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Lake County Independent, 4 Dec 1896, p. 4

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MzM offringe 42,M0 polinds; sales, posufs at 280, 11,400 poundsata 13utter aI&Mveek sold for 22c; wkUould Benalot Qury's suggestion **Me retJremeut o! the greenbaoksd bWixWa £republican perty ramureP Mp of lte mon who have a record bu binigfiai nioney 1may id » ___eilu a box. Mfr. Quary s Mw on 10 thai the grenbacks beC nIed ot vih gold but vith V.A pyle l goldwheM.ithelE Msomey, wvitlvould it b.? SWeriawvasexpresaed vhen it vas **»Mouced tbai 1Mr. Cleveland had b*w a resldence i Princeton, N. J., uaO vhisper ltai sny sncb thing vas, ýWfoot, itad preceded the announce- ~n.There in nov a rumor sald 10 ~q enstarted by a member of thec >*,my 0f a prominent officiai thats et Cleveland viii become vlth the iaw faculty of University. It la said that viole liing vas ffixed up during »mest visit of President snd Mus. d 10 Princeton to attend thec celebration. orsai la "lont a quorum of (Con-1 In Washington,' but iheir ' nue has tbrovu no light upon vili bo doue et ibis session, snd * oid ha considered a rashma ~ould uudertake to say vbat vîll ~4a, aiihough there are pienty, S UngpromInent Senators snd tatives, vho predici ihat the ion bll vill ho about al l*lonpassed ai ibis session, tiai Susucial snd tarif! legisiation 1»left for the extra session of congress 10 vrestle vitb. IhI to ha taken for granted by t hat Presideni McKiniey 111an extra sesson. bona for sometime been apparent ýWuetbiug ought to be doue to luventors from tbe sharits vho gotten itb the paient soliciting suid are iroduclng therein ligmetbods of the iegally ted lolieries. flot 10 encourage Àjnveullve spirit, but mereiy 10 fous for ihemselves by appeailing Nie tuberont human gambliug There -la no good reason -lie paient lavyers of the country ne sand as high as do ibose *jaoie fore the Supreme o! the U.' S., and as amatter of '-iMt 0f ibem do. But -tbe are bringing disgrace on the OU and somethlng has got to Itue bas long been the ides Sof the honorable patent 10 have a Patent Bar, vltb Ulmesof practîce to proieci the sud sometblug of the kind vtube done or congreas vil) lobe sppeuied to for leglalation benai. chamber bas beeu overitauied stuc. congreas sud nov looks rmnch botter à». looked since lt vas built the aanitary engineers are 14rcalclations, Ih vill be ble, ovlng tu apparatus sui even teluperature, boO1thftdi becanse consisuily lith pure fresh air. Âmong thai are noticabie tu - Mosi ossual observer are opera chairs vhich have pI~ luae of the old vood 14 lte galleries, aud the la l.e aors chairs, backed, lesîher covered fume. Reretofore it nis utom 0f euh-t Bnator luOiviiual teste Iunlte aboe1lr ihe sed, vithout it plesaed anybody »Ad.*a uult vas rather& , in alibo h 1hth mnade la the Rouse ntehlov boit a sabbler wvien ompared viib lbhe ýô*Mber. But the Senate ahInciined 10 ha more *4 it la Dot unusuai »riýdmi 10be sway 'va.l Mite experieuce eu*,.editor or the ,rwb -o!aga vas 1fr. "-Mmd ir.Jobeon -speni Thauks. givfug day At Palatine. A. W. Remngide of Mclienry, made Wauconda s flilg vibit lasi voek. Geo. -Bnbbsrd attended the faunerai of su uncle ai Palatine 1atSuuday. B. Golding sud sou Clyde speut Wednesday and Thursday lu Chicago. Mfr. sud Mrs. P. Johinson, of Nauda, vislted relatives lu ibis place st veek. The Wauconda band vil! furuish music at the skating rîuk Saturday eveniug, Dec. 5. Miss Mary Glyncb la speudlng a fev days vith frionda lu Chicago &t present vriting. J. Beasley aud son Albert roiurued Thureday of lasi veek froîn a fev days visit ai Marengo. Mfr. sud Mr@. Wm. Marble sud sou Onua vlslted friends lu the viclnlly of Âutlocb lait veek. M. W. Hughes, E. A. Golding, H. Fuller sud F. Wragg vere Chicago visiiora flraiof tbe veek. Fred (irovdner, o! Prairie Vlea-, spent thQ latter part o! last veek with bis moiber, Mus. J._ Grovener. Mrs. C. L. -Burton, o! Chicago, la vislttug ber parents, Mfr. and Mns. J. M. Clark ai present vritiug. Miss Lucy Spencer sud Miss (Jura ,Markley. o! Chicago, viaiied relatives In ibis place sud vlcinity ai vweek. The iake la frozen over sud skating la fine. AUl tbe boys vaut nov ila finle coid veather accompanled b y no suov. 11ev. Fatber Gleseler, o! Lena, IMi, made Wancouda relatives a sbort i-lait lasi veek. lis mother returned tb bis home vlth blul. The remains otf1Mr. Clancy, of Park Ridge, vere lnterred lu the Cathoic cemetery one day hast week. Mfr. (Jiancy ls au oid resident o! this piace. The social given by tbe iaclie§ of the M. E. cburcb Thursday eveuiug of at veek vas stteudcd hy a gooti erowd cousitieriug ýtfie veatiier. $13 aa cieared. Eti. Ciason, vhlo bas Decil iii the employ o! E. A. Goling for a few veeka lefitfor parlankuowu Tluanks- giviug uight. He took about $10 in mouey sudsatew o!f1Mr. Goldilîg'siîe't razt>rs., Mr. sud Mrs. M. C. Smnith auid 1fr. A. Oaks vent 10 tbe city to eut turkey Thsukagivlng day. They retîirncd Sîuuday accornpanied hîy Mrs. A. (>eks vho bas been cpeutiug a few wveks inî the City. and inspect our large stock of Furniture and get prices. We positively Wiil not be undersold. Cati and be convinced that we seit Furniture cheaper than any other store in the County. Respectfu l'y, M. W. HUGHES. WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. 1REAL ESTATÉ TRANSFERS. PROM vAUK.EGAli BEGISTEU. a B Huîghes sud v to N RHoleomb, Spt iot 25 Asa piat o!pt nwv%2145 12wat. io( Benj Crosman et ai to J J Lougafnutgf pI lot 13 bi1 Onayslake v d-----------...162 Dîîvies Fuller sud v to Thiomas EliI- tot lots i to 4 lnu b 5 Oakland suf uli 17t 2 wd------------------------.... o F W Ganse et ai te Euh itudent loi 16 b ai South Waukagau v d ........ ý Margaret B llaiscb tu John G 1Iaisý-f i iota 9 and lob 4Mfitha sub Lu 3344 12 w d ................................ Carnie L Cuahing sud hb lcbto Tille sud Trus§tCo.. euindry landesia fiPyt.............................1>6 ray E Blocnm te Matîbev C tSmith mu 54 nW X ec 28 Pt BW %SWt-l21 " q Wi!dtûti J V E Churchill te Ferdinand Witt 1.92 F B Brooks ils 3ansd 4 bik 72 su b of iii It 2 nob444 il and ls 21 anti22 fiIk r,- Bcutb Waîikegaiu v t.... .......... ...il Robt N Tasiter sud v 10 biarniet f4T Feuix l14 Chinquaplu v dt..............2 itobt G Evans sud v tu Frsîlcr-!k Kruem~r lt &Evansa sub ilk E Hight la dP r W d..............445 64 Marlag. LIcenses. David Keith North Chicago------------.... Florencue Weleb. Nortb Chil----------..... 2 Frannk H. Witon. Laite Villa ............. 2 Gnhbide G. Liiie!jore, Autioch ........--4 Win.Bteums. Bioomiugtou 111........68 Ms. Caroline Bucithoiz, Êîa. *'.:Y.**- A Charles IL Gesuluer Princeton. Ii....2 ThedoraObIwein. fiaNbland Park -sut......2 South Dakota ln 1897. i requirea but s, . . ft amonut'o! rain-filin §DlEiý,iflakota te mature the crop,.DîuiÜg 1896 Bouth Dakota bad, -dji te Sepiembor SOib, tbree sud aeven- teutha luches more of rsln-!ali than for auy of the provions sixteen years. Bine. September 30th thora bas been add.4 ai leasat itrée.or four luches lu tbe exosa, smknug a gain o! ueerly eightI lches more iban the savorage. Early lu November titere Vers beavy raina. depoitiUg oVer ivo luches, sud aines titen there have beau beavy suntua- sud about s foot of suowu euvered the ground ou November 25th. Deitato fumera have abundauce of bay sud gr ,ispplies o! oasa, bsniey sud conu. Wbea t uadvanced te about aeveuty cents a bushel luthue lottai marktet, sud prospect. for furtber adi-suce are gooti. The ground yull come out lu the sprng boiter saked than ever betore. The prospect for btter prices next year la good. Thero are thousanda -o! peuple lu the Eat wbo could do nuolietter thèn bu go ho South Dakota nov maid buy thbeirseeti sud feed for udxt yt'ar, sud move ont lu the sprlng. Firat-claës farming iland lu South Dakota, along tue lites o! the Chicago , Mllvnkee & Sti. Panl raiivay, eau nov ho beuglât ai fromt $10 te $15 au acre. The creamnery ludusuîry sud tock,raising lu, South Daitato a-I grealYiy ireée dung 1»7.'. Fo lr trn Inslformua *ejddaess, %YW..AKE'LOCAL NIE mm. . S.SIURAN, Local Editr. I ~~444$44444444444444444444444.444.*6éééé~~ GRAYSLAKESOCIETIES., RISIN SUN odgeNo. 115 A. F. & A. I. ol ouarcommunications aturday eveuiug ou or before fuil moon. A. Saupo.Bty . Lrrrac. W.M. Q OIOSIS Chapter, U. D. Order Eastern >.btar muet Oirst andtibrd Tuesday evens Mas. A. RAUQHT. W. Mas. E. B. SasEumàNi Betty. (GRÂYSLAKE Came No. iseiM. W. A. meet .Irstan sd third tSa udyevP ns fe month.rdyeelgo!ab GEOIRoE KAPPLX. V. 0. GEOIRQE Bnooxe. Clerit. Mais, W. EARVIxy. Oracle. Mias. BRM.N, Bec. r'ONGREGATIONÂL Cbnrch Suuday ser- '-Vices 10:W a. nM. snd 7:90 P. lM. Prayer meet. ing Wednesday aveunga. Y. P. S. (C. E. meet Sunday eveulugsat 6:46 p. M. Frankt Fiary speut Sunday ai home. Mrs. RIlciey vent bu Chicago Mon- day. Evereti Neville returned Suuday with Ibirty iiead o! cattie. Miss Minta speut ber Tbanksglvlng with ber people lu Milîburn. 11ev. E. Harris fa ili vutb the lti troublle, but ve hope Dot seriousiy. Thie Laîdies' Aid Socety met villi Mrc. A. J. Leonard lust Wednesday. The posta are belug put lu for electrlc ligbts and ve hope soun to bave our streets ail aglua- eacb nlgbt, 80 no wauderer may go estray. 1ev. Hickmian, turmerly o! Spring- field, W la.. but nov ut Chicago, @peut %everal days <of the pasi vek itvth thre faînily o!f1Mr. Murgairoiti. A man mnuaI accepi vbat bis employ-- er paya hlm, psy ont vhat othar men charge hlm, put on the undervear bis vite puis ontfor him, est vhai she spreati befure hlm sud sieepi the liedtle vay ahermskes it. St!)! occa- siiuîallv there la tqit of men belug free and intiepeudeut. -~Exc~use me," obegerveti the man iu spetclces, "tit I aranasaurgeon, sud tbat la nul vbere the liver fa." '<Neyer yost mind a-ere is lver la,"' retorteti file <ther. -If it vas lu bis big tue or his lefttCar DeWlît's Little Eariy Risers wouiti rcacl i t and abake it for litu. 011Iliat you eau bel yuur gig- lanilis." F. B. Loveli, Libertyville, aînl G. C. Rtoberts, Wauconda. Trhe omeiera ut Sorosis Cliapter 0J. E. S., weîc lustatîcti Tnesday night by Nrs. Sarahi Hawkins, Worthy Matroul, Coliumbia Citipter, (hicago, viuo lad, tmuattiuteti the chapter lest Febrnsry. Mia.. Jacotison aico of Chicago, ecteti as Grandi Marchai. A tea- fienda a'ere invitet inluand re!resbuseuts vere surveti afier the insaatsion. Mr.. ROLLINS. Lyle Lita-lier bas the vhooping eougb. The faumilar face o! George Inn- inu as seau bore Sunday. Charles Loring, of Chicago, apcut Sunday ab Caa*iu Doollttie's. Jire Wightmau. of Bainesillie, bati hîs linger broiten ber. leat vei. Miss Mabel Bartlett, of Sand Laite, vlslted ber friend, Daisy Taylor, asat veek. Tbe Avon (Jenior Cemetery Society met vltb Misa Lydia Edvsrds Thurs. day. Dec. 3. Miss Mabol Harln, o! Laite Villa, vlslted ai the home o! ber uncie, Joe Lîbvîler, luti veki. The dance lu the oid achool bouse lasi Ssturday ulght vas quit. veli ai- iouded, lu aphte o! the rongh roada. Our commuulty vas abockod to learu o! the sudden deatb of Mrs. Ernest Moore, «a-Lu dled lant Friday morning. The mauy fnIeuds of! H. M. Shermon, eommouiy kuovu as ,Bert," vil! De glati to kuov thai be la rejoliig over tbe arrivai o! a baby girl. Bert la au olti Laite county boy, but nov li-e<, et Cheyenne, Wyo. Among thuse vbo vlalted Chicago last Monday anti Tueaday vere Fred Helfier, 1fr. sud Mrs. Wm. Creimn, WilI Glo8sar, 1fr. aud Mrs. Ed Do- litile and daugbier Daisy, John Heart sud Wll Wlmlugtou. Seaiy erupilons ounbthe ed, dliappeti bauds snd lips, cube, brulses, scaitie, burus are quickiy curati by DoT ltt's Wibeb Hazei Salve, tlbeIseaipreseut lue article muai usedl for piles, sud Ilb awsys cures them. F. B. Love]], Lîbertyvile, sud G. C. Rioberts, Waucouda. WARREN. Augustus Woolley lias soIt! bis tarin to a Chicago man. Miss Gnyneth Coiby iaslupeudiîîg a csouple of veeka lu Chicago. Etiward Potier anti son Lonte vere Clîlcago visltor a sat Satunday. The Warren Cemeteny Society wili meuet ait M"a. (jeo. Vose Dec. 16. Gen. De Forneat. o!f Russel,'xpent Tbaiîkagiviuig vith relatives bere. W. D. Wahbhoiîrn's boy, wb,îo hm. been on Ithe slikliast, laconvalescent. Don Mardi, «f Evauston, mnade liii, brother Everett a birie! visit last veeit. A brighb baluy ginl came tî< gladîlen the borne of H. E. Flood, o! Giiruî'c. lai3 wecit. ila-kIn. su Mic Jacbsonrane Mr. sud Mra. Wjll Mclritie, of Clii- s few (Isys as thîe guests of Mm. cago, speut Theîîksgiviîîg wîtiî Mirg. Seeciioliz. H. D. Knox. Mr.andMrs J Rifle an dngher 1. HarveY, of Adiln. MtîuIlî.. 1fr ani 1r.. J.ltiie su daîgIR ia sgliemt tof J. L. Harvey sud temily. MaY ieft la8t Weduesday a. mn. for sud wiit viait tîther reiitîvec ayiol Cîlter, Ill., vherc tbey viii make triendc. their future borne. Mfr. Rley bas obrDaylsejtrtunifom scccîîted a position there o! assistant RMbertanadltb tbirty-ree iured fok Wîrdeu lu the prison. We are sorry Mca o tit-hredubede to lose tbem froin among us as they markof lambi,, vbiu bie vilI fîtteu fotr have mnade rnany frieutis bere during mret. They looktflue. thier tay o! about s year. They bave Lo.sT-Betwe en Sulas Wright's sud been lutiefatigable voriters in the Grange Hall, s pair of goiti-buveti cburcb, lu the Y. P. S. C. E., of spectacles. The fintier vi!ll bc uitsliy whlch Mmr. Ritiley vas presîdent, anti revardeti by ieaviug Rime aith Chas. varions other societies sud vil! De WilDur, Grunge Hall. greatiy misseti; lît a-e knov tbey yull Theb n red o r.Ens ninke frieutis vlerever bbey go sud Moe e.any fre to! 1frofbert wiih De s credit to auy cummuty lun loe vere. aboiteti tod heur o!bert wbicb they may make their homne. A mr glagek ncsu ofarelatDie number of frieutis vent to the station andorng a ageroucorges rLae to bd thni Gd oped.cburcb to pay their asat trîbute ut This cumrnnuiby vas mnch shocitetirespect to one moat higluly esteemeti. lasi Friday morulug to hear o! the The old may o! dellveriug messages tieabh <of ira. Erneat Moore. She bad by post boys companeti vithth 1e lueeu 111 but a coîuple o! veekesud ber md detieslias entirely uniooked for even mdru telephone, iluutrîîtec 1the ult by bier Immedilate !amily. The îm- tedions methotis o! "breailng' colda metilate cauice of ber death vas compared vîlli their almoctinlstantan- neuralgia ut the heart. She vas a eous cure by One Minute Cougb Cure. daughter o!f1Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Smitbh F. B. Loveit, Libertyvilie, uud G. C. o! Liberîyvilie. The remalus vere Roberts, Wauicouda. taken to the Gages Lake M. E. cbnrch Stinday uorung sud laid to restinl Major C. T. Picton i8 manager o!flhe tbe Libertyvllu cemnetery. A large State Motel, et Deuison. Texas, whicb concourse o! frieuds vere ln atteudauce the traveling men Bay la one ofthtle ai the funerai abosing boy rnuch ishe beat boteis lu that section, lu speait- bad Deen iuved by ail vhu kuew ber. ing of Charnberlalu'S Colle. Choiera 811e leavlW s sorrowlng busbs.ud anti anti Diarrboea Beuîedy Major Picton tbree littie chiltiren to mouru tbe IBas says: -1"Ihave used it mnyseif sud lu uf a klud sud iovlng a-ife sud lu- my fsmiiy for aeverai years, end taire dulgent-ioiben, to vhom a-e can ouly piessure lu saylng that I cousider if say -",Look ai<ft sud He viii corn!ort. au infallîble cure for diarrhoea sud you. dyseniery. I slvays reeomrnend It, sud bave !reqnently admlulaiered ih 10 H E O LY Tue Biod Prifir y guesta lu the bote), sud lu every crEO L reBodPtiiruqase as proven iseilf oriby ut prnnetiy lu the public eye to- unuifed entiorBemeut. For sale by daya Hod' Srsaparilla. Therefor F. B. Loveli, Libertyville sud 0. C. get Hood's sud ON LY HOOCD'-- hoberts, Wauconda. D W N NThey Co These Prices are Stunners. Men's Ducit Coats formaily$1.25 . 92 Meu's Overails foruually 50ec....... 35 Man's $1.00 sud $125 lînetioves. 50 Mo's aboes ftrmaiiy$1.50.....$1.00 Men's $1.0i0 kuit Fella ........... 65 Ladies' $2.00 3 bucitle aretica .... $1.50 Ladies' $1.05 Alasitas............ ý-55 51fits mnd Satina (511 colora anti good> cheap ai 50 cents, a-jlI ccli for a !ev dys ut............ 30 Loîts to! 5oPrints ai ..............3 Chîilts' Legginga wuti 30c ......15 Liot o! Men'8 Wo<il Oversbtrts wortlî $1.501 ut .-. .... . 1 PMW On Monday December 7, We shail have a fulltline àf Christmas Goods on exhibi- tion for your inspection. Prices to suit the times. Watch this space for somethîng good next week. F. D. BATTERSHALL.-- Grayslake - - - - - Illinois. WHAT WILL ST. NiCK BRING .~k IUs THIS YEAR9 If Ile Fills Hie Sacli ut Siiermaîte w"re ail right, e!i PRFEN'rsF'uîî Yoi-çu, AND Mit. Ciiircnîa sSet (ife iundl ork and) spooi> sllvcr pluted 1l . . .$ - Sihiven Plit.tiapvons ti ailI vu-ar forci-en settof j doz ...........1 <CI Nti cracker anti picita (i cruîitîr 6 pic........................ eu» Ornge peulis ciometiîiing uî<.w and U<vu.ii( cd......... -,......40I sivît iiati-d iaset4anultîlr virruîitet! gîutuui. aei . Opeira glumse frtuîîî$1.75 bo ...2 25 wu'!iiîg ring moluf ly penuya-eiglît 8-daty vocksi $3.75 lu>... .......... 4 50 Alanîmu cloukaz»............ -.....i1 00 Carving cuets e200 t)o.............'3 25 Ait Watch Cases Sotd by me warranted 15 and 25 Years. Gld l'eus, Thimbleta, Cuff Bitt-<iic, Cîular litittiius, Emblii îItiimu, Enîibuit'muChtrnîa., E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE, Silver Teu Selst, lerry Dt.ltes. Benny Sîsaju$, l'icitie Dimiems ILLINOIS. More About Mrs. COwlin. D.O .H w Silie conîîlitc Pchavc ui ccx fîrese.d i uI ii1l)t of thi c îci. , , er 1À 4sofL 1i. 1r-at.m si--if îfi-illy und succemsfuliy testiiiils of Soue of 1>r. Iiîw,'s bYtheil..e..tî>proved nuethodz aU litil t h u ihaeepîeeî.ii li it5 îî~ -î iti>îîîg beari, throat& euOll>inu iiîîîieccally th<îcc-if IMrs. 1,e W. H. Cuelit l'Ili Miss.. Della Strîîttii *jlî'>, -Lil.h ver, kidieys, boweis, of o4)qtt(-k wiîr< IDr. Howe cresiîics. voihali s> \Iu rgaus. lie titattcc fîîrther thai I,>> (if -sii h u-mIsr.,. icezemla. ehîngies, ieveral aille phyait-iiiîiýs aki c rliai. ipii.piorianis sycoahs, hoPeles ilivlidm fr m tn r ely iîdariîer.4 f t--Ià>ring worm, herpes tr> .oizit yîîter. uni all fornîs <of outaneous priir to lîcgiuitiîig etleltwîth 1eriîptîii . îî ',hlc ed t. lin'l anti that limier lîitsuîiîg>.- m, lekbndet ment they iire Iiîtlî uiw an! îret iniionei,.with. bave been fi rmore thiana vear MOLES ANI El l'E]til LOI-M DAJIS in perfcct lîlii. Ile foiliowilxg ..-lIfl rcîuoved >,ii aout pain tiy elect .Iyia. pet! froin tilt. Wawî-onfo L,îîd,-r. whicit Cure Ii'î±t-î. editurial aill tiirow sci ifglit 0outhe DisîA5S fl'. iiTIE NLIRVOUSRIiTSTEU case ant i ciiiig friîini e ditor '11r. -Nelrit!iîîiii, !i.eouitor ataxia, pro- F. L. Carr Asl>cyoîîi uctlugr!--cive paraiàsix., eailaclie, neuraigis, -We hî arit a pîartv' liert ,' îîîeîtiou ýU iîsîi a ii"ia, epileptsy, cured by iia laafiiow <iiii]it thc ta o cures U.ormai i 1>11 fhiiianid electrolyis. aiivertîtîediin tie LiiiertyvilfePiliper (if'RîI IiTATI.SII arute. artieniar, musen- Mr6. (ol-lin iiL'id Iit> Strattoni. if: Iîr, ilîisnîniiatîîry and rbeunistie gont, wootidî.t>ok %W a at I t> tate for' thic Iîiîiti'.cielyi il by a nev sud sueas- benetit of sih ihat we arc persolusily fti proces... Ciire guaranteed. acquaiîîtcifwiîb 1Mr. ean Nr... W-A A P R T S Coviuaand stiti>thc fatiter uof114 'n1isa jPA AT S Strattuiî anîd thaI wxitiu a îinîuîth Mfr. Dr. llowe bit a complete cIgecrical Coviiu told Ils touth more ofth11e trc.ît- j outitî- iîluding the celel*steqt ment and) cor,' if lim ife chy 1)r. McI ýrua tz ilîetgeîî hlu Apparatus for Hua-e thîju icm entioxîcil inithe 1lîadiograpuiv and Fllîîuîrî'aîopic Demoni- INDY.I'ENI)E-N i. 1r. <ji'.slin i.. and (Iii! cratiuîi. soidier, ma s ilaisi 'luAuili Tii r LOR -t STI>'MSHNEF5» ville andtisil i itizen whoise %Word 1ils sAND o.Sl- i.\IiBATTEIIE sud ail kinda& good las Ifat iif any îniaîîi, nthis or fenv ut diîîgi.îtiu andi operative luairu.. other couilt>,%,and thai if Dr. Huîwe hall rîjeuts tii vs biî la in arrlviug ai a a ton tif goi! tii offer lice<'ouldtimi ire correct Iiig",îiois01 any diseamle sud hini to iîiiko uuy tîteinut Dot tbeir.-sicccssîîil treatment botb mnedicai afcol utec vt tiic l;'iiurcorilt Lendîe r. and Scurgiieal. CLI i hFuEr .traigiiteiied by surgica]; DR. 0. B. H0W E olicrition <1 enlitowiy.) iiE110t101VS (Pileti> ciredti ît Hec ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~4))ntéL nei iitii (r f fttiîypafu i ineato l fi cases, or persol 5 1111%%lit! show priiof thaI all deliiy friim huciîesh. temtinuonial plbli4lwd l h iti in iîhetie V'. IIOtELE îîerinaiiently cure>! by a coluun 8 ultri-,tfîte letter, if aîîy leH ithd case repîîrtcîi, or walii hniav lic in tue Hii(IiLf ANI HEERNIA cured vîlu.- future throliglu this huiler i.. u inte ont oîîîatiîîîl or delay fronu business. leasi exagcraed or (>ver drîîwîî there AI ALItS ANT T!iltlcsud ail abnormal viii be an ojîportuuity tîr moie grovîlis, fîîreigu bodiles, nocrosed, sceptic to make a ru! ce if $10() in ailhbore, etv., remîîîuved by surgicai easy vey, but 1(),,,ty~ol, torget Dr. uperatioîî. Howe cin pîIiiisil atitile lot Of D FOliMITIES corrected snd bîrti remnarkable îccîtimnîiiî andi have mîîrks renîîîved lîY electrolysits. tbe al rue nt tuiupechîfîl. f o CON0 SULTATION FRER S D CONpI.. balve btee a lonug Lime sick aundl aantI bENTIAL. Ail! medieinles furuiabed toget Weil iii!!lin this emiueît Ipatienîts. apeciallet. If yî'u enjoy beiiig au LtFe AYO ULDl( i[nvaliti tay awaY. but stop matterlng Libertysîilc, Ii lii the chimueY iabolit doctors bpiug H ut usS îîîîlay only Il a. M. to a P., no good. Mu. (Cal!i 9uIrlY for to-day vili neyer dawn ageuîl.> (Atidresa veoitdays, Mulrphty ilock, Woodistock, Ii. FRESH Milliers auti Springi'rs ai-. IN. B. Dr. Hînve alicits only the, vays ou baud. hula andi Canuers patronage if tiîiise vWho have sougbt a, taken ini excliange for Frecli Cuva. cuire 0laebcýre vithout succeSa sudy M~jILLEII, HANBY & (JATEI&. dticD ot expect those Who are doing- ve!! lu tbe 411nda mof other pbytilejane For ent.tu cal! on liuîîîfor relief. ,M y f.arm o!forty acres, ittiateti une mile and we laIt outh-west of Diaiunut Lake. Alýresns GEumOsE ; VowiaiE, Libortyviile, Lake CJo., 111. 5-9 Foit SALEF.A fea- chicle Ltîmiabas. Appi mr udifresji COUNrv FAIýu, Libertyville. The above sacrifice to get room and money for Xmas Goods. F. BAIRSTOW. Mfaufacturer of Marlule Granite Ni on mn nmcut a. CEMETERy WORK of EîVEI1y PESCRIPTION, il ni MI-Pm m

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