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Lake County Independent, 17 Apr 1896, p. 6

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IT. j-rj O&M'TB XXL. j" 4*i4ddat - ank wvs.s Uic ~ ~ an taevs IgI u bouth Is noue spot. te bhlm mgitflly agais eh titi net efflSe boer bar. s e4 jsad motionleais as toue. Wildtd Mi, soeplaei hem baud openbils rjemi. tlubave stoppoti bentîng. WW hllîneasofuthle rooni auàdeuly iowpruaire--sb. gauped au if for ~*agg«eredt o the, dool' as if e pro- t .<ae--hcopenedtheticdoor, ant i i * tone. e mie openet ber cyes Alice GrcY- r ~*0 benting orer ber. Atter oedi iiis la ber triou's face, Constanceai Wed ta ber feet sud gazed i vidly Mteac!" criot Ale, l"for beavon'a i Mâàt¶tii. emalter? I dit net recel'P ~*i'bouseountil vony laIe, anti1 I i. lied gond to the ball. Cou- P lséb tii henatter?"-d ibimatterr' crieti Consance. "Oh, ia tiging to ber, Constance t, ate the, muni, andte1tha aidej k Caae wboçe Frank vas lying.w o7' ýAlI c.etarteti baet. .. a'bc sait-thon, recoguîaxug r vx«W wtb a shbutder, "Lord e rkjconstance, stili holding ber b ,,*V tic aru, "l ii Frank. Look i,âjîee, quikky. Ha. ha falutet?si 41gp? Louk!" slIartag ber terroir, Aice. bent for- iMd toucbet bis face anti banda; y àeWaerentLv drew back. ls4ce*d," eh. suiti. , r' gilet C4r~ance, ciutcbing vtlt- i ker frtesti; "nott eat! ltis taise- ,mot bel Heaven wouit net b.ieot 10.17y &Iicc startot. vent te the b o«W looketi out. Vhen abc tur-tu- iitte Constance ber face va.sas ,pc-tafIet tian uIying upen the $a-i carniage coug up the tret," W& 1t lahouit . b th üe! Con-C "'-s Ien sa., dii. 1e'a trap, it "atb dulie, anti he yl hll ,our' Icnt ister a kuock aud s voice f :$more asdo, Aliee openeti the ' ~ as vcomer entoradthe eia.rn.q -~slié. Feieral. ay nyintrusion et dais bout of r he, i. id, "but I corne on urg- 1110011. Tbe dlie- iha youll" ast-ed Constance. ss viii follow almout immodictely." M m.eaage't" luipl. I cou. t0 varu 70." t lcd," iae anaveed vitb a bittere "ssyen couteosliste. [ch us eatu eacb obiier, lir. laverai," estinueti, vbile Ale, shoot trou-r Lby. I aua the Duchese d'Âxxeg- Syen are thedtite', py. Tii. tutea ,taire for France vas a pretense, younr ad boe to-nigiit is a ruse. Weil, air,t ««kkte done; w. hava talles into thec arWeh you anti yuur aster lait for1 Y«u bave secuncti ou. victim-4ookl"" i peointedtielthnieconcb ou viid k vas lying. Feveral tartetimiwthba lie Bari of Harringon-teati?" as, deati" repeabeti Constance, vhu ad te have turnedte t atone. "lBrought by l'enr master'. deviltry, ville iukm frensibis vount. ha taintd ,41ed. Nov, go te the dota; bring ta l0otk upen hia vorfi. Iern pre. mccl hlm." lm, jeu vrong me," saiti Feveral 7y. "'Aa I su aliving man MI 'laont ta iltrsy, but te uaelo." Ils, crieti Ale., cllngiug te "Isgentleman, anti do -a. be hIIbelievo iia la your frienti.'e trust1ma him-vbat tien? Tht, Bý'*bmber of deti. Myibuti neoeraantid - & -tbaI te me." sait Foveral. H. Ob NBtraveling dock anti coveredt y, hlic lar thera ieehing ge ela a ialigbL ",Uata£0," ha huring te Constance, "I vilI aIlU I eau." pudea," acit Alice, puittlng bar aot ber, "let me laeayen te yeur r iL"sc rturne, Itata me vera dciIde net care. lb leaail a ÀUAiee-a fesrful traue, anti I hab cravling foivard ta My grava., b W i cl*I love la ticat, ant o rt la broha." iystex'icalîy, sha feU uopon the avand -gauly led tromshi. SCHAPTER XXIL seeeuat u wvasgon" Fevcnaiâ Mdugti . leramoeath Isnic, raaissa ca e Kt a m lat4on et the , PMW ebéaS eeay, *andthdiabloolf trffl-tc veunti, He tit is *é l be.dlns;tuoad.e ti certala retorativez, vieic t break baci te Con- eu aGreyb"rooh rturnul tuopnFran'& tac.. r ae# 11ld. W 9tq s 0 o t q u l c t i y . - ~ be sllc ta ai coueh, asaw Shàtah nk istiIl Iay tiare. Witb a cry eftaladct tispait anti pain, aie burniet fonvwart, but Alice caugit ber iu her anus. "'Constance" ahe vblpered, "do nei »Petaki'rcry. lb la nul se bat aswe beewgit, dean. Heaven bas been goot to us; hois flot teat." Constance cspeti ban bauds ant aunk lovu 9obbing hesite the couch. laveraI retutuet îthedi.surgeon anti touati ber thore. Wbcu ah. heandti t casurgeon aat coue, site muehsnically obeyet Fa,- eral anti allowe.j hlm tu lest ber trou dthe reou; uay, more, ebc took dia compoaing Irauglât whicb Alice presset open ber, and very seou sunklotoa deep aleep. Whn aie recovereti ber sennes 1h va. broati day; se ah s .111lisbouiug, but coult Rot liesr a noeut. Wbsî bat hap- peuet, boy long heabcsh been lying tiee? Eladti ose strangaenents rcaîly tahen Place l in.esght, or vas Il aIl a vilti -ream? B3ha rose iangxaidiy anti enteredtheti.ad- Iolning rmore. Trembling vIoefftly, h. turuoti ber eyes tovandtune couch. Scarce- ly knoving vbcî ch. dit, sie rushat for- wrnte 10aise bbc cloak anti look agala upon F"rank'& test fac.-when a mysta- rions andi detaiuing baud vas laid openi lier aru, cnd bouting up, she saw ber bus- bandi. Tas, lt vas Indeeti tic dute, pale, colt aud Itera as usuel. At sight o! hlm Con- stance ubteret a cr3-. "Ton bere?" ashe xclaimeti. "*As yeou percei-e," he returnet. "But ton are paie. I have stanîlet 3-ou. Yeu dIt not expecb luescme se soon ?" "No, I titi nul." she anan-ored, mechan- icaliy.L "I bat nut gene fan trou London," cou- Uinuedthetidtine, earelessly, "when it ce- eurcd 1t e tut I bat forgotten oiter business ot an even more pressing nature than that which hurrieti me away. 1 bantenet bact. I am here te give yen au agrecable surprise, anti myseif the un- expocteti felicîîy of yourn sciety." "'I-I cannot listea nov," exclimeti Constance, wiltily. "I canuot stay bers But tie iuike, tie expression of viiose face bat grovu .Irangaly torbitting, lait a detxiniug baud upen ber. "TYo.taluest ay," bca nid. "Let me re- quesI l'on to remain meateti, uctam, anti Ilistes to me. A certain buaband pretenti- edt 10lave boue. In hi. absenceie vite receivet ber lover. Imagine their repturel Fevenal, arc you liatening?" for nia lat- her batd sottly enteredthedi.room. "My lent, I su aIl attention." "Rehurning unexpectetil>," continued lie dote, "lb. buabanti tount bie vite temnpomarily absent anutheb.lover ahretetu- et Insensible on a coucb. He touchedtheii sleeping man sudtont hlm decti." Witb a balt-auohened cry, Constance rose f nom ber amnsd again staggered a few atepe towerd nie doon, but lhe dulie detalued ber. "The bushanti instrneteti s certain trus- ty spy, vbe vas devotet te hlm, te carry the. deati man forth anti leeve hlm near bis own door. Tic police, on recovemiug thc boty, voult thint h at tieti there, aud net ber.." Ha panset; vith a vilti cry Constance totierete 10the couch, anti lifthe i. ock. The. body vas toue. AIl restraint teparteti nov. Wltb a chutider, Constance droppedtiha dlont anti turucti te ber baau, vhe, pale viii passion, vas quietly regerdiu hem,. "Cintaw-ay Imb tha atteets!" ah, cniet. viIdly, "1»' yen."l "No.' returnedtheii dut,, "by a trnsty apy anti servant." "*Anti yu have murtered i hm," aie criat; 1"perbaps e alasnethdeat, cnt---" "Iu ny essai dieuld-bave killet hlm!" neturuati the duhe. "StW1, haviez regard to oue -ofet yhous,anti visbing he avotti a publiescautal--" "Tonu bivae ubly urderat i hm," ai@ creat. "Ha tilt net cous bore of bis ovu f ree will, bnt Simieugh a iîg message frn Yeu1. Ten bave killetibite; I au tie mont gllty; kîli me, ton. I aA yonr vif. lu nameenoiy, foir I leveti uy couain viti aul uy heurt ast @oul." lna afit Of UngOvarabla tua7, lbe tuke ruete upoaber, vbea mutdenly ae îtm banti vas laid upon bla atm anti a 5oîo. The tuke tinect lrcaiy anti book;d lt te aaret lavFerai, vho, -pertechiy seIf-pesse& dcOntauctite boIt biesana Siror. a"sutumeatite apock te tha ducimaca ".Madani," ha sait Iu c clear, caua veica, "treibla yeursalt te utter ne mone salf-aCematIenc; Yeu areaumPure as seov, anti jois ilI liv. My l2rt tinke," tua 94dei. "stand agitinebese. I ohjecttSe your barmiug ths@ utY!" "Are iou700mat?ý" cret the. d ut,, agba iU"Tn @allîtJutige outhlaI later; but bu- 0 or. I glv ay acount ut myself bet Ma tMorts Ibis lady that the Duke t'Acg- ,le. via là se covetouà o! bis bunor, la n» other then-" "Silence," cniedthte duL. "Bir, coma vîdi me,"dieu tuxrning 10 tic duchosa, ha atideti: "lisaa, I viii return lataro >anti fin ih at I baVe lu scy teho e." Wltioui anotier vondtheii, byeuns #&«sM out et the boutoir asti veut te dba duke o tuty. "Xev. ni7 lent.' sait Feveral, "do y1« réemmban me?" t 1 WMIviirefreoh jouen, ao. tas bid vafw shee Ï but I raïr-te haut Y.. dvi. nc tIse. erne; tai lord; vii,. yon had a vif.- 1 ourid ber purs andi nélé,ansd 1 reoolvcd te @pare ber, but 1 wîil ot spart your "I tellyon, you are ravlng," aidthedi duhe; *I bave no quarraI withbyPU-I amn not the mon yon sechi" "Whcn yon tell me tnet, 701 le! Tee, yon are the devll tbrough whoe villainy I have been tortureti for years. I demanti satisfaction." ",Wbet do you vant?" "Ment nie; I wtah to avenge My vîfel Yon canuot refuse; there la no danger te you; 1 hnow veli >yen are a practîcal duelit, wblleI "We are la Engbnur,". lnterruptcd the duhe, "ve cannot fight here." 4 "Tten corne to FVrance. If 7911 refuse, I &hall branti yon e. a coward, ati pue- claAm your pait lite te ail dth e rd." "I do flot refuse," naid the duhe afti srne hesîtatlon. - "I viii met- pou as Ien vlab.." CHAPTER XXIII. Atetheb two men laft tha boudeir, Constance rcmainedlhae onelu c Vîlti dresse, 4Amble te thuui o no e. tii e coerlng harsaîf a lttls, ah. crawiati *ven le tha concb on wbilttbe-body-of Frank ird lain, anti paaaboately kigeedthedi spot wiene hi, boand batinhtid. What bati heconiaet Frani? ah. askati benseif. Hati ber buebauti spohren the. truth viien ho saIdtblat hb.avas desti? If so, FaveraI but again playedthe tii. lalnj licancely kuowîng wbat ah. titi, abe rush- ed to the door. On the. very direabolti of the roou ah. won met by Ailes. "Iconstauc'e." crieti Atîce, excitcdly, ".souethiug terrible la happentng, 1 arn aure. Tii.dutie la bocke inlubis stutiy, sud refusez ho b e eu. Mn. Feveral begged me t seoir 700 instantly and deliver te, ron tbis letter."i Constance toot the letter, opened Iit anti reat: "Matisu: When the dulie acI youý cousin wan deat haoepohie falsely. Tbe Miari ot Harriugton .1111 lives; ha vilI to- nigit b. removedti t thc bous.et a gros~ surgeon, vho la wlhUug 10 undertaba hbJ charge. Tii. surgeon's stitresa 1 enclose. "flICHARD FEVERAL" Wltb a cry of loy, Constance tiasaethei Icîter. Witbout a word of pratest di. reslgncd berself to ber frient'a cars. Tic assur, suce of I"rank's comparative saty hroagbt a seuse of happiness o ber brokr en heart. She drank another couxposiug draugbt, lay down upoatha b.d sut alept. "She muet nul remalu boere," said Aile* te berself, "or ah. vili die." 8h. rose tru ber seat et the bedide andi reternedtot ber own room. Once thon. she est tievu cnd vrote telMre. Menton, warnicg tic oIt lady norto ei stonish et if at any iopept Çonatanc6 were to a rri ve aet Avoutale Castle. It vas night wchen Constanceawoke. The long sloop bat netreabeti ber, but ber bea t llit e a.y cutipaînfuL Foea- mont in er hondihata vas the. latter which Feveral bat vrittes. Widi a sutiten im- pulse ah. rua., fumnet up the gaz. anti, without ringiug for ie' nai<I, dresseti ber-' self bnrrietly. Tii., sic listeueset theb door; thera vas nc e nuni, ne sigu ut à, living @OUI. 1 Graapiug FeversVl. ltter la bar bond, andti droating a Well4élad. pochetboeh int ber bredst, @a .descenàd e .ste»,, sud passeti trou tiie bont usa mbtdiastreet. vaswo very dan eand raiLlg hoavily, but @he mati. no attempt tt um back; she bati a mleaion ho fuaill, anti #ho meiktï to se It ibrongb. QuichJy calling Sp a bansom, she orteretheti driver te tahre ber ho dithitirees given la laverais lette,. Thns It vras that eh* paîdthIat atranga midntght vîsit te Bit John Ptieably, de. scribed tha leat ciapter. Tii. interview vIth thc doctor 0,cr, ai. returucdti te .cab anti wa. repitly dri,' en baci ho Park Lau. Bb entéetheti bouse ai quletly as Éebati lefh it, anti, lînseen by a seul, rapidiy gainedth le soli- tude of bar ovu roou. About au bout alter Constance ba palti hon uiysterloua lit, Bit John Prleatly again beartiUbis baring. This hime dia mysterious patient bati errivat, Frank van perfcctly consonsn ov, but bie face vas apela 4âdspjth, sut ha bung bis heand as if ta ceippleta axhaustion. lav- eraI glanced ti e a octor. "Tii.drive bau icen tryiug," ha nid. "It bas mode uY tanh an alirnoat lm- possible eue," relurnedthedi doctor grave. ly; "howeyet, b e gtndas te assIelme te carry hp* up tebis -o-i" Wîth ninulu came a great ciauge; tha torpor bcd pessetiaway, anti Frank vas nov sot eau inlsensible, but ravlng lu de. litions foyer, The dodtor tentieti- hlm vut thc utmue- casanti sacreci. lov-ý erai madc econd cc Cli- ."Cambrailalver," Waltheti doctor, "anti dia patient la la hon 1ev à condition te stand tii basIfnl'." "Coptane,"meaneti Frank eontnn.u ey. la Constance? Ta a "BopmadBIf la truabling hlm," snid lte dtiecSe Moth.migit b. batter i i I could ho st aS W, min vaew.a Mea grev troubîsti; b. m dovu bstui*c'bed antivAittd. Tovc' ad Viai siua trout a deep slsep an ia#w Nia. UMts aIvrds v.ro "W'heeela O.noitaa.eT' -She'la sale"replîcti Fcv.i'at, innlati. ly; "i ci uelaxietj'la fer yen. Sisa oum s u re ber* lu nafety anti la gond ba*, Zd rcsfer yens recomcy" U'a.~U tia.Frankç hunneti bis ba aidcli- his eles. Faveral becoe Âbei ' 0 floi tcreem. "I nsy nt b.oabiateoemil agaln," hl sîid4 "'%It 1 l nov couSu. te o S as MMc orenspatienire namcs. Hao1 W Bsari et ardgten." - (Te oç outionedi.) Thar* ct.M Pt eni>' uauymosey- cargors but n--uymoueyavena uNov Yor, aceor&u ni te . auamj,*e- anm e ofthatata Bauking Depcrtment ThIs stitant gis e b enditlou et tii. savlagn basic andi shows the total, mr.ae sto Se #T88,08,5, the. amenaS d» depositertl 0P1,704, andtht a&mnaSdepoalted dturing the year ff0, 2w>7,& w it 8117»%,198 an the aggre- Pte ot vltSiMevld The. number et agies iCC laSii 1 1,9787. mcai pi i«àîhaela iSaZy" te tu DEMOCRATIO LEADER$ MEET AT MIS TOMU. Natal Der ofthtei.Dead Statesmon la FlttilugyCuelwcrted -Lite end Worke Of the Deuiocratic Parti' Poustics Pertrayoti by Orators. Deoecrue et Muntîcello, The 15i3d annli'ersary 0«Thomas Jeffer- son'@ birtb vas fSttingiy eb&erveti at Mon- tîcello, Va., wbera heiveti andtiuled, by a rahrlgo a large number or promînent D~ectra.tw ou ail.,sections of the coun- try. The dîstinguichetigueats unctutied Ve-Presîdent Stevenson, Secretary Her- bet, Poatmaster General Wilson, Attor- ney General Harmon, ex-Gov. ituasei 0f Massachusetts, (;hainScy F. Black anti Levreuce Gardner, presîdent anti secte- tary, respeetively, of tbe National Ai-. soclationutof Demeeratk Clubs, anti ueariy two score of Benators enti Reprewonta- tires, bealies a number of national coqq, mîtteemen. The. part9y lefI Wiahloti ln c speelal train, arrlvlng ln.Cbaulette- Ville about noown sd pi'oeeedad et once to 'Monticello. about two moiles distant tfrou the t9wfl. vhere they.ifcre#econie by Mir. Jeffercon M. Levy, tbe present owner of the Patate. The exercins coxmmunceti ahortly after 2 o'clock, antiupou the bruati iawns were asembtei aceraI hundreti people, who hati come trou the snrroundIng hownsa nd farins. Three atidresses were tietiveretI- the first bY Chanucey F. Biaci, tbe sec- mnd by ex-Gov. Rutssell andtiheb thirti by Senator Dmniel of Virginie. The greateat the poieursorncîsiaunde n uwepopi'r men of Chicago, wbo @pent a meuth Loxt, sununer invcstlgatiug Hoirnes' career dur- Ing bis few ycars reatience ln the. clty. It ceeus to b. the genèrally accepted idea ofa biscrmes luahi. aimostethInsnumbcrav tfhteHcrimes bashie aimertIsthe cnumber for notorlety, sud hie morblddetiare to bc taiketi about andi looked upon for the fcw 9. EL DOLUES. more briet wecà that remain to hhlm en earth st a îSend Incarnate. The police point ont that several of Helmea' self-clamed "victime" are atilI aive. Robert Latimet, the ex-janitor et the "castle," le doing business with a red i ag anti lantern et an Englewood rail- road crosaing daiiy. Werner, another of hi, aileget i icime.a lareporte t lube alive. Ineetatîacnp e he se peeches or tue tvo latter, Mn. Ituscoîl standing on a MAS8AGREWIN MEXICO. "gotadint eyl'plattormanti Senatot Daniel comhaîlug bis Position witb a troc Zluctlsn Indianas Olatatr Ait OU'. - clie*i.ajaquae. A telegram fromt Oaxaca City, Mexico, caya liat the rohel Indienseat the touu o Jaquela killed aIl the. tevu counicilors, echuol teachcrs, local prient, chîet of p0- Sil..anduthle telegrapb openstor-in tact, everyous holding a Govoruâment place. Tii. people are lu terrer anti troopà have beau sent for the. relief uft he tovu. The Indiana began thein plottiug in - BHoiy veet, inatigatet tay ludion iav>-era, vie luformed them hbat ibe uev bstte - - taxes yen. unconstitutiuuui, but the. au- thheilies pai<l nu attention te the excite- menat auong lieu, cousitering tiey vers lu gd n he usuai tmunt,'u celebra- blenuouthti season. But, procurng anus I- autnd atchaes, ticy nipte a rush for tic .' ovu hall, anti the prefect hastly cioseti the touts, which tiey soated i ii petto- leumand ixurnedti, Iîxaffeetiug an en- trance. Tbey seteth ae place, and, lieue- tnating the. privaI. upartuoenta of the pre- - fuct, grossiy nîsîtreatethebb oîin of uthis .~' ~ faxuily, anti then, turniug attention teatthe efficiais anti armet servants, tileti anti TOMAlS JEFFRnSON. vounteti sevrnai. The Iniaas 'enlpu. ilIver argument. Tii. party returnedti e eeei witi fury, sud it vas absoiuteiy Washington nt night. Impossible for a respectable iniabitaut ho Ex-Goy. iRussell conclutet au cloquent conînol theui, as aIli veme troa anti mati- adresupon the caner et Jefferson viti deucrl. the following rofercuce tute .oney The mob, after scking bie tovu bail, question: wnt te the Federal .taup office anti as- "We are ln the midsI et Paraetsaita-. saileti it. burniugr dovu tie oulaide toon lion over our uonetury standard. The wjth tetruleum, wiici aise o umu ni jteti agitation cruses party Uinas anti tendt e Ire te the entire bouse, piacing CoIll or geographical division, lb invoives the Graciadn, wh vaeou onthe. rouf viti bis weifare of our ceuntry anti touants ex- dlent., lu a condition ut the niaient peril. plcit anti connsgeuus Iretument. To Jet- Tbcy nianagret te escape by tie reat. fanson it couiti neyer be ensunse bebveen jumping for their lIves. hiany ahupe ver. Colorado anti 1Wall sîreel, or beiveen c bursic4 atter being aacted, asdthle lu- JEFFEIISON'S HOME. tioblor ant a creditor clans. Bis brout deniecracy abiiorreti geugraphilctandst claci division. W~ith truc patrlotism b. woulti ast s-bore lie thc houer anti credit et our cummen country, wieme ret thie intercsla e! our wicie people? Fer une I believe liaI cuir country'» houer deandet ucmupuloue fideiity te ber plightd vont. boneent paymeuh et ber obligations anti thut the. peopi'a lutereal is best serreti by strietly upholding hen. the. uonetary standard ufthle civilizeti vorlal. The se- cret of Jeffe@son' ovr dljadlia was bis teatifashuels le pincîplo. WIhb lrm belle! in popular govemnueunt, b. trstedthle intelligence of the. people to correct pasaing errons andti t aablielà sactaneutsout policies. Wei bas it been taId of hlm tial be neyer lu au stres teserieti or even temporarily tilevoeet hie princîples. Be neyer luit faitb or courage. Be dit not tu bis salIe taeve- ery tuer on thie polilal mcenu, but valtet through lie longent unpromiaiug dors, vitb a noble patience, the povertul aut tsity gala vbîch ha vas convineti voulti la lime carry lic nation upon ber truc course." FILLED WITH LIES. Pelica Cbasacterlzattn oetILH.1 Hoiaes' COEutsionî. Morderer H.' H. Holmas complete, co6yrIgbiteàd >neion oet tventy-cevan murdera viciha thînks b.c omultt4 anti atones of six lutentictivvItime vhd goS aval',ia pot tioma lu lb. easy chaire tiaI tbe Chicago police bave iccu holding dovu se coufortabby aIne. tb. areb Seund'a conviction of the horrIblePit- sel -murtier ln Philadelphie. Iu Holuca' confession the murticrer of the Pitsel famliy laya dlaim te the. glory et b.bsg a violceale muatiamer. Be' scy» liaS b. ba, kilie twteuty-seven people mu ali, wiie h trieti te kilt six more, but Shcy got aval' trou him. Ha gises the. saura of ulu.Vn anti describes two more, theugi b. dlaIms to have forgoltan Sheir unmos.-The remnaing haIt toes, et the lvanty-scvon i. dalims te have illetiha maies ne fnrtbcn mention ot, excePt to Icludaeu lu lb.thetotal% of hil 1.1.Tie Buat inlut.. nine Young vomes, elght Ma~i nd tour éblidrema titans ticcorateti theuselvea viti ulolen finery. Ticy ail ieil on the appreach ut lhe soldiers. anti are nov lu th. bills. CANDIDATE FOR VICE PRESIDENT Cengresnuo Turner Meatileet for Oecond Place on Democratie Ticket, Congreusman Henry G. Turner. vhe bas been uculionet aDemocratic can- titiste for Vice-Presitent lu caa Mn. Cleveland la placot aItichebeatiofethie tictet, bau long beeu a nepresentatlve, an.d his come-frverti of at. lu the Bouse as, lb friand oft he administration, anti là jatewa rieniai b e is a great favorite vitih te Prosident, Be represeuts thie Eloventi districtoet Goongla. Hlm boue vhéu lu that Btate ls lu Qulîman. He vas nul bra n GeoxXia. Be la a native HENRY 0. TURNER. 1 of F'ranklin County, North Carolinq, anti in 57 yeers ol. Mr. Turner', education wus rcceived at the University of Vîr- ginla, but he teuflot a graduate of that achool. In 1857 ho was compielled teoloave collage owing te the tieath ot bit father. One ycar Iter ho removeti to Georgia nti adopteti the profession of a teacher. %Nheu the war came he joine Islue& wltiitho Contederacy andi fought as ofilcer anti private. In 180M be vas admitted to the bar andi snon became active lanplitics. He "ia prcstdntial eleetor talan12sd vae thrt ines elécWte #*tethe L atuge et &5~i 13 LJÂ~M~-8. THOUGMTS WORTMY 0F CALE REFLEOTION. A Picasaut,Iluterceting,asud Iustr'ee. ive Leses, m4 ndWhare lit May 90 , leund-A Learucti andi Concisne me- view of the Slame. Lcess.a fer Aprîl 19. Golden Text.-Tb.rere la loy lu tbe precIé snce of the augels of (lot over one laset that repmtetii-Luke 15: 10. The. LaiPound lu the subject of II lesson. Luk, 15: 11-24. ,»Vacbcrs wvi i d tua, a iessoa that ulciily -tendauselt te pictror optied represantatlon. Tii. 510,7 of the prodIge son in, i lu aî, se v"dtant imaitingt leS falrly actea ltelf before tibe eyas, Ne«r by teatth. wrlter in c church o e ici anti duub. Il shûrs hlm, wbcner bel *tep*s ln. tae*eathe lbacon expouadad, a» Il la ftram luady te Sunday, by aigu lanmuage. The. chepter betere u s e»u ha skhe a tet. iias o; have t1:6M lit ousosîes, mua t3 ia aépparent enter- taînuent sud profit -ot a cartain lams circiae o the litho ese. Thuî: Cent on reur fiugers aid thea on lthegre& Shah. tbe beati, auIf .occaintg ue iackiug, sud thsn mata beavlly, aires»- oucly off, as If to Sund it-, comas bae pros- outil vîtibands tae i.shoUléer, apoult burdenand i f t arme as lu rejotclaa The edilden vîli ail cr7 at ore., "Ic ehoep wbicb vas last!" Beuti over as witi à lghted canile lu ona baud, s braib la the cther, cati loMg, aweeping about cars- fully, at lait pick op sounethiug imagluary. sud tbey vii &cll you lb ie "The. [»M Con." Anti nov just c stroka or two may represant the. stoy oftiséProdiil. Son vitii nov lmpreiaivcnest for youfas anti olti. Strike tiowu wlth tic bauds if clearing tt parts. Shoulder osne part, as Il were, coretoutly. sud go oa iti IL Tirow money about, lu appeaanca, [av- lairy making signa Indicative et mari- ment. Then, wltb sud gesbure, beglu. te ha ln vaut, ta hunger for thînga b«aeeb. Ail ut once a tbougbt, a hope, c far-avay look; thon a long tredge, toward the. place; slow, doubtfii tepa, b«eet c duvu. Butitenly oigus oL.velcoîca, an»a ont-tiirowu, ring ou lunger, roba; toat, te- joiclng, banda aloft. "For tus myursou was deaui, and in alije again; be vs tst and la founti. Anti thcy begsate ha mcrry." Lesaen Blute. "Â',certain man." Thank Goti for dia Instance. Our Savioura illustrations arc ail rici sermont. W. may Weil Icarn et the feet of sncb a %lester. Everythiug with hlm poiutedte t the kingdom. Ha vas the. truc type of the preacher for tiie people. "*Gir.."saad the young man. 'flicover- ture vas on his part; so ciae the tiagarture to the fer counntry. Mien are inclineti te lay et the door or Providence tiie hapiem lest condition ln wblch man Ouds bluseif. We do neot beglu fur enougb back. A wIl- fui, seiliaii apirit apeaka the 6Irat word sud preccpltatcs the. situation uas v. Sud Il. "Waoted bis substance." Llterally. scattereti bis aubstance, living recklesly. Tiie word for "wastedtin letice au. as that trsalsdted stroeei as of grain, at Math. 25: 34. The expression '*'owlns onea u-ild auto" la paralîci, If net equlva- lent. Andi yet the living vas net necemsrily riotouseess. lit vas ainiply carelcsseel be-edlesaness. The. etymology ofthei.word in not cavlng. In tiie New Te~stment the tenua comwe, bowever, ta e a vaaling- Iy applisdta 10dissolutenu or wmvatee. Il beiug the. anme root that va S&d st EPb. 61: 18. "Wberoiu la axcesa. "Ha hegan ta bo Lu aut." Moe-caccu- ratcly, to a beblnd, ai et anc short lu bis accounta. No Wender, for "liebAd "eut <aquantiered) ait." It vere oilt for uni tu Ùnderstand i t ut thi.e oucet. Whutever înay have been mns' original aondition be found i blueit to-day belind inlubis ae- counts, a moral hankrupt. And y7.1 "ve muet ail appeor before the. Jutgment seat" andi "give our aceount." (2 Cor. 5. 10. Rtom. 14: MI. What shah w.do? Generallywvodo ai di t Iis yonng man. Seek to getliieip w here wo got otir hurt t rom the worM. "He went and ,ikcd bhi selftab itjzea oi that eouiry,' i. e., fbe ultacetdi uni seif, foaterot imnsc'lf. (Greek gîneti>te the man. He put limacît lu sucb rela- tions that bfis ouly escape vas by a forci- hie rendlug ot bande. Saothbe vonîtiboito us dndor ain. Do not expectta10 niai terme %vith etîch a master. Break with hlm. Conversion lis lu one respect a re- bellion. W, virtualîy declarew vegainat gatan. Hoy eau there b. anythlng cise than enulty? But another tbiug w. can do. Tiit etl, if we came ta our rigbt tmlad, out renoms- able, (lotiinstructeti self, v.e au go back boue. Anti there are two thbngs te turu our faces dine vsrd; the algbt etftth. buas hbat ve lontb"e even in tbaeinidaet ont carnaI deaire, anti the.hheugbt or thc bouc vltb goeaibreati anti tea saoe that keffpa calllng toun aerone the bille. Frienti tiie famine la silîl ou lu thut Iland. Anti nt bouner Weil, aupper la matdy. Yen bati beeler return. Anti now tb. bouc comng. He cernas ac~sb~cciJ, ~ eehoUnla naver. permittati te maie lie viola eau- le1 es4 h g~ e recl>cstiidm gtîe penilch6 itet speech rigit l. thé iiiMit, for b. hhacaught the spirit oe tI, ho throws bis armaeabut hi e nihme hlmn anti caite fer ring anti robe &at fatbet caîf. Tbnstioae.te HavqiW th« re- catie thc penitent. W. navet SalI nil -&l, va coulti Dot if we voulu, Nelitar cau wa telhe i.Joys of thei. Fathcr'abouse. Tbey ara te b. experiniestitej. - vu

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