KRAY )EPENIYENT? Orayslake, Lake County, IliBnois. Friday, January 15, 1897. $1.60, ln Advance ârt« ,Gailic 1 rtov.IIaDrug vole. - 111 J. L. TAYiC gver Trlggs & Ta m Erdvay Oum. ar . H. SMITI OENTIS?. ville. WIG hc danceeIs, I f. . OppeeM It.IutterfeId -M. OUiA! SURGEON AND .OUeer Time A T&VIkw , 80 M. AUJCBDAVI - mu " ssauai ROTARY PUBLIM di om igv" e. i»S MARY ZIMi New yorkq Greanit e e . Wanta a DIvorce. )way. Ne. Swi -fâmons iheougbfara, A Chiengo paper pnbigsbida mns- igetor. Bradway,bss beau thelb. ba1n0some tiongi article lent Noniay, lhe aub. irl. voeiiué vante. But lthielle5iué a«» et"« 01ubich Ala ait Mrs. Blana. ' WbIeuia mlii seias the mots remar ilkauier, vitt Of Dr. A. J. kunar, linols able la poins of antbaiaémi, laLoui5 formnily of LibaityvMfla, fiai a bAllU KenUtW* fâmoué ride upi)eaivay. lor divorceln ta hene"oouriabarg-1 la-n 5. Icasuliba mridy MM lotg bbuaben i tth iesim anadl aR d aipanai ibrougla a crowd cf 500,000iêaay.MNs.. Tunbaugh, cf 130, iylor'S. Po a Anbis tnphai ride np the ei suutAbany SBinai, le amrna u- 1 gmtoibrou<bb». Thé c.iminatng reqpouma. Tha ioeiol's ele- 1 mlii Park UbO.' oweroeurred ubn ibiailarisy'vatis a.mTir.begb VUre OMM pauma petrios lb. te au"laite Nmm lanniausimilonby a1 - The slght iba butât upos hlm cf roome to théa iecs «AnaWho bai H. etau ti hm for the monment.,' ln smre againibloc. tba opin square directly beoae lms Ail c.anoneiart procminent ln w»as msaitogetber a quarter of a cburcbh iaieead "M ",soeleylan gtoere ilhliou of people, andmi v $ahie vais Chinae. The ce-raspondais hlaen m.,Ay.erocurse broka mb oa nai cdhiot m sMM te bhava beauin p W eiiInocent Km seth vu afarly bevilderai. 190 of bls vitae priy andathe twolacl- lois. mm a muhisagres; ivenîno m enandalmliaers am tbe clonesi termescf nti- aivamt.mgoualy amdi Parka oivin, macy. lb4 veranNov York éditer and Dr. saunier aenjoyai a large practice A. D. Kgmteulbimel&o friand n Ametlm. ln Llberiyvile about lan yens go lir. Goin wusa vibKemacuth, aMifor ani vbile bita hoanmd hie vIf. vire lt fP 0 h i rsi lme ha viii '10* l a therpopular and maie many friends. De" of t.O. hfle mmrnom seu% llàteb. echr a.I ta Dpol LUcV oueJoanal Th accey The eeutral sticn of the Touchées Nèrpem .at As obét; aTlotrup .eaai t roi. viii he lie naoi la aplantehl eThlo*paovlgmeenug ai lochefeilier Jan. 23. The 1. D. C. Kemtnlbla izbu rige astha gest te15 f&w meené bre upcn lmt. 'bu UAI-"PfvtrIb«e&oI CbiIbood.- DEIfllT. -MWs. 5LEAUP. WIII Chcp For a Wager. u:s -lov te Teseb Prinari Umnry. Aimm. Nrt lriebman As aoring nuder ugaHoto eCaTWRaRmdBK jCsc sha impresson ha eau chop more ILa. 3. aiLziL. Woodlan a given limae ban Jci iloyar. 1 4& Dirsmidon on the above g~ov toTe"c lfMnoisanAtic 7aton." N0 oyer tian ilfférent, md a wager cf 1:00 P. Gosovauea usvenaël 9u$Mla lii.remni. lii .lurday lAs îu flecuseot.0fAey. mgleceei as ibEday for a tait of thbitr :9-39 lov to TOmai FraCtions M" ImaiA vZaj.s reqmidve aoalg &g bilîel"ia e :M'EIgtîGrade iteding.' A1111ON1V mymilaaproprty bas bain ebosen as I . ix. 10 h. monti de*Mbblacea.for te ib,, Uo.errBIl E. IL Avzuiu.. a.ey. - conset JifMariean chop andipplie Ibra cideoê aodlu shria lAna Repubflcan Cascue. FIN@ iaiaa h es31 orhsIcbe A canons e1thle kapublicun volea s01 nt LAu. aie ar a àà 1.bloti genlemeare Llberiy'vilie Township wullilmh bahea of in sereatimg ne ilicie intarnés. Jan. 222,1597, Setlu<>oael, >p. m. for ___________ the purpoeo e mlecing ton dalegales Noion to Correapondants. t10attndithé e publican Ooumlty vBAUx. CoraqM ianae m oudhin la e u idoI*IC@,inton held ,gtLiberty- Ilinois. mai . n viii rgy faclllale villa, Jan. U .1017. ra"orgil mmuimue ae snt ne0. IL ORaTL - mites A au.tmnlclios aa slilflThos. OCm.rvv Co [MER. deyaetiies maet gicg 1SpO OTOJ.IL HoLCOMm m and Imbus l tae abilcftY01o0nUndtryslI -_______ crs le ,lovesaprimilng offi Ld pnib-' lIAab apqper ihe seme a al.E TS ~li i aOv ae or utim nabille priafla 51 ..,..... Illinoisa. -etteur. iEDaCXr eUe.. aaoeufflSAT 8. ANNUAL, ELECTION TeOur New Quatra 1 Theachinery and eqnlpme-tto end BusiessaaMeing of MIIburn the -jirgwENtxv iii be mcvui te Iseurance Company. thea BoC fOBi of J. W. Butins 0nev The a sumllection of cUbers Of bauiding aiuel here convenient the iii»rt 3Mimai Inurane Com- and volA rraaged offices bave bain pauy vmbal ai Niliburn ut iBatur- ate Up. &aW. Paibap@ a more AAttng teim Our Inereasai business demade vouhi hé ue.aleciomc 01olllcers 98 AD adiioW l aciiies ubîcia vs vere aeiy - mm el offtcers ver. choses unabie le fini rown for la our prasent icMV thve b euing Year, vhlch As craisped quartera, and ve aocordingiy tu i"70 01 lb. aPPracistion 01 ibeir ecurai à Acse from Mr.. muer, he @Meant wolklbhepont yaar. They fnltablng and arranglng the offici se, sa; flows: Pros., Ueo 8Slaven.; at aur dlctatlon, ubîi bhs enableiuns tay.. f. A. Thain; Trias., John t0 sure, quartais partlcnisrly floam,'Dirsctors, Howari T. Mflasa, p<ieA toour business. GSo. Woiheanad James Bonner. WThe p,.i..ta,,,, ea.rtinent wil Soea blsmer cbange% vire maie tu lthe by,->iaus, sdbeieafter polcy bcdi isl in illburn viii bc aliovoal net toe aa 1100 for a boras and 335 fer a eu la eveni of tom by ora, uniss policy calhs foni a aecite mouni em snchbobase or cou. This via doms-te prevent ovr vaînation la evenlof ie. It basbeen cutomaiy biritofoeste llov spaltea acommilssion of 11.00 lie agelii bc alloweal 11.00 ubere ha maiis*a reumiai stexpiration of peoney Wmbar the policy bettier rsore Snol, vbch lcvi i ake thé ove a masSon get leais hable 10 laue quueblamhe riais simply to Assure bit commicu aid avosl bis eesceiing moretlias. veu dparbape ha cou- sidareal indicions, teusmeure a renevai.- IThe. ladiescf Milbur u cbb oocupy a rocin 24x381, basn ortb ani osel lgbl andiAs Smshadin cli. An angine room As periionei off mi the bc ond cf lthi building andau a eoutranceaisiairs pioviei. Thc front or business offce Asnlighlei uiib mlyligh aid a large scrth vinic aid a prîvala oMeie viii be partilionci off frein lbim ro. Deon sbavAng ebtppati glass ligbta iai froin lieihall tu business ollice and prinling départaient. The ball la fimAbealInAnaîtk ulia arwvoci Bnci la oui ev quariers e va ufl@h baller chie 10cope ullh ibm steedily lacreasing business uiib ubîch vi havae ben lavoea, dmpie a prevail. lng feeling of dépression no diamarous tu, butine» Internats, uhich bas nutil iscently prodominotei lhrougb. cul the aoZUmtr. furisha i mer te &mi n lteandine Visible Without a Telescepe. ai the me@etindmain Is eameiAstie Proiessor Brooks, of Geneva, N. y., 01 NOuirg 1la41se, spdIaia1868t sncb annousees observations cf an enormeus as ouly ibsy knov hou 10 do. sun spot nov on the suns fImee, aid visible 10 the nakei, Ibrougi aa REAL L»TATE THANSFERS. mmokei gliasa Pa" vAUiGx a EE5?E. I1te àa ruaralsmasr diaturbance, C<mer1» IIojud l ts JIpnL Icoming at the minimum periocf min mv"~me e.endIm sw%8 spots. Professer Brooks la photo-. W00l. .U ores t& Koured Y du grapbing lbe phenomenonuviti aa bila0 , Wauk w ci..... lO large telescopi. nt:W .dD Z W o ',12 4 Thes buge sun spot vms tirsi reporiei uw v..............................lme a feu days go froi lte LàcI Observab- N stL« la £hsnSar 10Cbs«O tory lu Califoriel, aidmeveami Lberty- y dLi ie Aed . . s wville people bave obsmevasma vilt J* sIMd 0 d tlaJ Gudiez ihe Md of amkdgusti e 10vl a dUisd ...........o "0InO5 ls Ii eh oeu vtbm, te Jo@ A Luibr m eu To the nued eyre t appeurs abot ltha nord val................................ mise f dime. Beamme 10 amd LIlilomeme w lmvdts __ 'Gloth le lWwhm iex fr oci M Get outi figums on Job plriufig job plmllg. GAGES LAKE. lisalien Adam idiitaiber bome sonli cf haen laut Ualnrday. Nr. Ban Jouas, cf Waulegan, apen Buniay vlth bie brother 0. W. Fesse. Wllari Ford, or Horion, Michigan, la visiing is cousin, -Dr." Joues, cf Ibie The Epuortb Longue viii Ulve a social" ai liai home of NisesGrae. Nase on Tbursday svsning of iâis 4r.mi i..Speima, ormerly cf IbId ~~ plactbu novcfbaenhsrnpari cf tla.Étala ar e abapp trse cf a baby girlbora Deat. W».OW The deliea hicia vas tebavebeu givan lemt 3iday evening viii hi gven (ibis>Pridhy avening, Jan. 15, ai lie sebeol-bcuaa. A literary pregrsm iii" bc given aise. LONG GROVE. Davi Hans talou l uet bell sprng. Ulm. LAîzie Kelcler bas gene tu Wbeul. Iug for a VRIit The LonGreva gritmil As hept busy grin lsg food. WaIeill Osr and Gilbert Pahlman viitai rla=ves Au Ohicagc lait ve. Chas.Meyer, cf Platisae, iiimcm repalrlns nt Bam Baa.. lMM Tuuudap. H. Nuer la galtinge homirwalfor à nov boume ubich ha vili have oeet-i adils tha spring. r Nim J. Neyer. ubo bas been nond- ing sveal dmys uilh bar mcm andfamu. Uiy at Paltne, retaraed leni Tneeiay. SAND LAKE. Mr. JacobcillMer ln uffering vitb a savara cli. Nias Nable arilelI atteniei a Par- ty e aasai lent vaak. Nr. Doaneiiy, of Obleego, viitai his bon» bare ose dey bIl vent. NAse violet Amas vas vidiiig ber aunalMus. Wedge, aI Grayslsbe I"a Nr. Leu Drury uil giva a dancing Party 10 bis Young frinde ons riday eveann, Jan la. Nims Lucy Wright, w ubeboma vis tlng ier parents boe, bas taturmai te sabool tn Vankagan. Nr. mn%.", of Evanston, Nr. Martin an r. MNblaols, cf Cbiagoy mpa Weinmsay 'mth Nr. JacobUMe. Nr. Henry Niller ba somcii meaal loft on ibe shore cf rocedla ie eTue nev houssyer@ buillthba. iba vAniter. mog Greva l à"~ That We mean to meLour entire stock is$ flOjoke. W. ask you to car.fully read thebe unprecedented bargains n DÎ)RY GOODSP 800ýOTS9 SHOES -and, CLOTHING4. AlWooi Paitls.................20 ic Lgt PriAns.. ... .04 job) Lot Bbc.. vorth 75, 1.00 ani 1.25 .............. .60 ...Cspa crth 35, 50and 74c.................25 job Loi LadieHoue uortb 35 ani 40.ý............ .25 . Drm Biuttns .."10and 150........... _..5A 2ke Table <ioth ... .............-22 JoID Lot Lndips Shoes %çrtb $2.00 ..........1.40 $4.00 ...... 2.75 1e ume Gingitain .............................. A7 $1.U i PlombC(.p........... ... .. .... 1.00 $8 00 avraots ................................. 5.50 te 50 Overrots ................................. 4.W0 $10.00 ....... .75 $9.00 .. .................... ........... 7.00 SU.50res Ja e .... .-_.... ................. 3.0 6, 7 an e ta i PAua ................. .............. .06 13.78 Bei hllimkets, ...... . ...... 3.00 $2.25 «. .................. 1.75 1ScDressoeds . ._ ....ý .... .10 le leftDi flebs Sietlncg.. ....... ....m65 Se CoiMon Flansel......... ...... ......... .04 Mens 11l.06 Alasa (verm....................75 Q REATr SNAIs Neckwear Gloves Mittens and Ail Other Lines in ,Gents' Furni shings. Our Grocery Departmnent is -Complete. Q Lbetydle~F.C. SF1-IJTH & SON. Libertyville, Ill. if No. 14. v Two Weeks M Ore! We Must Dispose of Our Stock to Make Room for New Goods. We wiII open our new quarters with QNEW CLEAN UP TO DATE ý.,STOcKe