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Lake County Independent, 27 Nov 1896, p. 3

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I'HEIR OPPORTUNITY, SAFETY, DEFENSE AND OESTINY. Rev. Dr. TalusageOnSys a Gaond Rome la a Mghty ]Doreuse, sud 50 Are lu- dusious Habit&, but He Insise hut ]elitgien la the trougcsi ut Ah14 Our Wasshington PulPit. A rî-aoliuniug euhl goes out in Wlis ser- mon et Dr. Talmage. Ifchcoled, i wouldl ba rcs-oiutioîuury for gooui. 1118stîbject id *Yeung Mo.n Cballiiututc' l NbilitY," andthte ti-st Il. Kiigii. si. 17, "Andthie Lord olîcuetithoe yi-s- etthe Young au, Onuuoiluiuug li Doxhan a yenng tboo- 4ogii-al tudiuvaus scames-i ly iudinig bllsn- sef uni] IChabthe îrouhet supon glur ha craiteti, surroundeti by a whoie muy et Lau uonui-s. Btt vensealle Elishu wus net sure-cldt ail lîi>eatâ lie sacv the meun- tains full otftix-f-use for hlm lun chariots matie oetire, drawn by herses of lir- aa supe-rîatural apuamunce that coîtiti net be sees-i t thxesnatura i îYe. So the elti miuistî-r prycd thlit the yeuug ninistor wuiglt. spe- thenu ali>, aud thte prnyîr wax autiuis-urel, muidthie Locrdi ipeneti the cYP9 et the young mnu, anttiie aise sais-the flcry hproceess-ion, loiikiug souue-what, I1suuî- lsaoe, like the A.liruutdticks or the Aie- guinies in nîulîxîuuxîab l .pednc Miuny yourug mn.n standing amoug the ni-' remeîitirs rcaiitiî'si. bavectheir eyes lItlt clint or înirehy closesi. lay G-I grant tiît nîy cmorillon mny open ni-le 3.0cm cyca tii 0cr satety, your elpeortuuity anti your detisiy! ['lieC hamaof Hanse. A suiighty ueense for a youxug man lna i gooti honte. Somute etfuny hiaers hiîsk bi.'k wt ilten-der sastisýfaction te thon»ý eurly hostue. It mas- liuuy been ruile au-b masth-, hid-len amnig te blills, anudl rchi- tuct or itîibolstert-r nos-cm plauneti or admu-ti it. But li the fteroon ian meohY uiila noie m boued a.) enticing 1' yotu as thico rongluhî-sn ratters. Yen dantl iiuk ot til park oairtrl of ettrocs Idauti-tien fatihintbe counxtry sea-t soi aîtrartis-r as te plaixn hrotik thut ai isifrit ofste oli farnabotus-eandilsanglizuulîr the îue.- Ing csilows. Ni, Iuurred ti îx-wsay n luriod w-th statue ut bruonzecandi*Ws; ophen by oheqouts porter in fullilris-s hîn huIt the glury ot the old as îgigte. 31mny ot youî hava a seenil %tiîsliig place-yuitr udopît oittni'tluulaiall sanireti torc-sîr. Th,-r.- u b,iltthie ini tuxruiy aliar. There y-tiir ciiltirsu uer. boera. AU tliose tri-s y-'a plaiti-tI. Thut reou is clu tnic-is-e -nooi- i i. es-- the I l îîHus- litm îtit i «ig utf dciâtb tUtdriet'ua t ruîît > u ca ivse m-tu lu wurk la buds-c te lie do.and uaIte. Yucu try wiitbuuunuy crI tet-l l iteh aoieu- ofet it îltîîe.hbut y-u fti. Tiiore is uui eue n urt inirthe ituuiuage- Ilatdan de- i-mitue > utxr n.u.ii.Ixla eboule. Non. I d-ilire il, tiîat y.iung mautini eouuptratives-î et be ogues cul itlcutii world nitit a chitarissike tiis upîîn bills. The nesnory ouf parentl n îlliiudc, wm,-hiuig. hliiusiug xîut ayiig nl h te hiuui a alield anîd a shitltr. I nos-c knecs a man taitîfultibxh te is esi anîl adeltetiboîue vholit t'sil anue lin) wagis-eu os-er tl uîy grues fourus et d!s siliatton or wickeduuest. U usho aceka but eîjoymcent hietly troiiu outide ussecia- tien rather lhitst fruîîn the mire quiet n uupresurning îîiiusurea etrcchich I1liav- *pokens y hosusîiseed tl e lon Ito broati rond ho raja. Al)Iuilum degpiceti hie £atber's bouse, andl yeu n kot-is hititory of sin anti is tieutit et hama. If yen saent unnecessmniiy isolatoti frein yoti kiadreti anti former associai as, la theuE aot soute roomt hal yen eau cli your esvn liste it gather booka andl pîctumes antia harp. Have a portrait os-r the mantel M4ake ungotily nirtb stand back troin tii thresluoltiConsecrate nsea@pot wiih thue knee et prayer. By te memery et other days, a ftîIs counsel, anti£ snther's loe-, anti a ister's confience <al it home. Anther defense ton a young mou insin dustrious babils. llany younig men i strtUng upon lite n lu tiï go ixpect t mnaka thir us-y tliroi thetii- -cri-i y hy use et thein e;ssrather ttan te t.hl - ihoir biandts. A 1,-,y nîîss g-.î to thue i au-I talla tesice Uc tir,- hois nes cutias hb fatlier n-as w n-b t uireItsa thse îire etfte grosutton-ni. Sittinîg -bussuic ffi- rnvud ut $1,tOM a ysar, hie sit -iig Lf ÎIhe bank to declare its diieuti, or goe Itb the markpte c'ecing itf-une iglul be madeldois bîy te mîhiuug îopofitht shecks. But huc-k seitîîcl 8dubl iehoit sol-eti on scute othor tack. Pîrbiaps i borrowed front iis eiipler's mono draîs-er anti torgets le hat il hack. or fo isnerely te purpuseo îf inuîrosing is per muusbhip makes a copy ot a monchant signature. Nos-cm mid. Ail is right1 triste. In semti ark night Ilucre nu <orneluinhs tirennus a vision et the per s- tenîiamy, but il soon s-uishes. In a ahoi atine he wilh ho resdy te retire freon I iuusy wcrni,ni arniti is hocks anti heu cultitsate the. tiorestie virtues. The those yoîîng mon n-ho once wera b shoolmutes aud knew ne btter than1 engAge in bonsest work wiil cene wl Itheir ex laennas te dmw bhlmslegsomud wt their uardibandsti tellheipbeve up h <asle. This la ne fncy picture. Ih *-verydmy Itfe. I shounfot wonder there n-re berne reitan beaus lu ti 'boantitupalace. I shouiti fot uontic dire sickneaa sheulti smite lhrongh tl 3yonug man, or If Ced shenîti peur it b is clip et lite a draft tat wonlti thr hinu with unhearable sgony; if is ch dri-n shoubti become te hlli a iving un 0making bis honme a Ilset nti a disgrae al houlti nt uonden if ho gtes to a misc able grava anti beyonti Il into the gnus iaIng ni tecili. The way of the lingot had imbr b. an «ot tan a* e.sgh;,phwo and piodding and tisetul rather thau high fying and good for nothlng but to pick out the eyes et carcasses.. Extraordinary capacity witboîît work is cxtraordinnry ta'iiure. Therei l no hope for that person who begins l4fe Pecsuvedl te lire by his wlts, for the probability l4 that be bas niât any. It was net issîfe for Adani. even ILL bis unfailen sîjîte, tu bave notbitig to dc. and therefore G<oil cùmniiafded bhiim toho a farmer and borticultuirist. He wÉs to drese the garden and kPep it, and had hie and bius Nife oeb'yed Ithe divine inltinctien and been at %vurk ther would Dlot bave bven satlnterîng uiuler the trees and han, kcring atter that fruit whieh destroyed tlicm and their posterity-a proot positive for aitliages tu couac that those who dl, flot attend tu, their business are sure te get into miacbief. 1 do not know ibat the prodigai in Sripture wouid ever have been reeiaimed had bc. net ien op bis idie habits and golle te feediug swine for a livinug. The dcvii dues nlt se olten atiack the ufan who In busir %vit), the peu. andi tbe book, andthetb trowel, anîd the saw, and tbe bain- mer. UcIs ma fraid of those welapuns. But woe te the mnail %vioni tlis roaring lion lacets nitb is bands ini bis poucketse D)o net demand tbat your toitl nwaYs bo egant and cieaniy and re-fiue-d. There i a c-ertain amouiit eofîirudge-ry tlirough which iv e nuet ailpas whatevr bc our or,-upaxiuu. eu n kow bon imen ar-e non- tuila certain nuiuler of yearî te prisi- on, end after tliey have sufferedl and n-orkcsl ont thp tim", then tbey arc ai- iîîdte go frre. S, ili n'jitb ail of us. t~tii ftsseý%(d on us the s -eîî.By tho sWit of thy br,w gsuait thon cat bread.* We mustçiidnulr- ouir tinje of drudgerY, an d thlen, a fter awh iile. ne ili lie ailowed te go iu t i -.. ltin ru tive liberty. WVe moni Lbc wilin.- t endure the sentrnce. liVe ail kiin vliax drudgery isnnîtc niti the l,-giîuiig of nirtrade or r,fes-sion, but Ibis loes fnt contifne ail our lires, if it lie the studeont'g, or thee mrchants ror the nei--anics life. 1 kuow Y'OU have at thebegi-riining ninny as.lard lime. but aftt'r au hle tbose things wiil becor, j f .)u wnul hb e yor o" n master- 1 i ence wvhl b, satisi(d. Youu vlI Chi, Iis(Liargee1 front prison. Ilis God Ilat sou bavP a brain te tli:,L a i bands tovork e nl feet tu a al n ilii, fi-r il) yoir constant ativit)y, 9) riong lutin. la one of your stroîîge.sx de- f-ul'ut your trust ln God andil,) yumr test. Tibat chIdltibail it right whn the hb.rses raimsviuy withth Ie lail s ~ and be cnt on it. IM'bîn ne Ulfbe t nus friglitene.-], Le saiîd, "No, I1;irayil te *Gd tii4l buîîg on like a bînvcr." A Recreative liiy. r Rei-t f.or the Sabbath wil bc te the yri:, iiia!)itir pris.. rviLs against r (-.il. Ul lias lhrîi,xiito the tîin y tutigiîe of iteý a re,-rîatîl c day ivbon th, y sut l ncspe,--a4l t r- i . '.It is nu îiec y faigi- J'i îît,, un f a i i:brai neai rofrîn-r *b7jt a.,i iistir îi,n epsta!btîslîi-d at tbc ha- guuuuing. Gode lias ma-le raturai and nuirai ns segoburitouujeus that the bodY aes. %%Il ts8tthe seuli demanude tbis lus' itu 1.ti,n. <Our lodi s are ses-en day locka ethat miust bc w, ual up an oftcu as tbat o ,~tiey îîili rua in.Faiîre must i-un r oiror later to the man who breaks tbe [ySabbath. iiiaîirition bas called it tiiý te Lori'î(dair, and lie sho des-tes it te thf 8-wôrl.lin guilty ot robbery. Cod will nal lslet the sin go unpunishàe cther in thi a- orhd or the w,rd Io corne. kd This la tbe statemnlt of a mnst who hai re broken ibis diviune enactmnent: '1 was en 1, giged in mantifa.-turiag on the Lebigt in s-ver. On Uic Salîbath I nscd te rest ry but never regnrdéd God in it. One bea- na tiful Sabbath whên the nise waasai r bushed, and the day was ail that love:i e ne" s uud nake i, I net down on mi I? piazza and went te work inventing a nem shuttie. 1 nether stopped te est no drink tilt tbe son went doisn. By the e ime 1itathebcinvention eomplstcd. Th- th e mtInrnîng I cxhibited it and boasi,( uftonumirday's work. and was appiaude a The shuttie s-as tricti and worked wel but that Sabbatb day's work cost m M3'(sO e brancbed out and ellarzed a-and te corso of heas-en was upon in in foni hat ay enîsar]" 1') Whliithei divine froevn must rest uP-: b;i N ho traxuîle upon tlis statutc of tod'is aecual tas-or n iii be upon txb ty younig mail siho scruptiloutkly observe i, . This day. properly observed,, n e îiîrow a hailoived influenve over tilitt , u eek. The song apdl sermon nuit aancti or ai-y n ili îld ban- frotu îîrosumlîîuo, kes sis.ý That youung man wbo begins th to dîiies of life sitb ither se-rct or et'e in. dI;sri-uîect 1îo tbe bîiy day, I venture1 r- lro);?ti-sy. will meet vitb nu ppernaner he ( tod's cxrsk- n ilifali upon Ii1 i siiiip, bis store, tus office, bis studio, h fr biy and bis sont. The way et t e-wicked lie tuirnntb upside don-n. ln e kt o thp olîl tables it esas %nid that a wol in derful. cild esas bhem lu Bagdad, an tus' a nIaciinu coutld hear lie fooxteps t,0( ,ni- îilcjs aisay. But I uîn hear in the fou ort stel , f tbat young nian on is way te Il he bouse of norship te day the stop net on' ds et a liftime of usefuiness. but the oncoi leu ingstep of eterniui-liges et bappinesay lis millions et ycurs au-ay. te An ]Infallible iefense. 1h A noble ideal andi confident @xpectuti ith of approximatiug te it are an iuiallihleil bis tienuse. The artist complexes in is nil tla the great tbongbt that be wîsbcs te irar . ffer te the canvas or the marble before, bat takes np tbe crayon or thc chisci. T r if arciteet .pans ont the entire sîrnetu the' before he orders the iSorkxfln te bg aie and, tbongh Ibere xuuy for a long Wh il seim te bc nothing but binndering& i- rodeinsosb bas iin bis mind every Ci rop inthian wreatb and Giothie arcb il ' Byzantine caital. The pont arrAng ue-the entire plot before ho hegins te cht piture. Let bloodi ees e sti I TO MA KE STATE LAWSP plure, and the clontis of a wrathfnl Goti bang clown heavily oiver the canvas, ready te break out lu clamerons tempesi. Let Uic waters bc chaie anti troth tan- NtAMES OF MEN IN4 THE NEW EL!e ged anti gren with Immeastirablie depths. LEC91SLATURE. Then take ra oreh etf burning piti-b aâtâ ____ scorcb luto the fr nie the ritýht name fox t-thcfsollis suicide. Iftoee euterii1d nccsseful Caluîhdatug ni the icent istol uipon sintful directionis nould exuiy it hise ][Illinois ,-eîîiîîau Ma- I mind or on palier draiw uot li aisfui reul. Ixy tiis dm' iful future, bc weîîlî re<oib L.iority on, Joint liallot Unchangeul- 4from ix and say, "Arn 1 a Dante tirat hy Wilh Huit . Electon ef U. LI. Senmtor. a my ou-n 1fil I should wnrite anather 'In-1 terne' " aBut if yetx are resis-emi te lis-i iCrinrnelilSlne a lite sncb nasGod andi gooti filn eili <in Cn Nîrnellihae te l.. aplirovre, de, net let it bc a vaguie Jmeauîu, i, 1 itîuîh us'îllli- ii-sîh* au indc-iiite deterîitntion, but i youutr îj--rii n iii lit liii-! j iiiiithe l iii Io miinci or uponpalier skctî-h hilunal its A--xî-sid I1.li î, thi l- hall inirethaMilt, eminuitiae. You cannot know iluethîîe asbit L-ior. iz.. x ya te wbicb yen Gray lbe subject, tbnt yon 'Île.) agit r' itller,. s-iti-iiiiitit-t -x i nîay knoi- wlus t ainnys iiihe rigbt sud Rî 'n ii, t'il ihe il-su iil thiirtc t ire,- always n-il c wroug. Let getienesa t ! in tSe:2-. :1 alti îtL!.). Iliitiii next 1anti cbarity aud veracixy a-id faitb stand (, -a, r-ia--i *t-h iiii-iî nilie 125Iti'- in the heurt of the sketcbhj ~ lt t.-itîirte Flouse snd On nome stiil brooks thait makeP a lamb xir: lxiili-Stix- u eio andi lien lie cdowsn togother. Draw twe or cr t wiii li a eaytii i n thel uu -ursfte tbreetfthe trees ot lite, net trost-strick- ltota.i l 7 t.uýhs- lirtiî teSi-îiîias t q en, uoir icel-glazed, uer cint-stripped, but tiire-e P. xlsaSeitrDri-ssc if nith tbick verdure wa-viug like the paluas reIii-l- inuil lîlr uitîl Bloil ut et heaven. On the darkest cionti'laice *îîîiitt andi -i i ilin aut it(nî~. b the rsinbow, that pillîîw et the dying re su-of'îî -îîîliîis i h. D storm. You ueti net priait the title on the iîi TI'. 411, tli-r ,-itîhî-dilria,-îfr te Du fratrie. The dulesi iili catch the design iii hi usu1v drseae0i at a glance auudsamy, "That is the roadt te mn l.. l hnenuuer e beairci."Ah, me! Oui this seus ut lite lire-,oi-nli-gii 1 'it ii i-I' iN ,.-t L sîih. itître's. Pitils. Ma what innnnîerablè siîiîs. beaviiy latien , 1 - i 'i Lai. .- tîlet,' .... teip .1 and weil riggeti, yex secnu bani .fer neo t - iili r. ni îfti i ve.. .. Wp icar, port! Swcept cvery n ither etfs-id ali -'i i '"O bA. .25 lW, liti iit.iH den~ icuve, te> go up hy the mounitains, tbey j î WS t 117 ittiP tuar ti-e->lof go don-n by thte vaiieys and are ut thelu u--r-r j. '-.Ittiil, ih1it .luî'ksO0IL be- %vits' endi. Thy sail by neo ihart, Uiey 1:l G lIL î 1 ,ii-«:. . t - sto wthno star, txbcy long for ne barboa.r. 1tMl \-,itii----t.... Ret-Rrti u bel; every yonuug mnutii-day le draw eout I t- Ui n.20E. t l'ii et.- ini v asl,.rte-lietf luat, by tire grace etof i,4(;cdt. tt1u-..1-t!iiiiscltp i LI lie meauus te he. Tliink no i.xcelleuvxi e) '\-îu 1i.t Il- .:!, , 72a -1 utit .i - t.i-a tgh ritat:you u îîî-ii,i reuch il. Ic nb -lui r,.0)1* %%'. iti ,i Moit n alei Il . .. .ti.. .. ..tii ti -stauts eut lie li llua higb idea i-u t -- wtr îu -t--iist. uP-p hb& ichurmeter antitluli in itsattainuint 3lt i~.i:.:i2rt. Puarki te -hilil imn seleit uu-ase-d frein ra tli-,îî,nIaui l.- i ît..... t........... 'il-.... Ite i m e temptaiens. There are muiguificnt pas- ,-7 'il lt-i-t. W......tiiî " i hfr, ýtsibilties betîre e ouih tyen, youuîg men I îsN - itu C ->O; fiet ii.. te t I fut - - -- ! 74 ,, ri l,,.1 t - of te atout hiart. andlthe bu.î>-uît stop i c:1 .-, -i ti r------------. Rloietc -and the boutîdiug spirit. In-cit niarialti t1.1«;.r--i-. t: -..----... uîl)b I voli foîr gruand auii"vêmeu t. Clod nosi I O 'tIV i îk t--.r........ î1i n prosides tfr you lire field an-I tire urnui S i t- 5Vr. ':1"'-1........ i-1î o a aai hie tortii,-atiiîns. Who is ouitbe ..- n--.', - tn 1.. 1.Lords ailde*!A captain lu anciecut timesi. -ii 2--1.2 i N:i l.-'t.-ui e il enc-iîourage hit; ni)uagaiisit i u u Vthe lm- Ti . .. 1Lhiî,t -mense e-lis ou the side oethieir enenuica, îîlut.,i ML'.... tif,-ir-!.......heil gi, i sailîl 't 'lme, iny mlieu, look ibis.- P.,--î t1 ruti -- ti k h.... -tî:: > is -i n thé tai-e. Thî-y are tiittO>:yaîu arei- lu ir, -tic. -S, cc c r i N.h-' - tf 350. Surcly thc niaiî-b is e-en." TuaI . - - upb ýe spýe-li 5gavse tlur-ust he -i-tury. Be noie-a ;117,r i - 2:,l \ -i'N. -42h-1i .c, ýo my hoir-i. disuma enri t any tiiio by - i Ii - - S lu -, u-ite-cu- 1'. itt- O n-bat accrue an imimense oidds ngainsx yoî. 11il- i.1 t-9--îMtti-.t il- t-t t Io fortune, iesi vaxat c-df cu i are nieul.I Mi,! i -1 - -r - n .... ,-,î la, e rredesils agrîcust you. tlî-îgb the miii 1 O 'iP.Ir l, t et - 1) 1e t ttiu«Iles ut eurih andi bell confironttyou. i N--k. - I Is l, - --:ii ir 1t stanId iup tte uchargie. With 1.t,i>tA t I........-uc-t Pfi -,e azaii'st voir, theiniati-bLa. just es-ii-nuuy i h.....i..t ... yoL h ve ri adv ntge I Co 11 1 11 1N - i-1, .22 t t ..... i ree for ra, e. us l-;r-uit be- aL;ii.'.t us? Thua lP------------ za7 J ca-ia i or, îruioctcîi - .y u nusil uit -'peiid mucb t:ui-? j 7 1 .i.i,'1 , -, ,n. M i1II;..tcIlh cid i l as-t riiig ycir assaîlauîs. I l. i. I. - , . c ly Clinu te the Croiss. 1-' Pi- i tu-ma. tAeî,kî t. in In i- Yen Gray noîs-have cenouglu streugth oe l 7l- li -INCiî t... teiîî4 1!î., 1't- r a'.I.Ii. -s cîsaracter te reliel Uic varions teiita c'iî1. i;t i, -17 I1r î.1l. 1) ,ti-îu al r tiens lte gross n iel..duîcss n uu:icb assaîl t........L- - - - - Io 1 ai Ot yoîu, but I do uot Lkucî insiu tla strait ye .1 co .........tîii l - . ,ti e mu>-lie tbrust ai siîie futuure tiuue. Notîxih I li is.h'cî u------i l IIing short et Uic gruume oet te criss uuay I!;1 t -iiit 4 Pltn i lin- a. -il- uth ci tiilonlbe able te delis or you trau the liouns i. î M. t tu!1. 1,I. ;-,rimx in t Yoxu are no et aeker than lM ises, noi '. iî s-r. ........... ..... 1 )"ni- - ie, - Li bolier tianDasid. ueir more patient tha-i 1hsuî .î-t......îî-r .tîui - 1. tu nt Job., and you ouîgbt noiteaconidcr yonr - Ji ,iL. - ,1uic..7lc-aili .......i 1 hiioe ne seit invulnerable. iou muy bas-e snomue- Fr.,-i Aiîî.-W- 4. Clahrkt. '. - li ti Iet,î1.1iJ. tl-iei. 4"siit. l iiirt-îi i.a i htep n- us î-k pint et charnu-tam that >on have iI l. Fa -urr,-i. a57î. ILIx- .Ties- i l h ueser diacovereti, an i insome bhorur n-he.i 'il FrIiî-u tîîk. htt-uîztgi-ti--.....lp il t yoîî are nnsitspecting the Philistines wi!l itrteir J. st-ir'ui. l..xingti, ......ltcji a- he rpu ntitele, Sainson. Trust net in your 'M uN -li Etuss.I . Frsnk- h îII gooti babils, or yonr earhy training, or tI I, r.................n p th il- yonr pritie et chaTaaeer-noxing short et Alb,t .J. i liu.413 t Fm.ikllti lzep W I leusE. 4ili 1s.) ii .-sita îî..I-mu Y the ami etAlmigbty Ced wilb bc suricicnt ,4-Aqiilà'.. liiccII,-ty. torti--.... tIih le 10 utubolti yen. Yox ook terwmrd litithe I Ati uîtih.ritl. ltuir . ....uu t--p lo norîti someiinles aith a cbilliuug tespen- AtieiiîiuiIl.tîriitiltliî,î.....-- hein 1H 25--J--loii Kahlttust.t......-----------e 't tiency. Cheer up. 1 wilitel yoiu lien-yen tiVII. Il. 51.-i. thrîilthi--.- t--.... . hi le mai, make a fortune. 'Seck flug et ic lleî-ih Kaiî. ltraisiul ic...........-hiu :d kingîluinu et Gîd ant iebisrightcoiisuess. 2-ýJi-ittiiii i Mî-miaiiu. Atlant .......tep 1. anti ail other tirgs sa l lie atiticîlautuo'i it. lu. it-, . o-ui Canuton ...ts ....t.miuî Al. yen." I kuow -you d net wnst te ho 27Jitiu iVti. Itiiu........ .... -1i P tue neuan luthis Gratter. Gis-e Ced the tri-ah- Irvnug hhf-l ibie s-is. 11,-hi Lncrss et your hie. Yen eill net lias-v i l5ems--Au-ov.usi--uii Sallsheiu D-îlt. me bcart teaudrink îlîs theIbe riuauiing iup t lysses A.Wiis-îLnhII-.h-tu....- îuel of lite andl th-n mpour the dregs on ;î's winu. A. eîiuiu1,t -.........aîiuuiîh i'u att sitar. To a Sas or sa intliiitcly getier. us J ozî ti.en y. >hax-in. -- - - - 11 ... .. i t, voir bave uit titi-heurt 13 aut h kie t bar. Juuîîîos îîranen. Syc-auiue.......--h i.- ri rat ihat is not i -curve. Th La .suct honora- II Siiuiili-iI.li c.qr e u nu- -i r Ilily- - lxéieILI osi hie. That le net maîîly. Yoiur greate-ut ts-nroitir NitruilsI.îIîîi . It.-i, J îî.tîîms-C.. ttiir.Ke-uî, --------Iii ill î -ut iu auli h i,iiil inla anew heurt. la a,, r'-ti nni. tiiuu---- -----i Le Codanaie I te-lb yenliibat. Antithe J.rmmy WIItuîîuîn---n .xut ..... . 11yO, i- BIcssol Spiirit tires-ses throîîglu tire u t'al i - i is.iu Stet-rlmiii,...- i... î-ur ,1i, soliî- lth-s axîd pris i-gPofettiis h'uîy 3 . lli i- l -,rWit. t.Ni-li s--I L ith bîpir. lPut thte vs-lioetlite eter t a o >ur J.- M, . Os r2,. At ii-ris h....... -îein leu thimstybis. Timust it iot halct. 'lIon-y M eCtits.......u....i.si . rî -Roui te ufxîra it 11,ltîboc i nerî-y , ong suItihîstu .1n W. lI',uua ......i.tuiali 1, -urit nu-n-y. Iejeut il otlier tri etuîh«li s, ho t-t Ji-lt ILu.. Cu-iw .u .......aml--------- p hils ungratefxub for ail miihi-r inini-ts. hire F-ranîk It. Il it. Ilerry ................-- si lui rerent o al timr b rui ie. tîut jeoit. Illiuttiaîii. Itillets.----------h.le, iri hiâ recreant to"alh-rselitargainstiItîturFrank-.%. luicls-..... el te tiestiso Goda s )itir 3-hurm iîuurtal Isni îîus ii . Aiî,- te . crra ..i -. 1 1 ne -do ni do riit . j .1 il 1. li mil.-!t. l ..t.....u hi- un-1 w ouîld like te cci' s-orne ot yoîîth!s& tIiite.î ii h. t-t, iî.u .I ruiit.,vil-.1-ý in heur prees;ontotirte ruuiks o e io uîrtî iVllaiT. iîii.-.I ni ....tt- .tn- M) andtila y your ilincuervil spirit a i t' filot 3 îmesF. IC[iiti'li-. t-r .. ....i*i- - et- t n naEIi,-r A.. Permy. t'Mcun t tig 1- -I-u )tofJeatus.'rTis boum iasno icîl uren oge.--i--. M ottgiu as-ry. Cl- ii>t cn . i l t bure vagabondti taggertuîgoecmtire earih: t 38--Thina. 1'. h* Ih-îm.,-y.im-.-îti - 11.... . pj ai. isaa i ngî-d uuitge-r of tskies n-is- tiî.lE .î r.u.Etiî - tiu liii. peu-buS uicr-y lti tysoxl, Lite is n o.th 30SP - tuii1' . l'i,'hlv.Iring..t .........îD- nt yet lows, but atter aishile h uiny lharougir, AtzitîsG. - %tirrty . Spri itt -h.... i stilis and ptîecîril île. Titeomres a t ola. . llahiuustrger. Siri igtlti d.. - Pin criais ii inth iïtIary ofe sery man. ie 401 iil. T hrre, Cowdeîis-ln-... .-hi iol .isac Il. 'alg. tilsgtt.ion---------....-Den Linsoldaont uderstaiud thut tîurîiug point Pshu1. larrtî-khîe'. Arvoiii-h...-Den de- -untii it la tamrhast. The menu ot ife in 41-.tiiiîîcse@P. hlarris-k. 'I'ylî'mvil .-. itou mdfork-ed, ahud I rendtiou twe sigtihortis: OiveTt.lAu t,-ilonii. 1S)iuttlsii .-.. l-hi uts- "Tluiliiihecay le baîîpines»" and ti ' 42T'luius Il. NieithisNiutus-tlle-i.. lue lue is the n-ny te riiil"I -,tîiîsaller e are t litiîgh V. Niîray.iriyt---------... Den Tlue pa thé fork o h odvihu hn JîîhîîA. uHarneshuutsîilll-..... ..uru unrpua etihemeni cithîuilbînk.43-Feintoî W.' lBoottui.Mrstuhlh -... tph t nei! ig whtheril-oues oît nt the door ci Ilu. ut. llusaiuan. Etlui ..u-.... Den gin, bilas or the gales et darkneas. Eh Stew-art. Toîheîl-------------...eu lus Many yesrs ago 1 stocîl on the annis-er- 44-4itaueil A. Wihltaiiu. t-'mlî-s-îsviiio ... Rej) S lx S. Organ.. Mlhiti tt îumiot--------.uuu an il sury plaltot'în cith a mniser etftChrist Nsturait h. Bryanut. inauuuuhu.-pA i iDent ;or- whoniale titis rcuuaukubhe saitouuett: 4-Witlauu ut. lýatlIrî,Ni ......-ltî-p il d "Thirty >enrs ugotlis-e yeuing mou tari- Dtttue Gineis, Nssstuii----------.... Duu Igas cd eut lu the es-ctîiug to uttendl tha Park 46-tilahai'cHaI. BelAîiigir........... 1a- Line Thauter, Non' York, iviere a play was tare------------------------...Hp .KS' INITIATION CEREMONY RESU LTS-sFATALLY. r, thuet -. W. Curry, ef Iowa, Wa. inteliionlyTorttired Ina Lndet Saln ons-,.taiic Ctîiatr t2nsem tthich Lamp Alas licirnîng. blts cIas mil Acc-identt. 1:ciu iraiNV. (';rr:. -hi.imn ofu e V11 tu-c di u is itinlu1)-t.,4l'Mones asthe r.-suht outfihiîii Slj il r i c s ru-isciV dui rthe rcgros tf ili ituilution iata I -I utf Eiks lmc M r.I Curry lîuîîlbhe:t skfor ses-oral %coi.The sthcrY et -%ilsinjur i-ies-lias ,r-inîgbis.4siî-kîucsqlie' ux;in..seîlrlu- ruiion xîtalthc nliIuuiî nsuftt hie-lc -r,- le ne n-ti i lîîîsf-r thle aci-dîent il tuhe (]oaire thaI notiig suoiul.d lic loi. piuhblic. Monc or lissa of th,, trtl.hîîuss-cn. hoe ,ne kîuuu r. Inuiiitel> liusirhli- uti uotillldtuug stuanica lit te inature rtise iii itiuîtur>- miv. i,,te-li-iho bauin oris-s iim w(es-lui h u inluan a teiuol aprwstnm-luheaiusl> uî-xihiitMi. luirr- ,asspte achii i %it,.air le-tivl uritlle rtc- s lita lidgle- ioêwt ll vi,îîuflntgs-ore.Wsos- sreloadthmriî-s lis anl prîtabt si i-ig hevricti t wsIbepide. 1h i prc ulo-rI rthacule ioktîi wha ilu itunrui hai l t utitifuticilis-as iuî-ed o ri ai c-hamisevuiC u t-ibiic"'itton. ridr ti tis chaI eir -uociary keiue ,eri ofes-s c %-iî vliotulai xpeeOre ioetliliiia iîp fi ebm hin thuesl-xnîî utt Ir t uunof . buu-ini tis- stri ilaîsiv- rau 1 miii p-rithe ii I îul>-i1.-iltlîs-tut lk - ail iuiu o- ori-bu lu.' ad pîtrsî.bil hîe at t>- t versoni, ofta theîd e uuksoeIt In he culîsetos-cuiitnl rl C uisy -utg prntib uts grtreuteinîacî ieat igbit ns sce-ir libvid, bil laIlc otustilu irïîît hiierchairîa.nîl dasakr-uit e îcI waulsi be îîo l is bcd t tirt il %-slinuls ii ut heusl iti b eloti Isien goi( s-u inis- îoîîlthîul hi)aiuiroland ~ urn uhydiirinietuiddnth nastElq 'cui. urniuug uofika s, sciehva fo andîmu evhas-coe' iîrati'non Cryh tadeti-l taden111)hr etibln o tae.titat- vi er pliieahmentw als ieterout tubil ne tecurteaIotîe ne, adseaii, ihts are haîtl hecutuariette hlfi, amai ho laduolt ho enhil trnanita wass eutof horbati ieu Iho tutigeebeferAtiýti ho mms d nkes t ir hardnoudWpsn lgsti, ws Cieutillul t e trao. ýythe plie et Ns. andkcaturoath-,~ ount.Durihng Iiar, s-it nu-t wih tian Att sesiaibweti bis hirîtisa'.Irha cian stte esc-up mebuîof,îtheuîl Aeth lime t ion tha egtîutheorderîi he ithunta ayen tëriorhiîugnis inoste ineudn- re har ensoxîuoe he tuhigalund i te ut liat lculdsadiaselas4oe Titrehalus-ira theconsola. ore Alo a-eTaînirs urie.i SrnkWe One palireof htnekaYorctu 25 pI'ue boof bur parts et tha nus wteu aineti histleiiau eiusean-lis-handgis-i u halu aptîmuts e gx.-at clîie uc tttetal] in is bassina nere tetr iNTERESTING N i Hellectieus eofu HIes-m -Wholegouse Food foýr tst#iiynig the scriptural teuigently andi Profitabliris Le«Ocufor Novoubr Cualilin Tex.-"Beheld, s Solouitui is hoe."-Malt. 24, 'i'Lr lasnis tounutinl 1-11 andîlohis tom ils subjeet ut S,-uiu"Solomion's lam tige spread trotugi ail thse tr'. W'e hava preef un titis ha tias finstalmnng the mount tinue, The episotie l» one et etrlkiug in the litf- Solcumon, ly impresses the uusgnaion 41 ltis an oariy les et t teachs t conun. Thora la, bee-r, ne connection with ;hc moral hi omon, inca thaeuiaden ha be* was appturenjly a kinil of ain-îivad longafter he hati paxt etfebeclienco, - "The Queen et Sheba:" la tite souheftIhue Arabisu on the shores oet he RiealSes.. bucans, the peoplaetf the conuti'- wsalike, 1h n-s a abanti et Sa Mtole Juu's caille anti killet hi*. Tiils queu fis a large place la tbe ciany litorulure et the Araba. 'BIcok etfttîe Pophets" tisere a ik tii-n of stonies aboîxt ber, under to oif Queen Biîkis. Hiemvslit to t-ory fnlly relatedt, andî an a - gis-en ut the gifts abc broughi - queetiaus ehe asko.d-"The fume.- mon uonîerning lte narne of tthe il appars that Solomon'is des-eles. valu was as csell kueu u asbis w "rihe came te Jerussieu: s a ney by cars- san, cshbch muet have- Meevoi lweeks te acconupîiah,p - arrivai at the city. If orientali n-ms fobhowi-d, Solomon earneil appromch wbilehe w sas yet etaI aud seul moaneigor siih gffitu. - conue ber te bisdornala. These, et thte uost pitrlueaqxre lu the OU4 mî'uî, titi great canas-an ntakIng cîser the bills te Solomon'a capi - ite darnirla richby capuurisned, lis» gîîartislinthem floning white- - bumnooýs, moxuntemi on zpirlteW'- the qucen hei-m-cl appareet1*4 allendlir.IlIer cou utry uvasrIeS 1sad ibeme n-are guabt minces net n --'She eonmnuxîetiwiib hlm eO- wnus luherbes-ni:" îîroiabii ah.. a gxi ideal ut time ureparnnt lui h- takeofetthie uiqst etfmen uouîîlirs if xhey bultîtietiany of or iyslcnies et uîte. or a-oes- - 2we conineti te tlie ititles thmt uere So lnn lilise East.- "Soioun tld bier ail lber qunI r His %vide exbîrienucc anti profoud ta-i're anfficiouu tie tathont sIMOMt-J numystery. Iu the Arabie legeuadab, .peurs as eue psssossalet of &pcn*ý 1kucaletiga, nuuaintein-lth tae ILAit ofe birdâ anti bata, e,.Ha w!ý c-îrding te these stonica, se -lsIMM -matie the jinus or douions bihl* a -gý -eansed theinu lebuilti palaces A"~ Lgardon. for hlm. - "Hi* asceut by whlch lie wnut uW -the bonse ofthIe lýord:" sons -rondi leading acroas the saliel r r01 pais-ce te the temnpo.-"TherO naine spirit In ber:"i She n'as sq anti appeai-lesa. 'ibelles-ad mot the n'ords, ni.~ e nti mine arcs lri acs h:t" c attitude of Thomtas atter thse eu' a of Christ, "Hapupy ara the thcy sers-aUItl 0stand eontlnnally hetore tisea:" sagp" c omplimient te Soleunon, as it OsiW 1- ifliiwing ves@s:- 5- "Bieetibc te Lorud tbY c' micaos flot ecccpt Jahosmh nas ber wu d but simply paya hlm the reverencec -dity et ber henoreti host. - - Thse gifla s eme lu royal au~ Thte 120) talents nîay ha a rounîl- abut ceuliniy signifies s great ,n Ireasere. ýh 'e n OFFICERS DIBROUE 'CLO@IIET. andi a ppace et duehess lare. His name n'as James McCloekey anudbit la 35 years olti. lIbuthbuntilo whlcb he carriati ti-eeses-ermi huntiret iscelhmneous ar- ticles, nome etfn-uich ccena valuaisla. There nere ciothieut, sitoes, hais, caps, pipes, pecketbeeka, jowebry, alis-eruvara, leso watcbes anti a saalltantibag ton- taining uaoni'y, W'hWin labelies-eti yhy ie police t e haa dynatmite bonub n-ms feunt on the tirseka <n the Grand Central Depot aI New York. Il la matie et iron about a foot long anti tour luches lu dia.iueiau',Insîie inte -pewder anti a lot et petruliar dark. dirt- liSe substance w!!l-nt te police mil la dynamite. Dav-id Deilge, s well-Suown Wgetsmý à sus-si. Wha fbeu r eais - WWIe, Time esson slerY affermis &UnUsua lîxities ber pieurcaqute illustratb shiaulbcb vividly dopirîcal; tieM uit S.uibuiun's klu-dor n lanes-er »» lily stuggestatl tharu here. Thse à is-s a frte nIe e iliuthe JTous îlîîm; it la note rremi te by obi cbosaSolsînun lu a more tes-oral ttu corne ofthtseether lestons quarter. lHoiest inqîirers iiU se dlomn wbreu er tbee in Sd it 1 kuona la nasher oetIhe altuatloil Christian esho rotuhîr knuws whSt ili-es h hobelleesca lusure lu nlg te hm fen etSheba uals As the gphondor et Solomon's uvasith cviatiuuiho tilaYca, se tisait ts ne spirit lefttin lber. Buti the g». mes-sua lie vision of thea cliti king tan surpassas that et SOOlMàl -ouuele tia court net au strsU tmriigners. huit as membiera eofb itîud anti iseirs et the ricbes A geisI ityn te sing wlt iti MA "lliy ftîlrein-h ouses &M The ilsalms are fuhl et thé 99 Jolma-a, cctich are ail thec> bis sorvants. Prnitnr toache-s aY leacit the lassOn bY COuprlsW ,visi t ltaheso'mca te ibe The Queen -brught aita, 8$ ut the wusd- ofuiettise grea us-lacmen broughi gîfts, &»C botause ot the diisen futur in some tiegree, at liait. lS clilti. Solo n ent stew-ait, ontt<of the nay tiga0 ts-- go"'i - ns andthlis lver, birds madetie i e ncitU beaIs made Ithe ir ld b ot the inyatqres of R1-1I uveuders ofthoua tm;S etftineilitan d tise wara wlthift bis ku. net Snew e»Uttg t Infant jasus kâ*W i0 uvl t0e ho1e 5&vIe .. te b btb~- shetulil MaSs tise tuheaei dea usa gouibdd Ibisa -E-A-Tit IN Tff Pi

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