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Lake County Independent, 17 Apr 1896, p. 7

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NIL OOUY GÀTTu»u WUS ONCE uNEFUL Ibat flimaaa-Beaa.ng.Humu, Verrai- WOW SH-E WAS RESTORED TO forez Appendix. HlEALTH-. A gient deal la ho rd ucsadayai about ________appendk-lala. Theehlin deubytthnt edItm Eaf.re Msd Afte . « ver y mauy persona are batily scareti et Hr chld.about It. The numbms of persona w-ho of ler Clid.WIîî net eut fruit contaîning sceeda la Vrom everY itY, tomw and bamiet on very latige-thia notw-itanding te thi. vaut Continento corne ltters frota face tint lunidcel opinion bias agreeti mfring womau; from thoso w-boa. that net more than 6 per cent of the physicians bave cases of appendîcitis ai-e due ho the Ï4 been unable o t wailowlng of seetis. assist thcmn, or The con tenta of tbjQ appendix usualiy from that nuna- conslat of mucues. The appendix bas harles. clama abundant musculan abuity ta empty whoa. confi- iseif, a.nd fi bas at lie point of cont- detce.in Mia. nt'cluion witb the intentIne a gooti fixeti Pinkhiam'a ad- point for inuseular action. But a very -. vice and the uittle owellIng w-lU no eontract the tube curative pi-op- as te prevent the escape of thie concro- ai-ies oftlher Vegtable4 Compound las unhoundeti. Eveî-y letter rciveti from n-o- mca in recordod, antihundreds ef volumes of cases treated aitInlafui-. nlsblng practical * information for the w-amen of te-day. lic lttersama- publisheti wItaaut the request et the irriter. The tricteht Confidence la observeti. The following latter representa thousanda: "II always enjoyed gooti heaith rn- (n six inontl4s before the bIith eofny 1b.. Then I was vriy w-ale; my back Scbed aIl the time. lky physicians mid I woulti b. aIl right after the birth et the chldt, but 1 was not, although at that time 1 hsd the btst of cae -. The paiusa inmy haek mere almost un- 11F. 5. 58 ,F@vEtiiiFoP.m AprtNDix bearabie. I hati ieucorrhea inlu ts i CtIV 1E5 SOU TUE nUsEADEl At'- worat faim; menstruations w-r.nin- __ PENicirî,-. fnL tiens. It l; the bacteria that do the ttAny moi-k or car. moulti enti-ely buseiness. Tiiey ahiacle the affecteti up- Uflnerre me. Whcn =y babe was il I)endux, anîd the inflammaion catentis ientha cli, fricnd'i persnaded rue a1 teni-e ho tht-adjaeent organs. take Lydia E. 1inlhms Vcgchb Ai giiuwapiehî is.l Comupoundi.Iliefore 1I md tadken one le bellevedtiaît fihe appendu oncwe forti- bottle 1 felt tue effecta. My back titi i ed au lîniil-t*ant part oft he alimientai-y mot ache 80 badiy, anti 1 feit stronger. i tr-'- iiis as la the- daj' n-lie After taliag four Ltth-a 1 folt-wel. ueedc.d a %%isdum tuorii foi- criiiiiing My ambition reLurncd, men-struaticîns I tiiid ferns anti a lai-ge absorbiiug w-ci-epainlets, leuco-rboea eulircly surrace iwth w iilu t-seimd ttht-jr euî-ed, andi I couiti takle car. of tny sety 'l'li-hten Te ISvil orhtll, 1bantisuddo i-cybouscîsork. 1 I ha h ivil i hs ilnsýutit î-hlî-lleaîî,i- e aiw-ays reconimend your Vgtui l-s es -svwlîînate-l qztckf bn:ceria, Comapoundi fur all w-cmen. especialiy1 andthie a,.,uîî hows Ille salie want for young mles.-B.IL L. f tsstig luer GOOLD, Oregon, Wis. T'le vtruulfurti i apt-nl.x ias reuog- If Mi-s.Goolti hati bec,, w-clbefon,îj-diith itt'-îbe-îury. As coin- thie irth et her chiid, subsoqucut ,.Irt-t i itli thet- ize of thie jleeîlutt. il siffering moulti have been arciied.i. leiarg-e .1ai l;Itîîl attnîllest attîr 70 Lydie E. Iiukbama Vtgtnble Con- ' ' 's t ae eo eyvrni-t pouctd shoulti alweys Le taken bofore ttîî-s o~fue.i-t niof, itys ribe i-rî aud aiter i-lb, in artici- tia ttet i- .i-hti it is une oft hue stunturcs syateta may iithstandtheIb hocis. I, in-î.luthe deet-ent utfjan. lutters 1.-4-îr- gîiilig oi.' its aver-age lentgl iu a youîîug atînît Is tiot tai- fi-oni Ibe ýatîl t bie îîarti-i-s iLichsNew Yoî k %Void. Currenl Condenuation.. 'Ple toîtail apital Ilivested In Britishi railtvays is about .0,0,o. CouiritIi-eslIn -erliIs lu lie utotit-ct ou thte Venetian co0stume uf the reniais- 1 ï sauce. I W One ofthte enterprising papers puhb "w MIr. Taîîîinany lis beet I eccted l'resi- dent of New York. One of théinost rexuarkable exporta G Iadness Cornes of the gold coastIs that of moikey Aiith B better understanding of the ,ergeof1r.s0aknshveb Il n Vtransient nature of themiany phys- nually exported. lical ills wbîch vanish before ' >e e- LIY ~ ~ voiit vî fort-gentieecfforts-pleasanlt oWrts- La'Y 1le.teionsub x, rigiitly directed. There is comfort inD Mi-aNormian Neruda. is to have a tes- the knàowledIge that no mauy' forim of tîrnoni1al kiî Loudoun ext year to cele- ickness are not due te any actuel dis- brate lir trst aîîîwaratnce as a 7-yenr- ease, but sirnply to a consti pated condi- old prodigy fifty, years u1go. tion of the svstem, 1-Iicil the picasant faniily laxative, byrtîpof rie.,,prompt- Plans are lu progres refrthue settle- Iremýoves. That la why it la the onlv Imont near Phoenix. Ariz., ot a large remedv withmillionsof imiicsand fs MIormon colony. ilrighain Young, of everyw-,hero esteemned so higliîv by al ,ait Lak-e City, is uow negotiating for %vho value good be-Itlî. Its benceiial ef ects are due to 1l-cè f t, that it is the the purelizise of the llneku(ye Irrigation one remedy whidli prouîotcs Internai canal andl a large ai-ca of land adjacent cleanliness, withont debiitating the thereto for Ibis purpose. Thie canal organson.whichitacts. Itistherefore hieads on tue Gila river, tventv-five ail important, la m-der to gct its benle- mlles frein Phoenix, andi 100,000 acres ficial effects, to note when voit pur- . cbse, tbatyon have theg9enuine article, can be Irrigated hby exheudiing Il acros Whdis lmanulactured bv ~the CaIîJurnialà t s4; np FigSY anpÇ t u-, and itorn Iy ad rl Poinfer dogs 1eaualwat-s lbetrained Uy l nj±mntf-ood1 *h to steal. mauv of ihem are nattural andth system sregular, te aa hl swtil ruinug, andi any of tives or otiser remiedles are not needed. hhel;peeies t-an be tauglit. Tîtere la a if affited with any actueil d isease, onu dog of tiîs kind lut northwest Washing- May b. commendeti to the most akiîful l ton. le %,011 pick upanything lie eau physiclana, but i la need of a laxative1,1 idaonayrdrouseofatr, theu one should have the hast, and i -tîîjibut isî-odai yai- luor nie'0fa oe, tb.eweU-lnformed everywhere, Syrp 0 bthssellylal ais okî Figs stands hlghest snd la Most jargei books and iîaudbags. W'ben be secs ued and glveo tMost general satisfactlo-on0e of these be gi-abs It and i-uns, ai- iwaya sucteeding In gettlng ont ot iglit before lie cn h capinred or followed. iNo ownuer bas ever been seen, hence Ino complaluta bave been madle et po- 1« leti su utfuSet lice hentiquai-hers, but there la littie doubt, If it ivere possible te folien-Ille animai, that It: would be founti that lie ba rncarefully tralued es a purse ~v~ump w s satcher, ani that be takes bis booty boee ho'smaster. He seema to be aware tbet be la dolng wrang, jumping fenea andi doclgIng around bouses i. M u. <, i-ge wben runnlng away. '*lu the prlngtlme of the year flS alwystae ~urS ,sa a. , 1 ruuw Break Oui blod purifier lÉ launequalled. Yeurt pilaare te lict l int e d,. iin the sprlngtime..And a used te bc aunoyed with......... great many who are flot ~ poets, pay tribut. 10 the seaon in the saxne way. The differenc'e is that the poet breaks out in about 1h. mame spot annually, while more prosalo people break ont in varions parts of the body. It's natural. Bpring in the breaklng-out seua. It la the time when impurities cf th. blood. work tb the suuae. It i 1he lime, thor*,ore, b' tae.th. purat and moat powerfal blood ipi«IBe Hzo.'e Seekers' Excursion@ In ordteh give cvryolàe an opportu- ait>' to bt-te lestV-ern country'andien- able the borne s{ekr-rs to sec-nie a horne la timtue bcme-ue w-ork toi- the season of IN1thle ( litg, ilu-aukee& St. PnUI tliilta>' bas eni-enge te torua aa seriea of tour honme seî-kers- excursions te vari- u pointaeilte West, Northwegt sud SouthwP$t On lte folluwing dates: Mai-ch 10, Api-il 7 and 21 andi Mey 5, et thie Ion rate ufttuedllaurs more thoan one fui-e for the roud tipn. Tickets wiîlie gooti for retbru on an>' Titi-da>' or Friday witbin ha cal>'otie Jayr tronu date of aale. For rstes, tinue ef trains and farthier tietui appi>' tu n coupon ticket agent lui the Est or SoutIt, or adtiress F. A. Miller, Assistant Genienai Passcuger Agent, Chi- cage, IIi. Heat-Proof Glsas». ItlsIsa5-lti thal a nen- glass bas liten iauactu-t-t, lit, sviile it ullosIlle tfree passage of liglît. ls a dccideti cbecke ho bient. 1, an exiîerituent it vas puven hliot a glass luiae fotir-henhlts ct an Ic lu-thi-allowed itut foui- nui six- terîths lier tc-ut. 0f radiant lient lu îtss thi-otgli il. A soi-y thîn siali of Ihis glass aiiussed lesa than one per cent. ut lt-aht ri-ri gs ho pussthrougb il, ial- Ibouigli ih peiiittetl the trunsmîssion of tswels-e lir î-ent. of bout ttom t ligbt. If tIbis glats is au equni bar ho colti, 1h la a discos emy hlînt svll tevohullonizc butilding andtiMan>' othen of thte ai-le. 'lli gas tÏins i-on in the toitu(if S l 1 - lothat We cCir finr Iinutrcît iiola-s rewa-,l forany ceetof(aîtarriî htua nnoI ho cureti tii- iatira Cufiarrli t'inte. F. .f'lhE$EY & COToledo. O n'e thee undmrslgne ili knowa lë. J. tlieney for lie lat t, years, anti telleve hMai enteeti>' hîonorablie In aiiitistnt,stransactions anti insu- cliv able lu carry out auy obliFatione matie hi> tbiilftioi. WESîT & TtlÀX. Wholeîal-Jbngglst&,vuoto 0 M*ADt.iî.,tNNAN & MÀsviN, Wliolessle Di)ug&l.ts. Toledo, t0. liait's Calarrh Cutr- Is lakea interuall>'sea-u direetîr pnthjen tii, tl Iatnt mitronsurftlace,; the s>,.tt-tn. Testlinso senl frit-e. Pricee ze. rer Lotie. Sold b% ail I'rttggls.ts. The Pop., eraet i8th blrtb- day on the of Mai-eh, w-hlc w-es also the uiueteenth enniversa-y of bie ac- cession ta the pontifical chair,.u Inthe long liat of popes ouI>' nine have w-on the tiens, over tw-euhy years, the longeat relgi belng i-bat of the limmediale pi-e- tiocessor of the present Poatiff, Plus IX., w-hlch exteutiedti o thlty-lwo years, exceediug that otf.Peter, thug breaklng an old tradition la the churcb anti overtunng lis ment venerabla pro- codent. Ouiy threé popes bave reac-hot a greaher age than the pi-osent one, lthe oidest hsviug beon <Gregory' IX, w-ho reacheti bis 1001h birtitia> ant idt lu 1241. The baiy father la a littie la ad- rance of IGladtone ant i Bsmarck, andi, unlîke themn, can neither realgu nor ha turneti out, so testte asuR lluthe ac- tive exercise et bis functions sud le the oldest sovereigo sud shaleuman lu Eu- rope. How G0,Dm. DigrUtrom Inamnilly. Sons. one asked Max Noiai 10 de. 'a? thé Olfiereuce >SWon genius andi dilien tbe Dle HeooM& .DOUBLEDA . Hew the CeaSuleuWife Paved the Soldiere et Fort Suzater. Mben Fort Suinter w-as almoat en- tlrely Cnt off f rom the outer w-orl, nMany of the wlvea of officera W-ho bati cômlnand of5 Ibe garrisori weîe lu C'harlesaton, bnvlng been forceil t0 go thert for protertion. Among tht-m n-as the 'wife of Lieut. Abner Do 'îtbleday. The condition of tbe Federals ln thîe tort w-as; becoînlng serions. Rtations were gi-owing acai-ce, andi matchies and candles had given out. The condition of tbe garrison w-as known ln Chatrlt-s- ton, andi the ivomen, whlose lovet ones w-sie penneti np ln the fort, were 1luit- urally flled i lth snxlety and grief. Mi-s. Doubleday, under tbt.sc trying circunistances, decld riounun utider- taking wlh-bh not oully sho-edtihe lu- leliiy of ber devotion for lier btie- band, but proved, lber 1tehW a true liera- Ine. Sectîrlng a bout, @lie loadedItîl w-ltb provisions, sud ln the dend 'f nlgbt, anti elone, rowed f rom Chai-les- ton ho Suinter. The danger of lu-r be- ing fired ou w-as great, but she took the i-lai, and re-ached the fort Ini aafety. WVben suje came withIa range of the setîtries of the fort, the eall rang out, "Whlo goes iieret" 1 The reply lu a womin*s voice sur- prisetil Mie sentry, and seveitîl ofthe guard w-ere-ciantduwn ho reeuiv3 ber. On learning w-bo il w-as, snd of tbe re- lief ab. brouglit,the Federah; St r0 overwhelmed witb admiration, na thIe attentions site reMeved fi-ont ien and officers amounite te t worsiîip. lhe Rack, the Thuunbacrew andi the Bout Were old-fssbiened Instrumtents et torture iong stire abandoned, but lter. la a toi- mentor wbo ettil continues te agonise the jntu, muscles eud iiervea of mati>'of us. lierleumatls,in.thal Inveterate toe iii fiait>' sud airiti conifort. nîay be conijueredi b>' the limely and ateady use uofPlostetter'a stomach Bittera, wbieb llkewi.e eradii-tes neuralgia. bilkiua, malerial, bowel, aloinach andi nerve compitet. A Chinamnanse Ideal Wi-e. The Chinamen ef Anal-alla, wvia'n they take a notion to mar-y, write lu a matrimonial agent iln Hongkcong soinetbing as foilowa: " w-ant a ivife. She must be a maiden tînder lw-euty years of âge, anti must not have lef t bier falber'a bouse. Sbe muât also bave uuve- i-ati a bouok, and ber eyelashes mut i e hlai au inch ln longilb. Her teetiî ust lb as s;iai-klii as tue pearla of Cey3lon, lier tlreatb nusl lie like uniethe scents or the 'nagnificent odor- us gi-oýs ofu Java, and iber attire must lie fi-oui t1e illeen w-paves of Ka-la- Cliing, which are outhe batiks of the g,-cnlest river in the worldthe over- tiowiug Vîîtîg-tse -Kiaug." Pain eOlten con.ý Centrat, aul ItUs Pure Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoa is Pure-it's al Cocoa-no filling-no chernicals. WALE BKE &Co.., LU., Drhame Uw.k Presldent Isaa Lewis of Sablns, Ohio, Je highX respected ail tbrough that sec- tion. e bas lu nClilaheaCounty 75 years, and hau been prasidefit of the Sablas Bank tw-enty yearu. 1He gladîy tastifies ta the menit et Hood's Sarsa- panilis, and w-bat ho asys la worthy attention. Ail bhi-smworkers find Ilood's Sarsaparfila Peculiarly adapted to their neadu. It makes pure, rlcb, i-ad -blood, andi tram this comea narve, men- tai, bodily anti digestive streugtb. 11I am glad ho sa>' that Hoed'à Sarsapa- i-lIa is a ver>' gondi medicune, especially as a blond ppunfler. Ih bas donc me goond mauy Urnies. For soverai year I 1sufferuti greatly with painspf Ione eye sud about my temples, especal- ly ah aight w-btn 1 hati been baviug a bard day of physlesl and mental labon. 1 took many remedies, but touati help oulyi>In Iiood'a Sartaparilha, w-bleu cured mne of nlîeumaaîarn, nenralgia ad heatiache. Illod's barsaparfîla ban proved Itsait a truc friend. I aiotake Jlood's Pills ta keep my bow-els reguiar, and litre lte pis ver-y rnuch," IsÂÂc LEwls, Sabins, Obio. Sarsaparilla Jo the Onue True Blond PurIfier. AHl drugaist. * 1 l'reîsreti uniy by C. 1. loed &iCo., Loweii.MIa, I-ood's Pus iare Pro-P mpel- eand 0tis09 >vm 1. AsId Eesien D'xpm1ttleu. Tt ia prolioseti ln Utah te organise ln co-operation w-th aeighborlng States an "si-id reglan expostion, t eh . r - successlvely ln the principal cities ofBSE the Eat, for the purpose of show-ing the products and resourees oif the aiId region andi 0f lrylng te dispel the no-. 22.02 tion that stili exista lu some quartera e tbet the country between the Rocies andi the Sien-es la a bopelesa Oebert, glven up to sago bruah and coyotes. The exposition would b. something on the Iune of the exposition soon te be beld lu San Francisco. Specimens of producha from tbe fields anti orchards w-oultl beaiîown, witb sataples of the minerai treasurea of the region. Thie exiîbîts wonid be dispiayed'ln the chiet cies firet, snd then divîdeti up for es- hibition ln amailer cilles and throiagb- ont the Eastern States. The main ldea T lt ia, of course, sucbu exhibition would * b -M athract Immigration antd capital te the st 1bM si-id lWest. la 'I'erc a ré Dictionaries and Dictionarien, W but lbheutiblest Roman of i-hem al aceme 4 te ho Webster. Tt ie atili *ssiiy ln th~~ lead iu the gi-est race for popularity. tmeai En-ors like sta-n upon the'. surface 0.&S flow; lie w-ho would seanch for pearla nýust dive below.-Di-yden. N Two bottles of Piao@ Cui-e for Consump- tion cured nie ofa bad lnng trouble-Mrs. S J. Nichois, lPrinceton, lad., Mai-. 20, 9W. 1I demon that la drenming-Poe. À person la premnaturel>' oit when bald. i mess occurs betore lte oty iithh yeer. Use Hall's Bair Renetver hp keep tihe scalp healthy ad pi-avent baidnesg. .Dibere , e ye 8nw Debt.na' EleeUteSmp fa Vieonte unesas1. 18M. wsuidtit,=42lit «M. Versnl tttepufeat ani meut cenOtact4 ~AUa rouf aroSer tur IL Leotouiteiiaie si eTeai. t a a outl*. ..Mar- . T, Smm 4sAu. Mo t . el tArehit 5. piila. P&. Ra.Wluùw. 5.0omu.e saite rCitilfir M E, bêUii motlm t..aMa. OieWliamien Iet te ofwa t*jm cou'FOUNO pfwJ THUCX 4IANA CONSUMT 1511E. 3d St.,IeY Prie, $01.0W bti, temy a nr t 1uail PATENTS. TRADE-1 5aTMhî. ldsllea ePial tOUBRNL Modtn-yerAs' T O e A reporter calle&Mo evenIug, May 8, 18m, at dence of lMn. William No. 1688 Pearl street, B Village (Ceveland), O..,ùý If possible tàccuee able limprovement ln bis pb7iWO,ý condition over Ihat of ia year aaq, w-hon ho w-as a snferer froju Indigestion anti varions ergaM.e disorders. *,You se," beg=»Ul4. MeMaben, l'Io atant witb, MyiSy W4 -that of settIng type artheflêaêY allows me little chance forblodUX-' extrclse, and la aitogether toc confInlug for anybody w-ho lE lunt least aubjeet ho indigestion or'- d]Yspepsia. Perbapa Dot more no than msny auotlser mechanie or artisan w-ho le coustantly Indom., sud under seereomontai stralu, Y wh-ulîe the physical developoeeutt u sndly ln nooti of sometblng tlkeq. It lu îrim. Wei, bat bas beau i*y cotuplalut foi- years, anti omm - tuonths ago 1 became very bilc4aý sud constipation matie lite ulue1k1 hie for meat limes. Then 1httooê a seat lu my LIVEIt, w-hich b notlceably Inactive. andi 1 bea*eý aiarmeti about il. The firat tl 1 Ini-neti my attention te wm 11 sec-ni- a 'iver regutiutor, wbç,' liow-even, failedti o regulate; OM 1 souglit relief lu 'liver ptuIs,» 1WMk* s0 palinti gudt'lped me thht t~M-' cure w-as, I lhought, w-aise tbua t-ho disease. The next thingI d5W-- w-as ho throw- away the w-btô"' "shooIng match,' anti resoIrs teïl1 take no more proprietar me4lipol 110w-over, on hearIng w>' tal et cf w-oe, one day, at lhe oifice, atfotqps, - workntan offereti me a amahi -Ilipane, he called lt-w-hlcb, bti sali, he would guarautee hoeIcet onthe iver. I tookithunder ' pi-otest, expecting to be doul~ up ln about tftteen minutes w»Sh the 'giipes.' But w-as agr,~ atirprîseti ln lis action. 1h w IF" very gentie, anti 1 reaolvad te JS box. Sînce thon I have gMa~ noteti an enhr. change luin - - - w-orklng of my systeas, andi* that Iipane Tabules are the remoti> for iver andi ste troubles Ibis aidhe of auyw They are l'eally a subtitut. phys!cal exorcIse. Ham e you go?" Anti Mr. Mail produceti bis box e "of s trom hbs ide peekat as f -' reporter took hies ., Tmw. . Talule You Say the Less embr,"One 5 ounces for 10 cents. You may have Ilmoney to bm#a" buxt even 0, you needn't throwawy2ons 01 good tobacco. For 5cents you get alnot a.smuch"IlBattle Ax#" as you do of other gadfor 10 eti - - - -~ -q t: 17 tel lyts i "'tel 17551 hi-a Il& . rIlls @OU m cure. 1 A T L A S T.

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