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Lake County Independent, 27 Nov 1896, p. 4

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Ste Elgini Bonrd o! Tradei meI u es; offeringb, 63,060 M I~'," bo, At 21c; 4,6 Io.si alebatollatoek soldiforI20Sic;1 a 7!5 mg fe Uc DamGMvy.tports a nev "111le" bat. 7. (irahite pait for IL. Wm. J. llryan ta j bisai.. The bat la mot becem- to Alderman Galova0. Wonder If _t lu avare ltaI KSinky Dink sud Bath olme jobn, hicagoa aldermen o! tiamu 5Sfaine Wear "lilas" too. Boy- mro Enky Dinh sud Bath House Johin tob miwhien t cernes 10 stars. They as1y" in t ." B«uiitbve Boyard, ot Alabamna, f witq la a close Moud etfTom Walson,8 idu 40There vill bo no more fusioni of~ populiais anti demorals 10 idc ,më$wrab1c Presideulial candidates. - isUe slvyer mon vi»l have to cornet tg,-u 'epopulit party vitichith iee 99 o tépeople» and vitich saioýiid1 9W.lad th last figit. Il viii losti8 ,Iis m!l figtI.- Mr. Boward aya hote ~ cIhaer lte populisl senatorsa ob~4atucl ari lolglalatlon, aud1 ~3 p.puflyha isiteslte repubhi-1 se «7y itgit tarif i combînatlon go<ld standard and lot lte1 "pèses jusl boy Il vilîvworit. loose wito are mont anxtous for the -àdmiastof !te erritorles 10 te ýM«Mkopd admit that tbey do not ex. -pmg aa favorable legilation a lte *cflseeitin o! Congress, sud tat1 Uidtr hope. are net brlglil o! action by t4,tn7.fl!tbcongres". Ex-U. S. liar- - bal NIx, o! Okahtoma, vite la nov lu *.abintn, statod the cause vitich , cp ltaI leritory as veil as Arizons ,ýl * ovMx«ico out of the Union, '*Mm ho sud: 4"As long as fro ilver jeas jýpuu sil la nov in Okahoma, I- tour our chances for siatetood are , Igri slim, for I appreclate lte faci ihat ýo DOMadv siocales o! 16101 1are vaut- cilla th . . S. nale. Il Okahoma mata*«0 l aIe DowtheiO wouldn't ho a ,'- oblMcf a chance ton a golti standard «ima 10h. eleclti Senator. Titare lb no mItakring the hîtternes te civer democralis teel tovarti ProsL~ lent Clevelandi; titey apeakit rîigitt ont _%ad eharge hlm with dealroying thte 'pcey. The bîtternesa extendstca 1the 90o4 dzocrsic Sanators. Senator Mongsu, o! AI&., viten ashati vether là*e golti democratc Senatora voulti ha taiviloti 10 lake part tu democratlc ventuses viten the Sonate meeta, ne- pliati promptly anti decidly; "No, not Mt lamai vitiout repentanice, sud "eihter itasshovn ovidoncea o! .tit. Tlrese gentlemen vili not wiait to assotiaie vitt mon vbom thoy de- - xmuced as anarcite tralors anti dia- itoueal people." Thte proposition 10 -Oppoae arery nomination sent 10 te Sonate bîy Prealdent Olevelant isl beiug jurioualy conaldaroti by the murver Sen- Saies. antili, It la ait, ha diasesoti IX eomouenaud il may ho adopteti, boo Ï as SUiof Mr. Clereland's nominations 'VIli hogoiti temocratsansd the sver- 0#0iver democrat voulti mucit rallier ate places go to golti ropublcas Mm is. 10geM tiomorata. PetiicaIpartes trom 1h18 on muât. Me 14P lu earnest te immigration Da*iOU. It bau haen tlketi about. Ù40WIR about, sud sang ahou for lte *»,egIiI yoarusud la practicaily JW1e Il vas elgitl yem & go. Il Offlbave beon matt mmoref an ~ulte lut eipg- noe lte quesulo=r - muait novulitai te Amric"n ahoûldd o09teu ir orainlai slu »uépresldeal o!f te Unitedi sous atioa n Anlhe malter o! paupor sd criminel ilm- A peeteeire tarie lamas Value Vutitourportopen 10 MW"oguo. The -.la#afscal Mmestumb of ouemgranta lteW84.M,0. Durng the hat -More titan4»80,000. O!jtou. liiYMW ror tourteen Yomruo! lIor ovmj go per cet. et 'iftràtb-oudmot reAt AielutIyemr'c fgursgir0 &nmo f18,00 eanalo..The apâb* l Mrotricted lm. are teay; oe, vo cannol OU Ihat thoy bring t0 Us almo daprivo lahor ot a free 0f1 too Applying for adi- YMn, lms. 1535 one per est verroduen W -irm theu muAi bS l viic IWas Fedé as an agmn 'gltttakng op te Dinglay hill at Ibis session, hecause au extra session for lte general revision of the tarit! Iviii, iLu titeir opinion b. neuessary, no malter vbat tlte eo!flte bingley bill. lr.1 Ford mya ho teels very certain ltait lte Dingley bill voulti not atitiover $15,000,000 s year 10 our revenue. If lt ligures vers kuowu 10 be correct the Dlngley il vould not be serions- ly conaldereti by anybody as the oily excuse for its beiug vas tit t i Oild vipe 'ont te deficit, but itere are other expertsevito aim taI5Mr. Ford la vsy off andi ltaIlite btl vould add more than $35,000,000 a year lu Une Sam'a income. That'a juat theo reason why expert testimony la not more cou- vlcn.Il la 80 easy 10 geb lu on bot aides o! anyttiug or everythlug. Presideut vs. Preident-elect pîoma- ises to ho one o! tte moat important fealeres o! the short session O! Cou- greas. The influence o!flte tva men vill heasquarely pitteti againsl esci otiter lunlte questson of vitetixer titis Congresa shah altempt le legisîste for the increase o! revenues o!flte Gov- erumeul. Prealdent-elect lMcKinley has already giron bis fnieuda to under- stand that bu doesn't it lte Dingley territ! bill to be passed at Ibis session sud that ho vouiti prefer tat the vitole malter stoulti ha lot for lte uev congreas& It le kuovu taIPres. Cleveland viii,litta annuel message urgeltaI tehérevenue be lucreaseti by amending te internai revenue lava, sud taI iteis noltvititoul hope ltaI btis recommendations nill be !evorably acteti upon, lu part at leesb. Titus vo viii bave lte President brying tu gel Internai revenue legislatioli andtt he Presidenl-eiect tryiug 1teî,rereul siiter Ibat or barrit! legisation et te sbort session. Even If I'resident Cleveland tath ie aolid support o! bis parly, Insteati of hait a dozen St-usIons sud a fev ltepresentatives, hoe vould have lte poorest chance tu succeeti, hacause vitatever teir pensonal opin- ions mnay be, lte republicansa all isit l'o be on lte aide of lte inco'Iinig Presi- dent lu order to gel as muet patron- age ton their conalibuents as possible. Titis la nul so mucit politice as il is bu- man nature. PA LATIN E. Miss June Julien is on te alck liaI lins. Dr. Hulietb, o! Chicago, vas In lowa TuesBday. Let toot-bail geme o!fte cspsue Thrusday torenoon. lira B. O. Geplart, o! Chicago, viéstted triends bers recentîy.1 lira. Dr. Wood entertained fblonds !nom abroati oven Sunday. lira Geo. Stroker recelvcd a viait trom ber elater asat Sunday. lira. Warren tes retîîrîed tome tnom her riait vltb fionda itere. Thte Firsmeu'a tdsnce vas iteld etj Batterms's HeUl Tlianksgiviuig eve. lira. H. W. Barmeniug and sou visibeti tienda lu Chicago Ibis rock. Editor Lamay o!fte Barrington Ite- vvas"in love Wsdnesday toron oon. li. nsdlira. H. Quentin sud Iwo daugittors risited ti inds in Palatine lest Sundsy. lira. Mary Miler, o! Potteneiburg, Kansas, la risiting st ber daugbter's, M. andi lra. John Evanson, o!f West McHenry, vere gue8s of Wni. licks anti famiiy on Wodneaday. C. H. Patien sud son stantoti last Sundsy nigitt for Sit. Augustine, Floida, ou a businestntrp. Football tesa vent o Austin accoua panieti by s crowd of routera Satur- day. Nelîber ide scored. Rer. J. C. Bulciten viii preaccita Titanksgiriug sermon fluuday inorning. sud on "ýConscience" la tbe eveuiîtg. Dr. E. W. OlcotI viii bu found t bis dental nooma lu Battrmanu's block on Priday o! sacit vcek util forthlto Misa Libhie Steptierd, o! Chicago, risited wiitlira. Warren Taylor and other acquainlancos tu titis place over Testable belonging 10 te Fort Dearboru lrsusprtaîion company, ovuoti by Ira J. Mix, of Palatine, vas bsdly damageti hy. lire lionday nîglit and fiftyslx torses burnedt 1 deatit. Thte total losa amouxiltd 1 $1000. To cure al olti ores, fin beal an Indolent ulcQr, or to speaduly cureý piles, von neoti aiply 10 appiy DoWits Wllcb Hazel Salve accordlug 10 directions. Ils magie Uike action viii surprise you. F. B. Love», Liberty- ville, anti G. C. laoberta, Waueonda. WARR EN. <rom another Oormapoudentj Thte next meeting tae o! Aid Society lu vitit Mnr. Obeti Allen, Dec. 3. Amng the laIe arivals la a bigiti babyfirl aIWm. Csaimoe's Jr. Con- grâlulation are li ntier. Hanry Taylor lias rentedth ielmi Hurile farm anti vil more itis !amily thora u inte near future vs undéï. ataut. Mir. anti lra. J. P. Wilbur hai e returnoti rom Waukegae vitere titey have been visiting relatives sud MoInda te »sat fev daya. Rtay & Dotige are veny betty tuRking ouItlita corn tonrte fermersansd 5shredding lte stalka viitht Ieir nos 1machine puretaseti let tail. The Gages Cake Aid Soc»ity mei ivit lir». BSas Wright lest Tueeday sud vere iighly otenlaineti. A goond atondance la reporiti sund a very plomant lime. k u00bera o!9lte M.-W. A. vil lsa fii.Gno CaN GRAYSLAKIE SCIETIES. 1512<0 SUN Lofige No. i1s A. Y. & A. IL Rbold r=Juar oionmuuioationg Ssturday veung ns o tfoefI moon. B.LrrwIMl. W. Tuom'sox. Seoy, SOBOSIS Ciater. U. D. Order Esaten ~Star meet fOrsan sd tird Tuesday ae n.g MS. A. itAUGIT. W. lfas. E. B. gERmmÂ; Socy. GRBAYSLAKE Camp No. 134M. W. A. meet finit sud thîrd Saturday ereungs 01 sacé moflth. GEisOXa Baons. Clerk. M IZPAH Camp No. 2seR. N.ÂA. meet secound sud fourtitTueadayevenlngseach month lea. W. H.arîVZ. Oracle. Nas. SaîUMAs. Bec. eONGREGATIONAL Citerait unday mer- -'evices iotSt>a. m. snd7:o . il .Pnayimet- In Wedgesday eveniugs. . . S. C.. meet iunday eveninga at 6:46 p. an. Dr. Staffer vas lu Waekegan Titurs. bey. Did you est ail lte turkey yoe wanted? lira. Galiovay reternete t ber borne in Chicago Tnesdsy. lira. Holton vito bas besu quit. fil, se improving alowiy. Miss Edîit Harvey ts vorkiug lu thte home of O. P. Barron. Miss Chrnistian la laid up vibli quite asevere attack of quinsy. lira. S. A. Harris, of lillburu, risiteti ber~ son fiure lat Tituradsy. lins. Fisber wvas very Il i te paët sieok, but le soancytat impnoved. Sererai peopie fremintere atiended tse unerai of lirs. Doveil at Vole lest Suuday. Rer. S. A. Harris, of Mîhîburu, vas aceeu on our sîreets lasi voek Thuraday sud Friday. Albert Thomson ta rapidly con- vaiescing. He vas able te go out fluors lLonday. Mr. Longabangi t a preseut writing is agale conflued 10 bis beti vititnia titroat trouble. lira. Lusk goes Ibis veek viîb bier ebldren te riait Ibeir graudmother soutit-west of bore. Miilton Boyd tas moved bis famuly over bbic blackamitt stop, lu Fred Reubker's building. Mr. Titus moved iesfamily fremin.te Loftescottage mb ite lVasftburn cottage on Whitney St. The sermon asinouuced for Ji iiabbaît sreniug viii ha given next Suuday nigit. "Home Lite sud Dulies.' lins. Josepitine Austin, o! Dowuer's Grove, is visitlng lira. John Couverase and ottier triendsansd relatives tii week. Miss Beasie lloyd la delivçriug ber orders taken sonne time ago. Attel wviet ste viii go 10 Citicago for a rIait. -' John Wasétnrn tas made bie good vife a preseul o! a fine $400 piano. Other men take noice andi if yon eau, do likevise. C. A. Loomis wto la traveling ttrough the country vitih seetylenE ~gas stoppedhebre Sunday. le goos bu Richtmond from itere. Judged by te quanlity of muaie Grayalake seema quit. olliaieut. Be- aides the baud titere vas astingS orchestra iteard lu our siresta tii week. Lots organize, substitut. quaity for qu=nhby sud cultivsie our talent Bon Loftnu, Everetl Nevrle and Mark Huson startod for Wisconsin te- gettsr,teir errauti beiug 10 buy catli lion Lutes vent te Amhetea d reburued ivith tweuly-five beadj Everett Neville bas net yeb returned and vs underatauti Mr. Huson hai returued but wibb ont a beeti,that la a itead of catIe. Who viii have lte postollice seemi 1te bte leadiug question juat now T wo petibions are alresdy luate field boto!fvticit bave a number oc tiignons8. But wby nued e havei Change? The present post miabresa i welii iibisted mb tte wonk and underuandh if pertecbly, gnardiug vel, ibs intercala. Ve cannot do bottei and there l8ac poaaibiliby of dolui wor8e. Gnaysake biotel gess for the past week vere: Ji. N. Mornu»i, Burlngtuoî WVia.; H. A. Page, Aniieglon Heigiti lira. S. Dempater sud lira. Ellei sBrueneil, Gioverevilie, N. Y., B iConverse, A. W. Hutctins, Chai rBrom%~nu, James Lec, O. Briaille, Si( Dow, J. B. Rubbard, J. S. Porterfiel( sud T. S. Kelly, Chicago; Jas. W Mobron sud vile sud T. Hl. Phinney rL. E. Mliory, Waukegae. The Ohapel car servie la a thing of the peut. Monday noon iGlad Tidings" vas taken to Camp Lake, Win., vith the local frelglit. Although it vas here but a week Mir. sud Kira. Buit had made many frienda who much regretted thedr deperixre. Their work among ne cannot but bc produc- tive of much godd even though ai the "ameIL may neloiehapparent. Hia daly talka vlth the ohidren vere excellent snd va doubt not that h.e loft many gond ini>ressin thât vili be iastlug. Little children cSn bh easlly influenced to good or lied. Let us see that the good predominstes. Mir. snd lKra. Burkland lie belng the former manager of the Cresent'CoaI (Co. of Chicago,' vers the guest of J. Con. verse and vite Sunday. Misses Murgatrold sang a beautif Dl duet at the Christian Endeavor lest Sabbath eveuing. They are becoming popular anid very effiient singera. Christmas goods are beglning 10 1111 up the vaste places and take poaesion of our stores. Thomson & Co., at the drug store carr a fine Une this yesr. Both the Grayalake and Avon Conter achoola were Invited, tu a surprise party at Rlng'a who, liveuer the lce hoeus.A large number of boys and girls !rum here vent. Our village bas Justilnaugurated a nev move ln haviug a snow plov built. IlReofter the city meahal vlth horae and plov viii se 1hat sidewaiks are kept dlean. This as IL should bie. Mir. Washbure sand sons are at home front Bussell vhere they vere building Dr. Swlxnleya ne hous. The musons rare now doing their vork sfter which the Washburn'a viii go beck »nd uinise. t The members of Surosîs Chapter, 0. E. 13. 10 the number of sixteen pro. cured a couveyance lasI Thuradyp m., Nov. 19, sud afLer ail were snugiy sased, turned the horsas hoada east- ward towarci that greet city by the rlake ,uamely Watukegan. The objective rpoint was the Masonie Temple at which place the Waukegau Chapter y ers to hold their reguiez meeting suad also a reception to vhich Bornais Chopter had been kindiy invited. aAfter s warm welcome and hearty nhandshakes they wvescouducted itu lte Chapter ruent, vhere the regular IL meeting vas firaI held, after whleh *many non-members vere luvited iu aud the beautiful floral work o! the Order va eemplihled. The working icorps derservea great credit for its effIcient rendering of the difficuit, drill 18vhich was given lin counection witb the work. That those preut greatiy er enjoyed ILtwvas videuced by the br hearty applause vhich IL evoked. a After the vork o! the evening had comte 10 a close the guesta vers ln- ,dvited Into te banquet hall whjeh vas ()uieell decorated inl the colora of thec a, rder. Covers were laid for about 200 aud ve venture to say that the 2(9) tgdid fulil justice te ths bountiful suppiy leof vianda of varions kiuds thot atlured tthe taste. Miss Ida* Allen, Worthy ~>Matron of Waukegan Chapter, made an addresa o! velcome aud askod S. D. leTalcott10 act as toast master whjch hie a- diti vitb. great credit. Mm. Raugitt, tg W. M., of Grayalake Chapter respouded la to lte welcomiug address. Mrs. W Lorraine Pitkins, Biglit Worthy Grand t.Sec., of 0. E. S. made a fine speech vitlhch groatly euthused the malabers. Mr. snd Mra. George sang the "Larboard Watch," lirs. George read le a beautiful Scotch poem sund a number d,0f others made speeches util the bd anda of the dlock varned us that vs samuai bld adieu to aIl this pleasanieas land these kind frienda and return to ur homes. The mepnbers of Sorosi, Chapter greatly enjo*yed the occasion s and hope t0 be able te welcouic w.Waukegau Chapter te our lodge rouet L, ie the nur future. of a i tbem Pure blod, a good appetite sud r new sud needed STRENCTH. ig ____________ st Home-seekera Excursion. i, On November 17 aud December 1and te. 15, 18u6, the Chicago, Milwaukee &1 St. ai Paul raiiwey viilseli round trip excur- E;sion tickets to a gbeat meuy points lu s. the Western and Souttweatern states id bott ou its ovehUne snd claewtere, at Id grcatly reduceti rates. Details as bu W. rates, routes, etc., rnay be obtaincd ou Y, application te any ticket agent o! bbe Chicago, Miwaukee & St, Paul raiiway. o w These Priées a re'Stunners. Men's Duek Coats !ormally$1.25 ... 92 lisn'a Ovaralis fermally 50ec....... 35 lieu's 31.00 sud 31.2511usd gloves. 50 lien'a aboos formally$150 ......$100 Men's $1.010 kuit Flie .... ....... 65 Ladies' 82.00 3 bucklo arcties .... $1.50 Ladies' $1.05 Alashas.......... .. 55 Sllks and Salins (aIl colorsansd good) obesp-aI 50 centa. vîll ssii for a !ov days aI........ 30 Lots of 5oPrints at................ 3 (Ibid' Leggiugs Wortit 30oe....... 15 Lot o! Men'a Wool Oversit Wortht 31.50 at ..... ... .......0 The above sacrifice to get room and money for Xmas Goods. Because, We kriow You are one of the people, who buy where their money wiII go the farthest. We offer for cash: 2 5 Ibo. Buckwheat Flour ..... ....... 5 gals. Snow whito oil.................. 3f Lernont per dozen...................... SAxIs Grease per box .................... S4 Quarts Cranherries .................. À Grey and Black Frints per yard.......... SShirunk Mitts per pair.................. 49c- 35C lot* 250 510c 7c Men's Overcoats $4.98 up Bàoys' Overcoats 2.48 up Ladies' Jackets 2.98 up lammAil Goods upi to date in Sye_.,g Grays F. D. BATTERSHALL. Blake - - - - - Illinois. For High Grade BICYCLES AND ,JEWELRYI By B3uî ii i li!- OF S. B. Shermati, - GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. More About Mrs. Cowlin I Dr. O. B. Howe Since some people bave exprcs'ted at Jr. ts q(.îàiflttaiy and seeauly doubt of the correctuesii of thii vuc1,tuîrvdmehd a tesîlimonlala of some o! Dr. Ilurve <; chrîpule patients vhich have appcared lu thet- Dxsîescs o!(l c lunga, heart, titroat, columus and especially Ibose of! lra cosbe,, etoinachliiver, kidnsys, bovela, W. H. Covln aud Miss Della Stratton, vmi), and txi al organs. of Woodstock, where Dr. Howe rSee siEIs cem. higl. he taesfuitr Iathoito!sultrheunu, scald hoad, lattera, these ladies lied been given up by ipstoriasis espîtîs, psorifas li ycomia, sererai able phytiîciaus as eutirely (chrbers' itet) ring vorm, herpea hopelesInvalida for mrnyuv earK otr n i om 1stno prio to egining reatent 1thoruption, blotchffl, black heada, mIe., hlm sud Ihat orider hiti mariage- i ured lu une anonbh. ment tlbvy are both 1mw iand MLsÂ<Dd1îFroa HI bavebec fo moe tiin yer rmoved vithout pain by eleet ISysia. lu perfect bealth. The following ta clip- Cr nrntel ped front the Waucondo Leuadsr wbich gurnei editoriai vili thruw somne light'on t îI,ý DisE.Aszs OF THE cEavoVa rTTI Case andi coming from tte Editor Mr. Neuriathenia, locomotor ataxia, pro- F. L Car la ~ nî~uîiungresalve paralytis, headache, neuralei. F. L Car ls wyon quetion ticativa Insomnie, epilepsy, eured bî "withahad e dottetocrsGernian method and electrolysia. watta sado o!dout tc io cris RHIVMATICM s"nte, articuler, muacu- acivertised in tho Lihertyville lpaper f Ian, luflamruutory sud riteumatic gent, Mir&. Colu sund Miss Stratton, ,! fpstvlcri b e n uc" Wo>odtoek. WNe vaut lu state for ite poliey rdbysevaduce. bendlit of such Iliat ws are personaîîy fui proceiw. Cure guaranteed. acquxinted wth Mr. sud Mn,. INm. X -RAY APPARATUS. Colu sund vith the ftbler Olf Miss Stratto)n sd that withîn a nîonth Mn.t Dr. love bas a complote clectrical Covle bld us mnueh more ofte tI'eat- outflt incinding the celebrat.d meut and ecure Of his vife l'y Dr. tiseyrovibz Iloetgen Bey Apparatus for Hove tb:n ile metiolietl luthe! iediograîbly sud Fluoro"c oDemon. INDEI'EN»EXT UMr. Cuwlitu l8and old sîration. noidier, m ti a prisoner in Auder',ufl TOPL0I& -STATIC MACHINE9 VOIR»IO ville andI iu, a citizen wbite word is asi AND 0ALV AS ILSBATTERIES sud a&l kinda good as thtt of any man le this or kiny of dlagîîutic sud operative instru- otiier cotunt.sud that il Dr. Howe had meule itu assist him li arrivIng et a a ton, of g.uid buo fen he could Dot hire1 correct diaguosis of any disese sud hlm to ImIake any sateeeu t !theol i reueesif nitreatnet both medicaI absoiutelv truc. l'au,'ondtx Leader. sud 8surgîcul. CLUII FP.r.rstreigitteneti by aurgîcal operatitaî <Tnuomy.) D)R. 0. B. HOWE HEMOtifOIuaa (Piles) ered vithout Hec nmade a malendingolferof$l(ýttaliy Pailf ni operation lu most cases,_or person whu aiishov proof blnat ydelay tron u lisess. testmonal pbliliedhy ini n tvse VHIoCOCELE permanently cured bya columns la urtrue to the letter, if atty HluIJiOt'ELE AND HEINIA cured 4b case rcpurted. or which niay 1w lit the ot operation or delay fromni 'k»l. future througb tbis peper is lu teue MALIONANT TVMOIOI and &a an6ma ieett exageraecd or over drawu tht-ne growthbe foreigu bodies, n viii be un opporttiniby for monte bue, etc., romoveti by aud~a sceptic tu mike a ralse ut $100 inluan operatioi. l easy vay, but dont yonf frget Dr. DEFoituRJYJES corectoti sud blrth Hove eau publiait a whoie lot of marks removed by electrolyms. 1 remarkabie testimioniar~s ad have 0CONSULTAITION FIEE ANDi cokar. them al Irues and unîmpeachable. If yon DENTIAL. Ail medicituos !unibea have beeu a long lime SICIÉ and vautpains te, get Weil ccli ou thîs eminent patin ts. as&TYiBuiù mpeciallst. if you eujoy beiug an Lilýrtyville, 111. Invaliti stay avay, but stop mutterlug HuitiSitiayoniy il a. m. to s p. ip te chimuey about doctors belng m. <Oeil early for to-day viii nover no gooti. davu egait.) (Atidresveek day., Murphy Block, Woodstook, Ill. FRESTI Miliers aud SpringerB ai- N. B. Dr. Hove solîcita only the ways on baud. Bulle sud Canuers patronage of those vho bave aougbt a talien lu excitange for Frest Cowa. cure elevh(dre vîthout som ansd. hl ILLER, IHNBur & CATIls, doesa nu expeet ihose vho are doilng wellinlu tebanda o! other phyoiolana -~ to cali on hlm for relief. For Rent. My farci o! torty acres, situated oe mile sud a hail sonth-west of lliamond Libenbyvîlie, Lake Co., Ill. 5-9 asur O f Appiy or cddress COUN'nv FAIME, Liberlyville. Grnnito Non u nMo il t s. CEMBE'rEY woIth ot J'WLIIY Marble

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