;v~ s"'. BÈST PL -IN LAKE COUNTY,-1 TO BUY Lumnber,-Coaii MiIt-Feed,l Farm Wagons, F3ggis, 14113BERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared ta suippiy your wants ln .. Agricultural Implements, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tule, Etc. Always get'Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S. Libertyvilie, 111. O-.0 Schanck &Son. Bradley Piows, Harrows, and Cultivators. John Deene Plows. Sattioy's Hummer Sul- key Plows and ýCultivators. -rKeysone Dlsc Pul verizers. Keystone Cor lntens, 3 styles. Monr an Spaders, 2 and. 3 horse. Fish Bro's. (Racine)Wago ns and Trucks. Stovorand Abbett's Buggies, Surries, and * Combination Wagons. [OTHY SEED, ý.OTEcWandALFALFA, SEED CORN, ETC., Etc. MWBER *Wasnington Red Cedar Shingies, Sash, Door, Et. Etimates on Building Ma- tonial of ail Kinds furnished on Short Notice, and Lowest Rates. 1%êM-PSTILIT STALLION IN NORTH- No 414 lu Ranîlails American Paclngeg- CINILINIStr. lire by R. H.Pooe-rnall. Bred son owiiUs ÏJWk-hak 2 aiYt ie of Ethan Afl.211'gý.I>Damnly Starlladt (paerlî:17%, soiMe Kay horse 2-36; fSecond dam tpacarJ by King Ilhlaraol. (par> sire of! itchlii 212M BaWicY 2Xg'h, sud ithers botter than 2:2; thrd damn y then Allen, son of Hil's hlok-Iiawk. Midniglit lsla flue coal-blac k horse.tanding 15% han s high. welghs 11a0 rounid,, je heav- sud are al large and amootli sud show great speed. F. W. Sherwood, of Missouri, the former owner of Midnlglitsasys: "I started hlm l I in 4o races: wnning 80 firt moneya esecon. 8 thirds, Uuplaced 1. drawn 1. Dur- lng i 1 rc s tartod hlm. s galust sucli ltdhoe as, Fidal2it0': Stormn 20s( JOrdau 2:14; Aiment Bashi w212 k jb 2:L2iS'Chamos ls; ý-Luita Me Curdy 2:141; Wilkle RùeàeIIl tiÙ!d other good oce. It was with these hmres he, made hi& record. Rfelias paced miles ,on Ici' lu 2:m. Helias -M -I NIG 1»" sired a 3eW colts ln Missouri snd 1Iolnk for RECORD".of 2:17 34 go In the îwo twenty-flve rywms $ 15.00 to Insure live colt. Breeder wll be held for 1service fee of ail mares dlsppeed of after belng bred . . Ail colts to bo settled for when i10 days old. C. A. Appley, Owner. LIBERTYVILLE ----- Real Ilstate AND RENTING Liai yu poerty with me and 1 Will fi.ndpyou a customer at 'y rnsnabLe rates. Âm~gpmerous choice bar. 8 , have the following: Libertyvillie City Proporty. Throaa«re.,9.room modlernliouse. good ,»IL cistemu. bau. 6fruitt imes, etc. Prices $2w. Balisera W iQi içligltrocin moderm house' soad veil, istcrn.shade sud fruit tr,îcs,ehti fer cash, or on reasoualîle terms. For sale. nov liuilding 22x40 fiî't, 'lî'ap finr ChowcoLots 5 SO ief~et atfroeiJ n $ M l The »arby rroperty-isrgi' liuse, lot and hwono Division St for sale or n'nt. Farm Property. For Sale M 0acres on lillwsukec roaed. bouxe. large beps. good fcuceiq, 2 good scella, good cis- issu, 30 acMestimibr. PrleS G5pe'r acre, part sWb, balance on lime attfi per cejnt. M20 cres hall wsy lîtween Warrenton ùreva lad Grayslake four miles ,i"rtli of UbriI.Weli lmproved under coud à tale of' oulttvatlon, ne waqte landl, good MOM~e or dairy'farci, neyer falllîîg sprIng andl Ietlng aroam. luliberal. BonEery woes ropî'ty at, Haeivill-ý; hall *a bo ouse, barn. 2 velus. estern.,.,frlt "aiaetrocs. vineyar, d. hol, 2xi1 two -> 'aym1k.,lot 7lx7TopF. D. -latter- ILLINOIS. HARNESSI When you vani a flCw Bt of Harnees, or repairs ou ID the old set, you can do no f better than call ou RUDOLPH KRUSHAs Ott MILW#AUXCE AIE. COm0 F r . IL. ON UANH. Prompt attention given to al hind of work. Good worh and le* prices are bouud lb win. A FINE. LINSE ..FURNITUR~ Earels, Pîcture Friamou Clock Shelves, Boom oadg Wall pockets, Painta, Paper holders, ORS, Book cases, Center tables, fExteniion tab's, LDining chairs, Rockers, Couehes, nlCs1I<hamber suite. Varniahes, Glass, Putty, Minrora, Malwose8 oIIIa u n 9s9 Il 07 1290 ou e 10id ait 121 or 0080 1006 Sig 1227 0 8 9401 10 568 1288 aouea goumr. a. M. &a.. M.p. M. 628 731u 130 a4 8431 74il19F 050 m GaU e 437 7 47 12905& àt Bookfefer 0447 502 12 30 fdos t tlion ai51 Ur? 126851du mrNe Ve. "a15 16 1»W M idakse aboi1 9521 102 531 hilns 5409 8544 l114 27 CMUlea0o 680 1046 Fmi 749 'Dm117 axoepi Bander. a Bstopuir on agnas Around the County. LAKE ZURICH. Clean up your yards. Chas. Seip wan in town Suaday. Prof. Waltz la stiR on the aick liat. J. H. Forbes spent severai daysata Elgin. Miesa Katie Kuokucli la visiting ai Addison. .. Miss' Dalla Beip lbas returned tô Chicago. J. Barker, of Fremont, called haro Saturday. E. A. Floke reiuned from Paonsa, Monday. We have iwo first-clasa meut amarkets In town now. Rus. Hubbard, o! Chicago, visiied here recently. The fineai lUne of ianned shoes $3.25 ai Beip's. H. Kropp flulshed bis job of hanling coal gaturday. Mortimer HodakIns, ef Long Grove, wu ila iown Friday. Onr photographer vil scon bc ready io take yeur ploture. Ex-edidor A. L. Muilen of the Leader was here Prlday on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kuckuck entertilned guesis from Addison Baurdsy. Take in the grand bal l iret of the season ai Fickes Pavillon to-night. A picked teaam of ibis place, wilU play bal at Quentidns Corneras unday. John, the barber, bus jusl got ini a nice supply of oranges, bananes, fruits, etc. Chas. B. Wood and Horace Oskley, of Chicago, were here tee lirai of ihe week. School meeting Sainrday nighi ai iown bail resulted lu a viciory for Henry. Several of Mr. Dlekson's chiîdren are on the sick liai. Dr. Alverson la lu atiendance. There vas a serub gaine of practîce base bail Sunday p. m. on the Zurich hall grounds. Wheu n lu own oelait Aj's Zurich Bouse for a good smoke. The brand 1dle Days can'i bc beat. Wm. Eichman will build a large nov blacksmih shop. Ha bas already ordered bis bill of lumber. Leave iiemsfor ihis paper ui Kohl's atore. Subscr&b for any paper pub- Ilshed ln the world througb AI R. Fiche. Bien Semas promises tc, mahe au excellent base bail player. IL la con- ceeded thai va will have a good ieam bere ibis year. Practice up, boys, aud be perfect. Týe funcral o!flira. Klepper occured on 1junday ai 2 o'clock p. m. from the house. The burial was ai Falrfleid cemeiery. Rey. Casion, offlciating. Meny followed the remaine te real. A Utile ili, iben a lîtile pill. The 111 la gune the pilU bas won. DeWiit's Little Eariy Bisera thee tle pilla Ihat cure great fils. F. B. Loveil, Liberty- ville; G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. J. C. R-ANs buastsarged bis meut wagon and will maha regular weehiy tripe d'arlug the sesson to Gilmer, Prairie View, Aptahisie, Long Grove and Quiiii'a Corners. If yon vaut a firet-aises meat market ai Lake Zurich, pairoflîze J. C. Hans, who Winl treai you square. 28-31 FOXLAKE. Beading is wvoliundar vay nov. Spring bouse cleanlng is lu order. lira. J. J. KnollIo asiopping viili lira. M. Knoll ai praseni. Miss Mary Tweed la visiting lier graud.parehlte, m. and lira. H. Dilicy Who 1ve Ai Gumeeo. The Junior Epworib League vill meat ln the echool house ai îhree olock every Bnnday afiernoon. Lesnt Thuraday Charles Knol vas adjudgad insane hy tha counîy court sud sent to Elgin for teament. The sehool elaction vas licld ai the achool houm est asBaurday evenlng and Mm. Evereii Cuiver vas olacted sâhool direcior te 1111 the place of Ut. William Caine whose term of office bhm expired. LestBSatumdsy murnlng as Mir. George Merady vas crosesng the aiimcald trsck, ai Lake Villa tha ear end of bis ýwagonvas @truck by the avwili pau"eger train ilirovlug lbe wagon box mul Ur. MoCready Into tie air outtlng bis head badiy. ,We might tell you more aboutkOne iligate Cough Cure, but yen pmobsbly budu Ibt cures a oough. Every o»> doos vbo lias uma IL. it la a = ermedy for oula colde, hoageensa. 1h luen epeelal favorite far chidren, being pleusat tho take "ud qulck'iu ourlug. I. B. Lovell, Libertyvile; 0. C. Roberts Wauomda. EVEAeETT. Joea andispeni Bunday liers. Liszio Petth, o! Deerlield. la visitlug J. Moiranbçger'a family. 1. .Gibbonslst asvaluabie horse lasê yod. Wbtliar vas esien or irsidoff il e ot huovu. M, J~. Bartloy, of Owatonua, Minn.. le ,wiallng bis aoter Mas.M. Mio0dy sud The uîa od -flr, O> DIAMOND LAKE. Mir. Andrew's bas flnished painting ln Libertyvilla. Mir. Geo. Carl returncd i<> lits honie Monday suter a weok'a vîsit. Our merchant, Geo. A. Osi sin Chicago laut veeli Tuesday. Spring vork la advancing rai dI and neariy ail the 8owlng is donc. Lasi veek ihere was bhum to Mr. sudi lirs. Bd Wlcskop a daughter. Motiier and daughter are dolng niceiy. Sebool meeing was held Satijrday cvening, everything vas barmonlous and Geo. Oat vau eiccted as the new dimecior. The selection vas a good one. H. H. PEGLOW. B ICK work Stove Work and Plastering of ail kinds.-- Cal clming and Whitewashing. REABONÂBLE PRICES. Leate orders at......... ýMooua'B" HILF DAY,- - ILLINOIS. lites hl01, h pito per hJt. neaaverumnt agaluet hlrma, vi asev m oli ourt, apalnseChrist.ak o! lis - il toas th. F o ur f a a leI ia e oniy question vou boy best lb purhim 0 ut. Herod hated hlm; the bizh pn s taed hlm; the Pharlseesbstad hlmI; Tu-!J Ica icot batai hlm; Geslss, ihe dYlilI tiif, hatâd hlm. The whoie sartb seem- 0 lngiy tumusd luto a detective to vatch bis sieps. And yet ha faced tis ferocity. Notice that mmo! ofChrist'& vound e e lu front. Borne coumglng on the shouider, but moet o! Christ'à vounds ln front. Ha wasmnot ou retreat vben ha explred. Face 50 cvNCE o g,, *bmww We have men's and boy's Hats IiÏ shapes, colors, and qùallies,. OurSIý Fedora's would be cheap at -$I.50't' amine them and you wili agree with u Our Seeds are the' Best. Ue-bury forthéShdy Leaves vwas Pariey ad <Mine and for thie Begalare Weldnor sud BAker. The Evoe.# Base Bati Club beld tboir firsi meeting Friday ovening, AjuÙ1 17. The fofloing olilcersere eIeod, anagrP. H. Zarwer; Sec- retfty, . Eedfinond; Umpire, J. Lan- caster; Oaptali J. Yore; Dîreotora M. J. 'loua T.ore and il. E. Gibbons. Thbeyara now prspaired to play auy uine lu the coinity. FORT HIIL. Mr. LoviaSe la vliting vltb Mrs.Geo watt. C. B. Combe vieited the 8ehool Ar- bor Day. Herbert Davis cailed ai Volo Suuday eventas. Bert Paddock and vif o are rejoiclng ovt a danghter. Mm. gook cailed on friands the flrai of thie week. Mm. Muleu and sistor vere calllng on fronda Suuday. WliGlibert, of W auconda, viisited vwitb relativea Suuday. Sehool opeued lasi veak with Misa Mulien as laseber. Misa Cleveland visied vitb frlends lu thia viclnity recenily. Mr. and MUn. Stmon Davis wore Waukegan viallors, Monday. M. B. Hausone' ohlldren are attend- ing scliool Iu districts iwo and lve. We are ail pleased to se.clira. Con- verse again, afier her visît ai Grays- laks. Mrs. Jones, of Gurnee, spent a f ev days 'wiili ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis. Thera weme services ai the Ft. Bill eburcli Sundsy mornlng and oenlng. They vere weil aitended. AUl our ladies' are iuvlted to attend thea meeting of the Grant Cemeiery So- ciety vhich meceswltb lirs. G. Watt, Friday afiernoon, May 1. I VAN H E. James Davis ls quite siî'k with pneu- moula. Farmersamar buny sowing, sonie have nesrly finlshed. P. P. Ray bas lately piirtebamet a finle nov double buggy. 0. L. Smth began lits sebool at Gages Lake, Monday tat. lirs. H. D. Weilsa sd daughter iaîi, are visiting fieuds ai Palatine. B. D. Hubbard bas secured a position for the summer wlth A. B. Cook, ut Libertyvilie. lias Emma Grablie ini onîte aick et preseni wrltlng. Dr. Taylor in thceut. iending physician. The Ladies' Foreign M i,,iouary So- ciety meea ivti lra. Ueo lBrainard, Baiurday o! ibis veek. As the esuli of the connsel Saturdey the frieuds o!flira. Anthony Paten ie are cheered wih bopes of!lber reov.ery, They are ,ery mucli piessed with the' ireaimeni Dr. Gailoway la giviug lier. I'a juai as easy to try One Minute Cougli Cure as any ibing elisu. It' casier iii cure a severe cougli or coid viili t. Lei your udxt purchase for a, cougli be One Minute Cougli Cure. Boiter modicine; beiter result; licIter iry I. F, B. Loveli, Libertyv lii; C. Roberts, Wauconda. Cet Our Prices , BeforeYou Buy! Carpets, *,wail paper or lace curtainîs. WE can save you money. Long Grove,I11I. V. SAUER & BRO.' r.G TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FORr] SDrugs, Medicines, Chemicals., '14 PERFUMERY, SOAPS. CaMUS, SBrtîshes, Trwscs, Suîpporters, Shoulder Braeea, Fancy aad Toilot Arti s, Booksandî< Stationery, Dye Stuffi, <Glus, Piity, ( $ PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. PATENTMEDiCiNES. Family Medicinee anîd llys<în P1rüscrnptions careful compouffld at aill iotrs. 0ods Carefuly Selected. Only the 93est. q4 iiép>1 a Fred Croker.... Su its From $1 7 ->TO--$4O A perfect fit guaranteed. Cail and see mysampies. Claiqeaning OVER BANK, Dyeing Libertyville, Illinois. M AX LE BEAUS IDNIGHT,ý CIGARS SCAN'T DE BEAT, MY1'LADY 1$ A DAISY ASK FOR ... C'1<AR CLlpp1i.vasif Pou. want a pipe-feu o f fragraai s lip vJ 90 AND CALL ON 00. .~IO[ FORTHEFOLOWI:-.. --.APTAKISIC andBUFL R E' Rock Isiand Ilay Loader.s; Wo<od's i21 ioi Bey itakes; Aspinvali. Potatoc l s ler;Cark's J)scike rrows; FSteel-beam Lever Har., rows; Wood-lîeam Lever llrrrojws; Wood.beam ComnnHroa Five tootil Cultivators itlh Ilors4e HocAtteihmn Six Shovel; Sulky C'IltivAtors; 1)iu Cuitivators; (Coru pantera;suk d 11-1 11--. P"O;WSuky an And (7onid,'r M/ai sou Vn I 1.4o ie Des oni u» thfAimPlsiag Seeds: PURhE CLOVER, ITALIAN Olt CIMfiON CLOVER, ALFALFA: CLOVER, 11UNGARIAN, MILLET, TIMIoTHY. SIAN FLAX SEbRL> c i .î1.Oo per betnheI.,mý. ýHN BOYISOi [CE DU-RING THE SEASON AT,- CTS. PER CWT. ["'a,% LEAVE ORDERS AT M.- B. COLBY & CO'S. STORE'. Ralph Darby'S Bar!tr>i -15u'lnW lî,nîatd11'dii S>aguey lat i* 'lnîrst W, . 0~a1 whi. v 9qon Admlnlstraior'a Notice. i notkie l e'rihby gi cn I hu. th beor Alnit.trter of t hi'. ,.at»of:> ilu Kuîwulr. dî'î,ca',iwIll ettead lte Everything in Garden and Fleld, soid at lowest prices, quality consic Try our 90 day Seedporn. 1 1