11~1 VWI. IV. No. 46. Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois, Friday, August 28, 1896. $1.50, in Advanc t' 4P4 'Dr. Charles Galloway. 1111Tvenuuna tat ai bis and i& party's alm, AT IDEAL PARK. Death of Sumie Easton. WAUCONDA. L.velsDugSan mld morneRauy thut to get ouit of car At one o'clock Sunday rnornaing, Secbool commences a week traJ ofic ve L ?4lsDrugTOs M. Hf WN18. 0 lU aby paying fifty or slxty cents on flic dollar in not bontest. 1 want tu Firet Races Occur Next Saturday- Augnit 22, at the borne of lber parents, Moliday. nou% ]ROX1 T 3 NI)6 T 8 . M voe iteligetly bu amlunh mre ood Prouram. Deertiild, Ill., occured the. death of Otto Wealti was in the City the' 111111 aonsd OM ot for al mnlybut andsnhfore y ftetuka d sa lma d a ak, o t s a d se e te a s h r n r.C .P atw n e M LIbertyville. Illinois. A GoId'Man's Quermes. particular tbit 1 shall vote honestly Although the unfiniibcd condition use Bato, aged 26 years, téji of the week. .'1 - dani iy o c otst sy Tuesday. wn oWouoktg Dr. . L TAY OR. rake Exeptin t Potion o!c. c thng tat ay nt 1 hE. . M , Russell, bardly warrants te bellef deceased was the <îly danglter o!f .L arswn oWoaok$ Dr 7 T --YZ0 UkCoEpnd' Ation tin silv r ..J.C.MONIE. that the managers wil *.bring off"thue lMr. and Mrs. C. B. Enatoil, wbo tirnt of tbe week. ofie v-rOUigs- CICAO, V.29.189. DmQueAstion Inaugural raceoSBaturday, yet tbey are with three brothers are le!t to miou?!> Miss A. A. Pool, of, Lake ForumS,.lm 7Huéq tCleaHICAtGOd .tos .m. EITILL., A',2.86 Dmn-utnReunion. so advertised, and the enterprise dis- their lbas. Since Jaunary lant Misas pending a !ew days ber.. Reioncon Br.2oaway opo. mite Park EIFlTFor the pat teu years ftie Dyniond played by lntereoted parties to date, £faston hutba een an intense sufferer Mrs. H. C. Wells returned Satugdgy lu your issue of Atignat l4tb, Mr- and Austin fniiit-s bave beld a tanillY indicates their ability to start the from rheumatlsm of an infiarnatoryfrmbrihtnte t. Libertyville, Illinois. C. c. copeland in a very interestiflg reunion, and the occasion bas become horses neit Satnrday, aceording 1,0 the nature, and o! baite sliglit strokes of i »n Hcksrofueal at.n MWl -ete tae teposition t tit insh noeo f e otwn rga:prlssmd e ufrnsdi laatcle uodylt Dr. E. H. SMITH, dutty of cvery good citizen to prepare to be looked upon soeo skdflvwnporm aayi naebrafeig obly Mr. and lira. W. H. Ford val DETST immeif t61vote on the rigbt aide luia iportance by those Ipartieipatjflg. Il IRS AE, IN5AUGURIAL î,îSu. severe. Several fanons phàysiciens relatives in Uiis place laut veek. IDIENTIST. ~the coîing election. H efcls also is a time for IL Sort of family love feast, Poirb- $47-Of whîcb $75 to, s, ni amind$25 hayç been conaulted, ani eacb, alter Suipervior A. Cook vlslted i ofllceover Lovell'a Drugstore to intinate thathte caotd Unes dvdn lfeidlntevl fAgut oc otid.FrdiugIi aiuead . fia Xmnn h afitd rnnel onyFrnte ito h ek Us inito Dernocrata and Bepublicansanis c r'o1t11 beorAgutecbtot r.asre y'a nd ai îîîri i>ih. xmlln teafhltefponrnd outyFrmth irt !thevok HOUR:uao 2 a. m. and 1tW &p. M. DAILT. aboulaiflot bc observpd, but ftnat tbe year.i'Oîi':iC.Fvfroîa erc.ehpla.RefrwesUc i. F. Jobusjon and Ose"car0ks yo flnaneial question whlcb la now before The reunion occlîrs at Lake Zurich, SECOND 11A( . 2 YEAR OLI>5 5EL4.IN<. loving parents anal brothers bave ed relatives at Woodstock luit veL Libertyville, Illinois. us in tbe real and vital issue. Libertyville and Jefferson Park, PrsSW>>fwlb$0t -'d and $25 ___________________________1, thirri. For S year olds. Th , wr to ble expected to at any momntt osle tiseir Mr. and lirs. Lawrence, of Ube"yg no__________________ 0tborougbly agree with bim n lurespectively, and tis ayear lMr.andgolvdneTh ymcasalgedviewr pasitalr Sdy thee wopont, <)wit, fthat the sldat aui.tion;If for 51.2e, wl-git frage,2ludOe.TepyiisalaredVleeepeautclrsSn y Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. tmonteytwquesitiont latbe really lm- Mrs. John Astin, o! Libertyville 11,. aiî,,wi.,î for t>ah $vmi t<, 54F our and that soulier or later the rheulmatisrn Miss Pearl Smilth, of Ivanhoe, le. 5 HousBTIrL g A. m. 1TO 3 AND 7 T 8 P. Ii. portanit one at this time, and that every acteil as bost and bostesm, and ellclted on---ilif Iuriongs. would strike to tbe heart wshicli itdlial gueat of Mr. and lira. G. C. Roberi'.#A manswho is a voter, If bo be boitent the coînmendation of tbome present, THIRD RAE,3 ÀB LS S . .rang asig-intn preseit wirting. 1 speciaî attention petidtouthe with hblmaelf and the country wi h)oeadalpoorcd hm Pr-.$»O he 7 o wîcb BnannSu da norhnMille g nsantre A txen .I in on and If treatrnent of Chronie Illieumatism. bas given bim a vote, aboutid prepare wbo onand il ponouned 3hin P rse840-! hk 81 oi,,an 821. IodBe Es Mîri tDertedella yar taii kin i heM himself to vote intelligently and for royal entertainers. to tliýr For 3year _,fda the~11 Ia Rockefeller, - Illinois. the best of that country, that througb Games and sports surib as clncb, vaim >, , iI(wd , ias,~. o ,), l~ion. .o)f i., November 9. 1869, and spent ber Quite a number front this pj*0 _________ ____ - your columns 1 i sould like tu appeal base ball, foot races, and bicycle races, $45 1 is. !15.Oia Nn furiong... entire lIfe lu te pleasanithomue where attended the Democrat Rally at Lath tuaheni ladxcen instruction.fr1nhrave re indulged in. Rare laits o! family FOU aTH Rlii E, IJEAL PARE HANDnICAP. the angel of deatb camne tb danuî bler. Zurich tast Snnday. VETEIlINARY SCIIGEON ANI)D l>}ST. Copelanqà before Ibis. and have valied hisitory isere thernes of! vrsto, Purse 8i4>-Of whi,! $.àos ....n ,,,,and ssa Bhe was a general favorite ftmîng the D. L. Slipper la oncour itreets oeau convrsatonmore. If you are In need of soap Sh LlsvvI.E -.-il for we are nId friends, and Doîw 1 and tbe bolnteons repat aervedl was tuo ird. Fr Ilire Fear Olds alid 1 iî.w&aI. yonng people o! the place, ioved and IîUm a cait and belp a worthy cause., 1,,BnTyvi.Lz - -- - TlýTlaowould asit for amoue of the beneit hie one under whicb tbe tailles groaned. Entries Thursldaï, Aug. 27ti> w.I4hts and e yaladv intetdns Ms oaTdaao 1Î4i Ofl~': rig,-& ai bt. baugotten hy bis studies oi this diaièration., Friday. Aug. 28bh. iw [aile. eteem.dyahnd hntetiig Ms.CoaTmrh,!mtu matter, for le selemate have rend a A. Bl. Lewis look a group picture of!IT AE ELNÎ fbrdahwn otatogiln pnigafwdy ihWntý MIS M.ALIE DVIS goo<l doal more on it ftlon I have and the gathering, and tbe ixty relatives FfrRC.5i.10 !brdat etfrh atog ogsendi n eaivew as InthsWPace., MsPA^LCDAI.Purgge 1sa-Of whlch $50 to seconol and,î$Mexpected 11, cauaed scures of friends to f1~sadrltvst hspae althouigh I arn a gola matl>, 51ill1 h er erietdw Ii e"t m n oe ftelv te issEIan osTrbUM graile e of Anerices.s Consestrva" ent tg,),'ole hOnee'IY Un" atligm Il Irul rpree tntd >sielin e ard 1,0 to third. 0For 3 rear alas and upward. The MOur. utoeno Uc oe be isfs e Edlb ad Llaundufl 'threnrewoîi lie 0 ak fw ~ prze ba pctue nd its nnerut h . old atiauction for $loi. 3y-ar bore ber, the yonug folks covervd the gPatnso Ino!ises My rtlend vi,,11 .f Marne. -07 questions. Ipleasant association, as fromt year te eils to 'arrY S14)ii.s.. 4 îcar olisanlu'ur upi !trsyeacuc h Qulte a number frein thia Place s« VOIE ULUR~AN IARInYluthe tirst place lie says, taliv h'is year sosue familiar face in absent, home Io Ils.-Sx f()on.flovers and Tnesday sîben tbc reniains naking arrangements touattend the VOICE CULTURE ANMRoîs. of the> opinion that --the denontîzing los'ed one bas gomme.to anlotber world HgryNmgan eetkntee hnaoso ode' n alraRuina Libertyvilie. Ilnle fsilver iu 1M73 wua great Nwrong and to await a reunion ssbicb willlcontinue A haoue o r. andmger. Pe entrelstakgenterethsanetd tho! Sodiers adweek. s euio ____te Cause o! the financial distremsao! At the bonie y. o! i.adlr.Ptr ntre's b rtgeaandfs retedteAnMisses Jthie eenc B01111 D. .v. AR Y, tis country, and o! the larniers and Ntbrougbrier Lketerihity..tLUlI Tidrnarsh ylattend the Norbon Dr -. . AR E , ail lahoring classes.' Now gdace b.' ¶1>0e prescrnt were: lMr. and Mmr. bigaro n e8 ay Zuch 19.96 et orL.Winrends ofudirlatives. Res'. MussesaJNnrmelGreen Grâte wRAU au PENTIST. mem atatit bas taken twenty axialdWm. l)ymoud. 31r. sud Mrs. Edwin hg on ededy u. 19. ,o.l. Wreuannceo hbendPr, nliaNral shoo ia i i. i l.and Iie ..W n, Sm, î.î}years for Ibis wrong act te prodKuce D3 moud, Luîcy Harvey, James Dymond, occured eueraeo!hui en.odacquaitaefne o!tbervoe familwoT'hy laefr aprlo aaf. the dire effect whicb bie noaiait bas etduhe tl oet avyJ OlFlUE Ht IL115Canared, and tbe picture be'-draws IN Gen. Dyînoud, Lydia Dyrnond, lMr. and et agte Rui Jne t vey .hon Bodte ten erm aiusereso Jmedays. otbr addng r» s'. 12A. M i -,ulndi7 t"5 l. 1. indeed d rsigif truie; or does lie Mrs. F. P. D onEari Haery. uesun neerthe e latna twe t h e ligm eri.medTh e onday bbn udr doa gher M Gyiake - Illinois. -at tti la ee u oniinFors Dnod Ms .Dyrnond, brlghtertitan et tbe appointed heur -el adrtse uefmri bMah y motrnintge!or bowpalsh ah raysae mince that getwogof17"Gai Dymond. r lir a ndM. John we h organ pealed the mugic of remains were laid te rest un thte Deer-shol The bstwîshes for h bave bad eiao ehto rvese rity sine AstiS. i.adlia onAsithe celebrated Lohengrin Brillai March feld cemetery wbere fsympathizlng tiucés go wîth 101f. P MAtoicyadCGUncllr INLw have1 budlu' Ioebatsofprosperns lme A tJrt.SrCar.esautnli.JnAstir nBrtplayed iîy Miss Lors Harrison. The noigbbors and youmug friends againm M. W. Hughes basheen awarded - Attriiy ad Cuncllo ai La, 17:1od is»cb as lr. peslante ausIn., ChareAusiM.r. ud irs. rtbridaI perty marched te the parler came laden witb flower.s, snd wbcu the contract to furnlsh thirty-Swo Ira NOTARY PUBLIC. %% an, gi aeclei h e 83aW any frieuda awalted them, snow-white casket was lowcred into broie for tbe county bousée. Ris piVIa ____ asib ae aldteat17 iJohn Dimond., A rth ur Dymond. oo hcg, ciga etue earth buindreds o! bloasonîs went are rhigithe hlm a èeUnA o e. uSe' lajI matntion ivut> te Civlctions and greet gond instead o! as "great mwroimg. d, o Chiageactig asbeatanytm.g C.thH.urAustilin. C,'cca>ic--------- ----- - - - - Nos hesayslie titisrem] Coitti ..,i E( bookonir.C.H.AstldMiss Lizzie Habeîî, o! witb IL. SUR11not content themesne tf Mr. S. Reynolds la making a -lll Ofiewth Lake County Ban'k. anad ist*ed tofi Mr. Seabory, 1 havei Ethel Anstini, Edwin Austin, M M e avthspc.Hem2 Office ituî~nt, andI 1 wat igbt. I lIra. Ed. Austin, Jessie Austin, r. elOcouin ao! the bride, as maid frienda wben the littie monnd was ruent, teavthspae H.adN LibertyviIIe,'.11Iifois. Agii, lie says ,'(Il,(1, Isuppose' udlra. Edwin Osborne, lira. John o oo. T .Haetb ,Iaetnel o.resh oddyWlcbo! M nry b ave et4l Meusthe aîtiofed1Eg3snd, ve r hered , LlePrie.ofn PiSt Louils, àM., unele o! the groom, with lowers, ere>imîg cvcry trace Iih iinl anti Mr. e . o .a.4 MISS LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. tcnem--liasny ed nlntr , e b heiu'ed > yn, Lle r n ira. . V Sanhoruc , lperfermcd the ccrem<tuy. o! the newly made grave wliich held l ewda. i.Ben sla s iu entof, yconrt ledm y;g, r n r.W.C abrclaia tailler and ve wlsbh lm saliegq -TRACER V-rlo iiet ovryterytel" hre ansrGaeSunn i. The bridle were a gown e! white ilk their dejaarted friend. Tliongli dee wauconda va" vel'reprea*SI VOCAL ANOA A L:S D EILS^ RTE drop of titeir lood." etc., etc.. and thiistrintc whith Chautlene lace audiStisie, Eaton will be cleIitietd the M. W. A. pieute at DAao4: It4STRUNENTAL YMTM 0F big î evririg ta omtailndIr. Ed. Carol, George Card, t'ue .MUSIC . . .ELOCUTiN. ' q itl SevtdrstinFs t t1 do t , as(Jle('rOî saih lo t Rini, in wbicb hle appeared very lu the meusory o! Deertcld'msoauis lest Tburaday. The Waue ... msic .. ...ELOCUIOW -quiteiiudeaatan 1 F 7n , i it-sso.îdeslie Sîtih, le Stb, lnSir.hsuddaintyand witb bier winning way and danghters for many years te conîme. Everett ninea trled tu play 3 r,'fcr ta) thée -wronug o! 83-1wil eai mth tySih r n ae.lirvr hraig h againe o! ball An the atteraoem a5aT METUOE, HoRT EEABONABL5 PzICE5. iketo know in Iwbeat r.'s4pe,'t Etgals rs. àîmi Liii,,. Will Laume, Richard tmedeoberavcry cbarnthe g. Tus maid Libertyvilie. Illinois., c'cu.lîit 1,05 ra sthl' hîmtd stattt'5bus o! honor waR alan dressed lu whutc silk. The Tickets. gie o-1.uumg.i tîofm lilabct lIlstaprevioliu a)r>i Lau>', irs. Beeciier, lMr. eltlia rs. On oieoftelreplrIvn f xt ctnuadnwpris ThWuod Lg.N MA.P - ~~~~ - ~~tittartt. >ud in theb ,ec'ond plave, i1(Clar uîlk îorts. .lce Clark, 3Menie Day,Ifbiecnnu aliî'w ares TeWcodLdeN. .i No Hard Times 1 ii laacudik't>ltv i.Ccctn eii >îicc n a. rn . dectorated and draped witb bbec' keep la bornin" as tbey bhâve Ijeen &L A. M., iill give a grand tree .sl« 'inserilcenlve t CPladDetisDmndad r. rnci ainint on Friday evening, S~, got>,tI Fa 1til! m h i qlCut i V '>>>iSitt explaîn. or 'btte mtore exîîctiyý. abat iThe nexb rcutuîiom l ssh occur ut Aiercntovr gle. Jad uigtept w otith ni nOkln al e. on0 ie lit $5, $10O or $15 pur acre.lte invaiis ly referring to Eîiglsud am, soiPîkuî, sbi ha f'6 a, sparagus and jace. uider wbich the, catiens are that there are îi»olîriuatiutg P.- G.M. e! the G. i.. ofIII., v*IW (ot , ui.ro;ls., S4>miuos, ,'s'r the' .'uety (if our country; in'JfesnPrkin hl tto 9 l rida] party received congratulatiunsprselag ouhtpiitteA-peetandlvranarmaI' [ht t wty lbas elshovvbi muthin euunity. ,i>,onîouy a pleaauut ii»i'3 lIm the eseslaree 1 t trmttîeAn-peenrtead dexivengtn adre M cluii> c">l>l >Ilît o tuus.ý e Iave been aet'Aar aîth bler. tuc occur inîm 7 s loked furward t fo!the uîauy reltitvesansd frietîdasWho tralian ballot. 11, wiiI rui>aly huave Ccagol,ras eelngn a rte«, i :ul I( Itu~ ,îiti' l> tot uto it l-ie.ot peuce lia', rcigiued uSot hihgetrunbclai> all gutered arouîidtheni, to be mun ln sections. The îtroiui- orciil. îedn nirm~l \ ¼ tî~I 1 mi"Iw 111 go w it cýf thie' tine ince' 5e decîdeil t>) vIAt tao o'clock tbbey were usered tionista have eplit lun155 c, andtI here' ah faim part of th. P ~eu, iti > t> >c'îlt:lf . u maniisiage (agir,,wu attairs, a tcl il bas it itt I e'. ut juat chrnicleol. 'itnIu iun ou hr h alsaetebt-iesomtesîg'isebmqe ilb .., t sec m, .ecuProhibitione s unsneXisa of!gond thiuga awaitcd thein. Covers 1o! prohibition and the fre ails <r ~eu eterbuinment. A cordial Av. luI) t'~l»~~~' îtîît'tweg'îi scîuu.'of the great coumtriec, oufrhbto tnc l xeieit t1ite,' uud fauiiliSix>' îtî ])i-(-Euîrop, 'butitlut r±cldly peac liv fer1TePoiiinsswl dter 'se'e laid for scvcuby, at whicb aIl bail ment, each with e candidlate. Thet' xenei ua uiu 1 1!1;(iif ut luI-iv. Iui tht'greatest'îpart ofthte tuie, 41)1 i d îePomtiinsa' i odtera nîerry lime. The restonithue alter-su.0iaiotie labor parREAL ESTAliaTRaNSPERS. m>itlr tltt>iu .('aIl or vcry profitable îîeace toi). ttubobh o!, Ail tulaî 'iciiic et Wrigbit's Grove, n ouaiw88eti redyvst tdnilcniaei h 1t.Ti ELETT RNFC us. I bave beard a goosi mity othern bbc batiks tel Gages Lake, Tuesday, nou ua elît ir. nd friîl st. Ag t dmal candpridti bbtie.Tm itula O WàKEGAN U3OKa. .. INrt lt l11a ii t' Iis» reler t),Englaud inu xatly teSeptember 1, I (u oc>d lusaie hia f>uol clc1 ir.sullia. agetynuees ix reidNutiul icetsw'ib I's John J. Longabaugh Sane am'iy ton lMr. C.tpeland tducs, beetu se,'ired for thlb ele-sîtrtefl for Barringtou, to talle tbbc cahasure go. Tbe gold deiiumuraLts i ;tu»2bu1 Chinnas adO toAetioèbdh dw b> '.Grayslake Illiois. tahîumug lier aieecny. tbnt wiltub Ievcîîing train for bbc Nortb-.cb, wilI have a ticket. Themeiifdit-ot- W4,twyc'rtrueb t al tbur-n Par sbocimmg in vabat I' y ah>' is s.0.lu so.ad paes uvvs aeshere tbey w.ill spend nome tinue tbe-read populista are iikeiy te lace w >1.................... .......s mho>wsing how aime is our fotee caii tt .loliisoum, their Candmidatîe for Vice 1î1'îan,ît'i,'e kci, wi ESmuithm to Tluothy Hove lot H. P. EW\I IN G IM. D. tiie'Sainue lne eaisuîy c£pluitt lw ber P'r".iMmn t, A iojîzo E. ~îsicanudidate :v isitiug relativesansud Iieutîs. Tuenh!teiroone Ie 91.7bih ilL,îox Subit In 334512 'd ......'1 dupes n Ibis country are uidimîg her f!ertr fSaeadHi.Jh ricmmis maniteatcd their vvisliîcsof womld make eight differemit tickets, Ifl .Xl1)ilAdams te First M 1 eh mN Rockefeller, lit., in -"I iîcîristiau bitsiies.. If lhe i cr'tr iSaeadHn oi gond luck with showera o! rire as btle cnîmty conventions f>ciicw the' uxani- C 1, a'lots,2 ad a agi 8W es» 1t'Il c ierm>,'at .'iE. H cI>oîil s a ra tg'eronus tu lus ut w Ilais>> G. W>)>>1ley xw dl autdreeas the gatheriug. i'î".............................. bell ssvittalae s..ue o! bier i urtîcut aur E vc'y uarramngement for uagencral good 1 carrnages starîcd anut tthe traini. TIue'picset by the netionial, anduls..umc of j>,ihn l andic' t s b Rt Y ]Rouée lmh OuI.>. - (tlU>..ueDepot. ,.acfb !riî,cry and corruptlionbîît.. . .brides traveling gtwn Vas o! biuon ta the sate conventionîs, tiiere ins hable 4.3»uesadite Rockefeller wvd...u y i utmuuu' ielias bveii nrfccbcd. rbey invite!<i>ctrl.s Enmark leai af ILnbbom lotir Ifûtcrs 9A. 1. uI.i -?*'I. . l.r G6P. 3M. lie 4)frecly chIargesainst lier. 1I ' ron t, ttnd ndbrnga aset nay blute ladies lotb. te Lbe e number o! 81plitts rcn Uthe c t allotsibi lots i and 2i111 il suîppose'lhe kîtows ssbat tlievarg;, tfor a 1 everynneg t.aoutt nd .tîidit bring a lisaket I rHluîryLnePril ..........e.A.......al f bc! i', staumtding and .c,(luucution Ilunch, audith le promnuîuence ni the 1 i he. as sibe buis bct'n kna'uaumgeovbsdsai nmmeuîmen er HitLcMaihal l v d............. UNIO Hber. fricuda. is nue asclachages bohuI peaersslifrieudil alid>!ltindeperndents. m otickets.lsfricrts (fsiIikedenytiket. s iili25y ,ts N 2 isons subdsbitla[nta., ... ILIOS n>.b nutkean cb i.t ff ge; ithout peakr euac. i uîduut<îyurever sellegoca. She alwasaqeaiVtaut it yUll require abonut teu coliumuns Frankinm W Ganse sud wv b JoesL W IELII 1LIsIS kucin, nt lit ~hiudbitaneattract it largcebtenmcsiic. Walk'r lotcs 34 anmd M blk m Wahbura f lus do0iucot klit)w sud yet waut te pîcasutut word for cveryene. Hle -Ill il> Vhich to mite up the regumîer Ans- paîria......... ............. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. kuccu. be greatly missed iIn this locality tralisu ballot. This wiluRake usictîal. Nrvu N Wines sud v te Douglas Y oseThere INa spuart o! lts letter in which A uîcar- Iy exebutuge may: " W. have wherc sile bas been a troug worker lob about 28 te 30 Incites Ini aize. Wieluummu W11to3 t ai9........ ..d...... ..Half-way H ue. .. the logic istnt vcry sontitd. I thiiik.Ieurned juut this mîîch tabotut unnîîug frtetmeruecisWadald iiam lo t al msbRkcaduder Betw(,'rluChitcagoî and the Lakes tic sayu., il case (of free einage o o!r rtusics.Avetsu he OlO en ctcd wband a pofeadC IsSAteton.u'î i lots m and10Wlb uem Iosy v CycI st Headqurters aive ic tiac>uuury.tht te rrig heues îîpeadi 10 Little Fort................... CylitsHedqarer. ctniea will flot scud al thîcir 'ilver ot amy kind auould elways be paid for, te bie. IContue te the Lake ceunty faim Se'pt. ;' fta tnlot o!Ù >tIil tWet 51[ ani.u Guedc>'eumudc ofr raveler8. bere lo be turuet into moîmiey, becausie We have leucrmed not 10 Inuit evcry Mn. Hagerty is a tuan of nobtle 1 "l',1iedd8onyoî tueea MsLitmtlFot wd.... ..........k joIhn Behm - - Prop. weili e is not very clear sby tbey im-crus> tbiug tliet coutes along free chamacter and one whe uil mitae is )oîu't leave Ibein arousud the grouuu7a8Jîmu P ent'sudw I.Joh...F........a1 ________________ _______wiiI net, btnt sys that *'If my horme goi eaticates bis corn snd nats ucîl, I o! charge, sud give a lut of fres adver- mark in the wnilti. Fer soiue tuieta u be stoien or lijuured bout ut bbc acresa lu 1 440I0 w dl ....................,.. 10 LAKE willinot send tbem to the Mill to be timing to sometling that gels psy for pat he lbas worked for tbe W.-t.-tcheck reoin where they wilil eie !. J 8 Piati uand w ta) Wiiamn Convay i grotinti sud psy for tbe grnidîg sud evrything it tocs.. White e nt telcgrah Co., lu Chicagoewhere bue bas Shî,uîid you have the lunertuue wgd........................ ....... COU NTY loge the lime in aeudiug." Weil, if te please eur readera in every wey w, mauy Venin frienda. The mauxy break dovn you ull fimiC.I.rukt'ctcad toeiClt. ANKbis Imre ia kept fat snd streuig on hll1 . .!raklrot )i renet els la Otk BANK........ the amount o! cern anticuita if the can. we are ruuîning the greet euui- frieuds o! M. and Mmr. H. J. Hagerby -,Ieriman, Ivithtbin eounipîete ,relai? sake wiv..............................g Wright, Parkhurst & Co. corn> ndotats are groumnd, douc not ciator for a liinlg, anil for exactly the wîsîu thein i long, happy and Pro- abop et the check reoni uhîcre lite aill William Noome aud w bo Thoma. Iliti. kuow thet every intelligent friner samie reaseu bbhe fumier tillas1the ilil, percaus Ille. repsîn yt.ur bîke wbile yosm are aeelng CiMueeseries4su W ..L.v. Libertyvilie, Midf gilpsy for grindiug anti lese the lime for the saine tîmut s lava-yer sella bis Tbmae present fom abrasai Vene: te sights. Yt.n are invitedto > make Ria l 17 Y.1k ies ad w for iltute. Andi if Englaud. France BtaI 7hk7Oaoaelii .....1 -o-and Germmeîy can aeud flty-thmee talent te onue smie to! s case, sud fer Itev. T. H. Hagerty, D. D.. St Lous, this youum heedquarters and '.ill flu wad J Hkvis I ot iks cents Vortli o! silver to, the Uited theewquinc reason tbalvarionsaotberpeu- lMn.; Rev. sud lira. James Wbeateu. o! thuiga arangeti for yeuîr couvemuiemies ak.... issues Interest-Bearîflg Statecsand bave it tamped asas dollar, ple do various kindi, o! work. Wt Loydl, Ill.; lira. Emma Daniels, Miss 45tt tlRh iinlSt iii Certificates Payable wli they be low to do il, sud to "1pay do___xet_____t or ilir udv1- plti4 for the grindiug natî a og hie tiîîue din tepeteybcyb e Creok sud Miss Heben, o! Chicago; Wîîî Dance. HJhF lia su hPMark.... ....gw on Demnand. acnding li h bgiiîig !for ns fer tfini; ucithendIouwe expect le Ed andti Fank Haben, o! Wbeeling: hr iiIb adJoee itîoîî hn FPmlccîk't nd te E sTîsNn 11 _______________________________ NoVasiI aaddtoceote i-iworkdt r anybi>y el1e1141more forLlaktslamsaB Hobbsmail vot bisIs, M. dit tbgiiigo ofunorly 'e ecct a reor eMisa Llzzie Haben, of lencoe; Mm. LkePavlion, Saîîi'tîsy îigbîAug. l'il liant & iieydekersoubli..... susMr d Io ask Mm. vopelan- for l.wý xetaresmbeEdwin Coosk, Lîbertyville; Mr. sud 2,,a. Chicago mait. A got inie lareai' M E cht* nd W lot N 0W IS TH E TI M E tlilgemutIad1tnyr.Cpln o opnsto h an u orbs-Ms aglt fVl;Ms insaa sue.Cme oITF. r __________________a___ elittîs flors ighit, e littie learer antid epestilibueatmmeusoleuha-ffr.Ra.g..o.Vl; ir.........u......ere.....mTS. Lk Iitu.......... more tiefinite instruuctiou n oulorne ucsniiili daughter Nellie anti Miss Bile Buyan. C W DItiglas ani te R ilI TO INVEST IN' LAP D'S'fEtS. poiuts lie makes inullts letter, sud I1(ard of Thank9. 8eSticî lotsa 1.k 2RDoga o! Barrngteu. Meuny were preseut c>latent lot. la ua 4à c.......... Do. y oi 'çunt taopelite ViII not s ay to mue"Go reuiti A bousekeeper ubo wtt» euomnonti. frein Waucouda, IRockefeller aînd otîmer W' ceisre $0 bereby Mont heîuriyit t',r> 'utl' uuiwt yursielt, look up tatistica anti than:k our nany frienda aîll uieighbors Wi:uitort,'tict u1l hik à Gisk A11a"LLI HA MR N ESS? 0 ar0M.)Seamy.M m.Cplndbt d tetry Cueuubler I5liug for cock- aurrondltng places. M. sud lr.sl»s iul edr'lmsasactusFei.[c uilgn aal Hoar er.uae d t abeen bisMr. inln antià ),lknIvrnl.it i i 1% I., à 1, 1' s, s w s, B. i. e 3 w St i m