ýa 'à ft 5' Intes«tlng Intevts w mwa st theïr wits' end to exPalaîn th - w - ~ AUM TNCOVETIO ~8Ea-AWFUI. MEADEND COLI-SION AT Wth MaLdy et ISevesty4tw@ nntt1. 'we l fally camelu î bOkd ffl ouil te boums" BLED AT WASIiNGTON. AiW. Who Telle a Merveou Story. to tiiefr remceeand pltl se II;______ >164Prom the Unie%. Port .Ycrvs. If Y. EngUish If they could heo f nnY goulet- Ttl hndp mabwte uGr aisee wupi aHulU .BatBsitTrr>ste orhc But a short time ago, lu a distAt -' sce. On explalulng their situation, Boulis theet the Country, we beard of a cure by tii ~Set on ery ragIe sd delcsX CrOdB-Els tosm Wrkas #f *u Caeaeloto au KZCDVBion Il ls u.netfDr. Wîiiams' PirkPts ~bte710 mspo~dt eerp on le pecllly eanAtd tdec- e Crw 'f.tantorme WeOake g 0ea tPersans Are hill0< se.qied ament marvelous, and more te. for the leist goudia nd made au appoinlt- 15',Ttt aecalyaïapedt eec teai Tut-r eien Clre az mmd Fift-oel tlejrd~etl: nerdsdusanie vldetce oft ment te meet at the sane place the fol- Tt a te Scrtay oerMateReort6 ndFity-meInure. her alu raced ureas.Boie f u Iowtng day. The nppontment was çI~~itI Boioscfth limse. no uil traof meh there wAinhagtu eduly kept; the luggage duly dellvered- " é a ii - TiseWork Coumenced. Ti ,radfyro h hcgo and @tory, a reporter wan sent ta interview thie Englishmen, fuiofrttdepor Te s-itctOeOnTnsN was cpturd l'ytiiTnh ortiwern nd raon te loi icVl the persan said ta be thus beu*âted. If fut out theîr bottent thanks-o their un- o"odsPille -bIIOune«u. Vb dngte reth mu I., toal ontoofCritinEndeavor- laden pieute train near Logan, Iowa, for- tii.EAiTtlVC "Dotbrui eacied owhser ~' oa evnofwfCr*li AS truc, il mes onIy simple justice te let known frlenda. "'sade n kewofwhom ilco si' Ooi, *ýM ag.cy pssble la tis 5litS. csWdcdy u hyhl h ent ie ate maha, early BaturdtaYi t b. knOw1a-if it proved untrue. if would 7011 are tinig'ai u fteuSO Q SSSO Ii W5*p"PiMIty for f' tuas 1 iiithe fllowiag Tuesday. The rail- .,euag. Tiventy-eigbt pespe were killed b. w.U te know it.wlth a amîle. "e i;w lhw fuur, e a'glywWye. res bailfald te make adequste at- and ltty-oue injurcd, rant of whem Wli 'lIRe Persan aiîuded to above aubamial dld." "Well, tien, Oscar of Sweden, Tho!0 istrbucbaffthât dcvelove rWmeets toi transportation, aud were die..Twenty-four of the desd are identi Pn lu .Ms.Jn lotaien. oftand ibis le my brother Eugene."-Pitte- V t humghtfil wma rom thie sw&mVýed. 'Thousands of delegates sand W dt hefd lcothers are so badît uiutilated PiksPille in . .a pesn 1 itli ugDWib ý4koçghtTe gil, shoum d you on visters wcre laie in arrivbng. 0f dl- thst identification la hardly possible. BussezCeunty, about fi! tees miles__________ w*t uy d aiga.les there Ver. 10,000 and et visitors The. list ef the îjured hin alengtbt oue. Imte is lijioice. The reporter barno e Vlal racIeScri Au ys tre fr taï, hy«cal 11-u many me. The exercios were In It centaine twcuty-eigbt or more anes dlnty lu finding Mr@. Hotaien. Il waS aubeFncieBO& ~As @u eterfo raiu in Iul nela dîfereni places at once. ot persons wbe were serousy hurt, dan- santi oncuwhenw.menched bhilfl5 The franchise ef eay digestion-onsor the WVu h onsanp t s. i ~ bre. a idouble bone, one efmont valuable la the gi!Ve! medical science- sud SVir hlresTht.. tenta, seatlng 13,000 peepleeeh, gereusly se, te n greater or leus degrec. vhich isoacupiedb b er son. 8h lsa a eA s tei ni ay person wsmi" ug t 50 tlib~~ >~>tei er. erected acar the Washilngtoni menu- lu addition there wercent least fift, If nusnn-~e î ay oku e'e55 otteiSoshBtes iurt Sment. Central Hal and lve of the lors- net a greAter number, who received la- abut sixty-fil-e, I>t is lu realit êeh t- suPPres grewlog dyspepsie, or te uproot it - LydabE le ieeest churches ;ere aise naied. Wcdus- jaries of a initier nature. These conit- t r ears et age. Attier afew plt i t naturity. BlMous. iheuruntie. aud fever day nlght a sterm blew dowu oeeof the cd of bruines and Cuis or elight diaigore- DYreumaries ln expguetnatof t (. 1A, A02115110 s, Utferers. persoua troubied w1lt IA laget.tets ndexrcge ere la cou- mente which will cicalamouat taeS ma s5 abked if oa. ad an bto n DrVOUsien. and the cntlpated, shu kiV 'Veetblelageti eDs, udexrcIesp ite glving us the detuils 9 theCaand aiSse»Cure thc heaith franchise ti' the sine~ sequeuce delayed Thuraday moruiig. nothisg. A considernbec number aiem' i aet r u e a eus & Notwlthâtandui< diacouraglug weather, wereshakeu up severely, but beyond thils remedy. im .vn ' the. Endeatorers werc carly astir, tuait- werc uninjureu. Tii. wnnsepcciaily the "Net at ail." sald the. *'If m ex n The charelter of a mari le fouad by ~UIU l lttheir wa>'latheIi case amoug the passeugers who occupied euesco be ot any good te others,tar weigilug l acte, flot by lstcning te many churches set thec cars lmme-jately behind the eue whlch 5am1 they are weicoms ta t-lt eau de me bi speech. L I U O t~ spart for thec sunrise was deniolilbed. sbat i "Wheo were >ou tAkea sick end wbat -)services which be- The Peeue of wreck and diteth occurred VAs the nature et the mallN>'?" W" A Child ESubi. anid AM£ PAgU gin the crercises of in a piece of dense woods about tint.sked. Tepesn lvr eteato n ec y.The. top- riles met of Logan. lioth trains cime "Tt mas about two years 5<0. . The goThge es toSr gent ilwea n d'i h~ GK . lest thefe sunrise tegether bcad on wble rnveling aiuith ehwsne nratclucarctrf* luh need of a laxative, and If thc father S F I iE E S services vas "Pray- rate of ffty muiles anbhuer and mas canscil atica, uhey called t-sud it mes o .F I cr et the Conven- by Ifngineer Mongomery et thse pieubou a n xeddti wuelnt ntfli esliflo i s;s h tien," and lu *ACh tanmstkH ndr.le should have thee 11mb, crippin u cmieti. I t le Uic hoat famiiy remedy known. IEf Couieun" ItIisurdeIinGerntulscase the meetings m t hu ie sidiug t Logan uotil the. suffcred intensely fromn il. and the ordi- bous ot trial. Tbusmb wtun ere led b>' mcm passeuger train ani the fast overland flyer &MTy treatment gave me ot the sligbtet and eve9' famlly should have a bottle. -WBtWSV WrtI.4 fl *'- --~ organiatiens. These forthe passeoger te iGy by sud theu pu a onth as statedbut grew morse instead To l'e coniented with what w. bave fJf~~f5j JNU &ttéU irgle:-fi & pewert e ve eso i.vstu dpse.H uywie ogc ougi bl ertido. aIasndteoimeut aout *niaoutthesaiess t ow th eat lrreuarl Bettitise WOU5A B l. .CLÂEK8- special services laut- cd out on thc main tri ck wtb the thrttîie e etr n a aticmi<dsot eaetu nea eeutcerh(M lE.me. ethe se- ol-f! vitb tisai'phpulil ad frtrm6:30 te 7-1« .elock. Tiien came ide open ami a full bead et steam ion. "*bant brought Pink Pilla te tour no- 1 knoV that my lite was saved by plsqo's o NW XUC O 6M g'U~ absort adjourument for breakfast and a Tic crash came ge quickly that Moutgoiu- lice?" Cure fer Cennumit ion .-John A. Miler, OW MA M,7M %* 4I.lthd d - WU l a .liktabot tevu. The great meetings la ery buil harely time te jump. The excur- "My 5son called my attention te au article Ail Sable, Mlcb., April 21. 1805. bshorrogSi net culutinu eMPunY the igtente verse riginaliy Ouxed fer sion train mas cenîposeil o! ceveutenIn lhiaaper, l 'in lch It was tnted that a A__ _ _8 U tV E I K . this county, bail hien greatît benefilcl51RUi TP.5tDbbD ir its.BRS f n...i befe the services began. Iu lent Wssh- weeuand chldren, motly f romt Counu l'y their use, and suggcnted that it wouidl i~.~wI ed c.f vem'e. d; lugon, President Fraucis E. Clark et Blnff@ and O(mahia. They Ve r aking l'e a cuud flan te try theru. But 1 mAa» T sfsssiWustrstd. OfLA vitra.1bS. bah Boston, Mens., premiled aud Perey I. merry. migiug and shouting. The Veght aiepticalinl regard te their valuie-lu tfact a. N. Ul. Ne. 29-« I8~~~~~~~It A.~~~~~~~~~ ~ Fotre nhntnahta ietiu b xuso ri u be specil of the 1I md no confidence in their eficaicY am M.. W B....'s esast.le, chieren o! the vit chorus ot singera. The set- trelgbt made the wreck a fearful eue. Tne ntber lanied n~ t the suggestion. But thir OLDEYc nfanm tise trouble increased and I mas badly _____________cotte.__________________________L_______ES_____________ vices in tent Endeavor were conuîcted twe englues were compete:i demolisheil crippie. A few days later ru> son VAS IV. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~b> tho lier Howard B. Grume et Boston, and! tbe tiret twc cars ot oach train te.le- aott ii egbn ov u wii 0. E.Excel et ChIc. ei hrg cpi.The work of deatb mas wrought suggested agnin thht il migit bie weII te Te~ofthti music. Tue sddress ot weicomc iu the firsi coach of the-excursion traiu. tri ibis iuuch-tikeil-of remedy, sud 1 alooetheABlCISO~ t ticvisiorson ehai o!ibe istI t l is were nearly 100 people andl but ara conqenteal. He bougt lme a box of obf ~ e Columbia uas delireilb> Comnmis- few cl theni escapeui without injur>'. te n egntkn ierit once. ~P o u C h loner John W. Blon,,and Vas respoudeil There mas neoa-aruing. and witi -the Atmthe een ofanil by 1ic tedI a ake. te by Prof. W.W. Andrews et Snckville. wrcclof the ecar came den th or dangerouss peent.b an yah ie 1 w alk eah N. B. Otherwise the services acre simi- îfjury tc~ot every occupant. Ail of a cane. I1citinueil their use, taking Mnd tmokIfiB" lar in evri respect lu thos cnducteil the coach", es re bailli shaken up, but severai boxes. andl am,.as yen sec. iu a <I.OI4E"UUUS AUmi.DYPMPIWQltut Wa&biîgton, the noual reports the deail were cooinc-d to the firet pasacu- verY onfrtable state e! healt.' T O A OO Odd tc d'd l. ge coah'*Have youubad sut retura ot thc trou- YOR OUON os£MTY hnefit utfhethousonils unmbi te recors «*ýtR etog tM ieo if 31YU -U0110( M T -FIVE KILLED. "u iyt iuha u'teo ie "MaM D8Tadmisiont E FOLrstDame let. erenty-two, t wouhI net lhe surprisiug if S once b ' OL W 1segîî tue useIfit c pus. 1 soulîpoe % UALEProsident Caacke chose for bis it: bSle hulhve fi creInbill TC AIB mie"WbtGolbthjiîe oitonlo eut uChicao. 1 inherit a teiidency te troubles efthiis S LEFICTURES. * lian put asunder. ' He - mid tie plaforo - idiuhrledfouteu eoy &41«d" ta&*e h hrsinEdnor «-asfor Christ A isconain Central excursion te Sh- Dd iii noe a Mefetrotu soe~.saimbles%.. ier Park Sunday, under the auspies of t leumo Pik 'lI nu retait m "a. sa, Iesm &" 1*andl independence et the idividuelan u i AclOderetUiti sormn, "owatvrPTinnyekisoh 411Yv9 oe Wi aUII' Incsl auiscts. Sle!ofench Society in ibis work. ln fifteen ot h niaont aerona it disatr. .4 my Stumuatei in any rai or'cansedrue sa tusftd Vusils.Sceses, W09" 09Ait. * yer, on ibis paîferm 4,000 soccties bailfCiao a teddwihdsse.a ysoil(I naywyo asdm du t luches. 4isubjecte neaeesbi Coing eut eue section ofthle train winADI annoyance. Neither iid 1 finil it net- - --U am-b"88. M"MMSa beenernle. o hm .0,00aet-boacded b>' rougis. who lbent uud robbilessai'yto icse the dose, as the direc- ~~tnsis5t~~cAs.4Mets.* ben eroltd, t whru .700000are the ecouductor and thc cugineer. iteturo tiens Bs ay h e ilgsirahIe. I amnable, dc>' niembvrq. and 2.000,1>00others, .en- as Yon sec. to attendîlte M in t wwork." qad~enMs- ng iu ihe er.'îiug a section cf tie train The reporter thauked MMn. Hetaien for * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~deavorers lunail but nain-,ba. e e-comprisiug thinteen coaches crashd m e cuts!ai bd er<el a.I : nu-dsb *p wmb n Ten ilio nprîidcuvorerinotin oe ties tretrains ot empi conches at Altenheiruisjenet otten tint one cau witness suci a te s5wu.d uds.'ten ilo 'novee etnsh il sdm-awreckcd. In this collision five complete recoveri frein sîch a pertina- e ~ ,.Su~i! !. a. ei- hwdSudlaer se-0OOgiOn inpasseugers a-ere killed,, Ove scrioli lu- clousetublOetisu<-i an adlvanced agi-. * ~ benevolernce throngh dt-norinitioual n d Jireal. and mony more lghtl i huts i and sueh instances caniiot fail to, produce * P ~~ I bhwisAOins. cbucch ciannels. lie urgeil Christian scene of tie occident amon near tbc Madl- a pi'ofountd impression. Resders e! the * ~~~Endea%*rs lu tecontine tie geed a-ork, -osret(osi.Jutbfelepa-Unîion may tel>' on the-abeulute accuraci and sp"llyorgniz evngeiste wrk on oree crrsig. ustbefre he as-of ail the statmuents bere given-notlkiiig ni p-cul-ogne vestraorksonger train. south bounil, reacheil the ha. bei-n eig'ct-notiing witibeti?. Fi* Spitas Christian duties ut Endeavorers. station àl ta tid lie station agent ha-I Dr. Williaîms' Pink Pilla coltailu, luà * POOKET KWVES, Goueral Secrtari liner look hes toit thrown tie switih to allow a ot o nidiieused terni, ail the eleints neces- - M*T ls frotu Luke xiii., 11). lice said Peunsîl- freigit train to proceil on its aya' andIl îî arac!ive oew lite andi richnes 1 the 94-. d xllnaPugbewornc blueil anilteatot'e shattered nerves. They -C t' xess àmx-a vueatsill beau tic list of Christian la sail that IbrongIi s.ýme niieake o'ne- aea uaîîgoeifefrat forma et JJO'Wf Meme Endeavor societies a iii 3, -273. Trhe nextI hi-t there a-as a failîre ta close thi uitch. & eakescterl aeo r tml.a oGb Io rou&2,71OioaIl dis, esresultiug« frotu vitiattei hu- Inlu rder amas New- York, 2,1>71HAT;N NI 0h1r i te 0.d.pli POSUT 2311; Ontario, 1.817; Illinois, 1,700; Iun HUAO HNTI NSN os uhebed n Pilla are sel 0 élan , 1,37, and Iowa, d302. ,hese fg _____ hîail deniers, or aill b sent pont pail : p'IcLSUETEmSou receipi t f rce, 50LO ents a box. or six - 0OS ures, hoe ai, dil net iuc:tuiîi' unnerous Cir;ntian Enleucarers Numberna boxes for e2.50, bi adilressiug Dr. Wil- * îoum - ormyde Uyni.0 ether kinils of Christian Endeavor se- 4,o» iug hlias' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. 9 cieties thut are fist becomung iturd>' A sight iicv-c hifore soi-n on titis coo- mhdlug iaien oauiSatediteticm tues'sd ithe treseut generation of men, mas ail hnpavUnaisuai Setic r - ni3-vai ii i uir tnse inayeeigettecp On lhe 151h andilloti et June, aise Jul> foa& Mi ea rdianilycus.witer.* - eior ieuspolai te d atOmel uda veinga u up-G a ni21, andl several dates luritig Tbwilwarud~5toDWci scitis.îl po ! icgod to e bl e! lie nation. On lie historic eat-6,12 coe teCi fo b ieto fMl iw s en".A frc. societies bail accoxplisicil lu behaif e r tosofi-etoPrsdns ttaAugust, Sepbenihér anild tbr i i ombl W ent (2mu »- ad inorality. Sondai oscvance, saloon country, eue afler anotier, bave stood t aeanlEmcr lioiUlicodmi 206 Cmi5A 5C15t 5s cig.warfare. Chrietnity andl mksion wock, dov-teriaiualadess ri-eil firs-la sround-trip tickets, guei 311 lwPUi âT111111.11111 I db 1111111116Mis. for ahidi $154,022 bidbeen giron the cou !4Ml o- m rmen rais- dais treru date o! sale, for one faire, pius wMlbakecs$5ii50UPOà* " BalW&fpast yenr. cil ticir îoices foc an heur lu songuetf200 ordand le roudthp, te ml porins, ~ 4 'm n ko sw a gu 55 ~F0~ 5.' 195 asC5151 ___________praise to tic Great Master. BnaiFlcl unteSniyTaktaisL.. ie n w s - th= a w.an. 1 USUIIOIn.P155!jhtChem t tod an assetubl>' of 40,000 or more timle ail lie best. Fer turtier informa- ~ 44 0e 5A~£5~VJL5b' A4 !!"n l'Io-% GATHERINCI 0F TEACHERS. lmesu i oitye hitn u ien ailîresa C. W. Ilumpirey. N. 1P. A, 4AT1T AV1.4. Sa- lm i okwce. W;6;î a t hed-.o frotu ail Parts et tie Union. On St. Paul, Minn. City ticket office. 182~Ai 5SA~L vr aieespes udimgd i~oe m1 ~ i EdAu.1CainlAtonves N ti al thc outskirta o! tbis asseuibl>' o! Ciris- ACark greo . L.toeG.P& wives who buy tobacco for thefr hbusq- ____________________________ docstonsiAssOiatiti B Bîia1e ions etood lOOCti ocitizens of Wnshing- ACiao The Greatest fledîcal Dscovery The annuai convention of thc National ton, nuil ieyuiid n-rc ranged innumera- Cnutrs hy elcI b as fl nho t of tho Age, Educotienal Association masi-Id iii But- hie carrdages filled a 1h moen a -emel lms ncrense eriu i tal. l aosliegratest gathicriog o! During this sublimie service the Great *rlaifl andis the iggesf iii sbotatr pubc shoo tech-Statue o!f Freedom on tic doue, neati> are god conducters ot electricty. Aun KENNEDY'8 uers in the ilstory of 300 ici-b above thee tinie o! the multi- eleetrified bodiy, paced near a Gairne, mt hIprice, îand the beathI quality., tic association, lhe tuile, a-ns ablaze nilli te lustet et s set- seenloaeslils charge. s e5cntpeei anota lrea h attendance ieing ting eaun. Tic catol of tic nation, fa-to Îh_5_ent_____________s____ias uýS MEIJICALDisOOVEHR- nearîy 10,000. whieh bave rndiateil tic grest croule1 l N. C. Doughcnty, ofthti union fon over 100 ycors, hail ocrer Hall%. Catanrh Cure, O etP=eeo te rns am ffy. F RM 11M f etPoria, Ilit., ln been the scene o! suci a ceresuony. Thi-i Ta taken InternaIt>'. ?nice 7a cents. Masdisoveed n oe o ou comonpresident o! tic Na- service ef gong wans the croaniuggl<on>' pasdieed luneet et cesmon htouaI Association, ofthbicgreal religions convention ln Wash- re wof aor.(rine nut aIra-l u n.epr, ington. Ila-as tie one event et tie mec:- Ring Aifonse, of Spain, yl be 10 __________________________________ damF aCormOn Pimle. et Winena, Miî oit wa-icipossosseil an interost toaail >eara elil nexi motIL isud vili tlien -F 1 o~ h ie to s He bus triai it lu over sures humdred - sereari. Neaî m en, wielher vui-ild as a great hpeciaeci'tlho handcd over te bis mîlitary ttos1010cmhe ir ct r cases, and never taleliexcep lu two, cases li.aiteET.al !tclaiii d O 5 ithbe u l o reliions for ont hla. hgnt tdyl aus.and youll get the best work ro Pe li . (boili ihunder hunor). lHe basnov ln hi$ ucators a-etc presea anud rond papers onhal emen oefra-d btoe o es. Incaes____tenra_____isuss__________n hrmtob fard m k possesmio ove ohiindred cwtificatifl varions nubjeets. Tic delegales te tieh IIonembeihioewesa lceshetryesdad I ap eae, ta heesay am tob ere o - dte ulhe IIwliblà lv mites <i convention beard, nmong other notables, Il terevermore. tallIog mi ryenetendataper atrhw o s to hwmc o Boston. ISud postal Caa'd for book. Beoker T. Nashbng- do net ueglect liemu fil afoper mte o o s to o n o A boM lIs always ixpenlencèd fr010 ion, Bisbop VincentFIRE IE IN NASHVIL.LE. ee<y.1 tlCIka aR îe- Btomae ou 'asig the" stbottie, sud a p erfect cur et1, a fthé M. E. Chuncli, urdwwuu,,4htutiblirit . bpSpauldinglof P1perty Velurd ut 0300900 lte- rmDe vow wIuenesa; ueck pure an laigeset osv h Wbea- titi 1lu ie are = it auses the Catholle Clirch, - troyett by lilamesand asiWter. alshasht; complexion 1k. the blusi o! a -rubbing, the most wear and-P r - '~W uhli. ii ~iC PS5Il sd reidutAu - Sutnday afternoon cne of tic mont Iru- th.S~parosdGnusSlhre most time and money- tbs'oiugi thin te ie with the Lîver dretv . Draper, otfratsa'ae n ah I, eowaSoall. 0f dragglst. in ashlll, Tnu. Dv% te dreciolabel. n La ow~uel cf dslit miv n eea>' u Yok tae.-partnt bsquegtsqur u îvu ul u a Il'.l'es yeucao el, uai neui etlu. a- -I ve dîtîn sxcv 5fEl~ÂD L eaci'ngte t'cdnr lire nIv framtî