We now have in stock the best se.. lection of garden and flower seeds ever opened in Libertyville. Corne early and make your selection. We are making speclal prices on our Immense stock of caed goods. Everything in this Une lw rs and good enough for a King's table. If you want a good quality of tea or coffee for a littie money- we can supply your want. We are.leaders in ail kinds of groceries. Our prices on our meat market goods are as low as the lowest and we guarantee the quallty far better than can be bought elsewhere In town. (iood coffee- -...-. 22Cper Ilb 11 cauapricots ........ 15e. GOo. Japan tee ...... .5e. per 11) 1 (Mn white cherries ........ 3 rais tonmaut4b" .. . .... .25e' Baking powder . ......20e 4 cons corin....... .... 25! 9 Ibm uavy beans. . .. -25c Il dilit ptehet4 ..... . .25e ýCorned bec and boliuglbee! .3 to 6< 1 eau pIulmba ..................... 15e TRUGOS & TAYLOR. WALL PAPER. *H3dVd 11VPA 'MlRombier3 ai a. Wrrecf ri e noloiqercr<>nt 5i~ xteen yoiof advnce MIES nieîtand improu'merbave a5s urec ilb eonhlnued l31 eodership. +~±,!! tlondsome eoIJ~eJ~~be Ageuiey or bymoî ree-Î fwOe ,GOPMULLY & EFEPdr CtiiCAGO-MO,3TONWMf6DHWt DROOfflN DETIT eOETl-f6.t WALL PAPER. «k]3dVd 11-VM a a A I na% UEXAMINE A $45o Lady's Wheel. It IS One of the Best on the market for the money. Don't buy a wheel before seeing the -*.-WAVERLEYi It is without an equal. 1 handie the High Grade wheels and can suit you. C. R. SHERMAN, unemJeweler, - - ILLINOIS. A large and varied Une of Hardware, Pumnps, Milk cans a.nd -Cutlery. The best oican on the, H ERE I9SONÉ OF'405E BLUE FI-AME oit STOVES. market s a a PIIflps, Gas pipes', Fillings. vu s ~ - i as u ~-uu os s s Me1 B. CQLBY & See Theiir Bargainis in CARPETS, CURTAINS, WALL PMi CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUOS CLOTHING, ETC. VMPIKED UP HIEREýAND THBE. Local Items of lnterest to Libertyvil le Re.de.i WiII 8h. Do It? Read the City Council proeeeding@ The. "Waverley Biî,Yî*k- Club" Is onl another page. c troubled fil iii nd. Charle West, of Waukegau, watt ln And ail the t<îwn lnl sym- tw lelriu b ek Pa±h y lostlrred, wntetrtoth e. 'Tis a question affitating those George Bond la the proud posessor des, women are dcbatlng. of a new America bicycle. Aund their emier. auxiouu voie.'. upon evury bide are beard. D. N. an4 A.. 1. Maliory made a 'Can we d fiMUMTw.. do il? iflYlng' trip thelb.clty Tueaday. Oh. I m very sure we'iI rue it! * Max LeBean traded beasis luit yack. Cries one timiui littie ulainsel, and If Mai keepe at It he may auccoed ln bier fair elhelikstiuftly flush "'Shail we Ietourtt.Iveu bkW haken gettlng a regular bora., cventusliy. front the stand that w.. Jewettit airotov vas hertelra bave takiii. of the veek witb a force o! mn And sopear abruad li germent. eîn pmnmnt uts eeey that aboutit ruill 9, mall..-ig pmnmnt nte eeey us biush? Bob Thompmon, of Waukegan, la *"From the first 'twau .,iir .,n- assIbtlug 1lice.. Selswltb the "satrnug' vititon. one M igt'-ailIit of borses ho la training on the tair' our religion, grounds irsck. Thet no garb beceàmî' s awt,- Mau but a celatt and auîudegt President Averu lld flnot appoint a sklrt. treasiîrcn or marahOa a the board And arrangtemenlts bifureatid Meeting Monday aligbt, as other we have .'xllcd lut] ber.&i.'d. business demauded tb. attention of j,est the spirit of our ceriubuid club r.-eIve a deîaiily burt.- the< truîstees Bit. ai"!? the- wavesof jîrogrpisi Henry Sheridan pet.ltloned the .'vcry îiay are bigh-r rtiling board for a Ilee»to couduct a saloon, And Lhte. lady of the skirt the' vote on ibe question beiug a tic. tiuhl ln be lsnhe in it Presideut Averitl ceaioff the île, witiî the 1,10oomcr Mlle a vîting in tlic negatIve. minute Vll Sanboru our uew clerk an. vheeinaIJ hllile i t i11 nouhlees that beresfter ait buis against toasehuol. the village muetilbe avoru ta before Ev"-ry eclemeut against lber and Iinsentation fur payaient. the' wlud wonl.l tain upit-t her, 01(l1 "shenm," vas la Chicago Mon- w~antou tellow! skiries day 'poating Up On alderManie duties, someday lhe banswaoru 10 returniug iu urne toi "hold dovu" a sec lier motint, And the nashtr men, but dear. chair ln the conflil ith the proper ke.'p on urging ln ber car. diguily and vise demeanor, ln the "TIî.a<êjgagflgttli beeees vening. 4<. liBehruwag granted a .license And site gaspit at tl'iitine- Iin that abe knowiî woiîl1 Monday îîight for the ensning year welt upon ber. li $15010. Bomle members Of the If t ut @lieh gains th, courage board favored ivo saloons vith a to attire in bloomer gair. lcelise o! $W00 a year esch. The ides But I re.ailyinklu. h-.II do l.and di utjetihsflceispo, well ailturu out t Ii s i, i d uh e nert warrant ietquesotio Andi applan liber ta the h 'duo t aratth ueto when et lest she lî,<bis appear! bcbng brought before the board. F. W. Ed Alîpley lia the gasoline engine E. B. Sherman, <if GrtiyNake, speut fornseriv owned by the INDCpENUENT Sunda licte.snd wlîîuh sas partilly destroyed lu Sundy bne.the fate tire, igged Up la gond shape Chas. Knicker, o! Waukegan, vas a sud hav ing a wood pliee made up 01 visitor ber.' Stnday. Pieces of divers lcugths aud thliekueis Arhur Crosby, of Wsukegan, called Ed eonceived the idea 01 using the uîîou frienda ber.' Suudsy. euglue taii nua e av. Ihworks veil, The new restaurant la doiîîg a good sud beets ho'rse power ten te, one.. bmusiness. Sec ail, lu anothen column. Workineiiare removing the debris Wni Moore, of Chicafgo, tormerly troin tIi'he îseneui vhero forxuerly on.' o! unr "train boys' speut Slnnîay gtc00{l Sci'lick's hardware store, and lîcre. Libertyville pecople wilii have a nev Florence 'Tlnsker anîl Lizzie Juiaî. building tai gladden their sight lere o! Wauik<gau, passied a few o boiere uuauy ioins, wieb yUl loom up Smidey. majeitivally. add groatly tu the Mis. Fisher, o! Oeecrfied, nturned appearancee of the. business district N ta ber ho<ne Sunîay aften apenîîiug a ansd serve asi an impetus ta others fFev' days withliber ilangiter Mmu. eautemplating bîulding. 'lhîs. Ciîlett. Judge H. Bl. liirritt the honorable Mnayor ot Wanciuidi< aidis reset Sainue ot Waukegain's horêtei' o ieIDEFsDE Wd esy. H lîiîuglit <iiie tif the.e fatit lins" oult teIN PNDTWdns .H bere Sundi(ay. They are té) [le trainî.d reports tilat the Elt,,trie Raiivay hms 'lthel.' fairgrîînnids traecured aigit inâles <if froc right-f- wae Y. But lhey stîll sîîi hoa favor tb. The Chîicagoî Meta' Statuing Co- i.Lbertyville roîtii. Thisa vould cor- isiiippe< ail fiait of the uew oai anls W lie the ms irtt n ha« wblli hîe ar nauuaclnin9Iu:tliilît and operat<'îiand psy the Fridéty. 'lhe' (au la the inost complet.bliggest returns. Nli'. <1it make a arliî'l,- tif its kinîl on ,the uuarke. t creuîî tif ai] lt.' Lakw t <.«<lil:y rasonts Fletchier Clark. o!fIRockefelle.r, sud and utilize butli routesNit Il profit? traveling salesînan tor Fairblanjks,l_____ Moriée & Co., lu in the lieur futur.' té) Oet a Headl Light. .' a reuideîît o! Libertyville. "ie 'Tih. city "<litas pastiîl ai) <rdlinauie lîlans for lii e abolie, Ni.licb le to IMundsy nigli relative' t I ivîlpson lie aiu Milwaukee 'Ave., lirc in thebiicycles. You n llt hàbs& ii i îuîioa i'îîrîlrspossession. ,<f Sounle nature ller îl:rk "Ir l iable Tlhîe si 'ug service i t te M. E. <hureli toila penalty (if lot li'sii I <ni $1.00 or sultiay ileglit wuîs luuuually enter- exceeding $.1% Wletîjii.I%%iill.utdo îiilalg. 'lTîî solo by Miss M. Ali'-Weil tiiobserve luis l1.11<1 1< r1jlîsîîRave luîv siu lu îl'sîvi îg <f speelal conînîcIl.e Il i.'uti. anl dligliteil the' audience. ilv. For every (j un rter ii l iiiii peket SiîuU îiibî nl.'t.-'.ealul auprjii1<1' Iîci' ire a dozeut uses; îîîd t'i îi.,*-eh reuiarks aller cuieli reiiditioîî, aîil oiîî fi, sîuclîa away lus 1<> <lii i the tulîl îîtereýtiIIg suleidotes relativi, t < ;,niatî*at bene,,ltis lu ut .stlî <i every the sil)jtt-t. iii.lnust suIve for thhun'.iell. %W,*lie- lb. suîjiil.lieve, bow'vcî, ltat ionu it î<r lis. Warren 11. Heathlislabusy altending 1 confid lie matie o! oui'of thî'si quarters ta eorrespîinîleiue, mailing informa- tIan ho exehlage ih for aIL 1,ttlti of tio an patielar, ec.,tohorsemic, ('baiberlaiuî's Çolle, ct'b<i'at sud lionsud ailiular, et., ilrrboea Remedy, a ne.dcii.' that relative tIihe Lake Couuty Fair tii .vcry taiy sbould lic,îîrovi<lîîi tli. lie beldi Sept. 15, 16, 17 snd 18. Evcry- Foi sale liy F. B. Loveil, Lilîertyu lie, thilng posile ta malle the fair a G. C. Roberi'a, Waueotàdu. slcesît la Iuiig dune snd Mr. Heath- is itevoiiuî baîth tinie sud energy to Cockerals and Eggs. For Sale I have guitte daiNy hlilis the wîirk. tItis Kesson sud would like t u iveîii mq'Ieèiini asqtl tIlrough. Liberty- iiiteresteti parties e<'lanl d e< ixamuuie ville Siunîilay tui the number uf allaînt tli.'uon vylte for partiî.ulaîi, îaudîlif twenty. 'l'lie Milwuaukee Ave. 'Nîn' f 1have îot*güt vhait YOULwalit wull b,' tg) Ibis ])lace! la a favorite une, O.,wiuîg glati téi lot yuu kuovu wlho hlis. ta te gaveed ail.Tha siali J. F. WnalAs, Libentyville. patlio! uu lrailjsIsulbof t<lIi Cucumber Piclkles. lu the oie ye sure lu wheelmn îid Make yuur contracta for cuinii' eîiterprisiuig farnera hieOtwecn bierc' iekies nt M. 1B. Cî>lhy . Cu' tîrî'. panil (I, i""go.'lj'îo ad o <ie4 i e u 'n<s'aîi FI@ORMIDI 3DI18 Ordera andl Measures Taken.. Dver 400SampI's to Select froin. Cail lu sud see Iben. HATS and CAPS style, sud Prices lu WCAN FIT YUR HEAD W. Can Fit Your Puise. W. carry lb.' langesI stock o! Bats sud Casi n Central fr.e Counly. TRUNKS Cail ou ns vhen in uccd of a% Truuk. Large Trunks. Smnall Trunks. SEWING MACHINES. Buy s light rufniug "New Homne" sud save mouey by bnying 0f us. The "Nev Home" la on. o! the best ma- chines made. To try la to buy. ..CARPETS.. ALL WOOL INGRAINS COTTON CHAIN INGRAINS. TAPESTRIES HEMPS. CLOTHING àwLargest Stock. AwLoveet Pricea. Mgens Suite $5. Up. Kuee Fauta suits $1. up. Wool ivo ploeo siitR $1.5e Mwuni clothiugila ail bougbi for Spot Cash, wblch enables us to soit ai a very 10w price. EI i c o <5GIcycil m s01.. we bave the ouly genulue BalilBearing Bicycle SUe for Ladies' sud Gants.. Bicycle ridera should leave ibei ordersat once as the deand le vey Caii su-ad see them. SHOES. LADIES' GENTS sud CHILDEENS SROES IN THE LATEST STYLES. W. carry llenderson' Seiza», Fargo's, lleed's sud Lobdell's. Our stock of shoos la langer than ever. «qFPices neyer so iov"o. WALL PAPER Good white backs 5c. Large assorîmeut o! patterns. Sidea, Cll luge sud Bondera t o match. Our stock ibis epring ila ager ibmn ever car'. GARDEN SED9 We are headquarters f or Garden Seeda. SEEDS IN PACKhAGES. SEEDS IN BULL. large assontiment of 8Flower Seede. Our Grooet7 bDDepartment lu Complete. Ail Iseo Ver! good Ccli Better Grade« 10 ben Igood I10 CROCKE White vare. Luster vire., Deeorated Dinnersà Chaula Gl"n IAN .FLOUF WASHBUENBS BUPERLW inakea the boul Every Back Warra sle Graham Only choice.... i. il DRESS GOODS.~ Perhaps you are net avware that ve car r alarge assoniment (4 DRESS GOODS We are making drea- goodaoi.' o! Our specialhUes. Furnishing Goods. jackets, l'auts, Over- alsa, Shirts3,. Unden- Wear, Hoiery, Suas- penders, Neek Wear. Good Goods-Low Prces Western Wl*I* Improved Am.eul Perfection Cloto Wri4È Waghboards Tubs Olothes plns Clothes linos Calud" e Our MaghineL REFRIGERATOII Caîl in and see our "iNew Perfection Hardwood Refrigeigao -Charcoal Shegthed- Dry Air Ci rculation Solid Bronze Auto- matic Lo4 Leave your orders-1 fore hot weather. See our Fedora Hat. Msoo at $1.25 and $l.50 Latest Styles Stif f Hi Ail Sizes and Prices tol Ladl'àý Walsts 35C Up. Ladies Rlbbed Vests 15C uP. CelluIole Collars 10c. CeflIuIod Cuffé ftody made sheets SI x90 Inches t50% Lace Ready made- PillowC~ LaeC ians 25c ayard E E o oe w o- o. -J -i Yes We Wili Seil WALL ~PER From lc per Roll Up. CALL BEFORE THE LINES ARE BROKEN. Yours For Business.. F. C. SMITH & SON. We are always willing to write ~-INSU RANCE---ý for you. Now is the time for Tornado Insurance. mjý LIBERTY VILLE, Tin'and $heetJrl a a