OUSAT t 'eLA HE PREI, - Tll aute, Presient ut mol taie effec. T tthn-eC Iss ubeeassassine. . T dPe- 8000bal oui>' aflantu »Virig asWa o enerbacnt ithe l & m u ýl h rt b> l te sOî io "d rbevlverset npmalTe wu ar, once asestraud. t H iee bc4àromdlgbutetplace o -,Irei ea s bi suither Xnetard ]esportel tfron 1totalu the United tateu, f*cmmes Ia>' b. confroued - titueoin eti souievati tb*'14"usalas Jltlelnlils de- - t.utlesa iinmediate teps te check thle furliar progruO tnohari Tumbiing mua- beeui mot obnoxlous ln te l'4trtlimesl provinces dumIa>' the b. .eard sud ecauti>' tasbeau mmIUmamie diffaent localities la Sales. Se fanrlcte ee bas e e dt e a &M a il a i-oi t l si ýr. l 1lacpeciali>' ikel>' 10 te lýüu Imeth>scou, s large propor- etw le s rom-nlunte Sioux Val- e cutemu part ot South Dakota. -'bas mot pet lueste t Iis Val- eý stâtemient ie made liaI if il «Pud lu thiese Oids for tm-e con- etroîtevoulut probahi>' rein lie !iPiY seudtnbdusti->ofut he enira ec- 1 TORURitgD DY THE BSUM. kp Pe W pls Exiterience a ia'et »liSeaaunrvatinai B0ont. >- fl et m-ea94 tiegrees Tuestia>. M .ïaiiepresun, jolatautbaude ,,l temperume anti proslrateil besat lu thc treets, nreased irsatu sunng intauts anti oltipe- *fiuItoMtredIhusa mho labo e nu- guýlare i tustff>' factor"e no oula irein aunalroke mena r. there m-reminu>'prostrationts Ot the vitisa are mid tébch in Momno la the. sndiing outhtei.club@ -V Nationil Basehal Longue: àâ-tl.»5 24Pitilade!pWia. 34 3 .. 723Bokly ... M 39 WvWo~d . .45 =3Washingon. 31 80 = t ..40 3New Yoik...2 4 .lbis. .38 328t. L....... 20 54 kiego-..41-861,ouisville . 1 s B Il O h I I - Western League.. ffiving la tie standing t the club. ré1Weitern League: w:I..- L W..L. WaIMAU. X. 22Dctnoî ... 85 33 ~:* 291lauke..33, 41 nie CIVy.40311'o)lumbaa . -.M21 1 WeataBIird lDey Obeiv.-d u»Walfor lie observane ut a "bird W.t-he seboolatroagîtout tie doua- ýs besn maIe b>'te Agricuturat De- OMt. Tte obued is lu devute lie te b. net apat once n yeitr or tu b. wBe4 mltArbor dey, lu Instruction :tlue of ou, native brds andthle esot protecleg tent tromnt-aon lautien. PTh. lepantutent, bils epubt- a test galusataheka on l»rds, 1"* tbal I inlauasimportant te gamansd fiahnitiniste leach I tom- le dcvelob te egrieultural a-t iteState. - Cula 0ffComminssions. i*f*r tas beau laaued yt>'hie Board 4 Sera us t the Joint Traffic Associa. the bipay-uîauloftfreigit commis- tý e afaialp companles shal b. kW(brnff alter Sept. 1. ÂAotber or- -ht beglin>' m iti the r ai e auitr ut Impot agents 1wb limited thoeefor aacb ablrosul ~*M Atlanicîleport. *arc%& Unulci- Sap!llut. wmsais s7aIîthIzers mîi h. teCuban la. express lie belleft hisIAu- baa beau killeti b>'the orders - Valixtq G a cel, or by fr-bats -littsu', Pi. ha thist ta eon> liaI ?4aceo bail oenal>' efuseut vedge thea iutitoit>' ut Gan. ail fer o Lest Pear. tiSer of SM00asd positlvei>' 4he la ms-de b>' Barman j gear-aispaul, et as pin. 'Te ovuer lsas 4wd a busainsu. Arison,. ~cll'uowitLimaà, Obl, llu .,ulet ciargel, ire l -tbhlle Inmm, _0e9tie egIsi 1 ' ear tbe mawmt iet isstu&s wlit la Strlaep_ appr*begaoet cf t: iyuckeiS , ,1011101 CtêO agiriet Oouatr ad tg,,5141 ltai $lm009ter là i empluet 0 tb*l>'e#- ers 0£ te -um 120Ê 4 iWU"u tm-. LO9rd.auxpre-s* gustý#% lu"ll1a offebders ho ju8tlese salI: '41f 10oui> bai lte Poaver todo s6 I1'roulI iSUOVO lisl juerlffa ot Charles suId atgntt Gousîm tie hoace, for 1 tubai tii. crimes- m-odld have beau prevénted tati lithe> proé~erl.p performel theu official dalles. I canfol remevs thein, IbthebeisCe la office l a disgrace t h lb o outihits- Ne* Tork 11SunanesUOn I; 11t14t5 fer McKinley.- Clinas. A. Dsas@ paper, liew Y- orki soa, mhich bhs lvayastyileul tàetf 'h.- cause of ts tfthtfulmute Rle111 Part>' luteresta, the.mnt steadfsah ortâlOf et i Dt.taecratbt part>' iu New-Yorki, Inaa trlpleIedel auitoriai rapullahes file- gie. e t heDemocralle couvention at Chicagoanud nuequivocali> bohallte plattonun adopteti Thuin-aa>'*Il Iambes the jpa rt>'for lie succesalve sleps Il hel bakan buais preasul attitude audl»sp thii untl at-zer electon ptriollsat suad tbc tutereès sofrte Unted States ef Amerbea a111 est m-iththle eaudlltic> of William McKinley. IOKATH OF FRANK BURD. 14.1.1 0hio0Mokan Te Calledta fils ILamI nomne. The Ition. Franki Bard lied a fewm-'u ties beferet>)e'cloek Frits>' mrnnug. Hia leahbirm-na camel by apoplexY, the trotitrrite ozuMnvng aI 2 o'cloel: Tiurs- dey aflernuon. This m-a fulm-ed ip otbera lu rsp'd succession. The db>' la la moumala> ove' lte autidea dealh eof n- of it* mont pronineul clitieen@. Mr. Hurd serveut soi-rsi pesta as Congrens- inu fronthlie Toledo district, anti gaineti iaîtaial fam b bis utirueme>' t fi-e tratia. WXALTHY wi>OW 3lARR1.. Sflcheat WoaeninCanada Tactites Natrbca>' Ithe Third Tinte. JIohn Morrom-, une otfte Icnding mer- chants ut Montreal, and Mms..Alexander Cameron, torotorî>'of Iidsior, mere mamieti at Toronto, Ont.This in %Ins. Camero's thindtirtaimoniail cotract. Sie là tnoire as lie iealita uomanuiii Canada, ana ehhaiuct enerfotunue ut ser- cra iilions fron thIe ctate ot ber rsI >.hutuln, Eben Wsrti, te ieallt>' capitaul- lot sud vesselol mcn etofDetroit, mitose heins are mak«-ng s conteat in the courts. à MURIaEI N ST. LOUISý. bhree Moa Talcs a Womaa te a Saloun anu Kilt lier. Tuestia> niglit a ithacion coutainieg itree mec anti a wmun truie up te a saloon et St. Lopis. One utftenien anI ltae,-uman aligitteti sudenlenedtihte saloon. Wiialte vaiten m-us gone to RUi an eriter. tive abuta fired ln raîtidtiuc- teeslun m-eicboni-I and the strange mnu was scen nualule> front ttcsanloon. He rejoiued bis companioca andti ttc>' ore rapidiîp sma>'. ___ Laurier Accepta. lion. Wilfrid. Laurier ou Frida>' visiteti Lord Aberdeena ai Ottawra, Ont., m-bei te toi-mal uutuinof lte pei-ecship et Os-da astsmsmatie it aud acceptel. The unueratantih>l a that no atîncti wil, b. matie t>'Mn. Laur!er onuh li robeclive tariff lefthlm as a legne>' b>' iis predu- cesasors Ihis m&esrion. Oueetoflthe frai -gtep bu h. tiaken b>'lte nem- gureru. meut çIBilieh t inte direction of netîpenini negutlallous wlib Washtngton lookitit tom-ram tIeal ty treclproeil>y riit ti Unedt States. An effort m-ill aiso Lim matie loukun>' tom-su theb admission o: Nem-fotidlau nto t h. dominion. Pan Ilaein l mlmcci about the mititie o- Auguat, sud aler lhe esîlmabea are pu Ibroagit aunîatempt m-ilh. madti e uc legislation abor lUI lie Jauuary nesalot aud unutilte lucoun 'goveruinuent m-il bava bal lime lu get inablers in bhette shape for ieg.alativa parposeathan the: eau possiM>' t. put luaIntauch short ne lice. Of course lbe eapunaibllit>' ot des] lu>' wîilte Maitoba actol quesio talla upun Mr-. Laurier antiies guverc ment but in ibsî direction »notltig m-i b. tie. is session. Ha bas promise Ihat e commiession wm-llie b.aIonce s-f poli t lokti lte meriht te casi s-nI ltaI lit.Manitoba goverrimettm- h. soaadd<lm-It a51cm- to teterminîn upuu m-bat iluesthitprovince m-unit b wilîlu>' b settie lte question. A contntl sien m-ill alto h. appointedtelu nveahigal the manier li m-bleb the affairs eftél countrp bave beecadaminislereti for tt palot elghleen retira b>'the Tory govari meut Ailes-el Sm-ldler. lun Custutul>' Tiro full-b'.ooded Itnglist eceuyà. elaimlug Londion as boute.m-nt te ls-. lisuaplils a tom- laysoa g ndi dvermI0 for assistants utder thle Dameutf<C. b. place mai requirel 10 deposut $25 au a guaranleeet 0fgond failli. -Tic>'recelyOu oeveral ituatretiapplicins fit or'em"i- meuh. PrinvaJevenîn> te>' m-e aie S eaet, vexiaherin>' as Charles M. Audi-4 sou ail Waltemr Woouts.luInbusiness tb.$: posedau aster sad son, but ueltili:r -l oer 26 pearg old. Tte authorilsitheel ot $200 a'hli Ijie>' reapati, and2 'utti Ihal tae amtal i reset s a uch ' er figure. Pie police hure lnfaral tl tait tc> ar matel at St. Louis, las nutlaud Chicago. Weila in as. Tltts G.I4 -. O. C. oues, s erchant la Wathsmai Kan., dzscoveatgolti whiîe ee*ulaOM an oit m-cl hlitaheuppar part or levai. la ullgging thie boiudeeper lie eam W s- reit et blacit sati, sud h4, stb*,taU m-s attraacedtel>i, as IltaparklsLdb sun. Upea examiuing fie tou"iJ~~ *talued mn>'grains, ,pearlp sqs- Ir>g*-4L - axr seeu. Ha bas sent antfim' Z th ial 10 luffent assycrs, anI la .trui Si isCharles Tu pper ira -e-ý' . Tu br ni i. A004 uvear MUÉ fr L Daecron". May gwoI t11se8 lialme.. ttuat0f ?wuitji.$qlt - tsea - laits ilîebtlau AI- lai-lan ilf# uvaem Dien &Co. onu CcoMI, IL G. Dun utOs.WoeUl Reiie 0of TraIe say$: "'Thie m-eat auai*etadvaiee aIlittie, Wb'fs ther upoeul*%ivo ,t4fketb tele sIgator slgItlty esiau4. -*but ta sml uace *« i - tl» $0 repartit ot fureigu trop.,eita"djui»se& 1 Tbeve aremn inu'mho b 5'rc bits adecve4ne ln yietttiis "srI bêein nslerestliited, aud part out a 4#= .a. tsa gtierl t' Dun'& Review las* Vm-ek ltenis 10 eUPrt liaI view-, thfflb practle&all ilthe re- hures front mbai r«enowm- itschit vicat growng SBlals 'meve cheermn>': >88 fa avorabl eoutsappear ttiWetie trois Miaaeo&a gU dDakehe. It islst ou boti ides le roentiter Iit Ilu aPitag mhat States. mhlcb have titis pea, le muke up for nos on el ere, tha groI m-l t ehbe out uf langer for aume m-cala'* GRBAT RAILEGUA» FIEL%. minameota Ppeculstora te Iavestlgate the . lsota Roulte. A. large leleatalon ut St. Paul aud Min- neapitslabuahjim esinacontemplale Irlv- lu>' uver th. piboposetirail-ual ota trois te issouri River te te Black 11111a, sud Iviualghe b.resourfflsout t ragion mit sa.vîiewt luaseertainin>' the extenî sud volume ut tralghl sud jlassee- gem traffic Ihat tbe proposaI iros-t vulti probiuul>' recoive la tbe tvenh Ihat tic lutte mas custructed.. Il» lu Fat. 1, 1%890, tie vaut eXtný of terrîlor>' lybu>' tleen lte Missouri River sud thte Blaci 111113 mas icluhiel in the great Sioux eserva- lion, but on liaI date ll,0( o »sceszut te reservatbon mas îbrom-u opea u m-ile Rettremanl. Maroly in tlb.«w the hi. i cagu, miim-eutee aldSt. Paul Railrosul Company' extendeigt s main lice 10 Chtam- beilaion, S. D.. Ilhein>' deanltitIen- tion utfte compan>' lien lu puab tht- rond fron thpt itacI acrous te Sioux rea- en-alion lu the Black His. But nt- ix ba sine. iteen donc, te management of te rosI appcsrng contant lu bave Chtamberlain remahu anete Western hOn- miuîuîs outheb. maI. In the meantunetw io ronds, lb. Eikitoin ant 'i sisouri Valley' sud te Burlington anti Misaouri, puabeti teir Unes nortituard front Wesiern Ne- braska into ttc Blacki Hilla, lteiebp s- etitring control. of tleahillesfic t litaI e- giun, m-let ias 00W assumeti gigante piropîortions. ____ TRACERS IsCUSS SOCIOLOGY. Prof, Orait'e. Paper Causes a Breezy Soclolo>'>' mas a sabjeet betore tie nat- tional etiecational convention ut Buffalo. N. Y. Pie jiaper iras b>' Prof. Albion Wu. 5mai!, utfte University' of Chicago. nulf crealet cansidemable discussion. Prof. Earl .Bgrnuea, uft hieLelanti Stantord University', Ireashe "The Pupil as aSo cial Factor," anul 1resident James Il Canfial, outheii.Ohio Blute University, Columbua, vas abset ou aceount ut titi deathitothiii Iatber-lu-lawe, ant isl.paper on "The Teucher aa a -Social Factor" coutl nul lie redi. A puper on bbec 1gb Normsan A. (Jalkins, m-bu die lu New York l1maI December, m-a. iet b>' Hor- ae . Tarbell, of Providence, and an lu- teresîlu>' papsi- ou "Coantry' ioati anse Conuhr>' SchoolW' mas reaul b>' (in. ROY Stens, Unitedut Satas engincer for roads. SI RSPIlAMP4 A ECHEIIL tFtgariug te pay, Pot.>'Tebean Ont: lnu Losing Gantes. 9 Apéecat ng appearslante ifiI 1enit>' tlven (lpl- Tebean anti te Ni- h touai Basciali League taatours bon, elb.eClevelandl management la Oiguring. gf If thb.lbague *.nastéontroin>'ont thb -gaines a lum-icsTebeatacomptes lt tle tface of bis injunchion, Cleveadi@as ht duccionh te pennant anti can puttIl It I«Seue tnas ildiculous position. Il i n fIgured tali f ouI>' ttc gaintes ia mvilîi Il' Tebe&su pîsys are throm-n out lte neeti t r pls-'èd ouIr ll oiug gaintes. For instîna 4yOCouuor mti h.played ,on O rsttasu one > asdtou-e la a chance tti m-, sud m-bs 1-Clevelanid talla betîndTi Poeau ina>'bi an subtitutel _____ »BATH IN A COLLISION. tl. eu*t utilUh ml the. @tartalne dsclra1loithat:Ifteg titi.- uns -otlt fý og#t4ýffl 1à o*$lUi Civil diktricts wero min~ I~Mesa Ad voul t, b. iansine he 44delet Ung 16ilhs be lodxdifomOits .m"y théa , V"meWaitgte'lllvfauena, ibave o- «urrqe,. in Wp"fir.h e i *.:ii.menothes. "TRACJÇE» six l4,Ô30 XMLES à ýI'u truib I.e>vv1n t* rLaoti er After téoiowIn, ber trant loyer fort 5,M00mls., Mise Mary Wagne bad théq satlofâction Tudad#j' oetldîngS la i t Leligh Conut>, Fa., 3aiL Bit monbs ._sgo ]Ous Wagner mnd Jacob Prnts were1 engaged to be martuel In t uila. l'ho. remitipan titan dleappeared. flta aeet-Q beurt tradired hlmftrou n ee luà 0a a-t ether, sud thefi ecrosa thie Atlantic ceeko.1 Fiants moved' train lyte dg>', uiýt the 1 girl canght up wtl i hm. Mb. tol ber ator>' to s justic of the. pence, wbo hai Fliantz arreste. Nil&'roade te Par Postatre. Railroad compnies eau no longer carry their owu ibusinesa letters over their roads witbout payluf postage. An order f rom Postnaasler Generri Wilson was reelvred b>'. Major 13tuarto postal Inspecter at Ch,-9 cago, and roalmaster Hesing, lnaistin.g1 ilpon the. entortcltieutt of the postal iaws1 againat aiiways carryuug their owu let-1 lera. An exception la made ln laver of1 sucb ietterc ùit Ibav-e 10 do wltb the.busi- ness of the train carrying them. But al letters 10 staticr. agents aud -bfficials are1 torbýtden to 1e carried withont postage, and the inspetos are directed 10o enforce te iaw. The new order will add several thousad dollars a year <ta th Goveru- ment revenuea troin the man>' roads cen- tering i l ChiPgo. More Pilver to B. Coinel. on Jul>' 1 the treasurir belti or the %il- ver buliion purchasedunuder the set of Jut>' 14, 18M, 131,841,424 ounceis, coot- lu>' $118,tffl,4Z18. The coinage value ot ibis blliou in silvet dollars ta $170,441.- 402. Siîîoe Nov. 1. 1SXi. 11,457l,401 stan- dard ilirer dl-lars have been coined. andi it s, aid nt the treasury-that it la prob- able that the coînage of siver dollars will be inerensed 10 2,500,00M or 3,00M,000 s mont atter Au>'. 1 oesl. New ilank Prenident Ilected. Frank Tilford, of the New York fimiof Peck & rïlfortl, was elected president of the Itauk of New Amsterdam. Nir. TiI- turd lias bcen vice-presideut of the biait; ever Pence et tarteti, snd succeeds te late George WV. Wyckoff, wbo was mur- *dered bty George lIl. Semple. The direc- tors remain tLe sanie as beretofore. flontuineCote 1 je Convictel. At Akron, Ohmitoomins Cote!',' ho wis aceciduo murdertu>' Alvin N. Stone, *hia wire snd Ibeir hired mnu, Ira Sîlîl- FOU, nt Talimndge ou the ulght of Marci à2:e, wasa ouud guilty of murder lunte iret delýree. The jury look on!>' on. *bal!ot. e lunceudiar>'Pire .t Lits. ýr The reidcii. of Hsirry Harper. Lima, Il Ohlo, mns parti>' destroyed by tire. Har- :eper lotst $210 lu essh. The guiet of the fira x departuient foünd thal the carpets, fluors r- andti alls of tue bouse bad been saturai- i- ed with keroseeund the building fired. d __ 'y Architect Guilt>' of Arson. James D. Gawn, a wel.known Lorain Coulits. Ohio, arc-hiteci, iras founut guit>' of buruing a &ecoolhouse lu Amherst. Hi, oui>' molve lias to bave work ln Sdrawing tte pirets for a new building. ]Ravaged b>' RevoIted Kurde. A dispatcb to the London Chronicla fronu Constantinople says that il in e- W portedti ttre that 1X),00 iurds in the 9.Diatrbekir distrlct have revoited sud are le a Striken a Womau ln Court, e A sensation wus cansed lu the Mobile, in Ala., police court. Miclitus Barrétl, a ch tough cburacter enier triai for assanît be on a iroman, deait ber a fearuibiuw e m-ile saeciras lestirping 'g Ln liei». RusalnJewa tol Enuigrate. be The Algemeiue Zcituug or Vienna an- nouuece that Baron Hirsch'a widfom bas doua ted £4.000.000 l promote the cînigra. lion of Itussian Jeira ho Argentins, Au .Lwtai Accident on lhe Chîcauco MARKLET QUOTATIONS. .and Northtsera Rosi. Au sietl ttnrror inthe miape ot a iteati- mol collison occurreul nI Logan, Iowa, ou Clago-Cattle, contiuate primie. lite ?ortitvealern, Salurda>' nlght. Te, 3.50 lu $4.7à; bogs, ubîppin>' grades. exgunslm train beariug the Union Pacifie $300 tu $3.75; alteep, tair le ebeice, 82.50 plimser honte frointtae plcole ai Logan te $4.25'; m-cat, No. 2 rot. 54e te 55c; oolfl lmIt a fralght jusu atter îî leftcurn, Nu. 2, 26e teo 27e; otha, No. 2, 15e lte e," Neyer îdî a>' utofpimsusre lu 16c; i-pc, No. 2, 111e lu33c; butter, guI C hi more smfuI diustaer. Tm-antp- chioce creamer->, 14c lu 15c; eggs, treai, algbt peopie a-ere killedatind ifîy-one in- Dlic 1 le; ew - pobes, per buai, 3(), Ju-l. minu>'.1 m-om m-iI dle.. Twenty- to40c; brouma com, commun lu choice. lttot lhe lest arc ilentîfiet and the M te $W0 M-it on a0iteriare h ad>' posIle laia 100hi dianaplis-Catte, sblpping, $8.00 lu 50 bfÙ a l>'possibleTtregt$4.05; togit, choie. ligit, $300 lu $3.75; fler icu l a t Piisorer 1> tsieep, commua ho prime, $2.00 bu $3.75; emgateimii7d-stu1tbi ode.ata, No. 2, 53e te t55e; cern, Ne.1 ltho'Bis meelin-. m-ita,1cu26e e; unsa, No. 2 mhile, 1.7 Tiietc were abotît 6,000 ElkeinlaCinctu- tO lue. mti te partipate lu lia grand loge cel- BuS. Loutul-Caîhie, $3.00 to $4.5o; itoggm eltralion.and lte Grand Opera ýHuce , lu.W e*3.75; m-lent, No. 2 ie, 53e te m-arn tonut ste lubull tlcee -b oees-Dz- 54c; omD.No. 2 yeliow, 24e lu 26c; ostiý Ions teattendthelb publie opealu>' utflte No. 2 white, i-oc to .17e; rpe, No. 2, 2& sesula. Iluene L. Lewis, -charisan or te 30e-. tip renlon- 'cenuts, presiidd Ad- Ciiluiiat--Cettle, $3.50 le $4.50; bu>'. 4sdnss vere mae b>' Mayer Caldwell, $300 ho $3.15; âbeep, $2150 ho $3.75 Ill.l RBulet bbnORuGiIa etofCincinatihl-eat, No. 2. tSe lu 57c; coin, 'No. 1, 140,11 rs-ad ExaltscI Ruler Willm mixeut, 27ic lu 2be; onîs, No. 2 tlixet, r17 ut ofPhilalelptls sud aI grandtolu19c; mp, No. 2, 27 h 2teM. 1Maitlutd .BH>,Wahetn Debrit-Cettle, 1950 ho $14.75; hmg nul. B. . Ib' Wuineo' e00, té93-7àl; sheep, $ZOO0 le $3.751 D.-C. - m-eul, No. 2 raI, 57e tu SUc; cura, No. lisais.e a iRteh oil mine. yelium-, 26c le 28c; oas, No. 2 white,,loi * r .W. Davidson, et Citeroits.Cop 20c; rye, 111e te 82e. tir, *«.. bal a vision la vtici 1, j wa- To1euo-ýWIeat, No. 2 reul, rSOcthonefl Idc 19oM 1âe. Tic -et, de>' o ortet eoin, No. 2 pelIom-, 27e ta 28e.. sa, Nu <5oiot-ao S pvhigsfollem-lugtie-m- ay 2 m-ite, 15e tu 17%crre', So. 229e lu 30u os balU seen il froin ti.de*mut utihi elovar seal, $420 te $4. bal ftek@ h@ li»sot tirty-fiirtmil" bMlmakee-Wb.st , No. 2 apritah54, oflwet tManitoui. Alk expert exais- te l6ée; cernNe. a. 250 tu 27e. ests, Nu jul b.grund andfui t a w monlertuitp -*white, 17e hto »L1; isîlep, No. 1%.2Me I :ri. a l goIlering'rougitHe t. le; r>., Ne. 1 a1le 83e; pork, aeo ete 1d t Kaass saId sPenëhis dia-#&$2â ho $&J75. amue. -no* aldes" tmWes ae tfl-atl$ZOO 0-$5»AO b. gp &~ cm-a ield j0hg »,35 t6~ Bo a elu Crete-AccideOflI Nulsth« lite et a Noted l stiman. Piratent thm WaabinatOU. The. greater portion of the. ishors of Mri. Breckluridge, Milater ho Rusala inrsig the Ï1aI year, ae reveaied b>' t» ptubisiied fomeigu relatinof itsleUnited Stes, seont to have foilowsui au 'lnstttec- tion trons the, Siste DOartmonut 1t ro- test sgalnst the -prartice of the 1Rusalan consuslu* lnte Unitedl States of refusas ,t i'luepassports of Americatestime-s oln»g 10 Rasais If lb.>' bappened t10lbe ot tbe jewlah faith, At the point vibre thie puablication closes lie -s oblige ta t bluati>'inforu l theUsian Govevuent tat teCUnited t 4ates coul uot acql- esce in lte operation of suai foreigui tri- banaislu&IntheLUited States.Mr. Breck- Inmldge's preseutation ofthtei case m-as formailly approveut b>'Secretar>' Olue>'. Another Important sublect considereut m-as thbe abaulute insistence Of lhe RIas slan Governunt upon its right 10 punil'à an>' Rtuslan Who rala mb ite power after becoutin>' a citizen oflt.eCUited States or anya-ther country'. Tii. corre- spoixence or Ibis 4object m-ans £0 lirited as lu - IalsMinlaler ljmeckiuridge 10 conbplit Secretar>' Vine>' tut Prince Lobanow's note ta Min bal been iackiag In courtes>'. As the malter stands the. Ituisaioverument reesa irmiY laluis rigbt Io puniti Uisssat ho become Unitedi States citisena If lie>' rettum t 1 nessia. Menue bile 34r. Bmeçkinridte pruden!>' uggtsta liat proper waruing bie Iiven lu Itussînasnaturalizu lnlutle Unitedl States le keep say trout tusoa. ViENnInH WUBiC OF TUBK. Outraze. Perpctrated au Chrîstia Wbmnuand Chiltireus ln Crete. Dr. Dumîiler, m-ho m-as "ent lu ýCroe b>' E,,perer W;1'l to ml nalle a report on theconedition of affaira, bas arriveut ln Aibens on lia returu front the isilanti. He gays: *CivizeJ pop*e eaulseareel>' credit tlic outragres wh:ch the Turks have perîtutratoi na UChristian urtien and l ut,!- dren. Euntipt'au bacc but a taint hdea ot ttc hurroré wtk-h have take lac11e. Thcpoetrs utinat absolue!'Y itervene 10 preçent a reneof utscb acella. There la huit one courbe to pursue, that la to tunathe Turkia out ut Europe. The lnsxurgeîîts itcind iightlng, aud <bey arc receliiîg a pientiti upp>' ot armsa G;reat titanrier ibrerail." D:apa.tehes t rom the ('reian consuls aneounice ta bornit>' md pillaigieg have beguInstriait. The ('retan cinittîe are redotublin> their efforts w sîîîqîy the insurgent% îvîtt munitions <of w:r. FA.Mous FtNIMM! ~ *Oklahomua" larry Hill Faccumbe tnea Runswav Accident._ "l',ioiu lairy- ll:l. the wPEl!kuîil frontiergînan. m-botte lire lhis been a ro. mance lîticrrwivt-u m-tIi lhe ar>' bltory of Kautas anîd Oklahoima. died nft Wicb- ls, Kan., trjm)n concussion ofthlie bralu Hillm-as thrown troin a buggy sud si severel>' stuiniedthaIbie b.neyer raiurm coitucloustee% lu the ear>' ds>s lie wuni a caitiemun ef great m-ealth. He wOval i n>'despersie ludian tights, anti Orle, riakeut bis lifé?lu detense of the setliers He waa une oethlie leaders in the carlî attempta te opoît the Oklahoma country lu settlemeat. 54-Pveral years ago Hill orgau Izet a Wi1tI Weffi show. m-birb inadul i hiig bit sud w'îsexhibte t Irougiout ltb United Sticae. HALF A MILLION LOS. Merciats' Termuinal itievâtor nt 81 Louis Ilurneti. eAt 2:30 o'cleck linlthe moraiag tire m-a discovered the boller-nounaofothe Ni echants' terminai cievator. ut St. Looch eThe large building m-as qitickir cuvelepe la flaunes. The îvhole norti portion of th cit>' was iliumiiifttedl for otan>' bleu-le sn udcsnbrtet m-s tiroir eut that lb m-wrof uthic iremen m-as ver>' difficuli ItAbout thirt mniutes af er the tire brobu oeil a 2-Nfoot stnkestack fell, narrowl mîssie>' a nwmber otf f men belua Twenty minutes utfter titis the W-etwa collapset. John F. ityau, presîdeut c lte compati!. estimatedti tat the loi irouiti ho at leastt 500,000. The elcvatx contuintid um>' thlousada f ut less gr-aitn. More Humnesedlers' IExcursiens- Aside f romu retnaiig 10 stop the pu; meut ut commissions on ticketsomud i e, astern lerritur>' and sgreeiug lu coud s.tional>' stop tbe Lssuance ot exehung Q orders lu the tame territor>', tbe oui>'Iii c;portant busines«s transaced b>' the Weg cia, Passenge: Asaociation'duminlie sfoi ,r ades, session at Chicago *as lu dock( h, uon the, coutinuance ot bomeseeker kexcursions turing the moatis Of Jul, eAuguat andi Suptember. Ail linsucsm-llrn ltemntl Wegteru territor>' on lthe fir to ,and hird Tuesdsys of each ntut. Caînvicttil of Offerina B1ribes. LAt Columbus, Ohio, ex-State SenaI cGeorge Iden of Newark and John qui». Abioti ot MeConueltavilie were senfenc .10a two pears esch lnathe pesiteatiar to l.aeb a-a« bund gulit>' of tantpering m-i g, leglalators, biP offerin>' bribes. E:Continq ta Chicago. te Eev, C. 0. Browmn, of Ban Francse uleparteul for Chicago m-lth bis reins] suad m-ilprubaby 'nul reture lu tie$se of bis troubleq. He-mn>' malle Dubuqi bm-a, bis old hume, bis headquarters g lbthefutur e. Muet 4tySte>'omeHut Sioht. PeRM.pforu.- eprwî- ut -- Detuoeratie ticket lu tii. (ld., mas gIsait out for pihbtitsl0hb>' aitenue et the executîve eoulttâû t the gul ul fluac>'et 1Imaci. hus ( la issued b>' h2 Illinois Demecracgw advocales the. cause 0f lbe peliom- ho tbq golti Democrmcp of tii. otbkrt State. Ilaliariit ^in la% tolloiVit s'A national conveation coitveneti ul.>';- " -te conqitelted ul tbônit>' of Our Party kle Iul elokoul Us session l inte cip et ciii-. ý , 1 ento. il entered otponlils mork by ilt Ing ail lint, î'uccedeita lu the muee m- , of a dlxtingizhied, Democlat as lie tebis- pot'ury preu'ldilixodkler. il t dieea sovereign $tâte ut a roîce i laïs dulihbéra- tilis h>' uuuseuilg iihtot cause or 1<151 - justification deit-gahes eletei l tAilthei r.gularlty kuowsu tu part>' organisation. Il retuseul to ludorse lte hoggeît>' 0Ani fiduiîl>'ofthlie î.resenh Demuicrâtlc nlatIeti 4 al adiunitstratin. It adoplel aiplalou vici taiors tlec trocoandi onâlnted eown age o! silrer by tiis country' sione At lh. ratio ot 14b ta 1. andtislcret>' 1< repud!aleu a tiiiee-looort Denissellahlc priteipleë whiblet d.îns:idnibe strict maintenance et a sunt s ud niable nailetacurteucy. Finluat>, ta matie Il stili painler lin-il a- thàotîghinbu usiq t iwas nutlnii(nfet s Dent- ocrutirecouivent ion, kIaniotel for Pi-es- 4elitt une m-te t,,tot inibis politîcal convie- tl2ns. asud bas liot alurîtytu been aveu lu bis profeissions, a Deruocerat. "Thuis ibas iidc sicit a criais, bot for the. nation andt he Dm-îocratlc part>', liai soanisiniey litngscmats at once mauet de- ceemlat politicali action the>' will talle for the îrtectuon ot the btter outheb nation, lie pru.'priy oft he People ad the liter ei-ue s, uofthte Part>'. Tlie. muti-moury enerats outIlliis sbave fuI!>' matie ni. tht-jr tieda tist a aew Damocmalie national ronvention %hootl b.e caltes] for Lite enlieu'b feasible day tes noutitnsto Ilenteeratic candidat"s for Pres- buent and Vie. -Pru-sitiu-ît ant iadopt a pînteorinu o -t ii-tocnti pIriniliiC. «',uihopi,." conitiueIlite docsiment. 'iltat scut outhIe repsîiua t<oiulaPublie si.tetiit ut lise viirs a1lte Illinois Detux-ase> îbure eau lSe guitred so monrtut!fte juuigmeut outhie Isedin>' sund-niîîiu(y illesnoicrztls outhticUniteud slages as rail lié rtrilluiaîcd lutoa aplan of action.- Tliee all is l Iinei h'Ile Execiîiie Conîit tt- u o t h,- uu'tMiUsyetntue- rat-y of !î.t ABOUT PAST CONVENTIONS. Chca._os kece nt (Unuhcrinc Won Net the Mot b lentoralte lit llistor. Tlhe Iîats iîiîlar o!Ir. allots cii-r takiei lut a I-itrn atiinal oiconveit- tien %viteiqin [lt'if INi. aint arlestont. Fift>'-i-ev-i bîtota werestaise»uthoul reAumt, clit- i s ;t'tj-ii tulentpias bail ta Ba!tiiniore. iiittre SIclien A. Douglas m-as î,,niiria luit for lresiilent, secellis àlelegtes tniiu lise ",)ithera Sttels si- iitiiitg.John Ct triiekinrliig. l luhe 2 iraI tguée conitiongutittu5 tuc the>' l etu- *ocua-ic Part>' tle canite a~fur tUru's.dt'ttt r mas itonstti uitlituut oppostiton, Ait- drew Jsuckaou t Iiili'vt itutMartin Valn -Bem-eu i148-t, n'l 1M1. Ilit IS44 aine 0 blIt4 nu-e requirvd. Vait Buren bailit>' ' a 1euar iti:jor.taiI lle stanl, tuti - it itm--ttird.t. tuet nouinatibonflallu>'lua n Plk. m-it Vu: BiutAi reeebving bust <e. il antu<d ts.bis chitfolipugint, but Ksu-von- se <m'eu.. lis1848 Lewis Casa mwasn umnated r on te fourt Iti.iIlot, receiviug mure titans a tirotiris. li 1852 thewe m-cie oity- 1- nne bllos. Ctpawas heiendbn agct- a dilate, mt ilietauan second., Douglas ie thirtisutut Maie>' tourtIt. On tb. tort>'- ninttînîlot tiese droppe ont mend Fi-anki- llin lerre iras oitotna. lu 1856 Bu- chanaandti u-e. estarted preti>'close together, witlu Douglas titird, aud on lie tatballot lBuchanan m-as nominateti. slu 18(14 Oea. McClelian irasnominateti r-oni lb. int ballot. lI 18 Seymour wm-a . nomnimtteul on the iwenty-secoud ballot. ýd lu 1872 Gi-clt' wan oinales] ou lhe e irst ballot, re_,ivIng GUS voles; Ba>'as'd u,15; Black, 21, aa .ti(roeubeek, 2. In 18701 cTilien mas noinitesi ou thie penaudhai- [t, lot. Allen t;. Ttur-man of 0hio, Heu- i, drictis ut Indiisris, Bayard of Delaware, ly aud Hancocti ot Pennalrania weu'e alieu v.voted for, lc:îdriella havnig te secontd kil largetut vote and llancock tlirl. lu of 18M0 Hancock-t a s nominaled on tlie sec- sa cundballot, thouigitlie andi Bayard alo4ual or ver>' close logt-er On the firal ballot, f thieir votes beitg 171 nti 1(33 respective- 1>. lu 1884 thare wers îm-o ballote, Cle-oc- lad havin>' a commandiug lboul un lté Rirat. Bayard, Thurnuan. Itsudail, Mc- Y' Donald, Hlentriicls, Carlisle, Flower sud 1 'ý Houile>' i-c ie sovoIcI for. Mr. lie- - Douuld's vote m'anlte brut ballot mas fit- ge' tp-six aud Heniricks' one. Ouite secondi u- ballot Hendriclt' vote m-sa tort>'-five asut "McDuuaid'soaie. Inla ISI Presll.îtt ®r Clevelandtivmai noniiu:ttpd b>' acelaiuis le lion.Ili IN182 lie mas înominaled] onithe' e inet ballot. aht Nre wso f Minor Note. Geretam, the New York utillioniatre, - is& desti, ageul El3eu. joseph A. Sîtuier, a fermer, %tvos killiu' Mf b>' llghting ocam Iiutcbbuaoa, Kan. c>' Hem iRolobithe b.Atnican explorer. dieul ue t bis residence ai Ricagadort-oa-lhhlut. ith ebecca lertageti, aired 4 >',as daugiter ut a merchant uf Marion, i-ldt.. hasds] tronumaneecelve lamlile pla)'- la>'tm-ithb htins, wbbch Iculiestiber eO, louaes. 'y, John Lynch m-a killed b>' a train at ýne Ana Ambon, hidi. Hlm papérs stoweA ». that h.em-s la st., roula, Mo., juan.-4.~ luan mal i b. sa a mouibler et lb. Galvea- ton, (Texas) Briciapersm' Union, but lie, elaimanha bave beau fotult onrte bu>y.. tel Titre. robiemu, vito posed ns, deteclives. __ aud eatomced thir demndaes -lItistol