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Lake County Independent, 17 Jul 1896, p. 5

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A1~ Triggs &Ta'lor's This is what our customers ZrT0 KNOW THE St TY 0F YOU R OODS ONLY T0TRY THEh We claim not ony to keepi grade of goods ln ail Unes, bt prlcese guarantee can not b countede-inthe county. Beat Minnesta fiail cetaEn heets 1,:5 ut.,. Can T0Sato.'C $1.00 per îbuy. ood Jastt Berryt Coffix goldfiotriu» 22o worth o,> i ricti po ITo.earejaly afowo! our bargaloîs. (Jurmottow ~1 ~ j - Rememnber we are head ail kinds of fruits. - NOTICE TO FARMERS:--W, p WIgh ige-sit-prÏlic e -fo r goocd m'..TRIGGS& !OEATIB But doesthe f lour you 5ai make good bread, and a as OUR FLOU Rwili? Th, of the State Inspector of sota, shows *that Il oui OUR FLOU R wili make 21 es of bread. Try it and vinced that OUR FLOU R The Best. be con- is We always give you GOOD and CHEAP INSURANCE Farm property a speciaity. Cet our before insuringand save money. rates1 F. C. SMITH & SON. 01 %Ac88 1 amn going across the Strect anto the Hanby Building, August Ist. Have seven or eight Wheels that I wilI seil at a sacrif ice. Theyrnust go. They are bargains. Corne in and see thern. You will never be sorry if you get one of thern. C. R. SHERMAN, ...J eweler, LIBERTYVILLE, - HF-RE I O 004OFrTHOSU BLUE FLAME OILSTOI Punil iTin and She ILLINOIS. Mfr. and M--s. W. H. lsit snd chlldren. of Maywood, spent Suuday here. Sixteen daIlars where we have one nov. Thats the sort of a 16 to 1 vo want. 0i. H. Schanck returued llonday fr000 a trip) b northern Wisconsin vhere ho ijent to buy a bill of lumber for the erection o! a large barn on the farm owned by the Dsrby brotheré at Diamond Lakte. W. D. Price aood wife, of Jefferson The Wooîkgaîî road race to occur July Park sopent Suday wth F. C. Wright 25, promoises lu be au event of unusnal aud family. Interest Ibis year. The Wankegan Foc SALE-A good olie-horse wagon Wheelman are advertising the race sionost nov, cheap.i thorouglàly sud if the weather is F. C. Sul Tu & SON. favorable a large nuîrher will vitness Our peuple were trcato.d to anilt exhlibioni of U neTonîs Cabin,uudenI Charlm Carey, who hLa been in the cunva8s Monday eveuiug. employ of F. B. Loveil for the past six H. Hl Meyer, representing a Rock- monthk, luit Tliorsday for bis home In ford omonumental irm a wamin bown Del(alb, vhene he has secured a the fIrst o! the week soiciting bnsiooeee oaýsitioýn in an office. Mfr. Carey forbi hilrinu oxpeetri lu attend Rush Medieal College Mrs. MacOluflu, doogiter Ado, sud thi.. faîl. mou htsiph, returned Sturday cviîng TIhe V 1.S. C. E. o!fte Presby- from a few days visit m. ith iiende t terait thtîrch fiais bucto divided into a St. Charles, f1t. Clîitian Endeoivor proper and a C. IL Seherooierhiornii .!t Monday .Junior Society. The. Junior Society for a few daym trip through Del<alb will nieet at 6:45 anol the Christian and DoPage Contjes, in bloe interest Endeoisor directly after preachlîîg of lis patent water fiter. 'servives Sutoday eveuilg. Ail youoog J. H S. eevoultv srve'01.ofieoplle e>,pecially invited(l o attenod Waukegan, lius hoen ti %rkinig ou 1th e't.-metns propertî' of the -syaaoi'ate- the aOscar Xittke. a pedestriao ou a trlip gretter part of thii week. friitiorijoitte, tu Newv York, pamsed IMesgrs. Croker . saliaboru have tt'î>î in aioru voia.lie ordered the ixtbreb for tloc OoCw store 'xakinag for a vuger of $5(w), expeci. moonoi tu the l-anby butildilng to Le ioîg btoover the distance lu fiftytvo occuipeo by theon. Iîey hope to tluaîs. Mfr. Witbke vas selling Me- opeu ftor buisiness the lirtt Mondaoy ina iniey btuttons tu repleuish bis Auglmt.tretî.îry, but said froni the amonaît o! Augoiet.sala-s tntructteai bore Lie vas of tlhe lirs. Edward Biradley, of lieloit, optmnoin thoot the great deiocratit' Kootis., aut ofi Johln Bradley, (I of vention had lured most of<if r Rondlout, 's vstnlg tbloe ltter and NMt.Koaleyites over bbc fonce. famly. lire. Bradyisy ue un absout L.i. Hillis, 0tf Chicago, l libe frono ibis c(Iiity' for twtenty.three rvmeiieaberod by many in this vicinity, years. as cuitor of the old Liberflyville rîî,tem, Walla Williamus has a irst-chies Lorme antd an attorney of somne local fumîe and buggy, wviehcl e iii bc pleased tt ell years ego. lMr. flillis passetl lot to responeible parties by the day though LibertyviUle vlth bis fanily, et reusonable rates. Horees stablod Tîîesday uight, on bis returu frono tnd boardetl lso. Cali et stable north Deep Lakte vhere ho bas beon rusti- of dopot. 39-4t <ating, aud stopped to shako bande Thistle cooonimsioiaer NV. Iiterfll ith old acquaintancos. Heo is chnck hrougbb dit against live eltizens o! Ibis touvîashbp for Violation o! the Cainada thistie law Toesdey. Tney vere flued $10 in tach case before A large and varied j Justice lîostlin l Wsukegan, alpy ingtefn with one exceptioin. One Une of Hardware, case wa, peld 10mierecord, passed SPumn ps, M ilk CanS hýli Ii pee vnthe Chicao-j 1 Watkegau century course ounby Sun a!id Cutlery. The . 0...Bt-e eead b best o i can o n th e gluthi e antimaes obllged to ma k tWe are In recciîît o!fsba o o poome, M/ES. b" ~ ly Lakte couîty vriteroi compileti by R iobert. Darrov, of Wabîîegau. The ______________________bookt consist@ o! 150 pîages, la uieatly prlnted sud bouîod. Mr. Darrow la aelliug the.volunie for $1.00 aud to any P S9 Gas Pipes, ..,l .goeeacquainted i vtîsoui local viiteis (lasripe, .ausa ~ j itsuveti vorth thé amnount. Orders can hbe et at thia oos. et IItu te absence of Re*'., M&WOSUM,* %e ro n the euvapeation cothe l b. -di 1 ~Set the pace, Dthers follow but neyer overtai OUR PRICES. - PIU.itULJ ejr. r1a'rt a.u%-l i.r r.4 ÂAINSI Localý Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers.. C.M. & ST p. A. R.1To ME TABLE. Mrs. Samuel Moore Ji; q ite ill. Drflr Stre. rocnc~ci. isa 1~Lulu Pennimau vasmn Chicago Russell *Sm 5:17( Wadowortb 58M 5:28 LO Ed. DuBols is entertaining bis c A urneesn91.10 5: Mo:1 s a ;Warrenton9».16 5:29 5:14 mther fr000 Elgin. say LnariîLaG.2 7:» 21 12:0M A bus Joad of Juvenile Teînplarà Roudout 04 :2 : 6. 8 :5 :21 i :« 7:M 9M25 124:W.0 8 w ent te Cristal Lake Thîîrsday. JPERI RI- =ld 527: 15"$.12:62 6&07 5:8 ON AS I heevli 5:5660 O9W12mu6414 &8 Mrs. Fred Croker and lirm. IH. Lnak O NE. - - J Po(t R OM CHWICÂGO.2 10 :0 30visited at ryslake Wednesday. v.Un.P a . a.m. r.m. P.m. P-ML a.'». Ms. Wattars, of Milllnigton, is visit- a ihLv 7ze8t :0 4006:0 s:Sing ber sister. Mrs. W. J. Fuller. ut hig Lv.Klnirte 8-28 90*184:56 & :3 6 Mesdamnes AI Daoenbury and Wzn.A 8:34u0.'22 5:0010:1 7 7:275 -2 )edis-5wu 10:22 :00 617o:267 9V Farnhuxn ere in Wankegan wdoa B A ri."t 0: dB10.i6 5:12 640 740 9»8 -LIMEETXvu.LL 10:45 4:ô5 :50 9:4a dey. Warrento» 5&54 5:15,. î,c.ptr doz. g-,e :0 0:3941 Bert Hoyt ls vorking for Triggs a 2ae per . adovorth 910 5:33Tylr2 9g h asnc f1o 0WBollt wrhUl ussell (arrive) 9185:49 10:08Tyo urn h bsneo o 15 LOE aio LU ~jyg *degotes daily. s8ienotes sundait oaly. Corlett. Iquarters for, Weeptsno arkaoptrstais Several Libertyvil. teachers arc ai- BUNDAY TRIAINS. tending the institute at Waukegaa le wi Il Lv.LiOylIp :10 m. Anr.hitiî1 6a . M. Mlrs. Elizabeth Loveli, of Amherst, l beef L.v.Cbiuago &:o56 P. Em. Ar.LibertyvllIti e:22 P-01* Mas., auint of F. B. Lovell, is viglting - -No. 20 nuns Bunday onlt. golnzeouth. vil!bhla and famnilv. stop on signal as follow:-Ât RUSSPII M1:0 ,.m asorb1:7 urnee 12:27; Warren- Th aeieCmtrAsoain AV R. ~~~on 2:w, Rendent 12:36; Everot Or42DeerflIeId ThLaeeCmtrAsoatn T...5 LO j 12:48-, ShermervIlle l2asI; arrives in Chic«ait ili meot at lirs. John ParboursFt 1:65 p. M. day, Juiy 24, ut 2.3o p. m. Il Train No."44lta been latele put on fromn Teeaib etn !Lbry Ëi Deerfield te Chicag«o. Leaves Beerfield 7:W20 r ii eameig fLbry a. m. BSher¶aerville r:se arrives Chluago 8.10 ville Fire departmeut ln Egers Hall e.0.No. 5 a"Ves Chîciago 11:20 p m arrives hermervil i 200 a. m. Deîel at 8 o'ciixrk Soturday nlght. 12:10 a. M. __________________ ______ MisNoie Churchill is visiting rets 1Richard Adams, of Deerfieid was in tives suîd atteoding the temperance EA.town Monday. camp meeting ut CDrystal Lake. MiseFloruce hacer, f wake- Ed. Auritin and family wholed it te Mis Flrene Tachi',ol aîîe-Libertyville from Chicago, Sunîlay, gan, vas bers over Sunday. to mkes short visit among frlends. reuîgMr. and Mrs. L. P.- Todd, of Deerllel d, lire. Thom. Springfttead daugliter es repor C. B. Shermuani vii move soon. Se Henry \Villions, the Bret of the week.1 Mîne- oi ad i anthu clunn.Jus a8 wugo to prese we ieariiofo! F Minne- Miss Lillian Keele, of Enigiewood0(, li tht narriage o!f1Mr. Bert Austin and1 inces of viaiting vlth Miss E. A. Bush. Miss Carnie Plummer, of Chiciogo,1 lO oulc- Rev. Louis Selva, of Odeil. Ill., vhich occurocd at Waukogan, M'ed. Croquet sets ........... 74 Bicycle Beita ......... ... M Bicycle Shoes ...........2.01 Bicycle Caps ..................... .60 Istrav Rats ...................... .0 Lo k Handkerchiefs .... ..... 0 Chllds' Vents .................... .10 Ladies' Shirt Wasts ......... A mrund iLadies' Stimmer Corsets ..... 8 Extra Faney Lemons ..........10, Raisins .. . .. . .. . .. ..05 ýBys2 piaeoe Suits.............I VU t euBo'sKnee Pajits ......... M9 Men's Suits as 1ev as... ...0 i Celluilold Collais................ .10 uau.916W s iMenis Rose ... ............. .06 emou. he li ens Suspenders.......... ...... .10 ie oiut. than e ns 9Oversbirta. . ... .........M rdinaury reay-Mens Overalsa....................Si e Mriayray Nens Balbriggan Shirts and Dr's. .18i ma&i ciing for whlch they usually pay more than we ask for thee reliable guarantced goods. Why .hoult they be? Is made of &Hl wooI materlal, prop- erly sewed mnd trimmed s0 that ont suit wll outwear two of the ordinary We control the sale of these goods i tbis vlinity. Our Stock the Largest Our Prices the Lowest e Tallor Ma>de. M. B.COLBY.&Co, "Dealers in Everythlng.90 -~~-'LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, MAX LE BEAU'S MIDNIGHT, SINGERS PRIDE, LA MEDALIA, .9. Brands of Smoking Tobacco . Prices from 2Octs. to $2.001lb. UIIOICE STOCK CIGARETTES; AND CHEWING TOBACCO. .MY CIGAR CLIPPINGS3MA KF A PLEA SANT SMOKE. LEITHTON. 0Hst u tub liasbegun around bre. WMI1. M vent te Chicagoa last Tuesdqy. Mfr. J&yTAlason andi son vere ln Chicagl asi Sunday. Mr. and lira. John Kruckmna and nîther veut te Chicago last Friday. Don't birget tbe dance givon by the Diamoud Lakte Pleasure Club, Thurs- day neit. The B. 1. ài E. interlocklng crev has retnrled and resinnot operabions ut this point. f111 a ilterstig aceoîeso! oDe- Mr. E. G. Carlton, master car boild- tyvilies orlier bistory, sud 4"svspod" or of the IL J. & E., called on1 C. F. otories vith olti rosidents vhich called Nulta 1*81 Tuesd.ay. to mid many plossaut Incidents, lilas Sabra Beatein returned te ber home ln Chtoago, aiter a couple o! days' viit wÎth Wm. Davison sud Will Go To Antioch. family. Lake Zurich, Waucouda, Graysiake, Four Pullusal coaches loaded 'Ruth Autioclo anod Wsîkegan vanteti the ilver deoeaobounti for Chicago Solîlierns icoounion. At the meeting toi attachodt 0 th ie fa0t train On the <ictrulne te tuîo nS lacef ~W iscon8in COoral passed tbrongh bore hodîgthe uiom elti ae cort buttiinet stop. "ti;ood thing," pull bonse in Waukegau, Wednesday, at F. E. Glosscoe, ouragenstathe whichi there vas a large attendance possessor of a lne colt, and no doubt thc exectîve comuittee, after len- viii muake him a lino buggy horse.. ing o te caimsof he arios twnsThe trouble ta Y. E. baan't the tuse te lngto he aim o!theVaronstovs alte sanieo bisspryne ,outof hlm, reported Antioch as the place andi bey, Frank. Thursday snd FridaY, Aug. 27 and 28, the lime. EVERETT. Mrn. Edwaiid MSLughlin, o! Chilcago, Last summer one of our grand speut StanaEY vus fienta hero. chiltirouo vas tick ith14 sèvore bevel lMn. T. B. Bedunofo! Chicago, vis- triouble. .Our doctoa i5DIedieé 11* lted relatives a" 4 inda bore lest failed, thoni vs trIeti Chanbeldu a 8nday. Coie, Chltroiand i DariboeaBmein54 Mli. Jobhn YXciite outh4ick llo't, ho- vhich gave ery asieedy isflef. O ju lng prnteti by the. esslve hoat regrditas hebeeit me&tnt he cr putlu ody ro e rd. f S é el omplaint. lat ou uy Mr& È,ite y, ndei"le -Cbamberlains Oough Remedy c1ur,' M.. Vte lei~S thl" ôeêmedi- coMas, coup sud vhooýpiug ctogh. lb clue ë p 1h. oc et go ispleasatt asle bai îelitla. Forn scie eg ji by Y. B. Loveli, 1,Lirtyvlhie, aud G 5L~~I ~ LIWI C. Roberts, WbssiqAel ~~~iiuiiÎiistw eu tThe Kelly Brosr base, ball t4t.ii, 1IOf .Clicago,.P ey r4~ vereta. 1"t DV. Inmau'NDr»LAKEaryco. pleted. lire. M. Andrews ls learnlng te ride- a vheoi. Diamoud Lauke Is biockaded vitis suminer hoarders. Oeo. Oct vas lb Chicago luti Friday on iegal business. Miss Lona Bolta vas on our streeta aset Tuesday vitis ber vbeel. Dont forget the danoe given by the Diamond Lakte Plessure Club Thuxe. day uext. Wm. Cooper sud Willis AnoI6 atteudeti lodge at Rocktefeller I&M Thursday nlgbt. lVbei dry caîl on Wm. Lemkae11W Geo. Osi. Wbat Bill bain't Mtgel 0 bas sud vhat Ueo. bain't Lot ]UBIB ýê- The flrst gaine of hall tbJ» suafl vas plsyst on the home groun4a. t# Diamonti Lakte and i Lbertyvfle. .'fh score )eing 16 te 24 In fav!o! ci boys. They viii play ab LIbr=vl next Snnday. Harveut Excursion,. In order tu give everyoii ëf opportanlty to see the grand OrOi té the Western states andi enab" inteEoding settler to meure a h«m4 Chicago, Milvauokee & St 1 4121 37i arranged to rmn ase«1es Of' exçursioais to Soundard tI!i sud ttu other statesîIn vest, fle antd south.vost on the toUvia. Jaly 2l. Angui 4 anti 18, U 15, 25 aid. October 6 and89, Ub$1 rate of tvo dollars more tisait »ê, foin the round trip. Ticem- vlWte good foar retutrua finapsy Ti1ple- oitiy vitbin.twenty-bOus daYa lotu ti sale. Forr itteàUb tt88Of sud fthotùr detalil apk*to< .igeiatif t,1.11eOaoC a..»o Paul 113. 'l AMd sc he ien that Itfs easy to pick the brightcr, freher, mor those that wear the

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