0"sUcvryaiment, anud Ahu sydviti the examina- tinexperie The endh- la Mn, hyi- dPlnks. he b Afkoins-ban Fmidieuse. ed ai one. Ifarnnlncer.-S ovn-tm roule, pilu eak-b kideycomtaaii, ilhaex m ptmantisetooiis nippe letue, Iation, uegaerea, cli lrn&"ndiguewii. bluestaep failm atussbts pn e Ut.deare toiith4aa v nse q1 to is om ad mUA bt-- noped. gèpfod I c»rousu*tUveai&ei '*Phgonlarge eatieulertin o p»Ieoembl mtaulu *Jor, taad lon Md4Vj" o @Uosx u n a kailth 'ýnn ati1W tlabmativeWsi 1i took thye bottieoft tile I. Pluishamns Vegetable Compoundi. andi in" two paadges of Sanativa Wash, »dti1Iamn now ainost weii. 1 am etouter and heathier than I have ever boeaulnmy lite. My friendsaend neigh- bors andt h doctors are aurprised at ;3fl7 rapit i mprovernent.. I have tolti kac elwhat 1 have been taklng." à zr Bc&xnu4 sBelalre, Gladness Cornes Witiaibotter unqpstandlng of tise wtmasint natunFf fte many phys- SMIiiiawlich vanl5h before protl-5 ulghtiy dit-ctt.TIare luonmfort lu 6ei knowledge lIat ns many 1forms of FU*- mara nt ualta 0an yactual dia ;ebut alrnpîy 10 a coutipateti coutil-i -Ses of thse asatar, which lise pîcasant * bmily laxative, Syrupof Fie, rompt- lyromoves. Thaistla it îlle 1ol *teety wilh millions ai familles, and l .voe'y wie eteearni hlty byal wbo value rtidbelth. Its beneticiai effcti ar du tot act, thelitlasthe am T«àedywilc prarntes inlai-nal ead'ea, wllloul deblllating the neon whlch ilact& . is Iherefore In ot te gel lir bene- ~* tyou hvle n Je le, ubis mnuimolurthIle Caillainia Bl ynup C. onlydatisoit bd alrcp- iflu n eenjoyrnenl ai goti ieaiîh, Mdl tise ystem la reguler, titan laxa- tives or oliier remedilea are ol needed. Uf atUaited wllh any actuell easeu qmy be commen t te t mont sk llun Clig -tif la neeti of a laxative, 0»etdhave h. bout, anti witlt __ i-veywhere, Buo éILWO - 8 IVie . , - C'er la, Quindaro, Kan.,. le a M» whO l"4114 a tornadies.lnderneath hlm biouslasalarge cellai-, dry msu a bons, in wblcb are kept the tarnlly pro- visons. On one ide ef thue cellarand Into the earth beyond descends a Ilîglit et ateps leadlnj Into anoilier ccllari. This latter eir lit cerncnted- trorn top te bOttorn and le so cnrefully construet- ed thgt fDot a drop of water eau enter. A ventllatlng sheft reccle the ope" WUZIM IM tAVOII5 AT 4E1rAD0U5. air above, making it Impossible for a person lu te cellar to become ont- focateti. This subterranean abode la the envy and admiration of the neighbors, but "every rose bas its thorn." In the nelghborhood lives an oid farmer who la omething of a fatalist. He passed by one day whie the cellar was being dug. "Weil, now, what ye think ye're do- lngr lie querieti. "Building a cyclone ce<ar." *"Ye jest iiglit as well %top wastln' yer muscle, fer If ye're born to gt killed by one of îhem danged cyclones t'll git ye, If ye're fifty teet under ground." The owner of the cellar neyer qulté recovered ishi failli af er this bit of fatalism.-Kansan Cty Star. Crrent Condns.tioua. Herbert Spencer was 76 years old May 10. Fashionahie Young ladies ln Japan, when tljev desîro te look very attract- Ive, gild tLeir Ile. Charlotte Bronte's busb<înd. the 1ev. Arthur Bell Nehoils, Lis mlii alive, thougli lie la lunt.ee bç-elmtl. A speed ot a tulle lu fifty-eight sec- ends la claime1 for a niotor cycle ex- hilbted at the imperial Institute, Lon- joli. Thie Emperai- of Austria, Fraucia Jos- epli I., will lie W 0years aid lu Auguat udxt, anti lias sat ou lista ttioua for 48 years. Lord Windsor, a very iici Englisit nobleutan. lin.. started a modlel aalou on anc of bis etntes, wlbeie lie gua-an- tees thai oniy the lieut beer, wtne anti spirite are solti. Baroun Hiricli'. wiil leuves W5,000,000 10 bis wldow andi the reaminder te chities. Ouiy abouit $10,000,000 are la Engillisecuritles. but te total pxup- erin cpec-ted ta reacli $120,000,0W0. 'rhe poctuaster of Gibraltar lau Miss iai-gai-at Crcesweli, wbo receives the bantisome salai-y of $3,500 a year. Site la also auperiniendeut of tbe vrienou poetoffices an tlie Nor-th Afrlcan coast. Thora lia@ probabiy never been sucb a large sum utr money ttpent lu wreatiis ns lu the case of Coi. Nortb*s funcrai. There were neariy 100 anebors, cr-osses anti wrearh. ,and the total cost la cont- puteti at $25.000. Burgiars bruite mia the bai-rncks of the l3Otli Infantry Regimnin l the Bue de Babylone, lu Paris, reeentiy, caried off tce safe wltb $25,000 bodlly. and, forcing tbe coloucUjs sale, stole bis pi- va-te valuables. Clwlstlue Nilseqon. the comtesse de Gaga Mu-antis, botîglt Watt-aus -Diane au Bain," recently soit, at auetion lu Paris, foF 107,000 francs. The picture bltiében pi-aviously offeredto theli Lotire Museumu for 100,000 francs. H. A. Latimuer, an amuteur pliotogra- plier, of Boston. has just beard that cîglit 0f tbe teu picturca subutitteti by hlm to the International salon compa- tition offlice Balgian Photogr-apiec So- ciety, of Bi-ussels, have been accepteti. A steel plate, suid to be the longest ,ver mate a, is Just been turned out by t Stookton. Eugland, iron company. It ileasures, afier slieaing, 76 teet 8 inches, by 5 tedt, by 0-10 of aunincis la thickness; weiglit 5y. tous, andi la wltit- oui a 11mw. Thomas Nast, the fumous carioonlat recently painted a picture of Si- Heui- Irving, whicl Mi-. Nast calieti "The m- moi-tai Light of GeUlus." ItLla saiti thai wheu Sir Henry snw the i-cattof Mr-. Nasa oaiehawas 80 pleasedti lat ha at once sent tieta iua a check for $1,000 in excas of thccommission. Pistols and Pest1ês. The dueUing platol now ocouples its proper place. in thee muaeum cf the colictor of relics ef barbaria. Thse piatol ought to, have beide it the pestle tisat turneti out pilla 1k. bullets, to b. sisal 1k bîgiltsat tise target of the liver. But th. pestle s stiil in evidence, and wili bo, probably, until cverybody han tcsted tise virtue of Ayer's sugar coated pille. They trcat the liver as a friand, nal as an enemy. Instead of driving it, they coax Il. Tiscv are compctinded on tise tiscory tisaI thc liver dosm its worlc thoroughly and faitisfully under obstruoting conditions, andi if the. obstructions are removad, tho liver wif do ils daily duty. Wisen your liver wants help, ge "thes pi tisat will, ÀAyer's Cathartic Plse THE DÇýMS&MrIPftg UlD TAIL NOMMEVIUACOILPT& IummeseOatberiug i* Madis9u *guue Oarda-Camdidae Talisa for 1w. genrs--Nek*e cuse frt et 13is Lib-ftSwui IeisLikewis. Inforvm& Democratie cndidates Accepf. William ,lenanngsBryafQrmaly sne, rept&le UcDainoci-atic presltentlal nom- tnetionai Madison Square Gai-den. la Newv Ysik, Wednestiay night. Mr. Ena' sus'$-a fIci-eomscountry hat played havos wlithhie voies. -H. bat go"e te bcd the aight previqo swth a weil-developed at- tîeck of laryogitis and bat been ccc- mced te bis roomunoter lbhetiector's cars ail ef Wsdneetay. It was et firet teared tisai ha would not lia able te spesis aI al. Mi. Brya, for the mont part, mades no effort to dcilinlu eatory, but coaiaci- himasîf i te tb. readlug of e carstially p». parel atdress, fri-nwbose test bcod« nol vany, as frocm bis manuscript heoa&> non, antithen Utaihie oye. Il was a ceeue te Inspire t matnt, .Madison Square Gai-den, la a beaniliv nudiioilurn with ia sballow gahlerlss, île gi-et tiers of boxes et thse rouade ecaies of UiheUl,le low roof stutided i wth eiectrie! ights. Rigitteen thousanti pes. pis bad asaemblad la the big place at 8 o'elock. -Every oeso! the 8,500 netewas occupiet, and 10,00.0 persons toot lentise open space et thes ends of thse halL Thes. people bad assembled ulîli a huge stock of gooti natue, anti perbape oe inl Ove of then smre with fcoulnes ethumi. asnVn-*e herLAil were tiser, le gi-est c-nupea whom h mentis of famn, hai dramnaticaliy talIn. Thse bg hall filet sarîr, flot wiiheut much contusion ai the cuti-suces. Wise thse rowd sew "Silver Dick" Bland iteset np a about, which was as noihing te the the. came lu witi Mi-. St. John aud tbaS a tst nemi-rtaeplattorni. "Shas mail righlt" shoutati ona entliusiast, ai whlcb the keopia Inogliet and cbecred again. Preseetly a lusty about nlr te main enti-ance, whicli vas taken up anti roUlet toe tari-endasutlte big hall. announceti thse arrivai ufthie bero of the boni-. After Mr-. Biran bat workcdtu theUi front ut the piattorm n sd amietianti liowed ta the audience, whicb cheered hlm for tuliy a minute,* MNr. Jones. chah-mae ot Uie national commit tee, ltrotuceti Elliott Dantomth of Noe York as chair, man o!ftae meeting. Mr-. Dantortb mers ly welcomed the sirangers wbo wert wittin thte gatcs.of New Yor-k, sud pi-» tented Gov. Stone of Missouri.,ilie chair mari of the notific-ation coinrutce. He opoko for tweuty-fine minutes andtit thet concision turcd andi pla,-ed in Mr-. Dry- musa Lands a big iroil utf;îai-ciîînt, an in-iicit adbat liou grosse thîe officiai notification of the Chicago nomination. Mr. Bryau bowed eud amiled, whiie the audience rose te ils f et and citeret.. The liant piayed, sud ait entliiiiast exîitedly wavet an American ing over Mi-. Bry- an'.liteati Chaîirman Danforhs Introduction cf Mr-. Bryan was followed by an upruailoui demomstration. svticit continuet persist- cnily for severai minutes. Bryanu humsi wave-1 his tant teprecatiugly, but tise enttusiastic unes wrent on wiih titeir ehontiug. Chaimu Dnntorth rappeti wth is gnvel. bp t lin-cpiy a man lu ans o! th,. boxes wan Se a chair out over tise 1head%.of the people beiov anti calied for thl-c ieers for Bt-van. Chaimn Joues :,ppcaIed foi- order, and arother Tam- inanylte distinguished tiniseit by cailing for titi-e cheers and a tiger. Finnhly tose wto wanted 10 lîce-r o lat IrMi-lt-ian tati tn say hisscd te oties woo vnted to hoar the souud of their osvn voices, andt tss aticr waa icatoreti.' Mi-. Bn-nu beganuronadin; bIs manu- script. It n-as painutlly eentent, how- ever. that the candidate was, not humscif. Mfr. Bî-jan spoke for one tout- and fiftU minutes, anti the bands afithb. dock poinledtu t10:35wheu lie finiahedth ie peraration atidreaseti to the citizen* of New Yoi-k. Thte terrifielient lied matie teupper galeries aimosiunuendurable, anti before Mr. Bryan bat finishalitm a- jority of their ocupanis lad tiefiled througli the too-a. Candidate Sewal wau very hennti- cheeret wlien lic step- pet t,,rwsrd afttor h , 'th "S'Ily ci-Dk" Biantd ndother lesdea ountcte, îad graspet Mi. Brysn's baud lu congratula dIon. Mi. Seral word fa black trock cout buttoned tighly about bis brenvi. He was hantedthbei.formai notification ai hie nomination by Senator Jones. Mr- Beteail miSes no pretensions lu bratorical ablty, anti, aittougl i bi-Voie migbi fill an orilnrv hall, l was bardly equai to Matilson Square Gsi-den, witt lundi-adi tramplng about the flooc i-.Lsword. wei-. faw, aint ai 10:51 Cbaii-man Danfortit de lareti the meeting adjourneti. Anula Bocli, 23 i-ours aid. was found dent lu bcd at New Yoi-k witb lier titrosi ent fiqi esi-toecci in-hler i-om. Tc po- lice belleva the woîau s-as murdereti. Prairie fi-ee ai-e îaglng lu te C- manch1e Indien country eoutbwcst of Par iy, 0. T. Thoucanta of!ases et gri-smbave beau swept b he Uifamie, nvhich arc aid. cd by the. dry condition o! vagetatlon. Tlic res foliow a tai-m o! bot wnds wbIioh have pai-chiegefftationanti oe. ed cattie ttc suffer. Tise tlermorntera registeneti 108 degi-cas comm 14t poti-iCreseare waysacseon- peeled ET humfal fex servaus apîlea. Bntb ère resedled bi- the Bitters, whlch aise rures .valarle, blllousaew. rlieumtl.mi andi Sidner trouble. Air Matresses fer Marine Une. In aupplyling titeir new vessels witb gir mattreseca thc American Lin. bas kaade a distinct advance over the oid- Urne practices. The ait mattresa pre- sent@.:the features of beiug always In condition. ne7er wenring Into bills and boilowa; IL la always cool, and la the niost leaîîiy typt of bcd that blas ever been devlsed. AU thema qualilaes go to make It the acme of iuxury In the sleep- hWg way. IXy inflating to different de- green of softnesa, any ones "personal .eoeffiolcnt ls met. The mattrese cou- plati of a ilack of air-tîglit rulbaer loili, with the. back and front stayed togetii- er In a nunîbar of places corrcaponding Ito the tufting or ordnry mattresses. Tise ojter coverlug la of .troug' cotton duck. baavily coated and vulcanized. To Iflete it a foot-bellows la supplied. :Thse bellows ln connected to thie valve of lia. mattresa by a long Indila-rublier tube; -a few strokes of the ballowa ln- Lfates it, the tube Io removed, the valve -mcewed down, and thse mattress la Feady for use. It may not nieeti another pamping for a yeax or more. Sometimes a mattresa la pumpcd up bard, and te occupant ling on It lbes the air wiib. drawa until the exact pressure to nuit is or bar ideas l ehed. For marine. tise tliei ttremea.ara 11Used with ite. Unes, a dingle mattresa belng a lite- preserver, capable of sustaining as meny people as can fi roomz to gi-amp thse Unes. MonUeal. via AdiroudmoisNouai,. alu. Intentiing vîsitors to Montreal coulti do ,e botter than make theattip by the route through thse Adirondack Mountains. This ,jis lathse Adirondack Division 0!1he !New York Central, a.nd beginuiegi. Utica, lit runh thi-ougit one of the mont ru- mentie regions lu the Eastern States. It touches at sijci points as Fulton Chain, Chiltiwold, Kushaqus, Saranac Lake, jAke Placiti, Saranac Inn, Paul Smith's, #adi otitar wel known montaiu stations <bat s-e celebraed for thelr naia beau. 4les and the attractiveneas of the sur- opunding regions for fish anti game. Juat ».ow the Adiroudacks is a great resort for frout. No btter place lu the East (not *xcepting MIainie) in wbich 10 tari-y and angle for the apeckled t.cauties o tempt- Ing to the lover ot rural sports. There :te lite, lncrense of yenrs, muscle, breadth ot lungsalnl that malien lite worth living, lin the sprucy fastuesses of the Adiran- dock region. The air is Inden wlth bal- &amic trength, every scene redolent of supremevigor that enly the very direct- est toucit wlth nature cap give. A week lu the Adirondocks la worth a ecle of the hurudruin of conventionai entamer resort lite.- Mercks Report Oit-Time Paris Prisons. The officiais of te dpai-ment of the dgeine have undettakien the compieta reorgenizatioî-. of the Parîsian prisons, and many fanious buildings of Prila are about to cotnc down. The prison of --Ia Petite Roquette, wbere chidren are now se-.tI lta bu donc aivny wlth. and the youthtul prisoners are ta lic passed on to te Ecolc de Mlonteslson. This le a beautifuily sltunted establishment on thse bardei- of the Seine, lunliealtby air, wbere the chiîdren wil lie taught tzads. Mazas, Ste. Pelag-le, Grande Roquette aud the big centrai prison In- fi-taty are al to be abolislied and the Prisoners transferred to Fresnes, wliere a litge bî(iding is now being coustuct- et witli 2,000 ceils. A Handsomne Illustrated Book Frees. Tbat the trade of Oui- locallty Io eagei-- ly soughit by the large merehauts o! the Igvcaî ciflea ta demonstrated by Uic ad- vertiseutent of John M. Sinytli Coin- pany, Chicago, the lai-gest furniture :house lunte world, -whlcli appears ell- where lu titis paper. Tliey aunounce r;te Issue of their new catalogue of 400 1 pages on Sept. 1, andi ask thtoéour leadi- bers send for a eopy. The baux la beatu- Dtifully Illustrltteti and quotea wboie- 'm:aie pricea 1tte user on bouacholti fui-- uklure aud kindreti wares. Thea John M. Smytli Company bas a record ot 'thIrty years anti bas furnisled hiaa milonhomnestliroughont ithe Unitedi r Sates. "If you buy It ai Smyili'a h la a ait riglit,'" la the matto of Itha bouge, andi persons looking for genuine bai-gaina *sliouid send et once for a fi-ce copy of *titis beautiful catalogue tu the John M. Smyth Co., 150 to 168 West Madison etreet, Chicago. John Itrederick Botiglier, wlio la. s jentcd liard porcelaîn, was orlglually aan alcliemIst, wlia, while employed ai : -tité transmutation o! metala by tise aelecior of Saxony, discovereti i-d pbrce- a lein, and latar, by a strabge accident, >-white or true porcelain. i B Hal's cotai-rh Cure. Il a conittllnelcura. riIce"75 centS. luse the golden bridle of teniperanca and yen cannot run away front diacre- tdon. Pisos Cure for Consomption la the oniy cough medicine used lni my hous.-D. C. Aibriglit, Mifflinburg. tPa., Dec. 11. '0.5. The character of love ls the smre lu cvcry country and Mauinte. First ltani ais-aï advertlsed as a trua blond i-un. per, the muai wonderfol cures e record are mtie and the greateai aales are won by $ Actaeon, the herp ýof tb e Greek Mn. u q mFï i-i - tholomy, bad fifty,,Gogs, ai# or wbois nvmeç have been PreserTod la (ireek wue~~v MM- Hands0me 400-age Catalogue of JOHN; M. SMYTH COMPANV, Chicago, the'largest furniture house in the world, ready Septi st The book is beautifully illustr3td with etchings, half-tones'4 4~ and color type, showing accurately many thoU- saIld different articles, of household and office furniture, carpets, curtains, draperies, sewing machines, bicycles, and other things indispens- i able to modern existence, comfort and luxury. Il is money in the pur- .chaser's pocket to have t1his, book,. as il quotes prices which can flot be met by any other house inte world. Sen t toce feraà Spy of tisSatroeutbook# It wM lbe set by express to y« fr-s.. i John M.Smyth C'ompany, 150 to 168 West Madisoo St., ChicaZo. YOU WILL REALIZE THAT "'THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE OLEAN- Lys" IF YOU USE SAPOý te (a i "souiu iia D~ eau. FED r - IL y. The 103d Session I Opsu WUEDAY. SFI'TiLUanit à,asn 1.Clvii and MahsI E4au1ing 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I