I J MMoi b> -il dealers or vilI h. Ueadidu Co uamidyti bis hui roiami wa$. vwa ettealveW y toied Me .Atsa§min H e Ieskei laio b4liafaveutue HO MO- hW fane vlth owmuir. mia v hilch toriperly coveffl melet OZ ete tu aches la lbit*s WU . » Ibe esudtopaa ooos fmm toae 5e,5~ e vea eP.reaoui vepre:etef. x ni %uireda of tbeuseasis91 b=hufmfto fi. - A«NV g - "tteab foww tus'pajoam o Our C'. tà Umnet mdersé«- k ~ vuseu ettIi..wo rgn- ther«I&tm» eesseuent ou the auslhhstii.autiiori- It vwa UQ"otiaUlIi pa$ou , as one ofetthoe = deraulU*r atdpa»tiu ipthemurder, 1a fe stest privat. wrong againt -, -f ie itime. - he detala ver. paSl2B taao 1w'the Invinmibles ami v P.axPOZk les.Mr. Burke iii bbeSclal eameIt habeen sali fbi Iie6ltation of tioInvincibles *an 'ît,*à t l . Burke, but tua ha beem ýkOII é* sudamithe confier asvertion1 Sdetbut lord Cavendish hai aImebeen1 j*iieliot for deat h. Whatev.r b.e 1 ylgft er wroug oet hua. the, plan eoftthe «uslratm rs . eli laid. CF* th*e aterceen of the fatal day, Mar 4. a car driven b Mylés Kavarnagh ami -csti'<glfur me"-ée Brady, 'ria Kel- Si, Pat Dleny and Tomo Cafrey-drove laf. Phoenix Park. Follewlmg the.car was a cb drven hi Juanes Fitabarnis and Ln whiilci ere seatei Dam Curley, Michael Fagun ani Jo. Hanlon. Tiese latter ver. arusi vith revolversanad themr dnlî waa te asalet the. othera shouli hIer.e amyunice4 ofet la I.plain vlcw ef the viceroiel XJge thk two parties halted te avait the. coming of thear victini or vie- thâs. Sot ene of eltiier parti luiew Mr. Burke bu igît ani»Lrd Cavendiah lad sali rrineci lu Irelani tiat day, te b. promet et the fermai entiy of the mev vlceroy of Ireland, Lard Spencer, etint be, tee, vau sknown te tie censpiratora. This, however, the latter bai provlded for. ýAshort distance trom thezc vere Ivo mest. Jama Carey am? Joseph Snith. Smth hew Bnvke, aud ispart iu the tragedy was te point ont-Burke te Curei. whereupon tie louter wau te signai the. coespratora. À Uttie after 7 o'lock ln the eveing Un. Burk allghted frein a car juat viti- la the. Park gale ami recegalalmg Lord Cavendish, vie vwu golmg ot foet te hi nev home la tihe park, proc.eded te gret hlm. Iantea- lî thelgnalai * givra hi OuCi yte t he cempraters, sud Bradyvfth his eopeulons - K e I- ly, Delaney and Cnt- frey - advanced te thelr bloodi worké viii. Smith ani Carey convememtl »uaCAXE isappeared. When Brady bad advanced = &hn t te the. pint et meeting Burke sud LodCavi'sih h. topped au Ibougi to tie hisaemie.. Bddenlî rising iie sels Ur. Burke., svmg hlm arovun uni buried bis huit. lu ieibody. Busrkeullte the grounn, viiereupon Kelly bet over aud gauiied hIm acroa thie throt. Lord Car- mollai, whe had ougt te deteud is coin- jambon, vau selusi by.Brui arI tabbed CAPyRET. BRADY. KKLLY, PAGAN. CIULUT. te death. The. party tIen bourded tli car and droveonot of the Px*k IntÔ the qotry, returnillg te the. cty hi a&round- about mai. The cab, ton, disappeared. A bleiclst wa the irst to dlacever the. iesd boulseof Plurke sand LordCaveadliih Tii .4* of the. double auaasanuLtiopm a *st througb the. cty like wldire and liaied bitÏm exctement and horror. t Wt1 im~tne -la the history of the, -1 S udai effltIons oft he tbree tftralm. 2la «XtIi churce enneuie- *Mut$ were mad#of the. crime and la one uth tchurthéea eprlet ville denonue the Crime -Seaid enouthe.altar. bnmdatoi thle machluery of the lai ifail put lunimtiis te run ifowu the mur- devre. Tl ýa. va lttI. chie at firt 1< *o*ros ndmith@. lbors of the polige andi ietctlcssuiucituile BoerI arree vere madiMtmeeoftthe guitY Oe$eSbh- hii'apuehiiid.bot the prisoners wete dbsuoti dsbargei for lack of oni 4,ýRpa, , &nei à 80Wproinnent in thé boaues 1f. >fDublin, but Who vas mci' brll t"-, > cenection wit te 3pn've icUl m a ant ,ece of lhi tratteutetbi olie. Uoonotiier Çhiet v~U*Up~lii wlea the polie et jarçt ext openli the 13, rv l re le q%, le m- j". Bea4y, Dmn ourley, icel Fagu Tom CaRrerami Tlm Kelly wev re Wi and fourni gullr. Mal 14t 19M ZJOO Deadl wma emcte inla Klmalnham JeU &ad four dffa later Den Cureyi Wa langui.-mau28 Michael Fagan vW" ex- ectai, ln» 2 Caffreî aufferd death, &Bd on t" . thi Kelly waa e ud. orthlIeue we w ase tred for the. mnurders Pet Delaney va. seutenced te death. but u h. lbail turnedBtte vitacua lits sentence vas commutei, Cirut te penul servitude for lite and aubeeqnentli to ton yeanuliprtaousnent COlairman Mullett, another Invincible, reteived ten years. it.e sentences of panai servitude ver. metei ont te Jo. Mullett, Laurence Han-t Ioýn dltuharrls. Utg$ehIformera, net ail have been camied aud on.etfthem han umaused a fortune lu a quarter etftthe globe tir re- monsi trou lreland. Carey, It muy b. recalled, wus *bet iewn iii a tellew pas- acuger on a Cape steaer. Kavaaagh dled ln a lnpatic aeybtm la London. DONOOLA 18 FALLEN. flstiab.gypttu Epedîli sAfricn OOulea the hitmougboid. Deugola han fallen, ani the. nominal objectiva Point ot the British-EgYptleU expeditle han been reaclici. Tii. river fores«etfttheBritlsI-Egyptiam expedition, pushimi np the Nüe frein El Hfair, ]and- ei a force at Dougola und ecupiett that place betere the. dervish forces, retreatiug frein Ml ain, rcaclied tint point El fair ami Dougola are tierefoe.botii th the baudseofthticexpeditien, wite lie dervilh forces are aemewhere betweu, seeking a refuge. Satusiay afiennthle long-range tir- ling continuei belveen tie dervisiies oun tic vest bamk oethe Nil. ami the expe- itiomary force ou eaut aide. The Maxim tune, vitI thiiels seeplug hall oet ire,id wile the field ami herne batteries mener allewei the. ensmy te do amitElng vltli their batteries.. Atter the. gunboats et the. expeitien liai forcsi thelr way pat the forts ut El Hfar ami lad proceeded soutivani toward Dengela the dervlahes apparently percelved fiat El Hain ina& no longer the. place fer lien= and ii.y preparei te depart. They bnrled au many or thein deui as they liai l ime fs4r. The reet ver. preparmi vîli a atoe urouni the mach ami tirova li te Niue. As aoou au the news etftth. evacuation et El Hufis vas receixci lie correspond- epnt efthe Assoclite Press preceeie te cross i h river uni make a survey ofthîe eoe.y's laie position. It wau femimi thut their inni defenses ad ed lcoubuilt vltli great gar. bel the rifle trenchs.euhnl pcrmittei the mem a very short and straiglit front for protection. Mata ver. atili strevu&long uni vîthin the. tronches, andst th le atrav shelters ver. the se- mains eC tie carcassesaoft hep, vhicii hbéeà kblfledte suppli food te tie de- tenders.. Tié iead bail beeu buriei or lirown. lute eriver. ~fu. s l- eltimoee sina aru, lhe Domo- efer tic preidenci, upolie Baturdayi tsght te iveoU vids ever present et a pe- l u tIatI dli The tirat dli 1h. pea aidr; and cou- mal« Iae tfe . limber t,000. T#*i ecod ,as Mdla ft. ýlargee t"its"Wl u tie lieuse oapaekel hite ~ h& aiumîbite hi s,0i the mkklg eul pro yan reacei le plaUevuti k, and vapre.tk> al YWbe matugW tiat the kagua »oke br*damiWs Hebrew. Tho. lI ig r aU, condîtiona,uhem t tht"drte reeiedy. To get.tbe trua. Dasle art1cle. look for thenmre. et alUsmhlt Syrup C6.,ý prlnt- . tb bttein of the xep ï'a*ýl by laU respousîble diglst. eU~a4 aute are gencrelly un- lieahi, "aMi aybe polsorou.' KOUUoems"te Claclumatl sud Dai- O~atumra, Sept. 20, the. monon loufe v i el round trip ticket, te Cm- cl*as% d a myton at rate of g$& Tlck- o0W be sood ieavint Chicago on al tmra et, aturdal, sept. M0,ani good sui on ail traine until Monday, Sdg. 5. uciale.Thi. Ioaom hare- emtiy peton a "faut flîer" for Cincinnati. It lvaeý Oiego At 11:w a. M. and at- r"ixstai ieduatl et 7:45 p. m. The algottiatmleave ChicagoetaI8.58 P. m. aiff ldea. Ticket offces. 239- Clark erut, diltonu Hoel, and Dearboru stase.- ls j"s bdusasly. Priem 76 cnta. Nev*' swpsappears haniosme. forac,, with great headae ofpexmpration baIm pomlia torebeei, 1Mr. Bryan ,eut.i timpression et a maswiio lad tei hie peex.oft edasse.te their fallait cad4elty. Hie s rt;edirem latai .rsi tveni minue%&fier vhlch h. igelxed te the. ModeoHall, viltier au 'gei ofthe crovi as ceuliget tu fol- av.od hlm. H. e a acSmanIed lu the, trala ami eucerted te the. plattorm by a Suupttee, ef t whiiSeter Germu *"e a member. At the. enuln of lia sus"etaImnic Hanl Ir. Bryareturn- id te Washington.,, .Blg Dhayaet Canstes, Canton, 0., Saturday waa the. sceme of thé bigeat d.meuutratlon tIers simca nomination day. Tiere ver. Icu vitlins lelegations et frein 1,000 te 6,000 each and utlllulng tweuiy-slx apeclal trains, and estlmated uet frein 10,000 to 15,000 peple. Afier the two receptions iu the opera houa, lu the. foreiot, *ne te the. risituesfreiHulton, Verone, O0" Mount and ailer burroughsetfAllegheur Coun- ti, and the. other te the. enajleyse fthte Carnegie City smillaetofPlttabmrg, the. spefti-snahlug vas tranaferrt th e Me- lInley lavu, part of Ik bains déne lu the. main. It miathe.big delegalfeetrail- mai men froni Chicago, tee large for uny hal, whe net the exemple et detying the. eletueuts. They, with the three or tour sumired telegrapliers viie cama vith tii", surrounded the. llttli revlewimg stand on the major'@ lawu and ixUseuci te aud cbeered the. assurances ot support delivered by their spokeamen. IUiscts Gold vtth GoIditalea. W. 13. Harvey, nuther et "Coin'. Fi- mandiai School, ued $2,1W ln gold eagil., auan object leauou u In theceurge of hia speechi at the Chicage Auditorium Saturday uigiii. Four thousani people heard Mr. Harvey's speech, and applaud- ed vigoronsly et troquent Iiturvalis .A large blackboard fCgurei prozalm.ntli lu the. speecli, Mr. Harvey attempting te show vîti liesaistance the evils of mO- uometalliumn. Ho resurrect.d hie argu- muent tiat a&l the gold available for money in the. world coulil b.ecent Into a .olid cusb.e ofîwenty-two feet. SMdl workins at the. bluchboard, h.e showed that the saime amont-$4,000,000,000-in sllver, aIl thnt la availuble for momey, wenli, Il cuit ito a aulld block, mmii, a cube thirty- six feet ilaweva Cburz and Ceckraz. Goy. Aitgeld apohe ut Central Mnud< Hall, -Cilcge, Baturday ulgit lu repli te Carl &churu and Bourke Cockram. Hi vas greeted hi a masof humanlty thul Chiied evexy portion otftthe hall, and tiiert were thonga"nd outaide who clamored toi admission, but liid te content th.snselvat wlth henmg aser orutoire at everfloiî meetings. Tiie Gvernor deali almosi wholly wltii the mon.y question, uni iii audience applauded hlm coutinuouuly. en e Scatox 'Ibureton upeaku. WesiSde Itèpublicanc et Chicago van etrtalued lui a big tout ut Loosuts an, Wst arso eue Milaue. aturdu Teeiug e acilitu ak y tex-snato Jhn C pomer. nte elleutand arti chihiy ete spten. er a ouht, peopl rohli utothe sntmertii ut ne etii. park.e llTeRug Utaçenmaig ouInttack sintwis Coroud In i a.e.aud Dvega ieahltzp.rliby exstarato JotuhniC.Oeeteailmg lii. puc.fortU t mohha, watache t eresaoutin.,00 perlaopleslug Itothednommir trovi utte pnalat lt anc hesi Fdrioton reMeesAundalmet e mie tohe r uslu îe unon iip l Drztemaa ee a.The minearatek imLsadce d udergrondzmcm. Ti emulye clarcti, tthe i. egfornug mti trobe thatthey ere wtlmnelmg conatie apeyium ilt 1ugea vch ha* prviled lit eavitheitand rne. U den tnhatseutqLeosuraepurnit. Te .pa weonl 2.0, d pracetlally tle e hu iii. union poos ierslanfhtii rn t *tri mine wot ttirslsus tente gO. tI dmne overa hade. Tefuai terlialcu ý aifproelicsesi frein îlee loîclTi ingsuatcii e ev'errt.ourts m. tT evpaer e ared, tthe iein am th oubl e, mpossible r ieni mns ptevl't*i14proedtiIf te ta ie mi c der el euleTsurfaee wnrers epat tm, ine l eshe r eyusete li atea nud h. lu 1 olug-il thelisners.an te _______mposilefo_____ an The. bitter fwelbgegsa= t B4& L mi .-ri éné, etau tb* b sa Ue miasi wJl ÇUM Ewux~ You~~~h hae oaytis liit¶5r~~"Why ha iigi wlt: m vn-; MM*d et acederfulcarmiby saparilla M._4.__ "a rlier. A druggls. $1.P7.,0 met.~ ~ ~~t auUvlIa.S t Whv 'l' Evuylody Likea IL~ rnw tb1t d les "Ba is A»mcaus o= acan a o t cornes earlytOled-m d -azd down over the. wasW. ad.ifs -Nothing cisc uses thern i> 60 thorot 80 qe cly 3 is-*'~ ear that tells se- ~IetIgbt tobe. t>plped. Get soé jt-se-1iut as dàrccted-noSB p bdse oy much longer the clothià, boy rnch caser and et uc P"rUnesaves the iubbog.. "Fo rb-id,,.a,' FoQI;a, That He: WiII, ci thulIo-cet ph=cof 0 v I j Ami rw. àýj _- -*ý