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Lake County Independent, 11 Dec 1896, p. 8

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ou ftue stock and magnilicent ulecUon of appropriste Holday Gis, ror Old and Young. TOYS, DýOLLB, FÂNOT 000DS, PLUSE 000DS, CELLULOID GOODS. METAL 000DB, BRONZE GOODS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE, LAMPS and CHINA NOVELTIES. 1 have ordered a fine large slection of Rockers, to bc shipped the l5th especially for the Holiday trade. afl~'emhatAT TH E "Furniture Store," WILL KNIGGE, - Rockefeller, 1111 WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, Ill., 'TH EBEST PLACE -IN LAKE COUNTY,- TO BUYý Lumber, Coal, MiI-Feed,l Farm WagonE LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared to supply your wants in .. is, Bugge Agricultural Implements, gh st.kH. ] Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tule, Etc. tcio Always get Our Estimate Before tied po I uin Y vu..Bilding Matra. at price Theo o WRIGHT & SON'S. Libertyville, M. modiern ___________________________ _________________________ edous PAL ATINE. 55. Il 5 TJj. rN.Air. e km Mattie LiII vas bu Chicago luit Della Switb visited friendsin lu q. Wisconsin fecently. y Ubbert Lin vent to Chicago last> Miss Bertha sud Dora Porcp are sick 'with me»esa. J. H. Bchondlng bas ,returneîi frîim 'Wins Cooper vas lu Chicago bis trp to Esmond. % rdy Frank Fouton vislted relatives lu M~.t r. Flanuagan, vas a Chicugo ovor Suuday. pqpu ent si uuday. Miss Minnie Hitzmsnn visited Iiends *.'Wu. Lezaker vlslted hier par- in Chicago over Stinduy. 4 e Dosplalnes, lut Friday. Mrs. Couant, of liidgeiielil, ans a s-JliaumBiellaMaxbsm snd Maitie guesi of Mrs. Arp@ thia x'eek. 00*were in Oimagolent Sainrday,. Mrs. Esstbrooks. of tSt. Paul, is $&y Aflaneon and Zoo Wilson vlsting Iieuds in Paltine. a la Chiefago last Thursday ou bus- Myrtle Smth bas relunned frora lier le.trip $0 Elgin sud ltidgelield. $e D. fiheahan, the nov roadmastor Mrs. Goldbock, a!fIving P'ark, bOBuit Llne, vas iu Loihion 155$ vlslted bier mothen Wednesday. Henry Bicknase, of Chicago, visitedk IvYtraMfloea thiâ Place lu veny bis parents ln this place Tuesduy. *awiug b the vashonts o! truck sut a ula lI erdultn u4te anumber -of Vodmen tram lirs. F. Smith i E«ston recently. entded Lodge ut Rockefelle Misses Bertha and Annle btroker *tura iht. visîted ionda lu Barringlann eently., itia number of yonngsîîors eoa- Ray Wilson returned :îrom 1ileALI huinolvs satin onthepon Park vith bis tthor's fast hanses th 01 the Central Truck lait 8Bunday.- receetly. It Sabra Eckb$0n, vho han been Auna Mathen attendod the Buptiat MFS« et the home ot lMns. Jay AlIaII- Ladies' Buzan Thursday nighit ut gel W m. Davdson sud !amil y, ne- Barrngtan. "d te bher home ln Chicago Ist Ben Wilson and family are nlcely m"a. settled ia their nov haome on the fata lis Literary Socety in golng ta reut veut of bore. orfflsud i have munil eeatter. lirs. Tomas Catalav, o! Evauston, Bad obtyiteprogresing nicely, and vislted ber tieuds and relatives lu F,'front djoiniug tovus are con- Palatine aven Sunday. lyvelomed.John Biggs srrlved tram Paris, Rd., ..L. Cooper, vho basu beau resld, Monday sud il romain witblusi* ,m.bis ! atber's, M. Chas. Cooper, family until ater the iîliduys. *bât tova in galng to move $0 Chi- Mns. Frank Wilson aud !iend, Mrs. i Sigt. vboe eho la employed ln Frank Shiel, ai Austin, visited MIrs. Sbâdvae dopt. of the Otto Manu- ]Et. Heise, of Baringtoon, Ibis week. krixig Co. We visb bifi success. Operator IVill Bnockvuy bas abtuin- ed a tvo week's vacation and vill Auction Sales. visit bis parents and aId fionda lu bu undersigned vil seU at publie Wisconsin. tics on the promises fou i iles Miss Rose Converse entetained bon Oob Luke Forest and one-hall!ile uchool fiends WVdnesday. A candy t o the Vernon brick yards an the Pull vas thse amusement ai tIie m lime noad, Tuesday, December 15, ovoning. 8, eolnmenclug ut 10 'clock a. mn. Mn. snd tIrs. Landver have netuiraed : 111e !ollowbng described pnoperty tram their bridai tour and wilI be . 110 choie covs due ta calve fud ut homo lu Bunington tram 94*0a huavy vork harnses, drivlnig thlis date, Dec. 8. *0 7,1106n old, diving mare 6 yeans lins. Tesch, of Arllngtau Heigbt8. 'eûté ooling 3 yesrs aid, 2 sucking sud Mns. A. T. Ullrich, of Barringtop, ,ot comiug 2 years aid, tva sets visited their puronta, Mr. and Mms. H. Wibarueas, tva sts single Mnndbank roceutly. Mle, one rond vagon ncarly nov, SagoIi, truck, milk vagon, Mm. M. L. Johnson lu recavering cMerg bobsleigh, Clbampian train a short ilineas. Hon campanlon îWp31*lobn mowen, hay rake, bsrCvPlta h ese u *i*tssuk cliatr dsaodyl esume ber dutbes Tuesiday. ok>,u*,Ivtor, 14 Inch stabble plov, lin. and Mrs. Thomson, a! Havens- e fî draga, 'prairie City sedenr, vood. Mr. sudMlis. Shiel sud tisten, ,,r 1usd cutter sud power, sud.Mrs. Frnk Shiel, o! Austin. vent' eeod MW, gravel box, liayvood guesis et the Wilson bouse Ibis veek. gridstone, bsy tank, nope Booiig, sud not bmitatiug, -boqshrse 1hoe. hay rack, îirengthenbug, sud nt weakoning, asilk cuti.s, milk vat, 400 sBocks saan but effective-sncb are the 'ÇU tm* odden corn, stsck of qualities of DeWitt's Little Early q NSXtenu timothy hay lu barn, Risers, the fumons 1111e pills. F. B. à"ud"b" .ti stock, 800 busholis LoveIl, Libertyville sud G. C. Roberts, Iu"@potatoO5, 6 doz. Wauconda. $0Metothe. aricese ~Ida Dickmun ententained a :,Or sâlk:-AU smns of $10 hnadred youug people vtb a sýocial a"., AUlas over s$10 'hOP"in ber fathera buall Ronduy r. w ill- bo gîvon -au ight, theo snlvorsary a of lerbrtbday. ~,oe.wbuzin itrest A lange uinhen ai yoitug people wene 3p~cen. isonutSf prosnt tram Burnîngtan, Arîbagon ov 4.O >o ro t yr Heig h a d Chicag . cf s0104ae mD OM- The fint of a sorbes ai Satunday ~ 4VPORLEr, Prap. nigbt4daues vili bc given in Bsttpr' Mm%'sbâIU ert Baturday nigMt, Don. 11, nIonthe asapces of the P= 6,tu Mn. C Mauy, IH Ilrst of I'Ni.k ir<wt TÀBLS. 1A ,LA' UAy -Fred Averili mad e a trip $0 Chisago G0111G5 ORTF. Tuesday. a.M. p. M. p. M. A. M. Mri.JohnAyrs vus a Chicago visitor as 51 25 4 06 Frt. se 48 8o9 910 lust Wediiesdy. ~49 85 is 9 Miss C. Mason ls spending tIhe week 58 . 2 1005 wflh friende ait Deerfield. 5r 1003 82 de asi 10 20 E. ffltml, of Doexileld, vitsited ut 010 18 W2 00l85 44 0 5 John Feglova ovor Sunday. M10 '24 3 6 59) li 1Il29 Fred Gerbert visited finonds in GOIN SOTH. Chicago a few dsys 1ut$ veek. John Pock and vite, of Wheeling, cîeit Sundsy. called on C. C. Gerbent Sumday. ýy on slignal. Ags erbr anwtetn a.mn . a.m. p.m. Pn .m. Âuus ehnbr l&nvtM-tu Frt. bis nev bouse ta a coat of palet. L7 34 I1-29 4 46 9 O06i1110 The people of Half Day have turns'd :e 7 4 4 57 9 14 1140 ont and regraveled tIhe Pralie'iw so4 il u 5 09 122 12 2s road. 5 13* 12 20 ~ Julins Hertel bas been visiting 8 26 6 2 i 1iu2relatives in Chicago tîîe past 1ev 8 44 5 90 1 14 veeks. lu05 OS 1 10 6 50 10 45 H. H. Peglow lias take an big cou- ______________________tract of mason vark anidi îlastering ut Fort Sheridan. und the Cou nty. Mn. J. Richards and daughten, Mrs. Tnipp visited Chicago last Friday, also Mr. L. Krneger. SPONDENTS WÂNTED: We are Evenybody shouid attenxd the grand i fecurnug carnespondents dance wbicb will be held in the tovut ry tawn in thse county. Il hall Friday, Dec. 18. repneeutodwrite Christmas bous vwili soon be chimg diiitylo reprs120$ suie ad if Indications are correct weddî,i!ng f, or ask some friend t0 do so. bells will soon chime t00. JUST & WOOI)MAN. Benjamin Zîmmer has hft tihé employ of Henry Sehueler. He left rA. on youn paper lndicatea for Milwaukee to visit bis paurents. eyour suîoscnîption expires. A surprise punty visited Mr. anîd xin sbsripios eui eprssMns. B. L. Tripp lust Wednesduy ingsuhcnitios snd xprsseveniug. A pleasant timo la neported. li1ce money onden DIRECT TO MrF. David Spears and daugbtensi, FICE, made payable to JrST & Saie and Mae, are visiting friends N, dedUCting ainataît paid and relatives in LaCros, Win., at thse order. present time. - There wili hoe a mîeeting ut the' town ROCKEFELLER. hall Fridsy eveniug Dec. 11, for thse purpoise af argaiiizing a litensry aud Goodnman, of Diamand Lake, dehating society. Everyone invitt'd nesday lat ith Mrs. CookMan. ta ho present and join the saciety. ieduy of lus$ voek Mrs. J. H. The length of lie muy be increased e returned fnom a tva veek's by lesseulng its dangers. The' th ber dangbter. Mrs. Sbuddle. majority af people die tramIn lng Lillian Gleasan. o! Chticago, troubles. Theso, may ho avented by nspeuding thse pa8t voek with î)romptly usbng One' Minute Cough er, Mna. Litcbtleld, also othor Cure. F. B. Loveil, Lihortyville, anud ýsin tova. (. C. Roberts, Wuucondu. atnnday a teacher's meeting L ut this place 'wboro a great DEERFIELD. rnm the surnoiînding county Katie Haole spent Sunday ut home, di, iucladlng Supt. Murvin. A Laura Jouas wam a vi.sjtuîr in aur me lu neponted. towu last wcek. -day ai luat veek Mr@. RohI. Mrs. Adamns bas retinruied franî a id little daughter sturted for v'îsit in Chicago. where they expect ta make uture home. WVe wlsb tilein Mamie DufYy, Ia" retarnied fri-ouia alth and a salto journey. two weekh visit lu Chicago. Litchtieldbought F. A. Bravus Geo. Pansons bas se'cured the' if groceries Tuesday sud wyul position af agent ut Oakwood station. sume ta bis store. Mn. LitcIs- Lizzie Pettis laî ut home uguin alter poses to dispose of thse stock 8peudlug a fev weeks ut Slîermerville. es that vill muke it ta your Thse Alsip brickvard bas closed for lgo ta give hlm a caîl. au indelluete tliiî, owing t.. liek (ifi Id vuy of dellvorlng messages bubiness. 8t boys comparod vith thea Miss Kelly vIsalbas been spendiuig a telephone, ilustrates the oId 1ev da&ys vitb bier sister, Mrs. Thora, Smethods af "broaking" colda bu" returnod $0 ber home. rd vith thein simostinstautan- ire hy One Minute Cough Cure. Thet Stnd*y achool of thse 'resby- 1 îvell, Libertyville, aud G. C. toru choîrch mot Mouday niglît te talk sWuuconu. over Christmas "dolugs." A golly ________number vero preserit aud aIl seemed ative lu the vork. P. LVVINt4G M. D. The Mission Baud of tsç ethllebeun cbunch hold a fuir iu the school bouse Rockefeller, 411., Suîurciay afternoon. liefreshimeut sideuce ut J. E. Holcomb's. veno aervod and thcre was u "grab bag" for Uittle ones. A go'îd tinieva" - - Opposite Depot. hail by al vho atteuded. 9 A. M. 1Iob 2 P. M. Alter 6P. M. AhsolIttly pure, perfectly liarnil'ss. _________________-and Iuvanlably neliabie are the' PRAIRIE VEIW. qualititles af One Minute Cotîgb Cure. It nover tuila I luada, crouip and iîîng LWilcox vas a city visiter troubles. Chiîdren like it because il ay. is pleasantto0take uud it belis then. rn Darby drove t4) Millburu an F. B. Lovoîl, Lihertyville, and (G. C. Lay last. Roberts. Waucondu. Chas. Wllcax taok a load af GAGES LAKE. ao Milîburu last veek. i. Wehrenberg vont ta tIse city Franîk Edie visitcd fil Chicago tht' ek ta invost iunsaine cuttie. tare part of the week. Geo. Gridley's tbnee daugbters, ('Iarlie Edie sî>rained lits ankît' uatile sud Elsie voie home thet'I<lite severely last veek. 1the week. Gea. W. Joues as Ini ChIicaguo Fridtay hiil.. h erlruei. . a-.yap"usu. r. Dickinsion ealertained soverali City tnifends ut Oakwaod Stoick Farin tIse linut ai the week. Mrs. H. Jumiesan lbas inoved ta Milîbtiru vlere ber hIssand, Dr. Jamiesoa, yul bhave is office. Same of thse farinerai in Ibis viciniity are nunung their carn tbrougb a thret3bing machine. This acta nearly the sanie aa a shredder sud la nat as expeasil e. Henry Smnith, Jr., and ils siNter, Clans vent ta Wisconsin tire lutter part a! lat veek. Clans oxpecla ta 1iake an exteaded n'bsit vitb Iriends and relatives in finit part. leaders are complinlng of thse tibantaess ai tIse letters tram tIse Prairie Viiew carnîspaudent. Nov if thse camplaining anes vilI anly blîriaa barri, Commit suicide or gel married, ye correspondent vilI ssure at loat a hait columu, vetb a bcadbug bu lange blavk type. WARREN. Hienny Taylor bas moved ta tht' Ina Harria furnu. charlea Eîlieba is a apnaiued ankle can8ed by bis pony faling vbth hlm. Br, bn Warren Frlday Dec. 4, ta Mn. and Mrs. Ansol Ladeskie, a son. Gelleral and Mra. Rogers, of Wauke- gaun, çalled on Warenî tiendu Stur. Miss Agues Simpsonl, of Boton, visted vith Miss Garnet Colby luit Salurday. Some one recently stole s4everal buuhels oa inIîskod carna rinnJohn Abrta tflçld. Thse Pleastire Club gave s party t tIse Grange Hall, Frlday oveing Dec. 4. A pleasaxît lune la noponlea. A crovd at yauag people surprised Misa Viola Edic the eveing ai Dec. 3, it h)elng the aunivensary of ber hirth. linceul Chicago visitons vereMrn. and lins. John Abart. Mn. sud Mrs. oearge Bragden, Fraukln Edie, Thomas Clapham n sd P. Beuz. "Excuse me," obsenvect the mn inl spectacles, "hut I am a surgeon, and that lanat vhere the liver in." "-Neyer you mimd vhere bis liver le," retoted the aiber. --If it vus in bis big toe or bie left ear DeWItt's 1JLLI.EarlY Rme svould r«eh it and sako iltfon !b.On $tsS y7019aaq ityorj Charle Ont-al. of Miwaukee', is sîîending thse winter vitb bis fatIsci Iere. Iîreparationm une heing ruade fîr a Christmîas ntrtalnnent t.. le giveuu Christmnas eve by the' Suîuday sebool. Mn. Jorgensiin ohm scbaal teaiher has organized a lterary aoeiety. Tht' meetings are la be beld ia thse aihool fiatuse. A î!ehutc la t. lit'given an Thunsday ai ibis vcek. Speed sud safoly une the' wateh varda o! the ugo. One Minute Congbi Cure actai speedily, sutely ad neyer ails. Astbîna, bronchitia, caughsanatd calds are cured by it. For sale by F. B. Lavol Dibetyville, and G. C. Roberta, Wacouda. Resolutions ai Respect. The !ollaving neslutions o! respect vone adapted by tIse Epva'ýtIsLceuî' af Gages Lake, relative tathue death ai Mrs. Mary Moore. WiiiicEAu., It hias îleased atm Heavenly Father'ID lake ta li'r horne uave, Mary aur dean ister. tIse helaved vife ai aur presîdent, Ernest iR. Moare. Therefoa e hoit Rieaolved, That vo tIse Epîvarth Leaguel af Gages Lake M. E. chuincb have last a kind frlend. au influenîlal member sud a religions vanken. lIer characler vas an example ai a beauiti- fnl christian 111e. Thenofore be il fartber Resolved, TIsut vo extond atm heartîcît aympatby sud prayera ta tlue aorrov stricken husband and little anes bn tilathoin dark baur ai sorrow. Jiesoired, That a copy a! theme resolutians bo sent te the LARa C irE' TY lNDEI'ENIENT and apread upon our minutes sud a copy aI the sainie h sent tu the' aorroîwing funily. MARY PAT TON, GRAVC tMASaN, ExeaA CLAHK. Coin. VOL.O. "Merry Xiiias" vilI hbuiin ardon soan. Miss Cook, of Waucanda, visitod lber cousin, Mary ltaymond aven Sunda.y. Rev. Chard gave a grand sermon luit Sunday atternoon. Next Bunduy afternnnuho vili delîver a gospe tempurance sermon. Sebool ln the Vasey distritt s closed lbqveê 0ça issomt o! slcknmu. The ~~~of !ppi bv VU-SA Long Grove, ERêBRO. - - liii The Right Place to Buy GROCERI-ES Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,- Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware,' Paints, Qils, Patent Med- icines, Jewelry &Lc &c &c' [Off PRI&. *KEYSTONE CORN HUSKERS AND FODDER SHREDDER, MAKES -Corn Hay - Hummer Sulky Plows are the Best, Any Boy can handie them. IL i Bradley Plows. Deere Plows. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggie3 andSurries. Combination and three spring Wagons. Drain Tle, Lime and Cernent. Lumber, Lath and Shingles. G.H.Schanck & Son, LU BERTYVI LLE, ILLINOISO A FN E, . LUNE ýlnjih fr..rn <,Qîtlttn'R Corners. m I iiliiia,'îter and! If, IL geared wind .OF iniii Adîiresa J. H. BELLER, River .FURNITURE.' Eaipels, Clock Shelves, WVall pockets, Paper hoIder's, Book cases, Center tatH'es, Extension tal,'s, 1Dining chîairs, Rockers, Coueci es, Louages, Pictu.re Frames W. H. MILLER, '1lI)'ÇIstIIAL ARTIST. Boom mouhuinig mw , y.îî want a ciean sisave or a Paints, g-xl Iauir uatirail au ,Bill."' OiIs, ~ IMAuNDS 0P CIGASB. i SN-x.i'-r (i %N. C. Itlrggs hon s$or ,:i SI r&:-' St. 5l,q, -1-n every 057 (Gilass, Pntty, Brubies, Mirrors, Mattresses, Cots, Sprîings Etc., Etc. ..AT.. tF YOM NEEPII an'sd of com ur ndo no5dJ Winter Blankets. Fur Lap Robes, Heavy Fur Çpats Ur an Ytb1i gnhe l is ne of harneas. h"avy or lcht. you should flot 511 to ace the fi ne stock dluplayed by ISAA HEAH & ONS CHARLES IKAISER. ISAA HE TH&SON Raaio does revB2rtfg neMatlypraply u Libertyville, Illinois. *bttul.Eetdaa~segd Real Estate, Renting and Life Insurance Agency List your propcrty with me and Also Solicitor and I will find you a eustomer at reasonable rates. usrpinN w Ag t Amoîîg numorous choice bar- 1usrpinNw gn gains, I have the following. i Lbertyvîlle Clty Property. PUblshers uialf an'P lot wlth eiglit roorn mî,l.'rn sn good w"Il. .dst.'rilshadlî'and fruit tree.s.r!hiýaýp L WET RC S for '!asli. or on r"oniatblf'terms. L W S RC S For sale . ni'w buildIng 22x4() f.*-t. "at'f'or cash. Chohin' Lt, raixti f.-'t lt fr,rntlm tob$i300 on ail Periodicals. The' lahiy îr.î.crt y-largze hotise, lot and barn oil Dvin St fo r sale or rint. Farm Property. For Sale loil nr' iiînî'roî".li farn on baills o!lCaur's If you want to Buy or Lakv. Pt-i'- ifui i1r arf', arti'asl,. balai.,' long~ ~ ~ ~ i ilr. i wra' ntr'.Re nt Lake Cou nty iea".,îMilwiki4 ronI, hoile'. large R EAL ESTATE, barts. onî feo' , 2good WEî.la.go i)( s- 20 a.' r." - tlî6I'le c r ar', îar Be Sure to Cali on, 12 ares. hall way hrtw,cen W: rrnton Gro' -- and (irayslak' four nfils irt h rf Liortvl(ý '1 iilrv:I lLeIorodH. C. Paddock, tutî, of .,ultl Vîtlol',n o i)Wast'. land good stock or dai farrn., neyer falling spriig and Libertyville, Illinois. ilowing atrcam. Teris lîberal. A COMBINATON WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY TrHE CHICAGO INTEA'OCEAN AND -L4KE CUNYINDE PPENENZ~T,. INGI 810«. 1 -imilrulirinba-

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