j, 'r .1. - .'-. ,. t Y - CHAPTIfR XII.--(Couhinnet.) Tise sprlng cama on apace, anti rilsoe et tie carliest tha daye Lady Valencia Glidaroy macla hea ppeaanca aI Torr"- mimî. Bisbut ulvialleilb a f laIe, anti, la apîhe O e Shas . ant of friendly feel- ing for ber aIt irt sigil, Lady Nal'a Misl bati beau vry much misiet by Mre. Moncriaif. Lady Val ras se brigit, so fuml of cncngy, n0 amnslug, liaI Sela bai bacu attnAcleti haIt- against hemwi-li. Ansd c r as nnfelguetiy glati, heretore, te me ber visiter. "ala sawy," sait Shela, ititi a' laituneile. "Anti Mollie ands Bertie ana ont ltimher sousaîviere. 1 batl a iead- *eh@, I blieve, at ndwnhedte10 halazy." Lady Val notitet ignificannly. "A headacha! I'va no donhl ut il. 1 ghoaldthilnk Moiiy keepe 3-ur inuti full. Si' a Ironhiasoe moukey. I Inor ber et oIt." Thie colon came nI once te Stela's isaek. "Si' a very dean girl,'" tic stcp- isohier reapondeti, -armuI. "Mia la a vary prelty eue, Mme. Mon- eeicf. Anti aie looks as oit as 3ou ta yeursolf-eapccially sinca sic bas taken ta long dressas anti laborala coineet hair. à girl of liaI sort attracîs adi- mirn etsyry soon." 'Agsln liera ran tisaI significance lu lady Valaucia's vice. Mm. bMuncriif drew hersait up titi a sligil, uncun- oscions air et tigaity. 1tiare ssy," @ho ananeret. titi aunie etilasae of mannan. Andt ien, wtilia relaxlng amile, "Peor Molly ls ha ral lu bisafom tisaI, Lady Valencia." '*MI dear creasnre, dit 1 say liat sic wma ta blame?' crieti Lady Val. "Do ex- cuse, me lMs. Ioncriaf, 1 te'Itiai tu be rude, or 10 taka lîberties; balt3-au ada 1 hale kaonm Molly alier lite, aud I unt imlp feeling inlereaheilunbar. 1 &anw *îi l âe ima if I say niaI 1 cm ibttilng ho say; anti yel I ton't #Cha~t aime le de. Ton nonldn'i I vr hn ent straigil ho Mr. Mon- ivref. routti yen?" Stella ooketi uI bar lu tiimay. "DO yen mentisaI thare laeanything hoelit told--saythiaxg rong?" sie asketi. "Il may natl h rng; il may bha ai rigit," sali Lady VtaI, hruaqnely. "Ail 1 cu tell in, tint people wnu soon hegir te gosslp, if thby hava net bagunuaI- reail>. Te ask a plain question-la Molly .ngaed to ho mirniat?" 'Matin @ho la oly a chutd. Certainly "A childi Weil, sh'@ a i-amybilg chItd Mma Moncriaf. Sic le sevanteen, Ian't aie? Net mach 3ounger than yoursaIt, yon kuar. af tea il. Anti if sic îsn'h en. Sgegti Il Ia ime tint somcbotiy looked afler ber, for 1 don't think sia'e aile tg look asttr icracît." "Yeu men," sait Stella, ciangiug col ersénaitivly,"thal I arn nutloleking attei bser?" "f don't menti anyliing of the kint Evenyhotiy kuows tîiîal you ara a mode apmothen. But -du Ioyon kuovTom ajarror ?" *'The ithie a ii-tesertet village np tii iI? Yes, I go thera surneimes luesa *Iii lra. Camaron. Whal about IlC" "'Anti yen senti Mloly uP aometirnauth sec lra. Cameron, tion'l you ?" aesitiLad: iYpul, nItS ati-t id ook. "Weicl, renltic't sent han hiere again-alonae-. 9 <rren. Utbt's ail. I fat Il my du« te iva Yen tint hint, although, as 1 sait 1 kn yo'llhaie me for toing a." BSa baurrieti awy, diriniug tint Stl vould like te ho leue; but aie dit ni guesetise action upon ivhich Mm. Mai erIeff inssanly reselveti anseeon as hi xllter vas gene. ln liva miaules atter Lady Val'a ti parturo Stela iras tralking qickly u lise road wnilc ted tle isehny anti bal: deg*%M bd iaiet flîic bhem visiter ba oea"a rurhed upon ha. But aie migl 4» weii as t eue ofthticcollages if Mii 42.refhd bauhierathiat aternoti 'A eAad eam » sha tbiongil of thilslie sona et volces elleU ddly upen ber cars. Si alermed lehsincllvely lu the direction 'a A o rgll boihciiet up tisavian. si 7- jt7 wly, amliii laening for tI ra wre s111. Ceming oi 'bicbraide, sie ar Ine igna, Meanit tisa nali as If aielleei the eoc ali saI int. A ride au tract of cottry lay betora lime bicha versta lia thar habiltlii »« esuotar livinmg creatînreaia »9417,)[ f vasW"amling *0 tsge o -"atisrk man, wr - - ýa round ber, sud vas ho breasl. It seemid â&if1 ,a te kisa ber; but ni &É' 'tise extremity of-t bottd l iof tt ~ii~ CHAPTEIl XIII. J Molly. anho titi net sac Shella aI onc- nul, indeei, util Hlanningîon's sutiden ~ change et expression sioe-dlbar tint b liera n-as someliing irong-lunend sharplyronMmd t ulîra acr3- ut posi- ira age. "TeMtluityen sot" elic exclaimed i. "Slîc h airnys spying afler nme--N-athi- iug me,-pryiuig into aIl my affaire! Andti non- elie lins fllon-etime icre. Oh.'n-bat q siali 1 do? Jack, lieur Jack, sure nmeq frem lier! I kuowti-hait sia'll belmay us!'* l Andthle girl lîi ber face on '.%I. Han- n inghuu'a sisotldar. 'anti clung te iim', as if eenete thal Shela toulti drag ber t aîvay by force. I "*Don't ha afait, mX dtanling" sait Y Haunioglon. Waa il Sella's tancy, orI tit ieîlecyca ligist up nitb a gîcainof d [tuit ie triumph. be is u ari iti a vin- t dîciva suile? "M'%re. Moncnicf is the lasIt peraun lu do us anu injury; 3-un may de- pend upun liaI." Ant iei calrnly aisetin biiemlat roushis henal titi au assnmp- I lion ot laboaîe conrtesy n-hich couiti1 scarcaly. unuter lie circunishances, have beau genoine. 1 Stell caine trward, hem face pale, but1 resoînte. f "Molly," sic sait, quietly; "y-oi kuot i-amry reli tint I mi only for y-unr gooti.1 1Comeaa-y ilh me, and y-eu can ex-e plain lu me aflerard n-btal al tuis meaits. M. Hannington iill also, mo dout, explain le M. Moueriefif hae Lcan." Sic looketi ut Hannington titi ticiane anti mietmut lu bar cye, n-hici hae coulti a nul fail la uutemsti. "I' abail explain il iran necesar!." saut hae, coolly; "but1Igshal] poably lake My owu lima for tioing go, Mra. Mon- cricf.", "My inabant mill iehomona o-nigil. 1 j shal et corna téil hlm ta1Ihava seeu t anti icard." t Molly sndtcnly horst mIe eare. Mr.i Ilannington caugil hiem bandtanti trer 0ber omard him. "Run anay home, eMuuiy," hae sait, kinsing tisa gir's fora- icati ighIy, anti giviug hem haut a el queeze. "I ranI lu have a littia chat i riti Mr@. Moncricif, anti I tiink me shahl manage ho arrange lie malter." "Tes, Molly, go isome," sait Shela, qniely. "I munt n littie conversation1 y ithiMr. Hanningheu, te." Moly muîmuret rabelionsly; but s look r anti a storti frein John Hanningtoh sent hiem off wtholiut delay. Sha turnati anti .t ookthie pati acrosa thielatt-ira tic neaeel n-ny home, but lso thie least f, fretjnentati. 1. "Touneenectnuchaafmaitifor he," mnid d Hanninglon. "Sic lias an escorît aI ýO haut. Semaeue la n-iting formlhem aI tbe sile-Barhie." Br Stella gave hum a repmaclfnl look. "Mr. Hauninghon," aie spolie, "I titi nul d.lhink that yon tonîti eeek ot Molly-, of BlaIl people lu the ltarît, t,'tumu bier irait y hy our attentions, anti then-perbals- lu break lhem heart-" "As I tiltyours?" saiti Iînnningtouu, le cooly. "le tint si-at yen menu ho imuly, 'aMm. Monciaf?" "M. Hanningteu, I nam Alan Mou- t' cieff's nita, anti I amu urpisedthtit yon ly sioniti forgel il su fan as te inanît me." 1 M. Hannînglon laugiet again. 'i "Com," lha mid, don'l ha e bol, Stella. ty 1 titiu'Imeanuho inanly-un luthe Icast. dI arn vamy ginti intie t tit you are Mon- cieff'e ite, anti be laI 3-nrsof u- a lulermupleti prospenlly lue befure 3-eu. ilt Mencritff le ratier na aiff lti fllut, inn'î 'n hae? ÀA tthieapl o ha overpuncilios- sra Itie jealous anti suspicions? Tint sîsedt o ba hischaraclar, 1 kuon-, wt-i is le- firs1 rite ras ai-e." p 11I risiedt o peak le y-enabitlMiss f- Moncmtaff, not about My hubanti, M. d Hannington." MI "Very rail. Tien mc tilt spaak about cm' Miss Moncricf. 1 milIlael yen my mien- ilt ions raspectlng hie. Mlly le vary tond ase et me. Al I tant uer la admittance n. le yenm bouse, permission ho sac lian nor ati andt ten, anti yenm assistance lu gratinai- ie iy indocing M. Moncriaf te ceusent le eftIhe mamiage. That lsal." "'Anti do yen thiuk tisaI M. Mencrieff ;e tilt aven consent ho il anhen lie knows th that yan have persuadet is tangiter ho ut meel you hema lu a cantiestine tay, anti e bave matie lova oleremalraady wtihont ing hie permission ?" un- "'No, I tion't," tas the frauk raply. w; "Bot tien, I deu't tant hlm la kuor as, anylbing about il, don'l y-en sec? Neboty lu willrhl hihm, if yen do't." np "But I muet! I shahl!" rho "Jusl ne. Anti If yen de, anc yen untiar )Id- the Impression tint 1 shahl nol datent h. myseîf? Thara sî'euld lha nolhing ah ail ian remar4able in Moucieff's cyca lun3our tie eppeaibien o tha maminge if 1I isntedtt thie hlm tiat 3-00 md bai a praviens ataci- ment, and lIaI ne roman likea ho néeaher- No self ouppate--suti seon-h. v*oulil hi - redy aagimto balevem:I~ bruri almoiet lber , bteti B»s s too nciObttrtied ta hoprudent. ' "'Butl ndeati I ivonît. LaI me bave my wu way about Molly or 1 I n sent i hm Or lellars. Yon cau ciioose.'-' R Ha watcicd bir wtita, qulvcning face ish a feint, furtive smile; ha fait very rtahia ha crouit ultîmately gain bis luit. Ti "Il ln greiving laIe," ha sti ttilehat, anditlissle an matte tici possibly me- uimea a lit11e consideratlon. Panhape ou ivonti ratier give me yeur answer o-morruv, n.. Moucnieff? I take it for antedat aIyen svn't spring lie malter n younr humbandtihec moment ha comaes me to-nigit? That trenit be ratier du o unkinti. To-morrosv aflernoon, sinU ci1 a- Say - nu si CIIAPTEII XIV. i Stella conseteti te lie te*ay. Il scain- X d ho ber Ihal il ruit hoballeer lu lalk h 0Molly hefora tioing nnytiing aise, antidj bah peransaMolly'e otr u axiely tu car hersaitfmfom donble-tieaiing migist ah implify tia malter. So sic said vemy 7, 'aaeIy tisaI sac enîti pusîpuna furîhar ci inverehien liiili te morroir. "Andtit anu," qucnied iHanninglon, "ihi yen da calt me hane?" Sic heeltatati anti han lu tp quivareti. It seamedte hoicialmuet 01 iif sic punîook of Molly'i unnOrthinem, b t if sic ivuitibhadccelriug Alan Mon- tj ricif by consenllng lu mach John Han- , inglon in prirate. But liera tas no 14 ber srny oul et tia difficuity. Anti se, hi veny reîuctantly, sic cousenteti te meet s im next day eh five o'clock lu lie atter- E 0on.n Muily proreti inexorable. She woulti1.a rt acquaint han falier titi lie tact Ihat o ne bat a lover, andtihus Stella iras2 ibigedtiehokecp ber appoinîmeul rih John Hanninglon.n She had aulne difficully tn making ber n 'ay lu Touigarrow ah lie appointati ma; e ut, furhnnately, lie viellera trio arrirt'd a upportunely at four o'cîeck diti not atay b vry long, anti sba eacieti hem rantiavous il t a quartier past fi-e. Si. fount Mn. Ilaunington looking remarkably patient and ah case; hacn'asjaaning against lia Wall Susokinffa ciga. stlella'sa yeÏ gioreti, but ase saiti nuietly: 'hupe 3-u have matie up your mind tgo tu Mm. Moncniaif yourseif, Mr. Han-t ninglon." *'No, indeed, 1 have nul. Itlal the hast bing I inteudtieludoetahpremeul," 'salid Hanuington. "My dear Mrs. Muncniif, yon are making muci ado about uolhing.t Ihare nul the leaslt eaira te deatroy 3-unr 1 domestie happinese, anti yen knowv Itt %ouîîd be dasîroyeti once anti fur ail if 1aboivet yonr hushanti those 11111e docu- mients, sînless yon bat previuusly cou- fesse their existence, îriicb il seemeyon have net doue! But if yen cross My ît 1 muet taka measumea te protecl myscît. Leth us compromise thc malter a litle.i tf, aI the cuti ut n tek 1 have net spoiffin te Mn. Moncniaif sud formally proposed for Molly's handtilehe tllhum n-bal yon 'bouse. Grant me a treck's respite, anti P'I neserve the iattans-perhape I1iiill eveu humathein; but give me a wtrek." "A tek-wy a week?." gaid tell1a, besihatingly. "For deliberatiuu--coaiieration ut my affaire; ail liaI sort et thing. Just oe at-rk-and tien ltaerisele lhing shah hae clearati np." "Will yon promise nul le arae Mollie tur- ing liaI timelr' Haaninglon reflectati. "Wcll." be saut. witb soe reluctauce, "I wil promisise if yen ternira IL Tes, Mm.. Munciaif, I promise." Steila sîgiati. "-1tin't knotv," sie gaid. "niiethar I ougit le yialdti Iis point; but if yau miii promise net te sec iser again, nom irrita, and tih eand tieeek la apeak luMm. Mencriaif, 1I nIl keep silence -until then-but ouly outil tien!" "I ill net sec em'eragain. 1I mli net Write, unies@ my lattera go tirongi lie anthorillas' hauts. 1I nIl let Mn. Mou- cnicif kuot everytiig by tIeacutifuthtii tek. Isu'l hhat anougi?" aaid Han- ninglon, langhing ratier odtily. "What a tiiplomatist yen noulti uake. Staltal Coma, yen necti nul bc uffendeti," ha con- tinueti, as ba sar ber coler anti fruwn. "Yen gave me permission le cal yon Sheila once, yeu n kos." Vae l i ytiesign tint he saidtihose tords ge cieamly? Ilt as at that very moument liaI Sheila sar tsio gentlemen appruachiug ber; llîey bati turnedtheli corner ofthlen-all met as John lianning- ton spoke; it ivoniti han miracle if they bat nul heard n-bat ha maiti. Stellu's face flusieticrimeun, andti temibecase wtile witi disnay; for lie net corners trere no othar thau ilulpi Kingscottanti ber hushanti, Alan M.%oncricif. Sic rasj iîîceclêss iil amuuzement; she feuît lait she lookati tike a cuîprit, andti Ial haugiîy astonishmnt nnesivnittenuon evrry lin. of hem inahand'e hantisotetfa'e, (To ha continucti.) i"How ShilYaEncapa?", Tic Scrplture mny ho a daugat-en. weapon ho put into tic bande et thoe si-li pet-vert Iheir mcanlng, allier lu- tentlonally or thougis want et mater- standing. Es'ery eulefis hea-ti ow Lot-onze Dow, havlng rasoivedtot pt-oai a sermon agaînst roman'a tait bonnets, took fer liei laithle tords, "Topkuot, comae dem!" nhîihha isat lngenloualy pert-et-ttifrei tise lina., "Let hum whlci ta on lic houselop net corne dowu." liens artful titan tli, but net quite as amuslng, was the unconscione errer matie by a young stutent eft lisology aI Wilbt-aham seminary, svsee cas.- iras t-acentlY relatatihY su oit tiii-le. Tha etudent t out onee Sahurtiay te, )NE -RUND'flD YBÂRSI ah Il* pet EV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES dri UPON *#THE DYING CEN4TURY.." ch pli rh Marvela of the Nlneteesth Ceurn8 tnry'-ThO Nouai Power-Labor end0 Capital-The Great Doliverer et Nu- l tions-VilOii of et. John. ha ho Our Ws.eltegtoas Pulpit. ed Considering the lime andi place of lti 1hi elivery, tbis sermon of Dr. Talmaga le of )fabsorbing andi stnrlng Interest. It la le< lot on.y national but international lu Iti Et gnlflcance. Hle subject was "The Dy- wi ni Century," and tîhç tait Il. Kinga. w( m., 1, "Thui< saith the. Lord. Set thine pr, ilse, in order, for thon saat die andi noé, Et Ive."qu No alarm bell do 1 ring ln the utterance SI' )fthis text, for lu the bealthy glow nt frg Fur countenances I finti cause ouly for Ti ceerfuI prophecy, but 1 shail apply the mi *xt au spoken lu the ear of Hlezekiah, Ca owu with a biait carbundle, t1tle.alie- Gi tehth century, now closing. it will lake Pl )ly four more long breaths, aach Yaar à a brath, andi the century vvill expira. My 111 taine in "The Dying Century." 1 dis- TI csa It ait an hour ivhen our national te~ egiolatura le abouît lu assemble, nmre of mi te members 110w lhere present andi others mi gon ta arriva f rom the North, South, loi East endi WeLt. Ail the public counver- thi nces coming Ibis n-ny n-i bring import- au nt additions of puiblic incu, go tint when n Dec. 7, ut bigb nooli, the gavels of Sonate and Hnse of ltelirenentatlves at hall lifItndlau lthe destiniez of titih ation. andti trougb it licheit-etinies of ail lit altis slrîiggliîîg to hi. fre., will bc put », n golema and îl lieîidîîs trial. Amiti of uch inlensifyiîig cireunistances 1 stand mn 'y tha venerahie ccîîtnry înd atitress I1lhi lu the words uf my lext. "Thus saillthe a Lord, Set tbine bonse in order, for thon a, halt die andtilot live."' A Bisr Fultject. hi Elernity la 100 tig a subject for unte10 inderstauti. Some one bus muid It lins9d1 great elock tint manyâ "Tlck" in one cen- F ury anti *'Tack" lu ainotber. But we cau A tettar understaud otti lime, wio hus many Il 'ilîdren-aîiîltlîcy are the cenluries--andti h nany grandchbltren-anti tht-y are the ni years. With tlic dyiîig uiîîetecnth Cen- h. tury we shah Ibhis ruorîling have a plain oi alk. telllîîg hlmt moule of the gooti things ai le bas dloue. anthiien telling hisoule of T the things lbe oîtglit to adjust hefora ho Fm huIts Ibis offie.re anti passes out te join a tho eternities. We generally irait nail ti people are deauilbefore ire sny inuci in b )raise of them. F.uneral cîtloginin le gen- 1) erally very î.athctic anîl cloquent witii 1) things tint oîîglît 10 hava hbeen said -cars C bcfore. W luit ou i-old toubstones wiat in aie oughl lu haie put inthe %tu ars (C of the living. WVe curse Charles Suminer i tuile ha je liv ing :undilcîdgel hlm jute .A @pins] meningilie andi nait utînil, lu the il rooma where 1 have been living the lait a year, he puis hls baud on bis lîcart antir, cries '*Oh!"' sud is gone, andl then tva il niakse long procession in his honor, ,Dr. v Sunderland,. ehaplain of the Amerienu o Senate, accompauying; stopping long s rnongi ta allow tha deutilSenalor te lie o lu Stale lu Independenca Hall, Pi'hladel- y pia, anti halling at Boston State House. thrie nul long betore damnaîory rase- lutions had beau paâseatinluregardt la.um,r sud Iben more on. amiti the tolling hellà g sud tie boom of minute guna, uutil weva bnry hlm at Mottut Auburn anti cover il hlm with flotrers fiva f cet docp. WVhal a r pity ha couldt Ithava beau arake at is a otru funeral ho beur the gratitude of lie1 natioýn! WhaI a îaity that ona green lent coulti net have becît taken froni each one of tha mortîtary garîsutis anti put upon his tabla wbile haoivas 3-et alive aI thae Arlington! WVhat a pity tint ont of the great choira tvho chauteti at bis obsequies one iittla girl dresse inluwita might a nel haveasting te bis living car a coin- I pllmcutary solo! The put mortem ex- 1 pression coutradicteti the ente morlem. i1 The nation coulti not hava spoken lhe q lruth bellh times about CbarlemtSuxR!ier.q WVas l before or afier bis <leceane ilt lied? No eîîch injustice ehaît be iin-etéo upoo Ibis venerable ninieentb century. Be- fore bc goes we recile lu bis iearing souate of the good things he bas accomunplisheti. WVhat an additioni 10 the îvorld's,imîtelli-i geuep be basl maie! Looak at the oui i sîhool bouse, -ithhe 1wsuow sifling1 throîîgb lie rooaf andt the filthy tin cul)p iamtgiiig over the ivater hal lu tic corner. andtihne little t iclitts (Il) the long benbheï wlthoiit hac-e, anti the illiterate scbool- master with tle hickory gati. anti then look et our modemn palaces of frcee chools untier men anti iomnîcu iltiimed anti re- fincdtie1 the highest excellence, no that whercus lu our cijiltihood wtvahadte bcb iihipedtiel go te seblool. cbiltiren now cry tvhen tbey caunot go. Thank -oit. reier- able century, irbile nt lhe saine timo re thank (Coti! Vat au addition te îhc world'a invebtions-wltbln our century the cotton gin, tic agricnltiîral machinesi for plauliug, reaplug anti thrashing; the, lelegraph; lhe phoîîograph, capable oft preserrlug a humnan voice from generation lu genaratlon; the typeivriter, tint ras- Cnes the wrnd frountivorse anti womse peumaueiip. anti steîîograpby, captnnimtg front the lips of tic arifleat speaker more thoîn 2W0 tords a minutaI Neyer tram 1 ao amazeti at tha facilitiea of our tima as wien a fat tinys age 1 telegraphati fromt Washington te New York a long autji elabomate manixcript, anti a fatmnue laler, te show ls acuracy, il iras readtIo me lirough tha long distance tçlepiona.. and ti Iwts exact donn10teise last senti- 5U. ~ ~ l Wa-Ias.tUMu~lk.At ft ke bogimnnsof thlotcentnry, coufinlne lai seif, nofar au the gianit massesof lime go epie were concerned,« tea faw airs hu rwn ont on accordion or massacreti on fi lurch bais viol, now enehantlngly drop- hi lo from theusauds of fingel's lu Han- no l'a "Concerto In B Fiat," or Gnilmant.s ye Souata la D Mlnor." Thanks tb yen, ai c entury, before you die, for tha asy- ans of mexey that you have fountiat-tl orc ti saeing withtheir fingers. tha deaf la earing by tha motion of yeur hlitc pi ar Imbacile by skilîful abject tesson liftr- hi Jta tolerable intalligene. Thanks ta Il ile century for tha Improrati condtition Ir fmuet nations. The reamon that Napo- TI on made sncb a succeastut streep acronspo irope naItha begiuaing outhaecentury W ." tint mosl of tie limones of Eurep) î ere occupieti allier by imbeeiles or ir rfigates. But mont of thea hrones ef a: trope are to-day occupiad by kinga andl te acans competeut. France a republie, s: ,wlîzerlauti a rapublic, sud about Mity a re constitutions, 1 arn toldinl Europe. , .euty million serfs ofRussia manu- de ited. Ou tus Western continent I cau TI il thse roîllet mauy repssbllca-Mexlc at lalernal, San Salvador, CoaUicmla araguay, Uruguay. Hondut"s, New Ms kranatin. Venezuela, Penn, Ecuadur. Bo- qt vla. Chili., Argentine Repubîte, Brandt. ln 'li once straggliug village ef Wsshlug- eb ýn ho which the UnitediSSatsa vera- ha int moveti, lis entire baggnge and equlp- hi ieut packed up lu neveu boxes, whlch got ai )nt lu the tootis near tliaplace, note so ec architectural gtory ofthtei.continnthi id admiration of tha world. i A Glanions century. t Tii. money petver, sn muci denonneed hi id eflen justly criticlseti. han coverati lo continent with uuiversities anti freu )rarias anti aaylîîms of mercy. Tie tiapuiper press. hici at the hagiuung ftha century tras an lnk relier. by bandtit ovesi over one sheet of palier at a lime, V as become the miraculous manufacturer 'T offour or fire or six huntire ttonsaud ft ieels for oee taity nairspaper's issue. v oithn yonr memery, O dylus caeny? ks beau lie genasis of n.erty ail, tihe rreal institutions avangetistic. At Lon-t Ion taveru, M,%arclh 7, 1802, Britishi and ' oreigunBibtle society was boru. lu iSiIO 0 mericen Bible Society was boru. lu b 124 American Suntiey Sehool Union was rn. lu 1810 American Boardi et Com- iissioners for Foreign Missions, tniichi s put ils saving bandi on avcry nation I )fthe round earth, tas hem ai a bal- h tack lu Massachusetts. Tiie National0 renperance Society. lie Wornan'a Tam- i >erauce Society ant il e a it lmper-0 uee movemauts tara born Inlu Muicen- e tul. Africa, hiddten lu other centuries. t] ty exploration lu Ibis century bas beau [ut ai the feet of civilizatlon tahae oco- b lad by commerce anti Chriatianity. Tha i Chinese n-attonce an Inipassable harrier, h now le a imeeless pile of stone anti brick. a Ourn American nation atIthe opeung of à mis century only a slice ot landi aloug lhe a Atlantic coasI.ti owt ha hole continent 0 in possiession of our achools anti charcmesb and missiouary stations. Sermons andi 0 religions intelligence which ilu cher limes, fi ifnoticet i aIail , hle newspaprm press. acre allon-ed only a parsgraph oft tisa i r tour lina, now cdtheliacolumua ofthe secular press lu ail the. cilles tbrown tiêil lien, aud every waak for tweuty-eix cars, tithut lie omission of a single t'ek. I bave beau permitteti to preach ine entire gospel sermon linongi lhe teipapar pres. 1 thank <oti for tsi;i graI opporlunlty. Gloriona olti century!t Yeu shah not ha enlombadti tl va have,. face te fare, extollati yen. Yen rare1 rocket inl a rougi craie, andtheii inheril-9 anca 3-ou re'iveti ras for the mont parI poverty anti strnggle anti hardsiip, aul toorly cevereti gravas oftliera«anti haro-1 nes of trioni lie torti hatilnotbeen( worthy, said atieliuanti mililary daspot-1 lem, andtihle wrack of ltha French revu-1 lotion. Yon Inheritdlthe influences 1h,' restulted inluAaron Burr's Incason, anti1 auother n-ar witi Englanti, antibaIlle of1 Lanke Eria, ant Iindiean avagery, sunti Lîîntiy's Lune, anti Dartmoor massacra, aud dissension. bitter ant ild beyonti rueasuremeul, anti African siavery. icit1 ras yet te cuet a national hemorrhage cf four airful yeare anti a million pracions lives. Yes, dean olti century, Yeu hmd an awfuh ,slarl. anal 3ou have doue more than treIl, coneiilcring y-unr parentage anti -unr parly environnt. Il la a routier 3-oa dit u nu ot tlu he cvagabond cen- tumy of aJi lime. Yonumaabatilmother aud a bail graudmnother. Bome ofthtie precediug cenluries were net fit lu liva in-thdir moral@ itera so batil, liir fasi- iomi tvere so outrageons, hheir ignorance- uvas 80 danse, liair iniumauily go ter- rifie. Oh, tiying nineteanhsCentury, ha- fore yon go n-e taire Ibis opportnnity of lellimîg 3on liat yon are ttieb n su thýe usigiticet ot ail the centuries of the Christiaun ara except lhe first, wbich gave n< Ilue Christ, anti yen rival that century lu lie tact that You more than ail thù other centurias put togeliser are givlug the Christ ta ailiaheivorîti. Labor and Cap:tai. But my tait mnggests tint thera are soeathings tint Ibis century ongil lu di before ha leaves n. "Thn saith the Lord, Sel thune bousa lu order, for lion shail dia anti net live." Wa ougbit net te let ibis century go hefore two or tiree îhiugs are set lu ortien. For ona thinq thm quarrai hettrean labor anti capital. The aitteeuhcentury inheritat Iff reim thea eighteenh century, but do not latt lis a inett-euth century baquanti lt le the îwentieth. "Whit el raant," maya labor, "te set us nigit la more mînikea anindie vigorous n-ork titi terch anti dynaLmIta.>" "What we anat,"says capital, '"inaa tigiler grip on lia working classes anti est ferever, tbatoid fiâDil uldeh keepsûe rics neàl andreti yeart ago vas hne 'uni the. black rock ofthlie as alîhudas, "Therefore ail hhînge iverer ye rouIli taI t m nolide se aven en te t cm, for this la thse iud the, prephets." Ï Another thhng ltatnectis-ta be. i )rder before tise veteran centnry.Qnlt aa mors thorengh and ail eS fan fer lbe wortti'a gardenizatilcs iaa beau îryhng tle avathe ornd fra' me top, anti Il cannt Ichoins that *w%? [bas g e le asaveti trom thsebtop 'ho church ougi tale b.only a. W 'oint 10 drill soldiers for ontside 4ba I iWint If a milttary acaday aulidd sa atutiauts froni age tha as.Lus th.e roni andtihie harracka? No, nalt q ne wautati. at Monteumea and 0lm tpec aud Sonth Montai andal ld ny Rtidge, andtihie churci ane o c iChriatian ho slay vamy long. Hfr 'ante t theisfront He Ioasced lta sperte charge et takîns thse pargpet 'b. lant great bala for Got Ia net te b. - noghl on the campus cf a collese or 11 lwuof a cnrch. It la tebe fought %- Mlsaionar Ridige. Before thua oentwy8, qmit& ns letIn catahUal lhe habit eofg#et Ing lie ferenoon oethtie Sabbatmhot he curcias andtihliaafherno n d the aveu. Iggetflthe Sabbath te gospel rork la th.' j ais andtiheateansd sete4sud 5dda. sui mm andti wldarnsasof dgla a*c morrow. Let the Christiuan ul. bouma- ifuily f.dl Ise t e mning, go forth ,'la lie aflerneon antieveuins toeedttheê me&, titudes of outsidiers starvînt for thei bred of wblch if a a n uest halie ai evar again hunger. A E>ylng Centmery. Taitl..uà, O uinetacnlh century, befz yen go lu a scor, et sentensa son. et the things eta uhave bearti anti seen. In 'eteran Inus upon nanti Bay@: "I MW Thoemas Jefferson riding Ilu nattadeu fromn Mouticetlo, only a tew steps frote~ wher, yen stand, diamantât frôm Un A bora, andtimlcih.he ridie ho a pont Md @O ..a 'entier mLIi take thi.e aîb of thse prealdes- laia offce. I Bar yonder capital ablam dih wrta incentiiarlsm. 1 maw tise pot of tie tinit steamm ngine lu Âmericaj 1 seard lb. tnders et Waterloo. ot Et- ,raatopooi antiSedan anti Gettysbur. IE vas preicut aI ailtlise corouatioenaft tl» kingm andi queens sud emperar and em-- presses uer lu ticeivoriti's palaces . have seau Ire billows molla seotshlà continent anti from, ocean le oeea-- iiler cof revival joy lu 1857 andi a billeW< - if blodinlu1864. 1,bave accu tour ges-* erminof thlie hmm race mnareh acraes bhis wrvitanti disappear. I saw the cradIes roetiandti grava. dus. 1 have heard tis e dting belle andtihie lealis knellsetofnear a hundrati yeam i, have ciappei my bantie for muillonsiof t l sud wrung tin lu millions of agonies. 1 sat Macreatiy anti Edwin Ferrait act and Etirard i'nyson pray. I icard ti tiret chume of Lougtalk<nrhsythm&,and 24 befone sny oua aIse sar them, I readtheis fils lin. of Baucnoft's bimîory andtihie tiret verse of Bryant's "Thanatoptls" and tisa tiraI wrd of Victor lnge'. aimait supamnatural romance. I hearthe nle if ail the grand marches andti he larnet of ail lime requiesa limaIfer nlgb ts decadea madetitie cathetiual windari shake. I have seau more moaansdspir- itual victoria, titas .11 of fmi predecai- sors pul ogetiser. For ail yoe wha him or ré'hdti i.valedlctory I have kinied &ai the teaic irecdesbjhimics you eve mal anti monastiail l te allooa anti rounde-, s'iy. anti merrimanti yen hava aven ibeard anti unrolleti ail the pictureti sumets a"S etarry hanuirseoft1he midulgit- beavei - liaI yen hava ever gazeti ah. But èé'e 1 go lake this admonition anti benediedmo of a dting cevtuiri. Tise longeat lIte, tike mina,.imuet close. Oppurtunîiis go» neyer corne hack. as I ceniti prove titan ulgis a hundrati "sar, et observation. The elernlty tiat tilt boon take me wili aoc. taire yon. Th iitvcke«i lIv. not ont hal their days, au I have seu la10,000 las. stances. The only Influence ton mmking tise rormi4 happy làau Influence tiat 1, thsenn.$ teauli century. Inienilet tram 1th. Birui., century efthlie Christian cia-tii. Cbrlaq - of ail lhe centuries. Be net decalveti ,.*: tic tact that I have liveti me long, for a century in a large theal 1ha1 turne 100 imaller wheehs, wivih ara lie yeara, an'i ench oueaouthose ycars turnes330cm matled irbeels, wiici are lbe daya, anti aeis ai tic 341i tinys tumus24 umailer wbel% thich arethe lueurs, antiaciioee ae tiosa 24 isours hîlua GO60smaller richs, wivmii aaethe minutas, andtihose 010 min- ntes hurn still anîallm' n-iras, tviiciisrq lie seconda. Anti nil of thîs vast nia- chlnery la lu perpelual motion anti pashea, us on aud on totrard lise grant etetiIty n-busc doors trili, aI 12 uock oet he winter nigil baliveautha year 1900 andi the year fli)0 open bafora me, tbe dylt cnutry. I quole trui lialires inserli,- tiens aven lie tbrae deera tif tie cathdmal et Milan. Over oua door, amiti a wreath - ut sculptureti roses, I reati, "Ai hist risicis teases un la but for a moinent,' Ovcr anoîher door, aretînt a àculptureil'! crues, I rend, "AU tint thici troubles n le but for a marnant." But er ile central door I rendi, "TisaIauiy la m pent nl wmmci te charnel." O etarnlty, ca' nity, sternity! My hearens, nlie nineteents centurY wias bornile lhe face of Ibis naion iras yet tret ritih ears bimesaof tise ftali iorseback ride tisat Waainstaa look cnt bore aI Mount Mermen tirOnglý. Decamber snotSoi, 1 wiem tise n. century nigisl ha boru et a time trisn thsé face nt thîs nation shalhei. rt--whth thqp, tears cf lia literai or spiritlai rivai .et lise Grat Deiverer cf Nation,, of whoti St. John ivrole. riti apocalypti e Po%