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Lake County Independent, 26 Jun 1896, p. 2

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4.AtdS ATTrACK AND ORIYISH COLO?'.ISTS. h1t-Ocare ou OrounsiUnmeerv- Imai by Enatand-Creit Mon a National Organisation ~Sety1l5pel« a Man tosuicîie. "Y lgbt lu Goli Country. par. mat neceivedl tramn Grenada, a" liaI a Veuezuelaut farce cross- the British aide ufthtie Acaraluial -béjewate utorthe Barima and ive roc ie t uior golti tise> Interferesi wtth tise miîing oftile a purty of Brillis colonia r.eaare. Tise real abject ofthtie hmancolanios, 1k i iore, was Sthe asoutisofuthie lîtrusu, ttisi oma commandultg position ini tisir OU* ho seeure a toutisuls in tise guisi 0 f Venezuela or G.ulata. Tu do Ila auppeses tisat lisey iroîî-eded N~the Acarahiel, viicis crosses tise tooelaa lino hetwencuthe Acaraibisi tXmuacuro stations. Tise Goverumîent f;these incidentsnia>' expiiatise e whlch wase iret reportei f roin a4s. hao-lag taken place at tise Mtise Barima River, n)eq ar ias i. The engageenît realiy took 06 la lime heant outhtie nosv cel-lirate-s W*ati tot-itun>' ut Gulîisa, uiicis Lard 0%bury ayasihall nut hoeuhutli tu t ï9tration, as ho affirme tisatit i .;un- "t1n bly Brillis tîrritory midaer lise jiIai of tise original Dutchti cloiistii. Io a tbis lernitor>- UsaI gaisilitfouuid Ieat abaudance. DET ODIlGRACE. *tu1timg et. Louis coalser Enfle ie Lité hi ShootIng.ý «e esd body orutSigismmuni Vclsbturg .t P a k 'S -L u is , T '14 s aly -v l i g . W IaIh ie luitseiesanda arevolver l ie1 ti c sncith e ide lim , atn w lich ehhuv bis i tts " sh i -aarly thistt I Na cama of suicide. U-tsbuirg h li ten *jrlu the wiol-satle ary gi-tas histe lice, Stîx & Ca. for saviral yeýturi;. le- 2y tbe lirms hoante ssîaitaoving Derapisi paco 1'ctsbuntc ias Il %ing. ansi irauy e[minatnîofai1las booaks dis- nad Itregalariia anllai ltotitas sus- coiu pentilng iuvestigation t1,yii x- 1, Dave Elseunnaf i otale fitnit ut ~e, Stix & Co., whiile aîanlttîîlaîgî de- ition, refusesi to aketîk statemtiîent lthes probable ssfaaîtr ,!iti ithe ortiige. e believei ta ho large. È111 WIJO tO.NTEcIL CREDITS. aveation aI Toledo la Onutamlzu :a National Association. Dreiit men ta lime nibr afa(>ver M,, aîesentiumg Oie laixindus iiaaitri of eV- F Btt lastise cotiitry, assîxittl-al aI 1a4, Oblo, l ai ainalI toiiv,-it liifor .,punpaae of ongniziiag aaunatioatl i-rt-i Mp't aaoclatiou. 'Teattif !tise L1aatioea are to laýtti-r lraîaltise olS f thienletrs, taia ra-aîti- t hi- mme- %rm ad debla. taulira-st-t fraatalasd Wtlie ta credulora, lai uake iiasecii- in and uI misismeit for fratuifiiaore icr- lA, te reform sund inilaraî evi- lacittion qs, ta bring aboutI iiiriva-ia-tiliti tise borclal teportlig rsysi'nias, tas lring $,l ilaproveumi-itsin calla-atioan ii-thoi , 6LoUlpovenu-t hodia of hlai îlitg tan tk- ý%MXTUAN FIRST IEl'<>RTLID. «8 ot Lite Ila YnoeeNow lt,tumiei e mt 30,000., rhbe finit officiail n->rt tht lias In raa-led Waellgtoa ut tise gru-alItiritna-st a- thl- jý%* an imtdal tiacaailli- -tti-eltote *or Legatiounat liaklo, in tise fal!aawiîmg Wf cablegramn, %%tslilî. huas it-r. lmkes ii aismity ont tota, laituatih vaarsa tiltan ',lofare nuprtel: "itamtlas catustidb>' Wl uave tel iinteti it wvstr ;t4îîî 5.> i ýbrte up ta date. Noainttiaamity 'auiang étauinig of National Lo0acie. Itsllowlig Io thes tsnduîg orthtIe clubs tieNation& a tseliiLagaic: W. L V.T. Wieand .. .31 1,S 'bilamialihia .29)201 Wtmore . .34 1 , .iailata 37 2 Oelunati ..33 21hags .21) 27 Z-) "I: iNw York ..2 81 ttsburg -....27 24Lotii s vil-e ..11 '31) Westama Leassue Sadiniît. habinla atOe staniding outhtie clubs Western Longue: Og4 po1is .30 1.l'tit 'ii] . 2 6 2 .20 IGRa tipidlsu 2-W poilis.81 21 .Milwaîikeo -..2-i'10 "« V lht>Y .291 2Zieltiguiiats.. .19 35 hi Avala Nome Altuelsi. Iûoveraer----------.Johnt 1'. Aigelsi iLieutenant Govermai Nlt)rrse V. Crawford Êtan>'of Stato .-liitls & .Dow-ning auer----. dsard C. 1Pace -~ ~ ~~ .> tenrul- (orge A. Trude Ion-----------------. . F.Beck a rrvity Tu-iitees--Jila Haînses N. IW. Graîham, Itichard l . vise ticket uwattnomitited yIll' 11-, rats la conveout l 1eorin, A Piatturnm sînungl>' favurng Indictesi. ~omad true bil à ir Jauneson, 34ai. Col. IL Gnsay, Mai. . F. Iste ad Han. - eatry, hWho ine elîl gfor lou' etreet police court luise >witimiulatingt thé neutralit>' tivadln lie Transvaal nipublic. Compealea metPar. ~O .Supremue Court bma decideul tas la9W reqUsrsag eXpisascons- Floride,.. a O . Goulam 26. 230 252 46s8e. .a -ùi:: 8 2arsa. 6 28 Uee 12 . .. 12 N.BYabd ie, 1 1 Ma res$ l 1 9 le Yk.72 17 8 N. Dakot.. Oil NN: Carolina.22198 2% Rhod De8ata. 8 8 Teanesie . 24 24 dTexes .... 30 21 ~ Utah ...... ........... Vermout . 8 8 Virlula .21 2M 1 Wau'gtn .8 .. .. . 'w Vrila 12 12 WîaceVmlri.24 24 Wyoming .6 Ariona 6 O 6 Nw ex.. 6 ........ Ind rer.. 6 O Dlat.of Col. 2 i Alaska ... 4 4 Totale . ..0or-0&1% 84% f58 61% 35% zone absettulaMuaslilppI. bliontana--One for Cauterau; tour blaak. cNevada-Tisree absent. dTezaa--Oa. absent. LEO GRANTS INDULGENCES. Invite. ieI. ollowers to Celebrate Hie Anniversury. Sonda,> was these eveaty-fitth analver- gary of the flint communion taken hi the pope, sud la a csblogram ta Cardinal Sa- irélîl tront Cardinal Rampalil tise 111Y tather granted iIndulgence ta ail tisose wisu parlcak of the sacramont on tisat day. Tise cablegram len as followms: "I hastes ta lnformu yonr eminonce- la order that Yeu May la tbe Mst itting mannor give no- tice tisat on lthe accaian ut ties eventy- fift.b aniversar>' ut bie tiret coaniiun the holy tatimor design» ta grant a plenamry indulgence te ail cbildren wisa on tise au- niverary shall make tiseir first commun- ion, and an indulgence ut neveu yeara and seven quarantines (2W0 days) tu ail tbe taithfistlwis on that saute day shahl par- tale outhlie sacrament.'* Recentiy Cardi- nal Satolli addressed a circular letter ta Roman Cotisolcs inviting ail ciildren lu celebrate tise occasionuot the annivermary hi receiving their tiret communion. Thlnk R. Could Be Eiected. llciresentati5fe Chsarleas8. IHartman, ut Montanua, w-as anked wisat effect ho tlmîîîgit tise action of the bimetaUlist deio- galion lu repudiatlug tbe goîd-tandard plank ufthtie Republican piattorm would h ve upon the cuming campaigu. '"If ail thy bimetallist forces of tise country cao ho contered upon a candidate," ho replied, "tisere wlll bc no diIiculty, I n y judg- muent, lis baving a bimetallist President and s binsetallimt Cougrese elected thia tai!. Tise endi aud aima ut ail lise sup- porters ut bimetalliam should bo lu pro- moltotthe nomination ufthtie strongest can- didate that cao ho obtmincd. As thse remuit ot a vry caretul and extensive examina- tion of tise question tbrougis persunal in- terviewsanmmd by crrespondance, 1 arn convia > esi that 3Me. ToIler, alioye ail oth- ors, la infinitely Uic strongeat man wc eau noaminale. Tise sationaofthtie retiring dele- gâtes tron tthe Repulcan convention wsas tise praper courte lu pursue. aud, hould Mr. Teller lie made thse standard-bearer ur tise imtalliet ftprî-em, bis election woull fullow by un averwhcliug nia- Joriîy." Tise silver nmen wbo walked out ofthlie national Itepîmblican coniventio)n Issueil an address to thse country tbe fol- lowing day. annotincin> tise lauacbing ut a neV part>' and putlimmg forward Stutr lieur>'31. 'leller of Colorado as n candi- date for Presideut. Varlet.y for lthe @ciîra%. Secretitry Lainiut approvesi th rocý- mendationa ut (leu. Mlles for a general niovenîaut fthe troupe lu the W'et. 'The gencral urder providem for flic transfor or tise Fitteentis Inftantry front F"ort Sheri- dan, Ill., to Fort Grant sud Fort Muna- chuecs. Arzntas.Te isellteentis in tlis event uill relieve tise '1weity-fturtb lu- tanîr>', ihicis iilI go ta Fort l)uuglasa, Utais, lu relieve lise Sixteentm. It is like- ly tisat lise Fourtb lnfutnr>, now station- ed in Idahmo, witis lpadquarters at Fort Siserinais, will go lu Fort Simridan ta take tise place ufthetisellteentis. luib tat case thse Second lntantry, 00w tatloîîed nt Fart Onialis, wouid take te place ufthlie Fourtisllu Idaiso. Tise Sixteotis Ititaî- Ir>', uow mationesi IUait, will prolily toktslthe place ufthlie ieaty-secoud in Muntanas, sud tise Twenly-aecomîd wil l e transferred 1,o Omsahsa. These mavements of troupes were taken fron t an noilicial ecisedule in tise War Deiatitlnent. Prîntere' BtrUe lae Endedi Tise î,rintera' etrike tu Minunpoillansd St. Janul was settiesi hi antagreement ho- tween the typographicai union sud lise publishera' association ta arbitrals ail dit- fereaces ai te wages andi houri. Mena. wile tise icos, bave been decla ros "aopen" maid the clii meant'il lie t,, eu bock as rapisiui as placea eau ho madie for tbem. ____ PrOntîce Pulls 1ta Louve Hie Addrea Chsarles Haroldi Prenlice. wbose record oftofurteen lois câins tor' tourteon sep. smat. aliegesi tires led la hi@ indicîmeat b>' the \ew York grand jury, tallie te' beave him atldreço, wisen ha lest muvesi, for thedetectiros. It itfottIhuuîgbîlikely Locka Hem-sat in a Toe.raph Touner end Wirem tor Hetp. Tuno tramps attompted ta break int tise Western Pensylvania Railroasi tick- et office at Harmano-lile, Ps. Alice Me- lîaffy, tise aporatun, siammes tise touner wiitdow chiutiluthie tramps' faces aud tel- egrapbed fer iselp. Tise tramaps lied. Killed Hie Wlf. hi Mieteke. Wiso tise nowm tisaI McKinley unas naminatesi hocanse knownataIHarmyille, l'a., mani ufthtie male rosidenla hogn lu celebrate it y hi es.tiag off gunisud revolvers. Josephs Toopter bonnounesia revolver ta &cure hie uifo. Ho mappesi tise tiggen evral tlmem lu shoot off an>' remalning cartnidgee. Tison, gong hocme, ho nuseosInto bis uife'm presence, aud, uith a "Hurrah for McKinley'," flounisis- oi tise revolver. Tise tnlggor fell, tisere w-sa a puff ut emake and Mn,. Toopter fell dessi wiîh a hullet la hon brain. Tuepter wuasexonenated tfom blame. MisnMertla lthe Wronig Place. At tise prison aI Columbus, Ohio, Ben- jasmin Minger, a Pc-dorai pisoner froîn aaaîtieru Ohil feu ram bis chair aI lise aitnuir table Fritfly aud expiresi inalanti>'. Mlimger waus sent taelise bospilal a fi-w sinys egoansd wisilo tisene tise pisysiciana made tise discuter>' tisaItthe man s eant was ou tise igislaide ot hlm body>. Nlin- ger knou t tat how-sm tise victiras uta freuk ut natture, but ranci>' discusaies lie atatter. I'revlous ta bis lastI lluesa he ssid lho hasi aittays ojoyesi goosi eisatis. An aîîîupsy for tise honeil ut science w-i be iselsi. Promnlent Virginlan Kils l imelf. Rteverdy J. Dangefiloane outhlie boit ksîown resicanta ut Alexandrin, sVa., sud ta aîi-mer ut s famîl>' thiclisbas hi-en lînuminent la oial sud business affais in that section of Virgiuiuu for mauy years, coimîtîedsiocde Wedaesdtuy. M1elan- chahsa, inducesi b>'worny uven liandiaI affaireansd fîamil>' troubles, caused tise deesi. Tise euldîde's brother 11,en-y ifllesi hisiseif lu the came hanse about twu yeuns ago. Whitney Not la the Race. William C. Wiituvy, of Newn York, made a public statement la unhicis ho de- fines thse political situation, makes bie po- sition dlean ai regards hle decialan ta ro- main ln Ibis country' laieeasi of golng tc Europe, andi concludes b>' saying tisaI ha t'e nol a preideatial puasibilit>'; tisaI be ..wonul not rua if nonsinalesi antiuolsi ual mrve If eleclesi." Duretlug Flywlmeel. A torty-tou mi-wnieel, Iwenty-tour foot in diàmeter, et lbe Amenicami uire wankm in Clevelantd, Ohio, flew Imb a Ihaumansi pleea tfram esntrifugai force. Part et tise uniseel vasthrowa lIe oa unail mxteen incisatiml. ,ansi uent cdean Ibrogis Il. There uere numeirous narnoun escapes. BahyrEmmered b>' a Plarmuate. Ors, lthe 2.>'ai-oid cbild cf Frank Gan- shaun, Ocîptic, Ohio, u'aa Insimntl>' kili- <- b>' William Bra, age<l 13 >'eîsr Wbile pisyhal among lhee eblidrea Brya teund algotua, andi polnting It nt the baby', dreun lise trlgter, blowimqg off tise aide of tailsbea. Reai te Beraila nCongeemps. Rees ndwlîl lb.tenienesi a enominatica te Cougreis hy tise Firal dietrict of Maine: ho bas consentesi ta tand la preterence le remumns bis law Practice. The con- vention unas delayed tela sait the oltcome of the Republica preoidealial content. WaIlisun Muet Hum. Tiset-ilIof Alunse M. Walling, jainlîy ladîctes iilth Scott Jackson for the mor- don ot Pearl Bnyau Jan. 81, endos! Thura- day aI Newport, K>'., iticonvictiom nsid pensalty tfixa t dents. -Braiteri, P &., Viil"i by Pire At Brasiford, Pa., lire stroyedhuit the bléecicf falae-bildiuga from t 2Me T M4airntrl, entailing a loue of15,0 i Stocke Bicher, &ai Gin end Cotton in D.amad-Whitney Woo't RBon- River Boat Bailere Hfave a Chance te Try Their Skili. Traie Gela New Lit. R. O. Dun & C.'s Weekly Revieun of Trade sais: "Thon. are coatlnes signa that a gain In busineas bas begun. Stocke have gône iigier than tise> were befare tise artificlai break tea daye ago; wbeat and cotton are la better demaad; tiser. la mare confidence la monetkry' cireles, and the teadene>' tauard abriakage la great Industriemgeeeme lIn .memeaaure, at ieast, ta ho cheekesi. Whlle tise ont- came of the Dèmocratlc convention in un- certain, andi the groat cr«ps Are net yot wholly beyoad danger, à sure sud elraag impravoment couhsi hardly- ho expectosi, but tise tone la business circies bas grownu dutinctly mare hapetui." CHANCEC FOR WIESTERN àKILL. ie for Torpedo Poate Askesi by th. Gov.rument. Sblp huildors on lise Mississippi andi Missouri rivera wnil bave an opportunit>' ta bld for the1ýonstruction cf tune of the tiirteen tarpedc boats about ta hcoardered for the Unitedi States aavy. Tise law hy whis tise building of these bouts la suthorizesi specifles that three ma>' ho huilt on the Pacifie coaml, coean tise Mie- sissippi river, co on tise Missouri river, and ane on the Gulf ot Mexico. Tise Sec- retar> ofthtie Navy bas notifieda ahof tise hlp builders a ime ternltary apeciliesi ut tise Goernmout's desire te recelve hisis. Congres set oside $1,800,000 for tise construction of Ihose haata. Tise> are to ho thraughout ut domestle manufacture, ansi nu premium la afferesi for excesi or speesi. Tise contracts muâsI ho made ho- fore Oct. &. The bisider le unhamperesi in every particulsu', ansi ta hlm judgment sud desigaing skill is loft thlie planning of tisebouta. LOBS 0F LIFE WAS ENORMOUS. Timal Wave on the lelani of Yee, 1rwned 10,000 Pereens. It le naw estimalesi that 10,000 people uere drowne<i h ie tudal uave cn tise Isand ot Yeso, lise nortimera part ut Japan, uniicis accampsnied a succession ut trigistfni cartisquakes. laatlng about tunen- t>' heours. luaddition lute etowna of Kumalisi, wbicb uastotally tlestroyed. many otiser doasa townna have been unases away entirely or lu part. TRAMPS OUTW1TTEI> BY A GIRL. ChImleng-Cattlo, cammon te primo, $3.50 ta $4.75; isogs, abipping, grades, $3-00 ta 13.75; aheep, fair lu cisoico, r2.50 tu $4.50; uheat, Nu. 2 red, ÔTC ta 59c; corn, No. 2, 27c lu 28e; oas, No. 2, 17e la 18c; nie, No. 2. 82e ta 34c; boîter, choice creameri, 14e tu 15c; eggm, f res, 9e lu lie; neun potatoee, per hushol, 25c te 45e; hrcom dorni, commun tu choice, $25 t0 $W0 per tua. ludianapolis--Cattle, ebipping, $3.00 te $4.50; busg, choice.ligist, 13.00 la 13.75; aheep, cammon ta primo, 12.00 ta $3.75. whieat, No. 2, 50e t 60ce; conul, No. 1 unhite, 28e toe29e; cals, No. 2 white, 20e te 21c. st. Laoui-Cattie, 13.00 te 14.50:;boes, $3.00 ta $3.75; unheat, No. 2 rosi, Oic ta W1e; dora, No. 2 yelloun, 25e ta 26e; aats, No. 2 wnhite, 17c ta 18c; rye, No. 2, 31c la 33c. Clncinnati-Cathle. 13.50 b 14.50; hcgs, $3.00 te $3.50; cheep, $150 te $3-.5u. waleat, No. 2, 03. le 64c; cora, No. 2 mixosi, 28e te 29c; cale, No. 2 mizesi, 19e la 21c; nye, No. 2, 87e la 38r. Detrit-Cattie, $Z650 te &4.75; bogé, 13.00 le $1.5; aeep, $2.00 Io $3.7M; unheat, No. 2 rosi, 64e te OSe; corn, No. 2 yelloun, 27e ta 28c; cats, No. 2 whiite, 2le la 22e; nye, 33e te 35e. Toledo-Wheat, No. '2 rosi. 65ete 0Me. corn, No. 2 yellow, 27ie te 28c; cati, No. 2 wnhite, 18e ta 19c; rye, No. 2, Mec ta 35c; ciaver seosi, $4. tela$4.M5 %Uw likenhet, No. 2 sprng. 5Me te 59r: corn, Nc. 3, 26c te 28c; pals, No. 2 wbite, 19e te 20c; Sanie>', Ne. '2. 30e te 82c; nya, Ne. 1, 82e te 34c; park, mess, $7.00 te 17.50. Buffalo-Catle, 12.510 ta S4-73; bons, $1.00 ta $3.75; ahpep, $&.25 te $4.00; unheal, No. 2 rosi, 07c'to MDe; dora, No. 2 yelaow. 32c le 33a. cati, No. 2 wnhite, 22e te 23e. Newn Yrk-Cattle, 13.00 te 1U.75; b6814 13.00 tc$4.00;,abex 12.00te $4,50; unlat al, *. 2 rai, 3c loiMe; arsNe. 2, M4 te 35e tat, N.2 *ite, 21c1ote.o 1bltn, amery, lie te lo*,6.; ee USES. sari - ~ le - - .uu ep woraa adthe lltuwIatba 84~ compliatd .veiay <meat Tt'*iW# êt the tenor of the suta'a tirade bas beau reeeived wth a unanimous cr7 of Proteat and Indignation. Owiag to the toril et affaira the (reek Goves'ameat takesaa peaslmlstlc vlew, and cannot aia.tbe Cretans toacacept t:e sultan'& proposition that Christian@ ehould iay dowa their arma. M. Rimiere, bead or the Cretan commission, msaya the Irade meana that the revoit muet be contlnuedl. It nslght let three yeara. Money lu beglaniag to corne la, evea tramx the United Stateu, he aaid. Several calques full cf cartridges, each calque manaed by twelve men' and carrying 30,000 rounds of cartrldgea, bare already goae ta Crete. Greek cartrldim tactorles have orders tram thse commission' for 1,00,000 cartrldgea, ta b. delivered with the utmaat haste. Thie commission la alun laaking ont ta purchase a steamer la Eaglaad or elsewbere."1 FINAL PAIMENT ON BONDS Noir« the Total Deponlt in the Treas- amy Ore*11.355,612. The final payment on account of thme 4 per cent lana aofll'bruary lait bas juit beon made at the Tressnry Department. It amaunted ta $5,000 principal and $M0 promium, and made a total depomît et $lll,a,12, cf wblch $100,000,000 was principal, $11,1Wll,246 was premlnm and $189,366 waa Interest. The laIe heavY withdrawals'of gold for export bave r.- dmced the goid balance ta about $108,000,- 000, only a littie oer the legal tender reserve. There le ut present na serions talk of anoîter goverumeut lutta, but evon the mail conservative officîimlsi the Treasury Department gravely concede that snob a course will ho necessary if the foreign drain on the tioverument gald balance keeps up mnuch longer at the rate that bas marked the past few weeks. Another Candidate la Kanss. Ex-Congresemau 8amuei R. Peters an- nounesi that ho wouid ho a candidate for thse Ropublican nomination for Govornor of Kansas.Ilie is a trong mona, but hie candidacy will greatly compticate matt8re. Peters la the third candidate ta coule ont againat Governor Morrill. Fifty dole- gates bave been elected, and Ilorril hba haIt of tisem. DItribution Orclered. The Massachusetts Supreme Court, la the suit of the Anierican Ioan aud Trust Company against the Northwestern Guar- attee Comîpany of Minneapolis, ordéred a pro rata distribution of a trust tund ot $75000, beld by the Arnîrican Company. Theolaimis.ont of this fuî.d are beid tmuet- ly by national or savitîgs banks lu differ- ont parts ufthte country. Two Baniks Cloue Their Doom-e. At Cbeney, WVasb., the 1-irst National Bank ani tbe Bank ut Chenry baire sus- pended paymi-ut. Slow collections andi lnability la place securities are the prin- cipal rossonm. l'irst National depueits will probably bc paid inl full. The affaira of thîe Bank ut Cbcnoy are a malter of specula lion. Barons Sranaici in Parle. The Baronesa de Valley, 82 yeusmnid, wvas touasi etrangtod at Paris. Sise had beon gagged aud robbory ls helievesi ta have becu thse motive. The. Baronoas de Valley was torrnerly Mlle. de Monihel, whoae ftler was tiret aocretary ot an embassy. SIte was a miser, moue- lender aud uurer. Demand a Reiluction of Wagea. Tise steel shoot manufactarers andi workeri' committee helsi a conferenca at Pittsburg on thse wage @cale. Thse manu- facturers demanded an reducîlon ot 12 per cent on wnges ot shearmen, ruIlera and beators. Tise workmen offercd ta compromise. Trouble et lime Fleberies. The Governor bas orderesi the First Itegiment, Oregon National Gnardm, 10 proceed lu Astoria. to queîl tise striking fisbermen. Tise local authorities are no longer able to protect the lives of tise non-union fishermon sund pruperty ofthtie canier! nien. Train Collideu with a Stane. Two men were probably ttstally injnred muid soveral others burt by a train collisi- iîmg witis a beavy sione at Hog's Bridge, ltoxbury district, Boston, Friday after- 1toon. Llnseed011tblien Meet Representatives outhte National Linseed Oil Company sud large trade lateresta met in New York to cusider au advanoe lu pricea. ________ MIARKET OCOTATIONa. Fatal Reur Endi Collision. Tiva men unre kils-si ansi three unere uInjures inla srear-ensi coillion on tise Central Vermsont taîllwans> an Moulue- lien, Vi. The collisio auts e etween a cat- tle train ands a MtunIreai express. Wihi Iteet la Washingto.. Tise Paa-Presyyteiai. conceil bas una- Imousî>' acceptai tise invitation ta hols i Is meeting aI Waashngton lan1800,andi bas tisankesi San Francisco tanrtise invitation oxtendosi b>' tiat citî. <-paulmasiaDo *et Lika lit Tho enespublahesdi atMadridi that a Caban flag waa boiâtes'Inlathse St.Louis' convention unas greetes i unil qisers bas excitai untatonab!e comment. Bralt.mn Mauile& E. B. Parsons, a brakausun on the Wa- bash Ralua>', uai kucekesi froint bi Irain at Mexico, Mo., isy a bu' bridge andi kiliosi. James MecCredr Mccl. Ie.th. At Newark, N. J., James MseCredy, tormeni>' an ectir uneli known luthtie Wes atunelususti>' killesiMonda>'&fier- ooan la a nouna>accidffent. Wite unit- Ing ta lake hlig, uito drivlt'g the hanse ran, thnowiag bim agaînmt a lelepisune polo, graeturing bis ekuIL. EtUesilUts Jockey. Boisis> Hatisernasl, a jockey, vas' killesi Maaday aI Forsytis race tnack In Indiana, by tise taing of his moîmut, Mitle Tommy. Carelese nldiag hi another jockey eaues a collilsion. Arma et Denver Imereasesi. Thea clty of Higimlands ai adaapart et prester Douter b>' Oie vote of lise lax- pesers cf thse forme> muielaity. This a"s $e.sg Mueaemilea t ftirritor>' ad more thau 1,00ppi tg te isaety' Wy41a conosila thé aMr aU oM-maads a aeglmmt e Ior Ob. bas aàfdue eatate ln thse = 40Dae. Matancss.wbichbhas been tise benta.ê ef ber famlly for maay ganerationa Two yeara ago the enora Uved a Cern, mouplacg lite as the wite ot a eoloaa> là tise Spalab army. Now atse la "b olfief berself and may any day aneet face ta face on thse field of battie with ber huaband, wbo commanda a glylng' columa of Spanis troops. Tise pa- Cietqa. Lik.i, te Gala ThaleI la jiandenme. - Awfml AtrocittlaCern- maittei by Torktuh Troopa-StL. ouis MariererBEcsapes, Gatning Slrengtha. A dispaîcis tram Beirant, Syria, sys tisaI during tise recent flghtiug letweeaà tise Turks andi the lanugeut Druae La the Hauron districts tise former iomt 500 mon killesi. Information recelvesi la New York direct tram Othe sceeof the Cretan revointion againet Turkey, by Selon Vis- ta, editar of lime Grcek newsaper, Alas. tia, sows tisat tise Turkimis troeps are resorting ta atracities whlimh equal * la peint ut bioodinesm Ibeir terrible barman.- tiem in tise Armenlan unar. According ta those advlces tise Croa n evolutloaltu, unho nowun nmber about 15,000 men, al weUl equipposi, are daiiy gainiug ln atrenglis andsiwlh lise aid :the>' are ne- ceiviag iram Urcece, tise probabilities are Ibattise Crelans wIll gain inilepeadesce. Tise lut massacre accurresi May 22, la Canon, tise principal cil>' of Crete. In tisis fanntical crîteado againmt Ch7ristlsn- ty, an attache ofthtie Ruauian Consulate and anotiofuthtie Greek C onsulate, unene murderesi by tise Turks, altisaugh tbey were lu no wuy connectai uitis tise ar. Tise massacre began abtout noon, wbnoà taise rumon wasa pm-iad by tlie Turksa tI a Turkish tamiîy bihee n murderosi hi tise Cretans. The rumor caueed a panic sud tise Chrîstiaits ciosi-silisoir shopes ad rau home for safety'. riscn iriîtg couid ho heard oniside ufthtie town. Tise gales ut tise town vere cîosed tc previ-im the escape ufthtie inisabilants andi a military patrol ws -aat once estailisosi ta>'tise Turks and inimtise massacre wiih toi!ow- i-ai h is cstiruated 1,000 persans tell. KANSAS' WHEAT YIELD. Pro-spctve Production Now Indu- catesi at About 43,000,000 Buahela. Aflen mati vicissitudes durlng tise poriosi of growtnthue litate ut Kansas s prodmesian eminecitlysastistîmetor>' crop ut wiseal. Prom retirne furnialiesi troni ever>' couuty lu tise 84ate. thse totatl-d sn 4:i,000.000 busels. Tisat is sîmomt double tise qunatity produei in tite- :sîte State theo, ear previons. I& aitoea oe--cdd tise average yic.ld ufthtie last tir-e >ears, whiichin îclude tleIii- aleîoîtm'uamly Lotît> crop ot 1892. Ih is10,000.000 busisela mare tisan tise si-son ut 1804-il at tise four principal winter w bout marke-ts and 16.,000 Wbusselai in excessaoutbth- uuan- lily reportesi at thei sanie fouir prinîcipal winter t'ieaîumarketstaalco last Joýy ta tise proseut date. The productionut wheat lu Ktius-m, nas aficiaiiy eoiattîed in thle apit-I ltille. uvas as folion s: 1891, -)4,SWi.O(M bu.; 1K)2, 70.Ki1,fiMJ bu.; 18W3, b.3,0,)lu.; 1894, 3.5,315,0W0 ho.; 1895, 2,920,000 bu. M18IS ANGING 18 POSTPONED. Noble Shepard Escapes front the Jal ut 8t. Louis, Mo. Noble Sisepard, sm-ho usaawailing ei@- cutian in jail at St. Louis for thec monder et Tisomas Morton sud Lizzie Leaiso>' escaposi tram bis cc-Il soute tinte hotweea midnlgist sud 4 ociuî-k inthetio noraing. He crawled omne tu onty teet tbraugh a seuner, climbed ta tise rouf outhtie galîows oan wbicisho unas ta bang, tis-e lu limte iigis brick waii urrouuding Use juil yard. andi tisn on utise treet. Tomichesi Lite Iire and i Ded At Tuiedo, Obio, Louis Davidi, wliile going boume iitît a cotuplieot frieîmds, came ta a place w-lure lwao lite uir-s issa crossed andi bîrned. Une endsi hua.- wlis- lu rescis, aimd a policeman, niso uns on getrd, wauealtien aunst tise danger- ouns iire. In a slainit ut brav ado Dtavidi cauglît tise wire andsi unnaItantly killesi. Thse deasi man unas about 20 yeu-s olhi. Scilver Minera Go on Strîke. Am a reiult discoutont sud fruIones efforts tan an ndjustment extetîinig over Several mantisa, 8(x)minera atI Leasiville, Colo., Frida>' nigist unnkesi ont. C'e-rtaint ut the ilvor mine mianagers refusesi ta Increasothi wagon. Somo uines are psying $3 ansi tise tîiniîra waot alilta psy tise mne. Girl Eiopra wilh a Preacher. Rey. Josephs Specht, s young Epliscopal divine trous Alexandria, Va., ansi Miss Lena Turner, tise 1-year-old daugisteofu une ut tis e niatist citizenm or Madisont Cou nty, elopes tram Ritcismondi. Miss Ttirner uili corne lioapossession ut a large fortune whlen iie attain lier mna- jority. IIADE iEN18i8. inchses andi the rear unheel la 28 inciss Bots are matie cfas. Tis bicycle. unhicisla regarded ae a nascît>' o, t Tainesi at MW0. Wien unheela et Ibiui deaign «were la ulse cycl¶tg trips cou- aisesi cf short.rides, unhlcis uere ouf- flclen4te exhaust the onlhusaam cf il, most ardent rider. F'ait Shitpe Thse Immense powner tequiresi ta pro.. pet a vessel unhea a speedshorbae twenty mSI7 a tecisaical Jouarnal, by feu' peo- pl.. Take, for instance, tise Britias torpeda, boat chssr, wbicb are mer. raclng machines, even tram a naval point ef vlew, Tbe mont perfect gpeci- mena eft tiis claie, whIleis bave ttta3u- et! thirty kutota' epeesi, carry aixty tons ef coal, 'wbich là full oa-quarter of Ibeir ctire eagdlng dlspiacemeai, They burnt tre, ansi one-hait toua or oah par heur. To ataI thlis.thuje kni!t@ ever twenty-aevea, wicS l9 tise igist apeet!ofe rdînar>' lomisdo boats% it waa Decemsr>' ta Increame tise fuel expeadi- ture fu>' 5 per cent. **HoUe, SaPPY, unhere have yen beena7' ",rve tison te tise gymaeîm, exerela- ftut, oldcisap." "YOuen erls<>gy 'Tes; wateblpg tise reat. Exeresijng ïDY syi la't -YeOUhew."PUtdu triotde senora was given ber commission> au a colonel by General Goinez becase the organized and equlpped the troops whlch *ho commande. Her huaband han known for many years the differ- ence of opinion that existe betweenb them, but this knowledge has neyer dlaturbed thelr lorlng relatlons. The Pilotro estate le ane of the richeïlt and mont pleagant la Cuba, and la famed aIl over the Island for litsminera) sprints. The' plae ban rnany mysterl- oui caves la wbicb the patriote secret- ed tier ammunltlon and arme. before, the revoit was declired. Senor Pla. tro lins yet had no engagement on the' fleld, but has managed te keep the dis- trictte 0wblch ghe la asslgued cicar oE Spanlsb oidiers. 0F THE VINTAGE 0F '511 The Firet Pedal Action Bicycle Ev(ur Built. A woodpn bicycle allcged ta bave, beon buit In 18 and te be the tiret Dedai action machine constructed la on exhibition ln the wludow of a bicycli bonne la New York. The wbeei bas anany novel teature,, despite lie an- tlqulîY. lThe owzîor dlacovered it lu a amaîl town near utica, N. Y., and. ap- Preclatint Ils worth, purchased It- WhIle the wheel la qulte old and bas no doubt auffered smre roug uage. St le ln tend condition. Il welgbs 1«S pounda, nearly 8-1 pounfis heuverthanà the average bicycle ln use to-day. Ail Ingenlous snd curious part la the trame. whlcb la a plece ot Iron curved ta fit the wbeel. Tie ateering gear, wbile' nul elaborate ln eltiser finsh or design. la very atrong. A large Iron coaster le attacbed te the forks above tke.front wbeeL Thse saddie la a large sitair, lhe- lng of lieavy wood, elghteen lnchegb long and twelve lochies wide, and la ad- Jnstable, au are aiso the pedals. The diauseter of thse front whj(eIlale3a

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