dr. Senîuer tas ne- ceiveti atvireg ibal 15,0W0 more are about tu sal treniNaîîh-s NEW CONSUL AT HAVANA. FitbhhLee te ilepreacant the United States lu theCaliban Capital. Tite Prce-tîtul otday sent te lthe Sen- at- lthe nomnttatioun et FlitbilgitLhe. et Virginlut, te ts-t-sPsul aio-Lral Iofthlit' ni- tel States ant ia. a, lsta, vi-ee Ramon 0. Wllliams, resligue-t. hiittigit Le - as item lit Clermnt. 1-airfax Usunl> ':a.i, Nov. 11), 1835. lie wias gradnait-dl t lthe United-ti ales ihiitary nitaetîtil-nis151. anti comuusitts-ld a <-e<siitl lieutenant lu Second carair>'. Atter las-iitg t-rittubli> w0uiîed b>- ludiai," oi thlie treitu-r te mas orsisredt lisWest l'oint tas inaîruclor et cas-ah->-lie -iretinodbis contltismion on lthe ltre-kieg -ouf tlthe trmotf ts, ne- bellioti sud it- ite teutoft-t-raîe cauie. lu'%mh MaIi, l . it irs ltslaeLItt-cit -01 mnia of u Ile tVitt- -a v uîtry c(,ts tsf Ile arn,>- tf NSrthli-rît V irgifita. m i ila imtsîth lIs-er s irrktis-rel lt - stvi. :.ît-i at F a-rm- ville. a fit-r s-u1-l a l re ] ts lais tonnei luaS Xahorib('(aîlait -. Ii 1874 lie niads- a oix---ht î htiiik-.r 1H1i ii ttrat-u lui te siii,-fit tas--.. let-w-a-, i( G tts-t- rîuf of 'ir;:ifl i i ;:a 1 11 viii- -t eral tiltrt liu tiLtJ.( New Yu-rk Baîr Amauciuiou P:Qnnitig tir n Permannent Court. 'fhli luatfuýr ii iiîsî-rnaîiiîai ctitotu ari,îruîit-r lt l'y-il-iisithetNews- 1u-rk Sim-Ilut -Bar t-uuhuilitfus tnt-u lîvssil-uiit- ttutsi ct i- tus sit to nuit t- its lus- i i t I: lg- us,iuusr eu-til 'ihiti ila- tulti I situ s tcullIt th-ui-ti fts --:lr if ii(i s Io if.-ei att i viti it- il [l, v- ui- 15-I t cupil tut iit-iuutuuf ttu i.i tO Iluit r.,li a iý-sunl . s au t iutii ui I t iol-1i:t>î [trui -. Tui-ra - t iltut-t i tlit-i. uguofthe- put-ul it it isu il ut ,'t amiesîst ettot. -t tot-t-t itn juti.. f tiv- t it. l.a Insne hc-ro GI.hr stlIetr Siet Mol.l-n .cryeliiî. Tfe1:douili t (tutuilu la-I l ae îs-î in- ulu-js-i.ii ioieiti i ti tt- ortheit y. Misstl 55 i lîutu t t s ilit wo,i -auttu bt-g.. uu tir-tidtitis- ut fît-r S-rilsl vok îsl.ucs- ot iLt-liet]if,-1 nevsul s tt- fv l flt-- t-il- i( it i iIth nu.Sl itt , Isu ' tr figuuttti t-t-tsi.I ii s-uiittit ikug -ri -LS tutu tu:m atiti. t-t, t tendant it h.. hf[itll iilit tt d (Jlut- lSuc 55.0. -tt , who e asuîî iuu.lil it lit t-t-i u t, ea ntcur sec it-I ti0. li-iiutrgt-uivfîuiuilits ehtiri l'îos dtilgi rssus t-ii tiltru be. ilts lhe.itiuul tutt Itutul iai.-utMi-. .uuîii Mi-m Cr-ut t-uttiii -usii Egtu1, si tst, liti lu, r .0t-les t u-l t--;t- ý,Itniîuîu lu .iîuu t. ilut i ovemlstttttihiuiusuruu. wlu-r- -h utli i t- iuiiu- i- ti-on bîu- -i ltt Gelhum'a Pet P1romet Kitlcd, uig uitul thisiuitlly lii uth- NewsYtotu- Situt- 8(IItet- uit ?llty oilday îlgiit. tihilit- iIil- cii-tk nittuatu luuig -ottiiitctiiifr,uî M.u.sori-lt rttug cf Nuis Yurk it ii n jî s u it lue su inii-il>- s-t- tt- the î,i11ianitexpris-- cd muuuierosttnrt-a nus sii> itle uu-unt ieihîlit iso to itetiýt% i-t til tls t tc- tli Il tas ret-telt-veto et Mutytr Vurtr of e Broouklyn, toglit-n wV-ilitI ts- appluiinusit mssatge cf 'Musyt(r Gît-uit-et fLonig sIntuu City-. Finnignn KlmWlte sud Soit. Patrick iniiss, a fainer rcsiglinint t Celtax Ceaits-, St-t.. Meuida>-nuscnuîiitg Sillet l iiiw-ite asuIlisn conunitîet msii- cite. Thtromuble mai cuuset lu>' the wsifu- retusing toleign tiit-is te lsmeety liem lut- banddstsrcîl lu ccl. Fluaigan iet-fIa note exlal:iulng lthe cause. suicide la Epidentle. A mania for sef-dei5trucUion in ires-a- lent lu Cicego. To lthe fis-e atteutpts nit siiciihs--ttse sucetiscai-reporcsl Sabur- do>' tour tnt-sht tagedies wcmc nddetlSun- Shoote anti Captures a Burgilar. Bunglîtrs entent-tlthe peitefice, anti gon- crai clore cf W. F. Itixmun nIto- taie, Ili, Statîs'Yuonîîilug.IOne burglart W88sw-oîuuîded b>' iixutanand caîîuîreîî. Ho gause bils uine ns Bryan anti bis toute as Logiusmont, lut. His psal ecatpet. Nitîcleen dollars in sîtua m uta lstakt-t. Refuse $7,000 for a Golti Nnggct. A auîgget ot goll-st-as toenst lthe Reid golti mine nair Uhir:oîhe, N. C.. a tem tudasmgo, for w-Iîieh lthe emmra bave me- fîmeacitn effer tif $7.M0. The ceunry- arouintin wreugbl up os-tr lthe lint. Dld l5ot Lngu Eia>' the penitaon. About ttree nuentits ago Rer. Thtomas- a Vot rna, o! Lebanen, buti., tas tc 01 fil yý Y( h( iv re a t el] t Il Apluoiîîuo rite j tifs-mç;-t. Atr l'ts1ve s or>-- dtIsuI.u-'tue ist-Cit-e Y daths oi-li u t )dll.Isis s %V11.4 tsît l'te t-iti tsg ilut- taxu-, til r-li i lt-u isrs frsmr ~-o tu $ 2. -î:if tuti ru-ulur-t th- nîtuitut- lstttr-rs iut itsI I.iut ,i- -i aO'utItax of "dlOtil.-uiiuul- lts-l. iuluiltuur a.ilt lurons a huile --t fr-uit, ý;44A) tt, !ýix5t. upcîn w-to:-a:t- i. - -isfr-tu <1, 5i-itu 1 ,,,,it ulset e.ul utut 'f S.ilo btsu $S.Il ais ts-ttut-i Iiut iuts t-tuî tf "fitîci ibs-,-c-' itîtiit, t t.il oui teu englui Senuil- Miuliday i Ciii-.iulcut- ,uti- It i t i , - u t-u i u 1 ,114u li uut iis l- î lit a 1-usiku r. turutks-r. tule, :ti. lt-titi-r t-n tiulatii unr tîsiu $.an)ilaikes-a l]u n- un gis i-ts-t i i 1 iM-tutirh,-srt. t--v tir uil- ii o 1-t-tu - s' tii t- -tirelelua- Ient t-tu Ili.t hurt isl, tr ii :S, trs-uivurm, stucltnet slîîIl lis-- l,-iui l tu i knits t-Y.'Fle utea u s- înros ji&, tr su,: t it utvns- isn kruîst- tit- tiut-lsi--ire si- l u > t- iI-uMr. iîivls ll. of aî iol-i.t itunit t. is1w ii e uni,- sn i,!.-n huans. i-luetai1tir -r-utilstfur u ! luriîLit-y ant il%.1111v lis ulîîîuî> l i it,îv. Tue hîrt.ls itli 1 -t st-t-ir- lit-i - : îigg, utf .a itit ptu- 5 iuhiug tut-i, t uttaitr îi l 'lititi Siat t1iîiuî tIu illtui l al-i i o util1 t-, tlg:ii i- .uulj, ut> o sit tlgts luil Blrudge cf PinktluIrl)le. A 'tl"119Of et u-aitîs- tutti ajey fores-tr w-ii lulie t olosea I tuithgc etorîliik mt, t- bic oser rit -uti- u'l'e ts-it-at Knoux- lie butliUt onl r-het ofIllefa tuions Ipitilc uiartils- isili aisîuul-n lu Kuioxton- 1>'. Il 5511 lie - I eie i long. antitIthe Spar tuirlthe tin ai n t up l it sti e 2-40 fs-i- 'Nhiiu ta attaidtO1 u- sîle - t longe-r titan tirlut otgest surn nlu Ili te witnll. TIt'he lgitofet .t <-tlt-t- nri-th ieseflic, w-nIer tiilltue 105 feei.'l'le t-catia>- Mil he tItI- tept lu,t tll'Jli.eTue riiofe lthe bridge miii ail go le lite solisimt-- Ttc parapîet tMiails miii lie cotslr-lesi et stîted i uarbie slhahs, wlith tees-r blocks etfitiutsset-s es-or>- fifîcen tcel, Isroecling aboiele ti-iti111-e thusim givlnlg a semui-castliatetl lfeci. He Saveti Ganribaldi-s Lire. Lorenzo h.agiuohli, iWhosi-dGa- bli5s lire lu18-19 b lu> Iing h luints.' @inumpa u-fnea-t'veUa. aftlet-lite bail been ebligedti te fa-e bis >-oung mite ln lthe retreat froinRoque, bas mept lied aI Ravenna. GJaribaldi anti bu, nrom te lbdng-phace, saw lthe Ans- trian SoIiera muret b>' -thuUgo Basi anuth ttc er patriots lthe>' ad caps- turei, wmite mre foon uit er tlied by cour-mamrtial anti &hot. ltnfermation Wauîeti "hl moult Mikle to kuowi," saiil the con. fet pilosopher, 'If miten Itoman suc- -edu lu Mctanuorpbealng luterjia a gentheman nul saite tdroler Iemtemine sriV-llege or betnflutsua L @ne t-rlug?'- udi'anaplls 18Journal. A Esmllar MuSe Up. Ml-s. Dix-h Wender NiRhut pI-aient nuy ushant iviilbning nue to-nigit? Mr@. lcks-Wht uak-es >eu expect Due? ho il Youn birtttayle lm-s. Dix-S'-; ire qunrree<j tuia îfrnàing.-Tid-Bits. WORK 0F OUR NATIONAL LAW- MAKERS. A Week'. Proceedinlalutihe Hallae o Couffreaa-Inaportant Jcanr« D-, cusaied and Acted Upou-An 'Iutpa- liai Rtegume of the fluoinesa. The National 81....ie The Scnatc dîd but uittle Tuced .1 , ex- ePt te paisote peaoffiee appropriatico bill. Thic confereuce report ou thec agri cultural bill was agreed to. It cannae $3,302,7". The Bouse spent the day debatiug a bill to lix the standardi of weigitts and measurei 1»' lthe adoption oft ,the meIrie sa-item on anti after July 1 180, andi a propositi)n lthaI the Govertli 'ment share wilij the DIstriet ef Colubi&b the exvense et creatiug sud ,aainlaiti a publiceIitrar>' lu lthe City' otWaisb$ng ton. rThe latter waa defeaiei. 113 te 12m, andi lte fate of the &t>ric sjystem ill stiY .haitgsln Uie balane., Quile a breezy disusionj arose ln the. Scuate Wednestda v er the national"t- serre quîestin. Senator Ti-iler matie a spirited i ttack oi tlie lîrepent 5yilenilp detriuienmai te tbe lintregsaof lthe é, Thte duseupsicit arese on bi» requcal to,. atend n bill re<luiring bailliste kcep titeir rû-srves lu their own t-nuits te tbe pi- natuce (oJijîe~MîeloetIlte day wjjj givt-n te lthe litîliiit Ulsproprintien bill, ti ans uncoîtîîleled. tLuaninen. cusent t'i securvd for takiîîg ni) the, cesolution forv n ienate inqiliry inmb0recent bond issues Tues<jis,-. The biilte adlopt the llîelric xs'ystein of weigits nud meas- une was Sent bluitk 15-lthe leuse te the, Cotamitîce on UsjtîI. eigbî anuit Mliasures for fitrîbthesits ate.on the liraI vile il liait îl iniiajoril>' ef2, but Uic epîsositieu was iggresirc.andti fter. aL s"rie" cf volt-slîit wax remcntmilîed b> a vote of 130 te 59. 'l'le reiigîsiiler cdthe day WR. dt-voted lnteilýbatC 1 le , b iii b s-Xenigit sailing %îs-l.- (Iî IZItîgetlu tite ceasî wlse t rade trol,, Coltul lr>' Pilt lige lava. The lî.riY tilIn-r 1.11si a lively- toitr discussion oe-Iju.Jle$nle Ti rstlny. LL lthe houi lielleill s,, a huiai euîis;l- lu lthe cîiiw .-irut -siu a Sdeti-ttd - iiu>-s, 117; ye-t, . 7.7. Tuei loîts,1e lion- tîLicît rstl inthle Se-: le a nieîî,ients t, te îtîs.t,,tiis-e Si qrial i ,i ill aid tec p. f ii iffî t.St *h ltep.) oft lii- noix, and,,]K-i j of M-tjsî1lwere il It Rt