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Lake County Independent, 19 Feb 1897, p. 4

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Entered at lb. put-au5 et hsth Das.lsa, sooi@W uumase. OATIWW Ant É ttinpt 'a being usdte, get the West Point SMd -Anuapèli cadets in Washinlgtonl for the. IMaa Parade. À A it ieêoxtioe bas bon off ered i4 ,bOth branches cf <0grsss% requeaîing th Preaidelit bIo rder the t cadets 10 Washngtonl -4d apprin a Ing lhe money 10 pay the&r expebses if the resolutlOb geta throngia, 'the Cadets viii comme, «athe Presldth. expressafd hies vIlilueIs Âithomh oekr E ud gchair-1 mmn cannon. or the flouse Appropria- lions cojmîitice, have even gomê 1tû0 the.estent of making parsoual enemles1 in their efforts 10 keep down th. ap- propriatiolis, il la nov certain ihat the total appropistlolii of!tle ilfty- !ourth congre"a viii .10.04 those ed by any proviens Congreuansd b. con-1 siderably inlu ceeO!fon.billion dol. lars. lMr. oanuon matd explanltory of1 the hcavy totai of the app-rpitOns.1 --i0v eam ve eut dovu? W. mnuai observe the contracte vhLich ve have1 entered lt, aud ve eau motl0t IPublic bulidinga reoan exposed. and unhin- ished ilu ail indi o! vealhor. Nether1 sive ignore lthe Pension la*s7. Borne of the ilver men in Congress delinto t0 ake seriously Sens10irLlha- dier'a silver fsPe.ch Iunat o! Ofbis resol- lution, declaring lit101wbc1he.sonns.of tb. Sonate Iba t ila enol th. policy of taIis governient te maintain the gold standard as à permansency andt 11*1Il wiii endeavor to, bring-about à restois#- lion of the double or bimetlilie stand- ard ai 1h. carliesI opportuiiy. They maptuait Mr. Chander la on. of thase vho tà1k siivr b.tveen tinte.. but vho cen alvaya b. conled upon 10, vo. gold ivben his vol. te uec.sssy. The gold men regard Mr. Cbaudiers speech snd bis reslution as an uunecemaar stirring up of a dangerous subject. Il Mr. Chander la coutntutd vllh hi. ovu approval, h. eau consider his speech a guecesi. V LAKE ZURICH. Vied Kukuk vislted lu Volo thîs week. PsY day Sondai, for lb. lde laborers. Wer. you reuetbered Valentino day? LI Utchield. o! Rockefeller, vas bers Mon - Mms M.- A% FIcke visited et Prosiso lest, weet. d Bd Zerser, of Mllvaukee. We visitn i b Parents. levia iep bas been Iuasled atbts father's store. John Poiles va. et Elinleon business test The masquersde et iis place vas sa g-sud YLC. Scilet. of Surrinuton, vas ln town. Ilturdar. 1h.0ueowolf Cl, us s ii i leWa nonmter building. Praoréecyter%-Inl ulk or eau a the ,,ruer mnt market. Paul SacOcHel. of IUbert'yvilI.~vas lu town Sondal. AI . Plice vas lu the City on busin,-.eu .ne 'isi ibis veek. 0e.,. Ser aud Jolhn Roffeam e ,-h" buildingu ew bans. 3. Palmier sud %,n 13-v.. or Barrlngtov. ver'- lu 1ev, honutat. Our' toutu viiibut' tIR gravel Pift i d Clark, It lm reported. Fred Plies. of Long O,,v-, Il.d luntLake Zuri',l iret 'of thseve'k.: Frank Iton"r stPred a large nuibs- of cati fro,,n be r iVenti>- John DE-lon- lenDov aid> to bc about &gain, a11r a severe ilamas. Mmre Rase, of Chiago. as-.nt a week VcIAU- Ing relaiive. at thi, Place. SOM0 eor the-lue mtenu '-ici'ltcoi },ey Couleurs lion.-. bave stru',k. Frank RobeY aipped às mrload of ivine and ui ,,teluChicago tiret o! the s-. 11-.W. lipeneer, a tovn boy, Iliucomlîg) *jnt,,a piomilient atorney, vW. notice. MmIL. .C. Psgol returned Io Irving Park. after,pending a vooul vll b etivea'e-. JuIhn Kohl aud M. Sweirman iame omer Irom Lake' Corne'r Sturdat' on bu&aussa Heury P P pîciwaa rmently tuarrid lu a lady or ChlCage. W,' wteb you munch laPpi- noms. Hery'. Charlet' hlle tzmuc oht from CIsAgo lent vuel t., att'-eàd th,- binerai -,f h ImP 11.r atFiflll Tih" unraof tMr.Mary itebwermau. nee Nieje. tocur,d ut Fitirtik-d liaurdet'. 1ev. Nov e.lis a àlttie lboyat C. Ho'-- melet'o..e liltil"girl et W..(ît.-.'t buebâti viti C. W. Koil li Pttuday hle to;.- ttquia.,Buiagku. The lauler bhm arrIv'-,i for o0cr nw f'-ulu boume. A lot hmis. is'su«s-t for lb.- l.cWd. ~~~~~.~br di1iim -oihi ill boom le eh.el.ibib eolni.puat uN' =hIu o A M 4 boit ve. -Dr. Alvr- sen eaeMlld and le lMnov ablI lx,, about eus Miendeti a p ryAt . Say aveulag. »d lrretiin lath. et. Pairik bas a riglte l ie a pro. test a% bavlug hiabtabr tainitilib th Oobet-*«UMM, 0se SbBut possibly il viii ho O.iy a figShinlupriui, as Othons bave been. 'asukegm as ha. a çarde essithe. "SIO»ons ea"l." Ou' ppllcait vls Wwsk4mfflsdbeoet fàaV090V taI .h hlpel iiivile wvss b 1b..ose. jBe doceb d on mili *M le dld mot sveai, but Ihal vcqimomat. hlm. Te Goda, 'chat noae A bin a beenltosla i ha Kafasa.leia lature te prohibit the IM, 01cf ypeet.ý uing machines lu the. soie. If a maon amlmpIs là fir over -tâabs hibt reglon villi a 117ing machine he muai expect 10h ho 1 ai84hie àa goose. A dear o14 ccirei proenier outinl Dea Mdoines, la., vm a ubie1mai eci robbtn a heu iocsa. B lvi probably pui up a pie. or 'ancestrldapravity, superluducad by fevI hypuoligm. Ou that piea, he usyhe aquitbel in.lime to preach h&lmommmlsermon Sund*y o the virtue o! th. revards of houesty. Of Tsimagcs ledit. in Bockond. the Repubic cf1TUUeaIa mentions a the People hai gotte 4Sit O el tioet to heur Ibis remaikabie mmn. is "-y. --Tveuty.one people asyed bp %Il 0igli, sud bp 4:30 ihls meonlaug there vers foty-eoht lu lin., vhiie at 7:30 %bern mitt have been Mt leasI ly huudred poople waiting their chance for aàSeat." Au Iowa e«Change sAp$ th. reait o! thie fwmera buring Bo much o! Ihelt poor coin ta feit by the coahdouens lu demib"iei saes o o l . It inteUi cflimore by the ooai companiea. Three mon out on th. rond are lamg ovuers lu thie. o! tho langeaI oo miunluBoone. Tbcy are solieltlng trade lu plie,01 heu traveling men, vho have boee laid off ovlng to lessen- ed dmniad for coal. Every nevepapýer"muunhbas aIsorne lime lu bis business eoîperenos mol th. mnnvho nov takes more paperu Ibmn he eau reati. Ho pid 26i cents for sainanaus, viped bis nos, ou au avnlng, lrled 10 biow out an leotrie light, put a uicleinl the poatofflie ex- peet: 'g the poelmsten 1t spesa wsuted t10lie0hehc"Iier o!flbh "PUE because il Closud ai 4 o'cloct, ud valched the sigh on one o! th. jevel- ery stores, walting for il 1W ekik,. Those vho are old enough to ne- menaber bsck !orly yena, .ay the conutry baa neyer euperbaueed a period o! bard limes thal voui compare vill Ibose o! 1157. Mouey as Ihat lime va. ual ouiy bcarde, but there vasun mouep lu crculation, ahsolutly non, scyviiere. Along the Misaippl, sud other negIons of Wisconsin sud binis- sols, 5UV iogs ver. flgaitemdci. ln facl. eVerylhiug tIbsI posaessida sy sort o! value, paed as token money. Up ln Wlseomsgiu shere copper ia mined. copper cents ver. coiue snd tsu=d by privsi. Individuels. Store keepers Jlssu.d Iheir scrip sud illpaséed for money maup a tlme.-Aurora Ne'a. 1 have glvenOChamberlain'& ('ongb Bemedp a fuir éb» and consîder Itonue o! he vet" boit reluedies fui croup hal hae eer out. one-dvuaas~ slvsya bean aufciaollp, athough I ou il 9MFsy. A" offd My childiren bontact pielda tory readllp t ule medile. I1eauicopuael.ulously re- commend 1% for croup and coldsinl chlldred. Oea. &, Wolff, dork o! tbe Circuit dourt, Permaudina. Pie. Bol by F. B. Loffl, Libertyvilie, j. il. Bracbci, Gurue. SAND LAKE. a. Morehomie sud vite, o! Ptkt'vllle emilcd ou frienda beum luuday. Invitations are ont for s dance at Smith Wrighh's tMa (Prldap) evoulug. Co. Stip& Mrvin calIed on Our Wb"ooaa choe.iluthie vielutltuIst .1>eR Anes, Who ha. been runnl à claverbalul tfiisuouri la exp.led home neut veet. M s Lur.v Wtibi, vho hlateudnlg 8c*tiool la W& ikegsn, spané ilsurdap sud Suuday vltb lier parents bora. A verp enjopable ulim e . oted lp mil who attenled lb. dance &t ltelibeu Neff'a Ilut Thunsduy evening. Qutesnuombei irom tis .place ah- iended lte surprise party st Wm. Wedge'u. ut Gryalake, luat Prldmy evenlug. Cardeanouidancing %%are tht- amusementé of lb. Occasion. AUl rt-port a plea*alil eveulmg. A torpîi liter meaus aslbai couples- iob, bail bîesth, Indigestion sud fie- quptt heulies. TFsvold sucah coin- paiona shi' 1Do %V lit'4 Little Eaýl nis- irs, ~ litl tb-aî., 11pillae Sold bp Il.I.OFib. ii.rt apio ml0. W i -ueM. Me " a A ftjw Motiii. ajo, btir. #byr4e,'E.-,.- Of Wodatock, ioib.. vas ll' frcu b) vW6 lett the amfliea villi îeumetas. Ht i% bîI 7~soUa laurar.vhls'leg va. volien tlb. I fullogtb, sueui .bot..&U lad csuungihlm greda uffarleg. He wv advioed te tmp Chamberbda i a silksrenov nari1 lwm..The rt bailla cf it lalpéti ~ la luourse t*oiiesbieabiy ami lb. e »0.4 ~ lv. steuiMa 100 lOBBd s cure. Ths s. sem ha**U pt u. Ofit UM ae torits te'3, . & uotoU.1 ~ IsufiOs IUbtyta, . . UleOMM.1 J. L Lc6.aaazcw. Ieqy, M ~~~cerner cetimbe Md Suq~ea CouOEGA» A L Shule." TheMmre evubt eate 130OR eni nsu d tbr Thri.Norma 111*, luitute heu q0 mee, à1 & * te huta litpri&Wrvas very inter- L'. V.ilARva:W. R. iàavér thuastio né Orayolake Village offloors. - hop e, bbear hlm again durlug *0. Pr0dent ................. Geo. Thomson ye". .:Ilbr . ao. Nv L u .T r0.lb 1Md b rt Poie ... ........ *C mwWe trust 1h. bsimy air of the soutb luseshalA. NMilien voi do 'ber mcii ge aM ah"0a - - - *. coine bock vifb -reimineff beatbsu ILev. like, of promont Conter, vas toeà mee on ofar screets Monday. The ladies Aid Soceliimaiet éit Misa Mm. gilme han ietuand from Mimm George ,TiioasêWsdnmda, a several veeW visit lu Chicago. Pcb. Il. About ttb-vvmva luab- 1iendance. includimitka.mm, Who ven I>oêl frge ~h.'Poert Socal I lvlsdfor suPPer. A vOry plissant lMe chutai ibis Filial>eveuing. afternoon vasuspat. The. meusmes$- -- Wivob.Clalpviii boad their neuttpl-; fliOehg-TUMesdlgrnfOronPb . 23. Il.(rP.r RiaserwiM Morrfl sud Karexap#er bouse lai mono, BoY Gilbert bai vilalld relatives lu Waukgan "ur bis îeg badly blàihie cmu..Nef. day snd Suuday. -iiank tu r.SaflOers Misa cor. Autun lea&gain ai. honts, hape Ii vhlic mm .Autun lu Chicsgo vilklingsu«d il. va.maie comfaortsble a her sister, vho la very 111. Possible. itlal a serions case but vo Mr. sud Mis. C00ý01Cfhicago, ho pe hvili b. beitar bon. vlited relatives st; Gra-lake sud abat mighl have bemu a very er. Fremont Conter for saveral veeks. tous accident ocwred lait luriay lu Miss 1141h Wilbmr, ëf Wankeaha, th. fsmiiy of J. S. . Mii. Lithoe came home lutI Saurday le visît her Hoyard vas ah"1 i. th. foot, baily Mauinsd grandmnother aetIbis place. lce- inlh b.Tis in théesecond Mr. aud Mra, playry velaPremnontlmu naot a yen hbat ho bhm Cener lasi veek belng their brother bai an accident; but vs trust h vwill snd fsuily movi utto ir nov home. ual bc a long One«cu. Mis. Joseph Aduma c.etrfield, vIa.WililWsdge vas very mich taton by ied vith her Parents, Mr. tmd Mirs. 3. SMi lute1.1riday aveniug by about S. Sherman. sud brother, E. B. aber. loily of his finonda. TU" p~layed mani, severai dupyslb.epput veek. gie, aoi adhd a Uoalme U r sied toma meetin' that us yonng Îval servei hih . n $sal Iupre 1011w ingoin' lu bs% aI the rsylakîe o! the occasion. lveryone Prenant meetin'bouso on Prldap evenin', Peb. enjoyed lbamevoe. 19, 1»7. Kum and bring pour fronde lb5 ~~a ute~0o vIlh U~ room of the. Grayala h eool durIng Mis. Abet iBeuglâ t &ended 1h. e 1mai émoulAiver. au folova: A Normai Bibi. Instituts a4 AnUtoeh luit lae-Carria Austin, rank orne; Fm=t Satur4sy. lihe tben vli@ied Lake Villa Wilson, rock Ivo. I l cms-Nellie and Moavili,, returning home Wed- Godfrey, rank one; Lomme Mmiei, eSIAY. i enk tvo. C clss-Addle Bowling, Brnest Moore hmd th. minfortle e 10 ink ou,; Joes.Lougabaugli, rank Ivo What money savers we list below. I7bosCoffe...................... $1.00 5 la Tes ...................... 1ILb Package Cofe ............... 2 IL Package Oatmeal ........... 1 Package Starch ................ 1 lb Bakitig 1owder ............... 1 Cau Cherries................... 1 lb Battie Aie Tobacco............ Boys, Suit tif Cloth .............. Boys' Overcoats ................. 1.00 1.251 2.25 -men'a Wool.Pants ..................2 Duck Conts................... ... .90 Ladies' Oversboes................. .40 7 5c Silks at--------------------- .5 .H.. Kuebker. GRAMMLAE, ILUINOIS'1 A CoM plete LINE 0F Clockes, Can alwa.ys b. foundat' the siore of If you are not already using It. a trias iIt surely convince you. fomr on& week only: F. O. BATTEfiSHALLO Grayslake - - - - Illinois, LeSter.AtOton sages. J. H.'Tlollister, M. D., Prof. of Bob«ugabéonîto quit Isrming 1 viii Ciniî Xedlcine, Chicago 4j. il on.06 nbl notion on lbheGhIW ca Cleg, heo, ft w2il morthheast ofUuVW 84 yeliaconntlm1 hyspàmeda i* 5 ii-s Put 24 e,-uit. lesinaProbert', to-vIt: 1i. choie. evs, Venitin DniMg, Chcaq d'MW.u lkers, t vith coaltesbp ie» undr-.he ateof eb.27,1s9~4d«e, balance aprisgers abd gtvtng Mmii; 3 ebolce loMg bhulegmo9 "To WHOU lT MAT CoIICIN: cni. iàmie Youg horfs.à yens ça& I take pleamure in Statung that 999 aile shoots, 3 good bicci m»v. vil mn frme vea I ave IeumetPI&, 26 bons gved Timfliiy bey. grai in frme Yen 1 aveoftn. e eder, s.if.binier, sulky cmlllvaêor. Dr. 0. B. Howe in medical con- Diamoni 1001h cuitvat, hay rah. sultatiotis an&~ have fouud hie "sY fort, tops sMd pml.ys, alugle bue. methoda of treatmeut indicionsgy,and msup ether artilestocaumer- u 0me pon. and hie succese iu a large patc "»nYAx Oqual là that Of aDY Of our beat mmi., cash. Ail Quma vsr ftitai Mou pbyuiciaiiu. 1 think 1 have thus efonoe si rvini be given oungod ba-. kiiovu hlm for come 18 yezaa&M ibie moles bsarlng aSpu Cent ptmesss have known much of hi& practice, Ne or. ilRtoasb. rem Pove a . having reuided ini Chicago over 40 W. fi. Ar-tuRY, Anal. yeas,, and constantly meeting The unde.iaigme4 bviug decided te medical menin iuand ont Of Out quit fsrming vini %enl etpublile adio colleges I1 6.1 prepared W etrongly c l. iat Pfaanuu &Mfimnltha» vouch for the. stauding of Dr. s00 tifOrstek sd 1 milemoitit of Howe. Very Iiespectfnlly, thb.limaa «ào" bous, WedneWlmy, #0 ob. 24,'97, commencagmas 1 oelockp DiL J. H. HOLUSBTER." M., lbe foUowu rssrp ewt Dr. 0. B. Howe Tisais twentifically sud uuecessfully by lhe latest spproyod mthods il cleroute DtauÂiUsortbilhI»gsbeait, ltrao nos., stomacb, liver, kidnepus, buvela vomb, and semasi organes. lumIx TBZEssueczeuts. abloglest, mltibeum, sUd lh.ad, th-tier, paotulae opitta. poiriaals sycos, (barbers* 110h> ring worm, berpea sauter, and ait forma o! cutaneous oruplion. biotebhen, biset bseadn, oIe., curea uote uoutb. MOLsa Amp BgurmwFLoL's mi iemorod vithontS pain by Plis-i..daynde Ca ure untee(l.> iîsAa r V» TEE NcOYOV5ivarT NeurisîhemIa, lOcOWMm QMiMIAu, po greasuve pualpsi,' dele, emilgs maisiea uso)nnia, eppy. curati bu Germa niuetbud suad eeccroiyuls Unzruarsa seule,ariuius- lai, inlamtnatory asud ribeelgoule, puaitively eured liy a new and succoas fui pro..... Cure guaiunteed. X-RAY APPARATUS. Dr. Nove bas a comîploea lt.etîlcsi oult l neltîdlmîg tihe eiibrtte. Meprrovitg R..ctgî' Rap AI'pu4tis !f., liaiograpby snd Flnoioacuple D,.uioui. atratînai. Byitamot o lb,. oulerlur contrivances tbe doctor ln ea*bW boli exlore lhe lunermoul reso! oflt. hum»n orgaula ud sme. iihoh agbtural epe vha" before temaiued ffddeu or obscure. TorxLou sAric MAcHriNE ?ouàmtC Anti <iAYANic tATTrmu n sd al hinds 01 diagnumie sud operalive Instru- mente go auslihm Lu arriving at s correct ilaguosise!Iany dis«» ,asd their succeaslnl lrosatent botb medicai sud tsrgical. Ci-un rai saghtened by aurgical opeistion (TectiolOy.) BxMUOImouae(Plias) cured vitheul paitul opermmton lu uDeucaes, or deky fbomibune. VAmoocEi.u pennrmnhy uued by a mev meiboi. IRuuomm a .UKIA curai viii. ent epealio or dolsy fhem. buiem. mâwuaamsurs'toïm 3sunai ahormmi =hg, S*4>bodies, nocrosai me., »Moi e~Lvd by surgiomi opeisiioh. DEW@Umioerrecied aud iiih marta ismvd hy .loco-aysia Ooguwà,aarou PY£» Ai» CU DauTIAZ.Ail modicines Iurnuuei P$Utiets 0. B. HOWE, M. P., off It*:'@ t Ilatel Woodatocl', Woodstockc, lllnolaelsulttB atonal. vistait*i eou .oeiq*pe, asiif ffé ~ ,e, aaAedpPA<. 7 vJersey bul Mmesi12iyeusmeu1, maie 4 yens 0W. tvoi biche alugbeoc double; pair $ruche, 11gb. lmbor vmq'n, top buggy, entier, double voit bab st.sngle ho-esu, drag. euli- tmtooe, piov, 3 .13k amaquanmiltp el behy lu haru, lubu. soin Ia mm. o!f on, fodler, altuiof olie Tiaxx or SALE: Alume off SlOW rmsu under <'sai. AisU eme ove Oloo a rrodIt 09o!,nt Yen Viiisagte. un good bsatslIî fotet, bemiiua 5parcnt latereai. Nitpr..perty te h. ismoved unti M.tled for. Mx%. T. ViA UZU.tLL, Prop. W.LR.PPUM,.r, Aet*eeî. qmlifdsu WIgvil a =" "O ~tt" un th.e1N"ch amili *1km, dme e or emont'utoCnir ud à i mle e s0" of 'anmd, Tusca, Wvb 180, oamo.lg, s4I0OW.oe. , *0. !oiovlmg oporly. 10-wlht 17, Ireea Batise celsusand qulugers, à hefers ipmr nid, lurbama bell 8 poese <iki, borse 7 ys ..id, hois.e # pest old, bors.eIl pesta uli, 2 bora..àIlper tali, à ihosa i 3peurs '>14.id hlrty- Une OLshat; miontha Oafd. 7 soent plu 1h. tirait et April: 100hona, stock %trsv, là taxi, itpland bey, M, 0boabels Cmeoinlucrile, 3 studcka e 'va sta ts bealvy haines, Bseslu . haimes., lever drag, Deerlug binder, rilu $vo a msj; I>eriug niower, hay Mate. litilo Yankee sulky plov, a vafig pIcws, .oder, sptlug-touobh cuivatu, Jour- ahovel cultAAivaerqprlngýoo4h saah- ment for Muy eultiv.ior, nors planta.' 3-voililand toIler, vood raoh, 3-tul ire wagon, trou vbed tlinois, Bank "M ~ 2 hap racks, 700 lb. smab = . The faimcviii b.utoel fer " eor ront on day of ludion. 'tg"» aor Si,-dl u.iOéaMi umdeq eb.Ai uaoet s ii 019 montbaaIllheogMveon v»4 b. î abeni.hig taet a Motl discoVAt Icr eau. No propety remcod mii tti.d wfoi. Wa.APPLZT,Amism. -i sud iont monta. CBAMETM W01RK ]FOR s"zE car-ItitWhit, lAk suePouust fe. qnd.- lrs, fleà t Brick Store. OGRAÀYSL.MCEo 1 ý-., i.1 , on ai

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