S'PE TH E~9~' DESTI N 1ES OF M EN AND NATIONS. WhOM Mne.Are ai a Di.auiraatan md aOi, Waunan C".a La.r.aas a Wu.. Woman'a heauty, love andi dcrotiom4 rlth ie world. Grand tromen; atrong ýmetal;, moral; anti physlctil>', Whose aibi 1N tOnuînd mag. jýet4c tnfi i?"u 4 emce urge unqto dectia ocigTa'ndesar / and herogm ". Suc'a o-e ur. aflpoNwer e .4 fui. wakiy, One* a Cbarcb Ubils Nw*0 @eiatea f gva EdItis May' Wite, tise Mnneapolis girl wbo la aileged to le leader of a gang oft >ievea, la a fane>' amateur i- c)*elia4t andi forsiseri>' wa a member of thse Bittssi'Iurris. lier faufll>' la very reaplectnllile. Es'iI as§ociationag and tihe love of a Mau who la a bilgiwaymisn by Piufesaion, brougi lier to ber liment lev'el, In ecrisinai circeeamise la knownl as *'Crnnterrlt'a." Il la gîjslte natuscal tisat tise girl on lie- Ing arre5iesl liould dens> that se was tise leader o, tie gang, wiieh ConSISled Of two sealdeuslieseif. Mrie even de- nilédPartlcipatlîîg lu thse *"lold-upa," tîxongîsi se adinlîtesl knoivlng of tlscui mailing thier one utiJect ltaii t i t eil. Tht; have na c'în; l. 'ccin thein- aleadon !y tesoftL.- ios a lttin i their phi>'sicnnu. J l Ahirr.'Tul:iritie.ttt, _ benr:ig. doiv p'ia' miis înrncralsdach", tAon hea; s l;t,"il gotrSo fciety. -drotd 11 î: rw'id ': 7ut'iî."a etc_., il 0s~t s, atcsnîtvdu Lydrsita E. - t iFflIT11M AT 'U trusin..n.t. LAN1IiT. b- ysvmdl" uen iscty pas ir, j t î 1-115i liv mn,î.ittiî sttîs-urý fr .enlunu iti.P-11 li-ur ti. nvu.tti>J. tIhîtsh'tsîhliniirîh'tutl.tt mun aptel i lsii:1 .1is.-Ji1 l'or tî-.e' -.t'lt iit r g- PinTsIehia', i, îîlî7 5.. -p.uiad t, h tirsiir -r yriesl nis s'55onu tImilo fianatir ve In.ltsd' r i n ri. 1I Ivi d ft iitf It, ibnt rh'tl -c ri lroîsîl n till liling of tise "sîsîsis aisilsoirhc, ttin ard tise>' avecnr(ru e of itu.ýh. Iuiam Ai'ii'limg ltglî'î brilsrl'u & Weil Wîirttiii5.1isufriered dreatdfuily pîilîîýsv e'itrti liers siicàit le; witlî snch drogg-iâg pa.innlutise hister 'î'îîs utsr"odil'i ns h part of tihe bai k tindlextnîhnsirant.:nd r5 lu Oa leî.irti %%ildunk 'hsi tise b-d>', Irrit .ttion <f tise 1 idder, ei.i lliru s-s.otif n s n s e ii a'r't u pain when tivIstnzanti pîinf.l mîen .îsyesss'-usteistirîîii'htit btruathsaf;1 ivvak"îid ht ily. 1 had salnsi ,. t is lier iton a's'rnin t cî'ng lu been ti'ic d b y tise 'd tiora tiitisunt 'a es î -ilNî'î i rî'st - 'j'îs' o î'r i""" osîti Imelo elp. and tin l oos; irk irsa1mas.'.t tis-to 'et aun tilîpiîsu îlac'e and J bottiez cfetuar iihunnol anti threa iinoi'ee'sIto 'îsoîuimi" the i-uulie lu got-1 mackages ofbIsanati,-. Vaslî bocisinen. tWe~sten si% te hirIl li' s. nlo if a rît iii 1 a.rcommend them ts al women ven.'[i'rhegIsg thîî'mnss't and divIded. M- t!er14msPa3827 Y.isBr i. i"'railierr"'" rluier la tise janitor ".. LY loriuî'riy' ilvesintsDlutîh. Tise tailis hI>' usa reaus'îl lis 31 itiseai)lIl l'or POn 14 CENTS. abhout a ;s'ar andi a ital', andi durlug "r..îta ris1.. ..10 l îotl ttintie, unhillli thit ie lait six i . i.. leen.làalot sttieuoerths 8" i4 1wl. P-24.,.ri 1. tis u- (-Ltsionrtabiîouttlir'rdîîsgîter, for go el ee*y i d t h g < a r r y' on is îr c r i i -' riecis î~t ~~, ~ ~ lire tttlier larishîn atidfictîs l.neyer 1>-ltt * i, 'iiti.ot.r ýte lien. $Seil i.su a th:-en tsl ipa girl. esisîtia itua CM Csre'nt Coin leusatiorsa. uuaa sssss u uqyl. ISir ~ater l-aielg!iIl ii 17înu.'52 tti 5;l. IIlins r> h li'(-i-otes-,td abtont Jas Thie Ctar~hCULr& nt l i.a t o tilis' s-h'nee COMMON SENS£ ftIE<ti-t lvt IItî'î'uintîde lu * ~~, ~ : REMEDY. hi-s thilmîtw i iîty t cars. iiclcn * One Trial Cmevines Iorii'-Itî-u ut>IsnIol.ttlî Ns SuiT. * iIsitu? M ILnn . el'it to y&'liRt. M is r-tis' iililit.o r; go litler cure catarrh and rnre eiee iti<piittd tortwenty Mi'! LI dl'jI a ce.., liaa Vw'a.ý .. cm, 1.. liiisijtig i nsi f l tatittu bu trtiitl hi' CUTLER'S -POCKET INHALER. >ursi.iarl lentar't-îtlt ~~ LIFME t IL Ntitlii dt-'ittiryt 'iv-n ii >'î'îtns t t. .., hrt 1toIse tits s'tîusîîîîuîd oien lie.'ase ~o'.tta' X~~î lie«s tiiomi 10 3'arsi tif tige, andiltee Oion Itiriti ~ rîtîionilium lit t> otflN<'imtpositihonstise St'~ t'e ii,I.k ut tiie srtedimg tiiln - V~B~IIl & OCu.i~2Shluriu.S;~-ni'ti . Muoza'r't ivrote 41 sviII .uumauPsnunluis 5A~5» t iiiirstir cotsuatloug, 41 insnttss, t10 Igs llî"r ivti ou Imnsse ium ~r ut tlucaliandI «rieciii-r et- es l ist su srsr5 eîs'ry Une of' art. C. A. Larinan, etfItetroit, proposes ta Oua buluVataurasr. I, Pnttlrth ie Ll >'Lei-gti o aog 11 arr ts~,a.î. risiraast.ait eet iong andi lZninches ln diarnelen, 001'0t5>.tAU5ti5iJ. ihi hibidben eut on W'lltinaois PAT .TftD~MA KS.larim on the battUllil o f Chirksamaug on Wlue lu litsbody;ans ri lnîi rlxsixatshela ~uua *i'aeerW lsaua ' 'uuexpîuiiesiandi remuants uf t itera bisai PAU TS.CLM S.had atrtsck tire anme Irce ansi lico dia- ORftlp.L chargesi, leaî'Ing tise pieea lof nIrisl- j~ la.... iâaaaésaadaesa -i-ds betdeti almost onut figit ieneati tise Sw&etss and Lgt Pe & a plUlat the pulpit Ir yotattpoactioel presjibincg for thé physical n; then put the pilli la th-e pwlory if it do«e not pratise what It ýrohe& Therem a whole 90s8Wllu Ayr'mn ý,,Su caatd, ilea "gospel of mwetus andUIght.» People ised 4,o value their physia, as .#Wdid their religion-bY ita. bittercn». si.mOt bitter the dose -the belIer the doclor. -'4.'. ë îetove1 that. W. tae4'ougarluours"- goupsi'oCphyuio-nOvwadays. It5m possible to p1qs4to purge e1t the smre ime. There inay b. power in a pleasaàt- pilA. That la the goopel of Ayer's Cathartic PMIS. tIare yUl p.rtieustart le Ayerts Csreboek, Inm Pages. seat frete. J. C. Ayer Co, Leo.ell, Ma. * U1'ok tt r' m «NOW, look atsn e "ttI utalwtso ga.tum auflutlyadUSa oe- éeutra leader. "Looke ait. l. I a"ý you're a taxpayerT' "Yea; I have te walk 12p to tise i'asp- tainas office andl settle mnat Ilke tise rest of yen."1 "'l'a wisat 1 tiosigit. Yen look Ilitea prsuperosie citizen. New, wuist kinsi or a way or boing bsanesa la lint? Up attisetiler end of tlsa tre:et thsey are Juat laylng tise ast blocksi of tise Pavement ansi down at tis end tise> are tearlng the new pavement up aoa te Put lu water pipffl gasiIpes, c'on- duits, or nme cisler tlsung tisua sotil have bien atieudesl to iefore tise> pnved. itajugt as eiear arase of higli- tva> robbtery aait 1 t iscy stuek a gun uier tire Doge orfct'ery tiixlayer and toî,k is pûketlsuok. %Vh>' lu tiunder do t'; revterse commun ssne andi du eervthlssg 15111(1 d o." "bi'u avertijust a litt t'le (ItP ,my g tiai frls'nd." "Never mnd iabout Diselze. Tise> charge use tise sanie rate am lhey dos >'on fello'Aa tsart meisatre ive or srix f cet oroland tlie girls. hat i wiut 14 lu gs't rier tireentcnel and tise cons- Illieona ansi ae whiellser we cliiiihave' tiseur do huasieanon bnalneffl prli'-!. psîs. l'sint woild von lislik outlise if li uild asi îtî'o' mdinl hry r~iî tlise roof 81il lu jîler a luorder tu puut hIiîsii' *'O, ruts'r4' a iI s ~ic'ta lk'lîs i lirouglis iunr %% inter lha t, 1-ttir ruois onr ind lookt aller your îîivau' ffir. "»Who lu lise nation are y.oirY' "'ia rrensber ofnireh'Iiâard sj rsuitiQý wolrks." ! - - Alina . s '411le M.a n tuuk teo iris hll. -D>etrilt Free Pirce. l,tunintl l Winonsin Arp ln as ds5uirble e any iin i,, fe-mar. ktl 'lis i hiidm. jartif-is!ssni'Arilit hi' li smri lpisrt ifl' W'î"cirire- a' eiîîg r.iîî dly taLc-ri ap I> ai(tuail n ~,. Tise mon as auae are tire tiinstier aro lnaîisands, noir ranging in pi-ine'nti $;.(K) tu $12.(Wl per ai re Ate uMrouithà lietistir value oui Le greaU> ire,.- I-:tiahurn o . 4r im itfient rio, ii- er 1t v xiin Ibe IVeut Laai,ýr t- tii-11 o tfft-red .Now in îlic lie so iit. rNo hetrer faruilirg land eal'ts nnYwhé,ro. No greuter reguits a tari t îiaina. îîî îre. St boula andi riurchisaai,ssund erery- n liere. Nrarly rmartel, for ail tarm pro- (itittu. Wu int'ts o ne of Ilise bannrer .Sîstea of the Vs i'r fîîrlissr.itfîtrîîîatiî n atidresa or call nraon NW. E. i'ftrt s'l. (,enîrril liîiui"rtion Ag8ent, 410 Old Colons Butldîssg,t'sao Cicslngz the Gaiee. A ver>' curioua cunatom ln Seoul la thse hai'w 1lh smate. It oblîguttory for es'er>' man lu retire toelits homte wieu' tise lnge bronze bellorthtie cil; lias protaimei Il tei be tise hîour ut aunt and tise lIme l'un closing tise gales. No mnatila allowed lI tite areels aller thai isour untier pain ut à tlogglng; but tise .somen are ilotesi t0 go absottaiîn te vîislt their frienils. Ilowver, ias tîgeru trequenîlo' scranuîhe irer tht' clty Wangsat igist, andi proivl Nbtîu bouking for food, tise pni-nlege lu nuit mltciî val- - eti b; tise tain ici. "Walter Baker & Ca., et Dorchiester. Mia., t'. S. A., bave giron ycnra o! stuti; to tise tittllul pns-itralion o! cornai andic.iiltt.amd Lare devieti machin- er>' atI &yatùrnapot-nirar tlu uir methoti ot treasmîent. ivisroti' vtise piînit>', palavis- bLuit>' iand lsglst'ut tilt nft tia rat teniatiea are netaisieti Tîtir prt'taratîooa are kisatthtue n anti et r oil Lbave reinivetl liseigces-t irtarsrsî ýis. fritostisenmetioal praclitisor, te tirse'ianidtise intetligent Loasatoctier nissu rsii-r. Tiern hartht; aIt>' ftod tnî %sî ,hii, limai- lie aitexteti Ait t-t> itetia inte hittt -ho ittt i n omina- tin m tt h i lsr itstu la -t)-a and ii> uo- lise: Lut Lent' et-iuise urge tise impsor' tant-e of puitivasdti ut it-st value, andt lisoe impoirtanitutt itt., n-ée lel aure, may Le relîsîl uottn n s-nC- onitaand Chic- niae."Dittits-ainii l> gi,-si Gsm.elte. Mouey Inventesi la Ibiirnd Tieis. It takes e acts er r2010(M acres nf frctet tî uplyl> tr',tiî-s for tiseraii- rndesiaof theLnltd Statues. Iltakes 15,0(t.t{tO tic'a tiiu, spli>'the denansi, ton wiris hie c<tllctors gsi ou an av- erage 35 cnls apli ce, nuakltt ln tise aggregu te 520O.. couisson Senne. Nothing La, hien nmtre r, dît>' anti mare exisamatlnelY advetisedti han cistirrh cures@. Abnham nrhininonce saidti lsî ".Yon cen fatîl sonne ofthtise eple ailtise âtime and ail o! tise peolie Anme ofthtie -tinte, Lut you ean't fouI ahi o! tise peuple ai tise lime." Ont; aie tria]- nili con- vinresyu ltalite Corsnion Sente rem- ed>', tise Naisal Tisiset Caterrs Cure, wiUi cure calarris anti cotilu inthe at. No douche, aPray or Inhaler uiaesi Rend ad- vertisemnt ilu another colusu. Fo«E. aml>' Sea bygeSehclighe.. Wih tise objetct of matiug a praeticai teat à@se ho ie value of thse searchllgbt pza protection for tise entm'nnceoro!a harber, a sertes of experimenta have been conducteti ai Plymouth. Hngland. Tise torpedo flotlla, attached eul0tisat port, trieul bu enter tise iarbor trithout belng dîscoveret b; tise militar>' forces ou laid. As tise torpedo der>'ers came wltisln tise range ufthlie weii de- fineul area ut tis earehligist hem the; wore nt tiret ouI; tailly visible, but as tise>' approacseiltise torts IL'iiy were distîuctly aeenl'ront stem ts ten. lu actuai tarare nuotIilculi; thatever Would have been experleuceti ln dis- ablug them t rua uns or more ufthtie uumerous defensea boraheti near tise en- trance. In Atwerp Coîhetirarl tiere are se,'. eu; ty le, au snie ut thenu of grealt »n- tîquit;. Oie-tise Carlu-glrs'n h; Chrles V., King of Spilu, Ernperon of Germnnu, aid Acistine o ust în, la ol; rang tbIîce Iii carisyear, isiseusIt la sail to ta ixtetin mois buring l. The amslgum of tsic Itilai.moule con- asta of golti, silver andi oprper, andthie behi, titis tisemetalI h containleela mt to be -tortis £M0000. l= reenal ew. ttlibla la 'b wuinu.:as CciataIle. tti ti anies mii beaea* M t rasi, lri àandai a<b andi ait f tteé dlaeomifirte. a- wel; tm thoir metu, liiotter'. PI',isach ltttèMi la aslmilaly dapted.Ti 't. prer-.muneit faaiiy mMtllae at-m eiiittit.iaiarlat. naIs' minerarnt idkîumey t'aplaits. ervasîeneu and deb l5l-.filpi'cnsote. aatiitte and .1aeep. Have You, a tiendasihe? à nolcî lhI it a is alis n iisgri'al sucesa u is liii t etsInt ofutxtsiell cases of -"irvtîmi" ltesstianlic,and hli ha inllal> iiy'iut'deii' s'îrct. Ilis erh cage, heie ssaaflir ts'eîpati'nt his ai h bure aIîlosg tsi!e tif woî' tofep']îiess Elghts antd n lialii II Yaire pro. sctt'.brlêily. a simpletitr l ireut. 'r'lse cura t ive itroii"y utfIbp t Ja.4.intl holAed ou ttles' tacthathiaIIle lti,' n lls't pai5Aeg ltsrotîgls i tii'smatire iis. t 41eîls ingsle l.ir lu tri cred lu tise Isrsss« eae4. anrd lithetir hl 4i'8' ,at h" ibar- bier, eny. ItieretIt' nieng s a t'Tt'-, OIs e l'or t' ,l'r5'ii-aîni A iîartpy (Coupte. 3I.Slsaniý sa ss gelly i'vegIe ni) t Illtsu.l 'eg!vi'n ul it tiîiting andi 'v ce gIvtu î111il]- httil, (sarcit ialyt -.!ar litre s rr>'tl ng cisc >'titiwou'il llI.'î'Ili' tu i n upî? S!n. Sots rieitouiîtlvt ;1'e;iuilt IlIse 3011 tu 'give u lis e ghi,iC l'un. The rtr , tif'l tt1,1,, it p i ut ir, Pî îI t (il. ,.au tc rliere ',ii. eai oenel si 1dt'.ra't lit i w e- i.', n 1WI, lii di itt5e lit milt i, 91,ri. tt utt. arî itill«ýai tatri, ir iitrtsi'lii timula lsi'iz ~a iît"l îsta ilre-st î ýuilî iieta nt t. i-itls a'intot-i' tise, ( .'iî lt-t-t 1.lo;tî la- Int rti, aiia lie' tlq»a t'. itandr (i ,,Itsstiti'itu il..e.il. p tr, t.t,îtsa' .tttg ritistwaàn o baSi, g 'q'til -, 5 ,un tî;it. flr sudrl'ltr. tr ' itai-t oiir nt4 'trti 'e ai r-, n ita i ,te r nu, litri i' ilr'rtiti> a i t h% Illii er 11t !s ' 5 51-i" h & t [ci. iitîio t Iiuu7 site VOTAT(l'i t'5:R AC'TT W titi lLi -t e Il. ws. r (liit t îdltnr nîî il le sa w sqt ns-ra gril t t i i et see'i citatîu '. 15, tiiîrtii o%%bistil isor tisiof s nîltîî aned ami igr'~îlr'et Fsdtuit. *-ti,eand 10 Cent. suuiP. tb .10111 A. ia lien eejCo. La Urori,'. NVIA. for -atiogue anti 12 rare tarat seesi samîlst, Wortis $10, t0 get a star. C. N. U. B>' Amel Alone. A forelgu sclelrsttlhrow» dossbt on Isee 8eiîtînptlon tlit Inxorta lire? s ami> atlrntced b>' brigish ndcura'dcoi- ors lus lwcrm. Show>' dahlias iîlen benealh leaves andi colored pape:-' aenit ed tu Le visîtesi b; bees andtitisftilr quise a. often aa tise expoaed ilo,'r Il ia eoucluded tsisal perception ot odurs lath le icta guide. Cnssghing t ada tuCon.uunpllor.. Kenpsa Itaao ill top lise congh at once. Go la yîtar tinsggit to-day aud gC-t as aample bolîle fret. Solti la 25 aud 50 centi bottiez. Go aI oncte; deii;. are Cou.srort for lier. "Sometlmes 1 think 1 sah llneyer mn ry,. salitiMiss Eider, lu a burat of con- fidence. "'Oh, dont despair," repUesi Misa Fi'lp; "we rnd Ili tise Bible tisat Na- ou tvas580) yearlnid wieu aisemai" rled."-Harlem Lite. Fineat Traina Souths. Qui'en anîd <'riei t Route antiSoutit- er0 Itaittra;}loritirs and New 'Orieanas Lient-si. Standard conohes, tisriigisPll- ia sieciiorr, cate, çarlor and observ'ation cars froinCîicitnati. "Dopqnt It strike yuu tisat tise tenu- licrature oft tiis mous la ratiser hlgh?," "'1'lere lant tIlt>' doubt about it," re- plied tise trug~al 'osu n ais. "Every ton of' coisi coula $s."-Waâaington Star. Lagesl'amliy iMedicinie' Moves tbe bOtrels a cc day. Inor der 10 Le isealtis;thia la nece8sar>'. Acts genti n1e liver anti kisneya. Cures siet headache. Price, Zkmnd 1,0e. (irca i lfferrusce. Daisa a big dlt'nnce," sald Cache Eben, '"ln de rghteougnesa o' tellu' de trou! ci or mabler o' consacience an' tehlih' IL 'case ile guinler àut sonse- body'a feelîns."-Washislglon Star. NewOrleanas Queenad CreacentI Boule, 24 houris Cincinuatilto New Otrleans. Tise Southauipton. Eng91lut, rouit>' borongi counecli badecîiedt 1promobe a Li lu autisorize tise acquitslIoiý, b; agreement or arbitratlon, of thé Souris- amptun Tramways Company. ¶Tln or gray hair and bald iseada, an dlapleaulag to maqpeople as mark, et g, uay Le aretifer a long tinte b>' usaîng Hal'l'iar Itenewae. Tise mont famoua tenor wn.s Fanel- Il. lwaa sâld cf hlm, "!There la, one God sud.ile lîailùellL" Queeg, nmud oCiscic 88 mile. shortesit t New Orleans, ,l -mile. horlesht toJactaourille front Clu' The mont fertile sung wrIter was Schuîbert. The, liat c&bis gonga coin- priaes over 1,él numbers. No-to-Bau for flit; Cent&. 0w, 4S,So0 curuit. W t ot AIiN.TO-Dast eogulat. orround.,'.*ou"r dira#,. r Iobscoo? Batis, mou y aket hesltis sad M.uiood. ibis. £ari , ansd si. aaugiflîl.. Thse iost nobed l èectiilan la Edison, wlse Inventionaslun that lIne areani- bgied Ly hundretis. Floaida. Qireen anti Crescetit Itoute ansi South' orn 1UjI4a'sy, ouly 24% jbours Cincinnati In Jacsonville. Maine u'iirnus. re gh-ing more ut thie crosailng.&ending jobs tu wuur'un. Il,.Pm ha,,osr sssrbobisius, iecric dsansthies tir hâ en wÀd. rtaa titt it 1 . thiii oa MËIt Whavoii itesi lu aak rsi amche Usus. o.'tla. aad. 's~saara uE. ai lot. L "The More You Say the Less People Remember."o One Word With You, SAP OLIO 0 My Compexion bas ienptved, and 1 ed ou à mev voînan"wites the vife of a prominent reai' eatate agent of Philadlplia. '"Not daq PCV woman of; the Mueent fa&, butaà nfuvoe4ted 'eaMdphysikafly regcnoeated beiag. 1 wtle te thank you for thesc bendit.. They auà ,oeut rooe the lm ci R IPANS TABLES? E~0G1àfl1 ?ALET Pt»,ALeiasiaMIA riG.. SARidooiTA.IS.l ~~IU5AI55 attu iait la aaaauW- t"~en.uuC mou 4s y na«. REASONS FORUSN Walter Baker & Co. 's ÏL--Breakfast Cocoa. 1. Because it s absolutely pure. 2. Decause il is nct matie 'y the so-cifled Dutcis process in w hicil cheoiscls Ire used. 3. Because bransi ofthte fiotrit quaiiiy are used. 4. Zest i maie L'Y 3 mehod %%hicis preserve s nimpaired lthe exo >wstle naturàl liseur and odor of the beans. S.Becatise it ia the moisi econoikial, costing les tian one c ent acur. B. aure uhat Y>.u. tri th* trgla. sueiki. misé,by WALTER BAKER & Co. Lsd., Dorcýbes5ar. M-...e.labwigi 8780. Ir Tead.>i une E'"Ire sW'irav so marr>," and tiisuperailtion la aoi- gm,ý, î tbaeven la Maidrid tiacre are nejeT au; ivedàliuge on Tuenas, au'l thse traina are aimosi empty. Tisa Mor t 'uiq ,Caiendar or tie Ha. mis tîepn istauesi h lise Laite Shore anti Muelirlia .outhercRn asIn-ay. ('oit stan Le secusriol y tendisg si, ."te io stampa to cover I.tagte tu A. j. Ssilis, G. P. A., Clevelaind. By'ruto amcrofzl]' jenlttîsssof every trotni h lis i e lorîi. iBis litr e re nîsoiosti lîînieraitie, andîsi etttar or Iter lie irde evry(' inel'raie. Pian', 'are l'or Coimasîmptlon boa saveti tie large dýcorr 1,s.t' I. loer. 4228 RItgent Sq.. -hlilsisla. e.t'b. Jf. r'.ii Mti.ui g . esauna susiusne Aast uret eas iail uacul. s sue aJ t imasarsparmal liathIe-n t*el, tihe One True a ioniFine. llood's PuliS maIssîiwn»n% wfl SEE09,~ 2 PF10. IOWER IIJ J PETrER HOLL ENBAOÀH -EEDSMAN - M10!V0 B. -4laulIph t-.t. CHICAGO, III. op IL ti e 1