tpay to trade ay I DUp HERE ^ND THERE. ~"~ T~ withk Local Items of lnterest ta Libertyvil1le Reade:ir. A >.I'Vr~DC. M. 48TP. R. R. TIM TABLE. rom SALE-PAye acres mrvdln T'IRIGGS T AY ORTOCHICAGO. Apply toPavait NtUmOE., LîbertyvilloMOL .y*' AunOI m .M &M .M l:*PL. fil. îA lbar H1-3;M ,B . C OY & CS TerWadaworth " 4:0& AIRa. FAe wa à pleasaut calter ai Our Clearing Sale of Wlnter .14i amrs.:114O thaimvaP"uuvm offie Tnnrsday. AI Large sal a2:0 ys kZurc hm a re egine tht Goods continues. 6:6 l 9: a i m nything ln the eounty. 5h11l 42Stock of ~E i o1 tt< Overcoatb at reduced prices. ChoceGrceie. Fao HIAGO. Caner; aise a 26 ich> circuler mmv. As Suits lowe r than ever. sm ~, Idi trad@ for stock. B. B. Whsler, a t eê Fruits. M m m l UfotirvIliesoutli or County lo» P nsn ve eecheaper. &84 *»NArLi= U1,-r-re liero:U nderweae: now 6 the time ta buy. Candes-a d Nus *M 6:28 ritprotrmetoidlimb1ee as todious n the Candies and Nutsnsitr«in. ler frietîds Lad hopdtW ;fr;posters I~Sî X recovory by the ilut of!hewek u And Fesh eats Lv uND RIS lier1 condtion là even pet very pre- GLOVES and MITTENS: Extra value 25c and 50C LvUwtv.crous aithongit a declded Amprove. WARM CAPS at ail prices. Are always rellable and prices reasonable. 9:eiutaeiet DRESS GOODS: You can't do as welI elsewhere y. dmP.. mAÉ aup.m. ? he iadien of the M- E. cinreil, of No.suslady si. tULlbetYViJe, wiJl bepeaneA to fur Ji>i BED BLANKETS: a few pairs to close out. THF131 CO NER TOD ~ 0dENl ~~~~¶" ~warm dinuer to the delegaies ut the LADIES' SHOES: Latest styles., also some flot ______________ ivu l Cbongeneto audj' a.ES 2in style at big reduction. _____________ - ii pn.oeiock n the bassinent of the o 1w! a rain No." bas boa Jugal ni> hall. Lome and get your dAuber. A M EN'S SHOES; ln style and out. Éggs& T ylo, . Liertvile, li.DsOetId tOCllMago. Lame ,..20 good square memi for 25 cents. A cor. MEN'S FUR COATS: to close at wholesale prices. riggs &.Taylor, LbIntivtlteonItu.ail. 14-..2t - * ieu a.n. Themy frlends nr Ueo. Stevenstan -titis ocality viii beain vAt regret of GO TO LOVELL'SDRIJO STORE FOR A.m M.lUng healtquesti.nstevens&lia 1saturdaymioaeh mon:. YIPUIiM be.wenboecilanTexafolotnme tme n liopos _________________ ordialli ebeomsd. W. N.BzlTa. W.N. of regaining bis heaith, but tO no avail. Tr s aidXCo fflees.ý M-01u seM dCin s, Cnernîèais, IL M. BowX. e. Friondit and physiciens despair of bsTyOrT - I I I recovery snd believe lie eaumiilve but a 4 PENYUMELIty.SOAps. comme. VllleOfce. fumonths ai the miont. l'ni.ii'n ............. ..... C. . A.-rlll 5. gs rse, vpres bule rcs acy and N IL . Ceij. l B r The -machine" candidate lor 1t'ii&ed Fo r BruanTr:sssSupoutasShuldr BrceaFanTrust-. . J5fl5oM*(tg,,r. FL'>Flur 1cletAriclsBoos nd taionrfDy Stff, amPut, ami.1 *eî y SttsSnao,)arîlo lB. Mddeu. of ..I~8ufir...... ..... ......w. c. motiorn Chicgo, bia m sure thing, ccor<ing We Seil Washburn's Superlative ......W. C. Trtgrs &0nmre Chicago popers. Wui E. PAITS, IL , VARNISH ES. Pi ., Msgl.trst .............. W. E. Davis M n uthe peopie's candidat>' in gmrshal . . _ . _ . Fr.huan PTN DINE.decldedly in the race, hovever, andl 1Ji3 PATENT MEDICINES. .go1. outa closenecod, and f alilanti-M dden W in vite your 'J. r Grudma Wrght I. ale t> on aces combine and rafly about Mimon Fmâu lloMdicine. and PhysicIann' Prescriptions caretully 5«aAD mter a three 'eet-8s ie» lie As a %sire vAnner. WAi th,,y dooAn' arnaefr 87 OUpODde ai U burg.8. . lAgle mdvile 0fBuaml, As-A. B. Cook atteuded a famllp reunio > ' A~~~~~~igea lit luAnLbertyvilie Sunday. at the home ihms , lr.Mnau CloeCarefully Selected. Only the Best. lb iiisH0 svlliglera llaofimsiner a vhcligter-I Idu amt georcstmr 44 4» lt qiel46 ý* 14 iq. id 4 aiser, liros. lamleson, Of Still2imn ldmanprelatives vere preat and ...~. Valley. lMr. Coor ayd the occasion vas a mont ' the very best goods at the very low- lirs. A. B. Lewis Ans snfèrlug vlth enjoyable ane. Jius. E. L. Jggorsnd est price. neuralgia, but i muidimproved etam onCharte«, of Hartford, CannectAcut, proet wrltlng. acompanled Mrt. Cook to Lbortyvillo. ~~ Pianos Jaefew "" bore, ni Smmnaul XliCali 4in<oncee far lBar r Ii~~L C V ~ vimteud Levi Whitney and famnlly tte tnilng FConatonet-rBagains. ~ ~~~uI~ rutai ho od.The Ladies' Social Cim le -of Sti.m N.S&ti vax, n town 1testuelParic's Pariali gaveonue of thoir M , B . .ouDy & C ons and met vili ithe I<uights of Globe ai enjayable encère parties et lte homo 7a speclmmeeting. of lMra. E. P. liarau Wednmdmp even- Libertyville,II....2s The blooded teans driven by Ouriulg, Jan. 6, uhAivm w u Ouceas bath Adoctors look hâte -"rody mouop." wltb fiunt aly and socîlîp. The nei Dealers in Everythlng. apologuies tu lMr. Lewis. pmflhy viii be held at lirs. M. J. John Bopien gettieg nprvona, aud in ouay's Manday eveulng, Jan. 18, ORCU BN LS. ai 0 tAie opinion lie mmp get echeated Ont and. ifpont eveuta are a criterlon, iAt KE~'4 ~~r*ENiIC. af the usua] ice auppîplAlpoea dîgrr. COU NTY n.duaed Prions oni Parlodlole in p. bN. Stevens, of ColumnbusWAs.u wa The saine thAng <ver agnlu, Leu ANK...CanbAnation wIti>lte Ind.0s.d*.t. shakAug liandea vAl>iow.aqtohîntsu-eh Hanbp in married, or Aety say loi. sBANKia rreeastyu ia Libertyvli)e Thurwdap. Bp thep, ve meau everpbod. I> Wlht akhrt Ifulser sai hi 0masltef peu ut aile vmsAn Grapsiake lnovs ve would couaAder i A rgttakus C.pbihr @m bOt " "f da le iuins. They let hlm favor If tiiey vould Ampat saAdlan- Lbrvilfhos. ovnpieauv théovainea %IJSICL go md ho alled omo Tnsdap. formation uan au Aterested publi iAc sha Auoonbillo U la[s iIA osdlewlkdbreTedy hrough ithe columus of tbe îsnEpziD. -ea ing 'p n tsOaloouU ulb 1~RUMENTS The LlbertyvAlle Dremuatle Co., are ET.Oue 1higAsucrtainif ho lait. sues lnterestB*r gfani>d ihs publiaheyb Prie$ Of lte preparîng t'> proet somelblug Au the leo5i ab. huLvrih. Certificates Payable varions perlodlo eimd ta lte état ~u.rAIRED. near future. Wat"h uext Aatie for lefromhm et e. Whduvisti tt nev olOl eacoinun theocomblnaion prAce Wth pertAcuars.the suspense wiilie over, not ntili. Dan Herrick mie.ted au n mnutater ili. Xuoaa pmxr: Unee Sm lsbe rgcesuUnrseereuiseER Ce, R. Sherrnan :itb"twetpdo»ai gaa>ondaynaon, 1ce > melgcnuprsv@. 11 ' .ioe aItr-Oeani Libertyv il11e. cueand %.F.0ote î~eicu*mnu Mother lbc.ubater don't haltos . Fr SpGroszoy thed spO a retse D ............. ueclkaud bold lier np for eCuba to FedGr 00 Dd9A4pret a àî ~ oso............. A Yo ia l nj uoyyoirmel IAmmnsely eLong Grove lent eelFPriday. 6souo ýart nlàtWslftN.V'. 680* shoot ai. Uncle Sam liastroubles* of . clvo4a6 ol ce <f O0 Mh I =.... E nt th rsatra'cue Jn 5 o . cwtouto ala o m.. .........s. -AunniJerusha", 01os mton, ril elt w, e ihih vlert o Elinlet wekWenepsnn20 .a±orî. a... , thor vAli br abum f nd fabl etll Spain and Cuba hou tW got along Misn Auna Baker Alaping for a few s ei . . . 5n as neiglibors, provIded thep vili agroo vools ai F. Thies. drosemalAng. 61 el) i01 .5U ARrE ali non to ta hu>pîtelont'> hlm for ltsFred Fisher vho hbasbeen lu lova C mpo1 ' Ifpulie jolAîy sud souîethlug Autrfeouc. tce Sam n sulot the pat yeax returued tu A 0ooi0iCnir ora.mi 1r S le mt oeaphiing hat . ~ !..!.. $licpremniber thât '-A Love o! & nowv i<iolng for troiuble.* bore lent usel. 80 Cu ne I tni. 2 go Bionet." a morsl comeditta, s iiithe m coeladV yHi,012aA y ï Eh hcg culi ia ae alimZurichowinie sn und al iHf HAS.. programme for Jan. î15. aithie 1resîîy TleCAsocîîîAila aee aiZr0hve0a îna t ,Bua ~sà teran ordinauice problibiting the -"vear. John >WlIAuor. 101)Ev tha. NY....5 gag of any bat or tther lieadgear WAlieBooi sdowivii tlesEvr r iA Seviese te retytriu hrc mul@and W Uul'ndestockl asdoiug 11i .0 la A large and varied Snnm t1'0 n y ny P""»on a tiule lora horos for hlmn.09ut... 'n: Antu mruug "aîitAn(hAstherplcednrizîg t plraifioni."f If pou vant to make ihat lUtile hoy~au lnuith Anor g .- Eve nChristbotheprograini u thestage îor <'1 n., iy0urs happp just bop hlm ane.1...... Sou'sAnhor" veing aujetThis lasa vicions bloîvetaion@ofo!the ilios. beantiful lttle rd Blieds at A.o iG. v1hf" Une f Hadwar, -ýh. Crist- Waforeand rnio."vorst abominationus An the temate Saivorman a CO..dî Ieof arw e,"ieh:t:mraead;o:caiegorp aI abomnationus, but vîlliL.B. Morne. ofaiAbertyville cmlled aon I2n0î0 theohuaierent of J. W. buld. prahahlp not altgoiber foîi nome ofon r o herWâ .Nio bs place . ......... m i . ...... M IIt g inAsbeiug iiiod sîmilar to the fair seinAu heir eff orts ut self,@h- dAdOmoni1mattvno1 Orpe nrooscupAsd l'y barber shopa, sud nos. Tlioy cm arrange tîiehr n o schr olaramenndlnt a reole tes we are doiog a ltte uoudering Ouî.a odsic > iua< trttitvr o eioo 1a elas40nsoa. JA s ooercth lwadatatFred Nions and Bd GOs«. P.i.î. selves. attention. Chai. itudolpli's grand children ie 0 .. .r..... Jap Iesser, veIl end Ivormblp luovu gettiiug Mong villthe *c=let lover as'niE.00 s and Cutlery. ltA wlep.vsmrldtaNs laitlnNtc. vlt as ould lho expecied.W co No Ylee leAhntelnChcago t iBp mutluel cousent thelie m of fln-lit eartivseantri n litrt asi Titesdap o'enfug. Mr. Nommer and borni & rolar lim.beon dissolve d, Mmvsidriles d unmi.<.. s . You find to your advant- brido aro vstlug Lbertyvillie reia. Sanhoru cotnuing the businusa under aietvlo milaura.Js tho Brm nameo of Ssnbare & .Co. AIl dlem Smll bnichered fourison bogpînim fl~Jae t cme here with your ivSlAvo.onialandAng accounts are papable to lant Monday sud took $00u vna Ws Brt flapi in sallrecoverhng fî n ombnire & Ca., sud Parsons lnOwIng tno T3d00W or bth 5<is 7 l'Wïf yJOB WORK. îettc a eonouafrnuliliieste li oe ndbted tu thelirai9gt $4-50cul., for thon....... ses iougf isanborn à Crolor are rsquestpi e, Naey of the fermer% lioreabonte 10in W lio bas-bean sufterins, sia ud m medise ttismomi. Afdiapoo ir oge 1mausel. We s,.. ..0s mueaIt mproved bis coedliou lasnot ma1'. C. SANBoma, U.ndortugatiho average prAion..............5 SA viiu.atnAgpifca m ~FEEzD Cosin. recelved vas $3 pier cut. lAve. i ib. ................S H.B GE Yaped ftvouldie bbpibis ttme. loi_______at'r'v:.:. ...... a There vlieh an entertimnont et PThe Progressivo ladies of W"%fletold.à-Rei mnd.Asued a "Wonmu's KdAlon' laiu .mI4 COMB NA O NL ibertyvilre. ta. Prombyterlan f:cFra,1rdamevëe naetllNeobaAsgaefA ril & ié.a. mâu 6ia a kmiLëWu taNtram. pona rniaatouerniitalla ToutS'. tJi.ato5a5w ml