for puWylai lb. bla.d bernas Saraparilla Xel De f tembmof the coo- mia or revolutlonary socletiea traces 'Mts descent back to au arzuy teamster. I'be teamater, oevertbeleus, la Just aU *cesaary ta an army as au artillery- MID. »d when t cornes te language tho driver of six regînseuta mules a sIatalence to settle W:<,aýoFndems-St 1L,»WsGlobe- ?(otlng cornes out of the awk but wbat wu ltoit. AN INVITATION. S em s c Pluvarimasts le Pulistheb. ( leuing Anuonaàceinent, AU womlen niffering tram any tons et l lto etexoare te- q o ota MUDlcale promptly wth mm "ha, et Lyarn, Mass AU Wt mrP1lm oe. ed, pened, mil sddan * aeret!by ivamen A voman oma trecly telk of her privato waman; thug bias 'been osts.b- lisbed 1h. eternal confi- dence lie- tsvaen Mms Pinkliam sud the varnen ci Arnarica. Thisa on Idence hasin.u *.~ » duedrmorecthaui 100,000 teamen te 'vzte lmra.Pinieheafor advice ur4ng tbec mt fer moubhs. Think whiat a volume of experience sh. bha ta draw tram! No physician Living ever treateil se mauy cases ai teeills, and i rom tlils vast experi- once sarely il la marc than possible ah. bas ijed e !bcvery knogo thatwil help yatir case. She langlat! to have yon write o il %pou her. ion vill Sud lier a voman ->-M lot ympathy, with a greet deaire ta amsat hse-wl.o are %ick, Ifhler mcdi- tisse la not what yon necil, ahc wtll frankly hellyou sandtithere arc urne chancea uo ai bçu t&tlite sill tell 3rouexactiywhatto do for relief. SIc &asnothing lu rebattu excapt your good viii, and! ber nuvice has relievet! thonsanda. Snrely, any ailing woman, ricb or pour, la vry toolish if abc dons flot tak Salidvantage ai this generous otfer of assistance. Neyer In the bistary ai medicine lias the demand for anc particular remedy for female diseases equalledt Iat et.- tainet! by Lydia B. Piukbam's Vege- table Compound, sud neyer in the histary af Mrm Pinteiam*s wondaa-ful Compoundtlbas the ricand tifor t liesn se great as lb is to-day. __ 'Thse (reatest lied icat Discovery KEN NEDY'S MEDICALDISCOVERY. DORAL KENNEDY 0F ROXBIIN, MAM., las dscovereti in anc ai aur commun pastre weeds a rernedy tlut cures everY oandf iumor, fram the worst Scrolula dowa ta a camman Pimple. le bas triediti in aver eleven hundreti cases. anti never faileti except in tva cases (Lath thuaider humar). Ho lias now an is poIssession over twa bundred certifiI:ates a, its value, al vithia' twenty milies ai feoston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is alvays experieflced frora the frt Intie, anti a perfect cure is val- ranted wtiea the right quantity is taken. When the tungs are affecteti il causes ihooting pains, like needies passlug tiirougb tlacm; thae sanie witb the Liver or Bowels. This ta caused t'y the ducts bcbng stoppcd, and! always disappears In a week alttrtakuttg ILRacthe label. If the stamnaCb is foui Or biliatas Il viii cause squeamish feel!ngs st first . a Nochange of diet everncceSSar. the best you can ge, and enough of IL. Dose anc tablesnaonf ailun ater a bcd- tinte.Sold by al Dfuggsts. ,,Your Dealer walI not sell you INTERESTIt4G AN D INSTRUCTIVE FIVE HUNDRED BODIES 0F CY- LESSON. CLONE VICYIMS RECOVEREX Rellectiou. of nu Elevotinu Ciaamtt5 -Wholesaure Food for Tlaonght- atndlng lte Scriptural LeMmn la- telllgenUl, and I'rofltably. Lesson for June 7. Golden Test-"Let tb!$ nilîidlic in You, urbicl wsaia lu inChrist Jesus." 1'hul. 2: 5$. Warung ta the Discip!es ln the titie given tbis icsn-Luke 22: 24-37. A pause lu the passion week. Jeans la on iis swlft wmy ta bbc deth. Ho seau ltae erama iaomiug up liefore bim, but be stâa&ds titllu the midtiatoa bis course ta give bis disciples instruction. Be ready, thym, for emergencies. Be net an wedded ta progrant or taeusetbod nus net toable I ta #tep anide for special miristoriog at tbe monaent'a cail. IVe were iu the midst af daroal duties. A touch at the el- bow- A sîik man neit doar." Il wa not the pacribed limte tor cellua aon the sick, bot omthing seiti, Go nt once. The voice waa obeyeti, anti a returning prodi- gal pointed i hewny home. lie speued ta thêeomortat cyca taelie good for days andi perbaps weeka ofaife, but bbe ucît word that came wax "The man neît door ln deati. He passcd aweay sudtianly, as lie waxs ittlug ln bis chair liy the wiudow." God ble tlianked for the quickIt mpulse quickly obc>-ed. Die redy; lie alerb; b. obedieut weeks Will Bfave Passed Before the Ful Extent uft te Ciauity Im Ku.wa-WhOIC Country Offers Relp -Liet eofOrad b, Tavus. by il] fi) gr ng cc dg ol ti Lonson itinte. i "A stitue," andi nImosi under the cross! a Ah, thefe vere humain, voiakiy bmni, ii strougly huitan; Christ oral! waeI diviue. Tbcy hallJusî licou askiaag "whicb ai i them, it was that ebould do thia thing"- 1 betray lmn. And there, lu their lickering1 striie, they wcrc al doing It.LuIn&en ose1 vo do it atili. "Accouilted greater." lu the Grteckt searnta lic greeter. lb easnat ma mucb which vas really greater, lut, wblcb hle the appeerance oai ieiug greater. la nual thie the occasion ai most of cart's cau- tention? S ,Fp ive ne ave l itb IthGoti, where cadi gebasn it belojga ta him -aund bo Chrimt! "'Exoýrcise Il.rdiît," le anc word lu tbo orilluai-iord l, play tlie tord. It le the voritis is>, as it e ere,ofaiusitig iticîf. Clristians Ouglit ta ie engegetinluscame- thîug mare serions anad substantial. 'Ieuefactorc" these larde ealeild thena- seires, as If the worl exigbei fart blcu aud by theru. it h ite eiblsh ie aihan- afaction. The Christiau conception le soîaetcting rajieiçpl)- cthtrr. lie only wba nist-r irý 6l1.aid gve , nea-tor. 'rua motives ta sucit a -if sacrificing lie.(Oue négative and Ly I-a kinti ai rebounti froua tioidn. *"ye stIlaitnot ho s," Li..e -like the we l,tll.(rothall îtt tLe nad I> b tirawing ai (hrists lire anti pxemple. "Ina ulaoag u as lie that Ant i iarc i8 frite eoapenmtîutof. *I Iep- p (intunatta you a kiiaagomr, aris Yfattocr bath eî,pointelunta nie." O0te o1liIt 0' laI lien nie>- fot ktow it. irt ce eac ýinge anti priosis unto Cati. Ours ia a grace tbey kuov not of, sud a pover ta fully gsaiSil.aa, as latdit]th ie Lard Christ himscif. "-Thtat ye mae andctidrink let My ta- b!e," Are we doing i'? 111e suppertime nov. There le atiother table onan iaed, but Ibis i the tabla ni whicb Davidi spoake, "Thou pteprirest a tble lefote mnelunthe preseuceoa i ne eneuies." No eaîcuica ui t tao. Eat uoiv. nipot tic enolaies ta coaftsonnas tbeY lokon. "Tlaat lia> faîlil rail ot." l'raitie Gteek e orti. ":ai ere aseil. couacs oat word t-t ipse. It tris the "e(liPse ai *faili- agaiio't viicta Peter wag tbAng *warated, . e., thet lc litthuidtirt is oye toff front biis Ltrtd. But 0Ote altoloafor-t aiftt,-se teords: -I have prt t-i for yoi!' Havre fàitrl. Anti a like warniug lie gives ta bthona aIl. *Baay a sword-nolta figit mena, but ta figtt bbe ieuabt t litsabultI tbreak tpon ttt"ut. Sell everytltiag. as itt -tre, nant tbrow il bbthestraita hod gvos you latta te meetiang oai bil bitr>-trial. Christ le nat e itt bacsnon- a in il iy prsen ce. bt bihesitottl aithe Sîiit îis tiuus. Figlit oua tii Ilie coute. p L the a VELVETEEN SICRT BINDINGO we wil Write u for fi"e &les showing ýbe la and materlals. » Hoen Drssstllg." a uasw bock by Mis& £d~m& M. lHooper. of ltheLaies HlomE Journst Wpog luw le Put On flas VOlvMOOO Sfkiri '..d. #gge sont fo 25C.. potage psid. M. &~ i M. Co.. P. 0. Box 69. N. Y. CltY. .iNe i..aes If you accept a substitute, yo must flot fuss because Christ i, stili leaditîg au, is word sud deoti litiii:ag ten toward God. Theo hst ve sac aiflim. witb utartiil cyes, linl Jtith-tai ttarI, anti is infllîtence, -as ant optitatg powier, ahides. Tutese 'strongd ta trts usedt t abraoberize "-Te Pot" ltipl>-yet more betifullY nanti ffeetiug- 1>- ta Christ, andthîe Christ lite. *'Oaa1lîigits niar blet voit-c is lîcard, t Andt te tins pulllic breaks to-day 'I 'illaanaetiaa'e le a trotiden e a>; iBut wheu bhe race couses toiling ou, l-a.t a-alec or couder will ho goutr, Be 1t-ard an iglier peaks afat, M,%ore! upe-ard cilli bbc uaiaîg star, 0 mca oi enrali, that wouderiaag voire Still goes the upwart i ary-ltejoiccl" The ucarer wv orae tothbc luits ai the Christ lite, cubher lat its beginuing or its euding. the marecocnselaus ve Rare matie ai its diinity. These sentences ai clos- ing instructione bave Rn uneatbbly, c-ile e rer>- distinebli enrtbty, ring lu tiîem. The>- toit or e spirit ther tlaaaîtbbcworlti- iy spirit, andt tey mark a cliaracter cou- spictianaly clestiet ant ivinre. Sosme Jenyns bas sai in mont santeitiaus anti scarcbbng Latiguaege blaf the mesn wba la ual sensible ai Ithe superior hon ut>-, simu- piclty and orignality ai the Gospsels, ce ceaiparati vitb obber religions, la "a de- Scient b is ate as lu faltir and as batl s critic as a Christian," anad that tublcer. these Gospel annaIsho o bcptoduaihie teithout bbc presence ai a God-mau bu tle aidat, a divbne Christ, ana must lbc "pas- sessedoraiuchmore faitb than linaecea- ary ta maire i a Christian, anti romain an Infidel irolla nare cradulily." Naît Leson-"Jesus Crucitld"-Luke 23: 134G.; A curious laike hb licou ttd luthe Iland of Kildine, lu bbc Narbha Sea. Il l9 scparabed item te ocean ly a tiarrow ttlp oi land, lu vîsîch. spauges, eedfilb eut!other marine animalsetiatar- lob. Tîte surface oi bbe watet, bac-- e-rer, la pericbu fresb, sut supîporta daphiesando other fresb c-ater crea- turea, bir. Gladstonse thînka îlhe respousibil- lby for Armanla now reste wvîllimuais, mince tbat -paver, andi ual Englaînd Dow dominatas, Tur*aî. It fate.ij St. Louis ...............25 East St.,Louis...........1lm Bteckiutldge, lui. .........2 Briaaker Station, 111..... 8 Csrli-le1 Pai.............. .. coinumbta, l'a-.-.---------1 Feirielti, Il . .............1 Gratiot, Ma .............. 4 Harmony!.111i.............2 Lancaster. Pa .............1 Mascoîataia. Il. ...........1 Near Ct-,îraiia IliI...43 Near Jefferson Cily,.'Mo-.-.-4 Near NMount Vernont. 111 ... Noir Mexico, 11o......... 5 Newark, ()........ ... ... ...- Near Vauiailit. 111i........ 13 New NMadrid, 111i......... 7 Nev Badert. 11............8 Iticliflolti, IIî.......... 4 llushrille, lii. ............4 Total .................514 3100 250 15 3 1 i 26 750 Voirie ofi Property Destroyed. Neitber canibite to'tal valuceaitî'ropertl lestroyeti tte greii. Esthates lu the variotsia. î vrr>-rom $l0,"!).O0 te 3500,) t l slenot likel>-. iowver, te damage wiii heovaer $15.0J00,0J00. Or thie ruit base there is prav-bicaiiy no iu- surinco anti little sairage. Tîcre ore robabiy net 100 p-ople in St. Louais wli< irricel cyclone palicieg, sud tbbc>- vofa th latter clase wlio erre tiot the anas te uffer. lb la tbc coulmon people c-ho are iaurning tù-day, moutniug arer bhc biers of taeitlovet anti lait, sud orer bbc tatal anuiilitian etc-bat iew ta-rîdi>- gooti: bhey ovueti. The damage ta te hall in which the national Iteptaibean convention la ta la tait! was alight ns ci.mpatir dwith othel aossea, ltbebing confineti largely ta thb catryiug awfiy of part aofIthe rani and i mnuetar raue w:ll ual .xceed $3000. St. Louis is Iaoking aiter its own. The atoneycti meofaihbbtoc-nblieaputat he1 as Inel ab-bit p&cketq, anti will g beeper as tbe occasion demanda. Ati publie meeting Uic day followiug bli storin$15,000 e-as r. ised, sud bli raount cvas more than doubbcti vithi twettty-four bouresitere-arlf. The woe ci bbe votiadetianti bamelese bavrestîrte the great heart ai bbc country ta il depthB. St. Lotýiis is bbc abrickora ehilti o bile nation, sud off-ta ai aid haro li tendetcd irom et or>-qtuarter. Congre. passeti a joint revultatin directiug th Sewcretar>- aif Var ta place at the disposa of thie Mayors aifte strieken claies a caff dýent tnulter ai teuts taotarovide for th tentîorar>- uccessitio t)ibie bouaclss an ta reatter eh-baid as utiglît bein hb powier. There are ciglit or ten boats ose lu dite Mlssislîpi tirer improvree whici are able ta rentier assistance. an these c-etc ardere otitatae ceeaif l disaeior. The Mtayors ai cil large ciblei presidtiatofaiBoardis ai Trade cuti cot merdiai clubs telegrapitetioffera ai assis anc. or. Stone ortiereti militie ta S Louis ta protect te etrieken peoplean their scattereti proper>-. snd Gar. AI geiti sent tva cou1aaaai'ataEast St. Lotu The Mayor of tint cil>- holicres nt pre eut that thie oulside bclp cl1 not ha nec ed. The offere t ar ae potardInc hlm bhave hen tentaeuiri>-ticlinoti. shows a commeudabie spirit of selt-rel suce and courage, lbut as bbeucetis ai t] people ae evealedtihs aid may bc foui neces9ary ta meet blicu, anti itsa sccir ance viil ot debract fira bbc city'a di nity. The deati vii liebburieti and sme i ha forgatten; ncw buildings viii bake.tb place oi Uiose that lic lardl with f streets to-day, acuthtic moke oaitbecic c-ilI selon deattoy te uewesas tbetm but the inmmry of tint visitation vint! vill neyer fnde tram tLe mluds. those wholia iuesseti lb- TO AIl> ST. LOUIS. Ci tics ns Graveyards. The fauil citent oi the bevoc wronght ày statuas wbicb swepb over portions of linois sud Missouri canuot lie koofl. fr severai tisys. In many pflaces tale- grpli ira are dowu, sud commuttica- Lou wltl these points cannae bh allat te time Ibis la wribteu. The reports no !ar as receireti show tic storua ta have been widespreüd and fatal t7o a degra never before known l ic hest'.,ýry oi Uic ountry. lu St. Louis clone bhc angel af dathl only knowâ boy mauy victime he gatbered unt, hiraself whou lie rode loto bat cib! Weducsdy niglit cothei w ingo of tbe wiud. Not for tinys. if vcr, vil) tho liât ai victime b.camplete. Narli ialf oi St. Louls la a huril g.-ound, and across the river ia Est St. Louis ic dis- manuid, wreeked, aud demolisheti structureSseemcruta cavrtainugle grave ai uncounteti deati. Tlîey are being countùti anc hi ane as8 the masses af shat- tereti brick, abttue umber are cleared away, but lu nIl proliability thet exact tomber aofbliose wbose ires wtrrcrusheti out liy falling walls or wio nmet tblair fate ander the waters ai bbe regiaag Mississi pp, sill neyer bic knoxvu. Aîpcunded la a care- fl andttconserrabireesrniaai ofthe kilied and injoroti hesed an the moat rellable information obtainahle: Id lit n. et- na ts- aie ed ig- ali the Pt- i,- a tb Mayor Swift Calhs a Speclal meeting oi the Chîcaigo Counci, Mayor Swft on Thurstay sent ont a caU for a speclol meeting of bbe Chicago City Cooncîl for thc purpese ai consider- lng whal naght licat lisdonc ýo aid tlii arîcitan cty af St. Louis. Chiai gwene af Use fSte departuacutsanid that no cýIl hall been malle on hlm irona the Sre dle partmoent of St. Louis, but that ai course ha eteot! resdy ta net c-ban aona vas made. Ail the cty officiais vers deeply conceru- eti ovar bbc catastrophie vblch hall bo- islien St. Louis, sud expressions ai vîli- Zugnesmtoalai in every ms-y ver. beard on aU ides.- Noe eof Mina. Note. A businessablock aI Burket, aind., col- lapmod. One asan, Joaaph Condor, vas killed andtourot ohers voeelnjure& oe» fatally. Gev. Moron ibas mga.d thig of 4> Aa semblyima A*Âu tnanthotlalg -»asin. ««Msn lthé ie ItemYoo oicestoms ol To develop muscle, if that îs what you're doîng the washing for, perhaps the old way of washing wîth soap-rubbing the dlothes up and down over a board -may be pretty good. It can't bc healthy, though, to breathe that tainted, fetid steamn, and you'd better take your . exercise in ways that are pleasanter. But if you're washing clothes to get them clean, and want to do this dis- agrecable work easly, quickly, and safly- do it with Pearline. Ai-dc one of the atrongest points about Pearlintms washing is its saving-iti Oçq'omy. Mw mEuols FOR CU1T, tUWI«13VI, COLtI3, <tÂTÀ ORt TEBAT. ALL ?fiN, PILEB 1 L7LAU<AD0.xa USE POND'S, gXTiRAOT OINTMENT FOR PILEOa EOTim flONLT, EuTrn WBAPPBM am£ SOUa. «"He -that Works Easily Ilprks9 $uc-, cessfu4t51 'Tis Very Emsy to ('"àn.riI-Iuae V'ith a eoff four Foyer am 5,~05 t». Lahntie. Wltetbr st ls busiess or plum, ils oe efreontbomme. Noetrattitoanac ttcrs la thé beat aeemippiment of a Toi- B msu - OMIe eo or an outlng. Yachtsmen, ses captsi.s. ýmràerclal tkrelers and emigrants ànt itis opinion. The Bitters i. unriraelot.ý P lo e, malarial, dy peptic or liver disorder. P a The young of severel specles of mer- TO OG )enta mitrent down the tbraat of the aother wlien presscd by sudden dan- rer. lie TOLD BY A SOCIETY GIRL. Somethlna About Morphine, fluipbur, Moasses and Oter Things. F-om te i.Eeeneig ews, Newark, N. J. Aanong the popuier soclcty leaders ln asit Orange, N. J., Emma L. Stoll, a eharming young melden, stands in the. toremost rnnk. She in af a lavable dispo- sition and tie ight of thc social set in which she moves. For two ycars shbclias been a sick girl f rom internai troubles peculier to womcn, aud havlng recontly recovored, lias Flren our reporter the fol- lowiug interesting account: "Instend of.improving under the care of Mny physicien I became warse. For five weeks I was unable tu get out of b.d and about G o'clock eech moralng 1 suffered horribly. My lips were tore and laceratedl fram the marks of my teeth, for ln i m efforts to keep iroin s eecsnt I suait m[ tectb deep Ito 07 lipe, At muci tiresi1 rolled and tossed untfl tii. bell hook lite tan à.pen lIfadid t finalli gotno serions t, t the doctr-I won't tell yau bilp Damel aeme nmre morphine pille ta taite The vry thought oi then now makos me $hiver. iThege morphine pillestmply pût mie toa leep for a wlile and. whe I lie- came cotscious agein my agony waa te- newed. "The pain in my stoxnacb sud back was mors than I comici stand. *Your blood la poor, sgaid the dotor, 'laire suiphut and molasses,' and 1 did untilt gras a n rtt wouder tiiat I wîs not a molasses cake. It was tirne wasted in taklng it, becBlise 1 was not benefted in the toast; my suffer- lag conttnued, but by s mlkhAy éffrt af- ter bcbng in lied o long. 1Igot u.ý Oh but 1 vas a sad siglit tiienà. Fromn 11l pounds, I1lied fallen ta ninety; any cheek» ver. pale and sunken and I llmped; Yeu. etualti liobbled frorn the extr nain~,l inua, aide. Thon 1Irçad tL lIa' Pinkt Pille for l'aie Peoplé dIm test!- ~al Uth 'N ea Icd hope. M DyaysI bea o iprve nd b : d fnse n box 1 toit as If I ooutd goi an u .alk for miles. I soon topped llmping sud throtiglithle Pink lI 1soon bld good-bye to my liedeches, viillte pain in my stomach and bacit lowly but surely auccumlied to the influence oft1hose Pisatliat Beem ta lie able ta persuade al pain toierve ones lody. Nov 1 amn as 1 used ta ha; ireil andi troug, lighl-hearted aud merry, but ocrer without the pilla. B"c, I have guIt ome af tliem nov." and irom a nenrby desk ahe lianded out ane of tlie boxes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, ln a Lcondenacti foi-in. aIl tlie elements noces- ary ta rive new life and richnems ta the blord sud trtores oabat treti norves. Thl build ai) the blod. andi restare the glow af health ta pale and ssllow cheek&. Pink Pi!1l3 are sold inl boxecs et 50 cents a box or zix boxes for 2f.0, and may lb. hsd of aIl druggists, or dreit liy mail tram Dr. Wiliams'MineCo., SchenectadN.Y. Old Fcanaof L'ngliah ItoyaitY. Au aid seni(lwinthe Engllsb royal fanîlty is rm-,:llud b ly the sale af the aid French furniture belonglug ta the aDuke of Sussex and kept ln KensIng- iton Palnce sinvo the deatl of lits wld- *ow, the Llultss cf Inverness. The *Duke, wîo ivas one of George III.' worthless sons, nîarried Lady Augua Murray, a marrirge anulled as bcbng ,ewltliut bis fatilhrs consent, and later marrted Lady Cecilia Tnderwood, whom Queen Victoria created Ducheai of Inverness. )e Wrlda Columblan Exposition ýr Wlllli e af value tai the world by Ilius- ie tratlng tho limprovements ln the me- [n chanical arts, and embut physiclans will tel you that thc pragrees lu mcdl- ,e duel agen s ie bof aIequal ImPart- irance, end as a streaagtlienling laxative a Le Il others. nt The laget bi In the wod ls thE ,do ai eg:teen ta twcnty feet have be.z tg ebat au tlie A ties. Af Àpeari lîke purity et color, losely re M smnîg the enchantaient of early tw. 8,; light; thus was lier cmtoiOmatietru e diant by Gicu's Suiphur Soap. E_ ang Hlumbert bars besluwel theoro hPdet of the Annunziata on the liii) . crown prince aof runy Harry M. Cnad,of NO. 1744 Tveiftb atreet, Washiington, D. .. says: "1 cen speak th bbhigliet praLge of -Iipains Tabulas. I hav" beau for years troubled it lig ht mare (an erroneons expressionl, but one tait thoumanda are famlllar wilh), and have suffereti a tisoummot! denthha, bcîug cansed i drectly by a torpldIliver, thence stagnatioin of Uic blood.e A short wmlii. ste retIing I vouit! experlance Use mont terrible sensatiaon tat hum»s cao fal bitot, sncb as havlag beevy weights upon yoU, eelulg horrible anîmala, burglars, tc., andi bcbg unabiet e l ionutt titeir reaeh. I have triai everYthlng ethe lemarktl Uat I conîdtitk would b. of any benefit, but.aeie strucit the rislat remedy ùntil 1 lried Ripans Tabules, anid ~ ltaI lime nlgblniare with me*0S tblng of the paît. I amn tourI- vincat! that Ripans Tabules Mr a good thtng for suffertng burnsOie and I eel tha 1couldnDOt 0Xls# - vîthaut thont. Andi I vil fOUMt, say for Uic benefit oi otiters (kDuàw tng thare are thousantis auff.aI g bn tbc smre manar), profit h experlence andi trY thena; youU i nover regret IL." end lea 1* wwsskh Orn.ommw OLO EYI «les aGoxd Thing. Ês log 'Why buy a newspaper unkess you can profit by the expense? For 5 cents you can get almost as much UBATThE AXt' as you can of other hihgrd brands for 10 cents. Here's news that will repay you Jbr !îhe cost of your newspaper to-day. Hall'@ Catarrh Cure. lâa lkn interaally. rrlce15 cents. The*wblspcr af a beatiful woman can be beaa'd iartlier than the loudesi cal aifduty.-Anauymona. People witb hait that ln continually fali- ng out, or those that are ad, cn stop the tslling, aud gt s goati growtbh of hait bî using Halls Hait Renewer. There are nmre peaple wlio are the lards and masters oi thetr ruoney, but mont people are Uic servents at IL. I never nsedd 5 qulck n cure as Piao'@ Cnrs for Consumption-J. B. Palmer, Box 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25. 1M9. Fooa may asie mare ln an hour titan iIse mnen enu answer ln seven yea MM a MM5s sfes iduffl d tai Ma0m~ ibsa ai sntbin aise Wi1ymn sri. b@u tbbt 10Nj 5' aucSribVs ks stsaen m a? Yc.aer5J OMM, basl4 u ml M, M ALI