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Lake County Independent, 2 Oct 1896, p. 5

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botto, and by aciherlIn' it we have builtup a *.Quallty diffère as at prices lheadquarters for ~ARMRS:We will prioi good beef ..TRUýGS" & TAYLOR. - I ATLAS, FANCY PATENT FLOUR LtW AYS MAKES OOOD BREAD AI.EAD OF ALL OTH4ER ,FLOURS' M id you try an ATLAS'biscuit at the fair? -M N ASH 1RTI for a short tlme ve viii give awaY ecdiweek AW. dog e thebasite Sda i P M Wh yu rni'o A uu y a und r lte aShcnirt ou b lgoerte skr e lve a bae7ouP . F.C.SMITH & SON. ILLINOIS.1 Cresents Ram blers les CI'cke Jewely $. herman, Libertyville, Ili. A large and varied Fne of Hardware,, pUmps, Milk cans 'nd CubIer" Gas Ppêti- iLtae. À - àâï5 eu r l SuSSiU 500_101t7 &W lm lu sicieU a eu t Lv.LI eulm . lmOnttp am MI&tles v4:04 e lm *l orlly FuxoCHIC.GW. N xr.W A gi ian shirts. viecens Ot 9dr.aeotBnany Imrv Me. Uneat ml et &.m...Wi enCfr tcash. Mn E B. 132 P., mo- -fe2 amPin. rh Y P 8 C E«-ihold tgeir socalaithebone0f ir. M. D- v. Mee wt = lira. . euijanFn veycri!Ivuitbed attend. m AM. Hbbard aad fmily, of Boc ah- ILfEfLr viiccup b.St. rSm> on B Miiakee, and expteci more berenc theFiref eporwse11. Arong falthefr Mis liertyie lu attedaB.nucBhe S.l Pirai Sprng, Fba ti eekare ofd2D0uBors, Warte HmreatbeHsry atUnewl ie Sobaofk ilas ot Scbaclirtfrcshl.Mm.E. Cr a e . Bn.& hlter Fogu SaLEonybuiess etingband soci byalil thehe 1un. Sxy-v moea r !a e i esn ogeig John Lrnerry ameredAssogetint aginamet iHUn.E. Keepopieok r 0f Davi, Ofor 6380 iat2w3ek. m.AU exu ir.oua eud sud Conale Df cenni LMerr va iricuthe y of tdh yard for silwdauke, ve, udhexudguieu vas heaa etidb ir.ofe ee. ul a udamoned toe fodbravwybvlo ln the bine etouithe e r eni fi wlt Hhi. bany stlion, elugnosater. Mis. Keir bcaa or aperrHeoryl Eluginasn as eon.lb el h bin aLribon hreveraDhe outa eenbliiied pmta ao ih prot&n&n shsas the f&Blhea udind.ius siate WeofSe air. easntonlura fline. Ashow bors u the cellet mair.u Jon ra berabonia redforunt l thaVrng e.re aradonsteo bi Davibefr$0.8lesmt we.Auefue- pin ublia and oonstebsessonocure atber th ov al, atury tevyards fspt. 96. Nciviibtheudgmetheveay b.tiidb Mthr. beeeting was lag hie and fullomvcearffy cpiednt edearlgtet r eveulng.brickvas C. J. edirhor th pace sses by th lers. Pa*rlde audhe ynont rwt hi ave neyuti caratelogae i. lir. Posa deala tryably vthrsein Blugter, ne bournoaiuage, glsgthe repeue ratiowhrees o b. adtas, bee exiie uch laqustonaainsdt shows aà hler inois adthedisauce paetdsrebouglrneniaortuite tu styl as rser 4 iib îale i ulc vatitof theslca* ocerlgs '-(f XZ TIffl totker lis vWailng fnrieuda O. E. Oburohili la tenchlng the 101 Paocy besoin shirts, 39 cent8, at RAuceoma& Cnozas's. lit. Johnson, of Chicago, spent Blin. dey aitlUr. L J. Hopi-ts. Dr. Chas. Galloway is confllie< te thbonn hswiih the qulnsy. For one Week ve offer a fine shirt for 39 cente. SuoENs& CROKEnRs. Uir. John Ma"Itos, of Chilcago, Viaited LibertyvMle frieuds Sunday. Miss Florence Stewart sud Mr&. Stratton, Wankegan, vers boe Mon. dey. ýDoul Isil to attend the concert at t6e M. E. cburch, Plday evening, Ct. 9. Bert sud Charles Austin are the geniai talit dealers vho succeed Jim Clark. ller & Hanby reelved a sbhlpmcent o! 50ilikers and apringers toilay fn-un Minunesota. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. cbnrch vW iiige a concert Friday evenlng, Ct. 9. lis Nora Butierfield vislted rinonds ai Chicago and Highland 'Psrk a few daya recently. Henry Weaver and son Charlie, of Tomab. Wls., are vititing J. 8. Jaulii. sou and family. Menddàme-q Ed Smith, Faruhaîr, French and Sanborn vere .kfferson Park v@iitonsi Wednesday. Mr. llsntiey Merrick, of Manlstee, lilcb., a former resident of *Liberty- ville, la visiiing nid frieuda ber.. A number of Libentyville Good Tempiars attended tihe County Con- Veniion ai Highisood lest Saturday. lisClarisa Miller viii leave for San Diego, Cal.,In the near future, for ber bealth, te be goue six montheansd pos. sily a year. J. W. Kingsley viii raffle bis drlving mnars Octeber 31. The drsving wiii take place ai Max LeBeau's and ia to begin et 8:30 p. m. Buy tickets ai Max LeBeaus cigar store. There viii b. a Democratic Rally ai the Town Hail, Ssturdsy nigut.. Gond speakers bave been engaged for the occasion. Ladies are cordlaliy lu. vied. F. Grabbe vas noininaied for Circuit Cienk ai the Democratlc convention helM in the tevu hall lasi Fnlday. Repoyt la thai he wiUl decline the nomination and witisdraw his noma.. Tbe Ladies ot the Presbytertian church viii give ,au oyster supper, Tbnnsday evenirg, Oct. 8, lnithe, church. Supper served froin fite, i'clock. Admission 25 and 15 cents. lu viev o! the abseu8e Iroin towu of, Rev. J. B. MacQullin on avconut of the annuel conference, the congregatlon of the. Preubyteriau ebiureb vould cordiallY Invite the rogregation of M4-thodlisi ehiirc'b lu vorshil> with! theni Snnday Oct. 4. Seriees 10:30 a. Mn. and 7:30 p. m. E. J. Le Moyne, of (Chicago, sud C C. Copeland, of Libertyville, bave articles ln ibis issue on the silier question. Fromn the nuxuber of com- municatIons ve are recelving we jndge Mr. Copeland bas stirroli up a horneta nest. Hovever, our space i. limited and articles to receive any conalderation, muai be short. There le a movement on foot looklng te the onganization of a brasa baud. A meeting viii be helibtht.eek, sud the boys hep. toefeiect a permanent otganization. They ahould receive support sud encouragement, as s good brasa baud wouid b. a very materiti factor tovard the metropolitan appearsuce of oar village. "its a good tbiug, pnsb It aiong." The 1. 0. G. T. reception given last Pnlday eveninig ln honor cf lira. Anus Harris vas s plesant affair. The cbiet feature of the evenlng'e enter- talument vas a matcbed picture tard contoat, the. leaat succeshf nI contestant being obligod t ru a potato race wth lira. Barris. A short program vasm rendened, watermelon and popcorn served, snd a social time vas enjoyeil by AUl. It la told of a g cd iooklng clerk on Milwaukee- Avenue, tp b. more w * p I We have a large stock of new faili und erweai When chili October's bitlng wlnds Make you feel cold ail through, Cali in and see our underwear, And spehd a dollar or two. We invite you in good faith and knowthatm can give satisfaction. "Dealers in Everythlng." ~~ AX MDNI" SilO ~ f~ 85 Brands of Sa Priees frein 20 CHOICE BTOC AND CHEW ue»rsof Su SSeal Brand E MY CIUAR CLIFPING 8IIÂKX A PLEÀ&D* Frnsk Gleske, vbo bas had charge of Hawley's cheece sud butter facicny here thse pasi year. ha.sJ.aud placed uuder bis supervision tht.. cf Mr. Huwiey'èi faciorles iocaied respectivoly ut Lake Zurich, Gilmen sud Pluin Grove,, asîîd uasesas guperintendent of the Libertyvilie factory. Mir. Gie.ske (livides bis tune between the se'. cil facioriee, sud viIi ptnbably make LibertyviUle beadqxsarters. Ftsnsk i4 desenvlng of bia promotion,j as through bis luteneet snd strict attention te budlness, coupled vih a superior knowledgs of cheeaè and butter mianufacturo, b. bas placed Mi. Hlleysm produet lu tise front tank. Wbile bis numerous frienda bere dlalike te see hlm lenste, stili ail are pieased tu learu cf bis good fortune. Dr. 0). B. Howe, vbho»o ad appears lu another colunn0o! lis epaper vii make bis tirai viai t toibis plae 19unday, Otober 4, thât being the onl.Z day iec enu bave bIs ofâce prate ai woodsëtock. Hie c000cetours viii lie iroins 1la. im. $0 ap. Mi. Snnday sud he will be iocated in, tbe Triggs Taylor block. Dr. ,Niove bas a numben o! patient. laUd*thi;ilnity ai présent who demaud big attention. Noe â sudt manmy wbo 4)&4* relief olseherejbave r»a hie eciient trsâme*t. cognized as a mmlli Lake ccliuty peop> *hï and viii undoubte4Ip, ý reaua during bis pfleb* The Bryau adthe' li agera continue to dû »leu Ing for their egIi but if tbey bave Ï19, boUu for the olaim lUwe Aàik te»s from fliudlUW6 to msiaeawbtdb tbey =asie lUtile boer iba&aquesq s=d top.&on bot *Me& pQrslvOly asy t9' tes thati@suber candidats bei caliip et ilà stilo a certale, ml#$ viih "tetnve ueiatUto sncb figaring l es.e lu *0aie.iegll the *0tuiai vols of 10o lie, Ill bot kaides hugh doubtfui ae mmy vl Y VILLE, Wheat, li' is the fInest It makes the e> Most perfect bread ahd gives Most - satisfactlon. LadiesWrpe We would like 'ta ôhave you:corne in and examine them.

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