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Lake County Independent, 27 Nov 1896, p. 8

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igite !e uir prices. Read-these. -v4e» Sb Mi "a ance.on aslins 1 lb. Good Smoking Tobacco .....18 VM Ptoar......OiPure N. o. iMouises, par gai .....30 *ib. OfaULUl5h4SUgar. 8$1.00 10 Bars Extra Erasiva BORp 2 6" -ýoWôi ......$100 8 Bars Lenoz Boap .............. 25 « Oui 10.f 4 "......81.00 1 gai. 011 Cana.................. 15 i ts lb k.CotaBtach ...........orPure Leatl -ad, Per peul..........20 i b.<b Oieg *ea owder. ...l5 2 bbia Carpar Tecks ............. 05 zIl, ...*b ueExro........ 06 The Best 011, per gali........... .. Il S og, pue UlMrd......... .....0o8 Waukega>1 Aile Grease...........(08 1 e. Pur Pepper................ 20 Lamons, per doz-................. 10 -19 ~ ber hl of apcea, per lb ... 25 And the Best Tes sud Coffee iu the ib l abbs $at ........... 10 Conty for the Money. t ib.. Ogtmi ........... ..or) F. A. Brown, ROCKCEFELLER -- ILLINOIS. Sanborn & Croker, TAI LORS~.. ~~GENTS FURNISIiERS5. Libertyville GAGES LAKE. Vias Carne Chard vlited t home lai veek Mrn. Gilbert sud Mr. Clark &~fe re- pairlulthe uchool lbouse. Fred Phelpas, of Chicago, viited with Mrs. Bensen Buuday asat. Mias Elvis Glilmora hua securad a position lu Chicago as stenographer. , The 1Ladies Aid Soiety have cleuned sud repalred the intarior of the eliurch. Be sure sud attend the lecture t the 4charali to.night. Admiasion fitean cents. MI»p Ada Manchster of Chicago, e ohome *0 apeud Tbsuksglving vith ber parents.à Muse.Lili an sd Viola Phelpa, of Chicago, viaited t Bilas Wrighlas the fam paut 0f1lt.heak. Mrn. Jorgenson la enjoylng s veekas vacation from school duties, wbiie the ochool houas ia beiug repsired- * Th~e Ladies Aid Society dasire te extend a vote of Ihanks te lila Grace Smithi for a besutitl quilt vhich she pressted totham. The aolety met vlth ira. ilas Wight on Tnaaday o! last week. A large number vere presant and asu enjoyahl i turn vsad by ai. The Epvorth Laqgue il hold a business meeting t the home o! lilas Matta, James Baturday evanIng Dec. 5. AU iflauera are earnetliy requested te b. presant. There la te beoa concert and radItal given by the Fisk Quartette of North- western Unversity, sud lMr. Chas. Mantor humerns reader, t the cburch Jntiday evenlug, Dec. 1l, 189. Ad- mission 25 ceula, blidren 15 cents. Hverybody muai eordally invited t0 attend. Prosperity Coin.. oaiy te '>hose vho help Ihein- slves. Ha vbo deires healtb. wvaath &ad bappineas muet gol up and lwstle. *Tbe"'Good Times Comin'-ofvwhich v4 have had promises--aeam te bu abont t e b.reiizsd, but va musI ail stand shoulder to shoulder sud assure theirrmancy. (food 0"rpanid Good Prices for vhestasd other tarin produots viii put the fermera in coiforteble circum-. slances sud enable tbein to pey their debia-if thay bave auy-,,buy groceries, eloUdjagboots ond aboas, furniture, fuel, s&u al l.ther neceasariesansd lexantes o! Ile.. TA. Merekant WW Buy Gooda, more gOOde sud balter gooda, If th. farmar sellaeIs grain ai s fair pria. and paya bis bila promptly. Cash lu baud an- abies the country mrchant to bny bis wenu,, 'Dore' chtieuP] from the city job- Ieu ii.lln'îîîls (ifi . .eo.I tht-ni t,, ~/ is ic <ar ioiaThie Key tu the *~coutnys prusperity. To hlm vwe look f« thbe saivtion of the rapublie. Ha -Mils"bssoi, and, vitb tb. balp o e Prvdeuce, produces the rasulta oh. v4,beu coined int money, furn- ea ioyment teo onntis vaga- auseas thrOUgbout tb. Nation. Itlel bis monezwvlich supports ail classes sulxad poor, andi groases 0b. ef commerce ail over the_ Zld The Dollars as lbay comae inte Pomteaion. -"A nimbia aixpance 8sr tana flow uhilling.', Keep mmey in cirbulation. Thon ltera s no ditight money", no)bauk fal- »ç maanfactorie iyng 1db, no 04,»0 'aouopolie,- uotaing, lu. butt the turning over o! an honat v. imath b.pur"osao! mi-king Wr bolet dollaras a return for riglus luvouentn.. gqo fTIfRlod occsloally- WWw-.aad viit your neighbonug livaieb the bmunssmethodu suadmaquaintanceiL Rab doe -lhtenod peuple of - Ita= 4o appreciate tms ~vlt*1 Itepraseul "e. ot bm*tWto"ur our an vi ont I o aoqubrétheb.lufr- 1 1 Illinois.1 RO LLINS. H. Edwards vas a wilmot visitor Friday. lira. M. A. Stroluk spellt Friday lu Chicago. WilI Danby aud situr viited Chicago lest veek. rDA large force o! men are &tilt ut xwork ou Oliver Hook's nev buildingi. Beveral fnom bure have been attend- lng the Chapal Car meetings et Grays- laka. the past veek. Misses Mande Edvands end Lers Cremin vlalted the Graysake subool at Friday efternoon. A yonng gentleman vbo ha becu staying vitb Mrs. troiuk at Fourth Laka Hotel, dcperted lest Tuesdey night for parts unknovu sud took vlth hlm several dollars worth 0of property, Iluluding a geld vatchl, e package of mllk tickets aud a pair o! guld spectacles. We undsrstaud bo bias not been found. LutsI alurday night about one bundred etteuded the birthday party of Kima RIen Carîscu, il being ber tventy-first birthday. Dancing vas the chia! amusement of the eveang, music being furnlsbed by Frank Phanelsteiil, of Graylake, and iWn. Waerburg, e! Saud Lake. Ru îneah- mente vore servuil and tbe pcriy dlapcrsed ai wisbing EIIîn niuny mfore happy birtbdays. DIAMOND LAKE. MEMOII I-L. In u, cr>' ot Wmi. TIi..v. liiii'Wt s ils home lu Gilli-r. Ii., INur- il, hS'. t.rî.t 23 yearsansd ai days-ý Dearejt WilUie thonuis left tus And our heda lt.h an>.! are 1 owud 0f tby sudle fate lies bereft asi Thou artleonu buyonîl th.- u.ii~ Thuou art aene beyouul th, r i vi T.> the brighl sud goldeni cl.,.. Whern l the(bugreuit forer-nr Friendsvill met to iant nou iiir. Mille vu shisîl miss tliai-.- ,idly Tbough thon dwell se far away~ For 0cr herta voeuottu ivîfl i (i Throtgh thu long sud w.ury dc>. But oun Huavent>' Fathur eluthvle, Caled the to flil rest, And allliough w.' grluýv, to Ioos! il. Yul 'i. fuel he kioweit>. t1-t. A i i END). WARREN. Clark. Chandler bas returned lu bis fanm. Byron Colbysbipped a (arioad cf catlle te Chicego, Mouday. lira. Ire Smith sud the chilîlrs-n nl accu tert for Kaeusas ou a vilit. Triii Ilrris has rnînted bis fîtru, bu J. J. btafford, of Watîkuegun, bits beuit spunding a few dcys vitb J. J. Feuser. Bon-lunWarren, lioudcy, Nov.23, 1896, 1 li. nsd lins. WiIl Cahmeore, a dangbten. Miss Lizzie Chard va seavuruly 1)urn- ad un lb. face wvbllutryiug tb saet e tine vitb kerosune. The young fiends of Miss Ona Sherman gave ber a surprise pcty ber birthday; sud Tueeday eveniug Willie Riebackwvaalso surpriaed. 4 pleas- &ut lime vas raporled eat botb Places. Boolhing, sud net irrltcting, slrangtbeuiug, sud not vaakeunug, amalt but effecive-auch are the qualitias o! DeWitt's Litle Raly RBiera, lb. fumons 11111e plUs. F. B. Loyall, Liberbyville sud G. C. Roherta, Wauconda. Borna rasdlug thet vii liroeuil- lerestIng te young mothena bhoy 10 guard againsl the disease. Croup lnaa terror to yonug mothena aud te poat Ibeni concarnfng the ceuse, final aymp- tomeansd treelmeut IsalIte objacl o! tais item. The enigin e! croup lnaa commun oold. Childran wbe are aubject 10 fI tae cold veny essily sud croup ia almoat sure te folhuv. The inal ayinpteî a la oaraeness; Ibis la scon folloved by a paculien nougb congh, vhich inlaisily recguized sud viil neyer b. forgetten by one vIte bas beard IL. The lima 10 net la vhen ithe cbild tiral becomes - hoarse. If ChaînhenlslnaCougb Remedy ia freely givva Htendeucy 10 croup viii soop r.- Even afler Ihe cS1i t=h asdalâoa . i t à,.»vàat L.1tht se u 05 9j0 (irayaLake 90alo e 50 010 65 Lakte Villa s81024 a506 a60 li12 0011<0 SOUTE. *Daily exûcept Buuday. 0 Stop oly ou SIgnal. a.Iu. sm. a.n. p. Lake. Villa 'y 84 hbIllua 7 se rsake 7 44 R kofeller s os Letthton s il Prarle Vev 8 20 Aptakhalc a26 Whoeliug 8 44 Chicago Io05a pm. il 29 tir 9 ose 45ai il140 456 9 14 ilse0508 9 22 1202 ô920 ô 30 1 10 4600 le45 Frt. u 1e 1240 12 6e 2 Aroundi the County. CORR1ESPONDENTS WANTED: We are desîrous of aecuring correspondents iu every town in the couuty. If your viinity ilaflot represented write for ternis, or ask some friend to do 130. JUVST & WOODMAN. VOL-O. A.J. Racymond bas put a new bolier Iu bis butter factory. Mr. and t1ru. C. Dillon were Wauke- gan visitor8 lest Monday. Rev. Clark wiii commence meetings iu the Volo church Thanksglving evenilig. Mr. Amos'seven month'a ofd cbild fa very loy with lung lever; Dr. Bickey la iu attendance. IAbsoiutely pure, perfectiy harmîales, a nd invariably rellable are the qualitities of One Minu)e Congh Cure. IIt neyer feuls ln colds, croup gud lung troubles. Chldren like It because It ls piessant to take aud fà helpa them. F. B. Loveli, Libertyville, and G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. Lest Bunday atternoon occured the uerai of Mrs. Kate Dovel t the home o! deceased. A large number o! frienda and neighbors gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. Much sympatliy vas mauifest fur the. Ibres orphan chlidren, the youngest beiug but six years old. The remains were iuterred lu the Volo cemetery by tbe @ide of ber husband,- Rev. Stoitz, of McHenry, officating. WA DSW ORT H. ,irs. I. B. Witer fa vfstiug lu Minnesota. The 1. O. F. give au oyster sapper to thoir niembers ou Wedneaday. M. Leahel roceutiy erected a horse baru vhich makes quit. an Improve- ment. Wiuter Bron. are rusbing business, beiug kupt busy grludiug faed day and uight. Misliery N. Biove vho bas beeu quit. alctk vith luug fever ln improviug rapidly. lira. flan in up frein the ciîy supurintending the improvemenla on ber bouse. There vas s dance et the home of George Deviue ou last Friday nigbt. AU present report e good lime. lira. S. V. Kellogg, o! Goedland, Kaensas, viited relatives lu Ibis viciulty lest week. Bbc lnaet preseut ajouruing lu Chicago. Scaly emuptIons ou the beed. cbapped bauds and lips, cuis, bruins, acalda, burus are qnîckiy curud by DeWItta Wteb Hazel Salve. IL is et present tb. article mont used for piles, sud IL lways cures tbeni. F. B. Lovoîl, Libentyvillu, and G. C. Roberts, waco,îda. The Young Peoples Literary sud Dubatiug Society cf District No. 5 buld c debate ast Friday eveniug. The subject Ion discussiou vas "ýRuaolved Thal Every Individual in Responaiblu for the Besulta o! Their <ivu Actions.' E. M. Aines, J. G. Welcb, Mrs. J. 0. Bensinger and James Bensinger ably preaentud tbu affirma- tive and C. A. Heydecker, L. F. Jeammune, Wm. Gelling sud John Nemry ergued the negative. A solo by James Weicb vas veli neceived and recitations by liesars. Wm. Glliug, John Numry, H. Shen, Edgar Amen Margaret OHare elicited mucb applause. An excelleut prognein evary Tue8day evening. "Ideal Park"' la the next subject for discussion. WARRENTON GROVE. Mliss Btertba Behutulachur la qîtite ill. JIames Ryait spunt a few days lu Chicago lest vuuek. Miss Lulu Chevalier, cf Evausten, le vi.sitlng fienda bora. Mr sud lins. Chao. Bleeken bave returned frout Chicago. lira. H. licCaun bas neturued froin s few veeka vi>itl lbChicago. liesars. Byrnu (blby, J. Thomas sud _. tichue vere Chic-ago visitons lait week. Fred Hangubnuek aud e fnlend from Weukegan spunt Suuday bance witb G. H offmeiéter. lins. Wllila Applayard, of NWesern Union Je., viitLd ber paeta a fev dey filal veek. Mna. C. Palmer bau returned te ber boume lu Waukesba, aller s fuv veeka vi ail vitb ber parents haro. Mir. snd Ara. Ilrman Hutchinsen bave gona lu Canada, helng clled tbere by lb. serions ilucs e! a siaten. '-Excuse me,"' ebserved lb. man lu spectacles, "but 1 arn a surgeon, sud thatla net wbre the iver is." "Neyer you mnd vheebis liven la," retonted lhe othan. --If Il vas lu bis big tua or bis le!ft car DeWiI'a Little Zarly Riera vould ranch it and shako Il for hlm. On Ibat you eau bat your gig- lampa." F. B. Luvell, Libertyville, and G. C. Robarts, Wanconda. Great Cures proved by thoniauds of testimonial@shaow that Hood'as Br- eay;fj4nlIs oseem spowar - purIfmy, vitaliîasd eon"uah b. blood. .-a lu âtrdayý Bort WilOO], vho for some limae past hua beau sojourniug lu British coui., bis, returuad home lamt riday. eU mauy friands are gfladtese. hlm once more. Eflsvorth ay &bt hhadontknow ho a kicktingeo0veau b. cured. W. would rocommind s stand-up collar sud as ky bi ne tie. If lhat-dou't brlng her to ber duty ah. ta s hopelescae. There Jeas ood opean in luPruiine Viev for the luvealément of capital. Ahl the bouses are renled snd if more housas vere t . b hd no diflculty would b. axperienced lu, gettlug ten- mta. À hons. oosting six buudred dol. lae. renta for saven dollars a montb. The langth of life may b. ireased by lesniug Its dangers. The majority of people dia froin long troubles. The"e may be averted by promplly nsing One Mintane Oough Cure. F. B. Lovail, Libertyvifle, and G. C. Robarts, Wauconds. Why dou't thepeople lu Ibis viclity sud Hall Day havesa Literazy Society? Ou ister towu, Dlamoud Loa, bha flouriabing Society. We have as mucb talent sud are every bit as good sas she. À good society helpa te pas. away the time sud givea the people somtbing te think about nov Ihât politica ba s b- slded, sud ia s grand tblng for eduae- tional purposee. Nov vlio vili atartItil LEITHTON.- Misa Mattie LUI veut te Chicago4 last Frldey. The girls hed better hurry witb leap year proposais. .lMr@. Jay Aflauson aud ister vere lu -tha ity hast Wadnesday. Misa Sabra Ecktein la viaîitlng with Wm. Duvison sud family. Wm. Cooper and Itobt. Libby were Chicago viitora luit Baîurday. Quile s number freni here atteudeti the literary et Diemond Lake lest waek. Bometimes nanmans enthusiaiuleda hlm go jar thet he canl .jind bis vay back. Bert Wileoi, of Kalo, D. C., camei home to apend the bolideys with bis parents. Bert looks .mueblà mproveil in health. Henry OuI bam resumed operationa as butter maker lu the creamery. Henry thinks its tSo much of n good tiblg to lay Idle &Uaireh.tixue. Chas. Whitney found a set of false teetb ontiluthie vooda latThursay. Chas. says ha vas looking for a cork leg but could not fiud one. There yull b. an entertainuent ut the M. E. cburcb Waduesday Dec. 2, 1896. Admission 15 cents. A tine progrem lae arranged. Corne one, cone aul. The ofleiera o! the Diamond Lake cemet.ery association announce thet lu case it abou.id be bcd veather tbe day set for their meeting tiiuy vili muet e day luter. Speed sud safety aru the watebi words of the age. (One Minute Cough cure aces speedlly, ssfely* and never rails. Aslhma, brouchititi, coughis sud col are cured by IL. For sale by F. B. Lovel. Dibertyvilllo, sud G. C. fRoberts, Waucondc. The Dicmnoud Lake Literary Socety la progressing ulcely. New officeri. veru lnstalled lest Friday night. Quite s ituxber froiniadjoining tovusacru attuuding our niuetingK veekly. The. aubject for nuit meeting willl lie c very interesîing one. Ailarecr orîiahly velconie to attend thusu meetings evety Friday niglit et 7 p. ui. sharp). HAL.F DAY D. Speans visllcd 4.Vskegun one (Lay lest veek. Mr. Hancock and family have uîoved Ie oMr. StancliffN bons(-. Everett Mason, cf Wbeeling, is the happy fatben of s baby boy. We understund that Mir. Ks-iugb liis namud bis baby boy McKinley. lilas Mabel Meson bas beun vibitiitg lu Chicago the pat f wo weeka. lins. J. B. (iidley visif cd Cicago lest Friclay. Alsc Mr. J. Liiiin. The Bundey scbool la now preparnig for Ihaîr Christmas eutentainuîunt. There viii bu e dance et the lovu hall Tbauksgiving evuufug. Everycue invited. lin. Joseph Baker sud vîfe, cf Wbeelfng, vlsited cI John Pcgiow's Bunday. Mn. sud lira. W. J. White, of Mihburu, vislted aI S. L. Trippa cue day at yack. li. nsdlins. J. A. Mason speut a fuwv days of lest week vimiting C. B. RasIons people at Deenield. Wbat bas baconie cf <itî debaters sud liierary people e! lest vint an. W. hope lu bear from Ibuin egain soon. John Stencil! and femily, of Prairie Viev, have moved to Frankln Park, vbere John bas foutd employmeut as atesmaten. lins. J. W. Tnlpp lia been veny ick vith brenchitis but la nov ucon- valescing. Miss Flona lnaut home atteudlng ber methun. The old fashicned $"Toit' beld ai the tevu bail lait Fnlday evuing vas n succes ociafly and llnaniciaihy. (Julte a number e! young peple iront Daerftald van. preseut. Uled tb sec you cornu agelu. Henry Englcbarry and meun aee complated lh. carpeuten vork ou Oakvood Stock Fsrni. Mn. Englaberry bias vorked up ovur 200,0(1 felcof lumber ou Ihat fanm and lna c ustier, receling mauy cempliments forn his efficient work. Arnld vs Paglov vas the tille o! n casa before Justice Deavis, o! Liborty- villa, laut Setnrdey. Arnold asd Peglov for-$200 damagos. wbicb vas tb. outoome o! a coutraet o! maso,, vork vbich Paglov vas te bave doue lest aping. Casa vas decided lu Peglov's layon. InABx oit BALE oiaR Rsw-123 acres m ille from a Quen'sCSre. Good We git lltoF We, sit "* We fi t u"F. We are sole Agents for E. Stout's Patent Suai Proof Rubber Boots, and Feit Boot-overs. We ci explain to your entire satisfaction why thes 90 wear longer than any others. Our price gaurantm to be as low as the lowest elsewhere for same gocl V. SAUER & BRO. Long Grove, m -Illinois, GTO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR SDrugs, Medicines, Chemicals, '~I4PERFUMERY, SOAPI, COMBS.1 SBrushes, Trussea, Supporters, Shoulder Brauc a " u Toilet Articles, Booksanaxd Stationery, 1): e Stufia, Glues, Puty, PAI NTS,O01LS, VAR NISIIES. Family ods PATENTMEDICINES.7 Medcins ad Pysiien' Pscnptina are ORl compounded st al hours. 3 Carefully Selected. Only the Best FOR SALE. For Fail Sowîîg a Conplete Stock of Timothy, Alfalfa ami1 Medium Clovor.Seeds. [WE CARRY IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES the celebrcted A FINE UNE OF .FU RNITURE. P.arela. Sleepy Eye Mïlls, Clock Sbh CREAMand PILLSBURY Walli fw XXXX BEST FLOUR. Paper l A5 trial of thi- boîe w¶liconvli iet. von Book casi (ilit v but vu gay ln true. Centen ta (JU i» ilitIC'EMtHALANTEEIJ TO SUIT xeqo CHAS. STEMPEL, Diniiig ch Long Grove, Lake Co., 111. Rockers, #,y Corrvîsîîoudclnîu Bolicifed. (,ni ipl.,, W. H. MILLER, TONSOIlIAL ABTIST, NN'i>uii y.u waî,t a cican shave or a good hlia-i rai ouho l CII. iIINOP 0FcloiARS. T . .C rigg.is sho.. t',r on Spriwu e st. 8Ni, 'r.. n -i. i nd ,, Vý.1 niig-;uli s u tutay 1nrititgs. llves, ckets, otiers, ses, mi tab's, hairs, Lounges, Chember suits. Picture Fis... Boom mouldiiig Paint., Varnialies, Glass, Putty, Bruse, MuTrons, Mattresses, Cote, Springo Etc., Etc. .A T.. ISSAC HEArH & sonS'- Libertyville, Illinoso.- ~KEYSTONE CORN HUSKERS AND FODDER SHREDDER, MAKES Corn Hay- 4Hummer Sulky Plows are the Best, 4 Any Boy can handie them. 4o Bradley Plows. Deere Plows. - Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggies andSurries. Combination and three spring Wagons. Drain Tile, Lime and Cernent., Lumber, Lath and Shingles. G.H.Schanck & S .on,ý LU BERTYVI LLE, ILL ACOMBINATON OFFER .. WE OFFER FOR. A SHORT lIME ONLIY THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND -LAKE ,COAJNTV INDENDNT.... 1 ;gý

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