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Lake County Independent, 1 Jan 1897, p. 4

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Entoes at th post-oawS et Lbmervtile. IDinols.sm eoad-less iattr. AbYUI*UIU 0*150 AZ>U ENOVU1O APPU cMM. Butter on tbaýElmgin Board of Trade Meuday wia active; offerlugs, 47,1601 ltbt; isaj, 15,4A lbo.. t i0lc. fl] c)mlcers vire re-elected and two In- apectom l.W, D. Colyer, a1 Chîcago. and G. H. (terison, Of Gra'enwoaael vonaileal --Il Spain doent vtaah to sec a maore radical change Oi sentiment lu tlae U. S. in favor of Cuba than thât vhich bis rccenlly token place in lavor of a counervative mceannea ang vitia the Caban aqaestiont,-r"mark- e igh afficial, 'ehe viliiCRI] off thae l lag press reports abatlitas iatel.s be(aa nmploying in Europe." HccasT e- feil e9eccially to thc report firetA publiebed lu a lParia dispatch to the n London Timae, tit icrinty lhaitsd intimatea t tthe il. S. Goverument th&& l Ift took any action canuteild too aid te Cuben. Gerniany voulal Juin Spain le moki.ng var tPouniu. Wàsa hwrdly ncceeear for the Bitat Depart- ment to tako thae trouble to denY e..iba rat ai th"t but ie officiai ls id noeoa soos ai t va publiabd. Il eau be atated on hlgh authorlty that no Enropeon Goverument ba evcr given tht. goverument thse sightcnt hint thot it viiehedlte terfere vlth the course thie governmet vii pnrsoing or vas intend.tng te parloe e Levre Cuba. On thse contrîry, nome of thent bave given this goverumeut assrances that they voulal kccp their liands off ine ao vo lia any trouble vitb Spain. Thte publication oft iis report vis nnquettenably intendeal te work np an public sentiment tn tbts country, sudt througla that sentiment tpon Congroe and the Preident; but even If such a report were kuovo te he true, it vaald have ont eficet just the opposite froua thot intendeal. Aniricans bave been onivitte lnb dîplomacy by Enropeau nations, bt tlaey have noever tboitafrtghteîaeai by aoy ai thent of ail af thcm, andl what le more they nover wili ho. Americaum dont vont war, but if they ebould have to ight Slpain, tbcy vould mach preicar fightlng ber backeal by (iermany taa figlitiiag her alone. Spain ie regardeil a5 aucb a plgmy among the venlde nattons that thene voulal ho but littie credit attacheal 10 tbraahlng ber, but Spain askistoal by any of the greit Enropoon nations n ald inake o foc verth licking, if var cala uallac houa?- aly ovolded. A SEVERE LOSS. Firo Consumes the Farta Builings Boiongng ta J. . .MNyer. (on Ohristma Be Mr. J. H. Meyer, -livingihout three milea northcait' 01 Barringtin, happoned ta look <out oi hisl resideuce about 7:30 oclock anti discovereal that hie barn buildings vere in Itamea. Wtb ai mucb apecal ai, possible hoehataned W te Ubarn and turaedkaoom te live stouck,asasiig aiil baut four cole andl Ivo clves valtîcil at $170 and evei bead <af herues voatud e tte". Thse buildings vere nazeal ta .11 . anatlatedlthe iénaa na10tL raauaaaaaý. cotitgforth tearty andl flaterIng aeart.aa. 7Mi NEtea(tlara Averti anal MarY Davis vaTa xoeilant tii t.er rtadtnus andl the, audia, naa aemouAtirateal thetr appreotatlon acariilll. LibeartYVtlO Mane ati themea v"asProat and al hea thar a" airaids e pîaaatad theatI, Tova Hall wauid haavle bees atl taaaa naaai. Arrongemtenttta W a .(IttmjnOttiaaaa taaaha, drîal ha taenaMaiv. v hIaav1,aa11 a tatndreal anat ttty viear- P-at.1 inaugural Ceremonhues. The people (I the Stuite tIf LAStML arc eordhiiy inviiaad laa ttrtad tile Cerentoutes (If Inaugturatioataoifte neely ciectatalState Olilcere toi tac bcld lu Springfield, Manaay, .janaary il, 1897. f The program faor te day anal cvttailag ' vili i nelltare:l A Civic andl Miitacy 1aradei, blawc ginnîng ai 10 a'ciock a. ni. aL The Inaugural Ceremaataee ira tht Hall af the Homn ofs e rilarsetatalvas ai the tapital ai 12 o ataek lattaa ICI tickets for wbilh viilac edihtriatted la under the directioan 'tailtea Jalutt Camnitteat oi the ïSenate anda Maaîaa ' A publiceraption lay tht Stat e Offlecc it ftlae (levernare rtaaaa.net tiaa Cipitiolina madtatei v fa alla asitag 1Ilt Inaugtititn. A publiececiata ti ia 1% teStaIta I i lilictre aad thicit eISC lai ther1 (t avenaace caaoa al ta thtactaalli Ir anat 7:30i tauil:301 ia 1)l. ni. An InutguralBaal liu tile ILiaiIfatheia H aune aof eare.ttaa lia tt 9 Wla a oclock p. mi. tlaaaaasal No formai carde .f 1 iitl1 miI sent out for the Inaatgrtaraillaii iatnI gcnea'al invitatioanaIlegtvt a tLa flac people af the Suite ttaattenad, Tiekete for tbthe aaaria acali at the Leial ant iSt Naiaaiaa liaiItst. Hspingfild, ad tatieanstate aaaa JiAS. Ilf. hV .a.t 1As a Wi . BliNtaet.T liat, , à.I. SMTH,ie J. N. Rgra,i J. H. PADOCKa, Exaaalq (aîanatte.Inaaugarailaa mmilae. the gnound, anl thje 108v5 atolaW Y. P. S. C. E. Co.tetat building . liant Thare viii1tbc a conventiontafai ti, Fa ur en ndiaaita C~endeal Lake C 11y Union o! Ciamisiania sue bafiel ofoaest OEde T tte Prolyteian cîîat te tons f bran .... 0tenn n Candntlaornatalita .m.si aturdsy aternoan analed în tt Selon eitaof i hret'. ... n I ntr Fana imPialettal-. .. . ..... buehe prfgram behoevaureau tte& Mr. lMeyer carrlcd iiisîîraaae aifol- ing meeting. The mnua electian aif love* oftitacni occlura itis conventian, atndt Parmi utliltiits.................... Si mûsucb other butsiness ast may regulariy Hatreta......... at Feait lnaisimit,.......... ...w corne heiore the meeting: Han. ................ .......... . amc c;attIta.................... ... 600 1:». SONOl SEBVIC-. Gtrain...................)e a a. DEVOTIONAL EXEBCISEsN Totalineaaas aslat v. ooe. 1- apAtItaLas. i vieabout 6 ocloek ven Ucat-lt h e ADESS 0F WILCOME- ily gai ibrangh milklng, sud boy the - £av. 0an. asavEa. bain gai anire la a mysteny vbieh val2 lNONGC.-................. prohabiy nover bie soivoal These up- -1:là. tUsliNENs-..................... poaition ta ibat a tramp gai inte the 2:3o. SoNcO.. ........ ... .. baon te aleep anal te erder tg ses hie t.alLLBiIaaOCIcE!t. vaty Lrongb the tare lit à amith 2:s. taArltEhi"USI, lng Oîoulia in tiavý vbic.h tItIthe miactalef ervis-ofiJeeas........ The Eho lintual Fine Ineuranc cernom- cRs. A. W. TÂSLO. titarna-,-. pany cannIeil the lInrance, analLtae DI)SCUSSION . .................... sienement ho the memboesvwiiibat 2:&5. SON;-. .......................... about $320 for each $1,0W e ieincee3:&e. PAI'ER-TheTaatien.nt Thaal Siaaaaa1.a Carnacd alBrrnagton Revt<eaoBas Aataardd ho Carat-tas En &aetv-mm r....... TheOlisan te IKOtemAiLIAis Cauraan. Isanat -P il at e rince. DISCUSSION .............. Wbee the Prince of W aieus vin te10.SONO-.......... Au6rico. hintOCO, he wu a young man i,.j5 'APEtt-Soane Tonaîtatialae ta wlata a tef ninoteen anunammrrie& Natur&Uiy Endaavorers ameEpasl tac AmericAn girls vere depiy lu-LIie . tareat te inhlm, anal a porolaofibhe tanSa coRAITE.via ib Utart. Most romantiax exaitement ensneal tui LaIP3S ION ................ ail the Citien. Eveny subterfuge te 23:4. SONO-............................. a douce wth the young Prince vas 3:,Q. laApEit"Obligton of Endlasat r onte-d ta. The membenu of is 1'51y ta NrnEndyavoms. ýý%bribedtuhoarrange a valta vith adcxzza EIacaBITY. t*.HOIT Apparent; tbe Mostnanal 1 DISCUSSION .................... expedieuto vere reéorted te hy girls.cta. SONO-......................... Bis baggage vis kîsseit sait vas put e as. PAPER-SNonsa o!the Laces-stai &btondth le cars, anal vbcî ho lat a Horme of tîte tiattataThoa )Intel room wornlioului rush lu analYounna People Muet In At crry Aay te bolas the catc eir Servioesfor Chrst... vhacta ho hod anl itealbs face. Chuncht ar cooxuAN. lluckefhier. peaople forgat thcnatacvcs aud stood on DISOUSION-................ b e etirehcuea-flte îp-ceNit, asder tc,4:35. SONG ..................... tee the Royal vaittr. ,Ou evcry banal ADJOURNMEST . ............. it vaa s seneen cf excieieit, and al l$, 7:m SONG SERMBVICE-................ ainnere. idtes anal rpeepubous ruheit. 7:30. PAPER--.$%ont of to e s-taaiat tasr- Oune!fthe Prîices paty vie Stephen tunititan oi Youg aaaîtaaaa Fimke, the lounallet, vite vas doe- ie B.spasiMbitts Tiave gate by thie eider James (,union .nai........... Blennett, o!fITe New lork lerai a t1n,1,51 S.et. lacî 01- romain vt theb.prince vtatl ie vas D.ISCUSSCIN-............. lu Amenîca. Natnnaiy, lMr. FlRec aw 1 ;.. . 1 C aI iiincidente o! ls Royal Htghneesana aa!ES otao. Wha aaa O frTaking à Iitng to tihe Antelean 1 taîaaEadeaa-csleîaaa fl~iNiat the young Prinîce av that ar1 t.mtq IH cess.(iva.ti.. Al M ne . F IaI bnau nit en tnt th e ;P a e a ta e a a o ta e i~~estory, anal h ylfort thse iWaavi I att (larittia Our -5esu.ry tustalîmsent of Taele ,cdfea Unin ......... ,Jgoa'à sriez of taGres ara E YTHEKU5NION tt1tn.i Ulutrttona ai seso. ADJCIUIIN-............. 4 ar&$ s ion s hve been $W amilIe. hob gire. v*th the Goto0lite lnplx Pa arfor artisiao ~ ~UB 1 " ~ job prts"«. CRËAYS'LAKE LOAL NM8. lu". . . aa. UIf ,L"ocal ftr. jaon BntaruBin fRoyailty at the' TroWtt Hall. làbertYVile Lodge. A. F. &nd( A. M. N.42 wlaid their annuel Instllaition 0o! fiaxars ln the Town Hall Weanegd8y nlght. alter whieta thi getâ trO entertaind witi a rorltestcha- ia rtvn jna1ria il. eadtoclalfl!buat airare lutervaie. Thae formafi e riem aa" Pratgrtrm lsng onoiuded the igatherIflitrt.aairtld to tht, bas.inent vhiattaliswere hdd for thea tlUatt.ttaflatail vert i.aated ln aa iiaatner th.t didItatw IIatrvvitMaeosa nda tir wivee. Mr j.tas liihtrdt iaatald. "Aa.tatai iY Lartd (iraaiaittt.wiao aaiteai as aaaarsha. Ti a ittath,, ninitiataai anaataial ey .nIaflaa& theacvaiaua ta>fi (55 ry anti It e taaUatwork. eX-11itsudia tttian- ersaaaodalai. Wt Irit lhfra-with tiýat tuts) a eaed >nct.... mi-ae nniaand aaaBI. J. Davis ilaaltar.............Arthur llaakk-y pi.aaa al,. . ..MissAa & loBathPrwiaik solo. J. Divin iaaiu. , .... mis Lry Davis ltaadi z........Mien Cora Averti[ Tdo. peeninaa. avis andlB. .Davs Miattea. iknnimn anal Davis suad B.. Davs liiaianthusiasti,appratiasa aftiw*~h aaumiaar wiiaiaas grociaatttatY raaiaraýtaet aa ttriiasr HIkItkia a eaways y týAt,t tut was naore tiain titat oan titis t.aaaaaaio(. Hie vfTy dlilgiateaj istan eartra. Mitas Aaaliii Jtesaq Lon abagb vnaken senluy111 tondat arh but la agaln q(lteie l, Id rat Brlggs, ai Chlo av.vltealover Sun.e nea st ber pottatr. Lusll Handee v Mr. Pîtotan. aiof tplOe. la ejpioreil by itart >aadeon lu bis bame n lot. Tiare 1. a ruin e aat thasithere avili 1w a tatrai hails ut.hetaore apr n Mr Mrlon tnita, ofBnrlgou. wts.. aStn ae.vtrat caye of this vtaalc vtta the amilayatf JaoanasMrrili. M-raa. F.icatlta dvlana liataiarn Ba. asi Dr. E. V. HARVEY, tjarwn. Biridtge andl Plaie Work a Speclalty. -OFFICE HOURS -t S to 12A. M. i tn and 7te @P. i. Grayslake -Illinois. No Hard Times If you buy a good Fanai in Central Wisconsin at $5, $10 or $15 per acre. Good tdl, water, roads, aceole,j churches and pleuty of thiem. Wood and Clark counities are not " A Sandy Desert." 1 will go with you, trik to cost hait R.R. fare, no expense to see country while thiere and tare makes part pay- ment on land if you buy. 1 arn agent for Lake County. Cail or write for mips, termis, time etc. John J. Lon¶abaugh II Previaus to our- annual Jarn fIlnventory, we shali offer our q linosW of goods at a swftpingréff Ion ln prices. Ail part lots, ail rl finants, ail goods at ail shelf-wqi wiIl go regard less of cost. 6ilbI Arbmneikee Coffee .............. ...............8$1.00 a.Lion a .. .. .10 Sa Spoon............. ...................... 1.00 j .Cooper Baking Povaler .......................... .33 Yout & a11 rndo ...... . ....... ... A Dark Syrup p-r gai.... ........................... .10 A (bood Bond 8101gh. ............................ .16 Club skates par pair. ... . ....... 15 Boy'. Faood Mttena per pair ,. .11... 5...l 2 BattleeEBlack luk .......... ... 05 mens sand BoaeCape .. . ..... ..... 15 A IN ti v ILI 10 cý Abo t twefliy oA l orù yr lithelrilut meetingTeq Vn the eve.aiy esnhnjxd y o h vîsitori andihemuîsitedl. oVehotte to e ttaer aga n the, noir future. Dr. Johanson anad vif.ad Ivo other hypactieta anlud resaler ebiiied to giean exhbitioan in the tovn hatl wednea- aie. 1vn iaa.M but for sorne unknown naaae Do outiene vie there tu eti them An onâequentiy thore wuano ex iiton. ,at lte lirsni eieastion of offlena ai he1r M.: lbentMadaea. . W.; WV .Biais&.JW . B Bierm.Trete.: J. iJ. LUtg&Uob e, ee ii .I. WitnnBt. J. D.yJobn lAad. Trie,: H. Na ak. l8:I.Fno. J. IL P1robablypte lit doame for a iong Urne ta bome wae gyen n Bat reniare bail lait Thurnday eveaIngîna lare rovd vas lu the h ; th. 1 alecraer bave laslea âeus anal tt's iaengreoaeiala~ofn've lem andt; faar ooeuianey ot tbetr nmatt meeting. ]L.IVL EL ~n fthe conerus 1 h i la iriaa-.ely li vtI inbmaatr humts At thim repor bovverb bashllri mproveal. As we thint b e bai kolmotha ofab of alekneu 1 - ila ore ial~e shore lu attendance.,da t IC g e deSaluvy oring Dec. 126,oSerasdtht- &ath of lr.BYl at the borne of ber daugbtmr jMrn. AdamsIne th whom ehe andl ber affeal nsandlheumade thteirho. e ainstho e g1unln ot W *ter. lite n- u ~ t 1e~lt1.but t i lttho~u t a mve ia"o . 2h a t; 0. t AvonfetaemtnWmon ien.. where ber r i'Sita, vrsf(oovet by her mene frta-nal. ROLLINS. V. Matiaue Ed ...A.ta vig4tt nie t.u th. Yours for Cash onIy, F. D. BATTERSHALLO Grayslake - - - - - li aaaa lava q t ta aa i, iaaaarvidee fhlash let 1.-----------.. ..l.5 ..a ig u tu IlTav.aaiylaa, -gaaltaae aretnain(er of te City. MDIONTON. Dr* 0. B. Hoei ,nTha M iACaaaaaiBlNatr Mr. , Laring anal famlly apeut Mi. Henry Dove in vileng frJenale 1U. M. san'.at,f A. i ý1 atn yltton Xmsa vith G, Doolittle. lThîao ae ek.b ta e ulntiflcaly sMd Ml-Lîrs Aeo. ihelmden at boul allvroanLewis Lunk hie a qutlty af banad Unchr l ti IPO Mianart aalia thria oneitrnare dong qutea bulineee alredding jatekeal navy beane for sale. iDaicia ai ofthe lune ou eit 411111 aba.at.attt-l aatattitlUa(, ilsig. corn sav ith Choir nhreddtug ma- aenry Graham,« of scblcago, eîeit nase, ati,mach, liver, kdu.ys, b0@*a Mlv-a, itiiaae iv laaanjYug the bolîdaye ai chine. Il malles excellent fodater. W bl, pmd.Christas isvth hi; son HrrY. vaamb, suiti sxal orgas. Mat. Eiwmrain aal Senti Sait,,lempdina Lea Drury viii ententoin hbi; friends W eBorry te hoar thît the Infant] SitDitEais Oc«»M, h ttaý wjiaaîaa cila tac aitiahte.lce.,t hishome Thuaruay eveniug. Dînc- son e Y ing vil e ho ie claef amusement. of MatWebber lis qulte îtck. ialtrbenm, &Mad huai, Mv e aaRalavil le wee, vc are norry te oao ra relatecnlwood plortsait i iîti, paorna te. 1at1a Ila iaan taa leCauntat court lir. Wui. Oemen ta quhto paarly. buowardoaa re n t he cruhtets. itarberma ite.h) ring < m "t? -a lttalt aoiwas tastn toi Elai iogter. andI ail ferone of Our aiaeaaay. wdfr h ma IUTNLCAAeo. Brophy, euperlnteuaieut of the eraptJu lonlltehea, biaek bondas~ lata saiaaaaitata elsai far th, Xaae ~ ~Fox Lake stock larmn, vaain lu Lo e real litu unomoati. .a.Kiaaaonadi t-irats have Maqa, t ttother Claîrtae MNeiliviaitedin luMaaenry limt business Mondoy. oE aaîaa.Hvaairy iirraan ta ahIliteaaadlnu tie Tuenday. atlaat btoult-. Baen lave aur vaeran initia auler le afi Controctor Willim Geachk rOeceut- removed vithou Ilpals by lst -Mr'. Mateatandl Mvaa iafr a. viatilan In luhe1ri nu. ly ba" a ttmber sale vblch neizea lcr ursto al ttaa'aagaa ad MaHeinve tialat vetintiJtohn Dowe la.mUi dtIltaashtarmte nt te bina guutealargo ,nm. Disaez a orTM WMOV ,caaas.aîutnaîtlatal,.Dr. aaid Mr. itiareOitWhite farta. aktaat'ttatlrtaaaaiat thet hal. Hanry flove elent Cirismas Iu Wisconsin Grandmotbern Simes anal Dalziel fixe Nouriathenlas, 11o0011180» I Dr. aaîaa lars. Whtimaret ofChiasta.. pant vl.tltngtbignletera. e.joying unninal good beaith for peu- gneaslvepanoyatahoiae- a Mle. Axattavli tttiaartavietteal oser the James Dailîlel Isain lu MH.nrY ont, daypia!teravodae. cacatoafh,*4On lilatys ,itliairltuata Iiachaiaaega. lait vecion btaneaea. Henry Graham, ai Chicago. wittb bIs loran mothodan îdOêrIa7 l. Ka.ar Sleta randina iaaaaa Sn Lft Monday thetre vas about iftsen toaasnon Harny anal Mr. Oea. Watt and vife R iasuAniu aéut, amm&t u e v-gý wiibwaultiiWniI hmr tl o not ta drav voaai for our prttamaser. caleal on 1D. Oranger tant SundaY. lar, tuflamatory a" i zb.5lu0 ai iaaaaatxita-dt night. Janî. 5. '97, litng Bran. resantly eaxatureal saventeean posaetiveiy Corell baua»W .Md' Iaa tataaaa iii 1 rIvate tatherMagvaîatkiinakasaatatofa iaebtni. (an nul, frappetr ln We arc sorry ho heu ttuait Calvi uiptte Cr gw t iaaafr qi the la.0. E. iM. m.tantare. Laie aauntyentil. Lobaleli, an olalnettier of tim place, j iprn ee ue ls5Ss Mvý aaaa Mv.. Maraetrld anal son. Frei Weai-alieorry ta learaiflint Ben Smità aafferlug vitb the asente rheumatlam. XR YA P R T S it, mpii taaa tl li ltSa.clugilaki wvitastae orkeflthetatChtares TawaneuA PP R Nt I.. -1 l îIli dtaa aaar hla)Me. lMr. MtIlrgaattl a l fartaifor the faluti taetytarla about teasme Robert lalziel but theomiafortune 10 rai ralaavaaaaai Monaiaav viaika Mca. liarg s. ae.Mr.gSrithta lean ente rrising husetonlaeOBa v&luatle nmeersuatpipe anad Dr. love bahallc 0 1u11h11 tdai atai litat cii ra,aain a vttak.Mari, a gooti nelghiatar. analthie aormuiaity fedout tcnig U XAaaaaaaaz t_ araataiakta hatta i ntaaate uashftailm anal tale w v il ttcem nvear ttaey bog affeed. One dollar revardtofntloil uldti a . a ata.i a tavra :Titaaanitae 0ilaan ]it- lattago. Lu anyono returaieg gane tu ovuier. bMeyrovitx BLoetgeu a "y appurl aa alaai.La , Aa.tta liart, (Il00t bt.: 'G. W Davidl Mtiley and sous bave starteal RW UO Phy and hiu0oO.OP" DéiW taa.v.aakf:avair . . Jaîaaaeaaa. horr ER FECT atnal permanent arecthe, their new fo ilài titthey bougto! stratlon, -aataaaaaJ. A. Aliaag. Stiltainîg. cties b) ilai's iaraprila, t>c.Thoinpson Bros.. ai Graslake. Tboy AuI t sANCTT M 4UIiai li a aaaaa Iita .-aiiýYt1eirettslanthe nlaarsta cangse it în:ika.aaplrt, icla, hetitil!ay si intea nucceas in every respect. fAlan ole andCOAT53 ntia a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ol daa faaut aaasvy 'at kaaMr%.d a Ftaitso aianîste oYcoroiv îaaa It ait l itt a wIng tc, the îlitait,,Illeaandal Iieuti-ivie .BLOOD. O dybtve M.Fu olmeulte samisilt I rtim -a at-i He,,a t,. al taca tain fulacar t f lalady ofavanxeal years, fhait thc mis. correct dabsiieio f any It" H atavt t.a taittbtavi fau ave yeur actiatu sale Uile prlattesti afortune tW faitliaovu Bire and fratrethteirencoumafnttu éetbo&...,, l________________iL the INDoP.P£iaoaa offCe110. lier hip. W e ail hople fur a ffet<y ne- andl surgiexol. s - aaaaen7. CUBrTi n azienoao bi Ilî tite talel vore a brcad al tle îpe.rstitaaîT,»uo ly. aite morniug fuie week. An ammociate Htmuon _= .. »»4o~wN U1J Mather n(mitiasatre daîlng #very ulaely d.tlay freua buainil. ai premenat sarîieg. VAitICOCCLE pesanelliy ar"a The year of 1526, exhauatoil vithatte novs meiotl. libsiof aiita Ill e nlnng. Wo bnry HTtaEOCELE AND 585* St4 Il in aliencin. To cur teun Il vas a eut operatînu or iolay trou bq« We thank you ail for your liberal patron- kilea, gent-nous year. lit loeulel usn Iliàîa*NT Tmoad AU ao age duringthe year just past, and earnest- vitb bieaitige anal potirs taoltgcod grtbel, -iretgn bodies, est giflitlohm e up. It bain bee n a yeux bue. etc., neotveti by M"~ .~ly solicit a continuance through out the ai improvematut sud develtapuleait. operatton. oej ust dawn: ng. The popiaofon ofi ur taîvi bal, IE»OMITIviasrett ne setaiiy liaaaresuadandl nov cxteaalg un marks removeal by 0eelObys6. V/esei or as:thevwesi n.faras tMimez limitai vitre CONShILTATION FVOltA» 411 We sllsfveca h:u1ladis are surveyeal off anal citer. NI)WrAL. Ail iaodiinaafu 1 lb Qyster Crackers ............$ .02 eioornalebyWnA. Simes. pattelita.i 03 The Rhiang bouseblai heunremnodeleal OnsTzo aTTIE% 1 lb Starch ................ 0 dnlprosente au entlrely allfferent ap- Libertyville, Mi. aBottie of Ammonia ....... . .04 pemuce RtsBai3 y li.- 1.00The Blaa'tsîaatih shop on State Street m-. COUl earty for 50.dWy WI8fti Children's Rubber Boots ......... .00 ontlnueiian DapalarA ever. Tit e - daavu gatu.) <Âiis.vellit Boys'......1,25 comodaiag propteter, Mr. lienry Munah Block, Woodsto14EL~ D., l.Simos. neeta lita recommonalatîon iu N.BI. Dr. Hoye. sOuh Misses't...... .10 isluneishe varalsealfrontboy- patroagea<0fthose Who bff Ladies' Slippers sizes 2j to 41 . 65 baond te oui millet. o1.ovys on cure ehaevbore vitbel a 2 bond toi do lOrai cas ork for ail. does mot oxpeet hSl ho o Children's and Misses' Woolien Stock- Mn. Fisher, the propnietor of tuiell tte bauds 09ve P i ngs ................................. 0 Butter factory, yl alvays hoe found tuealcOuiii nm for roi«Z. atiasplace f business. Roitigenlal, lMr. Henny Mentale, o fW Boys' SUitS...................... 1.50 vhole mont fellov alvsys reody te test III., says tiatho hMasRg Overcoats ............... .2.50 your n2lk for yen but he sayti *aNo fromie tussors Ic thât a Men's Overcoats........ $3.00Oto 8.00 The store did a rushiig holiday weks it tme andla"M Cas, au ash~.u'fîytralle. Mr. Aua i on, the piens- of iée Lime from iet ici u Cah a dCahOnyat lt store-keeper,la &acothe poet-mas-down ndbIecos au aao ton. Ho informe usntitt lait voek quentily bai t.eal eê about 1,000) Xias packages pasodapsepîof i&U tiis U taS.a* . ibrough titis cie. W. do ineorely neil to <nov «ve r yeq hope titat the changeofaui niltrUon becant. geaorelly be vilii aneovay oeffet caur poil-oMoie anal heaitb, noutil bo vued F. H. K ue bke r's, wit h eurte sw:iliaig wtth gladesua.li@ buille» la " Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. the nomyeuxrof 187, wit Iemi. of . owecmaebr « _______________________________________Un________mte g<l a nder Lbis ti dini tIit lte president ofthie pro- was coUpletoly ecu lit poseal electrie lino ia nov in tnvu look. anal bu n ffbi tmg aven oatiepot site. fmpi. hae A Com plete go-an-ortii LUNE 0F 1Mauait .Muet oÏ moya ho hal neos . beqot 'on.Cured ofetiiiiiiiiii vvatcnes, Marble Mn. J. A. l>ufteld, et and yosre Viso aller C lockstGranites iklhHinntr*inent0DU hotaW«ee st.lpiatwl0 veeka, naliai A Î, ~a nd oe Jewelry, of Can always be found at DESCRIP5TION the store of Buat 110 Gen~Sete rtet, Es. B. Sherman, .AEoA I fiqat dry vood $$Offnpet vord IGRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. ParidrY-.LSS.. ueto eisr Qp

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