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Lake County Independent, 5 Jun 1896, p. 3

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r, 5-' CHAPTF-R IX. TîmI ulgittbcte dt!not go to e iet aitl but pecet! bis oin or st buriet! lu bis deep clair, vout!ering vhml tsefltorrov vwoëlt!brng fectantI i e bulnî! est aussI lite questions that vouit! bu put te tira. Snerdon vas gofle agaîn ta Occleve Citas,se be conit! taie no counisel fren lhlm; mut!d, la a u'ay. ho vas almost glati tbat le bat! gons, fer bte mew gwhiil lIaI advlce wvecît! hat lie ibeilt! pretent! utter ignorance as 10 lie reaime0«6&11mhmigit bave bat! fer tmai- Ing blm te Interîlor o!fa&Ubis cash vealtit, and enlie account te acknowiedge thie lrolluscioot! beeesu tem. Bet ho tolid imast lIaI, even bail, 8merdon been tiers le girs mauch adrîce, lil voult! nt bave lissa acceptable; tai Se vouît! nt have followed il. He bat! vaveret! for many dure nov as ta vitlcourse lie ilouldt abe, bat! bat! inpalm Ste apeak onmut!nd kowledge tic secretlof!hiea tnt! lis brotiters lfe, bat? tissu maysd by Sinerdon'a arguments ant! by the Icter lie bat!receivedt! lte botel, but uow Ibere vas te ho ne more vmveriug; ail iras te, is boIt!. Il vtirs about mit!tay thal, s lie vas scatet!lunbis atdy vrliug a leng letter te Sinerdon, capîminîmus caactlby hat he bat! nov îubeu bic determination of do- jing, te foolman enter et! itI Ive carda on mIdici-c rthe Dames o! "Mr. Fer- dyce, Paper Bîuhding," ant! "Mr. A. Stuart." They canne lu ogether, Mr. Fordyce ln- tcot!ucing bulise!! nsthie oli-Itret o! îl laIe Mr. (unudaîl, andI Mr. Suart beving grurely. 'rien Loi-t!Penlyn motione t 10tiern bath te ic sentd. "I rceicedt! eîr eter Inuit night," lie smîd tle le eci-eary. "ain,,Aîhcgh I snay tel! yonu t once that thece vers, per- Laps, eusons w-ly 'Mr. Candal shonît! bavre lefttue bis property. I vmsstmli! con- slderably stoisied t! t eaing i. bat! donc se." "Ileusona. rny lord r' 'Mr. Forilyce sait!, lookIng ni fi-nm a bundle e! papers vIlic lie hat!italien fi-cm hilspocket und! cas beginnuing te nntiu'. "lîcusons! IVimu reseoni, ntay 1I asi!" "-rie re-:son,' lic unsvers-I. looking sîrtilght nt boi o! tiem, "ila liaI lc aud I ere' ritheca'" "*Biotl,'i- !tmey bobi cacluimedt! t- grîher. n-ile Suart ixed hiecyes upon Lin iit mut redulous look,. Iloughini lut hier.- nas enoethilue ciscbeidés in ~cd liiy. nabelo!ofsuaspicion mot!dislie.' -~Thisia e <ange aury, Lord Penlyn,' the an-ye'm s-itIafler a moment. tha, me itici- aneret!. "A nid Yoî u-ill peclaasthiniaktil al more trangP tIen I1t-Il yen tint I myseîf dit! net know o! litoui'l a meb ago." TIen le tolsI Ibei, vci-Y fitli!ully. ererytibuathint hat paset! htires lien antI Walter Cutndal. frointe figlit oD n-hld lie bat! cone teBlac's Club, mud <bey bail lad theur ftiret trviev luntc park, don-n to tie letîer tbat bat! boe vnitteu on tic nîgil o! the murder. Nor dit! le omit t tel e m ic. Il only a mnonth previous te Cudal'. dis- cîoîiug himacîf, tlat le andI Philip Smemý dlon bat! matIe tic strange t!iacovsry al Le Vocq tiat bis fuller. to ail appeur suces. lad bl!a pi-eloas vife, andtbâti, alas e oal appearancea, Ieft mu ider sot beuint! hlm. Ifthiers vus anythiug lic dit! not thiu il nec.-sui-y. otel heu tit ilas tic vil, lence o!bils bebuvier te Candalatthie ln heuviev tley bat! laidlu im ht riy i-on aindth e i-tii-e le bat! barbet!afîcu' bir whn e n-a gene, tandthîe isi lIaI "Ih nias dent." Tîtlconise undthiat vii vitîcihag Uecn fuililet se terribîy soiou afler lbei iee!çui-lon, hmd niegiet! eavily on hU heurt ever sauce the nigîl e!fte murder he couit! net repentl i nov te tierenc "l iic heslrangest aloi-y 1 ever leard.' lii-. Fordyce sait!. "Tic ver>' trangest Andi, as n-e lave fount! Do certifictes o citer lis motier'a macriage or lis ovi bi-th, ire muet cocude lhal le dcstmoyei thein. But the letter lIaI yen liai abowu us, ni-i becirrole ho yo, lanotl e)-ut pioof o! youmr rlationsiip. Thougi of ceai-se, as bc bas nuinet yoa ful>' n perfeclly l inte wmlithIers vouit! bc r uëccd or uny poof of yoamr rlallonahip." "-Te man," Stuart sait! quietly, "wi m rouI-et! hlm,ailos telehils vaîcli mn pocietooni, probali>bl bits he ca gi auiiug It loob luke a common mortIer fe robiter>'. Tic cetificales vers perbaU lu lIaI pocicîbooki' "Do you nt tiini l vasl a comine inurder for olihr>?" Lord Peulyn sie hlm. ."No, I de uot," Stuart anaveret!, tee Jing lin araigbt in thie face. "Tite mv a reasen for l." "Wlimh reason?" "'TIat, tle marderer knovs hot." Il a impossilelsfon Penlyn ho t!i guiae fromt himacilf tIe tact liaI Ith Younug man budformcdthebbcopinion lu i uIndt Iat lie vas Ithe merderer. His manDer, bis utter toue o! conte.l wien apeaimg t1 iIm, vers aIl enoa, teo show linbal ligil lic aloot! iu Stuart cyca. 111 nuderstant! Yeu," le suit, quielly. Stuart 100k ne notice e!fte ramai bat le turnedta leMr. Fordyce aund ai "Dit! it uot sem s .reugste yo ltaI Loi Penlyn abonît! havseliesu made tie bl wîcu yoe drev lie vil!?" 11I dit! nett!nmv l" Mr. Fordyce saa --or I shoult! lu ail prebabîbit>' bure mai somte inuils-blough, as a malter tact, i ane business o! min. ta vWho te left bis Mone>'. As I ses ltoe.lin o Spanisit Dîme as a vilues. Il vas pro ably tran 'biy an Englis ali wayer Honduras, at andeeuhedt ere." ",Since lih appears thal I mm bis beli Lord Peubyn sait!, 1I atealt! vialite i tle vil. Huneven ul vîit yea7" vas euvelopet! in thie osal piraseoîogy be o! lmwyers, It miglit bave lisen dravnuap d by lia lrotber'î owu baud, o clear ant d 1 simple vas It.ed Andut! w as perfectly regniar, both Inla lte signaturse!t hIcteutater andI the vît' liag mna noies.eN The Ivo men vutchot! lii.asulhoout avec thte mil nuit rend! il, the lmvyer lok' te Ing at hlm from nutter is thick, bs» erI cyehrova, tint! Mr. Stuart vltli a fluet bu giance thtlbe neyer lob offbils tacs; mud t! as tiey go vutchet! lin Ibcy noticet! tht bis eyca werc filuedt! vt ars lic conîdte,1 net reprema. wi go pascd hil@ tant! acreis.tentonce y. to wipe thie leurs mvy, buh tbey came again; mat, vien lic feldet! up bhe docu- h ment mut! gave Il bacb le 3Mr. Fordycetm- they vers welilug oerroua mhi&cyclds. C 111 ai hlm once after I kuev le vas my brother," li esait!; "sud I bat! very little ucquainlauce tithlhobfore thon; bah nov that 1 bave Icarut loy vitoîs- au monled anmuanselfisl le vas, amut! 10 i te resignet! ererytblng lIaI vas dear teh tntlui for my sasi, I caunot but lamgent bis nat!Il lirfe mut! trcatIfal e0dÉ Yeumont forire i my eekness%."'m "Il doea yen hoor. my lord," thie lav- ycr esid, spenking it a sefter oue thisutle lite bat! yet neel; "andI ho velI deservet! ?t ltaI yenoubnil atoruhum. Uc bat! a u ici-y nobîle nature." "If you reaîîy ftdl bis legs, if yen feci l as mucl as I do, trio owei mai-I le hlim," Stnait sait!, "yen viii join me lu es ryiug le rack bis murderer. Tît ilyl h ie tic mont sincere mourning yen eant give Ilm","ant!dehc, apoke nov la a legssitter tons. o- ..I prontiset! yesterday thc voman vitoin o are bell loredt alIt vewul! leave ne tone In unturncd te fltinthaimn; 1I neet!tube ne h" fresi vova non-. But wtal ela ishire te shov us who il vas liaI kiliet! bim?" For a moment neither of the otiers cl anuiveret!. I "M-Niit Ievrytiing becimade pubIIc?" tl Penlynakct!. N "Mure or legs." tIc lawyci- anaveret!. 0 "O0ne canuontantîpressa a iii t!ealing viti k, ovrc ho millions vorthbof prpeity. n tLren liotugi yen vere viI!ing hoetesîccy 151 it and forfeit yor inieritance it conld ai nultIc donc. 1 asMr. Stuart tint! I allev-t! etI sncb s thing asthst ve abonîulisbcome t crintinalt." nW-l o bc Il'.thic publie mustthinil what tbey lie o! me-at leaahunutil thie k] murderer la tItcoreret." Then ho agi el amgain: "Bat vîat i-k-w is tiere te help us 01 ho lut! ira?" Noue tlat ire mev of, as yet," Stnai-t bu ga;'L li "I snppoae," Mr. Fordyce sait!, viti a uspeeniatiie air, "tiose Spaiiish Icters fh null nt furnish any, vîcu translsted." tI "Wiat Spunisi lelteus?" I'enlynaket!. "ýIf yen lave any. hit me sec ticm..1I1i arn acquaultet! vilithie lunguage." -le Coi-ct a man'@ or u vomui's ameT" t dMr-. Fordyce abet!, an ihe again untit i lundls o! papers. e IlNeitIer liaI I inoir of," I'eniyn an-m u aweret!. "It là more liieiy. I minuit!9 Is hînk, to bc a pet or icbnamm. Why de i you ask?" 5- I11 found! these lires letters amongatI r- otiers lu my desk," Sturt sait!, taiinge ticin fronu M. Fordyce mut! hant!ing tliem il te Lord Peulyn, "tint! I shoult! net have I, lad my attentiou attractedte10Iem pmore na than ho amy otiers out cf lte mass o! forsigu correapodeuce tIers vas, bat! Il net ben for tce marginal notes in Mr. eCunnt!ll's aundwritiug. Do yen sec 1- 11m?, "Ye," lie ansvemedT. *"es. I sec viit- n heu ou one, *Sent C 500 dol.;' on anotier,i c'Sent 2,000 !iai-atos,' sot! ou lie thi-t! t!again, 'Sent C 5&tdol.'" d 'What do' the lette-s aay ?" they bthh r aket. in 11 viii rendithem." r, Hc dit! ao carefnily, andI thon he tumnet arount! mut!sait!: "TIey ai-e ail fom nmie man siguinug ,t bimacîf Coi-t, and dtatiug frein Puertoe ofCotes, wvieoanmate Iini he lad, or per- n aps really but!, ince money vas sent, st one dam upon hlm. In thielirai eue bc gcasys noue las becu forthcoming in a long ~ hile, mudt tat. tiongi ho does net vaut tfer iMgelli.morne einan, vhom ho caîla t! Juanua, ia il! and! cequires luancies. He1 0 fiisies lis lelters villi, 'Touma ever de-9 ohoedly.' lu the second he irmitea mors hO arongly, maya tiat Juanua in dying, andt1 d lIat, a abe bas commîtteti ne taunt, le 1 fisaaIs pon ha ring mousy. Afler Ibis oruth lItrget anomvas aeu." PO "AndthIe third?" they bell asket!. "'Tis Ihirfi la moesimportant Il gaya on Juanua isat!ead, that loinlagiug to Eng- ed tant! ou business, amut laI, a3 itstas heurt! Coudaitlaiseaoabout hoteeut tor k- tat country, h leyl eco hlm thers, as lie 'as caunot cross Houduras te do no. AndI li filabes lis letter bi saylng: 'Do unl. liowver, lhiuk taIlier deatit reliores yen fromn yoiir liablity te me. Justice la- tint! the vile injuries dons ho us mabe il is imperatîrs on ycu le pronido for ums for- big erer onh o! yeur evilîy acqufret! vealti. This justice I vIllhvbandin!len buov iPI I am oee vlo vil! niltlesilate le suforce ýg my cîgbts. Itemember how I servet! Joie "This la a faitiful transltioneu?" Stuart r, "Tais t 10 au interiuretec, as leu td: douât me," Penlyn sait. cd 11I do net doalil yeu, Lord Peulyn," bis Ir, oter replet!, "aut! I og yler pardon for thisanadt any allier suspcon» I mal have Id. shovn. WiII yeu forgirs msF' xée "Yer," Peulyn Wand mt!b.sbelt! ont of ha liant! te tie other, mut! Stuart tbei IL >. 46If Iis man la lu Englant," Mfr. For- nse dyce sait!, "sud vs couil! onu'lut! hlm 'eh- ouI, ant! aIse diacover what bis more- in meuls avnseuee, vs abonît!, perliaps, ho," r ery near te murderer." r,"Every deectîre lu London cab h set Sec te vomi to-nlght especlaliy Ihose via umerstant! focelguers mudt Ieir babils, elqe -im, da *a tlu iassassin. Meanyble, Penlyn bat! .erved hitausi ,another Interview with Ida Raugh. nan interview ln tvhic bcbeWl, te tell m everythlng, end he went down te emont to do sa. le tound lier alone ln ber pretty draw- ýroom, Sir Paul bavlng gone te Wlnd- o on nome business inatter, and Miss 'r15 lieing out for a walk. She wus stili looklng very pale, and er lover notlced that * piper wam lyln coide her ln whleh was a column he;ad- 1"The Murder of 3Mr. Conual." lad alie been reading that, hie vonder- 1.ut the very time when lie waa on bisi y to tel! ber of the relatlonsbip that t! exisited l etween hi. and that other kn wbo huid loved her no dearly? Wlien bie bat! kisiet!lber, wonderIng as edid' no If It B.ithe lent bIse she would er let hlma presa upon lier lips after the new of what bie bail kée Wk front ber their laatinterview, s sait! te hfin: "And nov tell me what yon bave dont awards fist!lg Mr. Cundalra murderer? bat itepi bave y«a taken, wbo bhaire ou employedta to earcb for that flan?" "It le tbougbt" he anivere!, "thal ere in ainoe man, nov uingnlant!, wbo iyhuve doue 1t. A man vbose naone la *rot, aud wbo waz continnally olitalnnl Money f rom Mbm.", "How la this knova?" "EBy nome letters that have been fount! Lmongat Cuudai's paipers. Lettera soir- g for money, aund, ln oue casi tbreuteu- g hlm If nome wus net sent at once; id witb notes lu bis baaîlwritlug stylns bat different nosuiaiht een sent wlien [mandet!." "Cort," ali suit!, repeutInh tbhe uame aherseif ln a wbusper, "Corot." Then, '1er a pause, the sid, "No! That man 8net the assassin." "Not the nsainl, Ida!" Penlyn muid. IViîy do you think lie lan ne?" "Bûcaure I bave nerer knowu hlm, lie- mise the form o! the man Who îlew ini lu my dreui a, famnilier ta me, and is min'i ferai canuot lie se." "M3oy darling," bieosai!, "you place too adih Importance on titis dream. Re- memher wihat fantasies o! tbeelirain tbey ire, and! bow few o! themn bave ever an, laring on the actat eveati of life."ý "This was no fantay" athe answeret!, "no fantnsy. When the murdecer Io dis- rvere-if bie ever is-it wilIl be seen thut have known hlm. I amn as sure o! It as thnt 1 arn itting here. But vho wus lie? Who vas bce? I have gore over and! ver aguin every man viion I havt ever nown, and! yet I cannot bring ta rny mint! wbicb of ail those meu it liq that that orondet! figure resembies." She pauseil gain, nnd then <lie asked: "Hla, it beeu iscovered yct wlictber lie bail any relu- "eIda." lie suit!, riiing froin bis seat nndf standaing liefore bier, white hi knew that the time hat corne now viien verything muet lie told. l"Yeso lie bat! ne ct-latiofl." "W ho was lie?" abecitsked. spriuging te er feet, wbhite a etrunge master shone iu ber cyca. "Who vas lie? Tell me thât." "Ob. Ida," he suit!. "there in so much tc ell! Wii ron heur me patieutly white 1 ell you ail?" "Tell me evecything." the repliet!. wili listen.", Then lie toIt!lber, standing there faci oe face witli ler. As lie proceedet! witl isi story. bi coutl give no guess as ta what effcct Il vas haviug upon lier, for one made ni gign. but, from tbe seat lntn whieli ohi lied souk, gazet! fixcdly into bis face. Once alie shuddered aligbtly. anJdccie ber dress nearer ho lier ivien lie confess 't! that lie bat! refusedta h part from han in peace:, and. vhen the bail rend the let ter that lie baad vritten on tlie niglit o. hie teati, alie tvept îilcntly for a te,@ momnen ts. (Toalie continueil.) A Bed ln the Tyrol. "Coulli 1 have a bed?" and when asked the question tie bo.3'ýýîi tarca It me. I coutl ait by the lire, mlie said or pecliaps lie down on a kint! of settlo covered vIlithharsh Amer;cÀD .10111 and not overcîcan, wbich &lie pointe. out lu the sîtades of tic furtier eud. "Have you no guest echarîiber?' ssked. After mnuci consit!eratlon aind a voci with ber husbaud, sic Iighted a cai dle and led mue carefully thi-jugi ai ante-rooru, pilcd up vitb thrashed-ou malze stalks, te a doer, whici ste un locked, and se lot a rooru where th icavy cars of Indian corn were laid li rows along lte fleor, whitle anions un. apples were heapet! lu the cornera, an, buches o! sauI! ed and! yellow toms tocs iuDg froin theo rafters. There vas a bedsteat bebinîl th door, and aiéhilr, only one, stood b Its aide. The libchadl not hee used fc ycars, sie confessed-not ince thi openlng of the rallwuy. But sheIla sneets-c-leun sheets-at my s-ýrvIe addlng, doubtfuily, that perliups, If st put a pan of bot coals betweeu tû feather-bcd and the muttress It migI1 not be s0 very damp after aIl by tii tIme 1 bail caten my supper. Coffeg No, tiaI vas Impossible, but a gliS o! real red Tyroler wine vas ut iz command, us Wel as a shuce o! t! smoking dlsh of polenta. ici stoi on the table of the common room, flan cd by a large boa o! blck breat!, A Remas'kablo Thei't À Fa. lslan tiIs! ntered a cuh vit out biggage, and direced lie.driver couvey hlm te an,.mddressome ti mlls isan. n-th411 ayhfhher ME DELIVERS AN ELOQUENT -0 MEMORIAL DAY DISCOURSE. bris ter Lassons rts t he Polar Tsars' War oft r the Bobellion-The Sprit of Trealy scu andthelb.Sprit o! Wer-Self-Doefene it and! Jiea Bules. in<i - fort Mouedieftheb.Dead. Cat Whah conît! ho more appropriaIs or ahtir- Bol riug titanis" discourue by Uic Rer. Dr. ine Talmage at the fhlie of year uhente tic 1i frlénds o!f taissc-ha vore t-bu Inud ilu the gray bave decoraleil theo moumuds C.ftPs lte falcu? Thte text vas Booon'.i song, ail Iv., 4, "Thete ower o! DiLvit bilded fur Ift au armory, whereon Ibere bag a thon- Ift saut! buekkeM, asitielda 0f nigtty mlu." a11 Tite-dembc'I* ure 'comparedt! 0au mr- fii nianT, theovilabung v&ri oles o! gri deat!heross Wahk 'il ubonrt tits nover 'ot o! liYmat, audacelte dentt.ehi Me, -smud!lent thé tvlsfÈ-i svedii, sud lne rcchet! hel- mette ot*IMWtte. Se nut h15 ses- *wan,à iieàrait lb.?South, a Mnnthu nio lute Ït&*otlýtheAannrièts'n <torches Dus arm tnfufig htt'*Tbti a'i deritedt!bihfai mi&o dof âqmuIed traves. ilisout If and tbi Oun, va, *iith stôriên oi self- lu sacrIfes th àmWf bIat d prov..! La By, unknUsous decee of thé people o! de: ltoe United Stàhes et Americathe bbc iavý%asa o! ail Uic Nortiteru sud .4ntltî'mn dea-1 @fi are every year decoratet!. AiU ncerbihy me mudt! imge hs ave lieue odt cf tie na- w tional solebuîty, and ue the metsîand MEa vomen f the Sot Oise montb aie ll'uril- o- izedtheliccemeteriesaud!grmveyztrrti s <o yesterduy vc, lte men sut! vomen9o1 lie dt! Northi, put upen te tombse! our dent! tbe kiss o! patrlotic affection. Bcavery o alwaya appreclates bravery, tbongh l ei figît on the other aide, mut! if n oldier o! Of lie Federal artmy bat! been a montb mgo Do ai Sarannaht bs would Dot bave heen et, asiamet te marc in lutic flruI pruces- 1 sions 10 lie cemetery. And UIfyeehert!sy n a Coufederabe soidier va utArlin.lou de le wias glati ho peat a aprlg of hoartutease co ou te ileuiateart o! our deat!. t! -' Brave O.eroslt,. or In a bafle dmrng our lnsI var tic Cou- T fedecabes vere drtrlug liack the Federais. r trio werc lu avif t retreat, viten a Federul officer tIoppet! vounded. One o! bis menO toppet!oftthIe rtab of lis life ant! pet bis armis aroandth îe offlcer 10 carry hlm frontin thielud. Fifty Confederaite musbets ' irere nimetetathe sYoung flan wvlirais Of picking ait thec oEcer. Baltlits Coutcder- aIRe captain siontet!: "Hoît!! Don't fire. In' Tiat felloir la hoo brave te ho ahot." And Of as bie Feeleral officer, belnip hy bis pri- r rate soldier, vent limplug slovly off thIn' feldthie Confederates gave thiree le"rs bi foi- hi-irae privaIs, am ust esl'eore tic Be two disappearet! beblut! a lbarnbot tist wcunded officer asud the brave private Of lifteld tie'r caps lu gratitude ho the Cou- ri fedmýýate cuptain. ti Shah tihe gospel ho legsageneroas than a bbceivorit!? Me tock arma, the hayonet bt of our Northeru gan faclng thla vay, tic w bayonet o! tie Sothera gain faclng thic oller way,tint! as tie gray o! bie moru- t lng nelts lntothie bIne o!fnoon no0thetypi- cal gi-ay and blueof o ot! ar tisesbavew i lende t a nut, andt iey qacte lu thielis-n- gunge o! King James' translation vîtiont N 9any revislon, "(llory tu (lot lu the igi 0 test, antI ou carti peuce, giet! vwil! ho e amen." Now, what do uýe meaon by Ibia 0great observance? l'irat, ve mnun Instruction hu one viole orgcneration. Sabîract 1865, wvenatlitevn 1.endet!, frogm unr 1890.,tint! yen vl! ceai- 0 lacsewiat a vat number o! people vers t.oru mice lie viiior vers ao Young as if le bave no vivt! appreclnhlon. No one a: V ander 41 yeai-s or age las muy adeqaate a: utentoiy of tint prolonget! lorror. Do ' yon remember il? "Wr!," yen say, qItg only remenuiber tint motter swooused i avuy vhile ie ias ri-clg lte ueva- il 1 papier, ant! that thhy rouagtt my fatier tg dhomo ircappet! initie flng, andtlt a agoo t mauy peuple caune in tihe osuas ta prey,a ant! mother faded un :y ftsr Iimi untl il aguinthiere vore ut:tîw people lu theh Sbouse, mut! tlcy toit!llenie a adeuil"g TIcs-e ai-e chiera n ho canuot rene.- hou' bie roll o! a di-îm or lie transut o!la Ireginent or a igi or a terco! Ibat 1er- nado o! vue ftint swiept thie nation agaîn t -d aut! again outil thi-re was one deat! lut each bous. Now it lm tic religions t!utyB nf o! oso c-le do remnnîtuiIl o tell those l vieWh do ne!. 'My yoîîng frienda, there vtresuacl pachingsaut i-il car vindown anu tseambont whai-fs, ah front doorso! ie emfoutable hiomes as I pray Ged yoa ýn mnay neyer witucas. ()Il, nlat a tunie It I id vas, vien faliers andI totiers garesi Ip id tbeir sono, neyer expçing 10 ses hem 8 a- agaîn sud never dit! <e tii-m ganl culIll bheycsme hocknutilatet! tnt! crujhed y laand!dent!. )y A Glancesut the Paut, DrFour yeucs ot biot!. Four yeags o! ha.- 111e expeclences. Four yen-s o!fgiietli-t le nesa, Four yetris o! grave tigginig 1ourt t!l lears of famnera, coffisua, ah ronds, heames, S.ý dirges. Mournlng, nonurng, mura4l ie It vas be leIcilaoes. Wbat a lime -et ia valllmg for neyai Mocnlng papor &"t i evening palier acratinixot! fer intelllgemSc lefront lte boysaiatheb frcont. Fir»4 , 'u- elnoanscemeul liat lbe battIe muaI oceur lte usItday. Tien the newa o!fth al! in golug ou. On te folloviug day still go- 13 Iug on. Then 1ev, o! 30,000 alain a"t 116 o! the nanes o! the greal genteralis vhs iDe bat! falien, but no ney about lic prIvai. k. siodit!e5, Waltlug for ura! A!tcr mauy days a loed o! voundet! goiug tîrongi thie levai or city', but no neya frein oar bey. Tbite Lout Ilat of voundet aut!a lon" te lng. Au am"sg the aat liaI our boy. WC Whenu nimg? Boy mlssing? Who. lis navhlmWlat?MXianing! Misaing! Was bo e lunltse voods gr by tic strsam? Boy vdws.lb. hurt? Mîsaingi MIseingI Wbat bunuîug prmyera bist lhomay yct be heard purelas. 'W uivtle o& U W **tta du compellet leive op alavery anyo.ýs'. lit net the Northn better bave MaW the yv7 ouey and! nave theIliv ies of 500,000 ir8avsw ire men, aund migbit Dot lbe South bel-t-hbeéur *r bave soit! ont slavery and savet! ler tbat vIn #ive ),000 brave mnu? I avear you hy tic men lu case 01wr rves of rour futhers nnd brotherstind! ture neeote 10detmau >nu te a Dew lutre! for thc champion sas!!nerahave arse o! the universe-war. O Lord Got!, Northi aud ot lbh the bottent boit of thine omnipotent of contention, iignation itrike ltat mouster dowo cent oint, sltho )rever andt ever. Imprison itlu the d!eep- prared politidât ndungeen o! the eternul penitenti ri. can't i511 ut it ln vitl i al tic iron ever forget! foatn 1 icannon ormo!d.d lotoholiotiera. Cleave poslîlt!0of v illi ail the subers that crer glittece! No possihlllty etf cia ibattle tint! ciug litsesu! vitb ail lte foreigu Invasion I1a auga whleh it ever cause!. Let 1h féel Wbsn I spok e agnist I the conflagrations o! the bomnesteat!, mgaln&t selifdeeue. tlha& ever destroye!. Deeper devra iet me that bechbail inv Lu bantiit itlias gatbered Into 1hz hearl itou vblcb costlt!bc Il the aufferizug of eternlty au vs!! as but fnot l, Oggresslve !e. Inthec name o! the millions -of "Wben Yeu geltheb rave, of Its victima, I denovace It, The Weapou, You bave Là' ations neet! more the spitt ftreaty and'int." 1 bave ne" as of the spirlt o! var. nelgbbe9s prémius Wby Wmr la Delsetable, War it more gbastly néw than once, not tqmusialae mly liecais of the greater destructive- boi«ow*& unatle! ks of Ils veaponry, but becanisenov îî If l8b. AnaI akes dowa lbe, best men, vhereas once '~ chiefly boob down the Wrsl.IBruce, anYý r f n1717, lu bis "Institutionsof ilita d lI5t vi elbrn, ui aw," sait! o!tlie European armies o i o n i» t a n e, ol eM îy, "If ail lufamous personasad ut!iuh Otiter ti»ta hat théra Lhave comutitte! capital crimes, hec- roon for any othhs ?cs, ateimtand ail dastart!ly feminlne aroe h cnien g .eu, were veede! out o! the army, It acrosetelcnvsenha . moulti acen ie reducete toa xretty unoder- grounthaorthwe "an £ e nunnbèr."Floggiug and! menupalpýgent!frtheand«u adc thein atili more ignoble. <)ffiecs ta te<s tea en. gU were appointedt!e1sc that ecdli cidier res at ol motrte 4~ Iruk bis ration o! a plut o! spirite a day. don- uvtha b. rhere wers noble men lu battie, but lte Yonk.by retea1,p toril character o! the nruîy tien was 95 ettur. 1 do net knewýý er cent lover than thbc moral dharanter ligrtouis Wil! Dot yel-- if an army te-day. By no mucli la war hostile, navy. 1 do Dot 0oW the more detesaîle becaune il de- half-domen nations, eu stroya the picked men o!f te nations. prtmyvn euvŽ Again by Ibis national e"euiouy vo erlng oMar cIvilvîte menu tehonor courage. Mauy o! hiffeh riýnnations It eui departed soliers vere voluntecrs, net bauds on us., It layg cnicripts, andI ltany of tuaise Who M lIowns!qtamlq, aud If oui ratted might have providet! a subotkute mucit longer-It vil! o 1*; or got off on fuclougi or bave t!uiftted. If 4p o ab-uue 'lic faet that thy lie lu their grave. lamue 11km those et M82 a proo! o! their brnvery. Brâýve et lthe 1802 te meet tbem W. front, br~ave ut the cannon's moent, brave àud dOWn tée CastI, on ionely pleket duty, brave in cavale y Buer lu th, sen.bau charge, brave hefore tie surgeon, birave Fort Lafayette aund Yu*- in the dying message te the home circle. vhe vin amt onby knov We yesherday put a garland on tlie hcov boy te dI.W 'wbu sucb8W f courage. The vort! vanta more ef itl. ver dt! come1h. Tlie ciarcli of (lot!la lu vbefuI nee!of otageo!tattîsnWu il!s mon vIoe dastand entIer lire. The lieu wicasf mfalys of worldly decision rours andth le sheep sofflers' aiylunn for te tremble. In greut reforiuntory move- it aat yCUb meits aI the lirst abot: hov many fui!duas hmiIt oet!thou,1_0 back. Tic gi-eut obstacle t hotc dlurcli'a me lu patriol!. iticrifiee, &MI advancement la tlie Inanlly, the vacuity,utuyrsoDert the sort pu-ethinesa, tis namliy pamliysm lie resurrected lie the =s of pcofesaed Chi-hatians. Gi-est on a Ps- those fou' vitom 1 Idt. rmde, cowarda in batie. Airait! of gel- (edsud my coutyl Hu ing their plumes rîiffled, tbey curry a par- If foreign foc shoul! cer asol over their helmet. Thcy go luto h ua. unnstesvuS it tattle net with warriora' gauntlet but Ùsre go oulr segimenîs lute-r wt-il kit! gloves, Dot clutching the swocd Fiflesutit New tork Ya tirt t00 tigit lest the glove split at tiche aaCvmrFuts > c k . n ia rille m e n , T e t it M a à lu ail our cefornuatory andI Ciriata lery', Seventit South CmftI work tie great vant is more backlioue, ers. 1îdount co hbutît nore mettle, more t!aring, more Itrovess. aîtack o! morne fèeiga UgW WVe wouit! in ail our churche. like ho trade fortet our abeurd ssctloUaYi off a hundred do nothinga foc one do Cv- bave no failn ath. e y, 61 ery-thing. "ýQuît yonrselves like men; ho South,ue Est, no Ws.; atrong." sections kup Ibeir poeullaf Tiy caais lu ail Ibis gloclous var eecs'Ubdlgia Shanl couiluasiqkrey die. ot Interfering t %.sc Tbey sec the trit»i im afar the four carridng Its; partý And seize il viii Item oeye. bacmony-bhe liesa, ltes bIself seaUe.tesoru-utegat!m Agaîn vs menauliy this national observ- th s>,a»i * he ranwg auce ho honor self-sacrifice foc others. To Once more, Ibis greatatIs a11 bisse departet! men homo andI kîndret! meana the beatlllcatoa « were lan dear as or home mut! kindret! are vitether o! those vto, feU lui te u. Do yon knov iov tisy feit? Just idet rw»hv xi as yenand Itronît! feel îtarting ontte-or cln to r ihave orso a là unorrow mornlug vith nifie chances oat o!fo loua or ou oui lag1 ton againit our retucuing amure, foc hlits nyulae tnoîlce! that t4 Intellgent icidier sees fnot only liattle le akuenIbioafaso a ltel. mbead, bat malaria! îicknssandt! caas- ntaloument 0athîrkasi"i tien Ha thme mn cose, thy culdculture and floriculture cft4e have spent tact nigltitnl their homes andthe itearaighteulng np o! tuMO to-day hiave been seate! wbece yen arset!e thlrty or !octy ysarg . ; T'bey chose the camp, not liscausetiey sugtesyh hal lîket! Il hotter titan Ibeir ovu house,and! anga rh the stitrugt !ollowpd the dru. ant! lire, net because ont thliasl£oaglitheratoeil tiey vers better munic thauthe voîcea of u h a!oltrtt tie domnestlc cice. South Mountain andI day la the benédiction of tte Marfreeslioro undth îe avampa o! Chicka- eo! futer, ohr sn a bomluy vere Dot playgrount!s. eralt e a d Tlceebernes cisket! andlentat il for Mfaireteir rcnesPla psoi othora. Tiers la no blihor aablimity than absur.! viit CstlUY OO4iB lta. To beep tirer-qartera for oar- remembrantes.Yen mev 'l selves tant!gire anc-uarter to otheca la euafr I n honorable. To divnde even vilithers It shtows vbat you would is geuscous. To kcep nothing for our- One biosaom, fromt yoI TMg selves and! give ail for othera la mug- ttan lte lube of WelUm,$OO nanlmity Christ-lke. Put a gîrdle uround Oh, wq canuet afford htîuu ur body andt!,tiea measure lthe girdI. vers <ro ievelY te us. W*i1 and as. If yon tars fifty or rnlaty luches laecé, We vin neyer gel Yo roeatd. Ând la that lte el"19 o£ youw sti LMtJe,,,,, emtrt «r 1 synnpatble@--the aiseeto!yeureelf? Or, mevybak tâ1 te meamure yon aroa!lte heurtc, von!. it promisery et réuritin telke a girdis large enougit te encIrele rte Pin q0f el iurr te lfe taud! mut!encirce.lte verl!? VoS vaut ftom their hrl!:lace,* te kaov vbhat vo dry tteokzlnua thbisgrss treou ltssII u'ben vs tant of ricanonus suflerlng. Look lme.s, tîls îWitve vs' et lte soldiers' graves land lut! ot. Vis- gestire oethlie rseMe*0ms' rlosel Ponge fer elteri, v-a"sfer *thn- Ithe ranbult t h OvO, n, homeslenos for etheri, bloot for tbrowins ttsem, ever o ethors, aepul@ for othera.them befove set eeea Thoos vhs Id the national ce- lte citent heurlt tal sacs teries Bt Arlingtos Heigits andut! ahci- est love lovaît! m4 or ceeu mound u!Gettyshu arg oeeinscription rtal ren te servies, er evii on »It!iers' tomba oflener repeatedth ian wvh we vsteckthe bis. st a.ny otiter--"Unkaovti." Wheu, about the lait parties. twenty4une years aga, I vms cimiledt!elade- Bal stop! We are n«. Ilver ltse oration at Arlinglon Helgitti, bokvin! s»Msjuint**» 'Washington, I vas net se muait1 i mprsss- pere!la lthe lsubima-à e t blthe minute guns ltat ehbobltsejoîngluIheir siisla tlb 4 serti or vîith lhe attendane of PrésidentUn. e sui mut! cahutipt sut! foreigu minlalers mt!an a.Wmue général@ of the mrmy mat! commodores et $Let us t e -the navy ais vith the. çthtetic sud ori etnu re

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