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Lake County Independent, 11 Sep 1896, p. 5

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ls9ip r QO, and by adherlng' .~~%Wt tWe have btuRt up a t$rade. Quallty dlffers as 0Al*n to'haniel* ood Coode at prices URMEATS - lways Fr.sh and Aseortment large. Wur Geôocery Dept, le Complot. and Prices RIGHT. Rem.imber we are headquarters for aII inide of frufts.- -- PÇETO FeRMERS: -- We wi il e es«t price for good beef Àmo.»TRIOGS & TAYLOR. b 9-ur THEN St 'Ur LIV OOODS AT Hard Time Prices.. Here are a few: 0éI M 3"... ...... 2, alb soi Barcb .......... 0 e&lm shlrb .......2S1 lbCorn Stareh .. ...... ua . ............I1tlb Gond Japm Te& ........... Ovealla 112 BàrL» oup . .e....... ............ ... 1 WIN A SHIRTI, for a short lim e a iiigive evay meh ebae A Laundrled White Shirt W lieu pou blag pour lauadrp ou recelve a chance ou il. We close th1e basket Wedneada ai 7 P. M. f*F'.SMITH & SON. Ramblers tches Clocks Jewey R. Sherman, Libertyville, 111. A large and varie4t line of Hardware, Pumps, MiIk cans and Cutlery. PtIlfl>S~1(lms Pipes, Phhllags. Lçocal.Items of lnterest to libertyvllle Reaciers. C. M. &ST P. R. R. TI ME TABLE. TO CHICAGO. a.M. a.m. a.m. u.M. p.M. p.M. Buas8l ana 6:13 5:57 Wadw8:h59 6:20 5:05 9:10 6:27 5:11 Verptn9:16 6:30 r.:14 6i-530 7:15 12:30 4:55 30l"sut, 5:40 7:25 9:22 12:40 6%7 5:21 Ne5i 5:46 7:28 9.281246 4:44 .18 Iered 6:52 7:44 9:35 12:562 4:51 6:34 ~g ~ &58 96 7:90 9:40 12:56 &Mi :38 4:as $:te1025 1:4467:00 6&W3 PEON CHICAGO. LU MLU. .M. p.M. .m. . 6:30 09 M39 ier 8,2:0 1*18 4:56 6:11 7:23 9126 g Id 8:34 10,22 8:006:17 7.27 :21 j~tt 8:42 1* :64:6 578230 SAS:4810»U :12 6:49 740 938 ~i~vIL W1.46 65 7:60 PU4 flstn 9:64 693 :36 (arrive) 91 : u * aisotes daliy. a denotes Sunday ouly. Whinno mrirappeara trains are daliy ax- . BONDÂYTRTAINS. Lv.Llbertyvlile tIp.m. Ar. Rondont ô:p.m. Lv.lbet Lia-.&. Ar.Chi eo10:52 ILu Yv.Ohîcao 8:30 &mn. Ar. LîbertyvMl 9:45IL M. Lv.Ohleauoes P. m. Ar.Llhartyville &323 p.m. No. msMr$asondal only. goInu South. vlU stop oV aluna asulolovis:-At Rusell 12:07 p. M. Wadeworth 2:17; }nsea 2:27; Ws.rn. ton =30; HondoUt 12:86; Eyerettl2:42Daerffold 1:45; Sbermaervllie 12:52; arrives ln Chîego ai :45 tP. M. Train No. 44 has beau lately ut on trou Deer1 ld1Oicago. Leas s eerflald 7:30 a. he orvClh 7- ;arrivas ChIeago &Io 96 m. No. 68 WayvesChîcago 11:20 P. arrive Sharmarvilla 1206 à. m. Derfioi a :10sa. m. L IBRTYVLLFLODOR, No. 492. F. A. M. Beguluar Communeeslono 2nd & th Sslurdays of eeh month. Vlatlng brether, aordlaliy valoorned. W. M. HEATH, W.)!. ILE. H. ovi. sac. Golng tu 1the Fair? The bernsaet the Cotunty Farus vore reshlngled Ibis veek. W. Millard moved liios, Susu Trlggs bouhe tbis week. The total receipts o! Ycileuur-y Co. Fair aggregatad ovor $4o000. Bert Hoyt la assisting (eo. Il ieà- i ini store et Rockefeller. )rs. Protine lo Selllng a $3.50 -lioe for $2.50. CalI aud aec them. Thea Prohibition County convention occursaet tiha Towu Hall, Saturday. Borne sud buggy to let at reafflnabla rat - Wsu. GffHINtE. A/nything ln summer niilinery yl ba clooad ont et haIt priceo tai ra. Protine's. Cbanncey Casey and family, o! Chicago. are vlsltiug bis brother, Mort aud tsmily. Tva turuished rooms for rent witb- out board. Appîy 10 Mas. H. C. PAD- Doca, Libertyvillo. S8. C. Wlflarra sresîdence on Mil- yankee.Ave., la much improved by tisa addition of a large "aweUl" vindow and tom er. The Ladies Cemetery Association will meat vilb Mra. Ellis, Frlday, sept. 25, et 2:30 p. m. Ail are cordilally invited ta attend. I heraby requeot the pera<>n wbo bas thé top hell of my extension luddera tu returu lame or inform me where thay ara. HABRET ALLOWAY, Libertyville. Fon SAL-Ibhave a good "wood and coal hestinx stove thut I will Sl cbeap for cash. il JouN GtRÂ, Libertyville, Ill. An luteraatlng tenture ut the Rock. tord fair vah "Baby Day.'Prizes wara offered by the Register Gazette. 1 fras an iutereatlng exhibition. If pou vaut a aie bath tub caîl at Chicago Mtal Stamping Co., Liberty- villa. They hava some siigbtiy damaged sud viii sali hem very cheslp "Mrs. Protine va lnthse cit7 Monday and Tuaadsy of this voek attending the openlug ilu fe milliinery. If you naed auylhlng in the latest styles oeil on har. J. B. Alituson and wife returnad tram an extanded visît in Iowa thse firaIaof1the veek. John says McKinley bas e "valk-away- in sections where he vislited. Services at th1e Presluyterian ehtureh as usuel Bunday. Morning Ibame -,Tiha Preeminanceofo Charity." lu th1e evenlug -Fado aud Crazes," is the subject for discussion. lu 1the revent éeaction lin Vermout tse Republican majority vas 35,000, thé1 largeat ever given lu the stste. lu 1872 Ihal t ta gave Girant a njorlty o! 30,0011. Repullican doctrines art mare popuier than ever in Vermout. Miss Helen Apploy receetly received tram Anet. Adjt. Général Wm. Laudus. of Hartord, Coun., a docomant certity- ing that one l>a'i Fitchi servasi in tihe ver of the Réavoution sud was under command ef Lafayette ut one lime. Daul Fitch was Miss Appîcys great grsud-father sud se naturally prizeus the document Mnost higbly. to Tako t.Op.rat. MrB" o a manee lns Miss GainaI Coibp la leachlng the Wright sachool. Rolla ChurchillIRl teselhiîug the Saitgatuek achool. Wm. Barrett, of Cbic.sgo, lg Vigitlug vith Frank Gleake. Fred Croker and famiiy visiteul in Orsy»ake, Suuday. Mr. sud Mrs. W. C. Sauboru vere ln Chicago, Wadnesday.% A ulce lina o! uackwteSjust opened ut Seuborn & Crokeres. The Pt. Sheridan Military Band wil ha hare during 1the Fair. MiosaAda MaeGuffniunla eacbing lu 111e veat chool lu Weukagau. Miss Maud Pallon, of Gage, la., las vlsitiug J. B. Alason sud Vite. Loir-A round gold broocis, Suuday. Fîndar vill pieuse leave Si Ibis office. Dannis Llmberry vas lu Arllngton Halghta, Wednesay, on officiai. busi- nasa. Cal sud ses thosaý reffly triînmed hise t Mms. Hurlbatg4l'om one dollar to tan dolla. Henry Dymond aud vile, uf Cicago, visited the lirai of the veek viths bis fther Win. Dymousi. Mrs. Daniel Gibbou basa returned from Hlat Day, visere se lhua been durlag the Ruminer. If you vaut a stylia là Wear t,, thse fair cull on ..ra. ilbt, b cau suit pou in bath styl aWdpriee. Mr@. H. 8. Hurtbutt baà juis tcelve a no stock of full und vin lnery to hae sold et bard tlimea pri ia. lira. Crosby and daughter Rena bava retumned te Waukegan, where Misa Rena reaunsa ber scbool duties. Mina Sarub Buter bas returnedtt rousu bier tripu to Europe, and bas rennumed bier duties as tessler lu the scboolà in Chiicago. lirs. H. 13. Il trl b tt apeut Tjtesday o! thisweek inlute City nei ng lber fll stock of niliunery a lancy trimuningé. Juvaît Bairstow put Up a fiue Moutello granite msonumnet for Henry Humphrey, in the Mlîburu cemetery, last veek. Reno'e (rienttil Shsow gave su exhibition under canvas Monday afternoop aisdevening. It migst bave beau worae. Ralpis MacGtin w ill attend tbe State Normal at Normai, Ill., tisis year, leevlug Tbsursday to tuske uip bie atusdloa thors. lira. A. E. Cambeîl sud lira. A. Barker, of Chicago, jîsst completed a week's vigil;with tba formera eldest sou, CE. Comb'a. F. Bairstow, of Wankegau, orected a monument lu Laketside uenietery tbe premant meek on Byron Coib's lot aud puit lu hssulatouuea uon E.J. Musons k'Mlot. WANSTED -By a Iboy sixteenyar old, a llase t do ciites nborîing anI eveniug for bis buoard. Good re- ferencîs,. Addrcss .1. H. IqDF.1'ENDE-NT office. E. W. l'arkisurst bas sold lis interest ln the Durand-Parkhutrst plekie factory ln Chicago to AI. Durand, of Nev York atate, a brother of C .N. Dsuausd. There will bc a grand liepublîcan rally undar tbe management of the Riepubliean couinty committee at the tovu hall, Libertyville, Baturtday eveniug. Sept. 12. Tbe meeting wilI beglu at 8 'clock. Addresses vilil be made by Howard L. Courad, of Chicaugo and Clarenca E. Smith, o! Waukegan. Ladies are cordialiy invlted. Lot there be a big turn out..- Charles Smth, lnunrance agent,f mercharut, liveryman, ail round good8 fellov, and severai other thinga îoo nuinerous to mention, yull enter bis3 uoted borse "-Tunk" lu the fiee-for-all "ljump" at th1e comlung fair. nis irai assistant secralary, Wm. Geilge, bari sigullled bis intention of autarlug hie recent pnrchse of ancient horae flash, If thora la a class for 11gb sud rapld klckers. Ins a rocant latter tae1the Mann-1 facturera lMr. W. F. Benjamin, aditor of the Spectator, Rusistord, N. Y., sapa: "ht iuay bea epleasure te pou tu knov th1e hblb ateem lu vhilcb Chamber. lainas medicinos are haid by the people o! your ovu siate, vbaro they muaet11e hast kuovu. Aunsuint o! mine, wvisa roaldes aI Dextor, Iowa, vas about te viait me a few pears sine, sud befara laavlng home vrota me, aaklng If tbey vere aold haro, sstlng if Ibey vare unlt511e vould brlug a quantity vith har, as s1pe dldpjol like tae11e vîthout them. 'M 'iflrudicinen referradia ara Chamberlain'@ Cough Romedy, famous for Its cures of cuIdsansd oroup; Chamberlsln'as Pain Balai, for rlieuma. tlam, lame bawk, pains lu the ide and oheat, and Chaberlaînsa Colle, Choiera and Diarrhoea Romedy for bavai complaints. Thena masîlcinas hava boots la constant une in Iova for almost a quarter o! a oetury. Thse people hava iearnad that they are subies of greeatrlis sud ment, and unequaled by suy aîbar. Th.'y are for sala by F. B. Lovahl, Liberty- ville, sudG. C, Roberts, Wsucssnda. Fu au'r-1r ru 8ystmber la5 10 M i, bouse, u' n4ce fronlsds. rx riA ue A voa4Nn WeqIlI Ho l WearÏng Schoo Suits They are Cheap. $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.25 and $2.50. And like other Boys lie Wears RED SCHOOL /11 HOUSE SHOES. Oui Grocary DapIla1 Complet, sud Priceis Bight. ~1 i $HOES We have 1th Largest Stock of Shoas for miles arouud. Nov la th1e tlmeW bnp pour FeU ~ILJ~IETSFLOUR RATS AN4D CAPS Wlmter will soots be Washbîîrn' Superle. mont people Wear aape here and you will tive ilour ie the best or bati. And mots need biankets. Try a sack. buy tlaem oS as. FRUIT JARS TRUNKS TABLETS The preservlng seasou Il you want a truuk We have the lergeat and you need jars. Corne 10 as. panoiliteblet on eartb LANTERNS WASRING MIACHINES r 0 Rave you seeu the A washing machine SOAP Ruis-About Lantorn? saves a greet amount Have you tried Eutirely uaw, barns a of labor. Buy one sud Buperb Sosp? 8 mIn caudle. Aak for it 15c. se.Wslihm. a. u 2. The Right Place to bi ats and -Caps. See our Fedoiras at $1.00.411.50 and $2.00 <'Dealers in Everything," -~~--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. MAX LE3B~A' - m IDNIGHT- SINGERS PRIDE, LA, MF*DALIAF 85 Brands of Smoki n oa.oAm s Prices frorn 2Octs. to $2.OrIb. CHOICE STOCK CIGARETTES AND CHEWING TOJBCCo. * Usera of!Banffsho'iidtry Seal Brand Extra Rappee., JI OZUAR CLIPPINi s .IIAKE A PLEÂSANT BMQjrE. imsîborîu & Croker are .41,1'Y Up lu> diate sui uekwear. BSea tieir stock. Mrs4. W. 0. Mlubizer and sou Le.,ter. of WVusukegan, are vlaiting relatives ani fris.nds lu Libertyvilie. Loouk ut tisose beantkfkles ibuhn hssy nue for the Fair, W' Susboru a, Cusker s. Aun sutere.4tiiig article by C. C. Cope- lanudsiountIhe noney question lei crowd- esl olut tItis vaek, ovlng to lack of mlpacu,. \îll appear naît veek. For theInpit tventy-fonir yeara, E. W. l'nrkh nrNt bas attended the county fairs and controlled oua or more stands. Moute yoars controlllng the entire privilega ou 1e grounds. This year NMr. Parkhuret vill be found at a stand iieur the pool room and If auy of bis Irieude desire a good cîgar or an le ' old drink, thay vill find hlm ready t(> serve them. Froin aIl accoucts Chaasberlalu'u Cougu inedy la e Godaaad ta the affiicted Thora linDo edvertaensant about th is: vo bael mallikae aylug Il.- The Deintorat, Carroîlton, Ky. For sale by F. B. Lovali, Lbertyvilie and G.C. ROIserta. Wauconda. Grapo* for Sal. I1Lhave a nive lot of Grapea for sale chsesî. L. 0i. PERNIMAN, 48 1 Libertyville. wbcn in lneed of Job prlntlng cml at the IOPN>2Toffice. Wa do good work aI reasonable prions. In Memoriamu. DEDI'ATKI> TO THE UMNaIT07 'ONIE" uOeàuJ Thou weelest. childioe motbs,. Thy only Lape la sono. And nov thon slttast Oomtortaens. And de'soiaté. and lue; For he who vas th y greetest pride. Th y sweet and dariua boy. bt hurled 'neath thet cold. cold sod. And wlth hlm ail thy joy. No mort- thou'l hoar his gantéa Voles. No more Isa kissas tuai. No more around thy neuk ha'l l Ing. or at tby aide hall kneel. That brlghtest bharnng oye, Oh, who would thouuht no aveet e aer rCould ever droop sud die. D)eep lu the coid snd allant arth is lîtelens limbe are laid. blait rlands wlth scbtes heerts Their test klnd offices bave péld. Ah, aura thy heart la deao!%te. And nature seaus te mourn. Sinea nov thy dear sMd heateous boy Cen never more rotura But look aloft, fond 36.111cr. Wlth tslth's unerngeyoe. And vla tiiy s"Ielboy Whore plasaures neyer die. Ah ieshlm nearhe tbroe of Cod. In spotiace robas af vhSa, And s»Y dont flot th y aohing heut Feol i>iaeureat th1e aluhtt Oh, vouid thon lwish te «U hlm bock To 1111, cold vould of mie. Whare voas uaavmberod rnlt ha bis And durit >olniu as"ai? Near b7 the Ibroft f o! ld hoanudi. A crovu upon 1Ide11,0v. Sma motherses. no hem oam reaeb The lovaiy dardesg nov. Thon dry thy tomrs sd W" lavl 'TiI (*od'a ovn lime &hall sesas 'MIha lu bounteous miery ala Th y voary spIil home. Thon shalt thon olaIM thy avis doabog Wlthln thy fond embraae. Andever dvell together thra. Ilf îore the Bauton,'. tacs. DACuL P. Oo«veUs uncialm.d LattÀe. Thie tollovlng lasae bit of lellrs realeku In tha Lhertyville poli Qoe usessl1q sept 1. Wheu <,ailng fer sm ueo~ sdvertlsedl. Mra. n ElsJ. Bradley. XIe ft X oa liewkil th La.a Mefloid, Vrek 7 (i M Omo te4. M wmwwmmdffwmý

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