tt kWb"a along btra o f disos.. arise trou bond. Thon ksep th.biseS puw wX Sarsaparila Mo"Od041ile eO-wYs -re. 5 .nt& * 6sisW$dwsr adue P.1« lw.s. * * Jlg mumaaxhêw,1 * Usd~.sulssS.Soa,~uiM l.. * F ~MM 4@mqd.Ir Jak ailm *FiU r aWerju lg, m ds CYCLMETR, *EXCELLENT !pu Fam WATCHE8, 0 T» -» I ftPuch Matchs.arem aGebj à s eaing Amwiau tach Cesn * date.hey wiD i C"d ý ~~ how t0a auro AUil rtioe. O,..CoupnTs 44 5ret (2 eus..>Pbckse. 2%m Cepos a h 10 rau (4 ou».) Jako.j.. MUIl PmuohTobacco lusold kja&H delrs. Packages <n oMIo 4') rnta1»lng no copa.. ILLUSTRATEO CATALOGUE KMal e n picalM MI coO*dme bt and descion ofalu ofBosand Pictur;a el#Am- of . 0W thtAa The Bloch ores. Tobaco Co Wb"&,n W.Va eiaagod a4er Jniy '1. 8 oIQyQLI$TS SHNOULD Wounds, Bruisos, Sunbum, Spia'is Lameness, bnsect Bies, and ALL PAIN, .. r aS WOBK or EXERCIBINO rab wUJb U go AVOID LiMZNEBIS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES -Wok, Watory, Worthle». PONDS EXTRACI INTUENT cures PILES. eba POND'S EXTRACT CO., M76F»nIAw T-MW YoVrk TheG retest fledical Is4,ery of the.Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICALDISCOVERY. DONLD ENEDY, 0F WMM. ,MAS., lias dscovered in one of our common rsIre weeds a remedy (bat cures every inof ilunor, from the worst Scrofula down (o a common PimpWe lMc bas tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and neyer failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). lie bas now in his seso oer two hundred certiticates f 71le aue, val wihin (wenty miles of Bson. Send postal card for book. Abenefit is always experienced from the fans bottle, and a perfect cure is wau- rante4 when the gh quantty is taken. When the lungs are affected it càuses ehootlng pains, lke needes pasng through thein; the saie with (ho Lver or Bowels. This lu caused by the ducts belng stoppod, andi lwaysdisaears in a week af(er takli< IL Rea helbel. if the stoanach ls foui or billous it wiiI No change o diet ever necessary. Et The coolness is refresking; te roots and herbs inmgor- ating; the Iwo together arni- matigg.Yom et the rti-ht J combination sn HIRES r Rootbeer. [ LDEESùEÈ51 -&.M~~ O 5 . THE FINANCIAL LEGIBLATION 0F CONGRESS REVIEWED. Mr. Cannone Baye tho Appropriations Were Bmall end Econonical, Whl. Mr. ayres baye They ere Enor- mens andl Prof igate As VIewed lby hotu iiden. Chaîrman Cannon, of (lie Houa. Appro- priations Commit(eo, sud ex-Chairman Bayres Tbursday made publie a joint tatement cencernlng the expendiîurea au- thos'laed by tbis Congres., dlacussing thons from (the Republican sud Democratie Moaidpointe respec(lvely The total appropriationa for (he aession, lncludiug permanent annual appropria- tions, la $515,750,820.49. Mfr. Cannon@ statement hogîna: "Th'e appropriations charged te (hia assion lnclude $110,054,1W1 under (lie permanent lasa, of wieh amount $50,- 000,000 ia for alnkiî,g tundan sd $30,500,- 000 for interoat ou publie debta, or. $3,- &U,614.40 more than mas iuî-loded at thec las( a@«sien ot Cougreus lu tlie statementa of appropriations, andîl la on aceoulit ut tho increaso of $162315,400 lu the bondeal Indebteduesa of (ho country iby the present admnisltration up to Frtaruary, 1i th le Intereat sud sinking fund charge on nc- count of the lutor bond irsue of $100,- 000,000 Inul"ebrtasry, 1814Ï. amnountiaag (o $4,400,000, not b.iug iîiciuded ini Iheeati- mates of permanent appropriationsa. Increase in Publc iart. "Tle incrense lu (he iriucileal andl iii terest bearing debt cf (lie country under tb. prebent admiitraiion aîiuurata lu 8=62815,400, s-hich mnas aii linter- est charge of,$11,42,4ili, sud 10 rneet (he sinking fund obligations (ho f urtber aus et $2,623,154. 'During (lie adminstration of Mn. IBar- sison (ho principal of tlie interoat bearing 1.11 wssareduced $258,192,00sud the iannual Intereat charges $10.3127,716. "The regulnr annuasibis, iuclnding de- Ileloucles, as passed l y the Bouse made a ftduction in (ho total etimate s ubnit- te iay (he exprutive of $26,0&3,191.6i7; ls(tot9,o.Dlumla, $1SGG Tta, U Bo asys (hat th. total efpeuditursela oe fiscal yoar have nover be e ogreat except dnrlng the. civil war and oxceed, the aaaop.oed valuation of pftPertY lia &DY oe of (he South Atlantic States. In conclusion Mr. Bayrea anys: "If (ho prosent Congroas had rigidiy ne- fuseal autboriy for adaitionai contracta andl had appropriatoal only (o meet (he lm- modiste or fiscal yonr requiromnuts under exltlug oncea,(he colt Contre». andada- mînltration wouid have heen lu a position to largely reduee appropriations andl ex- pendituros, and the admnistration of the goverumont coul nial aiy bave returneal W an econonaîcal metbod of expeuditure. This; howaever, haa not beon doue, andl (he msjorlty iu Congres. muet bho bld ne- spousibIe for (is grave dereliction in pub- lic dty." THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION. Three Men Who Aie Candidates for the ilonor. With (lie Republen nomnation dis- posed oft heattention of (liee oncarry vli tae direceid toirard Chicago, irhere tbŽ Democratie conventbon wili meet Iîy 7 to place iu nomination candidates tel President andl Vice-President aud adopt s plaîforna. Who (ho nomineos erilI ho in a matter of conjecture, but, a pro.'. corne- s,ondent soya, thero i3 no I,,ngcer any doulit (bat the pla(forni mii aln'îiro for the free coinage of silver. The ilver oIe- nient wmll controi (ho gathering and s-Il doub)tlessg dictate (ho nomination. Wheth- or tliey select Rn ont-anal ont ils-r man for Pre.sident on take a milder oue-sol ailier wib a golal lining-will depend up- on circumituces tbat cannot ho foreseen. The présent probainhlities tas-or Horace Boie. ot Iowa, but there are other strong candldate., sncb as William IL. Morrison of Illinois, Richard Park Binnd ut Mis- souri, James E. Canmpbell of Ohie, Claude Matthews of Indiana, anal Benjamin R. Tilinran ot South Carolitia. AIl of these are (00 weii knowu (o require es-en a brief bioffaphy. Mr. Camipbell la (he distin- guisbeal ex-Governor of Oblo, s-ho defeat- ed Foraker sud s-as hisef doteateal by McKinley sud Bushneill. e in about 50 CUNGllESS ADJOUr.",--1IHERE IS JOY AT HOME AND ABROAD. (hey were increaseil hr the Sonate $22,- yeara of aga. Claude llattbewa in the 920,442.30, anal as they bccaruo lairs tbey farmer-ataltesniann -ho since 18VI2 bas appropriate $l0,Wi6,624.W3 les, (ban as bren Gosernor of Indiana anal bas distin- passrd by tho Senate, $12,283,818.24 more guisbed hinaseif aisu able executive. than as tîey passoal the Hlouse, aud $13,- Benjamin fi. Tilîman first carme into na- lr44,37i3.43 i,'ss (han the etimated eqire- tioual preminence svheu ase(loveruor ot monta of (lie adiuuiitration. Soutbi Carolina ho Inîroduceal (ho diapen- Bacludina BisrIsud Barbeora. siiry laws w s-blpaced the liquor traffic "Tlic regîlar annutil approprriationis, in- under (lie control of the State. H li as ciuding nmade nt the last ses- ince gaineal noioriety by bis erratie sion of Coag-resu amounical to $383,tiS,- course l(ine United States Sonate. 8M,497, anal includea ne ier andl harbor bill. Exciudigthie river and harbor set MARION BUTLER. paased at (bis session. the regular annuel buils as passeal by the flouse appropriaîed North Csrolna Popullet Seustor snd only $373.75,)52.25, or more than $10,- Father of the Bond Bill. 00,000 loua than mas appropriated by 'Marlon Botlier, the Populiat, s-ho in the at Deirnocratie Congress.' tathor of the bond bill passeal hy (he Son- Mr.Cannuncnîicisos the Treanry De- ate, la in Ccoigregs by grace oft(he sover- portaient becamîse it hau expendeal $7,3U,.- elgu 8mbt of North Carolina. Senator 440 for tlie lreserît year in coliectiug (he Butler la liait W. Raxasen's aucceusor. revenue froni custoilis cstiiuatod at $6, Ir as made Senator in 1895, aud (is i00,000; herens for (ho last fiscal year, sas a climax ot a career uvicb began ou 181>2, under Presideit liarrison*s adîiui- a North Caroliia tro. Mr. Butler wsa ltration tbore wasd collecteal under (he bonn in 18W3. Hia mother prepareal bit .NicKiriiey tariti set $177,452,000 et cus- for colege. The University of Nortb Car- tomns revenue at a total cent of only $6,- oliria graduabcal him in 1885, sud (heu 607,517. hc began (ote s aiwyer. He stuallealfor T'he bis establishirîg salaries, intead a short tume anal thon iras calical home. of (lie tee systeni. for otticers of (ho Unit-Ife s-as the first liera, nia tathor had cd States courts, hoes3 , iii oare $1,- died, anal he must take care oft(ho fatam. 00,000annuîîlly andalmiinimizo trivolous IHo somedan sd reaped sud btmeen.timos aud maiieious prosecution. ana] special ut- hoe lookoîl after the education of hie broili- teution le calleal to (ho tact (bat Congress ers aud sisters, Iu addition, hc tanght at made no increases ot salaries or cnîp:oyea lu the Goveruruent departinetît. Table et Appropriations. The foiiowving table of appropîriations ja given.a Fifty-first Corigres. $988,417,19M3 34 Fifty-aecoud Cougresa. 1,02,104,547 V.! Fifty-third Congresa .. 99,31 695 t lFity-tourth Corgres- tiret session-----------G15,759,820 49) The revenues for three fiscal yeîîrs of tho Harrison administration cnuiîîg June 80, 1892, are givera as $1,150,6i31,214; ex- penditunes, $'Jt',132,501; for thoetira complote fiscal yetrsraot Cleveband'a ad- nlinistration, revenues, $611l,112,01A; ex- penditures, $723,720,57. Mr.BSayrae Iternent. Mn. Sayres, in hiis stn,aeaays otf, the totial appropriationsu for the session: "Thisans xceeds the appropraitions Made durîng (hoeIat session outhe(licfîty- third Congreas liy $18,751,299.83, anal (hoae ef (ho tiret regular session cf (bat Congresasiy $23,529,185.46. Il la les. aXijATon MAnION EUTLEIL thsn the appropriations by (ho second session ef the Fif(y.accond Cougresa by a neighboring academy for (lres yoars. 0n17 n744,538.72, although eat he latter Thon lhe brancleal ont. Iu 1868 ho joînea session ff9,352,41>4.83 more wsa appro- the Farmera' Alliance anal bonght a nows- priatoal for pensions (han et (lis session. paper-the Clinton Caucasian. Bis Ideas lit la more tihan thoae by the tiret session sniteal (le alliance, even in (hat early of (he Fîfty-firat Congresa by $21,303,- day, anal Bolier s-as sent (c tho Utate 571.84, anal 2=464,040.80 leas thau thae Sonate. Boe ho ias leader of tho rural appropriations ut (he second session of (ho forces anal introduceal ail tiair reforna Vifty-firet. measures. Tie alliance made aîitsil "The Sonate, rganizod tbis aession iy Stato orosident lu 1891 andl 1892.He bc- a combinstien of Republican anal Populist cane (ho principal organiser of the Poo- votes, plnclug (he cotrol cf committees ple's paty. Bis greatoat sucees s-a" lia la (ho banals of Republicana, by 1(8 carrying eut (ho campaigu or 1894, at amnudmouts te appropriation bil as tbey s-hidihbis party s-as trînniphant anal for paaseai tle Bouse, propogeal to lucreaae irici hie res-d anisnstho toge. Senator (ho total $22,M2,442.30. By conterences a trustes anal meusien cf (ho bets-een (he (s-o Bouses (bis aggnogate executive board cf the University cf Increaso s-as reducedte t $12,283,818.24. Nath Carolina. "The appr-opriations made at (ho second Patrolman William 0ran coveretl seasioli cf (he Fitty-first Congrens. eceed- hiaelf siti glory sa tara s-hlch broke -cal those made at (he tiret session of (0ot utohuligate2Wshntn same Congresa by $4W,767,012.04, or near- o Boin tobin, analWahigtn Ir 10per cent. If (he sanae proprfionate liveseof nearly fifty me adtb:n.H inereue sol next ses- sion, thon the appropriations w-lit not b. aaved ts-en(7 lves. Jea. ~ia~jM500,~0." Ticmanagir4_1itheO~1tI t10 A SAOD ATOzy. IN* Tralei, E...d.îpa end SuceMae of a Wonidestul W.oan. Pi-oa the Newsa, ElginfiL Certainly more lîke a romance, andl an old-faabîoned one et that, reads the sketch of the lite of Mra. E Champion who livea at No. 25 Melroae avenue, ÈElin, Ili. Mr@. Champion, who lo a second couinof the Rt. Hon. John Bright, M. P., la now ln her 82d year. Her husband, George Chiampion, was au English merchanlusan sud aIip cerner, who made trips teaal the distant countriee of tbc eartli. ln about the year 1842 ho made hie last voyage and was wrecked wltb ail on board lu a terrible storm off thne coas( of Af rica. His partner andl Mrs. Uamnpion aucceeded in etting thie 1hipkback o ngland and ei(t was alxid aal domts paid (he subject of thia sketch started lite once more ln the village of Bridgewaber, England, wlth two shil- lings in monoy andl four amaîl cblîdren. A littie business eras tartedan sd witlh (lie aid of the chidren sue made Asud old fancy work. Af ter a few seara tho oldeet son came (o Aneirca and in 18M4 sent foi moiher and remnining chldrea; The lit- le business s-as soid, and the lle tamn- liy sailed away; but @ad fate again seoln- ed to follo'w (hi. good woman. 'During the lime taieu<for the voyage (ho eon lu Âmorica waz taken iII andl died and the. termination Dut (ho voyage s-as aingleal with the mont terrible oorrow inatoal of the anticipateal joyfulness. This brave woman'did Sàot turn bock, obe tarteal for the West and located in Elgin. Again tlie tancy work business eras etarted, after a tew years the little store woas purchaseal. A building was built anal ua id for, but again cruel fte was netesat- fed; lire, the great destroyor, .lu odie bight leveled tet ho grouud Wt i uiding andl ail iras a complote loae, andl tho ex- citement brought on nervous prostration, and (bis, partial paralysis. Pot years (bis brave womaîa nover loft bier bed, thon ou commeuciug to get around s-as se wenk sud prostrateal that et differont tmes %lhe fell andl broke both arm.. Sirteen months age, after (wenty years of sufferiug, ceie rendl bu tho Elgin al Newrs testimony of many aged Ipope who laid beeon benefitod by Dr. Willams' Pink Pilla for l'aie People. Snch a(rong stato- monts troni sncb reliabie people, umanyof wrhona ae kneiv. prompted her tetry (em andbli er orîts are bore qunteal: "I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Paie Peoplo a wonderful remedyl' iboy bave certainly made me better and troug- or than I bave been for yoara. My whole nervous s> stem by their use bas been toned up and 1 am now able ai timea to inove around the bonse quito comfortabiy. bTîeqe pil have added years to my lite and altbougb 1 can nover hope to ho a p fetlry rel woman. Dr. Williams' Pink Piilla for Paie IPeople will make the lent yoarso f my life belier and happior." Pink Pilla contan ail the eiements nec- osonry to gio ie r lite analriclinesa to the blood zind re-tore slhattered nervea. Tbey are sold in , at 50 cents a box, or six boxe- for $2-74), anîd may bc laed of ail druggists or directiy by mail troin Dr. WVilliam§' led. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. An Explosive Compound. A drrîggist of Eniosburg Falls, Vt., wRas consilcrably astonlshed at (ho re- suit of a coînbinatioii ot druga the other dey. le vwas eîrgaged in puttlng up a mixture for a customer %vich called for crie-hait ounce of lodine andal o1 f wornînivooil. In putting (lie two (o- gethier in a bottie and lnserting a cork, (lie lnteresting seientlllc discovery was lmmedlitfly mrade (bat (lhe compound iras explosive, by the report wibl foi- lowedl.-Boston lleraiui. Woard'a Columblan Exposition WiII beofo vaine (o the worid by IlUns- trating (lie lrprovemnents lu the me- chanical arts, and eriment physîclans #Ill tell you (biat (ho pro>gresa in medi- clual agents lias beeu of equal Import- ance, andt as a strengtheulng laxative tbat Syrup of Elgs la fur luasalvance of ail othiers. _______ The Resurrecliou Plant. What laiskowN- as thie rose of Jericho la posslhly the nîost curions specimon of plant lite. The rose cf Jorîcho la sali to ho broughit front (ho valley of thie river oft tiat naie andt ta ho (ho resurrection plant naruîd in (lie Bible. When recelved thle lant la slmi)ly s bundle of dried, , wlhered andt wortb- Ions stick-s tilhtiy presseî togetber. If piaced lu a glass of vater thec branches wilîl expaud, bods and baýives start and the wvhoe planit grow s. 'TlecNMexican resurreetion plant is ilie fitiffy, f orn-lîke i-ariety otteni notlced la lorists' win- dows, and la a tav orite mw lUi children, as il quickly expanuis frontî a liard bal (o a beautitul Inetalliv green plant. The expenlîineit eau ho repeated îîîaay tîmes. Tlîere i. ouly one variety cf resurrec- lion plants wileli blossorns. Ail varie- tien raiany hokept lnuefiilîiv anti the streugth seîniîîgly nover oxhausîs t- self. Loavo giary to great folks. Ali. cas- les lu tlio air cost a vast deal to keep up.-Bulwer. Concoît luaseakest bodles srroligeat works.-Shakspearc. Lydis E. Pilkhm-i Vegetable Con- plound. Ih apeodhy rollovea irregu- larlty, auppressed or' paintul men- struationa, weakneof the stomach, indigestion, bloating, leneorrhoea, s-onb trouble, floodlng, nervoua pros- tration, headache, genoral debilliy, etc. Symptoma of Womb Troubles are diazlnesa, falntnesa, oxtrome lasa- (nde, 'Idon't oaa'" and Ilwant-to-b.- left-alone" feelings, oxcltabîlity, frri- tablity, nervousness, aleoplessnea, fiatnlency, melaaaoholy, or theoIlblues," and backacho. Lydia IL Plnkham'a Vegtable Compoal s-Il correct al "bi trouble ause res ia un A .81" « FM.i Of Vital sa"@v ..a ts saS pledtp je plauha1hable. Hostettar'. Btomach Bitter@ la sa Invigorant wtbout a Peer, andl ulîl speei- 117 Infuse treali tamîna into an anfeebiei Physique. Betides (bis, It averta and renie- dies malaria, and aubalues billot, , Sdney,1 dyspeptie and rheumatie alimenta. The nerera derive great benelit trom islt un. Hie Glancen. Mamma-But, Fiora, bow do you know that thîs young man loves you? Han lho toid you so? Flora-Oli, no, mamma. Eut If you could only se tie way lie looka at me when I am n ot looking at blm.-Tid- Bits. Romeseekern' Excuraions South. On the 151h sud 1lGb of June, alao Juli 8, 7, 20 and 21, and several date. during Auguat, Septeuîber and October, the Chi- cago aud Eastern Ililinois Railroad wil tell first ciass round-trip tickets, gond 31 daya froni date of sale, for one tare, pus $200, for the round trip, in ail pointa iu Fiorida and the South. Trucks, trains, tume ail the hest. For turtber 1iforma- tion ûddros C. W. Hlumphrey, N. P. A., St. Paul. Mliun. City ticket ofile, 182 Clark street, or C. L. Stone, (0. P. & T. A., Chicago. God's ivery ls a very plain one; but Its wearers have good reason to lie cou- tent--Lowell. Hail'a Catarrh Cure Ia taken loternnAUy. l'rlcé 75 coula. Certain parts of the lIlppaptamns' bide a(talu a thickuess of tira luches. "Ah! Tom, (bore la no greator ch..i,. than a pesel hbl"onicomplexion, sncb aýs the young lady bad me beard extoliing Glenn*@ Siaiphur Soap." Druggiste. Mauners eaaiiy sud rapldly mature Into morals.-Horace Mann. Every man baviug n beard ahould keep It an es-en andl aturai colon, and if it Ia not la aiready, use Buckingha.m's Dye andl apponr tidy. 1 ahall recommenal Piao's Cure for Con- aumption fan sud wide.-Mrs. Muligan, Plumatosad, Kent, Engiand, Nov. 8, 18M5. ,retblns- mot tns Findltng "The best, cf courae,"y tell your dressmaker, and trust (o her uaing the Why don't ycu tell her 1 better stil buy it you If yoar dealr ilu lot a-- Samnples showlng labels and muatrlk hoe.Dr oaîuinalne 5w Emma M. H opr. et hio LadIs'io gleta ho- tote ston a$Veivemsea legs sens for 2 c., postage palS. à. M. & M. Co.. P. 0. 8BR 699, M y. You can reach practically al the great reorts of America, by the through car Unes of "America's Great* Rallroad"- The New York Cen' The Governor of North Carolinau aid to the Governor of South Carolina PLUG W "BATILE AX "l is hemost tobacco, of the best quallty, for the Ieast money6. Large quantities reduce the 0oto manufacture. the resuit going ta te o- smrer i the shape of a larger plece, for, less money, than was ever before péssbLe. Washing L antherwindowi P e alne (nalbdoesb Wihthat, the glass is De Cloudy-is always clear bright. Washing it-4 trouble, of coure-but,*I the case with every#ÙtÎg.g *1 washed wiffi Perlifle i And about the sashes frames; remnemberthatýr %vhcn it takest dir0 the paint on. Haven't you noticed that cerwa 8UOEEDI TRY