Mk mon, Mie biddiug suotug ta lie, 401M lait esi. t oupemm, 0f9lte - secretary veiti tihe pur. W tm6Odialrubuion, umde by seortary âmâoanS thsorne hr Lae oid tiseir and pocketed tise 0sm on t ai every ton the a vents of tise pu lte question of vWho meli omier candidate ptobably hoe nome, but sud Quy and pag eAw **u1n houinonri d ne ab01 1 a gtpopn1g« Wgt*M iim cm nov prevent W*q fGav. mexineiyL 4ibpablicly. McKiniej'm Wibthb.holready bm Ofty Mi lims vi le needed 10 ÙM Viiltii a probby lidna 111e, unpre- lêeâe beileve that he vii web votes 10 vin, becsam re t tanaddition 10 tise Wito ui. hoylgel nsuy IMIsed -delegatos visa bave ma nmthe is!could pick a mi before declaing them- bi oqprter ai tise vinning .410W airaes a little better Mb eRo wuiv ien il orne "ü<b li aves sud liisea. MOs tisaI lie belief la thse '14 McKtlers nomination twiguolougli g Iis session 0% sam0 il vhe lefonds of 4faewhovwere doing *048 oi tise meeting of lbe 9 *asd Convention. Vils idCL 0bat ovention il cnt lUmes liey vini natcars te, ut adjourning early. tvto. la thse Senate on tise stis wether four battleusIpa b* ppopriated foi, ai provid-. Ir lhe.> oume or ouly tva, as sa by Senimbi Gorman, vas M steide of Party lines. SSIasan. viso von, vas sup- .ý nisse republiomua, sigisteen smailsudfour populisteandxa tI.'Y tvonly epublisans, six * ma.d ans populitt.senator tieoppo-reune ho p«tukout, lbut io bateffotonly gaI * Obes, visils forty-four vers t.Thismreduction dosa ~dsttise Plutor visuap- el aiopposeil 10 lnctsasing tisaitisey are oppoamed ýEag anney béfore vs mut, ta t0 came ftOOs. wilcon.- 'Mr Oùxuti! euiresý fuueOSiti paper fi«adw#om wek 10 aiIuerest 10 o oîr M vultimrsag ti5tisss col- Mt r«6.14 *nd thli 6iparn ilaWy oe for in»pecuox4 tksa a tisellère tisai. vis q4p frm @beaioumd bise wâ tieY 'are gettlng. sud 0K F sud daas i 0,fpiatrn fly v~tloi Y P.S.C. E. oI*soatiosi of the Y. ibeJ$l aI raphie lait w4N 1 b*M x ers d*we' -0attend lise k repiort 10 bave À1 l large at- cislacgo, Rocbstser, - Eavass". i. Taosasow. né. ~D.W. A. miel ~umouewsko14, CL "*8 b.A a IRneBN moiao M&Mis nui, of Waegsufl, vimted ber dangister, Mra. Strovi,, luitvwe*. Mi,.Booisaf- Chiciago, viéltod him daugistor, lia.Austinlb past eek. Util i4iia ILdo'o Ciigo, i. making ber ihome viti Mm . . G White for lthelime being. Mr. JoisiRôoi, Jr., bas moved hiem family lmb thil oumereontly accu.1 pied by Dr. C. C. Wisimnore.j Fred F. Biiehof vas tu Grayalake, Mond&Y, auperintending tisa vomi on tise front of Griln à SIrota' building. lir. Fiser, mother of lira. Augusl Blutz, vas very 111tho pout veek; but iesomre stronger aI tise present Umne. Ut. Nob1eia been siliiug lately and la ;u4t, fe bb; but, v o"*opnmote &WMm4Im laMeuuelgood Iseaitis sud Thse ladies et lie AI& Booleity met Mi.T. Hrvey lIsatWedneeday * la U elisiilme. Mus. Villeanadaugistor, of Bur. lingtan, Via., mth le gueMtsof Mrs. F. 0. Wiuiiur, and vil!remain vils ber unthbiet isome la completed. Tisecomt for iaying 100 yards of prave! villh hevilflgdlmita tas let te Mr. Raris3' Rende., Monday. Ve are glad 10 sec titi move for, botter ronde metde, sud tisaI thse hole village Win sonmlie graveIed. Min Dret, tier of a former petoi of tise Ceisg. cisureis vwutod titisliMn Richardson over Bunday. Mine Drev in nov sttending a training scisool for nurse. In Chicago, isoping ta maie thsaI ber future vocation. WVs vus ber uccea. Mrs. C. C. Wiimore Isavea tisa eei for Chicago, viser. se vii probably M. hber Inture borne. She vili bc grentiy missed by ber mauy friendi in tisis oommunity, as-mibe taq a promi- mat member of thse V. C. T. U., being litu Yiac-l'rsIde$t, and bob sun active pa4iaiIifi$aimeitms, etc. Rot. ever abs ut libe feiloved by tise goad visheu of ber fiondsansd acquaint- t fe ua vie"t<, it notaà eldent. Thése ntertainmsntaMd smcal!gavle by these dw 'olueb sMdg Sit 1a aurday mvoag #um Ob pmad Il eotm boUhs ociyâaisd Iiaguy. .ýattàr-' sido al'~eoddb&à u ta.hedaeôs We ltnithe p.*alr ti 'sv lies.tise attraction. Thei. xerO" sIsedeied by lUts. vers ýumsqu. Md tero.ting.*0Wiii jfilcmaution ;;; liraI aong thse 'Msm3a aNqubWlé" aisovd o09 tieir -ictilu >i osm ta ponat adiantage. ,W. ItoPe te liur lisem, agaij. Thse 0ma' polo Issus 'Mi -wovuaisg f the 14 gO4"MIt niceiy gire bYý dreemd là viI. everyviere."J'à 1pro.é paraîd a bots ttnumeïit*Ie arai" 10mii, wbhloli tit à,> pond and vfr.mimnts ~ âmed brongiit la a nico Ut ,e mr o thse oolty. EverYane ,vutminera happy and vei l peaed titisthe am- luge enlortaininent, and tise *oeilea« netled, vs understand 3$M. Thse district conventionaorte y. P. S. le. B. lait Bunday aflernob "d evening wua a great miosa.. Tiie weatser wa al tisaI could le vised and tbe Cong'i. cisurcis wa.crov4ed 80 tisat standing room vuAta a pemlum. Tiiere vas reprementativea PommaIl from Mlburn, Waukegmn, Obieae, Liberty-ville, Rockefélbsr, IVanboe. Gagea Lake and Evnton. Tb& * ad- dress of velcome by lira. Eldiy, Proa- Ident of tise Grays lais aedety sMd ra- spoisse by Miss RaMis, 0f9Mibnr voie very good, and the speociies by R ey. Hamilton, of Gages Laie, Mr. Gage, of Libertyvifle, and P. Moody, of Waukegan, vers eacis a rafe treat. Thse song by Mr. Spafford vus gond. Tihe papers rend by delogates Irmm Rockefeller, Ivanhoean sd lilurn voie very âine and allogeier thse pro- gram could flot bave besu belle. Supper w&8 served nm Batteramai%.hall betveen tise afternoon aMd eveig sessions 10 about 200 people, mont o1 visom vere strangera tran ont of town Before ciosing a vote of Ihanks wvu given 10 tise Grayalaiseffley fer their entertainmntlMmd Il vu a&bout 9:30 vison tise ciosing sang, vas sang and the Y. P. a. C. ILbonedictiona given. Thse neit meetin.g viii le at Mlilburn. t in fDot a miracle. TltaS% mrb everything. but t vIiiaure -pilt. Tisais visat DeWi«aWa ilciNHat Salve vili do, bemaue il ih»,doisMl in hundredi s i me F.B- .oenl, Libertyville; G. C. Bolierto4 Vancon- I _________________________________________________________________________________________________ BJppSE ,WB 81mB. HUMQOOSPARAGRAPHS FROU A 00" aSbot. Etbea-43morgs ta à vonderfu i sai. MauG&-4adeid 1 »tiu-Na matin boy dark t la hé sieyr m ou on tise noam.-New York WorM. Ver enada, Omnt MSat~eu-o-morowla jour Sunday I$4wWaI mpm. boytorgetfni ,habit of eau!mibar ni Whil. ont drethe aother t uggy vieBsbO .as compulled 1 to t»'M pia.H r prteatnent vasM a mas iso oI* Oird amis Lady replle to bila that ah" for Heef Tb*e an titis eoedrmble aurpgmss noyer 1ev tat hny bet botees!i tioug ttL ,ffl 0 --rt Avery piessmmt eveang vas apeut by ail visaeiUmded tise traby socialutItise M.X. 4cisnrb inemay eV ening. DEERFIELD. Mir. Aermmn la serlonsly ill. Hottes cleaîsuag eem te10 li n ader. ml<te Nelson bai returned home fromn a leugtby visit titis relatives in Ciicago. Myea. W. M. Eniat and ciildien. of May*tcol, are spending tise veek hers witt Mr. and Mis. L. P. Todd. A. R. Mubuke bau jus ifnlised another course of Instructions and demnOntiatiogi at Clarke's scisool of esnbaiming Ai Chicago. Tise dimnm" social ai L. Vetterîa Tfiuruday eveniug vW" veil aitended. Jais u er was tise fiat to, have a lns inspbed npon im for apeaking. Quit, a nico aum vas maiisd. 4d EMstia INO renetise bmorolme loyer. "'But tour listhe M dg an e îe UwIDtk sét a Wfe, d'ow, or SHOULD ow pricesand gooci rre we quoie- )WN prices; thesê MtsCree!eu "ri'soea f01011.$ 9J Gingisans pron4......1 Ciiimn' ssos3 ppa i .r. ndiohe prinla jer yard<4 6.<o 4 «.38 Ladicacapes...........i9 Lads.. peblbe pan hoes 90..î@Mens vorking tlirts.------------.26 46 ., «8u 4. u1 i ..6 00 Crsck Java coffeper lb----------.15 50 paIli. ladies Oxtord tilsa u70- You are always treated white at the "IBRICK STORE." -Fo H. eKeh-ker- CRAYSLAKE9 - ILLINOIS. MI ARE -OH ERS POPu l a-r As the Cyclist wbo rides the WAVERLEY or Chicago IDEAL. He's always ahead. Calcimlng-and Whitewaiihlng1, BEASONABLE PuCES. leare ordpre cf. HPLLF DAY, .Mooaz's' - ILLINOIS. Thé Cyelone woven Vira FOuit. la thia lit a ai ifeice on sarIs. You Osu sue a sICIPe of it aitishe County Faim, LlisîItyvi e .vaut 10 eînploy t» gond mess 10 canvalthus u iy. Fat furtiser Information, caii on C. A.APPLEY, LlieîtyvIile, M1. Real Estate AND RENTINO AG E NCYS%-Nf List your property with mie id I wsil find you a customer at reasionable rates. s sois ai. ainCIs QIwneelswatcn cases full Of wheels Ansong numnerous choice bar- that run an gains, 1 have thie following: Lbertirville City Property. 1<111 I w.i1l14 .1 ..nhr.f a l,.] it . rIns.M,.It Also agent for f. ' . Vis Gleason- & .5haff sewlng machines. ft ut TI, ~ 11hI -t., u t f r i ot o $ r Complete stock of bicycle and sewing machine .)ilyîr.a-t-iw ..s*lt~~ repairs aiways on hand at Il.ýurY W. lis no.'t ilnnqvlh E. B. SHERMAN'S, TheJeweler, i l tl.. 1-vrsm X1tl Grayslake M-- - - linois a. .i.-At 1t X7. ýu .1) Farm Proporty. For Sale C._M________ R N noax-n-mru n Mllwaik--rouiihon-. largi, ÎÈ ÏT M jt--ri,-1 n, , r..tlitf-. r I-ýl.. u -r a-r. pant DRALER Ii....... wh. Iuiura.-.' .i rrai 6 i-r o,-,at. MILK CANS, FURNACES, STOVE REPAIRSIimnte, s. hut Iutw".n Wsrr.mîou >1 Tin a.nd Steel Roofing, Plain and Corrugated 1.1k..r)il.-.îrov-,-I uînder «ood and Concluctors, Wind Milis, Pumps and fl.,wingtr%.Wn. TmnruuuIlt..rl. Tanke. - - - - - - If yoil want to buy or rent Lake R!PAIRINUO OALL K1T4DS NEATLY DION E. County real estate, Le sure to cals MARY 'WOJK A sp ECIALTry. H. C. PADDOCK, MAMI111O09D1111 WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION PRAIRE VIEW -- ILLINO 15. ,Libertyville, --Illinois. -UN.YST E M Ai 1 Cal attentio n of , F armers and To the fact that 1 handie the finest line riages on the market, and seli at prices tl Farm and Truck'Wagon, Cultivator, Win of Farm Machinery, Woven wire FenceE andi Barb wire the ioWest of ail, and the f edbeforethey Systematicaliy figure witi' hAci corne, wrote,'wirecj or phoned me. when we meet, and yOu-save money by sc 1 have a number of Corn Planters ai W-Aucotpda thrit 1 oeil cheaper than can b, Nia.a large stock In my Ilne at Wai say Uaarduy et Vauconda, or sunday 'sin do vei on> lievetie botter tise do -tise lbotter, thse doed," uud E uni groati; à"e M kom' ~s1»yneêi CALLYI %%*Iipit in IItp,-rtyv iII,- in ahulrf- I, I %SsA lisT, FYSs ithers ýe of Bugg.ies and Car- hçit will surprise you. d-milIls and ail kinds s of the. best mnakes, f'ellows that purchas- i. generaly wish they i stand the expense. ýo doing. id Check Rowers at ebugt eisewhere. ucnd ,cuite a igrge *is~dti,îs. f() bit ne osefOid beh ymir rettrn fs-ouelirch, asmI1hua- y l eed (A mlaley tlic± daiy l.n 1 1 ý - 1 1