IV w f? 'to with TRIGGS &TAYLOR Large 1' Stock of Choi6è GrocerieS. Fruits. Candies and Nuts And Fresh Meats. Are always reliable and prices reasonable. JUST RECEWED a Carload of "BIý0JO" FLOUR. 2 Tuggs Tayor, Libertyville, 111. ~ Go TO LOVELL'S DRUG STrORE 'ÔR Drugs,Medkines, Chemnicals, >F 44 PEIRiUMIERY, SOAPS. commeS. 1 SB rushes, Tras..,, Suppres Shoulder Braces,, se Toilet Articles, Bookas dSt=onery, Dye Stuffs, GFi... Puty, 4 PAINTSOULS, VARNISHES. PATENTMEDICINES. FamiIy Medicine§ansd physîcians Prescriptions carefly eompounded st a&H bours. 4 0 ode Carefully Selected. Only the B Defective Eyetsight 1, Is greatly benefited by properly adjusted lenses. 1 have a complete outf it of Optical lenses and instru- ments-for testing theys and especially invite those who have had trouble with their eyeglasses to cail. Mr. C. Vuille, an old experienced optician, now in my employ, is canvassing the coun- ty. and to persons who cannot visit us at our place of business 1 recornmend his services as a competent optician. C. R. Sherman Libertyville, NOI Y'6U ARE WRONGI TIh nm is sot cooipWing that he basA CORNon hisice. butis sh"uing EQER .HAS. A large and varied' Une of Hardware, Pumnps, Milk cans and Cutlery. N -JYou f ind to your dat fl~g.~MuSSTUiJai~cornehere ,with your WUhEADPOS~LIWJOB WORK., H. B. EGER, ýLkbertyville. t PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. LLocal Iter&s of Interest to Lîbertyville Readers.l C. #à. & STP. 1%. R. TIitir TAB@Lt. WD'imt lrgsthe Wodounsdgnesat ~> CUIC'O.the Town Hall Fi dsy iighi-io-iaight. ar. . .aM.M. ...M.UP.fl. lrm. Mary Mrphy died ai lias bone Wadwortb s69 &-m &.os ut lier danghter, lMma.W. IL Davia, Ourse. 'I 1 :1Wei.-day Biglât. Tiie fuerai vil! Warreutua lKIS £10$:id lýi5STIVILLa5 :30 7:U8 1m 4:6,li héit9iurday .utlira. &L)vl.resl- fiodout 6:40 U1:22LU U ë y4:3 61 kv^ ett :44 1:3 M 12:0 *4u&:28douc~e t 12:30 ocuc.logeernt ai De.rfild sk. 1:44 5M W-82s:sa &:Z' Diamond Lakt-eo , netery. Shermervii., 5:5 :1 :40 LMAIcU,£451e Cbloaîrriv-e> &LU sl 55 145 .4* &W> isa Nla <u oil f li.rey iii,.- Faux CHICHt» AGOn. ~m ..pM.s,. piial Chicago.. sp,,ut several dayâ vis- Fa'm i a Ms arn lma oluasud trleue.st bi vesia. L.Knae .18 9-.1s Ilila Churichillin in lg a four yetas t.~L u *e. M 4:117:211 *#1coure, pre-p.tratory lu beeouing a Everett .42 w1608 «M5%tIle 1 Bondout me le* L&:12 i :44 LU .»trir.ii erse, sud ln ra&îidMIS daptiig .0EVI1 ~4 &19L9uherself go the work. W& UoIIII Le LU Ley Ranby returned front bit ex- 1 ("d,.L1;Co u iend6d sautera ithe lb. rsi of the Wh. =17i a w2a? eek, and h.ot..sUll sinigle-Hokey- cept Bundar. pukey, whviai vho.talle a tumble t0 SUR DAT TRAINS. hlmaelf'? Everybodly snid ho wold v4betvig. coap.m. Ar. oudunt &easi.m. tht. trip, sure, but ho didail. Buat Év.Ub@aty-VilJe 910L r. A.beau 162&mIf lie coidut. boy coutlit-? LV.011105 LUms. .Ar.oLberijrville am i au N. m rue Bou p. a..l -un ir il.s W Il "aphiDarby reiunaedt ronaWyuceiip, stup on suta m o~llojs! taIial 0W a.,the frsi of the week where lie has P. M Waiwort 1217: iàueenenapi 3edluai barber a$bop. 1:446 rinrvP. m. M0 ri.l5ain ugot Therelisa aunior curreait, ahe autlieai- No. 44h"lifl aw &aa tîcîîy of vhicb ve cau amit voaeh for, Tkra Iuo.Cuscai "aos i l t goum the effet lie i ii up a barber m. .Obteraueryllii :1é; arvsCbisgi Co iro utlýb.-lei fJ .ut., IL m. No. a1..v,. o la l> L,. îaeît t . . Pnarm arriva,, 14eruerviile mu m. bu esi..lLaildinig. -e--'%y sLliouIi#Mel liel li Ll»Tvm£ LODOE. No. 492 F. &lra. 1. Ilesîlis lait Frldey eveuig vau A. M.'q= omaw l d &ah veillatteaided, uoiwtihaudlng the -ai;y eemo linbreiherai ool"tweleomed. aW. BU"ai, W.M. totu. Refreshaueuta vere served aid - . ", a*e.- a Ro Drocrko rud.,A. The. .hi..i Preelula- .. .................. C. Il. Av-njU Cerk......... ........'*"W. C. Sanhorai Tr,asur .... *................. W. C Tim Poïklie sgi ..............W. IL Davis Maruchl.............. M. Preshmaa lira. John Bush, ut pair St., in ufer- iug vlth an stueR 01pneumonis. Mr. and lirs. Fred Cruker are viait- ang relat ive% ai Elgli tbe Prescri veek ltev. Lee olciated ai the fanerai of lirsa . E. htlcuanb ai Rockefeller lant Banday. C. T. Loring suffereti villi the içrip thie trai of the veek. belbg coaiiel to his bornie. làr. anti Mrm.Jowett lislratow, of Waaakgau, vaitel d iih W. C. lisaibora. andl faiuuiy Sundaay. C..1T. Lorlng bassmecnred "-denk rouan' lan W. C. gaubora'is store, sud viii aiake tuai lieadquarters hercafler. (iattllb Hoînasnaggle Fredriek Carokser. W bat a combi"atonk, smad, everyihlig cuuidered. boy .pp1O. You blear s ltile politilea ou oU aireeta of a local nature, murmerînge nas igvers. Wh'l vWear ihoee durs1 nei year, etc. Services ai lhe Preabytertan chanci Buawday asu nsuel. Morutug iheme: "ilidrancea ufthie Tlireabold.' la the evening, «"lilamblers:.. Mmrs.Proilune bas luet r. avd a cv line of ahues tlie 1lelipreu susd oabers lai th aew OsILbf coinnu; l be sold cheap. Calfudnmses le. liesdameaW. C.Baiuboru sud John Austin, Jr., vent te BaringuMlon- day lu se. lira. Auatin'a ulece, Who la dangerouily III vti typbold fever.' lirs. Sua StoBlne, aecumpanied by lier sîsfter, lire. Richard Presser, ar.d tha-e chtldmea, of Port Washngton, o., are visitlng ai lHenry APpley a. home. Chas Y. Arnolda borne rau away Bal- urday, nu damtage beiaig doue, hoy- ever, se the borne vas slupped belote bis buggy vas overturaed or other mibsp occurreti. The Woodmna bave engaged Jnd« MuaIre tuonecsas Janitor for tbetr hall.i Aus evei'ai uier organisaations bave1 rented the hall froan lhe Wooieaifor1 ibeir meetings -"Juad" vilI have bis1 banda full. The LAties Aid Society ut Uice Pres- 'byterlan cburch vili gîve a dm, social ai the home 91f J. B. Clarke Frlday nîght. Feb. 19. A lllersry sud mustcal progana la being prepared. Every- body lavitied. lieo. B. Wiener is muvins lnto the Colby plae un Lake li., baviugreaiiedi bis fain near Rollins. Mr. Wiener wili makte Libertyvîlle hie p raaneatii home, belig denlrons of giviîag bis ehildreai Ililsclaool adîsailagei% If. forded bersmat Suadoy le St. Vaentines Day,an F. B. Lovelî auarinàeni of prei« aeutmeii ai iomaitc nlenlInie. ai- Iraeled il.. youngeieruib e jistai eci If yon receivo aorilone," iloii gel mal, litgriai, a-id l ifyoîa diait, I oure lu lutk. COMBINATON * ER .. . .w FRFRA SHORT TiME ONLY fHE 4 t ÎWo I<ER ocrEAN ANb l..AKEl fuiINDEPENDEt4T. 'At te- eiilitdg rear0hyiW igamie when "cl"*h«"oordered toge0lbe tle i5 i é Wip aatl 5........................ a"~qx~ mm .tdsIm Ui. . teature or the eventig vas the -new voman," vho vas preseni dres.ed li modern style fro at lii lubooul.. "Topsy", C. F. Wright'a f ull.bluded St. Bernard dog, died lionday froa te a effecta of a dosm of poison. Beverai doge have heen polsoaaed tai taitvIii- Iiy, anid it ila ihîgUmaastop vas put tu &bis petiy, mean vora. Tpy vas a geuule, peasieful crealure, aud a geaieral favorite vîitbihe childreu. A proaneetîisen reeelved a coan- muailcatl f rom às Mr. Levering, of Chicago tiIs veek lnquhrnag as luthe advisabtlit'y of puting lu a general stock ut dry gouda, groceries, eic, an lhe store receaiuiy vacated by Y. C. lii.iil &àlson on àdulvsukee Ave. We arep tInfrsiedMr . Levtng ibiaika ser- luay ofIt octing li Lberiyvile, and id a Mausi>of ezueptilnal boeaiae..s abil- iiy. haviag couaducieti a large store ii Clicago fur uiany years. Sanmuel Haliuck dted a& the hoai, ut sblis bliley last Buaaday sud vw« buited Monday ilaLkeitde cemeterï, Ro. 0. D. lieuver OÀUtllg. De- eased vas vorking f or Repli Balkley lit nghlit impoîary abssenceli Sprligllsld and heiiag tae esa ck vas removrd ta0the home ot Casiua Bu'k- ley. Hie vas 32 years of age sud the physicien lin atteadaiaee prouuneed bis complaini brain fever. Eiger'& Rail, or properly speaklug the Modern Woodaieai'a Hall, ln belaig fit- ted np lai the muai spproved style. Csrpelaiers are building ratsed plat- forma for the hîglier officers ut the or- 1er, the fluor wvîlie. capeted snd else- trie lights pleeed In the anie-roums and main hall, We uudersiand the Gond Templmansd Xailghlsa ifthle Globe vili aisethe Woodmen's Hall for their lodge ruoms, the respecive aigtgbs 10 le arrauged 90 as not to con- filet. George Siedilng, an ulti setiler of Highland Park, sud an tumate aitithe cou.y fans. dled list Taiebday tromn a protraced attaek ofthb grip and pneu- moule. Bupernieaideni Appleyteils- graphed C.Siefliig,of Olgbland Park, a suai of deceased ssUg bhlm lutake charge outhe.reasins. glie rcelvsdl yard lir. Riefliag did Lot (are io.bafry the body. vhereupon Mr. Appley àr- rsuged for latite mentil he c,'metery i stthe pour fsrm i lUh ocurred Tlinrsday ai one o'clock. The suit uf Wm. Bell, 01 Elkil, % B. Chas. F. Arnold, uofIidt Day. 10 secure paymeui for vork due un the rouf of Arnold% bouse a atIt Day Ibat June, vas beld Iin itheTovn Hall laitSBatur- day before Justice Chuirchill, a change ut venue havtug beau taken froan Jus-, ieDavis' eunI. and à large number rof .peCtSloevoveson baud te wiaiess L he taim, ln lieu of sometling belier to sdo. Arnold clslmed the teran ultsrouf --rua" sud vas mol et the itrÔper conilso", vhlelilstlsoaiy Bell re- jiieod sud placed compeisul viluesses on th* staiaud 10prove lhiease. Plaintiff secursd.judgemeail for liasf ull a.mount Lof hil .151,. of a A rmorside Corsets* Arete most perfect made. tttt. . .AIr, foN n mn Y n p Cifl Therefore when buying Corsets do not fail to see the ARMORSI DE. To see Is to buy. Don't Forget We Seil M. B o-by &Co., Dealers n Everything. Here's a Snap in DRY GOODS, Tennis Flan nels per yard Standard Prints Crash Toweling Ladies' Calico Wrappers .05C .O3ic $1.00 22 lbs. Fine Cranul ated Sugar Til. "sa' i. 1. % a nd fl 4.- à,"'1lfor 1 s'i iiri,iun ,,iT"l. t U.- a. 'r F. C. SMITH & SONO Butler Bidg. Chas. Kaiser hansscore<i the services 01 wlllis Caley, of Weyaowega, Win., vho ig s praietiel hariestmnker uid cumea vWallrecommen deul. The muai aweeffing Cungresilouai flegilasiin ever propusied agalusi trusts rla côntained lu a bill iniroduùed ,hy Repreasuistive Gilleli, ut masa- schunetts. The 1111eot it is,-"A BIi lut Regulage iniersiale 'Transpourtationi 0f Property Owned or Mai tfstured by Ijalsywful. Comnbiaion$a." Il uoviles We C an. tured under aîay cotraci or by aaiy W. are luaiîpi t a communies.- combinatiln, ot-piaruani to aîîy cou- Itou, mines Ihe neeeany iignature. splracy turbiddeai l'y bhe laaw 0 iut a e, vhieb va publia, owever, ibult a suit beîng iii t lie a-aarooe of lréaialaarthas vds-Ihy eommumiy maýy nul b.cbheated tinite or f ri-an c',h ainte-aiasy li ut a literary gem, vhieh l if uâtnre 1scizc.t saii.e.atecthii eaie la. than Inria.ye coaiiaion couai)y edit'ar aîiaigglu-ul lafatoia1 Tfit' pviuuuI greeu iii envy: fri uch trupaaa),t aaaali or <rdu-i hag te 3101t. C.lha a finle ut liait t'Iuetiig $20,b0(mar Tbe Wo-ekefoler 1. 0. 0. T. boys anti ove years iii prii-.ai. tir both. With CI& =à tbvs eare verry E lad ithéai&soci>a lav lute isi lthe vriom bts uI$u Clark ouits»d vs are verry glad lu. lava agatual trsts il wauld lie dIoivlit, Ual vsiry srlie v. versaliai veek if nul inlpo&hIble, for the tis te i>do *bsn'Ve MFJi. Clark hene. We &ail baideas laithemeat fiee. hope Ihýas g I il) fritmeup ageai thal&&_____ gt. vinia"Y heme. Libertyvîlle, Illinois. REAL EBTATE TRANISFERS. PBON WAUKZUAN ]neOlaua. 1dJl iu, S-ii 10 uid flascn lots mCndl 24 il 52 CIieuau lilBlff i wld ... jm M M SiaaJlr'l t., flanaaiParikr at av'k mwX 46lo1wd ................. 2 J.-uîPh E Ai,pl"aaati, andi w tu(lieu Suaniade tc 1 227 1, h9 Bîiiviucm slîltu H I' DetI .....................Vi1i) Liinîii uA (lhaiset luL'-nuaRBilet010 Waara ud Pl"wel., sut, b le nywsd . .;.................... ............20 Ou-o FiudatyluAilreoaî & Findllar Co 20 xaeIn rl.li "iw d ................... t Jan" m Allinson u Emil <'isbse X svR clepI W Si 38"i w il...............i Johin F Urbsiik andl v to John Kkcka IL 13 hI uiRl IagsSpu Buff add a"11 Jauje M Aticiiucoii luJoseph iM aundWm Aikinucuaiw 41t a- aia.4't3a14i v d .... i Witt-r i8 l',iil,mk andto Ht larry W K.Ily iad i W AIIeii Pi blii4 Lt.,a Vllaî w .1 ........... -.............. 2o lnuîra A I1hukýr bu Fmdari -k R Bakr pt tiu uuM'uJri.'dcitof w'g aiw% jeM4 1j 1... .......i............ I Wni, 0i )cg.,Ul ,,uu v Lu A tC Ti upnaiiPt bail. %' IN, 14 teElizabeth E Bu-ila-'. e.îi iu-'i e '4 286 w ad... .. ...... N&usa,,' Ju .--.i'and l leaaileJ Na-tub d% and duc 9a-i44w d................... lm Semi' bu Aîî,lr,-w N-Isbneko av14U wy..ul ....................... isteQ Marriage Lloeame. Ernîi II. Saiwas. itoudout. .....L Iftyouuoedaiyt tul~ ti' vînter goudae e., oJ a!.h ia and buy tbgm aI4 o peisba.we muet maR oom toixslwtaauogbs vv iii nni nreaK , 1 UEI trit: ý,uc.