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Lake County Independent, 19 Jun 1896, p. 6

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tqq UutIcCoVention Opens lu St. Louis. PARTYJIOSTSGATHEIR ~étiçt Sea of Faces Confronta the Speaker. SkclS'ma Carter of the National Comittoa Catis the Convetienliw ,4.-fUlueProcediaire a ke bOut 1#10Time-C, W. Yalrbanke et luiua Usde Tompoese>'Chairnas -Mks Speech that Cle Foth PslaiCheuas - Thoumaudaet MalhiWote ageri>' Soek Admît- tauoe-4cenes lu tbe Great Audi- On TuiOday at ucon the blggcat nation- ,*à omvm#ton ticat has been ield b>' lic -oorg~t>' miace Ita organisation le -j liont vas nomlnatcd, vas *-b 'qier.lu the dag-fuslocned hall 6I6*eqs~laof St. Louis erccted fer U~ousmedtlon. It vas a great pro- lrethMtoited np te Uice convention ib4ÀoWWthe noeuds>' son. Nine hun- do4*li ia egates, a like number cf 1 o@Mat d14MWOOpectators vere ad- MPMW»-ý*ègret auditorium. Tickets M o'St~ ,dcsnand, and &ai St. Louis- U~.isc'I t.Luis whiic had a pull' on _-'smaa-a-arms--straieu a point 14be follovlng table shows the numben Utdeles ecacb Stale and lerritor>' sent "the e onventien: ......-nMontAna---------.6 . .......2 Nebraska ....... le 4b ......... 2 Nevada .......... 6 .16 New Hampire.. - 8 18uaia.. lNew Jersey...20 .....8 New Mee ..i ....12 Now York ...72 .. ..6 Northi Carllea... . 22 Plt.g Clmbs2 North Dakota .. ......... 8Ohie ............ 46 lse . 2Oibm........ l kaoa4 ddb...~... ..6Oregon ........... 8 . -.48 Peansylvanla ... 64 ........'30 Rhoede Island. *8 TerriIon>.. 4 Seth Canolea.... 18 s....20 Tennesaee...24 c»e y. 26 Teins............ 30 RMe---------12 Vermont .........S -.. . .16 V rgîla---------.24 atives et lie press, lnclndlng the Asse- cialecl and Unitedi Pregu. Tic delegalea were senîrd b>' stales dieciy in front of lie speaker's stand in lie ver>' conter cf tie hall, v-ile lie alîcruates were seated ce ether aide. Surrounding tien. were lhe Iiousunds ot seuls ton tie aPec- talera, wilb usecan> mere lu lie gallef>' liaI coniplelel>' encincled lie big ball. Ticre waa ne lack of conveniences in tie great hall. Ilaif a dozen lcng-distancc tolephones connectedil v ith every impor- tant cil>' est oethte Mississippi river, ted net les tlise 200telegrapi vires placed Ban Francisco. Winnipeg, Montreai, Boa-' ton, New York, Philadelpiiia, Wasiing' ton, Baltimore, Jucksoncville, Nev Or- leans, Galveston aud ail intermedialte loves sud cilles le direct communication vili lhe conventicn. Fer the esfpecial use efthle represenlatives cf McKinley, Reed, Allilsen and other preidenîlal candidates, sound proot boxes containing long-dis- tance telepienes ver. placed utthle foot et tie @tairs lu the rear et tic speaker'% stand. Froce these il vwas possible for lie fienda cf lb. candidates le talk di- necîl>' le hem and consult tiernion ever>' important meve thut vus made or con- templated le tic convention hall. The arrangement ofthle big hall so as CANDIDATES FOR THE NOMINATION. Msschustts .. 30Washngtonn -...S -:. -::.: .28 West Virina..... 12 MJpUt.... . 18Wisconsn - 24 Of Ibis total tien. vere no Ics han 1'38 tNifeted tente, distrlbuted as teilow-s: Alabama 20, Califerula 4, Deaware 6, Plosida , Geengia 10, Kentucky 2, Lon- blasa12, Mississippi 18, New York 12, Eosth CaroUnva 2, Peueylvanla 2, South Garoliat 18, Tennesse 4, Teuas 30, Vit- gési 4 aud Arizna 0. I» lorder le tacilitate the distributicn et *e tickets Col. Bynnes had hbem lied in buMnic-nue for oaci membrof ethle tahlcn commillee., ene for Col Byrees' able suinîtant, one conlaining thîrtee itesfor lie membeof th. Nâtional Eg n IcaeLgue, eue for thc Womun's Z~aon fon CoL Byrnes' personasi use, fote b.oma'. Bpubilcannse- -deie, oe for lie Collge Leagie sud Ba~I&Vil tickets fer lie dstinglsied SThe ifty-oue nombona et lb. lkuIRpuiuican çomlltec adopted --aamethods et dislnlbutlng lie gron te hIem. Most et thon Ikoeutt te the i endfu sd pu- ro tnheir nons or tii osqarters ica lbe varions hotels. *ueemr>' b gire. ou n t >'t- ledlegate., eacb delegate haing i tfIaeoftelection algned b>' lie pro- d"lu Uic district from vilc à ad beantng the 0. K. tsmp or ea ittie.. The altrnuate fer le lie came va>'. Tie- £lIltted te tic presvote dis- t sa b. aeccedited epresenta- bmlgp shov preper credentiais. teaJu tie"., CoL Bynnes la- ~ciàlatem tu ihscorps et etvhenu 500 vgne sintant .>a,4W0 ahes, B0 doer- Pte b. platformu, -"w hél dit. te udmit the holders of tickets te the va- rions sections ta which the>' werc as- signcdva probabi>' the most intercsting teuture of the convention arrangemients. Therc were twrenty sections ln ail, inlud- ing ns many lettera of the alphabet. Be- ginuing nt the northwest corner on the Thirteentb street aide, A, B, C ".d D were the sections on the west. itunning cnstward along the Clark avenue aide werc sections E, F, 0, H, 1, J, andi on the Twelft street aide were K, L. M and N. The north aide, net to the cil>' hall, con- pleted the lut, wth 0, 1P, Q, It, 8 and T. There Ivas a firt fluor and a galler>' sec- tion of emci letter, one being directi>' over the otiie, and >et the entrances were go urranged that it was Impossible for a per- son going ln at ene door te get into an>' otiier section tise that te, whlch hi@ ticket admtted hlm. The sanie wns truecof the. entrances te tic press box, te tie dele- gales' ceats aed te those for the liter- nates. No cee could beonie nilaiccd UUleja b>' mre hOok or crooâ he should be xiaed b>' three or tour doorkeepers., in which case ho weuld enter at the vieng dooe, and bc then overlooked by a doscu ushers, twice as min>' asistant.oergeauts- et arma and a whole rafttof other cm- plo3'es. As a precantion ugainst excessivel>' waran wcather, and ln order that th. doors mlgiit be open without danger of the crowd ontaide Jamnilng into the conven- tion hall, Chairman W. H. Thompsou of lihe executive cocnmittee ordei'ed tint vicket fences b. ut around the main entrances. This enabled the doorkeepers to swing the doors wide open and tili-be able to cape iiti the curions crowd. C1rovd EcgiUIUMto Gather. At 10 o'clock tie band of forty piecca teck Its place in the galler>' aboia the speaker's tand, and at 10:W e truck uS the rMaint air, "Black Amerlos." SMO afIer the apetators begau tg *-stèM, through the outrances whieh- clubs culside the ball as beard, and tie Alabama delegatlon appcnred ut ltce main entrauce and marched te theur satas in tic put. Tii. contesting delegations froni tie Slate et Delaware, botb lu full force, tie on. ieaded b>' ex-Senator Hliggmes aud TEMPOEABY CHAInsIÂN yÂtRnÂItHs. lie Chier b>' Mn. Addicks, vere amongNI the. firsh te arrive. At 11:20 Senator Carter, chairman of lie national celemittee, wio vas le Calib lie conventien te order, anncved and gave bIs final instructions le the secretanies and readieg clenka. Withiies tew minutes lice delegations bogue crovding imte hheirs places. The arrivai oethle notables, icw- 1 ever, vas net alteeded by anu> demensîra- f lions. Tic mont tameus efthle itepubli-g can leaders acemed le b. unnecognized trom lie gallet'ies, beltn-ere venu>' greeled by thir frienda on the floor. Sen- a1cr Lodge, who inat the iiead et Reed's New Eugland delegatien, sud vice vas tie generai of tb. radical pliticians, vas bealeged en ever>', hand as he waîked dowu thc aisi.. Tic veucrable "Dick" Tiompgon, of Indicea, wvie partlcipaled lu the Clay-Jackson canipeige et 1832 and bas been a ceuspicuens figure at evren> Re- publîcan convention ince lie organixa- tion et tic part>', altrached mci allen- lion. H. boars hil 87 jeans stundil>' and loeked full et viger. Tic Ohio delegalion, iiended b>' lie dashlug Foraker aud dougi- t>' Hanua, who as McKinley'@ manager iana made hiniself fanions vithin a tew mentis in lie wvend of polilica, paiq;ed dove te ticir places, dinecti>' lu front et lie speakc's stand, withiut a demenstra- tien et an>' kind. AUI vas contusion -ou th, flcor le lie final moments pneceding lie callieg ofthle cenvention le orden. When lie big hall a illed witi pco- pie, vie lie banners designtiug lb. le- cationeofthle States vene sel lu place, tic bauds bogan le play', sud lie greal speak- ers and sîstesmen sud politiciens were assembled thene, il vas a sight unnivaled b>' au>' national gatherng et a polilical part>' even hetd onu Acerican soul. Tic chairman efthle convention looked dove upen a spectacle net exceeded in humn interest b>' an>' pnevlens gsliering le lie peiical huston>'f et .ceuntry'. Tii.bal tonmed a fiillg envirennient. Tihec&ce- rations vere simple, but as strlkieg us a repetition ot fiagsansd portraits ceuld bc made. Red, wite and bine buntiug cov- ened lie buge trusses, aed lie ivalîs vme nelleved b>' huge paels b.aring piclures et greal Aràeicas-Washingleu, Lin-1 coln, Grant, Sherman, Farragut, Gar4eld.t Intersperaed vere shielda lu tic national; colora, fiaga andi gaudy lanterna.1 Sieulden teo shulder le a compact square a tiousaed men sat aud taced tic speaker's stand. Bscked op le liera IbsI toucied lb. veyen'gîndens ofthle hall roef a ses, et faces, cager sud expectant, ne- flected the grîi carnesteesa eft he cief actons lu tic arees blov. Oveniead a *bite banner, boarlngs adeign et an cagie carrylng a ribbon lnscribed "Republican1 chargeocf electricîtthe l. ctire gathering. The banda et the dock: von, at 12-30 wien' Cirman Carter of Mentana un- waistcoaled sud vili vldeapreadlng shirt icesom, stepped forward aud witb tiree fierce cracks oetis gavel, b>' va>' etpre- liminar>', sougil 10 make bis voice plorce tie gencral maltle. Tii. attempt viasa futile eue, hovever. He vas euhortlng lic aupernumeraries wviecrovded tie aisales boe-een delegates' seats te "pieuse retire." Tiese gentlemen fsiled o e bat bim, but is Injonction vas rapidi> car- nied into cifect b>' husllieg badged off- cils, vie avept dowe te aaisea ili more vigen lise cereuon>'. '1'en there ves an intenval ot comparative quiet vile Mr. Carter annouecd tie pruyénb Rabi Suie. Tic thousands atrngglod-up 10 Iheir foot vhen tic>' caugitt h. algeifi- cauce oethle rabbi', cutslvetcied banda and sîood for tire. minutes viti boved heada. The rabbi prayed viti open eyea, and appinuse felloved is prayer. Chairman Pairbana' eSpeech. The firat rosi demonslnution of tie con- vention came vise Cairmun Carter le- lroduced Charles W. Fairbanks cf Ie- diansuthe temporar>' presiding officer. William HL Sutherland oethe New York delegalien aeconded Mr. Fairbanks' nom- ination, and bis selection vas indonsed b>' the unanimous vole cf lie delegales. As Mn. Fairbanks stepped fonvard le de- liver bis spcech a vave ot upplause rau areund the. gallenies, lnterspers.d viti staccato cheers. H. spoke in part aa foi- iows: Gentlemen cf the ConventIon-1 sm pro- foundi>' grateful tor Ibis expression et jour genereu& confidence. As c!?ilzens vs vere nover calleci upon te dlacharge a more lim- potant dut>' lise liaI viciresta uponuns- th. Dominatilon et a Presîdent and Vice Presl- dent ofthlb.UniteO tites. Thia dut>' la i pecullarl> liprs'lve eue il lis moment. fon Il I: sîread>' vrilten tri the book etfate li.It ti chcole et thisconvention vîlI ho lie eext Presîdent and Vice President efthle greal repubic. Tiree yes eof Democraîle adminstration bave hoen qhrcc jears f entî.etvf aated onergy, oft mulet>' and loua l e .Auercan rocpie, vitiout as naiiel le eut bîlor>'. To-daythie people tmm otehie ItePubUCan3 pmtlyopefnly, enUly, and il la torneu te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i methi xettos lla for lne 10 gve Ibetiese candidates upon viom thelr icitts bave ceneed, aud le give them clear. THE REPU LICAN! IONAL CO TTE DECIDING CONTESTS. Prospenit>'," furnehbed s standard aed baltie cr'> for th. apembled vanneor.. Upon lb. bouts ef lb. champions, as open thce hearla ef tiei ltentee,,glitterne bages bespoke tic purposofer vhici the multitude isil sembled, and, as, tu tic toirnamenta sturdycomen pnlded thoan' sanslua disportingt olr t hi ralgbtfonvarci, epiatie expression ot eut ellIlcal fallib.- . F'en a tibrd of a century dorto te ie denl oft UicPreseut adminla- rtion, v. Opetalciunuder lavas gacîcd b>' ce itemublicsrVnat. AMl steat mensure. 1 saca uon tue consed t'ca et tas Usablîcanpart>' bos Ite na afruit la sak"en confidence, unnettle busInes; and vre wer. soon drfting aglaienst the rock of destruction. The Daeocralle prI>' vas bar- moulons upon on. sub et, anrthat was the destruction«c the merlnley iaw. But when tii.> came te the exercIse o f the creatlve tac- uit>', tbe enacîment of a great revenue meas- uresa lit stead, there waa dIserci. Tihe le- pIe nltereits of the ceuntry' watched sud batdlrueghliong spd &agaous mntnhe Sor smre settiernent of the Impoerthnt nfes. tien. The>' vanted ai end or uncertanI>'. At lengtb lhe Wilson bill vas adopîed, sud It vas cbaracterlsed b>' a Dernecratic Presi- dent as the cbld oet "perfidy arsà dlsbo." Il was se bidthat be would not colamînate bit band b>' algning It. A bil thal won toc base for Mr. -Cleveland te approve la tee rotlen for thce approval efthlie Amreecan peo- pie' The bill struck dowe reclprety, cneecf the Icigceatschtvece 1t1la c. i tatie-, masl.WobhunIs etruction f.11 advan- tageous commercial agreement&. The sub- stitutIon of adl valoremu for speehle duties bas opeamd the vs>' fer systematte vicole- salIe fraude npon tbe treamur>' andi producers andl emploiera cf thé country. Thus vs have lest millI oe dollars la revenus and the !oseigu rurlee b been euabied te un- record.Ounr taMtE lavaDnt ouir isei 1114 revenue, but Uic>' ucotected oun dcmeati Industries; tic>' Impartisîlly protelted thc fermer snd manuftacturer, both North sud llavlug sttempted le reverse Uic tarItf pOUoi he b nlted Staes vlhb scb la- mentable recuits, lhe Uemertlc part>' uev proposesat reverse the curreec>' polIo>'. Thc présent currene>' syalemi la thc fruit cf te- Publican vladom. Il iba been adequats te aiB eut past -cictele, and If tuneorrupte viii meet our future requlnements. Tbe ver7 toundatîcu cf a seund currency systerm la a solveast treatur>'. When le lbe lait thait cent>' cof ont hîster>' dld Uic Democratie part y advocate as ilancisi poile>' liaI vas lu the. Intereala et the Amerlesu peeplel Loc atis Ia autebelîum currnef>'record. ocsider ils hosîllit'tate .currene>' rendercd neces- air>' b>' lb.exligenry oet var. sud Inter ils effort le lefiate lhe currene>' lu a tlipe cf pece bthe Isvite ut grevtbackx. Witnielils OP theefforts of Uic Republicau part teesume specie payments. BunI tour short >'aco lit deelarcd for a return ta tbe hlahrediledaite bank ccrremc>'. The Rep'cblirau prl>' 155 ccc becnunu- frledlylg b. r O'Ume gfilver. The part - leare an' es<ueilarger use u ivr, pcdged ltseIt le tavor çf an lutqr- ,P.oaretent. iHarri son. Ircie to tue p ledtIe parl>'. teck the lultlhtor>' steps sud lntted au Iternational monelar>' cen. terence aI Brussls, nt wvilite lb. nject of au international coinage agreeument vas iii>' sud prodltabi>' dlacuased. Tbos. vie y o ebelieve tliaI is goverement can, endepndenîl>' or lie ther greal commercial powera.open lin miels le lie freerand Inde- pendent elunage oet allerail th. ratio et 16 te i. vien tbe commercial rstio le &Il tie gireat markets la 30 tle1i.and aI lbe arne lmenet drive even>' dollar of goldof cfir- culation, but dective hinselves. (Great and splendid sud poverful as ont goverument la. It caneol accompllul lt.eliposible. It cannot croate value. An atîcept le coin un-' llualted dollars of such unequal value le rit- culate at a parmi>' la'bsd in morale sud le vidions le1pollcy. U7pon opeelng dur miels le lbe Indepeudent free coanîge etflver ferelgu credîlste uld ho vit bdrown aud do- mestllc redits would bho gresîl> curtslled. More tian Ibis. Ilere would be a certain and sudden contraction nf our currency b>' 1h. expulsion cf $020,000.000 et gold. and cur paper and ilven curreer>' wuuld Instantl>' aud greati>' deprelale lu purcbaslng jiver. ButI one realt aould tollea. This: nIer- prIse ivould ho furîher embarrassed. busins demenalixtien wonld ho lncreatted, and salU further snd serions Injur>' vonjd ho lnfilcted u19pn lie lbc.ltanerer*. lhe mer- c apte. and ait thons vhose welfane dépend@ upon a viielesome commerce. À sonnd-mon.>' currene>' la eueetflie es- seltliInstruments le developng out com- muerce, Itla haIe purpootcf l Rpublîcan tot a>'net cul>' te 0evehop cicr domeallo Inrde. .tbteextend ont commerce Ilo lie mter. meat'pattaoffthie esrth. We aiceuid net h-I len ont don lest fer commercil l mpenacy bydestroying ont currencyasaacdard. Al lie leadlng pevera vitic vb ch vs muai cern- pele suspended lis trc. colinge et sîlver viontheicnreased production cf sîlver forced lice commercial ratio above the relu- &g ageio to golil. Sial vs Ignore their ripened eapcnience? Shaîl v. allempt vlcat 1h.>' bave fennd ulîcni>' Impeahble? SiIl il ho sald Ibat ont atandtard la hlovthirs? Yen caînot mulid proenll>' upon a debassd or nnctuating currenf'l A sunded urreno>' derauda ne oee. Il la geed agike le lic bauds efthte empleje and employer, lb. laborer aeddithe capîtalial. W. stand agaînet the Dernoraîle attemph le de-- grade ont currenc>'1te ev level cf lMes- Ica. China. Is pao Japon. Tic prenant hieb standard cf ont curreur>', ont libor aed eut dag ig l bh aicredi>' protected sud preeerved b>' lie Repubilcan pari>'. Tiche ncdcl'sqii â alrcel>'upielci and lb. povera cf thenalàbmail. t0 respect tIs great but unevriten l5v. Ont devotîon ta thiepensionesaof tb. nation vaa nover morse mphatto snmorasnecmthon In cc. The epuileu paty ellvslu tbe develop- vs estailoh çr nndieputed anprernacccy cp- on lbe bigb setil Tie truggle for Cubîn libety 'eilaets tie ardent s>'upati>' ot the Repubicîrs part>'. 51>' frienas. lie campalge eof1890il upen ue. The greal questions for debaie nlee anguat terne of lie United SIates are free tzade sand fret slret a ainsi aeZnlective linSsudsond mncy i~t us d lente our- r Ire teh e xtortloeo f pretetîve tariff sLcnillbOgn le>'Azerîcan aad tic mainten affl 01 an 115M5standard cf value witi vilci ta measure tic cuchanges of tics A Àdlaîln.gnl.ted Republîcan binsaslO tiat the supreme deslre efthie Ameran people la for an "'honeal currene>' sud a chne t e caaeIl b>' bonestt 1011" TMOUGI4TS WORTHY 0F CA REFLEOTION. A Picuaat, Interestluga Sd - Ive Lesson, sand Wher'c IMa Vound-A Leareed and Cctasý view o e î3 ane. Leston for joue 21. Golden Text.-"Tie Lord la rime 4Wc."-Luke 24. 34. The leston Ibis week la found la 4 24: 80-53. and has for ils subject "h lUseu Lord." The new day bas dawncd. Christ b risen from tiie dend! And nov cY tongue la loosed, es-ery- foot le frec. MTUf the Soe neya; basten vili Ilt evorywbs-M . The queri bas corne te us more than et late: Wby dos Ohrist so oflt' "Se@ thon tel1 l te no man," or w ve se frequentl>' read of hlm hbidiai oeil trou their eyesa-even t rous thef bis disciples? Il vas redemptien n la 'î cens, net lu coiepicîlea. Jeans wau tI5c and there verkins ont bis gflet asIle' tien. The>' dcd net yet appréed blu; bis vorkitls»elf was net ilibe& BuRa nov, nov! He la rieuli The work ic donc; tin lainished, redemption la seeam- pllaed. Wltbbold it ne longer. TeUllb.ý gocd news abread. "He liat beiieetb oM tbe Son bath everlatieg lIter' "'Tic res>'more bas rebed tic ski; The Lord bas risen te vicIer>'; Let carti bo Sied and raite tbe cri, Alielula!" Leuson ltte. "4à tbe>' tins spake." Malachi waMa -Metn tbey that fearaci the Lord spoe ofe- ten eue te another and tbe Lord herbes- ad sud heard t" Thore vas eue bas*- eing andl hearng lIbis case that th"y vet net of. "'A bock cf remembrsncc Iudeed. Remember le erder te ha renm- bered. And there he stocd d 'tteir midatl WblIs tic>' speke ot hlm on the roadwsy h4, came and waikcdmcitl ticen. And Dow wien di.>' are telling et hlm *gain, ho. ield hlm present. Have vo net secs It noet aour u-erk and on cen lourners b>' the va>', aed partlciclaily la eur circies 99 prsyer? And yet our Lord's second Word needel te ha a rebuke, "Wby are yc troubedr" Trombled ai pence. Treubled becanse of the Christ! Burel>' tbey did net reMSg- nize hlm, them.e men ot lithoe falth, ne botter, vo. And yet, b>' God's grace, eut of heur I0 ve get good. Wbo can say> nov that the resurrectien figure cf our Lord wiaut la venîed b>' bis disciples? Why, 1h.>' veto net even expecting hlm. The levae thon- selwe, as Mr. Moody soaa bad bellot memorles, fer it va ube>' vbo ent andl varned Pilate et Christ'@ deeiaratien. "Alter tire. daya I viiiris. again" (MatI. 27: 63). "Concerning me," sîa Christ as ho peints te Pentateuci, pialm and prophocy. Christ li e ke> te it ail. W. do'n*Dunw- derstand il vithont hum te unieck " Even se be spake te the Jews before. "Searob tbe Seriplurea, for in Iben 7y* think ye bave eternal Ilite; and the>' art Uic>' vhicb lestif>' or me" (John 5'39). Ie what vs>' did be open their under- standing? Was l net, as tihe coteit lm- pliesb>' teachlng them cf h'cmself, et bie sufferinra, bis resurrectien, his povers te remît à as ail ewripped in is von- dent nI theantiropic nature? Can vo vi. would tudy tie Word go tesa btter teach- er? And can tic>' vho Ignore lbe.Ile et Jeaons, objectîvel>' or subjectivel>' consid- ered, instrnct us le the word? %dndaient, biesslng, are the tve thlheots vlth vhicb the lesson closes. Twlc biesed ver. lb..., lthe Sarlour's Uified baude, the Spiita ladweMllg prie- ence. BOrcy nov the churci muet ge its va>' iearng thia stamp aud Impriet. blessed sud bleasing, spirituelalnd spirit- eallaing. Thes ih Christ gionlfied, re' vealedl te ail the venlduns "rivera of living water" flow forth. Illustration&. Tii. mounda etf0,cr dead ire hilîtops ot vicIer>'. At the grave, viiere Satan '- acea 10bave us et bis greatest advau- tage, we have our mighliest conquest. %larvelous and gracions resurrection! *'0, deati, wherpis tii>' aing? O, grave, wiere la lb>' victor>'? Tie stieg et denth la vin, and lie alreegth ofetn aieistie uv, but thanka b. te Ged wviuch giveti ns tic vie- tory tiirough our Lord Jeaus Christ." "Above the tempeat wild 1 hear hini a>, 'Beyond Ibis darkness lies tic perfect du>', In ever> path oft hune 1 led the va>'.' Se u-hetiier ou lhe hilitepa,hilgi and fair, I dwcîl, or in tie sîufleas valleys viere The sbadows lie-what malter? He la therel" O lie free air liaI breathes ou lie f arlier, aune>' aide of tic rcsurcctioui Il la ail elalien hiere, aIl pnaiac sud adora- tion. Wiee lie>' nsed te remonstrate a bit vilitiieht simple hesrted chlld et grecs and hein et glog, BiII>' Bray, oven Sils Jnbllatiug vsys, hé4 used te ga>, jeu rememien, "Wheu ve gel le icaven walk- ing vîli ha pnaisiug; on. toot vili )keep sa>ing glory!wvile tic othen font cries hallelujah!" Wbat klud et an impression dTo.. th. perusal of lhii narrative et tic resnrrec- lion makre open Yen? focs il meltenu? Doua Il make your hennI le bo meved? Tiere are tiose vbo rnd il heediessi>', Possibl>' Il oce toucbed then. To-a>' il seemed su idle orntilieast sn &llen tale, Ah, tuis eagy,olng ludifferenee. Alas% lt in the dullneflof ereeplug failli. Tic? tell uns liat hen lmen ane treealng te f desthti le> sec pleaant visions, hea' pveet muode, feel as It r-ctlng on setS cuielng. Il la4lb.e $!Saetfdesoistien. 0 lie terible spath>' et tichendrl, eoklng ntllie Christ. Chislt la beyend lb. grave. Be vand, no tthbie werid. Dcsî alioe su ; ou te escape tic judge. Inà ca1Ih t ter lire nernmatlé water the. largeoa nuzq- tecr of victima wçre tonnd ut a bmred poretu) ven viici vothie decelving vends, "hSiergenc>' door lu case oet ire"11 Chisit la be>'oid tic grave. Rejelce, y. saints. Alexander vilîcO tie vorld "hte hum vie vîli nul. IL." Il valts tbe more tl l. Yen have tried an*, falll, and on. b>' on.elie>' have Ignomr, louaI>' gene boncati lie acd. Christ came sud b>' bis ver>' death prevailed. And vo are' ot hilshonte. Rejoice le hlm. "O blens lice, biensalice, treacierons vorld, That thon dont play' se fis. a part, Aued doive 1k sheop nlc tic foin Our evesoa h senesbu t- : 1

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