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Lake County Independent, 27 Nov 1896, p. 7

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Bats' Strangce Metbod of Theft Pves that Animlal&Cou Mienson. Thse quttstion often cernes te me lu my e-ork lu biopiihstt, "Do yoîs thuîsk tsaitishe lower.atsiitai lis tise rea.gls' ing pow.er?" iAiItîtvnise to inîliear by the' obstervation of a lady w lîii t1lstow vs-r> .tiI, w ho-te [taine I w itilih h il!! Inu- lly bet-aiie tIlhtve' Dot aske l iser for tise lîrît-lege rf usiitig It, says a ivriter ln thse New York W'orld. ,,he ltis a esref[sl iîtîsewlfe. The ezgz; wire dIls-tpprearing mort' rapidly [bat thte ftîîslly'a fotsdlncss for eggs About lieIstiv a. 'tfeat uRiludi"1lîezi t .rîblo- oophlcai bisrder, "are îîaly relativ e." Ye.aAsbuîry 1 i'eîý"rs assented; «and thse riciler :lîei are flic coller." wo(uld account for. Site questloned -nhe ritiier wubat r' the' cook. Tise cook knew notlîlng 'Rentles.-<iciuatîEnquîirer. about the' matter 'l'ise lady reiilved _____ ______ lier self lnto a letî'ctlve. ýbi ppent ?hyaicaueN ait, in 'f Ih"ir (lencrAtion. ut-is of lier tinte Iidden In thse cellar, výaaboe cla.tif A,> %vll-iitte were aise kept thse eggs. Finally ber mad have rî.Peas i.,i y-I'b rli.ai(- î>sa-toitio, imener of[l teti ' Ito-tiIilti'rs a. a «a1.diillg lwai. rewarîle-l. reum.dy andî prevérntive f tIti- ai! gua'. Thi isi wlt slip, saav: Tlwo rats ahaumatlani. want c r,! i r. ri- rîîiî ît a" soute ittier na mtuit tandoitiii i.i a .pç roatciied thelxit st bt l. fel d thle Oo.s of the iyit ill! , î. ieteaid ii e t- s Wh. en, a fer Cii -11 îr:î lîl* troni- Vain ae mgt hm ý %jl !v 'it ie. i ley- b d ,t t ents egg out, one Ou publie ailtlie pr' n (i éy lis haiJ il.eà 1*If ii eutIalil iiild of the egz, .tuirtied »ow ar-e ItuIruraaîiif Aidir111-ti1tiii ý,,ii .Ilr toi h i h ek attI Iî itihe e.g. wlt ft«ve. Leke. Ou.l four of tfi., , o(I ts brea,!t anti Ler er s e1:,- ! [gI.tv v ai iiitin. Wli it dill tia' otlter rat (Io" "Weilte rs git,î i: ttg tilclaid ltîiiii of thétailoff tihe rat lilsi- "Wel. veîîîglt bî î~ t e tu-o di ati.cc ti t1WPll i 1to tileir lîcle way te * lie .1, tl! 1 1 .s!.r' ,itie,'-t"': , z - '!t ii li - The ,It o f ÉmZm ci t t.":ýý I î :.i Vi à., r tîIs'ii frontit. t!e euok. hgtýw ji ...i 1- 1iIî.-.ài-1 tt o Us a l- a i,, 1:e. t s 1u tLe 7tl; r t t"len o dt iii il,* rî1.i tý- ».Ilr i-i Thi:t fiioilv bv site a t . i i t'l. I i* ii. l' ela e d , O %%hettfi- ortio it ad 1:. rit o-, i tt i - I- l i, Iî r lives, or to cuO!p. ' i i .-i ei ~. :tu:.t.1- mi. ha.v' imore gy- tntl et- l.îtî.l if . IVlu .. %i : Iýl t i a -ý le fi,.iî iîîy i ,.e îîta eilently foîr t'- i l:.:-i 1.; . other kind. <C'î 't îiauii.t I CieîîtCniuaîi thla soup.. l*i:le. fr î. . ' .ti li-t itriîeîrDitst-' botel îriîitî. i.:iti , - - sfi t-i p !nit-e l e iutili -Whiy cati ii k t,.3-41U i I lirt tof a i'.grce. fquletly,-lle-ttîtie 1 hi ie Ii L i fir,.t . iitt riglit.- conv.etîclo I ~ ~ ~ ~ t Si-o îrt.en iî " it-li Fis.N. Y., o011.11,1 l, liý4s ed virtue, uu'xe'lin tsilUciIl. . Ti~tltl'iti(i cîuee ss that 0evi r suifis i. litandtsi s etr aI 1It ielalli'eni p~les li l lta b' t lit Vergar>-. but sls:*ilcs otio f *titi'r:i -e i f etislu(e,](.8~Qi7 iWben Ihit itisetrtal gIirlanttIis Iobai - tun for, n(t % vitbiolt dutsan,]liteat.- Vi-tivI-tI It i $st> tite live firtvN-Six John Mlitont. - at iiit i îitiiîtt lI liii lav1s <ai- ______________________________________________ î aîr. Meico1(0bass ttlir.t titLi oitlid frazil yIJL'o (I.IS. I lMwrCoduet and Otaiaftrn 3-titfleà Youniz girls. oflen tel at-i Cose- quentl1' act, virvsi.rtitgeti - Tlsey aslii [cars wttliout aprarent Muse, arc e nessa irvuub, ut-i tut =Smaln-, ost F rtna.l Tisey aeem mui- &bsorbed, anti heeI'lcss cf t] §cg on aromiîd tisem , Siti eomptaintif palain i -. - bsody, flushecs of licnt la head, etc Y'oung girls are nit free fi( ont tvomnb troubules Motberg shoutid sec to t i E.Ptnnlam's 'egetaliIe Cc >pronaptly ttikees; ail druuggi-.'f The girl wtli apecdilv 5< - in"and a probsable di la&vertiud. Aay tafermat ionoe -ject, or regarditog ail tentait 'wll be cbeerfully given fne Plskbam, ai Lynti, Maâq. A.Stasecw .la AS tin'gs go- EIr - ata attaitll it'e grot-tta;,i' or S-i va îtrs. Ilis i- it.'-tury v tui k l-gi ti witti l. - itsl- vrittt-u, Oi-iOnuliî t g)tu imut17, tu, t titrs at thtitige tf 2 i i:ioit or of theu t-at. "f ilatra lt-at t . î Il' iiu- tic .2 :ý I i ati ti i hsti--s a t o r î t- lVfîî î- t':1-. i ":4) e. ir - f ti-, il Ildi i c I i' ibf ,,:it ittiiti:lýi. h ii I :1 i. t p-. .1 tf i ti-ut' itt i- i i;.1 u i I aza oI ceýs id eet, u-tt- . iýý; t,) leui,-il'iit he g iiit if r r,,trfl tI '-*t l , tfii i ilesi ciii tat 1,- dia iît---ylitr-ligrarHtiii itn OP iapouii i irraitgt d. Thetriitair- rlit'ut Ea havte il. g'îO V~titti' 56Dliren it.t t langer be otîier c't'ps itereltc'aîi la propor- -n tliS siba i.,*The aleatiti;t îî-uîc onduetî'd tise -aHiîctrts, t-xpieriiDet,5 aIse Iiedt ti.effeM (itf vtv-l- ce bv Y rs. trifi , gset-is before pantig andt VÏrite ber. Iftîuttd luit w-len tisîy weîe eubjecîiEd tiÏ. Ttiui-.aad, [o tise urreait fon ily tvo Dminute'sIsle L. ica.Mi tiilh1)(1ty OfthIeir grow-ti wa nearly 48 d , ttrubieti. Sweetness and Light. Put a pinl in the plit if you wart practical ~ preaohing for tke physiosli mo ; then put the pil in ths pillory' if it does not praotise 'wh#~ it preaches. There's a whole gospel in Ayeera Sugar Coated Pulls; a «*gce'apel of sweetness and light.Y People used to vr-lue thoir physio5 as they did thoir religion,-by its bitternjess. The more bitter t1ho doae the better the doctor. Wetve got over that. We taire"sugar in ours - gospel or phyeioý-now-a-deys. It's possible to please and to purge ut the sanie tinte. There may be powver i a ploasant ptll. That ia Che gospel cf Ayer's Cathartic, Pilis om 20'-1 nosa ara ail more o e cia affectedl ,W Mtarrb. Tise eya.a bisre 1 nfiameti. N andi watéry, witis d'lit, bety pain beweeu [hem; lisera are roaing. buzzing abelbe ia the pars, ant! sotoctimea tihe baristi eaffecie:thénlise cela s severs auRas-rr withis is onstant. uueomfrtabia Omebarge. AIitsese t.gay-reenils ymp- ts May b, essioved the i',se of Hood's Sarsaparillia 1%0e *m5aIittact. thafe et fuie Hi-iditea. f resli, everybody- till be morecq-intortabl eteially desigacti apertîsses la 'the ccli- illuminated brllinntly ,vitis ieauitfîl 4ngs, an sti i draîvn tisence te tlie outoitie clusters et ineaniieai-et etîctric ligisia i. a site aI fatu place-i on tlîe rouf of tise aboave tise tinted glass celings, an.d net cîu--i corridor, jîîiniîug the Senate only in tise gisleries. but on tihe Srîîa'Se errg to Ille olti central bttilditng. tlour, everybciy wil bc more coînfiitabîe irise îaiieiin.- of the igutlery tvalls bas by ri'ason of tise otany noret inpuiîiv e lu -t -iiî-î, cd atduti taltutin lighis-nandi ments la tise recainiiruetiiir, lieniing titd-i noînti it-uenii esiîua.anîl tîe loîver wal ventilation cf [tic rcsiurcd chaniter. Tise Iouittire aitlier lhate heem restored anti temîrnttîre in suttiner ivilil e kelut 1i elind i iilight pt-art, ivitisgolti tamasis aut cîiîaileta>metiset cii siuaiga i Iiail. Thes;preina gallery lislikewise syatem. rinuut MI t iintd5 actseisotus tIhe Ibt-in rei.iort.d in att tauîtroveti forn, anti persiuial coitîfiirt anduuli-ii ttre ofthtie Set>- vcuttltiîig chairns citîpluot those cf tise atiirs ili be prtmoti-iI litthi; b,'-1: miii tilanànaad tpatrno. cmn ageocii-s tuati ii-y ci-iti tit. 'AllaJcandet centt LiLlits. thug grnter islîcitiit i i iii'ijti Thet'usitiitutioniîof ii-aîuîîiscent ee- tisait cicr ire uc-I-iii., irutît oirt.trie- igi1ts aiéte la> gtos "t-ltnges laa gtateseicn o t'>a eLt-- tuo 'brea i t i't Ilie greu il f- n.vîioi t i-n tue olti gag I'nltpd Stattes Sentiti. tli. Iii fuirnu -r tilis, unît-as carefuily 'lhe Cliaisl )iinuteî. t..-r- ii,-th g 't hîlglits nitlise ceiiing Tis e i'ii" liair auia -ta i i..W!vt-is u-tili a--' lte t(ici.utiurcof ,tiei; ttu- nruttivlrs blitîeatliii v e.irt- tel tIl ,lit 'tii Lt r a-, LOti t lh iu u'trt'(.in- otht- ucurs lie riîbun Ilyf i e- intui ti-r. ,t i f hltit tut ilur. andt tftFlittîil(s Itle sudt- hy a v% utoulu otuîî cfîi-ry . 'Fl-ii,'-- lnî1,-1 ut t i îîlsl:tit.r thie' iass anti Iy,ti-faIa. gtaiileres it rc ît eti> iii'lîa nrIlle t- titt-'lI l t'es of Senatons dti lnisi-tl. and ila ru-iii - it'v 1nY un l>t ai V.i l yîî It> x) . tarc I igitis hatut; een tuiiliuuitibl, iii ii, nliki'ilin',f utn1itsi1 dt at i lu- r;- teti tlîriiîgliîut tise np-tii u1,tth it l.rs.'Th~e so'.î.î' a rIt.>il li"i 'îii an(]rî te lt- tif y-t ism ty tif tise ch1 <ttlit rit-aci-i,iiii . ted 1.5 ) ltileui iittti-li[ine gruuîhs aneivell peopleCibit t1tre arIii ut--tut t1 i u ut..-Ili'.iitoli tsi'if. heoelîustliiays rl-iu!iii t .iiiiitthtI "t-t- --tu iii and'-n flu-itlecli ' tiisordenrly crwnutîg en> y-at Lii ttio-[ti. - t stul tf tIhi- itttite îit'ajîtoi Tisare aie' ut 7M 3chatinrs ti th- t gal~ti- g!i.i-tîtit , aoutillititi ylice reuiutîii-ita- lerics.sot-lt cunr a sent if r.eýrvtî -a .îii A ti-n te'ilir n,-ut ita.eiit w- are whi-fîcthtti-y htave al t i-o illo-ld i cthea timalle, îî as î'iiiii ritititil t-o sar linis offi- et ctati ty cat belC t net t bd, andtki its clliiapict u-ti utigti u- i the of the oe vir-iting e i' l - bc d. iiold tice t"I iaiefuît iti it Tltise y-tii erv cuhatrs arn. r( mt~a1t able 14isib~ 'i le t-,- a puritril thle at uly ' ithliut fro thtei fiet tbat tibet arte C'iill,cd it h si lu a Ct'isi' of tttiuir:îti-n fuir tisose ivhi ue I.zit- ir; etiiIa rtîbl>y a.. unîtted %%tltis [js it 'ik iii i ii tî 1w.îtout gg'i'sl aibits si'ritt tte rf Ille existiiug -oitdi- tioi. s as shaii ec euosinteniit t he [is at- taitOitut of t ilt"resîlta t andl, on tise oMirer Lianiiî. 1 laive isiiis ittlîîcced by a \\t feelinig i44 ru-.i renu for tîte noîble 1tuim- atg otand its grnt usesn,, itisichis iiptla tue foil rt-iouiiuitaiii ain cf îtotiig short of - tihe nuust c-iiillete and effectve equip- 'T'e; ciit of thi rr-tewal of tise Serntt ich:itstîurrliats becti $55,(f0O, for wvlIiî' an - appiropria tioîn itts iaidi'tlit ie last ses- a . - ii-Osion01Cctgress en tite aîtnary civil bibi, andi the Cciiiofttise exten'sionofethtie elec- i; ti trie i>ait c stet'o tise Catitiugrountis 4f - it~as'.vtiîin thp 450< granleti for tisat fl - ~ pirpoqe ait the saitne . rat: ~ ~ 'iew.itig al] tht'se miode'rn attracions tt¶ anti'comiptng tisem wiiti tise olti condi- Si- o.. '4 tien of tliiugs in lise Senate, formes fris- S.... ~ ~ qietsc os f Oitis!habitat et ,.'the mnts distitigtuisi legislative bsody on earth" NICW VENTILÂTING C<'tT. mt. na> tii-hbe justtîleti In giviny- utteranee ttitîilcou,- Soutisera colloiîuialiasia, an original ventilating tievice. Eali Wr ii tat" chanir bis two naisogany legs tir situports, anti tutier these, formjag a part of tise Wiltim1't, Hazen, ciief o!fithe secret legs, inaua apparatua for tiiffuîing an sertvice, frre:airy tii-îartmcnst, lis TUSa an- equtible cu rreal cf fresis air of the iglit puia report shotws the total numisroref tempes'aure in anti arotsnd tise lotiig arneata smade titring the les! fiscal year and bodiy cf tise occupant Tise ais' la tu te have be 780. 0f tîte wtaole nsmiser be suiplieti confinous!y front abatis un- et persas arresteti 175 -%'ere convicteti désaneaah tise Socs', and 'W111 be it teti and senteocait, 144 pleadeti gtsiity and evenly fsoniapartures la tisa put)ports, go ivere sentencei. The reuiaintier are that tis-eawill be ho drafts. Tise con ofethies' awaitiag trial ors entence or flot tise ventilated cliri was $3,M0, or Spied. 8.5.14 tplece. The Setiatorz' asalzogatiy deas down on thse Benate floor are aiso Tise Board of Election Coaaalloaera tted witis stmlar veuilatôra. .lnimisedth ie recunt of vote» la tise For- - ~ <a, ~ ilth Vonclor istarict of Maaseu- q a¶ jau.aàeD. Aljn .-ils. coloredas .- %âk4wù&asdàaL5 miL aùlausA .>.*âs il Ceebratin u i: i te aeent7.t~ê Tuitiietaoupi, o C5'USe" as~ tion iliant features. Thze twohaa, «Mv besieplored ianssacis of TheYOult compa~nic NOW LKE A ThiEATER I eague's delek, tIi-ev bas been a des! et joking ln thse Pouate eh these ubjeet of jvtjion. anal there tiraiofficiais la the t'H E SENATE CHAMBER RE- I1Sentî.' vora'nark titit the preseat Yven- MODELED AND IMPROVED. tilaiiî [ iu'-ts tise seiiel cf tisat jocu- i lar andtigi--tuiîtt-îtagitaion. Fir-it, a u-iiM1 itorastc plahti ciîating $15,- ilow thse Anttq-uted 014 Legtieative 00Ottis - n I lthuiiithe terra -e a! thse Hall Hus Feen 3Modern îzed -(atle ry t" "'it frouîtt -f ti'-(tititol. h la otierateti Male Like a ttacony-Venti latin&: hi-Vttheii'aial i uiîîiiiat huri-i-s sîttilu- cluàzati r-rîi m:i aiisne, a tank, Chairse for senstoe.and fSpectatorts. aniiîsýilitî:iir oau a'ticini'. Exeeaingly - etittilu ru, 'iis opietiiî IllOe atr ins the Msuy Flectrtc Liabtu syttiliof tir lui-ts rn-aeiitifroîn flua ter'- Washington coreponienct: race tote lie ltribiltittg u.itfts. This ab- T HE work of renew- letraet,; tiie hiiiiility frîttu tise air andi log thse historie ~ri'tiuîr-î is i'tipirtrein(] aîî ut le con- T S e n a t e chtsmhcr, Itr0lieil go tliiith[le rtý'iIiite supply of whieis lias been lin cool air caii!bi' given to tise ,-iate even pregresa, is noI in thelieo.st turrid ii Waauinzton susmmer j coplet, anIlleis vpzatlii'r. Aooriatei witi tisa cold ti Bc- compleeueom andg ic plntîiia re tresis air anti steam n t- tores sliow tise new log aitui.Tite steam hentiîtg plant < 'i:. gtalleriesani tsepc1 in tise Si-otte bllaefilîr-t fsîrnisbes this t-l cîtiar type ot ventu- istei lir.a ici air te sîstormatiir fans ai at iatng baia .-lti 'f iuiiti' îî-nature. Tise olti fans and wiie they are fur-'- te'itueuc:îts have bieen removeti. ad nishet. Tis tsa'e reer att-I usre'-ficient faus sisbstituted, - picure ivesa geti triva'l i>. le-inic motors titrectly conneet- ides, ot thse iuprov iet i wtltise saft fans. - aîperan-e hiil W'here They Gel Air. the hall presents.of Tise pitre outside air StPiipplita th@is SWisat .as <el t1st.ýnt isrtrir.y- coilt.isla rougist fresnthe <9l i'U tise meat primitive atone titi ar nt thse tsortbît'easec..tion of andi antiquateti legiblative chatabers binfthe (iiti gr,-iuîîdu, andI, after being thse clvillzed worlti lias been ehangeti into properît. tarnicdtiladififuse(] threîtgh thse perliaps tishe stmodern one, equiptied ichatirirthattîs. The temltiraturc is reg- witli a multitude of devices andi couve- ulated iv i.9 speiaI aitiiinatie cdevii',. If niences 'Sut! are not ooly f-illy airenst of tise t-i t(riti-ue in tise Scuate Lisouîd uhe tiay, but consiitirahly in aittauce of chantee-,iii- îegrc i-'itisa 5 020 würn or toc Il. Ageti anti wiitc-sairei Snatura. uske cool,.ît-ieil t î huta.is i ?tIse tit air sup- thse veuersible Morrilî. of Vermout, tvho 1iy in a .t ini.uc if trao verm, anti allowa Las ocecttjaft-t a seciat in tise chasbt-r for tise l i~r tii ain titIî it untilrtise de'- thiriy y-crs. may le led tii woiern attise- esrld 'tteritire iiirestreti. If toc whnt it litenithuev stri,-eit" nu-wiy ac- cuil.l. t - tii1> yif e i iair la restt'icied quiret I atlenîlors. An'd thse rtunger and ia a ii'iIan tt a. More festive Stauýtonrs. L,.eyes'a au Tise ir ..'piiiy.weher heafeti for win- ofien nee ct tg tht' gaîleries te catch tiseter orutf tiyr colti-l fîîr sumeter, ili smilles andî glatuceaiofît tieir fuir occupanits, force-ti tnti tise vatrions p îlantstittitis an a lii mre tise stieitators, wn îîenîwdet inla î'-n pressuîrei- irouithtie air-attafîs un- olti t'iteci .t rotlen Ieiechffl as of yos' er te it'aïr-tiIltt fiuioring tif tise Senate but ssItlisxuriiisl-n in isi.îg tiers of antid uttr.-.tkr-ttgl ttee loiskntd chiair operta riitirg. ro-lily clethuti'tud andi ule legs, andttî hir-iîgletise diftîiiig boxes, hiaîstened ii indris rel td 'randi cou- Thei linisur-ine ac-ri:ilrld i> regt.iators at rîîi 'tniofterna îunoique dti ge nisier ra< i i(il:ir, di'sk a titIbox. The The> titii ee tise ivalI.m raineweîl antifoni or c îiiuîti i dairsescale" tbrough es- !A deligistul spply of fasciz StoriLs, Iluinorous anîd Travel St- Volume ton 1897. Thte tîîtîelY Fd I'Curreni Topics"anaiduu"Nature Much valuahie infermtatien c.ry to Jan. 1, 1897, wlth Beautifili Calendar. Conipanion ahi llIi sent free, for tise rettainuicr etths-' y-ar 1896, te ail new g> ultcrieri.. onie of the mo'ii heautital g>Calerirsiit;i-d tht.. trir wul ilt.lo lbe g>given toe.ihn w î4uicriler. Ih la mide uo I ý>r Clnrtui:ig l'h-turcs in Iti C , e ,tf:y esecruicl. Its sire deligisall..' i.".liais Calendar L bapfti>In.lulei-i Thse %'outl.'s *, cempani te auI cet' 'J t bc k tint Art Stores tir les-i; a.one dollar. g> 700 Lavrge Paes in Each Vo !1> 1 ei. l fi Iia t&e i '.aI .. tllsam ui.118s ut g> 12-COICr jr~~ TI1E YOUTH-'S COMIP inaiing Siories, Adveniures, SeriZ- teltcîes, etc., are aîiiiettceîl for tbp ditonials, lise "Curreut Et-enta," the o and Science"- Departasenta give yweek. Send fer Full Prospectu. Distinguished Writrs IAff KACLAN. RUDYARD KIPLING. HALL CAMNE. FRANK R. STOCKTGN. 5AROCD PREDERIC. MADAME LILLIAN NORDICA. CIIARLES DUJDLEY WARBEI. STEPENCRANE. IIANLIII GARLAND. MAX OIRELL. W. CLARK RUSSELL. ALICE<iLONGPELLOW. BON. THOMAS B. REED. ANDREW CARNEGIE. LMET. R. E. PEARY, U!. S. S. DR. CYRUS 4DION DR. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. DR. LYMAN ABBO1TT. AntdiOne HSîsdrad Ottes. ouure. 52 Weeks for $1.75i 'i -t -ta Matm éli ssSa lsIe 84 .-«I IM A$1.15 (th. au iti m p =)piSai sSmoai":t npaats5 s-yit «s&ifrm eu n5bfOtpUM ta .- " t. 1897; kr.es aS5 sr'r. DM.satswM*mss t i 5-pals$97 tts r a il.Th. mm acssy 5151j .r_51 . Ssed;t Q C W yM.a ta1 m, t. jm m 1y .tlsa«. ,,,,a .n... 1161 401. min u ..,,.. ,ss,,,u PANION, Boston, Mass. Dou't Tob.acca Sptit nit timoke Xour Life kway. If ytîu eant tl) quit [ t Ii itstt uing ,'aiiy sud fiire'î r. rîasiiîi LIst iu.aî?sooil. be malle %veli, strottg, uitaguiie, fui] of acta life sant!vigiir, t[ etih. i '. -a.ii'eî der-wIIrkî'r t ha t ii ik 's i. ak iien ai ni t, 1Mayiaî i n ten tpiii iil stte 'nla. a. (t-r 400,it Cul ct!. Ilut . T' ti -fri.vi oviî irigguit. e o lc iigtiiraiite-ia t!i-ir.. hîttg lZrivii-il C... ('iiiigi or Niiv Y,îsk. Home-S'cekers, Excursions. : On Nov. 17 a-id tht-. ititd 15, IM, the Chicago, Milit suise aîsîl St. P'afl Rai;i eay wi iisel] imutd t rip excuriîîtt ticets tnt tii Ci ia go tIo a er'a t itwiti ii [ons nIlie esteil renad )souili ientirîtG a n s o n stalles hotu te z)ils c a Lue ani clst li'- FCo es where, lit gre4iiy reiiîiieii rate.'. titi7ý J ith a better understanding oft th as [o rate's, routes, etc., iiiay 1i,. itiièiiied TVtransient nature oft tise sany ph7e- on apliciattin [o any eiillu itî-kt-t eigt, i. c2ut ls 'olhvanîsh befox'e proper ea- or hy adîirîîning F. A. Miller, Amsilistatîl rtb-gentle effort-Pleasanteffortr- Getierail aaaieuer Agent, Chicago, 111. rsgflstly dirc'cted. Thiere ia conifostlaI ________________the kaowiedgc that s0 many forme of. To Catchs the PF'estit-e Cotd. ai -knttss arc net due te aisy actual dis- A Northt t'iia codftslier earriî-s a set of case, but timply te, a constipated condi-i lines .20 fjtlinisIlilegth in liiv-ti,)eiofthe avak'rn, wich thse pleasant liice .20 f.tîuisa lt htîtît tid lit fain il y laxative,. Syrupsof Fizta, prompt- lng tiii, tsîsazil.g nuî,ibler of 4,91>0 i'iiks, Iv rcnaovcs. Tîsat la why it l. tIse OnI(i every une of wiie must lie bated. rb.d ihinlosffsmlen S !je--,c ryîlierc esteemed se bisgblv by aUW Lane'@a lsiy 2nle(letne , tibsvalue geod heï.lt.làts>inetlcla Iloves lte howels cal b day. ID or- 1effIcetd uat'oduo e to tclt, that 1! la the der Io be he,ýittv iLs is heceti>,ary., one rtxnady Nvhtch prornotca internal Act gîîtv D bu>lier idksni'*.1.. icanlin"-ss, without debilitatlng Cures sick headaiie. 1llicei.17) anfd Wbc. orginionwhiîhit a-tii. It iqithereloi ______important__laorder te, get lis bene-' Esiîeltie Theater. fiejilkii'cets, te rote Nwhorse you pur., A i i ld mien ta itti;tir it Ni w cse, tttuiit l;acr t te g't'flinc article.- Yoîý iii" thrlie igli ut il a iieýzl rel t !j;rùj.Dtiflfictiiret I' thc Cilfornl.a ell»yhini.t.s Co . uny, aud seld bly al repsi, ______If iD tÇtoi enjoNment of lgood liecalib Ceaghissg Leads tlo Coriastiiffon. 'and tiii' y'yitet N t>î" t.ar, tisez. lai Kenitia Balaaein Willstop !lise 'iuigh tiv t,tr çiiuer rte n ~,efot needed., at iil:cr'. <;,te yits i tulgist Iii day Il ;tfi 'ted witlh can.1-tadisease, OU& anîd get a GaLtl iffebtile tz-te. Lurge mti:î.Qiec)mmcDuiiItl ý let tles, 50 cents and (;.ul o ai. otice; p b~iaDs ua if iDn c of a laxative, deiays are datîgerous. tlIcii oui' stould Lv- te bŽtand wtth, ________________liiit:'el~i (lerovervxllerc', Syrtipof,1 Petît)Iillay-s îîîîîîîîîn inî wîiî-i you Fig-. standls ltll, iii iîl iii l is -t la¶Rety. litit a 1)ic Iir-itîîî ajjittn t egiees tn'a't gý-cecalm aatsfaciofl. Ci s-rtsiim,~ite liver, >telneys and bowels. Neyer sicken, veak-enorgt. WMi:iîte-er niovey b;1h' lai-i- rui- I~..nis5ttidaait. Ill-. the' htîlr tiiii> be r-a îi.l i tt it.d I a votlior 1,yithi' u.ý; uf tienit îîtî'îîtrtte When bilionsa or costàve est -a Cascaret.'PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS, c.sndy catlisrtic; cure guarauteed; loi 2rac. i sAJliw I[i.tdàXatd a!, s ý Patenabity ealis,çm 1 ~'e~.ti. pcIi-ilii s';tif iiso'u. cure PAtaNT.iasâki'"ra..sasntaI~ pri, -îte îîîî k ""i-tiiîit.ts Ms.l t-rrENSIONS PATENTS. CLAIM,, c> .ziae Ma~rque.tte, K:iev. -.1 ,PS 'JON W .ORRIS. WMhboïDA1.. Jît ttry a 10e box of Cascarcts, Ibeabo- ins. Sasae ac.i... U. iat. ?.i»", sDM."ls. est liver antd bowel rejgulaor ever matlie. ' 3______________________________ ki i, nes ýhto 'ta ntis Jaia~t a-tosI, ODIl PIsL e.ci. bs ntuatlia tilti tera -ti1-oi4- asto."l- Ia Ssw%= clasir at.[ry. T yII i c. Aak taur inca-r ec i. l 'ialle ie,, isitta tiie. s.'4N . ~. 48 -ll NIrs. Wn.ioa.5 Sotuasu e, 5cr ibitil a N wrltlitto Advertiaera, plesisedonot ffl lisat:.it tstha .slmasinitaonmaau, ieeninthé alper. AdvertI.eaa M" "va'aa fl.e i vstU M t. a bouts. t. hsow what inedlsinsapas ur * eobau. Important Notice!l celebratcd for more than a century as a de'- licious, nutritious, and flcsh-forming bever- age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Velur low Labels. Be sure that the YelloW . . Label and our Trade-M.Nark are on every 1,% ffl WALTER BAKER.& CI). Ltd, borchester, mmu -as-------- i---------------ait .ood Tale WiII5 Bear TMIi Twice." Use Sapoliol ..Use.. For thse Whole Family. S lu siditioi' La twaevly-ive staff wrtees fa two huutîited ofthSe aî,st famuas men i wunofitbath [ha- t)Id an.d the New.Wei lîîtlidirig tie ousot popîiar uraterg cf tac Mms. BaRTom I'SassI R.d fiai! ointe e a,t eu.îst steannen, Ut ýMTE» FO« 1t0 . t -aS. aIliers Andt.isciaos.are contribul SuaOaa!PeetÂs acta F05aiS? 1The, Causpu.mau

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