oI- meCommercIal. JNuitso. ntI Mr. W. 1. Cootns la the --Rate lampe roatdlg la Miton, Ili., andth..o IlB Young matiof 13, hi.e lfe for it tVa preirsho& nat &ta nb>' an>' mesa dlsaatllty with whilct ho waî i Wl. B, comlication of diseuse a nd Iaditgetion. Medcal et: M baoih.iplm andth ie outlaokmueerai fer hlm nutil 1Proviîdece 'threw bith the mean. airelietf. lit will1 etot ive hie awn %torr "asbe tlid Vou earl> titree. bar. &go 1 wi ltha bilionsa Btîk and ilboiDtI ca thls 1 ttink wBI te legituiag oaio: *MyI touari tvent [jac-k on 0 a andWaBa !Ps mof tconttai hiIl>31Ydigestion lan allogether Ir Rasd.nthe tioclora roulti ont heil) n lthïwretche, conitini1reinainf ceariYon,, ra go. At thai tinteJi Cooun, s rontî.r on tho St. Lou e lo i ht Big l"'ur." recommeuti VU p~to try Dr. Wallilanis' Pink Pille fi IllaVule. I til »J sa mubefore 1 bu toke hea hf B 6,1x knet-t ttlite>sir, etw.,lnmeî. i oî.ly look lwa boxes$ le a Poe mdthen vaspt-l aayx kfa jthet'il k pUrmnmd *1w.7. miait idua. 1 rt-coj Mon t em ta ev,*ry n t, 1 litar oji lu Oaf slornh itîi dtlfcy, mud 1 bellei sueur have bt-en tattitrci. (fflgned) *W .COOims Wltncs: W. J. TIitoMAs. DLr. WIlliamà' Pink 'lll contlain, le osadenactl tîi,ctnailt te t-meit'tt-nî ieco iii>'tui gu-et-w%'life andi ric-becsta th bleoani*bdrptstre s.tîerri ctrt-es.The 410tiglaia meriic fur lrî,ntltet f-ocari LOIl,,sra s gSl#tliîa,. irreflula lOBd al f,rto, of wrakne-na. The CrodP te lanad rtclrp te glai i ht. bpaît- ulil aalluttv reeks. 1 M~the-y-effetta radicaîl rouileaili eau ntOc froum ta-ita i 00cr>. urerîrorkc f o'ste or f t t-.r utiir.-. Pink l'ilý ' todi n tner i- tl "e Ibn 1k) Wrnsa -bx e, a "ahurets >foui$2.5( Z euasy i 1,4 i-f alil tra, or tire 1:maflfrDr . i lltttMiedici StaettlN. Y. New <iothe, LIne. thse wircý, lo o 1la.î l tt-clothies nr Lorreti. * We tftit ira-1Y fr failli , 10rnov Mountalin, W li-ta o lui r ee lat-ig te lseo liant 1I14-Y siaulil remalu ià îl Vitere flia-y are. Wenffer (citi iar-il,,r tt-irf or an' C1~f.t.tr ýl tliati .4[, iwt t d b> lail W.. YJ 9i11i\iE Y&<Ci)Toedb. - ldrlr,-ili- net -. iet br ne stI lr iitlli-liite-tti boascmbile a 1in a-r-, na. ian d fn "cistâ IaSb uu1rcY !l aU y bliagaulonu matie ta 1Ilr .Wtttle4Ie ln;=ataToie4o. Cpl:tamr-b,(1, itait-n Ietecnally. millet _____lm_ b boùandisîa.u i-ai sebhM î I. re.irce me Tisa Wearins or Clocti.. Tise dremmn of te îiorcugitred juan le voan mn>or tuay n001 Lxruy il! e4L Its-lutractlan tla litil ù.. lit ibdd liîlook oai"sipe eil datîtu gUlabeti elogance. Erer>' article of dccîi 100" IL hae1i, elet b>' une wit **1110i w w-biY a porison who la fa. *j-lJar wlth the wrld'a produîs aned *»ni choen the beal for lit-r rirpoge, >_ awtmether It be tweeds or velvtta."pieý -atUai bat" or Gengarry. tu t-ai> re. 'au ent shows Ilieli laletltier glorea *à Well mi In Ihome ao-fiter kld. and &th"c walking boot nd letes talle Ba tlOtnUhlY au a Loni. XV. ilipper. WOMAN'S STIIUGGLE. Aiwomen ecork. Bou in t.he honnes 808» ina churcit, andi morne in thei mv-ehIoaiscil>'. ManY Ituthe tOresaad Shopq, andi ~bmithousandaar ont the- ocrer-cat- bWh tuue4Mlflamning Ueir daiy ox y AUl arambajet to the- ane phjyuaa» laiei; it but- Mra aille hiluthe - aphy.. lCaI dlb- "Vefetabe Compond" la thi ~ ~IIgcura for tht, trouble. It *aô the i proper muscles,,and t ~nlwth sll its horrors vIl .on idizzinens,, falnaing,"bt-ar- doittord= etomacis, mtood i »ibi d tiaaiety-ml et tha oneea caa-willI ho ~tef, anfd you Wll aguil prisoon thc hardeudofeimwero mld thffl who have chose* themmeireu te ho vil-o GOVERNOR REVIEW8 1141 %YORK Bndl dangerous." 0F MIS ADMINISTRATION. fGay. Altgeitidimrellsse lle liitriîtrie. _______pcranceeai publie building» antd r,,snuro: .Atrau exantinatian aifte subit-ct 1 :Pes Dlited* El. Policlt-ansd Reiee ta bo-ainematislltiltaItte montlinexplen- rtcà-@BayoFcanotnuy Wm' nive, B.upt-l as te mont Itapreusatre r- ia GvonCh.chiteturai a;le for buildings liant are tai tri Amt-Cap)ital laanIt-Bel- stend aloertein B grave, or ln a fielId. te af. promue Court la Critlclaed. what has bt-en clelte Tudor4l;othlc ai -style, as thc effettlI.prosltîed t>' simpi>' il Mie Lent ttaIs Adultes.. carry'lng tht- maman park-illita1, te lu The lent messataiofGov. Altgt-ld rend wali abare tite comit-e lit-. andti ier. be reoliateconr,,ratltu ofelite XL.tit;u- :ltrt-king the lot-n in atrie a a ilte Pro- il oral Aseenibly alt Illnois, ope'ns ville tite 'dure eattil tapvers. battlements, etc. This foliowlcg reference ta aîptltgienu tleela lie baconsetiently bIech adopteotI n rap"heleit-y ad:pfed nt rthoe glnie4 Iigt of 1ie buildings titat have bot-n erect- 'I.o h dinistration,.ntegate f t uin h an w tre, antilasfaune! af malig ppitmntiwhn terthiin abt- vtrya effective. In opsest ut, were citual. liens ta gît-e îreft-rtnt-t t.) n.eît large apptroprations roitat Grecian col- t-a 'Who were poliî-ally in ejaipatit>'Witttruine, Romean arches tend tilier forma ai e. tiis administlration, bail in ail cage, arnamientation -ottld at@av hten lettolgeti le witere, bter t-nson ot s-tint speciai ftut-a nli, il la probable tit nomre otlaor style et r orne lbeîllar c-ntition, ,IL wu& be.lit-rd t-t! riteclure vottitihave Iteen alectd; itat the $rate rî,uld lie Ilietservei b>'te l'lit fîor temont-y iticit the t-arsît bas E- for appointierel of a lteptae anseit op-.tut-toed ti iotultihave bot-n imosile t ad Pointaient Yvan promptly':madie. This mp-ie. ite sarne tesirable effecta le an>' otit- ie plilet0anptrlnttetil ofaiinatiteltlonsas ortYlfe." l, Vieil a la borrepo raiwlilcltit w. Tht- Govereor In re<.nucenaing meas- i titoightbheit ta have bth partit-a reite- ort-s for leialatian @tete% hi. helief ltai m- remeaited: hardet-!truImnai.lat-ioud have long nen- go "Tte folowieg Instructions at-re gir. tences. Tte passage reade: !uta ail Bpffliteen for lhier guidlance: v- "litbI-An nelta protide for paroiing " 'L.Do metî put a man ame Itp y Irliners froinli te uenitentiarioat. inlend- rollWhinotlanatlsluaIlly needeti. edt- o duo aY'isiti tDle grous. inequaiit> a "2.. Do net pay ltagier salart's ln an o.1 sentent-es witithave beretafare pre- Pe Institution thtanllt e a-rie or atilt>' vailel fuor lite naine offenses ced ta oitîe h; whlî-hyou get pouiti comnutnii outsliie. I t pctatelitu IIh-tpprotessionaîl anti ta " '3. Do tit t-tp a tman an houtr 011cr iartitet-ti rirnunatlItli te petitcnlilacy for i- Ji la diacoreredtietnt ul not jus? lite na,sî'long trisanti ta rlent-use a-youttg anti ýe> for te piace, nniortter ,î hô eirui-ttune ait,,arec tomîarattuîely innottcent ai- )w iehlmor ohal ponital Ifluence ite may ter at'rc-ng a minimum trnlinprison.,, li Pusase«. atîuiiud. cerne lu for lte tolais ing *'4. lteqnlre vigilance andi cîreftil nt-raîadeînatian: ortenlion uofter>' ertliuye, anti praîrntîl; "Thte rincilte of e-fîrttcleanti et filacharge su>' attendant ciao lJi]"f tifiîeer-na t-tiert-i tIl:s S-e ta t k) aduler siIe reamsonalle Iegi.daitt fur tii. et pua oriee of gturding ancinsl(liteeti f o ie l aiaillî,dintn. I ite paot lu it .is pe toi- - ttifuti dno notil- e.us takra if tlis qs- sut- t-m. bat no Irit-tilt aret- il.It>leî-îanileg Nmore apptarenat. Tiat-re arc atIlattas oi tesaine rca,tt ori- lalf sîaat'. r" o-,n. ed ty one itiali , lal faal ua-,-aa eihy t- ~~lern c tle oiao ft-t- ltr, ar-ctn tel-eoi reAndîlbava-lie tadiac tat t aiiake anar-ove- -le ri.tt-Iriiilrii. on hit iade. hla iteta-,inter. t-st inl unr iislitt;i.iiuaau r Stat,. t tapt ta KItItiî-> outfi t,i ad atiiillirauitflI - oitii ll ia- rtn-- e l al u .tu lar e siii, tnei- liai-c ln1îadi,uad lt-r tnantîtilallanu.Lt'tht-m 1 n tllea resailtint ienat railta of the bétst (f I ~ ~ ~ / t~I-Iîuaiftelili t at,-- uire-arr-ue udt inti i. Aiteîigi.1utrîtî innuofa t Iein largt- a-ltlc 1 'I rteuetai ltul : uit. u taIt I suit!i n JOHN Ps t e . a fitetr menuoge unta ius sut-jeit: Thea - --- tcodition ,otfitugintas, einte rcotrurt fCh;. Sbrualitv t tlicuto. or rate ngelty of ai aialti-aot agnauicletua.c ali-uil -f jus- -- y au>rtrai,î.,le-ît u( luf atI t-Otin Iit. Irlalkea a-cra lueet-ta icase tnal hr ail I lue h Oaa-liit? tllett lait tai.lin ptr" settît-il lte coutsis.nlaeltlut- erse, fatnt-ii nil arc e ntinillforc tet-are Iaenu;uute adponlus uf litaeit-iîrilved in an anI -ottfifît of tht- iitf,rluttle teutti lwatt-bing It are no greal lhât tht - or can.i 13 ,r i .ir:ljaf,rt ut4t ela a u-ali f lot standi I and te buaiet-es met, connut1 n - ritee iiâruta-ltaitl ave- lt-tiirigoroo.- afford il. Liligantsareccc îii uct u andthlit Iy ilarautil ipan, satî Ebelierc hbt-, ini t-u olrt eiater o-f dis;pute uft-ta bt-contes gi-iaaui.r .tt-u Aise i i" 'astlestbtfore .L'- taur t I -t -eVileIt l. es (;or. Altgul lit-c turnesta tiiitrO--aTh s niauthe fuît of tite jutige. but ai ýo lia it-s aalataaaitoaidut nite facet-t et i.t- vte, wis hi ira prau-tuaal -och- l t.l liaan-ra are- madelt lutrc trile ino, lofter aiouraeeatht-boulot main l Ileitaîthuai Joliet mn> be uaadr aatau-ail tc-aaîîuagés the dîisiac-teat one-, for It el nt-aitui ona.1 î-ait- ua tut m car aeut te formter. Tht- puni ta refecing la prison@ rt-ada 'ra-a b tt-hec. rtht-eumber ai a.n f ,:u]ir: 1iaini', o i-rt- gcu alit>- et.ed ;lte lant "Thete lrieîn nt J-tictt oiefur matI>- G,iu-ral .tiiaihlt. but the- î-rteîltiîinaare c-m rata Oea tipt-ullcitra-trrs. Nu' tcsIIy jjjjjusatheiiami' é'ieno% ir te t'aeLty- t ti-'ytMalle-taiano ai ttttaitat it-igiat jîaagat, iat l'-auk (uIt>aburte ,1 le l tic-rt- Ct illui-iita. iakt. saietiat-itht'>' tître- tc-t-ouI tLirty- f-î:r in Engltail,a naîtg-i au)tl irt- l oîui aà ciP uoc àB iIlt!.' al na' t'alel. I i Iulan i t a L. taiulitng lieraila l' huil thataairfit futr Iili-tare itiuuti if nt -iocr. Tedia-ts-. ftirtfiat r iiaiaa>n .a-tiofuthlint ballaîîi ,ij una tiit'suluul dlil Il hi- ilittrest Io t-- lat ia al u--at.ta t',ii ai t he iu-f-i rt llit-r . Ill i a- ' . u-it 'f- otaý,li at thitttt-bal t-aipra-e; uc tt'tuaa- laiîa-au.uiAl- a l- an> a--rsf-r igîtiirg uadl h.t-utag el aro fic iahuiîa rt-iiuuuutu til., 'oi. 81 uli! i : -i sa 4r p al a i t (if iii at Wgîîral-,Il ea r îs t-in -fjurittiru- w iLaaii; ' elet-iiu, a-1.,r i aa1i-rl itiifaita luui.iia ra-halai i eutcy N tira aauua aiail tai arnd t lia-sli-rt- ici. lataa o-ta, iî.l ilium itlaie-ett li til iei tit-u AI it t lua- it bc iic liai.. tietss-ri lrdaraaala:u Iv1e tt l ita i. a t t-uald f :ala uiu îi. allir-i tai. i a li u-iua ar tla iit, t fitt;lls. itille fp y qiaiîitt--l feir t-e Iiar iui il patuti *l,a îient " .' ai-, t-a- i l-t ttc u a,; !o. th taîffa îauig (r->ia.ri L: il0a1' i- ive re ilria aria is 'of o n& tiraairitiraIt t or-%rurl-l u4 ti ;andal i %',aut ti, fs -lt- a- l,, taru-ainiat,Judiii.I- I- atitr.îihe tai a la- liitie-lin i a-dur,- IIY or at al.111 l- a eaVrru t hi;-e -aîp î lal- Star3 -f 1ila - ua u l iîlld iait, ,aiil firau 11,-s 1a- lr aliatlira, fit in. i.. iltfil. 1ra Iil i illî-- iua. ! - tlcei u îuaon ils metae nIlt-r ; r athae qu luh? iai iiaa4u lut î 0atia'u t ia (i u -te a-i-rt-t iii.,-ru- tI% î u a is .ily mltala it i e Iltlulai cgttfru-la arit Al utoarteh- c-li-raleiaI -namaia iurnt hasa-lugt turiia igt,-tlacr umadei alargi- aîuhrciia îli ii' auril ait aiiiy bc, a it- sotatu ruie pr a- -tmsatr>-.a h1 l , fîîrin.alaty la a ituu l i rtrir araltd. td- "~latu~ hua ti lirit-ilt Sana'nu-w Asregu 1a la-otliuiltii i'f JuSýtice t-i tiic-iu. i i l a elarztu aa ria . itlt7 l t-t-t ta r ic-euiairtu rs -fa a irlt-y b: antlaiItip ,id htui a,,- ui af thv ta-aI. 1, luitl Iniua rntria s lau! ie-tar- CI plants tu ttiietl unt- îuvthat? tut ru-ril itc-ualurmt -itaI. 'ti a. .lie- grvant utht l u in t-e caliar>. TiIyti-y hat a. airi-ai es laiiu uc-s. iatmit li I tldthtaaaa %il ,tv a> ini iital. fatiglita iittdi'tî, aulalitthe> liii, ella-pî.ulil 'Ilhia- aotuXotite >3 vah:aul just inisliat-l p îrison fet-u ialc'sii1aa - li-t-rt'e-alar, uii-i-rand t:a C at i vlalth la bt-itI-rriI t ie te Moue a il aoîîrrit aIlan; cieac l a uu;ailr îa r. îrîîuaaît ra i c-ca1; b( test urraliant-l and h. rt î'ulipi-il lui-uit nstaril iarl lumm'ns h-uanîî atc-gk focrtt-raalil au inteta-criai l ad ti ta- u i eJo t t-ec ti..m lest! îutli, laie tn lat1c aita rr ' i aunI aegauin ai-u it: n?-an ta t he. la lu nuyl> ptiuitiair> tt uiai c-iiutiiOtt. ciidi iiua rruiuuiiin t i lireun-ijus4- "'fT4 lais tsi-r- i gi ara aali>trs ic-r-t tii-econtrtsouit (tagnu. Thorarice a lin. sitoul wen r t ril-s, rt le jatitiiaItt grave.aî aile] ou vi i ot rnec luta the ui ad uvhiah, te law is- usi-ltil for ils infrau t;-ail cf the itt ilaiu laif tue dlu not i Sa-c - d bt-hn inlrlsonnlettn ad;.er r eahntit-tfur ttct et ils. I alia aegaie (til A Ilut-etchus lllui îciaaa'r a(-ai iia ilie t ~tetion ltethé stitjeilt if pearmituiute Ci Ituat- i-uitiiorisandiinaIthu tit n irs t ttc-at tti-t-r coia tt lt-il llatht- adinuîistratioun convicts iertu laîrîîrui utlah,- Iar- of of jiatii-. ta keei, tr.s. Thi inltht- aecy l mnteiehaor aili jraîir ielluicu i icera' fahîtta t itîn lllumi i iItttte irbule sîrlie- brute ad ti via .)sut iaceei-etili ra di-- ttrcof fraaul. rIxtortic-nn anil aupression inn t-rtry;tinti olttie lt- tIo-f tht- lrirt. rt'ottt. Notmatt's lrenî l iualtiide n il op- -lTe t-Sec-Iof utpting i Inssuana-lin- tan Ie anolîtut af itueituesa be tan "ticia n C vicIts ht- ben ftalet]ti u Whf iil: Tita, t' l p7 raîjoa ao-raliei couîrt of justice.t wl idoca nal affect tit- nireati>' iarlc-ed "At prt etethlie iracire prerails le excélptta - relittent a lutilenmore. tAiaunr- Chic-aigu otfmauiitg raidse in the evenltlg lie.nomr dat-aIl affa'rt rhumt- îlîo t"ri t>' aitî]running Ilfeiram t te oa nelauntireaiS_( nauedrillanti brulisli ect- t luttaer nus it-n anti n few manit-n imîe on nuo tic ten a lutIle, btt i tends teash ttitw-at partii-uiar a-harge.. Tht-n te justice gels I erer .@parieof seif-reispect ant i tito)oti $1 front eam or-itakinq a bond, lita. mâle- titere inay beta fit In a igîter grade oif ing frot $50 ta $100 le nigitt. anti m lob etle Irsouneru anti in it apy tends ta sullltciioranbl knowun as npeciai baller, and illtcter notoftiutc-i foc an honarabline slttg ter hBttgtrs-on inuire $400 or $50w if il t gle nIle anti an ireîtartîbic tjur>' la tanuta irung frai li temisi-rabt- t-rt-a.S litas (donc ta solt-ic; el-l as bui tht- con- laces. En maey Insaers et-riit police ticI, Pniet was ItOlc-teitrtmtetJ h> lave. î nitcru are beliereti to&Lstae ile a-lioun. "'Acîffig report tht-ne îaiîciîi, te tonte. lier. nu miioners of lite prisonautai ,l ittante "En titis irai>'lehomachine-ci oftheiiJouitpl lot ai July ienlat,Iotitet teé prioilatru In la liectita galber a itarveal off ot vit-t-. i piamgray sîiî , aiti nir- tat atilave andthttcpeuple arrested lare sumlmiy fore-il teenlgrat te acijied te nci>-l a a -t-pt-r tiegnitan: uriterer st-if. du eas ai punltieut for aun ufttaeîitiof respecet tey lste letf le broken. Net oci> far theprimon tilaiplite-. Te elle Itth lia stîîtldth le hoto tesysteinu hoabuîbiei, n-il change open te spirit, r t4a -moral banc but te laver stoulti nal require any per- andt chacacter of lie cona-lt bits ht-tn su onmtatae&ie bond btfarec -nvtctionnext-t-pt 1 grUify&ngliant I tavere cec-niniile.] Its unnruines pitece ttc charge la a icrlun. L FACE AND TMROAT, WERE AF- FEÔTED., lNo'O ta imapariliî Cures -Dlivesee COutPIOLOt.tyrsdieated b>' This Great Medicine. Thte tactthat ilooti'a arsaparlla tas power la cure a gmt-lt varle>' of dts- names ls due tlts pe<-uilar comblnali, Proptortion tand!procesa, wviîcitenables Il Ihorougilti 0 mi!>' lthe bloot. .1 £Met tart>'o! dlseant-, are causetiby Impurlties lel theblooti anti It la b>'ce- nuavlng tiese lmpuctiestIhal Hloodns Barnaparlia atrihes a i the roat o!flthe dises.e anti effecîn a positive cure vitere otitt- meiclines oni>' celleve tit, s>'eptoaos. 'Hoodta Saraparlli has dont-a gmt-at goand ln lu>'fatol>'. My' wlif throuit n-as la fe terrible condition, bcbng cor- eed!ail over niith noces. Tht- ro!of o bt-r mnuttitas aiso, uSfetedl, sand t-e vus a bois la llae rit-lt aide of ht-r longue. lit-c laper lip was leaia bail condition and iber Whole Body>' Wa Cavea wîit ccii ohiaîlea. <omie aiflit.eIt-adînt- do-tors pr-au-ribi-d for bt-c, anti sitar as under Ilîcir tceatment for sme tinte vlitoutbht-rtti. I titI not kDow it ta do naît, but fit-al;y resaircd ta IcI' Hootis Sioi-enîarlillaand I belleve If sie tati eut b-uthett-use of liais tnt-dit-te, site isalnit nihe ityotid the- reacli ai an>' ccm-d>-. Tht- tu-st battît- o! ioo«'a Barsaperlla it nulot-uet lndomDet gtsad, hbtutirfir lt eiuaa-inas gane &le pas ct-ced. Site lias takeu tiree battt-calit ai -erc onuieell;10t- rndlcat, the dias-asa-, anti su ee-cr feIt bhtlt- ln er trlIt an rtat-druc'n at thue laceent IliE- EI wln-hI or-r t-î-tlilEttp- saaranîlr tmai -au-tun M -1 ,I lualve Il bae nu siîtrlor as n aaca- - Jaiar- Il. Ocîtt433Ilalîlua-1 aref-t, Chic-ugo, I. IVort Try-lng ntLt-at. Fat a il --l-iallîle L'a-i->-nigit bt-fora galng ltelied. Et la a nuce c-ure for(ly-- pt-pain, as One- t-n lestify n-ho itat auffereti frem intis eompîi-îant toc os-tr tirent>'years.-Yoang Ladiest Juruil. Calendars anti Coupon. go mati>' ieautit t-i culenarcaanti on. tertalnlng no0velîtishave bt-en lucti b>' thc ProPrietars of Hootis Saciapa- rIlia, lthaI ue are hard>' aurpriacdtiet metcirve tiIs lensan net onu>' one o!fte ver> Pcettlest deaIgne la culendara, bur vîit Il coupons wiitcitentille lte rt-dp- lent to attîractive novelties. Ever>' anc Who gels a IlootiaS rsaparclla caien. dac for 1897 at-ct-rt-a omelblng ltat wyul prove ietereting aned valuable a Weil as a beaallful spot-imn oraltheIlti. ographei's artI. Tite calendar la it-coEn talaeet iis st-oaitb>'anamusing lutIle book on 'T he Weatlicr." Ash y-anc druigglat focrfla04to Coupon Caleniar, or senti 6 cents lneitampa for one taoC. L Boond & Co., LoweU. Masa. Bca'tlel Bned Statont. That peclodical i agar>' of lationery, blnttted note pilper. la agaîn Oece ln the- nlopn. Et la moiti tythae niee- an t-ridentce of lil te emanid thatlaI acomplimentî b tht- puchiasIng public. No-to-fLac for P lt-lI>'Cents. Mtilioans of men tvia are duii>' "Tobareo Spittiet- ant i nakin.- Their LivresAwa>'" will be gladti l tarn thnt ltentakers of No-Tr-Bar, the fumons gnarantecti tobae- ce hbttcure, ltaI bas fret-t! vec 400,000 taccounei-csl inte IngIt ew yeambave put on the market s SO-cent package of teir greci rt-mt-y. Ti i-l giva avec>' ubaceuo ner a citant-e ta test No-Ta Bacs aise te lct-nti-lratat-dsure tor Itac-o la Pver>' tirtiant iet lthe simtnime tabee-e âted by No ru-Bac', nt-rre sirregtheung lali!im .Euet-rlîacro uner abaulti pro- are a 54) cent bax nl ont-e tram isn tre gst or- order il b « numitl'aYit ili ta nur- Cusire toc lobaîcea disaliipeBcs. An>'rt-ad- mr ran ohain a saiac-ple anti booklel ire. i- addrlint- ta he Sterling Itemei>'Co.. hic-at-o or New York, seul mentlonlng ils peur. Beyond aitlloitor or es-en si-nliithla th attachtet ire fart bnoble coula; betusta- abecoitît-ontinlt-th ie good, tet-rous anal truc lat lubt-coait-nba mca,igre gaoit, gent-cous andi true at-r Ielcc'a. Lsne's It-amîl> Mediiine Mon-ebtne buwels t-at-tday. En am- der ta ho heaithy tubs la netcaiy. Acta gentl>' on th- liver anti kitineys. Cure i-ctk teadact-e. Price 25 anti foO- Wae ni-e nlwaiys dota- catch alther ln- ustîce. andth lluk btler or worsc ai ch othic lten ire deat-rve. btcause ce oniy itear etîdi ate lt-flrale itocis otn ac-tionsa. MWcdon't sec ont-h othem'a blote naoture. No-lu-BAC fl' ie>' Caug. 0,cr 400,000 Cure& NM't otollot No-To-Bac s'oata or reme . ur de.lr t.r tobaca? i m. m*.ty,mske. ItsltiantiMt nhoad. Cura tara. ati. toc taud0i..111 i sXgçt- ln Glansgow univer.Iby memortal tat- ets hare been ececetd on the grand alronse ln bteror f thetceb Lord ;aeford andtihie late Proft-qt>t 'aet. Beautiul ibrdu anti fragrant floitorsa re storet citarin. but n divinel>' lavely- tont- -lion cornes tramnt tc use ni Glenn'a alj!pur Soap. 0f tirut-gins Bucklngtaea Dye for lte Wbiskera e ils parh litoruzi>'coiorlng a uni' rn itrowe or bleack, w hirit, a'hen tiry, ili ulter rmb, sunît off. nor moli linen. rThe itier of modierna ctîr-m!try-i ivalîsler. tht-t aIn Ieetoasat1.h.ý. - ai a d MSsta tM' litit-Lu. aI ti.; ttamt 1I. autii t-SOtt. ai-r tbt- t , iattwa &rue tttiisn, se eStt. tS litBt SOt Cattaith=tss ii-ac ttsawssclia Suel- ett catNas at È st i.?.5 ant-snd hatese. , lba,,1,,,Uamaw *uv ievos wp a nient. Il laassistes bc" ta <5 itAtm boi -a Mangeannt a ieedelth aan-4 mic t ,. n prairie, *1 linui, abuadant mtati I su aiuant luc-a Boitb led oerai e fid 1i; law prioqBtiykra ri ton, the West Indien and tetaie porionofeedé et b.rook t"Nmi eftpa nti Maie andth* iatbmtt. 0f Panama. Hbelet- troc, and Information as 10 eheap SIeur-fj tec RImrBitters alsa.proved a remedy lient and tffl fart. Atidreai tIOUT 19191 fr mc.d reet the dierse Ielàe verY TpIxAs Coi.oNîizArîon Co., John Lbn.34« forte. 0o leua effetiv. la Il la (cr114 boit, Migr., IDO tltaoBulding, hiq* rbeumatium. liver ad kIdney compilin. dysepea. illuguu ad nrvosnea. To give andi grudge, la no btter tha. Woffler wrote Iasnt pleasing pue- not to gîve nt ail. try of Saccharins. After site rejecteti h!m, he, In n letter to a frieni, sald, **Mhe la oni>' a red-lianded driîb, any- how." Expe'ri- Couablna Leeds ta Conaumption. mftitaml «plensielv. il lbno experimoit te KemP's Balzamiil stop te cougit te~t tI Ueldich ieth litouattaBetindus. as onte. Gwo ta your druggist to-day and get the best-whlitO um wheno tIte,,faI-.Nd1 à *ample botle free. Soidtu le25 andi 50 cent buttie. Go.aBtonce; delay. arU dangeroui. It wlll probâbly be sorietlime beforeMH e the people wbo blow truimpets soiel>' to advertise thernselves are aIl deati. 1 $al~l recomnienti Piao's Cure for Con- The Do.t--b fsel. theOceqTmn. BlowtiPumaler aumption far andi wide.-M.%rn. Muiligan.'-~ Pla îngiU1 Piamiteti, Kent. Engiant, Nov. 8 85.1 US n.,Pilla L 3 FIGRES AE TEAR, Y----------,-E 1.0~ SINOLXI NITMeCga, PAIsASàDi RiUmati c, Neuralgic, Sciatlc, Lumhx 20 BAVE VGDTHE RHYUAN P1AVE. ST ONIE TRIAL CONVINCES8«O ile À-lil1 NO MeOLu =impl c ablela l el tadi I ltctt ase vrtat bto Smabeome.fdte kilt-, m0. e ne. d ssI-s aa.Ituteao luteu mun I re"an. II e;t;nanslîe 1tO eItc' Mlt t.tr -uu>I ilt.lrtaI tmtlîro t A ffl Ats It Was Before the Day of SAPOLI-Oý They Used to Say "Woman 's Work Is Neyer Done." \~ LJ,'There- is somnething that ought to be SWE GIVJE tacked Up in every groceryl Its on a signboard over a large You New York store in Broadway,~ \where they don't believe that. -.JUST WHAT substitution " pays. And n- ~/ body does believe it except, YO IJ sh fty and short.sighted sto- ASK FO . kees.> a woman~ wafl¶s Sbe satjsfied to have some inferior, -, /////1' .\\"\ washing-pomeder in its place. Iti is a fraud on the customer and a fraud on Pearline. You> can help to put a stop to it. When you ask for Pearline, don't let any imitation of it be substitutred fdr it. M 'FIor a comber of yean patit1 snffçre4 ustlid ngony from si&, and aw to gCttid a1 id not lnnw. I*triotievery=Y jenéaaoniti augeit. %tilt aI got no relief, and my businesa hoin.- sedeetacy that tif abnokkeepe, Il wa% gttting aimoot etîbearable. 1 allen hadutt I lace oifreda twIo. coMsiteont . famiiy physîciabt. but Oste lîtedicine llé .-eariited for me otly gave tte.- pora->' reief. Finally 1iae-no l oti-e atry Ripans 'i abulea. Il was col long bcfoce 1 lelI greaî ly rc eent, Bond nai, thaak God, 1 hase notlolat a day in the I 1can ful>' recmmecd RIPANS Tabules tanm&Il wit ec fflactt'd ail1wa, andIn =e y case salai aface that 0ae Cives Relief." nW a ap deetsma t* 1. u P t l i 0 B10J M ina, bUllsa,-alacaest tet-kIN wt ttAmes. nu Ewg L12 a ~t0 1aa.9=bI g 9m -j. -a_$ 7