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Lake County Independent, 16 Oct 1896, p. 5

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or-a ipe of- Hardware,~ Pumps,.Mik cans and Cu'tiery. P.-MU s (Jas Pipes, Fillings. lic-n .l~nOt le -th« Mbe use ca 0,05 FE etton of PICKED UP H-ERÈ AND THERE. Local items oflInterest toLibertyville Readers < C. M. à ST P.. R.TMETALE r. and MYs. S. Taylor are vsititlg IO ' GoId Stan ard relatives ta Lake Forest, Highlanld G oarn. arn. a.m. p.CHICAG..pam. Parkand Evanston. Wsdawortll 8:59.m 6:20 I...:6m n~ rtfe Ru utEsselli 3 :la"b r.Prtn 1 n a nIW Stock of Id bu Qu aarnea9:1 f27 6:1 inter capes and COauks. If in ueed of Warrenton 9:16 &320 614 anything in thîs linc a1aî e ir LrBEMTTvILLE 6:2071 12:30> 45 Dondout 5:4440 I 7I :2 2212:40 6;37 651 Fait SA.EStar tread p0wer and Xverett :46 7:30 9*W 1246 n 644 62til slff ý,T " 1 SDeied 6:02 :44 935612:52 6:51 534 feed cutternrlnw.WIsdfr MhoNile 54 .66750 940 12:5666:65 :39hl rv. .J ms Iah),Il Chcg(Srv>6:50 52-4.61:674 whatpîe .JA1EIauIiIi 3 trade is a settled fact. FRON CHICAGO. 5- a.m. s m ,u. p-. p.m. &m11. The ladies of the Prt..sbyteriaul Lv.Un.PaU.StI. 7:30 4:06 6:W0 88:30c in be selected from their Lv. Klnzle St. 920 6:30 hcbU'h ervedl oysters in thet. ae111elt Bhe;revtllie 28 10:18 4:56 6:11 7.23 914 fo! &li taîreli lat Thuîrstiuy fterniol leerfel :34 10:22650617727 92 PSeat, PribeS Lowest. Xyerett 8-42 1W.28 :06 967: . 279a8 dvenung anîd netted a snikg sali Rondout 8:40-.36 :12 640 7:40 *433 LIMEETTVIILE 10:6 &66 7:60 99 therehy. WàrrntOfl 9.4 5:19 ",'l Th. adies if the M. E. rhurcviii vzorh 9:10 5:33 9:51 learcet-iiote pastor, îRcv. J. JESH FRUITS Russell 4arrive) *l :0 0.0> denotes dally. M fenotesSunday oflY. Lee, in the M. E. churcli Tîesilay Where no mark &plieurs tral is ae daily el- evenîng, Octobcr 20. A Cordialilivita- .VEGETABLES cetSai tion la extended t,, ail. Caine aund have SUNDAY TRAINS. a pleasautt itue. FESH and SALT MEATS Lv.LlbertyviUie. 4:66p.50. Ar. Bondant 5:05p.m. Lv.Llbertyvlle. 910 a.m. Âr.Chlcaffo 19.2 am' We were iîîforîîîed thut Hauk AI) IL T'a. POPULAR SAUSAG E :oô . Ar.Lbert le63 .n ley was uîîutemuplitlig inttriin1y. No. 30 rangs unday only. griug south. wll We aaked bila and lit- inforijieti us stop on signal as f(oow:-At Russell 12:01 "That was soune more of aur Iîuiiuess," p. m. Wadwortb 12:11; Gurnee 12:27; Warren- ton 12:39; Bondout 12:3c: Everettl2:42 Deerfleld which curt repiy und nanrier of ex- idT yors 12:48:;SiermervIlle 12:62: arrives Ini Chicago pess cîsu a tleeteei TanN.4hmtissuen ately But on fram something ini i. E RTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. eril oCifl aesorld7:0 Tteeziaa.ai mirski Bd l ________________ arrives Shermerville 12:6& a. B feeileld DeWitt's Witeh liazel Suive. IL Bays, 12:10u a. M. soothes at once, and restares the Men's - tisanes to their natural conditions, and IBERTYVILLE LODGE. No. 492.* F. & neyer fails ta cure piles. For sale by A T L A S L~A.m. Eeaular Communcatonf2nd itét F B Lovell, Libertyviiie and G. C. N Y.ATL A S L UR Saturdays of eathmonté. Visiting brtenL ýtWaucouda. NC P TE T LO R ordially weloozn.d. W. M ATu. W. M. A Libertyvilie man entered Heath's E. 0. Bsow1. Sec. turnituire stare yesterday, and noticiug a crate uontainiflg tisa aleptierd A LW A Y S lire. Farnham le qulle Ill pupies, uîînmcted ion their likenes AKES GOOD BREAD Eigliteeli days more of suspense. and inqnired if they ssure not twilns, Mr. Wines la havlng his eyes treated and everybody bnuied-sonie out od, In Chicago.mueh to, the chagrin (if Mr. Dg' A HiE A D Fnk Dutsg;. rydid business InFan:ier. Morse ýALL OTHER FLOURS the City Wedunday. LeepuB.ica l raIIy t uieguli lte W i )u try an ATLAS b iscuit ChsLynl ai haone, suffering Monday n iuotolier 12, t. 1 t,.ii the o at the fair? Dr. Sauier', of Chicago, visited witlî J. B. Allunîli lalijs lie ii. î be proid, bis arets ers tinay.o! the fat afler Nîîvenîiber :3, and y,îîu RTI ~Arthur Crosby, tif Waukegan, visited ean pieuse Iiia bÏy a gt.ntle referv ice IlLibertyviiie triendâ Snnday. tO the acvurelice. We wouldt .ugg.-st mie ve will gise awaY each week Miss Nora Buttertleld ls vîsiting lier that you bc sery, vt.ry genîle.m ndrled White Shirt sister, Mrs. itudoîpli, at Highland The concert at the Niethliftthuruh IV Laundry you receive a chance on it. Park. Friday nighit wu, as Iatatended. Tht. he baket Wed nesday al; P.- M.- If you want a flue styliub slioe for pragralli by homie tale.nt, assisted lîy $2.50. Cali and get theinio! UM Miss Angle (irtieid, violinist, andaithr lrotins. sister Jua, aconîpanimit, ~ The Jiuior C. E. Society held a Charles, Ill., vas iof a Iîrr laf S N social at J. A. Gages last Tnesday charauter l'ihe Misses Gka ti. 1i evening. vaptîîred lbh' uudieîa'c, ai, d t aj,' I LLINOIS Fred Grablie soid bis bay tour-year- beartil3' applîaiidt.d afler eacli rexîdi- .Id maie for V150 to a Chicago party tion. Qiirtetîli, trioîs anîd clirues tItis week. -went to niake ni) a musical pi'igrîîm Cali at Mrg. Protines Wodaesday hgl neliufg and Tbursday of next week and get Froni the Reporter ait Farier, tof bargains in mtllînery. Webster Southl Dakoîta, vi cIl>l)tt Lant Tunesday afternoen occurred lollowing Conmment relative i) MissW ent the death of Sarah, dangbter o! Mr. Lotte Kranier, v iiisju'ut slveril R >e ý tsand Mrs. Theodore Fincutter. aged 3 weeks the pa8t s,iîuîlcnr Aitli h,r moinlle. cousin. Miss Clara Averili,ofti ii 111 R Ram blers 1fettCiaoTUsAlfde. will lie gratified to learul of theiiî:v ff ts oCago, immedia ad e ahbu lai eved ai an i uatiaîimt. Lee wil take medae parsonage. 'of .-Tle favorite ytî:lug eiîîîutîîiil., th aso a e Miss Lotte Rodgers Erait'. uMade lî,r stlsad aetprcsa rs ensdyeeîîîa i,'gîiiWnter millinery in al the latest debli t.fal'c un Alirdiil ii, Protines. Cali and sfes the flneat Il wa.'i a lar-goani uriticuil a.îu s display ever brouglit ta town. 'but the ettü5stcehcîi-a rý( *Miss Kranîer proveil boa readily h bMr. Alfred and Misas Jennie tfleson, 1hadl înstalidlierself al favorit, e. 4of Highland Park. and Messrs. Mac- tirst n.mber wals the difilîclit, îîathti 4Adams and McKinsie, o! Ft. Sbhridan, dialect paem, "Ladidie,' lier rendein 4of wbiub was auperli, and the etr 4 visited Libertyville Lodge, 1. 0. G. T., hanse joined lii a licurty rccali, 4 Blat M onday evenlIig. fully respoîîded ta. v-benl mi 4pleted lier artitiu triuînph by i n'tii Mart Fîeshman, witb the assistance ina- oi hrmiîîg nianillr, -Thic a! several teamisters, iii graseling Stew- pawers of Persuasion.- Tiht.1,11112 art Ave., Higb St., Riiey St., and a artiste nîaY well lie proid tîf th" o part of Second St. Milwaukee Ave. uppraval tif an audit'nce tintii u ic wUlbe e-gaveedtra Mcregrsguthered at the pallile, and firth willbe e-grveld frm MGregr'srenisindero f the week wiul ht' pim Corner ta Osborne's place. attractionl on the prograni,N ~~ks ~~Hrace Bulkley and Mrs. Al Dusen- Ri fHnr fi bîîry started for Kansaws last Satnrday, RolosHnr calied thither by a telegrani statlng The folios ing îîanîtd g,-itleniS their nither was seriously fili. Missahe aesiuie ceîettrlondstof ivetir Jew elry. ~~~Laura Dusenbury aceampaîîied thern teLksd eeetr atwef, to hicgo.w iueh donauitoni the ussotiat iiin i, ho Chcago.grateflîl. Win. Ttuppt'r, Horiieliulkli v, n, Joseph Butler wil hfnisli the second Cash Ray, John Sedtan', Mort Cit-ey, Libetyvlle, ~ ÉIoor of bis buildingon Milwaukee Ave. James Sagte,Elii Triggs andi Wni.R Libertyvile, 111. inta offices. It was bis intentionlint Barnett. - e use the second Itoor as a hall, but Cure For Sick Headache. 1 71 Jter develapmntls vaaused bu ta de- Thouisufds of ladies suiffer front uivk cide ta Convert IL inta offices. headaehe cansci unîloubeîly l'y disordered liverai stamaeh. Thelis',t .A large and: varied The chronic politieianiia terribly reredy tbat eauli ..auedfrtl _- ;- deue.lï iwli Inreaten auo bettîîsîresaîuîg conipu.îîît Je ound i. Nte are ready for Trade with e of the Largest Stocks of inter Goods in Lake Cou nty, ught at bottomprices. Our New Dress Goods are in. le B, COLBY &Co. "Dealers in Everything." --l@w-'LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, III., THE BEST PLACE 1 -IN LAKE COUNTY,- Lumber, Coal, MiI-Feed, Farm Wagons, Buges LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared to supply your wants in .. Agricultural Imiplemients, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, LibertyUte, ai Estate, Rentirîg and Life Insurance Agency. -: L _ _ - A . n A 1_ _ chseverybady liar, !aol, etc.,.and and getithle in action,. yet go thîrtugiî,I iltîd you a customer at geealbbaiui. Ihat they gise perfect satimfuctitîii. reasoialie rates. paes hTse!'hey vcir'>sick blueaite, jallîîîilc.e a-z srpi e s gn He gises ne a lngering and abidillg saur sttnnacb anîd ail user tu.ll ' toîn 11fleroIS coc ur usrpinNw gn pain. .break up coldsa aîd fusera and pietgatinsl longva te fohlwiîîg tlie grip. LIbertyville City Property. Pbihr Tli orniung service aht tue Presby- terian churvh next hunday %,II be FOu LENT Faril if 260" aires, giiaîI:uf -' amwtl i f runiirihii, devated ho Ithe interests of the Sunday itîuprrlscnltui. onue lalitle Wa est if o' ~î~rmi msoaîîîe aiut t,s.îiîi L WETPIS E sehool. A very interesting progl'a1I1 îanhîîe. Wili reuit ftor icash. Mits. E. F, i 1î,- iî's iiîilnui 22x4o f-,ýt, di, iefo bas been arrsnged. SubJevt for the B ARDEN, ltaCkafeiicr, Ill- 'cash. evening service -"The Heroisîîî of tj'LSis5 c- imi . .5 nalProia jeans." FAum FORS SALE Ouilt EIT-123 acres'ii Smile frt)nuQUeciîîiil'S Corners- 00lOhood ry ' buildinags, watcr aiîd l 6it. geareti wiuîi riPoory orSl L i e a M S Mill. Adidi.u5à.H. HFaFarni Pverrartvm, F ,o a s If you want to Buy i im, a I 1.'wiiirai' iiIiof -'Rent Lake County ptios sur men Iditsl t csp6 islch'arged Cured One Vear Ago. i4" ~i- uimrov.- i fl i daui l t 1 r, 1erem y olPiPlaT omm4 'hMseur SWoi Mrs. W. H Cowiuy'ifVfthe WeIl lit'1 ti-.aREAL EST4 oudb O& iâ hOrd s « nown PIensioni ttoriie3 u at <iiww îso i'iîî liîî'ni-', lî'iarnce 11,gises 1fr. O. B. liasse lte eredit uaunaii ,nn.ga il.gi. ,s a!flier eomfplete rtstoratiofl ta liaultiItorii. -2, ui rës inlir. l'rlîo e i' ti' atBe sure to Calii etler savon yeara otf ext1reiln4l stlenlîig n<Isu. albnuýe an lIme at 6 îsr iý'iî. , pmadisease pectuliair tuawouaen IîuacehaIt 161.bel tsIWsrutl ,i v to Test, Vour Eyes mmmm_. Loo,<k steîîdily ut the above Unes fo r fou ror fi se sevonds, and then if hy that tinte' yo* dont see any- thinîg ini thein, coi in and see our line of UNDERWEAR- -'-4 Chltd4' Muiio 17erer..lc ta380 . Saniary.. 25e ho 70e Ladies' Rjbbed Vcsts ....15o ta 90e . sanitary ' 900 ho 31.00 Mens Merino Underwear ... 35c ta 50c - hleece-liîed Uadurvear.ic ta75c -Saaitîîry 1 d r ta icta 1.75 -Gliaca .... 25C ho $.50 Canuton îFiawiil ...... .. ......5c ttî l7c Si aiIl.t s livercuits Caps IuI~ 3R0 tii fi '-I$2.50 FMED FRtilTe Tl Tan FA -M OF- DId yc WIN A SHII for a 9h0t MI A Lau, Who y6fbl7fg jour 1 We ecl»O th FC.SM RTY VILLEO $ Cresi idches Cia . R.shermfai ilium TO BUY

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