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Lake County Independent, 26 Jun 1896, p. 3

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St', CHAPTER XV. Il wsn truc enough tiat Guffauta dît @au a couiterabie tîme lu the Rotai Lepante, 5uWuria-teandialvaym 'tilaj~,a.P'.Wbetber aeted lu lhe ':Oaridçï'orblu bis ova erooni upetaîre. But, lthouglh led fDot aloweètchlaýt- «i ta: one word toansu:of lie otior ien th le subject. sud emliiispoeb 'certai W'of ere long findlîng the mu 009-1 b. - u.force t tasclnowledge tbati fer the 4wosý le wa. lam.d& Andttm.sa . bdI aceawledtaîtble, i.e wouki aisefron ishiechuirrdatretch 'eut i long arme, aud laugh: grImi: 10 "But oly for a lime, Migniel," ho voulti e«y, "euly for a lime. Ho vili corne ta 700 eti lait, lhe vilicorne te :ou as the bird cornes tb ho ucît. Wail, wait, WeillI You Mmeetmclhlm to-day, te- ciglit! You vilI surcîr trop hlm eIl issI" Meuwhie Lord Peulyn. vheu hie vas SefI alone, sutdviien lbe could disract hie thoughts trom tie desire of his lil!..tue Ondlng o! thc man w4o had ein Walter Vantail. won very uuhappy. Thase tbonghîs wouid thon tarabo the gIrl lieiedbatloveti dcepiy, ta th. girl vhom le lsd cent off because she bat venturcd ta let lhe Ides corne lto honr mmd that Il vas hoe vbo migbt have doue the te.d. He led cent lber off lu a moment vien therehliedcome imobi heurt a revulaiou qet'feeling toward hon, a feeling of horror tIat the, et ail othens in the oron. couit ter oue moment henbor such an idea egsinst hlm, Yet,.lho admitted to himself, thore vere groands upon whicb oven the mot loviug 'et women mîgttlh. excuseti for iialug lsad sudb thougits. le libad miled berat finst. hoe hai kopt bcl tiietruti trom lber, lho bid given ben rossons for uspico-oven agaibnsl ibm, hen lover. And now tht-y vere partelieh d re- uounoed lier, anti y.-tliho kuew t lieh loved hber ni% tonlly as en-r: tbe was the 0one vomalulsthe- n,,nd 1 lma. Noui, tIc: ever couse tgeher'nagain? Won It iogil. tin-t if ho. ubo haed tolit!ber titat ni-i n nore ibu hia vont iroult iehosjieak 1tohir tof love, shoniti go bock sgnn sitl knà4l t ber foot sud pietti for iardun. it mouiti bw granledt l hlm? If lho coulthiirk tliatIif i coutnititio tuat wht-ttoihie bsbrother a s fenged le migit aioilaisud h. no fongiven, tIen litecould] lob,-courage anti look for- ward litot-fti!y lu tie future. But aitlpressent tht-y acre streugens, tiey vere ns muc partt-d as tbomtgh they liad ul'ven met; and ho wan utteni: unhappr. When Gluffanla hati declareti himseif, Il ha4 IýKon lu in mmnd 10write andi tel honailth tàà htinewlr learneti; but lho couit oui bring bimmL'if lu uite un ordb- maîiyletton 10 ber. èIl might b h t. notvlrnelanding the deep interest mie oklinhbms uhappy irothenis fate, the woid refuse 10 0open uy letton lu hie hantlwriting. anl would regard h aaimont ai au insl. Yet lho wanted to let lhen buow viiel lsdt nov trnnsîined, aud lho et let de- iedt vat 10 do. lie anked S8tuant ta direct an ouvelope fan hlm to bhon.and ho put a slip o! paper tuit. ilon wbih lehwrole: "Corot bas dbseîomed hlmauelf, asd ieho undoabtely ilenul lite murderer. Ho, however, bai nmre itrange lmoviedge of tbe actual man in ie possession wbich i wi l oreveai, but sas m Iatlihola cen- tain, ah lait, ta hnlng hlm ta justice." That was al, ant bie put no Initiale te it, but lh. lhonghl 1ha1 h lnowledge imight li eiecome to ber. He.bas! not expecled sny ewo b ii Set,1r nsole, sud f nom Ida Donc came, but a dey r anIo fler hie alsent itlie reelvcd a viit from Sir Paul Raughton. Tii. baroun eti corne up to town es- p.cbalIy lu see him, sud haviug iearned from tue fociman ibat Lord Peuiru vat nt home. hie hade the mnushow hlm tb bis master, and folowet hnm aI once. As Penlyn rose to greet hlm, b.e uollec that Sr PauI'm uumnli: goot-nature face bore a ver serions expression, aud ie lnew aI once tiat the Interview tho; were sbount to have would h.e an Impor- tant one. "I have corne up to Loudon expresely ta sec you, Lord Pelrn." Sir Piul said, ahallng bande vith hlm, coldi:, "becajis I viii to have o thonougi explanatlou of the manner u vhich rom cee fit to cou- duel rourself towarti my dsnghten. No," ho.said, putting up i baud, as hie sot tbat PkuI:yn wsn about t0 lterrupt hlm, lear me for une moment I mal as v.l tell rau et once blal Ide, that nir daugh ter, has toit me evenything lIaI :ou have eofiedto10ber vitI regard ta rour rH Iatlouship b 1Mr. Cundl-wich, 1 think, tt vas rour tut: aise 10 have toit me- ant ah. bas aima toidmte eparticulara 'et your lait Interview vith ber." -1 perted witu ber lu auger," the other soumwored, Iccaune there eemet b bave eama lato ber mmnd nseaIdea that I- thal 1 nilghl have siluni: brother." "And for tha, for a momentary sus. picion en ber part, a suspicion that would ecarcel lave entret ber lhetbat hi mDd uol been In the state Itlà l, 700 bat ceea fil tu ataber off, antotacance your engagemeti" *ltva. aI, Sir Pool, who hade mn speal ne more of love tlelber," l'enly saii, 'lobe wba tld me tlat, 'until1 badtfoufid the. murterer of MY brother,1 i9ras ta le De more 10 ber." "Audt&le.dit weli tu tell rounos," S8 Paul sait; "for te wlam but le yau, bi brother andtihibar, sIbalthe ail fi] 4ft avengiug hie cruel mua-ten?" *Thal, I toIt ber, I hat mworn 10 du ,and yet sbe suspectet me. Anti. Si Paul. heoven kbave 1 dit fot mean., words of anger that I spoke; 1 love ht *.A.y repentet of theu eter silce. If IB delilous fram bmain fener. ont on lier lips ama but Ive natureswhicl tbc repeale Iueessantly, youa- evisa our og- rothlar." The youag man. leausei farvard on tIc table and boried l* l.d lu lis bondi, as he sit: "Pour Idal poor Itol Wlg elouldt Iis trouble aise corme ta leu? At wl: neet 1 have stdedte taleur unhappluese by my cruelli ?"1 Tbf ie olket op sud lItotaSir Paul: "*Wbeu ill sIc h. vweili oogl bfer mr lu go ta ber and pleat for pardon? WIil it ho icon, do leu thinl?" "I do nutl boy," thle tler answered asill. "But If, vlen lhe delirium lan Ië!I ber, 1Ion eaullber tImI lira love le, sitU and regret loir words, lb nial go tar t4wsrdsh.er reeoiery." "TéU ber that," Penlyn alt, "anut lia my lave le as deep andt lauc ai ever, snd that, at the tral mmenat sIc la lnuàafit condition teoiear it. I will, mysif, camte aut tell ber se vith my owu lips. And aise telierh,-thrât, neyer egain, viii I by word on dort cause ber one momnel' Pain." "I amn glati te boeleru posl 111e hie,5 Sir Paul sait, "iadtela Ondt tat I bad nul aliowed my tariiug te give benml 1e a man who woulit eest lier off h.- catuse @lie, for une moment, hanhoret an unworthy uspicon o! hlm.", "This unhappy mlsundestadiîg bas heeu lhe anc hiot upen unr love," Penîra sait: "If I eau help l, thon. shalnever b. eolier." As be spoke those yards, Sir Paul put hlm bundkindly un hie mlouter, anti Peu- lyu knew liaI, lu im, le hat one wbo woulti feîthfuiiy carry his message of love te bbc voman vho vas the hope of hie lite. "And uow," Sir Paul tnid, "I voul you te give me fulli partieulara o! ever7tbiuj liaI bai occunred siluce thal miserable nigil. 1 vaut tlu 1,0w everthingfuhiyý and from lero, lips. What Ida bas been aile teatellme baî heen iadly lucoberent.' Thon, once mre-ass lie d lbat now au often ta go onen the ati hlston te tA.hers, wili but liblle information atided te esch recitel-ILord Penlyn tl ir Plaul enerthlng tint le lnev, aud of 1he straugo manner in wbieh the tenon Gui- tants ati dcore n mbttimarier, as vel sa h* apparent cerinty ot fiuding h. mur- derer. "*You do uel think il is a boIt rusete throw off uspicion frenm imself?" Sir Pool aabed. *'A deing man, mcii as ho @coins te bc, might adopl sncb a plan." '*No," the other auswercd, "I do nut Tient is semething shout the man, strang- on, as ho l, tint net unly moires me foil certain thathle i perfectly trutiful in whut lie s, sud that lhe realîr ducs pou- st-ss morne itreuge knowledge o! the as- sassin that wili ensile hlm ta Sund tiit mon ai lest, but aiso males tie otherz fi-el oqual2 certain." "'Theya b elieve in himu o sy?"S:r Paul sabot thaugtfully. "Ail! That in, ail but Pbilip Smordot, vilalie eonly one vIa basnt secn him. And I amn sure liat, If lie toc 50v bibm eut heard hlm, he voolit hlieve." "Phulip Smerdon la a tiioroug man ei tie vontd," SirPanlI nid. "I ibouitilx bcluneitetagir. veigh lu bils judgmeat.' "I amn ure taliahe ls rong lu tii case, anut1h01 wehe sc oes Guffonta bd wl ackledge biseiftelube se. N( une wbo bas aeeu hlm eau toubt bis earn eltnes." "Whst eau ho tue mystery couceruir Tour ganden? A rnytery liat la a toubl one, hecaose it bhnugm7leur bomie. of!as 0bouses Lu Lonon, lto cosuection vitl the murier oa!theie ry mnuwho. t tii moment, vai the actual owner o! it aThal la inexplicable! "I .tL%," Penlyn sait, "Inexplicable t -eveny one. But lie Seoor tell us th& w-e vîoe know what hoe buows, anti whe he bas rought tue mordorer lu bey,w d $aall sce laI il in no myslery at aIL" 0 CHAPTER XVI. Aitbougii thc Senor Gaffants hmd ni d unret, lu answete la mn: questlons pu ,a ho him, beco able ta n:y poiively tua ýeh. vas on the immetilte 1,-sel of th n murterer of Walter unudail, be saUU cet -tinuedteluinspir, eulnfdeoce lu thoeeb whom lie vas urrunte; and il laed nom Ycorme 10 h. qut.. acceptet samongst 1,whom be met st Occieve House. tat,a le thougl le vas working darkiy and m:l )f teriously, ho vas lunsanie vay iiaril th ti, bjedt ho bailunview. It mel have heen i Intense self-ci r fidece., the eutward apperauèe of wvi a. lh. neyer alioedetta tail, lIatIimpres .41 tuem tlIns, or the steru lok with ii h- he accompanict nul wvante beeveru re 10,-ciiLu conneclion viti tue assassin;c e- Il may have been lie maso,,-liebal k. uialing luquinles of ail description@s - every ane ho hbail koovuanythingi ru tue deat nman., bt led -tueni ta beli inuhbu; but hlêt lier dii belleve ln hi r tuera uni ne toubt. ce Iu tue time.iehl at hie dispostaim - transacbng any affaira ie mîgit lave manage for tue mcachant vio ldad e- poitet hi ie agent lu London, lhe w Id contliually passing tramr one spot tea ta- other, eoeethnc. pendiug iheurs at M r. Cqs#ýàfabaae lu Ga-avenor place, ai -el 19Ulw . ha perld of lime each de aI ii,' HAg". lt te nu ane tilt e eve #0 qf»wort Indicative or iller s 'cees iotixe n rlth- An&, *bmi.le vasalnluete I lese.plages, bis prooedngs weze of nature that, lad tucy bees vîtoemmet. ;1- any one, vouît lave eausethem te wo l& dem *bat it vas thatlh. wa. seiMag .à ILII He woui<Islnd: atteutey ev«U baire lIaI was a portrait, vIeller -pai 1, ing or cngmning, ont for piiotcgrapl Mrn huarn, 0f hich tuer. eeea number lie hotu bonesalb.seemne tethave an unt t- las cumlesiby. la, H. eulI ut ol m over, ant a wu ime ser.' lavimg ay Idarme-a.te whe*ê urder as tIsa he ad been the utoraing «ter the deed laà beea cout. mIttod, and as day atter daY vent by, ho hegan to doubt whether Guffauta was ouy nesrer findlng the man who wau wanted thon lh. vas. "But if h.e doesn't do something pretty 4tick," h. nild te one of the. mou wli w» guppoesd to h. .mployed under hi- ln lnvestigatingtii.e case, "I $hall Put a pol. lu i wheel." "ýWhy, what will you do, Mfr. Dobson?" iii. uuing aoked. "I ileil lunt go up te tii. RomeOffie, ad when they sI me, ai tlerdo regu- lariy, if I have gt anYthlng te report in econection wlth tii. Cundal eae, I aat 1tell thema that the Senar profes« ees anow a good demI that h.e woa't divulge, sud sel thenite hbave hlm up betomeieni, sud imjl.ehim ton what h. doee know." "And suppose h. won't tehi, Mr. Dob- 1sou. What t*ien7" *"Why, he'll b. made e toit11 thatle aIL 1It isnt riglit, sud it tuint gor.tlutti if ho s knows aaything and mal't Sud tii. mou r blmseiflie .bouid beallered tOe leP Il > a secret and prevent me frein earuingt th. reward. _I'11 bet I'd »OonSud the. mon If t 1 had is Iiinformation-tiiot la, If bls 1really got sur." t;" Iool t trike you, Mfr. Doheon," the. Rother aeit, "that lIer. la nmre mystery lu connection with Occleve House that h knows of? What with his having the g&rdea lueled Up, sud his always bein£ about there!'" "'It di ouce, but 1 have thonght it over, 1and I csn't e how thoehouse mun be con- Snected witb It Yeu se", on tht ight it o hsppeiied there vanfo one ln the bouse abut the. footmen and the women servants. Hi& lordship sud lbe valet had gone off te a stay aI the hotel, and 1Mr. Smerdon had a gone down lav the morniug to th. countrY rseat, no what couid the murderer have hadteb do witii liat particolar bouse? And it aint the honte the Senor seee t think se mueh sbot-it'a the. gardeu." 0 "1 can't mare that garden business ont at ail," the, other said; '"what on earth hamtii. garde., got te doswith lîr *"ntas juil what h.e wou't saY. But uyou masrk my words, I aln't goingta stand it muchiison. ,and h.'ll have te "Y5*. If lie don't tell prettyson ha li, knows, I *hall get tbeflome Office ta nma"e hlm." Il Iiennwhile the, Senor, who had bewii- wdered Lo)rd Penlyn and Mfr. Stuart by the o connection wbich lhe seemeit to teed cer a tain existeti hetween the, garden of Oc- i cieve Houseandsthtei murder lu the Park, en exeted their curlositY still more when i r.autdenly annoned one evening thet i La was ging down, with hi& lordship's per- r-mission, te psy a riait to Ocleve Chase. "Certalul:," Penlyn replieti; "Yeu have jemy full permission; 1 shail ho glad if Yot ir wili slwaseavaili ourseif of anything ýe that !a mine. But, Senor Guffanta, Yeu conuect my boules strangely with this Lsearch 700 are rnîking-firat it was thit one, and now it la Occleve (Dase-o Yen el ot tiiink you hould conBide a 1111e more in inme?' a- 1'1 canuot eontldc lu You Yet, Lord Pen- a- lyn. And, frankiy, I do flot kuow that1 t bave muel to confide. Nor am I counect- ., iug Occieve Chase with t.he munder. But I bave a wieh te see that bouse. 1 au ir fond of oid bouses, and it was Waiter's propertY onc% thougbhoie crer possessed u IL. I migiit draw inspiration fromn a risit M to It" w For lhe finit Urne @Ince lh. hat lnnwi the Senor, Lord Poniru doubted if h.e wu of speaking franlirto hlm. bc I wa umoiess e fr Guffanta te pretend that lhevass mot now conuectiug Occeve li haae iu his.owu mnd with the murder, leas lhe bat crtani: cOunectedthe i. a çodiuseti garden prer busy-bat whom did l-ie suspect? For one moment the Ide& fiasbed g through hie mind that perbapa. siter &IL le lie stili suspecteit hlm: but acother in ilI stantm hthougt mrve e to h a 1 iii ides. lie Whatever thie dark, mysterlous mas t? migiit h. working Out in bis owu brai, at lelot it could net ho that. te Had ihe flot said that, by nmre strange tat chance, lh. bad once elood face te face eu with the assassin? we Haling done no, there could h. ac tuought lu hie mmnd that lie, Penlyn, wai tiat assasasin. But, if It was net hlm wbom lie smu >ut "«Well," h.e sait, "you muet tale youi lat own way, Sgnor Guffe.nta, aud I eau onui bh hope it may Land you arighl. Oui:, If yct i0- wonld confide more lu me, I should ix ity glad." >W -I tell you that at present I cannot d( ail go. Lator on, perhaps, 700 wifl under aI- stand mny reasen for ience. Meanwhule Ys- bc ure that betfore long thia mon wil k Lng lu my power" (To h. continuet.) Oc hance forthb. Sugfar Trin. me. Tii.lait number of the Kew Bulleti ch ut- contaais nmre partîculars of o very ia or teresting problem whlcb nome year of ago was aubmltted by the. treaeury t ef the Kew aut]&orities. of The question vas, Dome noturai suga ve lcu ntobacco? And lu the. iuvestige lm tion of this oit om tarthIng fc htr ave heen brought te lght. The Ireai te ury authoritie were, of cours.e chel ap- interetet from a fiscal peint of viem ras the duty on to4a- co ther tion.cIga: an- becbg 4 shillings 6 pence, exeept lu th Mfr. c o f Ioweetened" tobacce, wibl1 md charged t a 4 shillings 10 pence, hi Scigarettes made of the, eweetens oart ,.ce are net llowed te b. eImported à aIL Berore Iis investigatlon l v kepr ee aeegates aauguung and ceeffl for à quarter of au hour sud theu le hhonght he would test tic convention en the preidetiai question. He said sorne- tbing about "tunev4r Dick" Blond, and a delegation front Egypt cheered with on- ergy. But when NMr. Clarke'spolie of that grand eldi man. 'Boies o of va a en- oral cht-or weîît up andti i. Clarke knew thaI hie mau waâ nul rite darling of the. MIS RENOMINATION- EFFECTED BV ACCLAMATION. Plstformu Demande Prao. Coinage of Blver-Nationnt Dleaten Pl.dzed ta Supsiert ijnip aStîve, lan-'Oov- trament by lIjunctlcm Denousced The Ticket. For Govérnor ............ John P'. Alîgeit For Lieutensnt (tavernor, ............ ............. arifle ct. Crawford For Serretany of tate. lu iis E. Downing For Treseurer........... Edwani C. Pae For Atorney tGeneraI ... Oeoe A. Trude For Audltor ................,. P. Beck For Cnlîeraity Trustees-Jula HBolmes 8umth. N. W. Giraham, Richard P'. Morgan. For National Couuuittsemu..... .........MWOR@ (Isian Deigmee-t.arg--Joh P. Atgeid. W., a. iUtnlebeeu. George W. îia.Usle P. meConcil. Aternato-iarter H. gardnt,i John C. Dannsel. P. D. INeeL Wiiam W. Tsee lu juil 5iv, boursensd tw*ê ipflaps of worllog Urne the Demnocratic. State. con- vention t Peolla nomtiated,. a ful ltote ticket, adopted a free sîlver plÏttormu. eleeot forty.eWgne free silver delegalos, tied them ta thé e" ~ eal br teii.nt mile, litened, te moih prasea of rs- fer sud dbd alte le Jspe.mi dental 1 liat.e mtie.Tkerswere ne ot hallnsd(@wpolotte. Ail the numn- TIIE TABERXACLE,ý WIIERE TEE CONVENTION WAS BELO. limes titiho iepenti vihithe detegteta1 release lbi, andl tine limes didthter abiout'*No." Thon ho sat dowm end sileti sas h.-heand tic mlgity about liai nom- Inated him anti saw the resohulions go Ibrougi tiec onvntnioin vitiont lIc chauge ot a word. Il vas otan 1:3( uen W. H. Hinrici- sen, ciairnien o! tie StIte Central Con- sailIce, culiedth lie luse teoroden. Ho Oirsi cahot oupon 1ev, .In. licVetY ta lu- voit. the blossingauof(loti. Wheu the pratyer was cudedtheti audience appisutiet loudi:. Tic clergyman praye t laI lie Almlghly migil restore tie country te prasxncnly, endt laIticheniasses o! lie people mîgit h. relit-el f rom oppresslou and wrong. Ticodore Nelson, of lie Stete Central Commitie. tien rend the'excii. Wien ho bad finialete C lairmn an n- nooned the tenîporary organisation, wilh A. H. Bell as lenîlorary ciairtusu.. Mn. Bell lu hua@aspeech prttised Altgelti and fa-ce silver anti cautie thnsiasm h4' brlngiug ont tic naniemor (f oies anti Blotnd in sbarp compeiin. NN'hen h. oaked who the nea'Mlises 8rioîl' ho Who vout reieaao the counntry from itis prosent butuatriai depression lie aiherents of both hurst imb contticting cries o! "Boies,"" *Bitd." Agnra thlitSpeaker naisedthte convention mbnt inging cries et entianm vien, in disrttsslntgtle monetnny question, tic shiolettt 13 tu 1 vas mentioneti. Tie cottventito cireret loudly wben lie uame o! Seitator Toiler vas mentioneti. At lbe conclusion o! lie teniporar chairma'smeech reports froni districts 0-cre recoiclv d lie convention took a recels outil 3 o'cIock. The session afier rocosa waq cIledteb arder promptîr, andtihie contuitîea ou credentiala, nraies anti permiaunn organi- s41100 mate their reports la nîpiti succes- sion. A ahout vent up vien lie commit- tee ou permanaent organization rcitorted that il hati selecleti Charles A. I.adti. o! Heny Counîr. as permanent ciairniat and Robert 1. Hunit, ot Macotnpiî County, as permnlent accretan:. Cla0ere fos' Altgeîd. Whou Chairman Lotitî inîrodîmetl Judgse. P. Stubb, of Iova, the- Boies nmen ln thc conveution matie a noise atheti land men frovuet. Gov. Alîgeiti ca nie in andi steppeti forwardte10speak as'soon a. Jutge 'Btub tislet, andtihe deie- gâbas roaee ta thc occasion ast gave hlmt tw*4cosne. Gov. AlîgeIt vas In lime tua- san.o« hie fomily. He vas aI bonne ant tkncw Il. Hie audieee vms bu srnpti'Y withb iimondthticready response tbIb ilaî tuat hi»e vomy point vai undenalood atmd apprecialet. The hall vas crovtioti i-hn h. began talltlog ontdIte e bal fin- led lIte preneurs crovdodtihle isiti. -Wiien lie Givernor saidtual bils heaitti and private business voulti net permti r ilm ta accept a nomination for re-oloctior o a decidedly rîgorous mut vociferoma '.No" f oop>ed i hm for a minute, andthtic on- ernor vas tait again tbat le vouit nul hi yen-iledtotaretnsa lh.crowu. A third lime ho pleateend t hurdtlime lthe 0. satlolpati "Nao" irent up antivas cluci ed by &-seitarr ont enîphatlc -"Nil".' T» (lbvemnar apparontîr toI 111e as con- 0 -,ctWve evîtence tuat he wouit have tc 0 ra vetuer oano nauth. latlthe maller ýt cul p.tlerýe. . Tbt- repart et the commilîe an doit, tut um e. ' 1 C ianr instructeti taoe every moans ilu heir power in en -effort lu incorporate lu tii plalfanms usipted t alle national convent- tion the,*naus o! tIc Illinois Plstfonin that epply la' national questbous. A luand ceer grelt etheree ailier plank and evcry decînralion o! princlptes. Wben Mfr. Fithian finiaboti a motion vas mate to aiopt il, but un obstreperous dol- egete objoctei ta lie unit ratie anti vanted cach section voteti on mparateir. Thit motion vaas pnonptty laitd on tic table, ont tien ex-Congrouannan Williams mati a mlnonîty report. Hoe @ithlat a tiffer- once o! opinion md uioen in tho commit- tee on esuions aven tiie nuit nîle. Ht sait if lie conveutionavas viliIng hi name a man for lhe Illinois deiegation tc vole for lut Chica go ho vouiti m;vallow thE unuit noie, but if tieeticiegalion a-as lu gc uninsta-ueled lie Ihongitt the prioge o1 inlividual action sioniti h niioweti. HE vas ruloti oui o! order: tii-n tine platfonar vii atopled woith n yeii. Jutige Monroe C. Crnvfond vas nom- inated for LieuTennt Govoruor b: accla- mation, andt tet Finis E. Downing trom bie Sixteenth District, anti A. L. Herford were oomtnnted for Socrelary o! State. The rol o!countles vas calieti duriug greal confusion. Tic Chairman au- BOUR POLITICÂT LOG-fOI.LINO. n=ne~thut Downing rd@eeived jSO votes tmdRrord 480, aud the nomination of Downing wa a mde uuanimoua. W. F. Beclé of Rlchmoud CountY, wa& unanl- mougly nominated by acclamation for Anditer. Col. Edward C. Pace, of Waah- ingtou County, wa nornjnated for Statu Treasurt y a standing vote and b: acclama"io. George A. Trude, of Chii- cago, and Timothy J. Scofield, of Adam@ Couutyj wcro nnmed for Attorney Geit. eral. The. vote reaulted: Trude, M;0 Seofld, 243. Trude'e nomination wu* made unaaianoua. While *ai teliera wore addiug Up the votea W.* H. Hlinrichaen moved that the. national delegatea bc inatructed to vote for Thoma Gahan for national commit. tooman.* The nomination of Trustees for the State University wum talon up, and Dr. Jua Holmos Smith, Richard P. Mlorgan and M. W. Graham. the Demo- cratie Truatees wheee termes are about to eipire, îrere nominated by acclama- lion. - yellow osp and whltlng mlXed les paste » v atea Wtil itog sgRtc -Thongbte Wortki' et C tien-Baf ait a uor'de t Sclturs-Tie Wall Spouti, Les.., forunae 21 Leeson1. Warning Aeut1 13-.22M. lIet80ry Verses. S Golden Tait: "Sti4k. te enterk stralght gate." Lule 13: 24. It wrs sin. our mis, that hu.g on th. tree. Tuam fromi eviL. Et hy the blood. Lesson 2. Tii, larable oftls supper. Lule 14-.15-24. Memery 21-23. Golden Text. "Ceme, for al uow reaty." Lule 14: 17. We o»w aur appreclatien 9> àit ii. agernees wi. reséri tutthe crosundthtii.thing Lesson '3. Tii. Lotit Foun.,. 11-24: Mewmr-V.eni. 18-20. Golden Tett *"Lllewise I soy there la joy la lhe premenoe 0of l of Goti over one. sinner that Luka 15: 10. Iu tiie cross we eeeGode attltu woard a sinful race. the Fahiier eadMpf ta meet tiie prodigal on the. way. Leasen 4. The RiciMauin d Lule 14« IU-31. Mexnory Versa.; Golden Toit. "Ye cannot serve aut mammon." LukelO: 13. From the. cross we get a glimpse«e resi values of lit, sud the thiagu wiiicii are worth lhe seeeliuq. Lesson 5. Faith. Luke 17: 5-19. ory Verses. 17-19. Golden 1toît. "Lord, Ineresseqf faith." L,,ke 17: 5. Faith lu île simplest aunlymis le tle.* knowletgnient of wiiat Christ JUs i for nu b rhy ut f. and denth. Lesson G& lieu ou Prayer. 18: 9-17. ?deuia Verses. 15-17. Golden, Tezt. "TIhe publcan, sa' sfar off, voult net lîfitUp gose moeA eyes unoe eaven, but emote up.pq broet, sartag, Got h. mercifel té lnuner." Lule 18: 13. At the foot ofthelemcrosand wbesq-ý mou approved Got,fit-le minucrs titm acepted.-4 Lesan 7. l'arable of the Pows Luke 19. 11-27. Memory Verses. Golden Text. "He that la falti 6 tint whiel la lenst la faithfulob mach; aud he that le unjuat lu the le6f unjuat also ln u ci." Lule 16.- 1& b Aftor the purchase prîce of cal"~ who cao dlaim anythlog for bis ovaU, are but stewards of lie riches et lia s. Lesson 8. JeasaTeachiniugutle pie. Lobe 20: 9-19. Memory VI.s Golden Toit. "The atone wheb. buders rejected, lie mamne le heco.j hoad oft h corner." Lobe 20: 17. The. lifting up a! Jeans on the eous Calvary, though nicant by many tf« honor, by God'a grace became EIUI higiiost exaltation. Thoreby was h. Prince nnd Sarlour. Losson 9. The Destruction et JerUl lem Fonetolti. Lule 21: 20-36. Ileuc Verses. 34-36. Golden Toit. "Heeven and eartIi paso away, but myr words shall moti ra way." LuI. 21: 33.1 e At lhe croisstic wortm ared ver: lsqO 'Fi efrorn the wratl ta, came." L essn 1 0). W aruI ng t o t he, e a~ p Luke 22: 24-37. Memoty Verse. i' r Golden Teit. "Let tue is Miblu àIN 1-whici was aise lu Christ Jesue." F a2: 5. Itlai.tle cross that evereomea ti woniti. By this sigu eouQuer. Th*e uS a abull tubenit. Loason Il. Jeune Crueifled. Luae e33-41. Memery Verses. 44-4&. Golden Text. "Christ diet fer si -mines acording othle teriPtures" 1 a15: 3. The cross sauds at the ceuter sa",I its arma aloft, pointe baekwart &MO' le ward toward propheey and mb to sait*î a0 Lmsson 12. The Risen Lord. ue 86-53. Mcmory Verses. 45-48. e Golden Text. "The Lord la risen 'a deed." Lule 24; 34. le Noît Lesson-"David, King of Jud -2 Sam. 2: 1-11. ."Belevé Aie.la." There l9 nu joîurney outlirc but bu cloînty days; andi thora are soti ln vIlci aur eyes are se bliinhé tean lihaI vofinlot ihba-il th 5 way, or eren rend GoSe P-M> Those daya 1h01 have o bright »eiý folînoed by uttien lImiter clff haressof unlooled-far aorrowik ap one tint test certain or aur.,i the Moet seveliely. t e l eiw et ibual eyesight uery claoey n-u tic lawof a!physical optlcs. l sutidenly corne ouI of thc dej int o room cren îmodeaately dM ed, e weaondlacemo nobinag; hi pupil or unr eye grsdually eukas' til unseen abjects becomne vitbteà s0e cphipil of lie cys eC-fsM the bleuet feculty of anlI'glug Il hours of bereavement, se tbtu, caver lIaI our loving Faxtuefe b. holding the cup ut trial, db4i by tie ctop beceme lu> 1 glory. The. tourteenth chapt* neyer roa ii sncb uiuulq U ions as vIeS vwe catch Ilsse ee omid the pauec s o ttn4 "Let nt ot rn-beorts b.bus believe ln Got, bellevc e . u, wili not leave you comfol'Jcd Cuyler. Ercry ott.Inpt te niA'O*04h cvery in left behind. eva.'y fqiI trampleti under font, er% ý @ yard In the cauuecof vlat le step nener te betiven. A 8.t ielinge "Long dit 1 to'J. asti lr noee Fanrtiti 1 a-ve ont feunt u AI 1aiI seigîl 11em lu lieami breait Who ope e lsar-msantide camne, Wlt b blm I fount a louq, o AndI isnce thenam.UI9"I -Lyte. -slaluo et eggm t J coixrzazzet WtTil "BUVCC"mmtcnsgy. llinais Democrals. He named eue frnec silîrr Democrat a! ter anulier, but Boies roceivedthtic urgeaI ehecri. Delegate Perrin, ut St. Clair County. mateas ilveir speech froni tiC conter o! hie delegatlon. anti wien he set dowu lb. ChiraInu saidt tut as lie commitîce ou nesolollons wîassîll ont it vas lu onten le proeeed tu nominations o!tnte efflera. A nesointion le ibis effeet vas atioptet i wth a noar ot approbation anti Jutige Wlillam I'rpnt!àa, of Evnstoo, placet John P. Aitgeld in nomination for (jorernor. As sonnas Jutige Prenls iastidb tie ordi ubhiciplncet Gor. Algeit in nomination, n dttaen men gprung lu the lops o! chairs atîd mon-et liaI lie nomination ho matie iy acclama- tion sud s nising vole and ti l as doue. Tic rda santi ebeerarountinueti for s tew minutes andti len Ge-orge Flîhian rend the r-porI tlite commbttee on resolutions. Pialform Oiutlined. Tic pla tfoni fan-ors 1h. frot carnage of ail-or ah a ratio oft 10 10 1 "ubihaut watt- ing for an: cther nation on eartu." It -couderones a"govorumet by in'nudtifti" audth le "inter! ence of the FeOa lv erincu" lu mattens appertaiulug ta lie state vithout tic appron-al of lhe Govrnor. Boodlng la lie Logis- laînre wnm ciabonstely etout vti. The plalfonni outiuesm mny reforma whicb il urges lie Legualalnrc to deal viti. Ih deinounces the llag iav and enili for ils repeai, ani decînres in favor o! an incone itas. Every planb suitedthle delegaces. Tbe national delpgatesl were lnstrncted te vote torno candidate for the procidon- tial nomination who le not bnown te ho in heanty second vîti the ictter andi spirit GOV. JOHN r. ALrOKLD. ations were made by aclamation, OnlY two roll calis being taken. The convention was aàIvely one. The Democrata were ln bigh feather and en. tered the hall witb the detrmnation of enjoylng thornaelves ea much un possible. 00ov. Altgeld made hia speeeh before hc had been nominated. and asked the con- vention flot to nominale hlm. Threo ýý. 1

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