OWV5a. SRMLCl AKI. ax ý"e~gîn Board of traite .Anerlna, 3$0Ibn. Sales Do. ,ati l; bide oPened et 151a. Iacturera ro useit 17c. But- 'w»k sold for 150151o; a year 66drebuq Carlsle bas gene to sec NÏ4t ~s1Oleelfmd andt there il; con- *wable gessing as to vbether thore W - j praldentil ipolities in thie rto Ilp 1te t9re or four days ago, Min sm omne oubt &bout whether gtaby CuaVle voulit Join the bqm ai bus Party or f 0110w bia hien4, Boater Lindaey, of Ky., and ol»ort bryan. There la ne longer M.ý acubi about bis position; ha viii b,e paM i resident Cleveland and ~wàuember of lie cabinet except bmnÏWy Smitha, andt hovil probabiy be"$ t o!the Vàbnet sometime before ~eMon. l la nov adamong friands of PreMient Ceveland that ih wu the lalure of the convention to say a wýgd aoaumndatory of tLe admaini- OUraUon, more than the adoption o! Iât tree coinage clause o! tle platform "ba *"ad the boit o! the President sudt all but one of bis cabinet certain. Tihe golit democrats are not fumer- 4w4un Washington outside of the boo.. of promninent positions undilr *k*aWMdnhtratlon andt whatever dis- *botfon tboy might have feu to nmkuae ever -thLe cail for a gold S.qoàorati convention, to meet ai e%«mnapoIis Sept. 2, vas squelched by ap1Ipoumuee of an aulhorized inter- * vitfl Ex-Secretary Whitney, dâoBting that McKinley veid carry 21*W York by 90,000 majority. They ]ÏmO'w tat Mr. Whitney never taiks ftpubliaalon except for a purpese, *M Oit h is purpose in Ibis case vas *thelov cold vater onte idea o! P4S#Îbg up a goit democratie ticket, b1f ling it be seen that blmnself and otà»iaonfluential gold democrats irnusded btb rov their infi uence for XCIWoY, Itlai generniiy beiieved lu 'Washington that a gold ticket wiU be 11oMInaed but even the iver domo- Wahwia at the ticket put up te grpou golit demnocrats voiing for X"Ihaey, do not believe that il wiii 100id»>support enougb te make il a b«S ln th ie election in even one t"i. 'The politicians of ail parties, r IMO#A vithonlt exception, beileve that ýà silver antd goitilino wifl bc sc 44511117Y dravu befere elaction thal ,tàvoang eue viii be.forgotten ansd ,M IleMKinley viiigel praeticeliy ail 'Mb 4olt votes andi Bryau ail the siiver MILLBURN. MM .Lainson la stl quite pony. 0. Neairk la visiting ut Williami à Prt Of about llfly pienicad aut &kKarIe, Wdnesday. Xi. sati lira. Smith Bain, cf Lakte Vi1. vflttd ln Miiburn Suiday. 1~ 18 . Levoy anti lra. L. B. TombaÙgh Ç!ff ChIemgo visitons lait FrItiay. " MisaKltsDoâgo, o!Mlwvaukee, la F&Oting lier muni, lins. D.,B. Taylor. ,Q ti Stevrand utdatgitt9r Florence, U*Mted Citurcla Lero Sunday noria- 'Xiue Jesale Bater andi Florence I'I0"er witeelued ont from Waukegan . a.James andi George Anderson, iàaIa Forest, spent Suuîîaay at W. iB. lb.Ward Bain sud chiltire, o! Sare vilating friands anti nre- ="re. Ms. R. G. Trotter anti W. ganties, 99 Obtemo, areaspending lte veaI et t.M, Oeerge Loy matdinepbov, cf speat Suiuday vlth bier SLawrence. XM . O. Hardie, of Wankegaîî anti = , Malti Thain, e!flOaktPark, are et J. L. Tiain's. 1%,41% Bonsavent te Amiberg', Wl., "I*eek, te ciebrate lis crystail hOàdbg. returaing Moaday. , ér. Hedaflar, of Somers, vho has béMa qMeding nseatinte bore vîtît1 M1Widà relurnedt teber homoe Monday. 'iMis Adamas, of Cilago, vas caileti Ralweek bY the illness o! hor Charlotte Maluel, returning aembers of the choir attendt- ra iheamai ai Autiocit for the areflJUnto te e holth le 27 sud bWsi., o! Oakt Parlk, vîsîtati Wai., lns L. B. Starkweaher a Veere and the Misses Ratio Whto bave bec» boarlitg I&, MatiReva, returned tibi ',dward A. Harris anti fauily gai the parsonage. We lis baon eeelved a cail *iureat i Grayalake. Irene StewvatidUna ont Tombaugt, vite tag soltool > at[Ilion *Oiiàaames lait veek. 1*MeaoI4 of Chicago, bwe. 1v~.Jamesea, ýiAfthug boitparents, rsiniette R'81 SN 1WI No. il. A. F.A.M. evmins igebi TW. full m.M. A.. TaoxpooN. Becy. .iwz WM .»As. AUeiT. W. 11ALs . E l Siamw<; Socy. GRYBLKE Carnp No. tuxW .iié GWGESKÂPPL,,Y. C. Guones Baoxs. Clerk. M IZPAR Camp Ne. 2M6E. N. A. mAet -ÀcondI and fourth Tuesdayeveiiingstmaeltmnthl xas. W. HÂaBvay. o(tai. alns.SHEmAN, Rea. Ç%O, GREGATIONAL Chircli nday ser- % vico.s 10:36 p. M. and 7:30 n. Prayer m.-,t- lng Wdnesday oesnng. Y P. S. C. E. neet Sunda.y evcriiags et 6:4ô p. mn. Mr. Baaokes spent Sunday with bis family at Druce Lakte. Mins Howe and Mrs. Meyers, of Chicago, are guests of Mrto. Cossman. Little Earl Thomnson ran iute a barli wlre fence last Monday and wves badly out about the face, but not seriously. Mr. Douglas, of Burlngton, Wis., apent asat Sunday wlth Mrs. and Miss Wlbnr durlng the absence of hMr. Wlbur at Wankesha. Mat Sullivan vent tn Chicago Mn day to attend the funerai «of bis mother. WVe heartily syjapathize with hlm ini bis bereavement. Mr and Mrs John Scesholiz are rejolcing over the brth of an beir vwhlch oeccurod lest Wcduesday. Al partics ccncerned are doing nicely. In a game ci base bail betwcon the Grayslake and' tondout ines lest week the score stood 7 te <0 in favor (if the Graysiakbboys. Good enougli. Mrs. Chas. Gailoway,of Rtogers Park, and Miss Dalla Bidwlli, cf Gurnee, came ui> on their wheels Thursday aind spent several days with Mrs. W. B. Hugoy. Bev. Dazey and wife and family luit hara Monday aveulng for the southern part of the state. W'e vero sorry te bc obliged te part vitit Bev. lazey and wite, as during bis short pastoriate Mr Murgatroid bam not beeuet lis. work ai the tule factory the past week, havlng been employed putting 'ina naw boiicr In .J. T. Morrills feed sad igristi mlii. The work was inashcd 1Weduesday. Mr and Mrs A. J, Leonaird andl sous left here luit Fridayeyoning for the paach lorcharals of Michigan, vitere they remalned several days vj,,it- lng with Mr Leooxards brother sudii aatlng fruit.' They veut sndt'vate l.y boat ecross the laIte. Mias Lucuillie Furst, of Cliaivagtt louis neturnedti te er boulne iller <t six veeak'svisit usitit Mrs. lBiaskas il Druce Lakte. Miss]? urut gratly enjoyedi ar slay borecud axitets 1<1 coule egaun et sente futuare' it'e. fier siser, NMiss Clarndtt i,î'ta'r, WUle roturnet w ith lber. Mn. sud Mrij. Phlllili Iloattuiel 411t41 tampy, et Deetleld, anti Messrs Ba.ury and Louis Alardi, ail Chicago, suant Sunday waitb their sister Mn> E- B. Sharman. MlsIto' iîiaauel ttand airt remnaineti al the weî'k. 'I hîv iii helpedt esweil tîte ero\N a t W'ttîtka,.ha Sunday. A îauunier t!of i stk',lîttîs iiutten ut te hitagoiL8tîsI tut"(.e Ibe balilgansebeti i te tJutg antiCiîîeinnati's. Thitiri <lii'ttetlt sud Ihefsacînd lay a lianty of ti', ie vent cuti came bua(attataoigatai te Lake Villa euining boluua'eutn a frelglt.-Tbey gre.ttiy tîîîdte game. bore they banve greatly e,'aeaii tent- selves ta> the butats <l thvite'ittîy penisiiuoný,s. Frieiid.4to iie iii ialer of about lveuîty-live NWiýiat li lteL aunai vith titein tlîir ltist visItes. Mn Hennis w iii accuîîy thte lItulîtt uext Sunday autti atve lis iaaiiy latt eîxI week, AbouitIsixly peopîleof tGuta iA'ki'«ii vicuulty vouat te W tIlteiuiaa altt Pewankee Lakte totntti'eux-it,iijlaitîst Sunday anti a finia' hit,' tti) t <ai1l(. Tho esben isras al ltat i' '<t itil desireti saida trip oalla la tke anîd aeeoss lte cotutry on tiv tiieuîrie Beach raiinoad ed eu xa'yitiiiî Aunîug Ihoute frein halait w liii tta ittiet vere Mosàn iai I'lestaltatis Weage, Wlbur, Thonmson, TItttyer, l;tt'rittîll.j Bungo aal Hok, Ais,ss iltii'ki aund Giiuîutîne &Iu ilirossns 'Il ii it,lu'V<e 'rueker cund Woali'î' The Herveatt llî'niug lîy tula Urcys- laIte congregctioitlel a'iîra'Il hast tri- aiay vas ia groal t survesslîhtluiltutiel- ally sud fronîî a sleulipitotf îîi'sure. T1he iîrogrsuns aftî'riîu ieu liii i'veuîiiîg vere botb vîmy gîlol. Tht' voici «<iolos iîy Miss Caire Charnîaud <'iruit s«lais iay Pr-of. Geggiua vone lîutlualpmuci. aleai andiithu et'ai talent dilu 'aili as msue]. IL l> aînly a pity thittI ail Oi GreYsikèeOeope9a'îuud tit heutr the diseourses bY 11v. laiiîis tsthey vitre exettolaaliy lîte. Thoitgods that wore o slt et aittin 8aIl uaught au g0odoi ce anti altigelter <uliards of $901 vas nutteti as a r,'wairt for tihe labîr of lte feitiafial i it,'>. exeral Ituinurotpeopîle voreilui atteutianot. andl te iianvtisîtlleiig luiagain a tbilug or the Ihiat. Fratun 1889 te 1811 tht' etîri trop tf te United Staesostul il freti 2,112,- 892,0001 buusbe oi t i,48i1,¶171,0(t l) shois, anthlie averaeovthi ucofthie î.nîp par bushel luaareasei I roui12S.3 cetris la 500 eeîts. In te sîAuîul, iulervuilte wlieat ecuîî tieiiîieai frnua490l,560,l00 biuihels le 3-99,26i2,000lltl tstis andi the avertage'valule o!fta'eî'rop inerpaseti1 froint (e48 Cents , Inn lîuitel te 83.8 cents; Itest Cnuup tul off fromn 751,5i5,eKoo bushsîti te .523,021,00#,l huasiteis anti ils average vaîluuo juxpeti up frein 22.9 conts per busietao 42.4 cents. VThe polae, r p aiso dvindIed f tnrim t11ll00tî, iîsi tole135,000,000 buRhels,vhie its average valua -per buasel Increaseti front 40.3 cents. 2er lxw&ei te 7Î7.7 cents. Was nilt Mmaie I.» tLe average value oftpq DRUCE LAKE. MnH. Snow and famiiy have returned te Chicago. Mrs. Stewart Taylor spant the pai week in Chicago. The dance ai the pavillonà Saturday niglit vas veli attended. Mrs. Simon andi daugbter are etthIe Ceder Bay club tionne. Mrs. Lutz, o! Cincnnati,- is visitiug lier deuglter, Mrs. Baacke. John Fulton, of New York City, is lte guest of Miss Alle Harper. Mrs. Jennie Builwluiklevasulte guest of ber brother H. M. Buliwinkie. Mr. liasseit gave twolve of tbe yeuuag folks a deliglîfui tail on 'f ird Lako. John Leguard, of Yale C<îiiege and bis brother Hunt (teeupy the Leguard cottage. Mr. anal Mrs. Frank, oftlue Island, are spendlng a few days at thet Cedar Bay club. Te Powell vottage la occ'upied by a lively Comîpany of youutig peopile froin Wa'tukegalt. William Maxwell, of Clicaîgo,was the gu'st of Mr. aînd Mrs. Bon at surday antd Studay. Miss h.ily Meadi, oe!(ivago, lias been viiitiag Milis Aggie Builiwinkle andi MassiAnie oTaylor. Mrs. Ltlta Tbounpstu, Miss Grave Ray a Chicago loatiter anîd Wili Megul are visiting Mr. ad Mrs. Taylor. On Thursday uiglial tIe young folks were entert4iiraed ty lte Misses Harper. Dancing ad inusie vere. induige inlit:Bicycle Sundries Dr. Doerbeeker anal Mess. Waltluers anad Basuett, cf waukegtun, speut sun- and Repairing. day at the beehebirs healquàarters on TbiirdýLake. Mr. Pratt aud son Nod, are stopping et Stephen Druces. Mrs. Pratt andE.B H R daughter haî-bug gone unss Primrese cottage is closeul. Campera are minierotis. Third Lakte Craysil li dutteti bore anlti Iliumwitb teuts oecupied îy lpartie's freiun Witukegtan. 1-arvest Excursion. Bluie Islandt andi Chicaigo. In order te give everyonî. tai Owiiag to lte kiidiaesof Messrs. oîilto(rttînity te <«'e tihe grainditrop, ini Dougitas and Bal te hofiirnishetl tîte the Western states anel euîalle the: inusic lte youiîg flikm vre enalîledti te ituaaing settler le secune a bouai', e!ie bave an iicproiùiaîtad(ance etait athe o Mieuka &Sil tlil. ,a pavillout weîiiestay. hvgMlake&SiP1)E.it3 Mn. Basckes fer tbe hast lime Ibis taruiget te roTa a suri(,4 !flarvest season bas becît permitted te pleasore excursions te South and Nril Dakota, ot! spenditg e fcw day> vlit is andi te ethor Stattes in West, nortia-wetit aniiy. Ho 8aerta et once for Niagiara anti soutb-vest on lte folltîwlng dates- oan busliess of imîportenc'e. Jîtiy21. Auguat 4 sud lm, Septertabi'1 The weatîter liectol aiadliugitlftl, 15,29 anti Octobe n 1,a h ot coalsequaeuîly iîany peQiîle takt.e r6at 4,a ielt adavantage ofit iatîd spend several rate eftwIo dollars motraeltau it t a hoeurs eatit day Iitating, ishing antiforth ie rtound trip. Ticket, viliil,' looking for Itlx, tllt's vhiîh grtwv itigeeti itir teturut on aîty 'ruue4day '<r abondance itnte îiity aliv istricts of Frialay vithin iwa'itvon titsrut lteé laIte. -nedy r 01n nnday ituglît iiaiîyo'f lte peopltet'date o(f sale. For rates, tiltie oif tratinsi to! lte lake gateemcd et Steepy Holiaîw. sud furîber details eîîplY ttt eîy tiket; Mirs. Ifatupîrýi gaieia iole: Miss Margie agent of lte Cbia.igo, Milwauikee' & st. H.rper reuteti Etgeate Fieldis "Seeniti',Pauul lIy. 1)4 t Iliulgs;' 1Bol). Duglas furuisîtîti seine excelletit ittuila' und te others reitaeruti "Nearer My G'<al tai Tito',' W'heia iu ueed of Job pnîuîîiuig caii -Abite N'lb M,"andi tther hynîlui et utahe NkEPEIaDEST office. W'e <loi at iinpressive uanutr. Besiries te 1 îiovte uîaed satra' Mesdames Taylor, g900'1w"rk ut reesîîueblv ripes. Buufilwitake, Bri utand Thonautn Mesrs.il ul w itakT',ay loi. Harîtu, Fi'>' lte NaîtiolutaI Cii 'tai uî <ut Frank, lM a \ «il. S laalil, llîîut, '.lia' prtl îlltan î leiguîi' tii 1l,'l "Iai Lyiît i.Wacti Fltiai, Mage, W tlla'>' milwatukee Algist 25, ttî 27. titi'1'. Mi. and IlmissTî.tle>'. Harpar, Gilliîspi ai, & St P. Ry. Co., 'ailI uel e f-îii'ua'1 Brown, ,a'itttileIl,llaa. tickets Auglst 2:3, 21, andtii2-, ai oua," fae for the rtîn ti tp w itit n ttaraa Great CureS putîveaili lttu'tt1îuili't teAugutut 2U. Stuîaaaull a >îî <-'s o painî'u i 1 il iv Vjtatljze1eiIeîla idilue bioal. I'ood's Pils are the ettlv 01ll8 ha ba taken wjtb Ileeti's Sasaliaiiittl. Nly utile boy w'uiîtaie vvarstof cgt', vas takait a',ry iii aiLiali io i iiflutx. 1 vas advi cd toii.<st' iaaiî'ritlas Icii', Choit-na sad Daerrho atia'tiny. andî iuckiiy lîteautreai purt of a lîîtit' .I eareluîlly renad tthe<irclioîjandti giave' il utetîmainigly. île s tas 5< 'y 1(1, buaI SIOvly andital irt'ly te litgtaatt ian lîrove, graciîîaily na'cîîvarei, <tuttiis niî as stoit andî strtung as a(Ver. i fuel Suint il savet iilisi lfe. I <'<ji îîîver îritisîî the Ritetty bîli its wvitt. Iuit sarry eVery onte 11 inti' w, r laiditafs uta knîtw bîîw gtiîd it la, 1as4h1île. Mrs. Cmn S. Hinlout, Gralaimvilllu, Marioni Ce., Fioriala. For sale by F. B. Loveil, Libartyvilie tatt G. C. Raîlerîs, W#Iucoltdaa. ROUTE Graham & Morton TRANSPORTATION CO. operetiug the Fsîupeirl Nsldc-whietl steamiers City of Chicago AND City of Milwaukee aud the newly relît propeller -CITY ()F LOUISVILLE iletwea'n ('liengeandi st. Joseph and Bolton Hanbor, Mielligai . $1 DAILY EXCURSIONS '11-i114 ie"k. foot of Wabash Avinup, ceilee.). cor>' nu'rning at 9:m. arrive, m.)rors et 1:31, l<aving resorts -ut 4:3o le. il. arive Cî~aeoi. r<turi et M:*>) P. in. dal. Rlilar stm-'r id'e 1. av"ýs nt 1i:30 1). un. ;aily andl at 2 P. in. itu r- datys o11Y. B>' ibis route ihe l tîulist rsledretthe, lu<'rt oft heieNelilgan Fruit ilet neud also lite Most chaminlfg sumuwr resIortrmulon adalîaont te Ciitu Cjsrcnào OFFICE: 4~RIVER f4T., FOOT WAB9ASH AVE. J. H. GRATtAI, Pres., Benton Harbor, Mich. For Sale. a, fu ai iertin .rieutma *n IT CLEANS SILVER. Watch and Clock Repairing .. . IAN, JEWIELEFq, Otd Man At The Same OId Place, has Bairgains in a Store for You. H. C. Paddock, Libertyvilie. -Illinois ke, Ill. 300 huinaîreu lilpper <now calleil TrIiintîîtNao. 4 Muîweym,> bave beeu soit itm y CG. Il. 8Selatiik lu Lke County WHATOES ITMEAN? WHY? the ava'ige vtwistng les> than ton HOW 'ontstà'iach, par year, tfor repatia. llrw yiui<'lisav't $7-o1 by g u'iiu,,Tg ley are siniple andi duiraleu. Bny <tu woll tnt u'îî'iu'.(,10catatt,)îletio no.G. Il. 8NhApCa & So-i, Liberty- 3'<îuar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M wîr lît"iutuenyLît ville. imîpraïaomenuîioui1,nY r,' utetiitg w1liel. 1 Wit itî haid lrick aîaîtten suze- ___ 101 fl. $100K, anal fo'r <loqer andi largeriýF A R T i Wlls et iny uasuael rice, îandi boaril ati. M4e11 on jol)is eern îu. jadis iiiunlyq.r Manufacturer et ltdticiliîlu s. î IJ P .WIIAS.i iMru Granite A. B. LEWIS Monlien C' *'Ph otograp her ýý* PORtTRAlITS COI'rrî 'INE'El AND) EN -lviPED. W~O1tK BABY PICTURES A SPECIALTy. 1 'lVE 1.Y 1)EI:cPTION. t'Iuia' t Lu'L.' u NSYSTEMATICALLY 1 Ca Il attention to the fact that I wiII 4 carry 4 a good stock CARRIAGES of Farm Machinery and BUGGIES t Carriages, on Milwaukee Avenue, 4 Libertyville, and hope Farmers and~ others wiII 4 if in need of such goods, catI and name their wants. SGay & Sons' Carniages, Wagons and Surries. D. M. Osborn f & &Co's. CORN and Grain Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Daisy 8 and 10 foot hay rakes. Systematic and other makes of Ladies and WAGONS Gents Bikes. Gale No. 10, MOWERS t Wauconda No. 12 t Cultivatorg.$ 4 hese' cuttivators are the BEST on the market as they leave the ground after cultivatng as it was before you com- Smenced.,and just as the rain drops fail fromn the clouds or 4 nearly so, and in that èondition the soit absorbs nearly or qu ite ail rain faîl and your corn crib overflows. My advice is to PULVERIZE your CORN not plow it. Ic Remmemiier thiat we are net whelly in theio MACHIINE and CARRNAGE lusiiess for the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, but pantly for our HEALTH and unsystematic cern- malte. Tlberé vas GOLD in California's, mountain& long before it Was diaieuvered, 80 a $rial trip uth me miay revea t î yoniioxotePROI nt LEBRS i and Reihti'lAencv. K List your property with meê 4 I wiIl find yon a auutomeri at reasonables rates. . LlbertyylI. City Propqrty. falacre lot wii 0h lmntroimodem houa>!. «oOd lfl, elttorn.shade andi frulit trees.ehe4p for çcash, or on ressonable tertas. For Rsale. utow building 22xit féet. aheap forý Cash. Cho--lo Lots 501190feet at frein $M t e Thé' Parbi lîroprty-argî. lieuse, lot and baen on Diislion Ml for sel, or ent. fleur>' Wells proîsirry lit liainisvilkn filii aere. lot, hoîusse., hemi, 2 welis lf tlsirn, fruit sîuls-]ail" tr,în"s, VInuYerd. Shot' 22X41 tWo skniesm. hrie700. At Craymlak.î. lot 7ixI7 pp F. D. liat'r- sluell's stomre. SM41. Farm ProPortY. For Sale 1)û acr Irproveti tarinon banks ofages LAike. lPriqe) tper non', part camb, balanses I long timilit lcîw rate cf Iltet,t a40enai-u'> Iîru,i lfarm alisnt te Third L.ake. Llis'ral trms. M) wsres <ta Mllwaiukte roail, bouîse, large larrm,. gu'îJfd e'~2 «iodilîs. got dis- ter"t. *-)i aweî'itimber. Prl',e lta pe~ rl' art 1 -tlî. taelanS on< ittie ai 6ôîs'r '-ni. Mlia-r-. fliait way #îetw,"'.n Wftmrntn anO*'uud fintysýlikî' rosir miles norIli cf Wllvaprcvei ureer «ol s4atute <f "itiVflibne nowastuu lten. gooil 'îto.k or dr>' farm. novesrrafina sprnn andl I f you wanit te buy or front Lake County real estate, be sure to cail on High Grade Wheels Sewing Machines AND A Full Lineof Jewelry. 1 SELL .1