Fo Cirouit Clork. -annouace mysel! sn Con. th.ofiice of circuit lenk, tO tho decision of the Lake Lzwis 0. BiaocEwAT. on the Elgin Board of Trade 22.-Offerings and ales 4,IusUay largo and bidding vas Wfeé Ofeings vere 125,0140) bs. W 108 0o!3,834 Ibs ai 14c; 7,380 ib8. U00; 9,190 lbo. ai l5c. Last *eekaB voie l4J@15c; last y,', *-PORTANT DECISION *0Uted Titi. to Morse Estate 1 Establsh.d. Inde Grosacup, tu Lb. United States ïýX renderod a decision in thse b"-r of Den H. Morse, et el, plain- 114 " Henry Morse, et ei, defondants, N,àalinthe position o! plaintif s, Ï.ube lindlng establishes their titie. n* 1ollowing extreet from the biJou rendered explains the corn- esilon over vhicli se niucb litiga- ili bas been the outcomie the lest me Yeu$.: É hol Morse the anstur ,f th cý om- re bters. Eaclc. about pao wus te s0r o! euarste tracts of land lin Lakte 'btyThe veeordseftho county ahow that $56. Âbel deeded bils tract o f tigty. or htl4v acres o ery and four tbe con- WMObon named o! $1000. About the saute nasertegevasexeautu'd by A1lel up- ruîursadnl * 0ofMeny fortlwsu'm eo! $500d.n The o!10f e ounty s1mw no deed froin A" tt A Mlof the tract thus rnortgaged. sikbeled. ore yart3su sequently ~4 I other, who theretofore lad 1aê baselormarr'led the- wiiow and thus i 100arantis te the muinor ehliren mmnsbeu , e ~one ~of th.>s> k1r». ubsquetly purh1s.-d the qteAthe other ciildren takiuug Quit om D s 1from tbecu,. TU .,t rsî,ntu Ï*ta 21.0 that tlbe consideration for ,.ytboes deed,, $poouu, and for the 10ffl 0, IthU e $1200w alsc, was îald 7% 4i by Bienjamin hirnacîf. iBd 'd ndl hie chiluren the' present iJltaterOUght suit toe establluh t1heir DUESLAKE. MoeGagesLake echool cbosed Fnl- jm. .The litibe folks are flot sorry. i.:D. Prat as just returned frons eîvaend, Ohio, vheve business called te Mme Omonalter epeniug several '4ka ai Mis. Brewers bamre-turned ct b ity. tMm. Frazier, of Grayslake, spent 'PW bVêeeks vith ber oid neiglibors, -~~.sud Mn. Shoot. lit 3feomb's family arc againdei fAq~lO4 for Lb. summer lu their lovely ~'0e ai Gages Lake. Th le Ladies Aid Soeiy CXI)(tt to ~A~apgrnd big tinue t Wrn. Wedge's -lit N. J). Prat will Conduu.t the ~ oservices, botb morniing and en-u tue <.ai the gospel tout. ..Mm. Spackman anti fauîily after a * sonth rosi ai ibe boutle of Stepliet>ýi 'v IruS. bave reiurueud to the City. Miss Catharine l'hails, ni Lake Forest, and lils eau, Steele, of lhtion, 11., are gucaits tf!%Ii$s Mary Porster Plaît. -Bring youm lunch next Sunday and %Mad Lb. day on the grond:i pream- 8Ifl service ibre times-at 10:30 a. m., ..%00and 7;301 P. M. Buses run-e to anti frorn al GraYslake trains, ilideed we are fastt ,8asuming the Proportions and appear- &"cofo a popular summnen nesort. The people anreettsing fnom the bot eosiiof the City to enjoy the fresis -air and beautiful ecenery. Cottages * filling UP, and botels are f ull to over- Prof. Bray, of Lake Forcst, js a gueat 0f Mr.and Mns..N. D. Prnatt. Tbe Prof. soon slis for Gernuany wbere hevilii a pond a yeam in study ini the Botanicai acehOols. On bis rettisin e auj enter * Chicgo University. A ropresenLative of the litinois Whenen Association bas made gomenta vwith Mn. Mallomy, the propriotor o! Forest Home, to Vide dinnen for tifiy wheclmnen wbo .'lino UP" for refreabnîenîs ut bis *,after a run frocu tbe city one o! 7"hýth epenance meeting on Satun- vWas quit. weli atiended. itese ero made by Mr. Shaw Y Ste Prohibition worker and . Mtn and Mn. Geo. C. lmer, o! "*aOn. The former ontiiiing Lthe noed o! votes and where to t helff and thse nespouîibiîity o! e 1voter vbo tmmi a dea! oar to the. no.d, white the latter put the - aibility for the existence of thse Voï tramc ou the voter. T~-he revival meetinîgs bold in tîto e t n he veat idje o! Gages atlcontinue. Thse atten&iaué.o 900od considenring thse babuy season. eattentive and ai)eciaiive gaLlons eeepreseut a. nm., p. n., evening lest Sunda. 1ev. .Bam"the bIood o! Jeans, and 10 àstimouy Meeting lu wblcb finsefr Jeans. At 3 p. m. oai, f UMbuirn, preacbod diJd sermon. Evangelist *~Udctedthe alter service. - -00 ogeuion asaembied en v.iOnilton again $ âhoword of the Spiri,- orfo!God, Ilu euwlî t ihat alunnera muat s~ ureiy bellevers j- & flce witb the M «poiniing men the , bsololat, Of 19s »M]aiding. The evening onor b efore -l"moon. tuda àB. Lrraaa. W.M. A. THoMPSON, Secy, SOROSISCkarr. D. Ordîts Eastern Ma.A. BAuoVm .YM.I MaS. E. Ir. Sa Emlà; Secy. IIAYSLÂKE Cpa No. 1541K. W. A. me '.airt ad bid sr"Ya evenings of each Quoaog RÂAPPL. V. C. GEEEBiooRs, Clovk. TiPAR . second Mand burt I yzIibseech ot mits. SHERMAÂN, Bec. ,.JÂvr rce ÇOINGBEGÂ&TIoNa.L hnrch Sunday Ber- vîcs 0:8 a e ~ m Prye ueet- ing odnsdaeyenngs-m.P. ru.0 E meet t3unday evenlgs ai 0:45 P. m. Mfr. Whtehead vent to Waukegan by vay of Ohicago last Monday. Wood Bros.' show viii eppoar ber. JulY 2nd. Little boys and girls, get ready. Dr. Shaffer made a flying visit to Muncie, Imd. leist veek to scecbis aged mother, vho la very il. Mir$. George Thayne bas been very lu1 the past ev veeks; but ai present wriing las omevhat Improved. lirs. Merub Forvor accompanied Mrs. Jqhn Morrill to Sumner, Iova, lasi Tuesday, io b. gone a month. Misses Cora and Carrne Austin are botb ont of tovn, the former in Chica- go and the latter in Oregon, 111. They expeci to lb. gone sevevai veeks. Mfr. Ed Rowland la worklng for ',Ir. Jessie Mead ai present, and Willis Me- Milan viii take hl$ place lualMr. Brand- stettom's saloon after July let. Mr. snd- M'r. Earl Meade have got nioely settled In one of the fliais of Mr. Strovs' building. Mr. Mead bas been engaed as dispenser of drugs in ýThomeo'sapharmacy. The heavy vain ihat feu lott Satur- dàiy vas vemy Llmely and did a great deal of good. The cvops in this vicin- Ity are looking fine, and the frmiers are looking forward to o big barvest. Mr. Austln*:has engaged the services of Mfr. James Shiarkles. a corupetent baker of Chicago, and 18 flow pre- pared to oell you auytning in the bakers lino, from a of of bread io a bride's cake. Persons vho have a cougbing spell ever-y ulgbt, on account of a tlckling sensation in Lhe ibroat, may overcome it ai once by a dose of tono Minute Cougb Cure. For sale by F. B. Loveli, Libertyville, G. C. Robons' Wauconda. lirs. Orlando Richardson vislted with bier sister, Mrs. Bavmus, tu Rocke- feller tant Sunday; afier a week's vieiL of M. Barrus iu Grayslako. Mrs. Richardson viii go to Dixon, lit., July 2 to visit lier parents. . 1fr. Beuben Miler, vile and laugh- ter, of Lake Bluff, ver. the guesis of Mfr. and Mn,. Whitehead several days lest week. Several other children and àýrs. M iller's sistor are visiting bere ihis week ai 1Mr. Whtebead'u and Mr. Wllion's. School closes Friday, June 26tb. Saturday-, June JW, the. Sabbath sehool and putiUc achool children vill have a9 pieute in Sussen's grove on the banks1 of Graysiake. Parents, take a day otff and accompany the Uitile ones. Itvill be recreation for you and please them. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. EROX WAIJEEGÂN REGIBTER. Johnson 8 Prali and w to Wm t) Flaherty h 10 1>k 4 J 8 Prala Fort theridan subd w d..................t 45o Sturne (osame Ih il bill4 J 8 Prals Fort Stheridan sa bd w d ................... iri> George A Wright and w tu 8 C Wiitsrd u t2hk 2SC Frank Wrigts aid t, w d . ... ... .... ... ... ... 125 Mary L McDonald t» David M Errkluw Jrliart te6,5.59 Mflonaldsdivision) of lia12 blk sa ighland Park w il1....15o Frank P Hawkins and w to Augusta W Wiseel,-r ie sttu 18 and 20 bilk15it lal landi Park wtt( ns...................4mw Maria 8 Hawkins ani h to Auîgusta W Whc.eler It 1 blk 9 fs rt add tePort f:Cliutoglalso,, i t hlk 38 Highland Park alan raSieltaI! i 4 blkau Higli- land Park w Ol...................... Edgsr H Fox et al te He-rmari H Mve ille n>.1 nw4. 46. 1 il >....7) Ada D Adams to Joaeph E Sun t-r I',t 17 hlk 67 go Waukegan w dl.......... :,i Ada 1) Adams toCharl.a R Adamsu lot 16 al, O ni loti? bu 67So Waukegan wtt p>A Edalu, fil-harle and w to ToNcy flrg- land loi 15 1,1k 2 Benena Park 36, 46, . wd e.............. ........... ........5e Mry MDo O ldtu Fler"nce L Sir,% part Iotsû aüd7 Mefonada division O! lotS 1 and 2 blk 25 Highland Pari w d................................5> Frank B Oreena and w to EIa W Watt>ý sf1- 01flo&blk 21 Iligh]and Park w d.. tu1)0 Thoumas Materson to George Phlip lu, 18 blk 29 Whburn Park w d ........ .m 1l>outailLaw Association 1u Word W ~Villto s o nd 6 11k 63 and lots 7t t> 1311k iiitu lghland Park ............. 51 %Beeto Carrne ICumhing lis tiiat,>l 1 blk 68 and lis i f0o 6anti 15to 17 1,k ;o Hithland Park.................. .... -) W J Bocek and w tf0Wiliam OCiMillu r t j 11k36 W aatburn Park................loo Chartes J Mobre anti w to FredtriL E ý Ni-tenuucn lia 40 snd 41 11k 71î2thlý,,, Par .............................. 80 Jotui Sar.h aund w to FPt-oh (i Fishkri-.j iv l 5, 43.12 ...........................45 (i .il Lyon anti vf0 Jtohn F l fauttas Ils 4 aud 5I bIt 1 Lyondalc. s>of <t >d. -rlIt Gardncr asudIlhto Ja,., t FUlta tst3, 18, 34. b1k1 s uîbdto! t-atrt w',!4 254,1. iwd .................... ( Botii-rt Douglas to Chars W Douglas Ian i1:t, 16 1512 w a.............. .10 Charles W Douglas andi w to itot,,-rf Douglas Ptart 13. 16. 45 12 w dl .......... 1 0 Sarah ÀA Tiomsn and h f0 Auuhmt-y Warrtn lis 12 i hk s ThoM[peon' auditIon te Waukiugani w Ol............12W Eiwarl Clark to tht Sw'-dtal> en.1 tctl Lîtheran rrliitty chttr-h cf .i ttl-aprt If 11,j t)kt13Meiays Ido Fort w d...... Williamr F Ho gan and ti j Fle-mingt 1 k1k8laE A Muara lIai o! IlIiuwood........... Marriagre Lîcenses. Ell,l.8PI NrtclII.11 Laurannia Lit5k ' >Nr ektuuiah. ý eruuon.......24 NIcletlagl<enlar. Waukeugat......... lioss Lutter, Waukegan.......17 Fourth at Waukegan. Waukegan exieudsa o ordial Invita- titan k) evéry citliZen Of Lake county to coute aud bring iboir friends 10 a grand celebration of out, nationWsholi- day. A sireet parade o! soctie& C. <i zenO, ilitie, etc.,add ffl 'y eau Iholdon A. ýila E, "Fui a"o1~~ Mir. James Perdue, an old soidier residing ai Monroe, Mich.. vas severe- ly allicied with nheuinatism but received prompt relief fromn pain by usifif Chamberlains Pain Bain. Ho seys: '-At timea su, back would ache se badly ihat 1 could bardiy nise up. Il 1 bad net gotton relief 1 vould not be ber. to write theso ev li nes. Ciamberlains Pain Bliu ban doue me ;ImYýÀ blwy ne l" t" W have mest recelvod a large In-. nor moeMsI ~v ! iityfirst-clasa n ov bIndng for non-observance of tue 1ev in tbis t 0n. Can sellisaie from fil to70 imatter and tho ev vw iiibe jstrîctly n en- s per pound. WHioHfT & BN forced. 3J-2 - - r . T h e K e s i o n e B i d e d lî v e r N itt w o o d a n <j W ilk e s C o lts f o The eystne ade dliv r ake is 4 to 0 years, old ai a bargain. L. B the beât Ou the Umket. For sale by STÀIIKuAriiEH, MillbiiIru Sitk Farm, G. H. N &ULIC SON, LIbertyvUlle. Mlburn, Lake Co., 111. q While Mfr. £*gens Hen<4ee vas at supper lest Fiday ovening, bis toaso that vas hitched outaldo toôk it into their bolide to mun svay, and, breaking the halter, made a belUne for Grays- lake, not stopping until they came to Mr. AustJn's hoiet. We do flot under- stand boy h vwas they stopped rigJ4. there, but strange things do happen. The damage dons vas slighzt. CUBA. Finhers are numarous on Grass Lake. Chris. Summerlleld la busy digRing voUse. Mrs. Smith le entortaining friende from. the city. Mfr. Sherman vith otiiers is camp- ing at Fox River. Mr. Lavln's familly visited at Barrington Sunday. The caiupers from. South Chicago are stil at Grass Lake. Ed Petorson Intends to go to vork in Chicago ithe i.near future. Master Ligb Wells han returned te cooafer over a week's lUnesa. lirs. Klein bas beon ontertaining relatives from Chicago ithe past veok. 1fr. and Mrs. Rohlman and Mrs. Sonenberg vere Chicago visiiors bat veci. Lora Peterson and brother Ed. made a business trip to Long Grove Saturday. lira. Peterson and daughter Rosa visited the city veek, returnlng Wedneday. lirs. Geo. Proutry. Jr., spoRt a fev (laysast week witli ber sister, Mrs. W oustenburg. Mr. Harvey Harnden and family are spending a few days with lire. Harnden's mother. Mr. John Gosseli, 'Sr., and Mrs. August Gossell's folks visited Fremn Center lait lionday. Mliss Mamie Prouty, Ir, - azi g- ton intends to spend ivo or three inontha with Cjuba friends. A baby boy came to briglîten the home of 1Mr. and Mrs. Wout3tentborg, Weducaýday Juiy 17. Charles Miller ba% been working on the roads the past ivo week'e maltiug noticable Improvements. A nuniber of young folks from here attended the dance ai Koffensa and report a goud time and large cvovd. Henry Sadt and, Bennie Lanclvare fvom Barrington, came op to 1fr. Kohlman's on their wheels Thuvsday. FOR 8.4La--Star ihreahing machine. engin., tank and outili omrplet., at a; bargain. FRED RuDoLPH, Long (irove. j 1 seli alkinds of wheels, watch cases full of wheelsý that run and&.-- RUN 1?RIGHT. Also agent for Oleason & Shaff sewing machines. Complete stock of bicycle and 'sewing machine repairs always on hand at E. B. SI-E RMAN'S, TheJeweler, 9,P-yslake - - - - - - - NOWLAEARE READY fer ym. e Our seed < anid ooiirsas ai M. B. CoVq & Co's. 40 cents a busliiîc1Ït the, price this year. Ir yolu intend to plant get youv ee and contract at onC c o~" you are to lato. :i~J B. W. STÂFFOnD, Libertyvili,1 Il]. Thi the t s4ee a Lîbei good furth .e Cyclone Wovpn WireFe, sestifamfioii!e oueartii. Y asample of Il nttthe Couîuty luri, oriyvulle. 1Ve vent to ewpli.y ttu; d mon to cenvoas iis county. joer information, meil on C. A. APPLE!, Libertyvîîce liii Real Estate and Rentlng Agency. LiAt your property witIî me a i1 Iwi]l find you a eutitonl(ut Among numerous choicc i1r gains, 1 have the following: Miinois. LIbertyville City Property. lia]! sere lot witb siabîrocunm'-1. ru, - ~ tg'rÀ w.-l.l, t-nsau nifruit t. i for S. rn e on ,ltrm . a. great duel t,015Ugt eutand 1 f, tvy NLARN ALL KINDS NEATLY DONE. tbankful for i.' For sale by F. B. D Y _____ iWAIOYNRK ASPCATY . Loveil, Libertyvilie; G. C. Robertis, PMA 9Wanconda4-ruggists. MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION _________ PRAIRIE VIEW - ILLINO IS Ralph DarbY's Barber Shop -1s nov Iocated on epraguu so- Ist door eai W . C. Trlggs Shoe Store, where ron cen always get your Shavlng. Hair Cutting and Dresslns. Done In the Lateet Style or th. TONSORIAL Air. (tive me a trial, 1 will pluusec you. Raipli Darby, -Libertville, 111. H. H. Peglow. Brick- laye r, Plasterer, Stone-mason and CONTRACTOR. ....REASONAILE PIIICES.. Mail Orders PronPUtY Attetuled ta,. You i illjiad tee ai t "MORiC9»ý HALF DAY. ILLINOIS. 81. 4111O 10NINHARGOR ROUTE Graham & Marton TRA NSPORTAT ION CO. operating Lb. superb slde-wheel steamiers City of Chicago Ar4o City ! Milwaukee and the newiy ebuili propellen -CITY OF LOISVLL.. Betveen> Chicago and Si. Josephs and Benion Harbor, Mchigan.. $1 DAILY EXCURSIONS eaving dock, foot o! Wabssh Avne Chîcego, every monlnu ai E9-.3arve"4 rosots et 1:30 avIng rraslonsto 4.d:0 P. e,,. arrive Ciii velun e ttr. 80p. m da ly. Ibflelr steamer siso haves' ai 11:30 P. nm. dally and at 2 p. ni. Saiir.. days only.BlytViO route the tourbi 5aee reett ho bert o! the Poia rutBoIoAd ais e bMpost - 5UiifiW$soiLoainldaceto teie H. C. Paddock, mL-bert:yville, --lîlinois. -u NSYSTEMATICALLY 1Cati attention to the fact that 1 wiII 4 carry a good stock 4 CARRIAGES of Farm Machinery and BUGGIES Carnlages, on Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville, and hope Farmers and others wîII 4 if in need of such goods, cati and name their wants. t 44 Gay & Sons' Carriages, Wagons and Surries. D. M. Qsborn & &Co's, CORN and Grain Binders, Mowers and Rakes. 4 Daisy 8 and 10 foot hay rakes. Systematic t and other makes of Ladies and 4 WAGQNS Gents Bikes. Gale No. 1a, MQWERS 44 Wauconcla No. 12 4 ~C u tivato rs. 6 These cultivators are the BEST on the market as they Sleave the ground after cultivatnge as It was before you corn- t menced, and just as the rain drops fail from the clouds or q nearly so, and in that condition the soil absorbs nearly or t quite ail rain faîl and your corn crib overflows. My advice is q to PULVERIZE your CORN not plow it. 10 Q0 z: Reinember that wvc are not wholly ini tb ise ACHINE ansd CABRIAGIE ltUsIîît-"s * for tfie ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, but partly for our-HEALTH Rud uisysteinntie .- q plexion. Still OUR BREAD AND BUTTER is llinged -om tise sales' we make. There was GOLD in California's mouintains long before it was dliscoveredl, 8o a trialitrip with me may reveal to you unexpected PROFIT and PLEASUBE. XiI Syou get a HU MP on yourself and try us "a couple of times7' e h THf3RE ARE OTHERS. BUT NONE SQ As the Cyclist Who rides the WAVERLEY ar' Chicago IDEAL. He's always ahead. i ý i (holt'L [4ts &0,1150 fre-t aet roci bat ., i..' tasI'YUThp DarhY pr.r.ýrt y- largo hou-. 1-: l We have changed cîay anTae LEwmain tl.tah. n ftP m rr-t equal to any that can be found. an 1,t >m. an. 2Slls. iýnfr,, ar,.1 sha& -tn.'es, vino)>53d. sbeq. 5134 te EXAMINE THEM ! >rî-prIcesr.00. T ET T E ! iAt Grayailake, lot 717 or F. D. Ditr TESTTHEM 1 qlall§4 iries $14W. ,,~, .,~,,-.* , ,Farm Propertv, For Sale l.ak..pri.ue. $& per a're. prtrî.sh, L.à1sy. Grayslake Brick and Tile Ca. .n iéa l, ae, nýrt GRAYSLAKE -- - ILLI NOQI S. s e.l. rv- aa'u.,uu.' ______ ra sers on Mwauik,.eroedl. h. u bcta,. ;C. Mv. SC H ER ME RHOR N brn2a. good eu. 2 gootd rw--. i:,t 1 E.SIETMETUNR eR.cah. ajneon tlne at arweruont. DEALER lÀmm (irov.ý onul (ravsiAk.. four îiii,»s -rt,,f MILK CANS, FURNAÇES, STOVE REPAI 4tS'u f !Ijtnrv i . ne, lmt, ild.r fTin and Steel Roofing, Plain and Corrugated I soa ,rai,,yfarm. .,e, W~Jit0,î,rilld woî Siding, Tin and Galvanized Vron Eave Trough flcwinistreen. T~mlIr and Conductors, Wid Is n County real estate, be sure to cuill Tanks. - - - - - - ilI on ,-4,&.. am %.JF abir Ibo* JIL qboq& AL