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Lake County Independent, 23 Oct 1896, p. 4

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îttOV ou the Elgin board I ossdsy Alsy t m900 ffringe 90,300 salesa, 47,M 0Ibe; the pnieu last w«& wu0Me,,sa ur ano 22c. laa rem$ut Interview at Montreal. ,-ju"s J. Corbett i si, relative tn bis F%*P4 Sfgbt $0 corne onf aoaetime lu 'jeaury itis Bob Fîttasimmona, --I "s-Dl nver &gala enter the ring afttr j bavestiafleti the eporting voniti aut tlaismn 1ai I Cai vhlp hlm ln ajiri rde."Wlat a noble sentiment? R9aving demonstrated tu that 'Worthy ocaluent hie sbUi to 10 do" Fi- al»uma howhfllprobuly -, square" bimiseli by joining thme churcla. Whillothse positive announcement, whith hau been madeienunomene nov- pspers, 11maI an agreement luai been xeaheti betves bise U. 8. sud Great Britlm" on thse Veuezuelan bouudary question wua little prematune. there la 11111e doubt tisai bie negotiationis novunudor vay tilt oen, probably before the Veneguela Boundar>' Commission report iu favor elthlie îontnt.tone o! Venezuela sasthon jee every reason tbu bliers il viii report, resait luna atisatory understading -~y~4au~ houatal .pte& by Venezuela andth ie long disputeti question o! boundar>' be submited 10 arbitration vbicb viii motlitILfor asic. and ail. Accordbsg 10 tir. Reeae H. Voorbees, s=ofo! enator Voorbees, wbn bas jusab neturnoti to Washington trous lidiana, tlisai ste la ireanbiing la tise balance sud moui go to Bryau ,r tMcKinley jasai as tise Jubor vois desire it 10 go. He says tisai luth bise republican ansd temo- malas conteesa prvaioly tisai tise> are ai mi L regard te tise bulk of the labon vole, vhlcis bots are etillmaklng e xtraoritaî'y effort to capture. Tise polibical managers beliero thai thon. aro otisor ates lu wblch tise balance 01 power Je imolt by tise labor voie, snd lu whinls tiey bave bossa unable te gel auy reliable knowledge o! how 'the bulk o! tisai vote s ill be cai, -bu luy ae lot tsiiiuS about tison; MI loua not for publication. puce more tihe rnuor in curruntinl Vaiington thai Presitieut Clievelandi béa besome tiret o! tise coutinueti -Vure o! Spain Lu put dowu tise C0aba rebelion andti Luit haài tauned à unI 1teliecouvoyedt kthie psaiab Government nf hie intention bt reoognime lime Intiopendenceofo 0gbs, If lime plesuoi t atua ou tise luisd la maintaineti for tisree months 04er. Preaidesit Clevelandi vas very , 1Wor0 taking thât stop la&&t apng, ý»4 t ta belirei voasid haro doue so W-for polilical consaideruilonm. Sucb ïo o 01,ie Part Ib i nter voulti ile mreiyanticipatiig Lie act cf hb eeceor, ua s laI.pZetty veli unaer- 4boo thtia viether McKinley onrliryau 1 bs Yrositent, lise refogniiiou of Cubain Iundopoudeuo vouldti c elong #eiaytd aiter Inauguration. -nTie rsiàabov chasers baàve agalas ,4ms4od tise Bnyan camp, audt are Stsiag "ore ver>' taldaims, sncb ai Ibutova lli go for Bryau by 37,000, 'la> 0,000, sud Nov York, Nov y andi Penamylvonmia b>' amb- pl ltisa, tir. Byau umay oý_LPven ifl lie nuLquit. as good lhace su tir. tMcKinley bas, but vils =lé bunexception of lova, vILicis t le lu doubtfl ltisosgh ela1meti by thse tMcKinley' ho alentis no assoe show o! onie oftIhe» sates thau he cl earrylug Vermont, or thon ydosa o! carnylug South Time aliogeti baifutoibis - Oabok oetlise raiubow clissera nevîy discovereti unteromrrenàt lu of amiver amosg tise vorkisig Xés roui purpose is probably t~ihOUle McKi.ney imanagers 'ettirmvlng sous.ot their force. th mididle West vhere bise ne>' viii Ureally be von on loi. 1as7 Morion tiltimonre to help -th tiaison'usembenro!tLise WÏSstion isas yei beemu able to MM Ilawunig bu imon eu egave but interiew eharglng lise *4Ie eemble vlth tryiaag etpliab hiough ifreet imer toAli u do by fonce of arma. I! tbse la a mRan lu epstug lime Socroban>' ý re ý *n«pot to-day condeusu -Mipdtle luuigaage o! Ipfta -Morion y4cdfr00 ulîven, Ilertis iai eitsVili, i" XJ4îWhUb. >beit iâr lb.' oountry, thora ar vey few vho go so Mraisa t0 charge theur oppouenta vitli a deaireta Gotroy ise govern- meut,.lu a homeitpoUtieSiargument, s man May say msay fooliailt tIsngs, but down lu hie heurt ho knows, whther ho b. s golti man or a silver man, tisa iei opponent la actuated by preclaely thesoaime sentiment as imnsseif, a desiro to do what wvil add to thse prosperity and future groatues8 of tise country; sud tisat thse 0o1Y differonce betiwen tbem i3onue 09 opinion as te, imat nIll accompli tisai purpose. Fromn the lVunmda Herald se clip thse folloviflg. lIra. (onover and littie daugister are voll kuown in Liberty- ville havlug resided. here for aonme time, andi bornsnsy frienuis exienti their deep sympatisy, in ibis, lier sud afiliction. Louala May Conover,. ageti six yosrs, daugliter of Ediin and MacileConover, dieti ut tie home of lier mother Iu Chicago, Friday, (Jet. 9J. The cause n1 ber deatis vas inanma- tien of tise bowelas. Thse remaind of tise litle one were brouglit to tiss place, acompanied by lier moilser, Frank Conover and famiiy, cf ('iiago. andti 11 Conover, of Nunda. Services vere helti ai the Chriàtissu cisurcis. Bunday afternoon ui 1:30, conslueied by Lev. Wm. Oeacbigen, aller 'abicli the body vas couaignedti tiala resting place i tise Crybtai Lake cemeiery. Anoiiser ehilt was lai to reat net long siasce, and tise 'idowed mother le uow lef te monrtalier last hope. The Lake Coînty Scsad.my seisool csn'Veltolfvaslusës8ei4ft Ye4efd4sY and continues sis uuabated i iutîrast te-dusy, in tise M. E. echurcb. hia b- stautial refreshmeuts are served tai al in attendasuce in tise lecture rooiaofa tise csurlis, We go to pressa too eariy for an exteuded auc-cuitof tise meet- ings ibs eek. FollùNsmug les a lit <ol delegates sud others Iroins abriaadami attetidauce Tisursday: C. W. Huson. Mr. ,-.Wih, Mrs. Olive Samith. MNr$. 6m'. (lia-'.. (icoUrà:ana W ard. Liuey ir'w'ti,, Mary Iliver, lirs. E. C. Y ag' r. lire. 1). H. Simpison, terrie Kiiiglt, li'e. Ji'11ie slJu't, t. E. o .w'. t VAS 5E. Mary E. Paynei, Agnae Pa> nm', lira. Peter Puay ni. lie. 'p~.a11agIr' lira. 5iaangle'a. 'ýR. NE E.1 Mir.. H. S. Lake., tirs. 0. J. trnin-I Miss D. A. Mcail. Mrs. C. E. ISi anLo. Wiarn E. Wasllia. m.U ,ELL. lira. Elle Dxii. Floy Dîsania. Este Murale. time r M uaia.'É Mmra A. Murrie, liay Dixoma. Jaunie HutuulinBon. iellituaais. BiaNTON. Aile Barker. B'll" ( rc.] EIAIF DAY Miss Ck ia ui, i. l',ýMal l'a'..a a.. lins. B. TrEçap. 4RV4A lira. E. B. Sherman. Mrs. W. B. Higi,, BSu eWllt.a'eaal. HIG11tLANt) PARK. Miss Allce Miaria. NOR)FTH PRAIRIE. Wiarrn 'Iilalial. (Sci. Ci. anj,' IDrEBnIELD. lias. C. A. Parr-ons, lir. AVta EST BiENTON. Mayi Bmlsan. (InS eWilsaon. lira. B. F. Bblr-l. lira. Auatsatli;lilaihi. BOCUL5'ELLER. N. E. Doalitic. lra. Il.E Pan.. Lanrai Juias. bIro. S. Sia i ' V aLO. lira. S. M. iail,. Sadi.-CG ra)gor, lira. Chnrlt ltaBaug4at. LtKE FORIEST. lins. A. Aaadirws, L. 5S. W1.I1l 11,'s. and Ma'.. G, W. Colcass.i. If yop.r chisdren are saibjeatt La Criiup 'aicis 1cr the irai. sajitaaaea a.l the Cougli ltemnedy me gavauaaia.axaaa aaa.,thse ciilti beconies bourse it asi p,'i- tise stueS. Even lifter' tise craupy- cougis hbsappearedth ie attack van always ho preveuteai by gis masg tii reunedy. Ih la alasiuvaulaklefa.r colinà asd wloopilng cougis. For sale b>' F. B. Lo'eil, Liberiill'unal G. C. Bobenia, Waucouds. Dlscharaed Curecd One Vear Ago. lara. W. H. Cosîlas, sife of tise iel kuovwu Pension Attorîse~ i W oodstock, lit., gîves Dr. 0. B. liowe tIhe credat o! ber coniplete restoration taa ieastl atter seven yeura cf oxtreume samfsnimg frous a diseuse pectallar tua vonsen whlcb bati retiacet ber io a uelpls tnvalisi anti vi ci bad baledth ie akill of more titanu a dozen niher able pisysîclaus. lIns. Covlu viii glati>' anon au>'y luquinies trousotiser suiferons. WHATDOESITMEAN? WHV- Env you eau Bave $2000bhy getting uas old asid experienceti baud to do yomîr sorS: hluce 1Imadatini'lwst impros'eannt, onunMy re-actiig wiseel, 1 wili dig anti brick a. commun size weil fireït 40 fi. 75 cents pur foot, nîxi 10 ft. $1.00, amati taindeelser asuadlarge-r *lsat mni>'uul pnîce. anal hoaral fl53' self on jobs neanlbornie. Job., taimiuler up to.-187 aI preseni. Prospecting sîtis a 2 or 3 louis amger nus <.is&ges umleas tise <wer stops me ir<am tigglng deeper. For cleauiaag out or repalring oeIls 0)vents pun houn anti furulsis n>' îwma hu.Ip. To thoso viso caunot otaiveniemtly board tise ielp 1 viii atiti25c per foot for tise firi 40 fot on a weli4 foot lu diameten andthie difference on any amount more oin lesa accordiîsg to us> usual prîces. Ail vork doue lu gond shape musi be atiieti for b>' cash on due bill. Ail lettons snsweneti on shot noiie. 'rite for fuit paticulans. J. P. WmLIA.mas iloystone Corn, H'4ker andi Shu.aor GRA %YSLA ek BM...aI GRAYSLAKE SOCIETIES. RIhold =UNW'Jýodge lN- lis A. P. &A. X. A. THompsoN. Seoy. 'B rwm.WM SOROIS CarràV. D. Order Ensteru Mas. A. RAuonT. W. 111 MEs. E. B. SulaMis; Beoy. G RAYSLAKE Camp Nô. 1341M. W. A. mtv4i first aud third llaturday eveninua of!m inonth. GGE îKA&PPLU,ý V. C (io lolBaooxs. Clerk. MIZPAH Camp N2LN. meet "effl Mas. SHERMAN, Ro. C ONGBEGATIONAL Chure Budai set- vieo l ira) a. m. and 7:30 p.m>. a yur mNii- ing Wednesdayevenlugs. Y. P. 8. C. mt bSunday eveings a 6et p. Mi. Freesuan Cmvowo Gages Lake la tu Wilsconsin. Wiiîe Wcdge bams rented Carmine liead's house and wili mtire luto It next week. B. J. Loftts retur:ued frous Wbmonîn, Sunday wltb 170 slseep and 39 head of ettIe. He bad beemi away a week. Milas Cer"". a oo!Prairie Vi., retuméd to lber home lat Frlday aller a visit o!fmeveral veeka with Mris. DarI4y. The Grayaishe eemetery a@.otiation aitwith lIrs. Emgene Hendee, Ihursday Oct. 210. Ail memubers are requestcd to be present. Carrie Austin la attendmmg achool lu 2Cbcagb. Wflh 'Wlson, ï- îtg Lake, attends seboni here and matas, .«OA NE<:~ Ie, RPIAN, Local Blet«. 44*44tI4444am »sY that those prest veneo "gla t bby wero Liera." The boys ail gave a algim of regre t o ihink Ihat Iesp yesr viii mon blu gone, not lu makollia appoarammce sain ufor eighiwar yeara. Girls, heur Ih luaumid. MILLBU RN. Um Luecy Trotter vas a Ciicago vlslborliuuday. misa Shirley Kisi.u&pett Suntiay at lber horde lu waukea". )lra. W. Dl. Tmkey, or Chîcagu.la viaiag ber aister, tirb. Bd. làut. lire. BurmanAdam. and duugbtsar Mabel are visltlag ua411IL*Paj>4U a. Mise FiomencoBarris @peut Ssimtay ut <raj'eisk.vIth bemr brother. mi"a Jode'Buter, a0ouupunld h>' a !nlend. epeut Souda>' aI huais. lira. Peter Fluber, of lisuois. la spoudingsa tw dffl at J. L. Tbalsse t 11ev. Timatdem m aitu, uof Chlcgu, ocjl the o pipt bore a"s uud*a>1 lisera. Li andi Jamsaseiamsnu osf Lake Fore&%,. vot- u% Lieo. t>uuc«ui's over Susaay. à A amuer frume usplat'. exjseet h attn h C. &c)amr.tiua tm &4Igh. Mr. sud Mm.Geo. Stephesa are tio and a girl, boni Ibut tiaurda>'.1 A number frum ibis place teadedti the fumerai uttIdns. Vi Wauunmai Lake Villa Tuessia'. lBey. S. A. ha t ofttsiated.r Mr. andi tis. John Pollasck, k! Wau- ILea.- "%MW Meu seatmosi- Muia - and ttended tise uèéiaïl 61 luir ala.1 ter. tins. WililWatsoun, of Lake. Villa., lier btnae s iii>ber gîsutipaèreuis. Tedy Arnung thin veek's Chicago visItons S'> suere tirs. Richsardson, lins. Bunge andi daiugliten Loin, tirs. Barrua vho lae Tise Darliuugtouî, 'is.. Jowarms au j datu.uialiy ot s popauiar -patet Lmedi- viiiig ber sister, ira. ilchardison 1 uie. -We kaîuv ir.uau experiemue tisai sad J. Murale. Cisamberluuh C<ic, Choiera andi Mrs.A. V. ilimoreInoed estDiariboea iiemedy la ail tht i taaim- lira A.W. butoremovsi satouifont, ma on Lau occasionsststopped waeek into ber bouse noceuil>' pui- excrucixtiug Painesuand poaasbiy saveti a'based o! George Frazer. That gentie. un fromn an natimel>' grave. We vouiti muatabas tuoved ismafaumily immtiste tntresi easy oven nîght viLhout il in tise bouse." Tis remedy Vu- làoose sît Is is niotisen. doJabtetilyas'a moe pain andstauffen- 'lie Gages Laike Ladies Aid Society' ugtissuanyYtihen Medilcine lu tihe suet sub istre. 'Arn. Kappie test Tbnrs. wolrld. Evenr famil>' ahoniti ksep IL lu the bouse, for itlei sure Lo lie needeti day. Tbiriy-seveai ladies vere promeut, sonner or luter. For sale by F. B. We iseard a aman say that vas the Loveli, Llbentyville anti G. C. Rioberts, reason cf tise sîorm nexi day. Wauconda. Geo. Tisayen and Don Wickabhave gouetu he app huniggronds IfI Troubied with Rheumnatlsm Reud goneid iseisapy utsiasggronti luThis. iontsen W'aiscosin, visence ibey Annapols, Mdt., Apnil 16, 1894.-1 iili not returui until iisey have ismomght have tiseti Cbamberialu's Pain "Inm down nea leasi ball a dozen cleer. for nlieunsatism and found t to1 be ail John Christian. Mesdames Sherman, tisai le clalmoti for h.I 1boileve h t t Lise luat prepuration for nbenaailsns Lusk, Whie andi Ridloy vers chosen sud deep seateti muscujar pains onu the as tielegaies lstiste Sunday solsool market anti choerfully recommenti h convention at Liluntyville 10 represent 10 Lise public. John G. Brooks, dealer tise Congrogaiioual Sunda>' achool o! Us boots, ehoos, e., No. 18 Main Si. tibis place. ÂLBO MEAI> THIS. tir. Murgatrolti anti son are ffsnlsbiug tp vork aitishe Brick andtile Factor>' for tii year by -buruiug airera iklss o! tile aud gotiig it neutiy ton the msarket. Atten tisattise tacior'y wl lu closeti until nezi apring. tirs. Royxsolt'a, daughber o!ftirs. Darby, viso bas been ver>' 01 at ber home bore for tise last six veeka vus taken to Dluasnnd Lake lait Sunda>' b>' ber cousin, tins. Biluaki to romain sometime. This more vas matie at tise insane li er pyica, io rui'oaamended a chaunmge. We hope to see ber return veil. Tise Grayajlake isotel guests thse pâti " eS were: S. J. Les, Elgin; Peter Scrv la'e, Osbkotsk, Wis.; H. A. Page, ArliugLon leigis; J. E. Lunae, ltock-. ford; Arîbie Boisant, Genoa, Je. Ii.; G. W. Osbiuy, Rockfond; R. J. Aunti>., E. E. Knebeniy, T. H. Pbinny, P. J. Kennedy. Chicago; Franaklin Ganse, North Chicago; E. D. Wiseeler, C. B. Starr, Elgin andimoino Stoffel. Weat MeHfenry. Tise ieup year panty given t»' the Elitua club ln Bsiiershsll's bail Tius- oa8y nîgtal vas a ver>' pleasaut sfair, ustisougis Lhe aitentianco vas, small. Smath's stinag baud accompanleti b>'a cornetiit front Autioci f uinised Lie music for Lthe occasion anti it Io sale 10 tieciauicsville. St. Mary (Jommt>. Md. -I solti a bottle of Chamberlan% pain Balm to a mass vio hati been suffering vils rheumatism fon severai yeans. Ih matie hlm a veil man. A. J. licGili. For male at 60 cents per botle by F. B. Loveli.LLibertyville anti G. C. lioberia, Waucossda. Fou SALE-Star treati power anti feed cutter. neari>' nov. Wil oeil for bal! pnice. L. J. Aimai, vanhoe, III. 52-4 Pueamed l5.. Conductor-Did 1 gel jour fane? Puaenger-I guema no; 1 didn'i u»é yOU ring It up for the companu.-Rol> bur>' Gazette. Wltladrawing IL. "I w viii thtiraw ni>' uit." remankoti ,youa Jobaon, as ho counteti np bis cas antifounti that il correaponded vits the suni on hlm pawu tîcket.-Boe. ton Home Journal. He Waatsd te Knev. "'The>' say HonPeck'm wl!. dieti unes- peetedly.", "lYeai, Heupeck gave lier thse wronig medlcine." "wa I a mistakel Th. Truth. 'Pleas, mister, von't joti glmmo a nickel?' "My poor boy, are yomi ver>' hungryr» «No, air, but me daddy'm awtiai t'oloty."-Fîlegentie Blastor. Bave Moncy BY a Sherman, 4 liraI seow ort he seaaouarriVCd hems Itm saturmlay. Dm'iajgaus. W. are piea»,t tu ïr that WIlie t bo.#A fqs Leasîstar laoms %be galas. A largis Wadtt otter tubs arriretib54is5 5 Mai 1 trtmhsary laut a'atk. UhJ, qOuê I those ovill lbau dumesocial ualUra.&~'~S n.eurms iat Woduesday aight. wfuf 'w-e tira IIWii.ut Joutt. $ol1ab1 erMgee- pa or la"st vi atitalgt inde bhre. aMMudta amoS ' Mm ra. iIetot%* uniUray*iakv, la liob&a 4» a sepvIOus MAw' spe.llasg a 96W day. uaVe A. uluI'.rmWlk Jgl q Iys Uir, IH.Allard vi aM", buLkuLw sms.4 Exrwt» h*rher ho basahiee fhool Duî&m orsu u Eous mIlM Mmrs.L,.Wh4Was.ut lSsa, uho boa I *ê~u tbee, Ib auise ofmut. M M .aitr.Muax" es"lm"Si 5 UI~ Us resurued bhue le«issu SaulY. tSI usCys 'The o 'W wAâsrvt a P vode *b Wuu #r1 ioa wff aidMu'Oàwmm»uý M«bra e*Uu* celetg o r moui- X-JRAY APPARArUS., arday. Timey report lat urtm asothur Di. liïme uesouplt. i 4 teI visi. ouft I.I.t . lue6.teiurbtsd qulte a numbemr of the youug peuple MOY1iWmltO Utw4tOa311yAPP"um f«te at. id"d the pie social giron at toche. Itadi.'au, . ..b aaêiFlupronuple uDo».s ftiler chapeol Timeduy evoutaug and rns. mriNuti porta aVery ý%eaaanî liane. jTom.kurarmicxàcrnsu ro"pOAc Miss Lena BeLk sud lir. Von- td L.g4moulsuMd acerative idaiw».. Laekmspent a few dflay s;uthe mtl %0 @«s"ais b ta fa otig &4s former'» Kuler, UM$. Wa. Elneam an d cor- dnt UM t O uj#hy se a"d returned to thiolihome An Chîiugo l1mItos auemi ereaauaaîboêà neiha liouday. M4 SU#iOuit. A dîme social to beloli ut the home CLra vRi Traigteasd by. Mysse. of Unr. T. Danlif's, Oct. 20. proUteds <>pmUon (Tonotoms. tu go lu lihe Jamalor of the M. E EMUOI>U<ilas> .uvMhou church. Corne one, corne ail andti fui operatiOm& luaumw eaa.sor spend a pieusant evenlng. dOimy froin. tuaiueus. V WMcKL pemanenUly oured Imy i The Hard Time social giron by thme no, auis. ladiesl' cometery amadtion a b iooBabgmatethed W1JII. home of lins. Wilcoz vwe favored vils out cp.rstiouor' deiay frosa buansoo& quite a large attendance. lUr. Win. M.u1lyAxl TMruxoa uda saeW Coon took t.he prise for the pooreal grosjmo, f«Oî bioheae uso.d droee gentlemma nd lira. F. Towner boue, et.., remov.d t>y aurgieul tise pnîze for thse pooretit dreameti lady. op"« A gond tUsse vas hall andth ie eveRlamg DmsouM ~Oorrected sMd birth Wall Weil apolit. marks removed by eleetroijuts Mien Ruth Ray and hon friends gave COB*uzmATIOR FAM A» i>COUPS- RuseIlia birtsdamy surprise paty ljat. z Ml aAU ediOOiU llfrnishes urday evening, about tonty of the P*UOibt youug people being preeent. Thse OrneC£ Tiaies & TArzon BriL»ine eariy part nf thse evoning wsa iapeas in lu UMitYVIfl*, III piaylug several Uvely and inlorsating HSum gud*Jy <l Il s. am. te 3 p. games. Supper -w»asearvod, slter 'L (C&l eorly for to.day wS inevur wic i sevenai selections vers rensiared i 841u < Adsa v.abdayq, on the organ. It Wva s ry piesat lMurphY Blftk l w osqeD ovent andi match enjoyeti by aIl N. B. Dr. Ho ove oit ly th. presenit. patronage 01Ohe"lhooiro e aght à cure elseit,.w hhois suees sd WARRENTON GROVE. dmvolit e liec banda ho hb tpiylus M. Rysu ient sunday and Monday 1u0 CR U Mbisa fetr ligi. Eti. Kelly, o! Chsicago, muate a pleasant catil ang inonda bers liaturtia>. Mia Alice Btirnu, o! Chicago, came to attend the fuserai of linse. Devine Batuirda>'.1 MIr. amnd *.ro. John ticCartis> are neýjnleiaag ' L.r ie arrivai o! a baby tinughier. tir-.Aice' eviuse died t ihon rcaiteasee aer.*, Oct. 15. ira. Dlie u wastak'mu a nil '"aiily ilIi 'i'mrsay muiri- lng. A i14lor tua' s8 5 siil iammosset anti mid'r li, n..a"5 ae neviredi4ome. isait liait as litleJuger onu absgiev ivonso CiS atvihtndamg tise plmiysleiiaa'" aliil i ad ail Lise care thug lîasing laîmudɧcommi tiveic.aisedieti et 12:45 to cloek, tirs.Devine w'as ua noble a'lsrlstiaaa sumnasu hose man>' gond imaaitieus andti Snd an<i goutte diasositoma eade.red hbon b ail. Sime leaves a iaUabau, io sons, Hngh andi PastrickSandti trce taughters, tirs John Clark, li H. Benkisard sud lira. Hermnai Ilacisinson, 'the IsiLer lselug vith lbu ai bise Ime ut ber deatli. Tise fuasenat tock place Baur., day nsormng andt a lar-go coneouras of fniends followe th ie nemalus 1e their lasi nosin g place lu et. Mary cometer>' ai t.Itukegan. Cure For Stek Huadacho. Thouasuda of laiss ufer trom aieS, beadacho causoti utoubtedly hy disordenetiliven or atomach. Tise bel rerne&y that can ho obtainetifotohis dtlatteuslng comPlulmit Is founul ln HOOd's PUIS. Tisasplla are $ô mIla anti geule lunmaction, jet sebiorougis, tisai Ihe>' gire perfeteelsalafseton. The>' cue is imheaduche, juamdla5., sour atoassacli andiaillilver 1118. The>' break masni)ltla i ai fevera andi preveisV thse grip. Auction Sales. F. BMft$T MaÎftheieroeof MarI>le Granite Monutmn tsa. CE»MEIY WORK ~VEBY ~- Correepondemsoe Sollelled. fie Gemews Street, 1 m llaviagu'lig d b quit farming 1 ;ru.é "Vil sdil mt pubie auction on my 4a-rtn Ii iasliu" vettus! fLong Grove llutwmx ai! Ela, iiniumrtiy Ociober 24, 186,com- aîaeaaeiuag et i P.' m., tise !olowing gooals viz: 4 choie. cows, 3 wihs 1i'alvea, by iuein sîies, 2 boitera ivo- yeaii'a ala, 2 s'îsk lorses live sud elgi yoars oui, luaiber wagon me*ly ha«w< I tbsieigis, cuttet top buggyV, i aeated Is)uggy, sulky cultitr, msti lmaros, seetion, valkmug prty, feeti cuiter, grlndmtnne, tiovuir, bons gondi lia>', coan hialksansd curn lin ib, set double harassa, nov ait double buggy isarnesa, 2 meL t>' netse, 2 sisilk aus, andl- hou»eai tsrture. e---willM.01, 5*;-II--asiw. maiil Hits Bargain Seekers hard and their pocketbooks Iightly. For osse week, commencing Monday, October 26th,1 ill vi give on ail Shoe sales of moods iistod below a 10 per cent discount. Avait yourself of this opportunity. Men's everyday Boots ............. .... $1.45 Ladies' Coodyear Weit Patent TIps ...... 1.25 Ladies'Hand Sewed'Double Seam........ 1.90 Ladies' 0i1 Grain Shoes...............-85 Children'a Shoos size 2 to 5.............I.19 BoysCong'u................. .

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