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Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1896, p. 3

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\C~' 1' S. :*~ ~u dXW.~~' of amy people. '.Irs.Ilîannington?" tire N CHAPTEII XVIII. ouog Oanri-cuit om quetlionitaglY. "NI! l'ala Amoutit Iter Mn. and Mns Jçhn Han- faiht'r'o plai-i. is furiher niirtb.. but 1 Il kluglon ha!l léft Seollani! and taken up tiik <at NI r.Monriell visita bina &oene- la, v her quartera lu a L.oulou bolel. tamis.' l Hanlugton iad ratlier a Jaleil an! "la Sir Ar-lial rour fthier? I kIow a-a brlahie Irak. Ttc anxlaties<of is Posa'- is namn-," aaial %I,Iy, uuith %,)me illet1 tion vare tlling upian hlm. Buai as ye confusionitof uuarinetr. "I think that I1 lu à* ha!t sail uaîiing of Ibese anxieties t10 have heanI of yau, toi>" 3Seily. ."Iarn aune yo aii bu---juas I hauîua 11, A thunlf;rin,; double knoak enda sPen' hennI oft ii," saidl (apiiii Ihuilierfonil1. N et tae front deor-hell stthdc'i5 resaiunalvd hcarily. 'Ba u b Ni-asa ithalit knaav 1tai titrong t he bousa, anal iualelannng- niailt'of s aitr amai miagc. u1-,1mier i "auroase iniseif. Nas asat ia.-;fatiiera in Nareti, iantdl b- "I expect Ihat <bt koock ln for u."-s i-r nentiitad it-" Ille ai. "Donald Vert-i-cmandala (nictuiliîe vofenA -twxhy Mn lîantantaia' ii' vwere la caîl for' me et eveu-tirty. i heek allailu suidltiy ass-aiedac a vai-h a bear titan coming a> p i.tint tuf rt-i, "Mn. N'ancker --('alulain RUaaifonilo"oui, ida aesse."sail Noliy.in«a var> MY rife" te introductioan sas elloe<ulow voai. e orauichesra lhall itusu trilik fai Ia veny briî'f faishiian la)Jaohin la alii lad- op,. amu,]Inlo ataiirail> liar wis h'. ton.,su ho su-tntei-Ito a>ule is escui- i assad. Il -b(lit tlms ba-aadlotii a -l a quicki> as poassble, but wsa 5O<au t'i ta> iuntii uk ai îaî)kuî -la'l. 1eýi iit -il. -- Sund is fri-nuls iii ilb)I tai laat. lusiuig tire aîni-ýru-. 'It vas s an> t bir. l'era'kt'r shsaiys loy-d nIlan-t ty fw,-, qaulet. Ofau u ae iii asil l iaanut0I al,, it aud heha ll!henni eniuughi cf NIuiuy s i sý,iitr ar lut, r, Su i i nI ei. f-r ul f atory ta he cuntýutiaaboli t ber. NW h ilaý', fui uaa e ata i itil. .1aick n aIdInai Captailo Ia therfard-Cia rie Rileir- a-a tag-tIînaiaIattli knl-thlai Ya forai, as i tria-nis u*ýa'uiiîclîcd ia m- 1 iuil usni i v uaytahiutair i- itaviuug otither hearilof if M.. .îanflan- Ifi 3'Ia ana-uy faaula-r's fria-ail, 1I a laîk ulagton hufire, <cr biîsn u-rmunkabla-' yuti 'uiatt I',kuî - P-i-a ise la;t-ï,,,aY, for bis appreciailion <of wulOiilal ii eaftY. agny mli meti-.I 1lu-vîî-u-andaiIariui amaze! bis ecouaaiuaoanot n itie. 'von%%-nidrýir n t -ri ti.-nlit la $"aMing quite attable o take bis a-es off -friendsuiaaithaie any mai-r i lie q Molly's face, anditshouiog no daispoitiont inm.aisu eI &il t lu asln sny. lîiaanitmgtaafl Ivan t-a ai -sl ling fitîmat jin han- -N. "aif vexed a-l af tatiera-ilb) Iis Cà Ining-lm hldnat lilar Uic ciîiîli s a-t'a a auj dent amtiration <of lias sife. I~iut harlie Rtherfordai (cli ls if hei-cull ~Wael, 1 ilaîtI uisb te humrr ci" sail , U îidiausn ara,] Lisutie bl-ait ofNllys Rannington li enguh, diiag bis beaut t prcimy siîk gownuvi fhot the spot- Ana N spalucltieasautîY, "but 1 htink use bail tht-atht' curuain wsutni) ndî oIlia(. îîînit ietlen ha off" reply. "Andl an re going la IcaveNMm. Ilino finglon ai hi heraalt." askeil Donald CIIAlI-EIt XIX ,l'eken. "That's bari l ines. Isn't il?" It speteutote Molli- as if sire muîst bave "Oit, I aboli ha quite happy," sal! Mol- banowu4;h.irie-s htîtlierforal ftaiitiiiy Ji, inuostently. "I bave a no0vel te renail.Yeans. lita naine hail long heen fanaluarir aitonigil"i atrail ihat it son't ha talberad to e tc'î in In I.iodlia s qut s<ae stbe Lycenot ' like meeting a fa'lov-eonnlyman ' i ai - "Diii you uant lu go t<i 'lie Lyceun. foreigo hInil. Sha'e oahî nat treathl titan?" îaid M. NVarea-n. like a trangen Ucl drove brick tuafithtf "Ohb. si- haul tickets for to-nigb." e- hieh sitît ber betweea ela-s-in anal Iseltu-. pliai! guihiensa NoIIy. "but as Jack bas a partitug tnomr ber ai the doan usith a f business ttgngenient lha canuot go, se 1 sensation <of enlina di-jtouint sieh suai] -sud site Isugbt'i a lttllc--"at le! t aIgestly bave astoniabeal inple-mioaledI- homn e atuiag." Mll>, coul! ah,' but have koosn it.l.ieîr "Oh, lolkimre." cricil Donald, "sve'Ill bshand appeared un the Stîung- nuuaunrat give ap or engagement, Jaek-import antioune o'(-lock. orîcreil brandy a-soa,nuano aes il lW1" sud lha hastoeve!a faca>tiaus i conplairâeil of saitesiache. Aftî'r ta-a wn vilupos lanoinguon suhicb annoYed Iminutes' silence, however, Ilieaddra-asedil: StaI gentleman very mach itilecu; *"andl ber. r eI ahi WCrtlire. havi engon t lîs, su lien dia1 vîon"ita- inyour LyccIlni. Wlthv o g salafauher'-eY boif iî's a bex. Ive can ail go, sou i" dtuve, ct'.ien." bnoas" "Anll bt' sent ha-k yourîn Icîf n-a -It is not a box. unfirttnatciy." sais opened»l?" Jack, ~el Iv"se Ihall suailîs. 1 ianex "N'es. .ak." ee(Iiiýly ,rny, but esco if yoîur eatàgag% "Coitautoil bina! Nhohiuy!" ment la itot of pressing loîhucnani-e, iia le,.Iak ea je, ant,1 iinnot gise ilîni)." "MIVe have leas tbaîu a haînîlreî p,)intul.. ".('un I bctif no u-,"!"sail Uuptaip A nia-a' liai iatt fuir ls. Thar'.ainl vn ha va Rutherftr,na, agerlY. "I'îrbaîîs I inizk! gotiniiithe. usirlal itl ve 'am lakuly t, g bé ilhînlveil le> escat MNI .hiaasin io oath îu llil Y ual ari-Icui> i evcnlug? 1" lcakiog (nil at lituiie- "hthmau'gbit îî a bi iattai Ion-"bave vn etngaigeumentofaitnuy kjjIia, tera-l NI.Iiy. Vea N r arer kutuîîs. Isas ais tan "i'i-mt> iity! n ai ontthavse brendaianalliit- nus suas boute, andal inlihe ilelaguiledif fttur It,, endtfaara ing. if suaaî-abiiagulas 1 mas bave the h ir.' nit arit unam .S iti aois a amni us i t..a iii.s- "l'ery kinilOf oteu.l'u tsare, C!uarlit,*" ing anitel lii iunr ftuiaun Say uuyîliuag sail Ilanningtiin. "Weili fyou iloa't yîaut iie.> hnramise aîm>thitzug clie-, hat ain! the troubléa,mS site silîl be cbatiai-gel hinu la> gi-eaui îeau ail. lî'a ather a puty ta sacrifice tl.1 Witliagrnt reliai-ance Miil * s L alnau tit-ket."o thue îvritiuîg-lable anîd lolitedlo e- MaOIIy ookeîi aayîling but charmeal. te bier ftuler. >iarrieil asoman as8selluas, adumi naien Slite iitlotii inhoannoie la> Bîrtie hae- John hlanOiton's taitioua, aime uas v(ny ging lier brotimea'Itaplacil hinta Iem aCgorant o! the privilagas <f ber POsit,.>a. fatber's banals. liafurotan ls an ansi-en aTc go ta thte thealar sitt a yoang tjatu sans rea-eiviý-u-i ua net fr-an NIr. Nîiaim-ief ,- o vbm ie ad novs-en cuin lber Vit or Ba-nule; hiv as iritten hy Italal inug- b Al oe seemed te ber a starthing prospect. Scot. W -r-vou1!very mach have likeiltae sk "Nly dier MaIlly," wnnua iiber ai'ic.j lier tushandI n pcb-tc su-at it unsa"yeuir (ater ws-ias nue li say rtaila-' "-prnîper" for ta-rr1tado; hut as suiha î'aîîno o lil 'uauy yotî amaîulal ivite aquestitoni as impassiblte, abe coulaI ctly beggitug leulens slruaaly. loounut sîn-îly ;ook etaimuaond aICaplain Ittherfora hlu ave suficieni for Yolr Preserit tiiis tamro si-itatsncb wiii!-ayei! dlsmay thal cousiderng the circunsanocea tder Igannington, secneily raging, taîl it in- uvimiu yoaa hfl the bats." caumient ripera hlm t offer soere excuse "WIaat eau>lie neait Y," sahil Moly, ilieni >for lber gaucherie. she reand Ibis hler rather trc'uablinghY 4iRan awayandsilgai saur conk, Moliy. sîoud to ber hbuta. i il se511and for a cati aI once," te sali!. Haoaaiagtoîa stock bis henil. Nosuel olt bel uih atI Co't imagine, I1aa une. An I iaok a- l wierO!nalteuthea mach itpraai nlnotiîag out of is bolise bal youansulf. my - - -deighlcd by ail thal site aaw sai barearansoratone.d G ot sen.', l ,eut -Site founi!Murinlo a very citanng con- "asoberaton. Go oit" -pafion. Ha tallai! 0tbahei etnuuc atheefae e aieta t nomore c acte sith a genl<, respettful courtes). comnmnuncations may lie addiresstailleîn e~& 1>y plenatansd yt lene urs syoutltul tanmy ilear Molîs, I have uriton aI hua a- gyal o!itcl'tabot hm vLicb auMd-adict-tion, an! 1I m eau u d a sfeiv wards illm seen 1te ber likea brother or s play- yt s awa- lr f hlg aa ! sn ommnsackf smate. Ha reminilaillier o! Bantil, andlyusc orfthrbb ao orJe iche toi! hlm a, uit a conflding $m- as a ma"re titief, anal refusas ta unrease ipleiy. uviicithli u ru tounal adorable. hia vealt by its ut filts lucre, whicb "Wbana dii! Hannintgon ancet ber?" Jea noortauate for Jack. The mattar bas t ie titaught ltaiinseif, as ihe yoatful become a sosre point wiith hima allogether, lovlilues ut ber face Itupresaci! lisait more particuiai'ly as te tact of saur - gom a! ore upon hlm. "Site dos hu*hand'a previons engagement te lirs. tact lolkmore thBO savonteen,su st Mo nei- oo~ems te bave no friends lu London. Hem'e Mousy broke off. "Tour engage. -ne »on foun!outI vtat b. vante! la ment 10 Mr$. Moucreff!"te sald, lu an A- - .AChance refeece te Dunkqd-1mers toe. t tkoeoior 10 he. gl'sf tee., lb 9X-1-; ttoi! sou -about 114" b. an- L " hmW - ,aat ~e'fW'"a witibt havs'rng mode love te berr ly broke out, jealoîashy. lier braa theavinas li-r dilateal cyts gleaned aaigb a imis, ait ItiCs. Naturall)." eaaii- i-r hobauahnaI. olly. haltl la)lis ai- laii hi to-auialer. "h l liiflied aluni ilteilai'lti-igave lier alla-at la io iolai iii) iiskiaîg for ,iîl h? mfa-iai-1 tîtadie love ta ber; t eil , i , i -xiai a-t ii you n îi huai ir- tY'aru--I -Ni .ly. hier biti riit a lIl ai-, nal ier hsoîîs 1(;14t-a i e ia-tii - aa-- at li-r si1 î. There ssaaaaaiaat iagai. iiilia-r loo,k t'la.a ii ail "i uaaîi lS lroceil M-1:11 :11i ii) i af - aiainil ihat wu S Dot a()i, .îk laoik!. ,-ay> that 3nu loves] - -ii-I Moaliy, outaiuailti er s ta, hi at, bi-.aa-e hi aigis - lielookeal at a aid ai niat a isse.-Yon lave-clove! us ailia. ai'e i-at i, (eutrfalhy, i yoîau tîcailtuena. laa-Vhu bave ai>s -.alaI tuait ua el i-e; anal I-1 i tar uuifi.- 'aIreliak (air nue,*" grovved Han- igfuui. aggy. lit' saidit bote-et jtu-, ntai a, ily ual-ainiuag huer te r; lit n la, hi iii sa u5fr- îat t-r ricken ILana l Iie ubriuikilig iîaîaa î'îîîî'î f ber aile hiiaiy tt ahe hl iP:qaral. h' alit] net 'muit tii aiiea iatters. hie (-ast à ýiy giaiwe ai lieu, abruugga'I bis shoul- s, ua iba hn us-cit ut ii lighi t it fthe 0111. lic hiatil(.orne taitle Cocan1lusion at il ivos uuselî sâto biiiaiig' MNolly ry longer. The amanuer she fa-ia!ont t lie alligintacaaira' for hi, r mare thon -laut ual s 4 it ahi)a.are(air tha-i r usive-- b usais the I-Ytii,-ni îu îY ianîu hicbheh i it i iiif- hbet-t-r for ber-the .ler for attei liîa;bI. h-ls -akly nýiiai a: h-air aihi-ailier busg- iii lvft liar, aaîl] saa liki astiaiic< cold. ,.ahuu îiIiiiita- 1.ittiail star- iii.illg-.i h sa-t lolaiear thait lite :1 -il-a, u a agè liai hic -r huitai5wIS tiarl li1atnai-l-Shi- an i laibart ai lîke na iitriahitl. hietore suie be- alnat ar-aif if un)iplan o f action or a arIllie ii utfaC thie'future. tiow limai af ni a act Ilhu r liaasl)iiuiis love. l'l a li- a t ilittiîî-almenîr, sitene- a- ui a i lîuI s--i ali-r titia-les letter -ta - 1-ail- ' , i auhaire it lu) î.ranici .1ý ha uif giiraîti. 5Sliriaiglit herfielf at týt 1 a iiiilkî- t tii affirt ta n-ail thie lisa na'. i Na ai-a n ze'airaias thainuid u oat aun uuî-îîuî.- at; osti le î%%al, inia kee'aly sua laltla allati'. Nut> îaîn.aal an Ni ahalalutpeist. "Tou laris :tkiý,ýits alia t- -ia)irearninn -iili-ti-a-s ilatNIrla. onîaiaf ce a- , a lL If ai usallaît tiiliatas1.8i ra de l aar. i laiLai-btai-r gi-i Jci -i ~ ~ ~ ~ Yu ai lail,- irfaîalar nil a ilai il îthuil ii. h uzit if ahia --,i, tai .. It,î %ta Il la ioîa il loaaîti likelj i 3gi' uir laiî-iaialf l.a gî ibst f-,ýg -,a' aai a f il lt, t 51 a h iial ' tg il u iît aaatata r -art tîaîîîuniyou aîar liati'i'li tu NIllY no-af' au trîuî l t -he u a-If 'tg& Il-r su ah li-r bla a itîî ha,- Jaîk ha( aanafr lian SaliIauhari îîîîîSt(ehi a a-l.ht-r fuiai-nr'as %ife-ua1 e. ii ii.. give iltui i V. lIat it aalhuait inca .11 thait in liesii, LI allite of hî adlaial auais'teila anadiaha--aa- li-r meinir3 Nloii levsetliber tii îatl îaîîrt-sil lier haut,! ha,~iia'tag'taur s he' aiui-ida-nc-lthi ii'hii A-.iii tu-atheare-vauil' ailose] -l-îiîig dama t a sa-a.(ar li-rut If th oft r-autIiliiiîlia-r itua h'spoieanul eI aaa.li-r aa.î)a itaiflaiiagtloiis dresi ig rni. ihu tia,- dl- lI)ateli boîx suie fin i ay lInalli s af ett ic n d palieaîîrs. fa i-g ma-t liairt 0nittly itd ui)analduel eta-i ii a se 'raiY m- mis]ulnanne ite s,,ý t iaaua ieuuî averau i ah ho, ianhla - iga-n. 'fiin. antitue tan) bailta niof th I-ax h -er >3ç4 s ti-îi lita-a> lutai ital aie. tigetimar îu lb a ut it ofalaaýk riblgi on.. av:saiiu hoig l.lathlaaiere ciii era vt h thle f i*-anal hinttlv îharacters thi 'lus a a: ta- re- i uian ' vl)tasai? Sie t in aser lii' a aaa'r ili n iit aulld fli- mi'e. GuI) uie t'-ia-amu iltii lii'f a: a'tl ar iaii,irtnauii a 'fi'he irsi oi h- lu-t i-r au rttî-aî la> Stlla nalaiat -uer faial. ns i-aith lîl-algitin . Johnlan Ia aiuîgioaamai a--.i(aa' tiaemr. Thita iaxt-a lai, ý%iasu uifroc,' NIail) a i hiait as si c-i il tena- lai\t s m i-iliiiiga liai faaanîh s,) inianharassig. sa sifliv lai lia;t CC Maioll .rk-Ili-ya-tup :iut( ot--f indîigaautionîaa au1fii-. ini iî t :14 aiîaiat lii .iglu ex C)sefter fi-clu l ii C a li-r. "lie r. ic Ir.,au li-r sa-u itt îl lician > iktnuria'giaiaai e ue ei aall i't t i huai,îiiîiat Torenuiiitii 'mli' 111a13, liao ai lit la. lkea îa ih timea ',le tahai, niait a flruui sî-tiiîg of lber ]l Joan tof Areituthe iiattlelielii. honitatîla- lir î'outntgvwats f(coC a9n.1 WiII hiix is huait ituais se. for a SIOLCS Sis tîciti-ly Iiitglt, lier lItde Ilatil. ne>rtny aiiuiiO'it-ailtg lier fui huaarteul fallisui-s. M fien-ltierntroc lht-aiti t eîluit huais b.% ttrouv. i'ta'if ltote a'thmît-et o f lthe ig try-ltg, '»Tlic>-are aaursi" thia ti tumatî'uî ilefent te vlctory. Ofient us-i ,eai, ;i llilaii 'lalite if lierami! gi t i t(sb. andumin itaaIit-il 0au tht' lia-la ai ai xa lfila' tiilieurti'tt i A.grack svauiînlm wihltail. lier 11113-%usais eN greit1er t Ia aulier -aourage,. hiv Itt al a-l-lng alo sis, batluaui'vrrturmam tOtet. Stlihai buIttre uveaipoua,1 hanînea'. for Iî'ie uvet'd nîî'se t scalairal. I.ter sime a vmtg)- RE I I(N 0F W RK .hiere by the hour, lie drives very triowy.mn ,rflhe la hired by the excursion, he whlps nul to op the horses so as ta get araaund and get nation OR. TALMAGE DESCRIBES IT IN aiother cOistoumer Alil styles of work eester MI SNOYSEMO. have to be insýpected-shiipa losipecteil, newà HIS SU DAY SEMON. orses inpectell, machinery luspected, new v haoes toa Natch the joortieymna, capitftlist Non pr&ctiCat Eclîion the Klnd that la eaaaaaifg down unf'\1e.tedily taessatch the théory Worth Sýonctitin-aThe iRectifier of1,0'. a nîai-o of a eity (,tr sotanding the religio i opunhbellilt, pros a bis honesty as a pas- l'aes Alil Icclaltii1 anad Ail ToIFîth ,ei'agir bands ta lina a clippeil nickel. somle wthoat Works Ie ltead. All things muust bc watched awal inspecteil took --Impaerfections in the wood covcred wîth Dr'.J The Washlnztou Preichser. llitty, gariri-ts ssarranted to last until greatc This Aitbjeut of 1Dr. Taîlanaîge culs you paut tiin ionthi.thirl tinte, sbodîly hbesb througb tire con ventimauîalit a imnl spa r'- iail i îkindis <of lothi ug, chromos, pincti- SOiS notbua.g of tlîat aaaîke Lt.l-e religia ,îeek, diliaonds for $1.50, bxakbinding lbis wvhich ire ail talk : lno la actice. The" iliat liolils on uintil yen rend the third Moral text chomen as Jaillies i., ,q), 'Fit lter, sîtivinei lahrmes, by akilîful dose the b witbout svorks lm 1ul have oftt'a of jocke)-s, for several dnys ruade ta look thent spoken tn yon abtout faiahi, litibtis moom- sprY; wagon tires poorly pu t on. horses of Et ing I speak to yen ahboitaorks, fur'.faitbi poorly shod, plastering that cracks witlî- dying witbout n orks is deuil." I îhaa:îk you o iii("ut provocation' andl talla off, pluibing of E, agree silh nie ini the stateini-ot that the that needa ta be plumbed, imperfect Car es lh. great %vant of Ibis Y% orbi is moare l)iatil-ail vîteel that balla Ithe whole train with a ing t religion. %Ve %viliit 1ractivial religion te hot box, So litule practicall religion lu henve go lut)tellah incanaisc. h ial upervisc the e iNaiisOt of the world! I téll Yeu, phyoe, the labeling of goodm. It îvil Dont allow n<y fricails, the law o<f man will neyer as th, a man to sy iant a thing ivas made tir r"ctify these thing ;il will b liete ail La1 one factory îtliit tvas nmaîde ii another. J<e5'adlfg Influence of the practical re- theit It wiill iat sl,îvtir e nireliiit toa5,13. ligao of Jesas Christ tbsI nl i ake the Quee "ihat senti-h isas lliaaufaa-taartil i Ge- î-iange for tire better. est Ie neva," o i-n itî%va s iiau fiaeturt-d hir Al il IIFeel lit.Cairn Masschaseto. t ailiot alluw the Y'es,tIbi practical religion wilso go pe merihant ta say t<i;lN aaae aai'ne'fr-a)i.,l( irii culture, whlch ian.proverbially Parir~ Madir %%euit ilne n)i)ai f -iila . hnct. but ne-ds tlalbe rectifieil, and it o'Il Practia-al religii i il n alk aiîang by tli i llikep the farier frottesending ta the Sunt store ahi-Ires nl tcir oif ail the taga aite nmarket veal that la too young ta kili, Sn thlat maaike na-r-Iaaea alaî.1t n ii uDot aid o hp eu lcfarainer fa rtas (onihares aitfacti sîlow the aaair,i-haît ta sur, -'iaît im pure n ifi ki cp th'e nman îvbo doces the work forai coffee.' o hiai ilandlaihon r at andîi iieîaryfrteMailning bis hait thre-fourths, sud a e anal other ingro.heits go it,,il. It wlii it îvihl kcep the tarmer from building bis aireC flot sîlow iiiaii t, saýj' Tha a sputre Polatsit~i rail teaie on bis neighbors auigr' o liiIivire are in it isnaad an-I îrehiioîs, andl it wilîl make hlm ahelter 'Me groutial glass. bis iallie lu the win-tter starm,1 and il will eveai WVhcn prai hal religioin gýta it fu kesîi the ohil chier froan workinrig on Sun- la hi sa in the o d. il villgo (ow ir îe day aflernoon in the neîv groaînd wbere sYsiE tesîrIce, air!iîl i taomneii, that shoe stoare aibady scee himu. And ibis practicdl re- e<iti' sndrii <f uetiîtitiaiaaautolsof ana llY igion uill baver over the bouse, and over s5151 fine lookiiig pair of shoîes adshov'rlattebrn and roser the fieldl, and aver te iltt it la pa-.telî.aril saîaaî.vîheil belîveeathe areharil. More tsotail leathi r. Anda thas praietivaia relig- Yes. ibis practical rel:gan <of shich I 'hou ion %vili go riglia;i oaIs grîaeery stoare,' andl sîeaîk wil c e i lto the' learnel- protes- bons it ililioili out thee phag of ail tire adlalter- 'alaîta. The lawyer will feel bis responsi- a"Iti r h- s ied u , and i t il diai ii tiiot hi asa bu ity ilu d'fenii g innocence and ar_ aut ilbarrel ifront aff ai- sa-rc the t'asit raigningigcl andl expoininhigthe law, and'outfa ýt bark itaIi-asailfor ciiilaiiafl aind the it will ki-ep bien trom chargiiig for briefs e ýtbri.-Ldit that a-a slI for eli3 îaaie, plialer, lie never urîte, and for îleas li neyer wba 1 anal it o iii aliake out the [antisi illI bitue-l'Inde, andl for pereentoiges hie neyer bt 1. frorn tice tia lb- as, alail i lal si ft froit aa ru-l, aind froun raîbbing wiilow. an-I hll the hi aiir lIitir if tari-a ail ta)lie dt o airii bea-nise tbey are detenselless. Ant ir andi n a1atli'.ci ia iNi lay cheail -îY as,tis lira et cal religion us-lcle inetaPrO" atialil ~s I .1r.îe tii aiie 'quarain îf vater the pieinln's h fe, aud a u fe ie afrointtatI- fe iol i dropsi ,f aaavstailk. rsiaiablt as the conservator <of the a sad it nuil tiaroaleout tlle lave animaacules piitle' beaith, a profession bouared by G, ,k(rom the bru ai sagar. the faut that ('hrist binîself was a phy- coo. TIhe Atie or %tlulteration. ivian. AndilIt usil maîke, hlm baneat, Tiiere liait lacia sua ilicaîî ualtersiiofi of anulwhea ibe aies ont undersltad a case tFi rtuv of food thati s ia i 10met olie au ii saIy so, net tryaig te caver iup lsckIle [1 aue tuait ther-as illalia-athy mtani or uomai f aiagnosis wiîh pentlerees tecenicali- ir et, lu Anieial,-i. lteii el i-a aaay kai whiaî tics or scoîl tbe patilent ta a reckiesa drug t'c te tbey l'lit ilit>a aiandiahlio taresug s tore beeaise tire sîiotWl.a'Ly happens to thts ara1 iia i i ait-,aad atîteîay a peraetige onithtb prescriptions te a poutli-,aur) I aa1 g.laL'i t iia a a l>v sc.ii. Andaltalis pract ical religion willG i - coranie ta the sehlleaclier, niaking her (a ad0 niriaiî-î;e have bha -cii i iilrfttl ne: snil Th tzrdhO' ih iiMa-feci ber reapoisibilily ia preparing ouarn Ld sachisitis il aailyztd a great naiaaauiit if yoatb for asefuinessansoufor bappinesa di la sybaîlvaacalle,1 pure calIce amIndfiautîlinanal for lionor, sud wil kcep lber (rom gis'- d I1iltnt ic particie of cohlce. In Enighail ing - s'Y box ta a duli bead, chaatising app Ln 1thee is a lw- hat orbiis the uttng ititfor uhat lhe can ot ell) and seni- am il, f aluan lia breal. Thela bliie authori- i iseouragemeait ail througk 'tbe afterami 'y ties Cleainel ifl3-ia)nc 1aukagas of br,'aiî ears tif a lif2tinse. Tbis practical i'e- am la aud fmunil tllein ail gaiity. 'rhebonest lgoi Whancne at~oesae las physician, lriting a itrealrililion, dots ien,,and it wiil help theni lu the gather- tea -r- flot knaaw but that it laorry brin e itattbin- ing of the newa, and it will help tbem lu un stead of healih ta bis platient, because >eting forth the best Intercata of Society, t te her ni>- e ac if he rug wekeiedand it will keep Iheni (ranipulting theth lie herem&y ie oe ofthe rugsveaen litao <ifthe uorld lu larger type titan its fah s- by a chea9per article, anal anotber drug .-rsssdiltitaheha l ahee id niay lbe ia1fuorce, an 0teprarl-mentie. and! Il wll keep Ihenu fronlait-te ar lionmamy bave just the opposite effet- ersnig nveswtbulime lb ,k- lutendesi. Oil of wormîvocd, warranted and ronirting suspricion thlemer r. pure, from Boston usas founi! ta bave 41 adfo trigssiin htnyrm ug pier cent. of rosin and sîcohol and cbloro- csin he allaied and! wl make theni stencil ldj he frin.Sý-iiinony a oe ofthe ontfrienda ot the oppresses! lntead of theth ýrs valîtable meaical drugs. It lre very rare, oppreser. ti ai; very precloos. It is the sap or the guna White Lire.E -cd of a tree or a bnsh ini iyria. Tbe rouI <it les, Ibis religion, Ibis practical relig- ta rt the tree la exposedairatinctision la malle ion, wll corntesnd put lse baud au wbaî lug !rîti tbe roà,and outlîîn taudis are placet] at la called good Society, elevated Society, Th kd titis incision to catch tire sap or tbe gaîto siaeessftil Society, ne Ibat people' tWill hi no as it exultes. It is very hreciotas, this bave their expeoditatrea within tbelr.in- ay scamnoey. u b esatoie tcome. and tbey uili exaahange the hype-. "as uviaceîr iataerîil. Then il coules critical "nul St home" fo'r the honeal ex- ter te Aleppo, aaîd te aiereant there tixes planatiotu "too lireil" or ltu buay la se*Ji ai- It witli s cheeiîp-r material; iben it camnes you" sud uill keep innocent rejepîîo wa ah. o ta ire wole l raîggiat in London or front becoming iotoxicated convivility. TI h. N ie rkadlcaies twthalee es, tuere la great opportunity for mis- ly of Neuv er, al; iil bcomies t tieîbai eheaper sienar! îvork lu wbal are callei! the suc- de ton gisl, andl he mixes it us !th a cheaeper ma- ces 9fui classes of Society. lu sanie of lte e., iiit teriai, anal hy the turne the pour ick mnan allies il la na rare tbing now Ia ses ath ta gels il iota lis botil i asimbestand faubionabie uonan Ittoxicated lu the w eh cbaik ana satiail anal sItueef a-bat lias stree-t or the rail car or the restaurant. igbeen caihea pitre 8-ananioa.y ufter attalymis -rhe naîmier of fine ladies uvbo drink too P ba enfudtob osalnin ta.mc <nai- slnereaaing. Perbaps yau may Mn baFasel l .'ta saaaaieyaiai.finillber at tbe reception lunmont exaltai!'Ri pta Now. p acl reigionJil eretiy onapany, hait abe bas mails tomany B >01 Nou. hraiticl rligait n ii et ecvfs lits to the uinerooansd now lber eye niri. tis ih1 g eits byorii a glassy. anda ser aushile ber cheek lhath profeisors of religiantivoa gol a "corner'"aîoîîatrîrally ltsheil, and Ihen slle (alla t.in cern andl sueait iii Chicago anal New loto fits of excruclaling lanigiter about-h 115. foracin raync h espatal up ntil tbey notbing, andl then she offerte sickenhng 'vee funl byonl he eac <f the pliri, flatteries, telliluz soule honiely man itow Be keeping these brealtuffa hn their own well hie looka, andl then abc la belpadin l- th 18,banda, or controiling tlaem unlil the taelthe carniage, soi! hy the lime the car- d .iCl, prices going oap anil up anal up, tbey uereu. nage gets ta bier home il takea thte bus- w L)ialiter swhile, ready ta seîl, and! tbey, solil banda nd te caacbnian te get her Up the ia on t, making tbemuselvea millionairea li Stairs. The report la shewss taken sud- a 'n-one or two years. trying ta fix the natter dealy 111 et a germen. Ah, nul Site took, OPB np uvit the Lord by building a church roraeumach champagne sud mIxai! lquorsli 1119 s university or s boapital, deludiug thon- and got drank. Thst iras ail. ,ut, slveas wilh the lael ientIbtihe Lard wouli! Tes, Ibis practical religion wlll have ta h site be se plesseil nlth tie gift hie uouli! for- coma lu anal fix up the marriage relation l In- gel the suvînile. Noew, as such s mnualn Âme<ica. There are members of rin May not hase any liturgy in whlch t0 say chorches urhu have Ira mauy uivis anidp 1 as his prayers, I1uill compose farinolmtanIra mny buabanils. Society needs ta b.)Ir. li"which ie pmstically la niakiag: "Oh, sxpurgatei! sud waabed snd fanlgated SLord, uve, by getting a 'corner' la bread- aud Chriatianizai!. Ie waut tis pra-, l'en stuffa. surinaleil the People of the United lclrlgo a nyl ik tl fi uni!Sîses ot o $lOOOOOOsudmadasuf n-at rire callei! lbe lower classes, bot tri log fering ail upe aud douvu tbe landl, anal wa laIe bolld<of urbal are called thlbigier, ber uvoula l lekata cotmpromise Ibis malter classes. The trouble la thal people haveb ita wlth thee. Thtou knouvet il 5555 B an ides tbey eau do ail their religion on t] bal scaly job, but, tu, il ivas smattir. Newu, Sunday with bymnbrak and prayer book f ies- here use compramise IL. Taka 1 per cenl. and lilurgy, sud sanieoutlibela ait lu te dcii e a - à ta dart invitatioe.sud ons, an eleelmie llgbt tw cru sud western hemi gospel, but t.e old- di work. Dw yon way, "That le a verybo ry, but la lt possible bt t& on loto ail the avocatialui 8" 's of lita?" yes, sud 1Iw.111 gIWvai ,e apecînens. Mei!ical doeteal1 Ltheir religion lmb everydaI Joba Abercrombie of Abedfý lest Scottisb pitysîcian efkW book on "Diseases of the0BralM iaI Cor!," no more vonderfui book on "uTePitilosby of, il Feelings," and aflan kbue.ý, beilsida of! bu patients ta u ta Go! 1n prayer; Dr. Joit: Edinburgit, immortai as un - ig tandem lthe benedieflon of t hidinburg, mysaîf remembel! hesat lu bis study l ul ta me about Christ aos is - aun, au! s score of Chitiîan - Sicians lu Washington jmtait 55 aey ware. isu'yars wrio carnie! Ihaîr religionslah iprofession: Lord Calirns, Pen's advlser for many years, lteém<,~ legal autbority lu Great Britau'-st ns every esamer l in M a têa .chlng as an evangellsl smonk S of bis country; John McLean, tbe Supreme, Court of lte Ul e@ sud prealdaul of lthe Âmeile,,, adsy Sebral Union, feeling more flckê ion la lb. latter office titan lu amien, anal scores o! Chrisian lay -minent in the citurcit of Go! au tb.g eminent aIth'be bar., Relisians. Mercbante. Jenchanta urbo bol heir religion lost» ýryday lite: Arthtur Tappan, dead. ais day heas. bee eslsblishe 115< stn by uvicit ue comn a 10 Sd ont tba mmerdiaI standing of business.muN4s rtiug ihat entira systean, derided *V ' beu, binself, as I kaew hlm vei. U 't rai character Ai. h4onday morMu ,t iting t0a aroom lu the top of hie. atob,ý sne the clerks of bis estabfishautý king Iheni about Ibeir worldly, lntet'sdh' id tei spiritual 1ntereasts, then gie thymn, leadiug lu prayer, giving lheu uv urordh of good adylce, asklng tés,î âa cbuarch lhey attende! on lie Sait. bh, urbal the taxI vas, wbetieta.-t15 A sny aspecial troubles of titeir oWa. ý îbhu Tappan. I neyer besnd 1Ma eui.o- -aounceal. 1 prononce Il nov. AÀ4- er meAubaita malt as good. WIiSauý Doilge, it the iran business; Mosss jL monu-il, la the shipping business; Pet.« »Rer, la the glue business. Scores e4 - en jut as grad as ttay urere. u1 Fanmers siho lake their religion laiM air accupation: Why, titis minute th.iv taces anal uagons slan! arouod ail tI eting bouses i n erIes. Tbay biSas s day by a prayer a God, snd wIeq% ay gel home aI noon, after they ba"é ,I temr horsea up, wili offer a prayer te* .d ai the tabla, aeekiug a blasalag, aatM tsennaer Ibere yull ha lu lte e at one distouesi beas!of rye, not.oeS- bancal e ar of coma, nul oua !lshomiW< pIle. Woahlping Go! to-day away up- îong the Berkshire buis, or away dow» mii lthe lagoona <of Florlds, or away out*: aid lthe mines of Colorado, or adong , $b nals o! the Potoms a!n te RadI~à maere I knaw titan better bacause 1 We., sebool with Ihem.1 Mbihaals wbo Irak titeir religion in*a her occupations: James Brludlq ey b amousnt mlUwlgit; Natitaulet 1B.wd.ItAt li fanons aip tuadier: EliUnEmstiït. lief hnoul lak mith, sud budads s &M lae lite 1iaîumr, and the. uv,' sd t lie, an!dlte drill, sud lte air noeud bh ie grand marcit 0f our naionsJ Indus rin. GIs'. your heart te God, and Ihea 1M aur'-lite urîith gond works. Conseerat. - hlm your store, yonr shop, yoeux bm4- ng bouse, yonr façtory and your boum. bey say no one viii iear Il, Qed WUi xeàr il. Titat la eough. , ShOrt Mernien. Judgmnent.-Tbe lme' or- od' lap n!dgmenta and lte dispendng5ot v1w wards sand penaltiea bas uat jet arrive&. Me Lord. Jesa@OQitldoea fnot formai. [ aud finaUly Judge lte quick and tb* ci!a uni lte last gm'.at ani. atlb ed of lte vorl. We are not n»' lirough it ai lita, nor la Go! titroUbi wt un. Te jadge men at preeent I& f» PreJudice ttanm. Judgmnt l a elbth malter wicb Go! bas nov lu hand .- ev. Hary Bwentzel, Epwsopils$. Brooklyn, N. Y. Pure ln Heart.-Many Who declaap, thait their band!s are cean and lbMeu heurt@ pure tell an untruta. Tb*., bande would ho repulsive If vaeoe~ se. titan as God snes tem. bhingi un aoclety and butiness are ef Ion.!. Titere la a great Geai of as wici, accordlng t0 au nvrittea sa lobedupon by lte vorid as and fair. There 1%, iowever, a t ard Qf boneety, and ail ehould U li.s i. W.ealinoltbave edean bands, haye Impure hearts.-Rev. ILR. . laren, Preabytanian, SaBau 's, CaL Thte Bible an! Progrem-No, - progre of the race.ever eamlod lnfidelity, or vas ever bel4 'o,. cem by men wbo cut theuaushý'ss- fram te historlcie fu.s'e tianlty. Ail remiedil, peveiSW redemptive pbllantiry hsu been ribota! lu the Word of 6A lte men vito bave wroUgithtie for tem fellows bave eve itemu and enapowered by lie foow an! miade radianthe lt

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