--e-A T BA RGAINS AT ,iggs & Taylor's Corner Store. is is what our customers say; *à',TO KNOW THE SUPERIORI- TV 0F YOURGOODS ONE HAS ONLY TO TRY THEM.- We claim not only to keep a high Lde of goods in ali l nes, but our ces we guarantee can not be dis- nted in the county. - - - Tri Thi gra, p rîc coui NO' pay cati i ti4 i 5e fi-r doz. Ou fîr tî,, 'w 4i- (. VI. t aiel LET LIV E> Remember we are headquarters for ail kinds of fruits. - - - - jhig lie ETO FARMERS:-We wii11 ghest price for good beef Am..2RIGGS & TAYLOR. YU IAT BREAB.m But does the flour you are using make good bread, and as much as OUR FLOU R will? The report of the State Inspector of Minne- sota, shows that Il ounces of OUR FLOU R will make 20 ounc- es ofbread. Try it and be con- vinced that OUR FLOUR is The Best. We always give you GOOD and CHEAP INSURANCE Farm property a specialty. Get our rates before insu ring and save money. 2h.)~ 3.25. F. C. SMITH & SON. I 've got 'em! THEREISNODOUBT 0F IT. 1 can please you in price. If you want a wheel cai on me. New and second hand 1 REPAIR A FEW at ail prices fromn $15-00 $85-00 C. R. SHERMAN, .... Jeweler, LIBERTY VILLE, - ILLINOIS. I A large and varied line of Hlardware, Pumps, Milk cans and Cuttery. The b3ist oit can on the. mnarket m a m P UM11PS, Gas Pipes, FiIlings. Tin and Sheet Iron 1a IL9 PICKED UP'H MEýEAND TI-ERE. Local Iteéms of Inter'est to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST P. R. R. TIME TABLE. TO CHICAGO. ar. . î. a.m. p.m. p. n. RuisseIl *8s38 5:17 S4:57 Wadsworth 8:59 5:285:06 (llrn.ee 9:10 :16 4:11 Warrëntcon 9:106 6&,W 5:14 LIRETYVILLE 6:30 7:15 12, 6;47 455 ilondout 5:40 7:26 9:22 12:40 5:55 -6:21 Evnrtt 1:44 7*.31 9:28 12.46 6:031 5:28 D-'îrflel :52 1:.4 9.0612*52 9:17 6:34 Shermervilie :56 7:60 9:40 12:516 614 5:38â Clî'iin<rriei 'i>@:U5 10:25 1:45 7:X) 6:*) FIOOM CHICAGO. aI.m. a-m .ln .uI. . .M~n. ar. Lv.Vn.Pasa.Sta. 7:30 405 5: 2f) "126 Lv. Kinzln St. 9:30 r:5) Sliiîrmprvllile 8:s810:18 4:56416:11 :Zl 9:1Ir Derlkeld K3&410:53 5:#X) 6:17 727 9:211 fverett 8:42 14638 :06 6:26 7:M3:- 27 Itondnut 8:48 î(r.3i 6: 1l 6:44) 7M4. 9:3 LiBEIITyvYiLLE 1:48 6:55 7:501); '.4 Warr.'utiîî 8:54 ?: 19 938 Ournis. 9:00, :231'41 Wadowiirtli Ir. 11) 6:33 9:511 Iiuss.'Ii(arrive)>q:-l» 6:014 11:30 u1 no 8hll d6,enOte.9 Sîiîîiiy ,nlY. Wh.'r.-no mark ali-wîus trains artdally -x- eept Huuiday. SUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.Lilsr-tyvili.'. 4:66i.ni. Ar. liondoulnt ,.î Lv.Li(i,'ry%îlle, 9:10 am. Ar.Chhi i. Iu:n i i*.ryi LvCh:ý«)s:o -i. r.Lbryvill543a ain m Lv.hi ,ag é:Qpým.At.it)-nyi]W5:w1,ui. NI). :w r,,,, i nîai ynly. giing iiîîilt,. sIM Stoj l, lSigiaial4as nllWs. At RUSS-'1 12:0i7 pr. .Wadswrtii 1n17; Guru.'.' 12:27: WKrrI- ton 12'.36; RBý.ndoUt 12:39: EVerett M23D.ril 124X; lwrlnerViile 12:62: arrives in Clil"sgi l 1:46 p. nm. Train No. 44 lias be&'ui 15111PUt I3iJtonfrv ii a.0m. Sti,.rmiervlile 7:24; arrives (hca lu s &L. mi. No. m3fres h m,313 il arrvs. Sl~rmrvlie 12:051 a.ni. De"ýrtI' if 12:141a. m. Losrý-A ladies' brown jacket lie- tween Rockefeller and Libertyvilie. Finder pieuse leave It at this ofile. The 1. 0. G. T. wili give a iawn social at thse boîne of Mrs. Ernest Brown, Tuesday evenlng, June 30. Ice creain and cake wiii be served. Everydfle iuvited to cone and have n gond lime. 3Miss Mabel Fartrldge, of Wauîkegan, auîd Mrm. Dr. Frank Earia, of Chicago, rode on,îif romt Waukegan on tissir viseels f0 Jiloarityville Weduesday, wbere tisey met Dr. F'ane and Mr. Wil.Earle, iviso rode biers from Chilca- go. Alil returned to Wankegan lu tLe afternoor,. Eldon Mi iieî,oîir geialU8upurvisor,* pniering, thlnking as it were, lu vain cuideavor to a8certain viso de(loratOd bis buggy with -aIl sorts of old tiiings" and l ied gcrap iron, etc., on lus hoîrse lituaIFriday uight. Be 'tled the udocile beast iti Milwaukee Ave., ii thet uiiiesN poýtlonioftowu, atteîîdedu to snmc littie domestic atair'., anîd retuîrued 10 visere lie lt-fl hi', ciineyance, tb flnd saine cnnverted iutîî îî natuire cireum, lte suîpposi- tiono beingige Mwî to complote lise oiîtllt ini the character nf clown. W hile luis fine sletitl-i :ze defective TiseGoo Teplas niet inî,lu. itiiit Ie:idnhini tn conclude lise job The God Tmplars niet lili(liv nas gliîîîe by soins Young ladies, that eveîîiigs isereafter instead of Satnrlay. penetiitiniî alit.y baiksnu nines, Mrs. Henry Wllilams vi-iiled relu- heure liis wriukied bmow and inoubledl tives at Foi Lske severai days recenilv. colîIutenîative. Hoivever, hé isnui5 Wert Wright, in home from Bel,îit, certali to soive thse proble n asho is visere ho as been attending collage. that Mlcliley vi le elected, and Mis. Karting, from Califoria, siler guilty parties àihould look ont fori of Mns. Kruckman, ln viiting the bouhqueîts wheiilbe doesi. latter. L.'.. D.Mayardof Ianhe, ws aElghty Vears ARo. e . D.ra thnard, 0 Nf ialNT, 1 a Ili>. i. %Nliai nccurred in 1816: Thse Tnier teyI.PE '< itN%tel.e iiis ha passed withont a, Tnesdsy.suininier. Frost occîîrred evcry month Mfr. and Mrs. Foiey are happy over îîî the year. Ive foruied h aun inch tise arrivaI of a baby girl, Tuebdiîyîhick i May. Suiow fel b the depîli June 23. of tisree luches lu New York and alao Miss Mary Davis is visiting for a few in Massachusetts, in June. Ice vas days witb bier frieud, 3liss Mablt Dy-n.fiîriiîeul (Jtise tlnckuess of comimen moud, in Chicago. 1iiludiw glass ibrougisont New York Mms. F. C. Smiths and Miss Lyîiiu "Il tht( tiftis daly iofJnly. Indian corn Smiith are visitiug a few days at i ý sil frnze)i that the greater part Aninglon Heigbis. eus tult in Aîîgîi't and did for fodder Charles Smithî traded bornes mith'allid the -furiiierm supplied themselves bis brother Ed. Wednesday, îîud bnth frîîîiin lcru produied In 1815 for the gnl the Lest of the Largain. seeding of the spring 0f 1817. Services ait the Presbyterlan eisîrcis Fair Book Out. ai 10:.31) and 7:30. Siibjeclluntise Morli- Thîe ireuiiiîi list for tise Lake iug: 'Faith lu tise word oîf Jesiîs.' 1c,nntiy giî'iltural Society, which vas Start eaniy and see tbe grandit ree,' prited Ut flie INDEPEN29ENT 01OffitVas exhibition outside of eircus tenlt, (111:fluished last wSek, aud Warren M. Fair Grouîîîds, Wedncsday, Jiy 1.1 Heath, thse seeretary ln dlsposlug of Tise 3oderu W oodnueiof Libeity. sainie to the lest aili iulage. ville are plianning a isarvest lîi'iic to bc belli at Liamonid Lake, Aug. 14. Ordlnation CouflOîl. Wm. Ifagali, Circuîit Cierk aioîl Sheriff Brown vere sbaking liîuîîs vush Lil.ertyvvlle frie'îds Tuîesîlay', Mn.. H. E. Peuimaul sold lier prîî perty on M3ilwaukee Ave., nexitii tise Hauhiv buildling, to Mr. Jnsep1li 1:111. fer, te irs roinithe weck. Fletcher Clark wil erevt a residlee ou bis properiy, corner o ni Mlwitiîkee Ave., and Hurlbutt court. .S.G(iaiii secured the coutract, tise builllîlîîg t.î be 24x42 feet. TVies. Cornicti secred thteîîiira for theecreciioji nf A. W. Wldoia residencetou Park Avenue. 'J'lie prnposed toit ih lu Lie sîeigli(îîr- lîood nf $lO0 Born Satniday, .1iiît 20, to,%fr. îand Mns. ltîdnili Kruslia, iwo girls, îîîl îî boy. un i' edSatîîrday lilgîui lii, other iv., Sîiiday mornlug, wlîivli mals! a ad bina to the parents. Wood Bro.-. ., tutuns la tte large, t show i sitiîig thîs section. You d1o uni paîi to s'evthie outsidî' nofaalhow but the iiisi,. We have the lîe'. performnice, <-vîr rpviven under a telît. Mr. A. P. Sîî,îtllîand wife, ni Cli to,î Iowa, i isitel ai Mni. Fred Cî-,îkî-vs tse past w tek. Mr. Sumith colaîbiuotd business m us lleasure, doiug coîîsider- able work timning piauns aaîd repair- iug orguuîs sîhile lier,'. Miss Sarah Buîtler, forînerly (,i Lilîertyviile, iîu'eînpaîîled by is e otiser tî-ach,-ns, ni Chicago, lt-aie Sat urday forv New York, vuiere tliey will take a steame'r for Euglaîîd. They iîîteîîd f0 nake tise over-Iand itrip to varions points ni intertat I ltiv onl countr3 on tlîeir bicycles. E. P. DeWolf aîd D. W. Anîî,,l, of Waukegan, vihitvd ti gi'avel pit of tise Lake Coliuty Clay andîiGr'îvel Cio., at this plaîce Tîîî-slay. Coiitlderall,. gravel e 111 lie tîstîl oui Waîîl.egi îî atreets inî the heur futurte antd if tilt Libertyvilie proilliîct mneets willî favuî as it unîdoubteidIy will, the mnaigers hope to get the c. nt-att. Work ou tht'e v store buîildhing beiug ever'i,îl Iy James Trlggs onuftie corner of Milwaukee Ave., and Chîîî'elî street i8 helug raî,idly pîîsbed. anul tise buildinîg viii be completed Seplt. Tise second story front on Mlwaukee Ave.. and also tise side elevation ou Cisurcis street wiii be of pressed brick. Tisero viii bu ivo store roome below and two dlle above. Almooet he entire store front on. 1Thv Cîîîuîil vallîd ly the Fremoxit 4Cingregitîional .îrl at Ivaflnoe, for the ýxiiilîiti, i iandi ordination of Geo. B. isaîîgler, ni-tin the church at Il a. nli.. , 23. 1ev. S. A. Harris wu ci ciii îî ,îraud Mr. C. Thurstoii Chlase, siribe. Pastors present and pîirtivpating, W. H. Hopkins, Gross Park chiireh, Chicago; 8. A. Hiarris, J. C. Paz4e!. Isaac Cook- insu and C. Thîîrstîîn (hase. After uîrganîization of I' uneil a paper waâ read by the vaniilite containing statesuent ofni lle a nd belief, also thie stcps ieading ni) t' lus decisiOn to euter the uliitry. The ordination servile 7vas ,'îîîîllîîteî ut 2:301 P. ni., the ,ierll,)1hl iy 1>(.v. \\ . il lpklnti. Iformier pahtor ofi Il, oa ndidatc. (bcarge to tiî eîiîîîî ild rlght band ofnif.l luîwsi îp1.v i1 ,tir S_ A. i!' arri', Ail e-ho alteîîideI feu tthai it wis au ilpr,.,li evii and a Crop Bulletin. '1'hr.ugiîout the n.irthviii iiii 3C of Illinis tile past we,'kli, ias ii vî' ry favorabule for rapld groswtlî, ws,aî ith frequent tliuider-sîowers. WMlieat aînd rye have ripened ralIlv sund aone cîttiîig lis heenu(fllei. bYe la geuerally iin gond coîlditin i lt w ileat Ms short and liglît. (liii,î hîve maîîle filue growth, are very in"îî%v andI head. iug. A fewvcases o! riiîst ad milgg are reported. Corn ilsgruîwing ralîidIIY sud ciîltivation lias beu piisied; tilds arc gieueraliy deau and scolie have been laid by. Broouîcorn ilido- ing ivelil in Mcflsnry ('onnty. Clover cîitting ls in progrems and bayiUg NilI be general tliis week. Clover bi in gond conitin but tiuiitby is tli Il i nid meadows, nwing to the dvuuîîtIî of last year. Pasitures are gcîîeraliy gîînd. Gardens aud pîîtatoes continue tii Ioi Weil; smail fruits are ripenîug and art, very plentIful. A. B. LEWIS *- Photographerýa- P(,RTi1AITS COPIEI) AND ENL.4R(;EI) Viîewr i lBildingsand Stîc'k. BABY PICTURES * A SPECIALTY. ' 31 M 1- U % W-W'Nîpin FIRE WORKS. Flags.... Torpedoe.... Decorations ...... Paper Balloons ... Fire Crackers.. .. ..Toy Pistols, Caps. Exhibition Pieces. Look Around 1 And sut the men that wear ujlappg jlome" (gIohinj It's easy to pick themn out. Trhey're bighter, fresher, more cheerful than those that wear the ordinary ready- made clotbing for which they usuaIly pay more than we ask for these reliable guaranteed goods. Why shouldn't they bc? %&jPpy 1jotuýc CotNi Is madle of ail wool niaterlal, prop- erly sewed and trimmed so that one suit eil outwear two of the ordinary ktnd. We control the -sale of these goods Our Stock the Largest aud Our Prices the Lowest I Hammnoeks ............. Croquet Sets .......... Bicycle Beits Bicycle Sisoes .......... Bicycle Caps....... Î. Straw Bats.............. Handkerchiefs..... Ladies' Vemt8....... Cid.s' Veste .. Ladie-s' Shirt Wai8ts LadieuW ininiuîuîînCorset.]~ Soap) Extra Fîîîîey Lemîus... Raisinîs ... .. . Ciseese Btoy'a 2 pieee Sîjito ... Boys Rnee Pants ..... Men's Suits as loy as Celillnid Culiurs...... Men's uIoe .... Mens Suspenders..... Mens overshirtsý 'Meus Overahis .. Men'.s Balbriggan Shirts and, Ladies' Taior Mad. M. B.COLBY &OI "Dealers in Everything." ~-'LIBERTY VILLIE, EVERETT. ,ROLLINS. Mr. Jamesi Lyon viîlted Chicago at There were only twe Saturday. Smi&h' hotel on Sunday. Miss Anna Yore spent Saturday with Wm. Wilton entertaine4 friends in Chicago. gueste froin Chieago oer guwi Mr. Harry Lludner aud wf," Mr. J. Bilty, nf Chicago, ft ' Chicago Rpent Bundity sitb fricaîls an G. Sheldouns and Win. here.1 tins week. Mr. Franîk J. Corcoran, oh Chuicagn, speut a portion of lasi iveek vus relatives here. Mr. F. J. Kunekenmuss, nf Sliernier- ville fis nov actlng as staioun agentin 1 L. R. Finks' place. Weddlng cake must Lc precionls vhen some ni our isigis flying aristocrats resort to condence games lu order 10 secuire if. A numhier of our young people atfended tise pienie at Shermerville la8t Sîînclay evcuiug. Ail report a good lime. Mn. L. R. Fiuk bas taken a two veek's vacation.and gone on a wedding trip to Kansas City, followed Ly tise good visSes and isearfy congratula- lions 0f tise people. Tise Fort Siseridru basie bail nilie once more met defeai aI the liands of our boys. Tise ganie vas played ini tise Evereti bail park lasI Suuîday aîîd viewed by a host nf entisusiastic spectators. Batteries, Everet Tuîpper and Moraîî. Fort Sheridan-Fisher aud Falkuer. Tîîpper pitcbied n ine laningo vils enviable dexteriiy anti cooluess, ntwiihstaudlug tise ad- mirable batting ability of tise soldiers. Moraxi shoved equal adroltuesa Le- ind tise bat, aud caplnred evenytiig aphenical tisat vas tbrowu or knketi vithin hie reacish. Some of the boys vere gnhlty bowevsr, of grave errons, but tihe surplus of bnililant pisys more tissu counturbalaucedlise errons, and It vas generàlly coneeded tise best gmie played Ibis season. Tise Sheridans piayed qjite a clever game and made some good but veny untonlu- nae bits. Tise bail dnoppiug almost lnvarlabiy rigisl lu lie fielden's hands, but flot alvays resulting in an an ouw A bajIllant sud important fealure In tise gaXe vas lthe catch la rigst Ifid byG0 Merrîmani, just as tise bal vas abouite1 drop oser tise live Ilre fonce Ihat circlus liseParkt. Otiser cule pisys by cuter boys vene execuîed, snd vhen tise game closed tise spectators deparled satisfled tisai they bad their "Ions" vWorth.s.coure five lii fifleen. Doc MCGOvÂN. WARREN. Burr Jounes returned Tuesday fronu a trip up.nonsh. Mr@. Uzina Wlbnr, of Gray8iake-, is vislllng relatives lu ths. ocality. Mr&. Loy Scisooley is tise prouil nother of a obanming daugister. Elmer Roe'nd hig man, Joe Moore, haîve both blossomed ont iîti uev us ieels. E. J. Griffu le maklng iniprove. nieuts, erectlng ROw builings, etc., onu lus farmn. Tîhe Gumrne. Cornet Band lias'beun engaged to !urnlah muisic %or lise Fonîtis of Jnly plojile and celebration at Gages Lake. Thse Gage&, Lahe camp meetings have a&mm* et oopou J. a. hv Tise Sheldlni's are busy eu1 Tise hay cdmp ifg, dti Lake coualy. Tlîe Ai-oucemeteryl moci nieet ai Gages Corners at :t Gillimones residence on Juiy 9. Charles Sheidon and Christirnseu ver. aI Gages to attend camp meeting on n igist. Mn. sud Mns. B. Niggemeyer ift Folîrtis Lake bolel on W--- anti caugisl 67.ï lb. of ah".e Lailelle securiuig a plckeMe weigbed 6j lbs. Aîîuong tisose tisaI vere utthle ~ Lake botel lise past week versN Mrn. Niggemeyer, Mrn.sd k Belle, Mn. aud lira. Andfersa Hut,'huîigs sud family, >Mr. anid ianîly, Mir. sud Mrs. Lud~ Mn. and lira. King, &il from C1O 300 huiîdredl Clipper (nov Ci Trlîîmîis No. 4 M oyens> have been. by G;. H. Schaîuck lu Lake Oou thie average cosi beiug lesa tha-i cents escis, per year, ionr9o Tbey are siîîîple aud durable. I' nue. G. I H <CMU& SON-, Libt ville. Il i l un a îîira'l4e. h von't evenytluing, butIt il yl cure Tiâsisviai DeWl.Wit oh NWJ Salve vilf t10, becaîus. il h«n lu buindneds of caases.y. B. I Liberlyvilie; G. C. Roberts, Vea da <F. BAIRSTQW Manutacturer!oS . 1 an limu.- tiful'v-.îîî,-v' ii(i .îîihtî, -. il.ti 1î.-rî.1i, (if cîlîli io z.,twrl i i,rs' -,i' ii af.-w îof nar (,uu-eSlii HERE IS ONE OFTHOSE B3LUE FLAME OIL STOVES.- JO